Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Nov 1900, p. 4

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> Block, two I'B store. No. 302; - OF SUBSCNIRRION: 91M received for three pr .jtf* aths iia the same proportiatt* Thursday, November aa, 1909Q NOTICE. The figures on the label after yonr name tell the date to which your subscription fa paid, t W Instance, If the label on your paper reads ' •* Dept. 1, *89, It means your subscription Is paid ( }'&"%o Sept. 1. *88. If you do not understand that l the figures on your paper represent the date V to which you think you < are paid, notify us, , ' giving date and amount of your last payment, < £ * ti maAwe will trr and adjust the smma: ^ . ? Advertisers, Attention! Those desiring their ads changed must have 51 ' " toopy in this office not later than Monday night " .V '*'k*s we positively cannot make obwqpe after fvfthattUne. THOUGH saddened -by defeat the Crawfordville, Fla., paper says: "Wil- liam Jennings Bryan is the greatest man on earth " SOME of oar exchanges say Hon. Geo. *$fc. Lyon, of Wankegan, is a candidate for speaker of the lower house of the BBnni* legislature. He is without qnes- tkm « man well qualified for the posi­ tion and represents the people rather <4han the boodle interests. g IpHB IDEAL NEWSPAPB& Tie celebrated Dr. Parkhnrst has in llAi: tiffed what he conceives to be an 41deal" journal. He says it should be: |f A newspaper that will tell the truth. A newspaper that will print all the ews. ' A newspaper that cannot be swayed y advertisers or business. .̂ newspaper of limitless enterprise .without fear. A newspaper Oat will lead public ,, ̂ Opinion. . A newspaper beyond the reach of r ' J ;|»atronage. - 1° short, MI ideal Journal that no s \*4'" party can buy and no interest intimi- fi v *V date-- printing all the great news of the world and telling the absolute truth re- . "fpffiotfl of friends of foes--the business office or Wall starlet--without pandering ft TBI Harvard Herald of last week "The speakership of the Illinois >is now agitating the political Lin this state. Judge L. Y. Sher- fkmaer speaker of the house, is candidate for the same post of David E. Shanahan and Carl tt of Cook county, Cas. A. Allen, E. C. Curtis, of Kanka- , and CoL Geo. C. Rankin, of War i|Mai^ are also regarded as probable candi- ». Judge Sherman, from present Hiflioationa, appears to be far in the toad, and many regard him as certain to * carry off the honor. He is one of the 4,* ablest parliamentarians in the state and , "\:M" Sfr record aa speaker in the last house Is aaMrely to his credit. With Judge fljlfiimn in the speaker's chair the Be- pjjHwm party will honor one of its men--a gentleman who will re- |:flsdl^editon himself as well apon the and state of Illinois." : i 1$. Jones • ipiceas. &- In LudwlR ' seH sec SMI ThoflMW f Kirk A W to Cfcwjt* IUMTKOT, lot S & n'» lots 3 A i folk 3. Emily Ifutobin* 1st adtlu to ...... Joseph Nickels & w to Margaret Simea WH lot 8. blk 8. West Mctienry John I> Condon & w to Anton Bauer, it no\« & nw«« stx? S, Porr & pt s 1 sei< sec 31. UfroBwrot*! Jennie M 8ooy & k to I B Compton, Ian tb t#s»« ,|W»-00 mm mem lots 1. 2 & 13, blk t. $tro«les ad> Woodstoek..., ... SBO 00 Alice McMUUmi <& h U> l«ysander B <v>mpt««u mm aoooe Etta Amirews & h to saimv same XMtKi Alice Hratnanl e» at m>r guardian to Albert BtiUa, lots S. blk & G Brain- ard's addn to Harvard 100 00 Charles li Brataanl et &l to same 809 CO C K Lwnv & w to Joseph l*wee.