Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Nov 1900, p. 5

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• • 1 '. b?\4 •%-h F::*' Why will you pay an exorbitant price for a sewing machine that you know nothing about when we offer to put the best make into your house on thirty days' trial, free of charge? Then if the machine does not prove satisfac­ tory we will take it away, but if should yotT wish to keep it, the price will be satisfactory. - +5jvSr A>r & / Do you want * ' , * , v £rr: * " •• ' , ' - > •1%!. !#e. Hi: Domestic Singer New Homi Household 'limax Royal St. White ^ ^ : •• * v./^i« i in. have the agency for the best makes world and would be pleased to call and get 'pric^^I)o not le mistake of paying some out of to jent a large price for a cheap WeSel E R -and without hesitation claim to have |||iost elegant line in, town. We have cheap goods in any department and al ys guarantee goods as represen & T Cameras mid all (bat pertains to Photography caw be found here * J't"n|"""" 1 • l' H'U my -m I'f'i • f'ft Our $l$«75 Drop Read ma­ chine Ceads them all « « . ... rv .v N. A. HUEfiAN.N WEST McHENRY, - ILLINOIS ^&8b*jwis:V> *.v.- ' • / Be H11.H'I.*" M --wgji g»kj|i|iw 'tj'mnjjjutw'iw rjt iji'i iji'itio i"i|ni) II'II»>IM.I ,,J . <*». w. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE mRPS OF CORRESPONDENTS voi*o. Mrs. John Rosing is sick. Mrs. Frank Sexton is on the sick list. HIBS Annie Herbes is visiting friends i Volo this week. Mr. and Mm. James Murray were in cHenry Saturday. Lewis Ltisk drove to Jefferson Friday d returned Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Job Vasey will move on rs. Monaghan's farm soon. Mrs. Richard Townsend and son, were in Voio Friday afternoon, k Stadtfieid aud C. Sabel went to Wednesday and returned ,y. • ace more the angel. of death has m. into our midst and taken away defUr otxe, Grandma Snyder as she asbest known, after a brief illness of twenty four hours resulting severe stomach trouble, passed on her reward, on Thursday Nov. 8,1900. born Oct. 1, 1815 in Columbia New York. She was married Abraham Snyder May 25, 1833, and west in 1847, making her home her daughter, Mrs. H. F. Kines about a year ago she made her with her daughter, Mrs. Albert ,t, where on Saturday, Nov. 10, was held. Rev. Dutton ed a yery thoughtful and impres- sermon, the text being taken from sydn g»y6 her t to Christ in early life and although e clouds and sunshine have mingled i each other to make up the eighty- e years of her beautiful, useful life, the time of her death she was able enjoy life and to give comfort and ad- to those about her. Her pure tian life will ever be a beacon light those who had the privilege of mak- g her acquaintance. The floral offer- gs were beautiful and many friends id neighbors gathered to express their ve and sympathy with the bereaved es. She leaves two daughters and « anna; Mrs. Albert Ranghfc. of Vein. R. Snyder, of Pleasant Prairie, Wis., rs. H. F. Kines, of Waukegan, and Ira . Snyder, of Canastoba, S. D., he not ting present at the funeral. She also ves nine grandchildren and three eat grandchildren. The grandchild- n who attended the funeral were fyron Shultis and wife, of Highwood, eal Shultis, of Waukegan, Willie ilies, of Chicago, (Gordon and Edith yder, of pleasant Prairie, Wis. The kandchildren who were unable to at- nd re IfrB. Robt'i Fulton, of Wau~ gan, Mrs. Lyon, of Katon, New Mexi- , Mrs. Minnie Johnson, of Canastola, IX, and Chas. Raught, of Rossburg, ashington. The great grandchildren •e Mildred Shultis, Clarence Shultis d Nellie Raught. She was laid to st in the Fox Lake cemetery by the le of her husband who departed this e Jan. 38,1882. rewetl, dear mother. sweet be thy rest** : Weary with years and worn with paut, - .rewell. tlllin some happy place, | IVe Shall behold thy face again. ! is our to miss tbe»- ail our yearsK:-V--> Vnd tender memories of the« k<£K •\Xf. -• tne In the Lord to rest, for so 'X , r "«giveth bis beloved sleep, - ip not that her toils are over, ,. ««;p not that her race is run id grant we may rest as calmly, f i-**' i^heti our work like hers is done^f ' U then we yield with gladness >ar mother to Him to keep W \k • . id rejoice in the sweet assurance; giTOth