- nV4 |n| 9. blk T, iOakland cvmetery j . }»?. j James O lowte & w u> Mioses Hombard^ s M . K H a c r e s o f o f s e j » s e c $ > • " ' ^ - Alden UHOOO Henry L Watson & w to Antonio J Zoia et al, pt. blk IS, Woodstock MQflO Same to John J Stafford, Jr., pt l>lk 1% „ WtKKlstos.'k > 'mm L l> Lowell, ft>rroer master in Chan­ cery U> Mary M Goodrich et al. wH of ne»* of sec 1. Coral MW00 ifatnes O Lewis A w to I^ewls Koeler, S5.5HH aert« in wH se!4 sec 6, & 8.98 a c r e s i n w H n e f r l M s e c 8 , A l d e n . . I 5 S 0 0 0 WHiielui Zabel & w to Hermann Rats- lalf pc in nes* of uwl-t sec &, Pun- ham soooo Charly Such & w to same, lot 14, bib 2, E E Ayers addn Harvard . 50000 Becca A Prickett & h to William Pehn. pt swl-4 sec 3S, Nunda 1380 00> John Zenk et al per master to B Hage- . low, lot 5, blk 6, Huntley's plat of Huntley 600 00 PROBATE NEWS Estate of Harrison C.^ Smith. Alsena Smith appointed executrix. Appraisers appointed. Estate of Geo. Conn. Mary Conn ap­ pointed executrix.' Appaieers appointed. Estate of Israel St. Clair. Report filed. Estate of Wm. May. Resignation and ¥;tition for appointment of H. B. hroop. Administrator de honis non. Bond $300, filed. Estate of Henry Meyer, insane. Re­ port filed. Estate of Richard Overton. Inven­ tory and appraisement bill filed. . Estate of Geo. Gage. Inventory filed. Estate of Martha P. Gage, same. Estate of Mary E. Murphy, minor. Leave given to borrow money. Estate of James Williams. Report filed. Estate of Wm. J. Chestnut. Petition for letters of administration with will annexed filed. Bond $100, filed. Estate of Patrick McDonnell. Proof of death. Petition for probate of Will and letters testamentary filed. Hearing set for Dec. 17, 1900. Estate of Thomas Corbrey. Final re­ port filed. Estate of Geo. W. Goodrich, same. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Arthur P. Whiting McHenry Jennie M. Thomas McHenry Charles DeWitt MeConnell. ..Richmond Carolyn Fischer Ward. Richmond Henry F. Borchard..;.. .Seneca Emma Westman.. |^. Seneca Arthur Truax ... .. .'.Nnnda Florence E. Boone .Woodstock James A. Westermaa........ Ridgefield Edith A. Mansfield. Elgin Eldredge C. Munger...,.«... .Harvard Anna Laura Shepherd..........Harvard Blanford Frederick Pierce.»... .Chicago , mi , heavy bodfedjoil. luces cost of yottr iaumcas. lever burns the leather; its ?fficiency isiacreafted. „ . lecttres best service. pitches kept from 1 all ^ .o^Hties "'XKVlKRIKS^InK*' SCMMterd OU CMfUTt Do .*h*: mk Ada Grace Wilcox.., .Coral Asm IM Cmutlpated ? iit» Out tired feeling? Do billions and out of ? Do you have sick head- have pimples, eruptions, i, sores or other results t To be healthy, the B^cfibelMdy, the bowels,mnst be riia an active, healthy condition, 'notiiitlg does it so well as BAILEY'S TABCLEI^S. They bring a rosy complexion and a clear head Midst or two taken at night makes leel fine in the morning. 10 ct. alia contain 20 tablets, and 25c 60 tablets. Choclate J, Railftv. jg written on Lakeside Medicine Co., . Prop. Sample free. Rein em IMT Ificy cure constipation. Sold by JuMaA. Stwry. Feb. 15, 00. ly. like woman who does'nt sit down on the floor to put on her shoes is almost as qQtMt as the man who does. Deal's Celebrated Antlaefrtto Md Preventive., of all diseases. One of the greatest medical diaeoveries for women. We have thousand* of testimonials to prove its gresl SB*rit An article that should be in every household. Cannot fail to bring thefloabrcd result. Send at once for a box with full instructions. Sent free--any part e# the U. S. for |1. If once tiled faa will always use it. The only genuine antiseptic on the market. Address, MME. DEAL, 280 Jackson BouL, Chicago, I1L ffl-ly You can generaUy count on the wo­ man that dogs never growl at and child­ ren are not afraid to "go to." Six Frightful Failures. Six terrible failures of six different doctors nearly sent Wm. E Mullen of Lockland, O., to an early grave All said he had a fatal lung trouble and that he must soon die. But he was urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Con­ sumption. After taking five bottles he was entirely cured. It is positively guaranteed to cure all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs, including Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Hay Fever, Croup, Whooping Cough, 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Julia A. Story's drug store. There is a frankness which is brutal, and I detest it; a frankness which is in- at, and I fear it; a foolish frank- and I pity it. There is also a which is opportune, delicate I; honor to it. can't afford to risk your life by a cough or a cold to develop or consumption. One Cure will cure throat troubles quicker than any .tion known. Many doc- specific for grippe. It is remedy for croup. Child- Jilt and tiaotfaom indorse It Ptoay. v Brave .Explorers Like Stanley and Livingstone, found it harder to overcome Malaria, Fever and Ague, and Typhoid disease germs than savage cannibals; but thousands have found that Electric Bitters is a wonderful cure for all malarial diseases. If you have chills with feyer, aches in back of neck and head, and tired, worn- out feeling, a trial will convince you of their merit. W. A. Null, of Webb, 111., writes: "My children suffered for more than a year with chills and fever; then two bottles of Electric Bitters cured them." Only 50 cents. Try them. Guaranteed. Sold by Julia A. Story, druggist EXECUTOR'S NOTICE,? r of Gottlieb F. Boley, deceasifti The undersigned havinp been appointed Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Gottlieb F. Boley, deceased, late of the County -of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that that she will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the January Term, on the first Monday in January next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. . v,;. - 19-3t «i>j vi nuVBiiiuer, A. It., i«uv. JOSEPHIKE BOLEY, Executrix. To remove a troublesome corn or bun­ ion; First soak the corn or bunion in warm water to soften it, then pare it down as closely as possible without drawing blood and apply Chamberlain's Pain Balm twice daily; rubbing vigor­ ously for five minutes at each applica­ tion. A corn plaster should be worn for a few days, to protect it from the shoe. As a general liniment for sprains, bruises, lameness and rheumatism, Pain Balm is unequaled. For sale by Julia A. Story. Bob Itur<*ett'H Advice. My son, follow not in the footsteps of i the loafer, and make no example of him who is born tired, for, verily I say unto you, their business is overstocked, the seats are all taken and the whittling places are all occnpied. It is better to saw jvood at two bits a cord than to whittle in a loafing match and abuse the government. My son, while thou hast left in thy sknll the sense of a jaybird, break away from the cigarette habit, for lo! thy breath stinketh like a glue fac­ tory and thy whole appearance is lens in­ telligent than the stone dummy. Yes, thou art a cipher With the rim knocked off. ' A Great. Medicine. 'I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and find it to be a great medicine," says Mr. E. S. Phipps, of Poteau, Ark. "It cured me of bloody flux. I cannot speak too highly of it. ' This remedy always wins the good opinion, if not praise, or those who use it. The quick cures which it effects even in the most severe cases make it a favorite everywhere. For sale by Julia A. Story. One bouquet to the living is worth a dozen wreaths of laurel onthecolBnof the dead. Made Young Again. "One of Dr. Kings New Life Pills each night for two weeks has put me in my 'teens' again" writes D. H. Turner of Dempseytown, Pa. They're the best in toe world for Liver, Stomach and Bowels. Purely vegetable. Never gripe. Only 25c at Julia A. Story's drug store. That which we know is little; that which we have a presentiment of is im­ mense; it is in this direction that the poet outruns the learned man. There is no pleasure in life if you dread going to the table to eat and can't rest at night ou account of indigestion. Henry Williams, of Boonville, Ind., says he suffered that way for years, till he commenced the use of Kodol Dyspep­ sia Cure, and adds, "Now I can eat any­ thing 1, like and all I want and sleep soundly every night." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will digest what you eat. Julia A.-'. Story. . Say nothing good of yourself, yot* will be distrusted; say nothing baa of yourself, you will be taken at your word. ; rhta signature Is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets the remedy that cores m eekl la one dar A man rarely marries the first girl with whom he thinks he is in love. OASTOZtXA. Bean the ^ The Kind You Haw Alwiys BagM Signatiro ^Ths Kind You Mais Always Important * Notice. . -iS - W® have just closed a contract for one year with the Mercan­ tile Advertising Co. of Chicago to give all our customers Absolutely Free the finest quality of Cut Glass, China, Silverware, Watches, Clocks, Musical Instruments, Furniture, Etc. We are doing this to increase our trade and give all who trade witil ns - t Beautiful and. Useful Presents "You will always find tis the cheapest places in town to trade Our goods are always fresh and of the best quality, also our Premiums. SIMON 8TOFFEL, General Mereluuidlee JULIA A. STORY, i Drug#, Medicines, Paints A Oil* ilLBERT BROS., Groceries aad Provisions CHAS. G. FRETT, Fresh and Salt Meats MORAL! Tnldeenlr where you can get Mercan­ tile Checks. They are red. Take no other _ in geln »©rCH . - Cbas G iher A Cornish nly Geo [azeiBJr e a r t e H L r taimer JOB itz& Stilling OWeALr ell M A r IM „ .acobr aMLorf^h®--0- E*r m&tai SHI, -, jS Village ojPMcHenry pampliiKstation 98® V1 liajfe of McHenry 7 public school 283 Village ofMcHenry m VanBlykeJ * 1" ̂ m W a t t l e s F I I v . ; 384 Walsh Jack r f ? wlJum Wm r SS8 Wheeler E S 244 McHenry Cre'm'ry 55*2 Whiting W E r Ootnpany. 311 Wells l>r 1) G 361 McOtuoer PL T Western U Tel Oo 374 MetdH C r 373 Wightroan Harry 383Owen LBr TOtt STATIONS. V German Village........P. J8,eger,\- Johnsburg John P Lay, x McHenry .Gilbert Brotheif!' Mineral H. Ericsson, lflb&'V S Plstalwe Bay............ Ben Stilling, lOcl&v SolWSMls.v,,,..,.. W H DavtOfcs. » _b: life' Icago' Spring Grove... --.'A Nelsh, 80i& Citizens* Telephone. ^ The following are the names and numbers of the patrons of the McHenry and West Mc­ Henry exchanges of the Citizens' Telephone Co. Residences only are specified; All others are business houses. GEORGE F. BLETHEN, Manager. 13 Auringer DrAE 35 Justen Nick 13 Auriager l>r. A E r 44 .Justen Jake >4 4 30Buch JJ 43 J< 5!18eU H N • V Si 23 Hrophy Dr, Fox Lkel6 Mc.Omber F Tz 20 BaCon Wra r 81 Meyer Geo r 48 BucklandJ V, Ring-23 Mertes Joseph, Pis- wood takee' Bay 39 Boley G F 83 Mineral Spring, Pis- 45 Barbian Bros takee Bay 46 Blethen G F, Mgr 43 Ma^ueson GLBOee- dale " 10 Miller John-r 83 Nell George, Johns- burg 83 Nye Dr 24 Owen Si Chapel! 23 Oak Park Hotel „ 31 Owen Lewis, office 40 Depot C N W Ry Co£4 l'erry & Owen 23 Dighton Station 37 Pumping Station 23 Erlckson H 88 Postofflce. McHenry 6 Evanson WC 1 Plaindealer 8 Evanson John r 34 Park Hotel 23 Freund Frank 4B Smith Will r Johnsburgh48 Smith E. A. * 14 Freund Peter B 9 Summer Georgia 23 Fox Lakestoek farmSO SpurlinK Dr A O 11 Fegers Dr OH 28 Sunes Henry : r 11 Fegers Dr C H r 47 Schiessle Robfe Frtedly A C 4 Crlsty W A r 15 Chapell S 8 r 36 Clemens H E 36 Clemens J O 49 City School 48 Conwayjb Rainey 26 CrlstjTw A Iiingwood 18 14 Story Miss Jalla A 34 Snyder Bros 12 Granger Chas r 27 Schneider Joe 33 Granger F K r 34 Snyder Bros 7 Granger Chas office23 Simes, Dighton Bta- 22 Helmer Joe tion 31 Heitner John 48 Smith J. D. r 3 Holte& Stilling 32 Tweed R G 23 Heman Joe, Johns- 2 Wells Dr D > > burg 2 Wells Dr D r / 23 Howard Ed<C, Fox 7 Wilbur Lumber Go. Lake , 30 Walsh M J 18 Hazel EJ 17 Wattles Frank 1 Hazel E J office S Wightman Harry 'tij- GENERAL STEAMING i)f all kinds. * I M Excavating and Gradin McHenry, MM Illinois Wholesale and 1 fflMUerin l a m i n t h e Market pOI*', 1 j. Veal : "•"Aigi nattoa - Ho#.' ?&*%&• «n4 s / Poottry oivf a a caH McHenry Illinois F. WATTLES (Successor to R. R. Howard) All kinds of Fresh and salt Meats always on hand Vegetables and Canned Goods. Bakery Goods a Specialty AH Kinds of Salt Pish. Highest market Prices paid for Hogs, Cattle, Sheep, Hides and Tallow Fat Cattle a specialty Fresh Vegetables and lb " JFruits received fresh daily. Orders from Pistakee Bay will receive prompt and careful attention. Call on me. I will (Eo the right thing yott. " - r f*. WATTLES, West McHenry, HI. Long: distance telephone, 30K Cltlcens' telepKOne 17 Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificial ly digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon­ structing the exhausted digestive or­ gans. It is the latest discovered digest- ant and tonic. Ho other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in- Sick Headache .Gastralgla,Cramp8 and all other results of imperfect digestion. Price 60c. and $1. Large size contains 8H times small size. Bock all about dyspepsia mailed free Prepared by E. C. D«W1TT A CO. Chlcaflo. JULIA A. STORY. Camps , 'J -.1 ?i,5 %. > <> pis i M&- -4a •% I have the finest line of Lamps ever shown in McHenry. < Those beautiful lamps that add to the attractiveness of any home. It would be impossible to tell all about them in this space- call and see them. Jardineres 1&; A\/. A* 4 t *•» <* -o, An elegant line to select from. It will do your eyes good to see them whether you wish to buy or not. Order one now for Xmas while the stock is complete. \ '• VM. Fine Perfumes 1 , Best stock we ever had. see $ $»•? k \ ( ̂ , * \ ft ^ «!#/<» " ' J- Come and Prices are always right. GEO. W. BESLEY '̂ 1 s '"5 „* 'v ' ' 'VV1 w o o i'f if o if if if i> 0 # i'f if <> i'f u '-4 ' 'feW.i'jit- 4k/* i , »>% We have .decided to quit handleing Cloaks and Jackets, for various reasons, and will dispose of the stock now on* %fld at a great reduction in price. Some of these cloaks' $(§id jackets will be sold at cost and others below cost. is . P 1 . 'B0i. 4'^. <1/^ * ** £1oak$ and Jackets at gost JfV is custoinary for some merchants to make a statement! like the above without really meaning it. ̂ MIf you see it^,1^ , r ' r^i our ad, it's so," and if you will call and investigate, the*- prices will cocvince you that we mean just what we say. SlflON , STQFJgEL^^^;-•; . I f : > j| West McHenry - The wea are 1 winter g. , go aroun^ 5;; buy g< ^ / | ; prices we are offering theml goods of us at the cheap inc t . l iom ^ ^ k V •» % Underweaj we handle the celebrated State* c r Wool Goods for men. Every factaty mrajS A., engineer knows of their KOOS wearim? We have them from $,.<» to ^ment jHl Ladies'and Children's w6 have the Cotton ' : • ?1?efe1d' Jersey Ribbed and the all wool «oods > ̂A Job lot of Ladies' Heavy Ribbed Fleeced at 30 cents, worth 45c to 50c. Don't miss these. to us and we will shoe them with a Pin^ree or TU yo».' ̂ fl-OO to $3.25 per pair, but the shoe that.takes the cake tor fine wear is the Pin- free',Co"ffu" $3.00. Nothing lite it for less than $8.50 elsewhere. In Men's wear we have some extra good things-a fine Box Calf with extra heavy sole" leather UnedT at $3.25 is a bargain. Henderson's Army Shoe for Youths at $1.75, boys at $2.00 and men's at $2.50 is one of the best wearing shoes we ever saw Henderson's Little Red School House Shoes for Misses,and Children excell all other makes for wear. We also have a complete line of Rubber goods, Felts and Socks. Don't forget the "i Proof" goods when you are ready to buy. Ladies' Jackets We are closing out our celebrated $10 00 Jackets at a price less than cost. These J^ets are made of the best Kersey, lined with Satin, and all that have examined tnem know they are bargains at $10, but no mu ClOSe th?m OUt thfiy will go at $6 98. They crane m several colors, and in order to get the size you want you had bet­ ter come early. •Owen $ £bapelK « mefienry «Illinois A good carpet placed on the floor usually represents a considerable outlay of money, consequently people hesitate before buying. Before you make any de­ cision come and look over our samples which consist of about 100 different patterns. These carpets will be sold at a BIQ^DISCOUNT and guaranteed to be just as we represent them. "Call now and get pri c ft r ' * * 1, *,* 1 ' ' * "* JACOB JOSTE^ McHenr^, III. • r *v •> '• tf* ^ V> " - ...r ' , < y* P/ ' . V i ^f ' 4 / "Ij* '!1> To Please the * m.. 11 'vtf; / A L. > L ' ' "*Z v S K '.L » ' , i i rt I 4 -m 4' f " A Is our Constant Aim ̂ * J)o you need Blankets of any description BV M ̂ i .t '• If so, we have arranged a special sale fo] V v this week, Saturday, Nov. 24 and Monday ̂ ̂On days we olfer ' Vjt* 'X* •<< S '• '7<>j io-4 Gray Blankets at 50c 12-4 Extra Heavy Blankets $1.00 "* s'"1 3 1 * f & / 1 + ' v t j>We alsp have special offers in. Wool Mitts k _ >f \ tor all ages at much below regular prices. ̂ V 4 - . ^*be store is full of new goods to which ̂ s your attention is respectfully directed S > 1 * • . West McHenry, IB # W. C. EVANSON • H H W W M M M W l l i m H W I -- -- -- I W'. ' •'* •* *. - % - * - . . % " ' V The Crown Tailors Chicago have appointed BJ.'" Lawlus, tailor, as their agent to take orders for their fine Sam­ ple Suitings, as he is No. 1 at measuring and fitting aJl forms of nfen. Opposite Riverside. E L A W L U S n--1 Hinin

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