his loved ones sltw « Far Xnfiutte aad Oiildren. ii KM Yh Han Mqs BNgbt Bears the gfigpatura of > ^ - ;-»•: ^ , .. j WAUCONDA. Miss Lida Cary is on the sick list. Miss Lottie Held is the guest of Edith Brand. Miss Jennie Green was a C&cago visi­ tor on Saturday. John Hodge attended teachers' meet­ ing here Saturday. Dr. Howe and Miss Caddie Smith spent Sunday at Wauconda. L. C. Price has gone as a delegate to the Odd Fellows convention. Mis? Anna Peterson, of Elgin, is visit­ ing her friend, Miss Hattie Prouty. ]fixs. Glynch, of Ravenswood, spent several days of last with friends here. R. P. Andrews made a trip to Chicago Saturday to 0 undergo an operation tat his hearing. Mr. Burton, who has been staying at Wauconda several days, returned to Chicago Saturday. Mrs. Fannie Pratt and son, Rubin, of Chicago, are visiting friends and relati­ ves at Wauconda this week. Mts. Sanford returned to Chicago after spending a few days with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Reynolds. Miss Villa Dixon, who was out of school last week suffering from a severe cold, is again able to take up her class work. Friday evening, Nov. 23, Elmer Ford and Maxtin Murray will give a dance at the Oakland hall. All are cordially in­ vited. Norman Ladd entertained thp boys of his club at a small dinner on Monday evening. A royal time is reported by those present. Mr. Marvin conducted the teacher's meeting on Saturday. It was well at­ tended as a large number are taking the Reading Circle work. The Mystic Workers entertained their friends in their hall Friday evening. Cards and carrom were played, a short nmirrftm rendered and light refresh mente served after which the remainder of the evening was given over to danc­ ing. All who attended pronounced it a most enjoyable evening. If you have ever seen a child in the agony of croup you can realize how grateful mothers are for One Minute Cough Cure which gives relief as soon as it is administered. It quickly cures coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles. < Julia A. Story. Lawrence Kinsala was before Judge Torrance on Tuesday, charged with forging an order in Earnest Myer's name for $15 given to Fuller & Went- worth in payment for clothing. Kin­ sala admits his guilt but claims his asso­ ciates induced him to do ithe dishonest act. O Basntls BfuUi* of . S T O R I A . t The Kind You Hare Always BARSKniLE. Alva Shales spent Sunday at Nunda. ::. Miss Tena Baird was a Nunda caller {Saturday. John Hunter spent part of last weak in Chicago. * Richard Bremerv of Chicago, spent {Sunday at home. Mr. Dillie. of Nunda, transacted busi­ ness here Friday. George Bryant, of Nunda, was seen on our streets Monday. Jim Fitzsinimons. t>f McHenry, wis a caller in our burg Thursday. Robt. Howell, of Burton's Bridge, called on Mends here Sunday. Mrs. Harry Wolley and daughter, of Nunda, spent Saturday and Sunday at home. a BINOWOOD. C. W. Harrison wasa county Beat visi tor Monday. J. E. Cristy transacted business in Chicago Tuesday. Bert Goddard spent Sunday at his home at Hebron. Mrs. A. L. Francisco was a McHenry visitor last Friday. Jolito Watson entertained a Maud from the city last Friday. Dr. Hardin held quarterly conference here last Saturday'at 10 a. m. Mrs. James Conway spent part of last week at Elgin visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Phil. Harrison and little daughter were Ring wood visitors Friday evening. Mrs. Warren Foes and little daughter visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mr a. Wm. Coates last Saturday and Sunday. Sunday evening the Young People's meeting be led by Miss Ellen Morgan. This is a Thanksgiving Thank and Prayer service. Every one is invited to attend. The Handy Wagon entertainment given here last Friday evening was not quite so largely attended as is usual here on account of the inclement weather. The entertainment was ve: good and about nineteen dollars reali Friday evening Nov. 23, the pupils of Mrs. Florence Lowell's school will give an entertainment in M. W. A. hall. We feel safe in saying this entertain­ ment will be good for Mrs. Lowell spares no trouble in arranging an entertain­ ment and in drilling the children. Ad­ mission 10 and 15 cents. ^ Does Your StomMh DIIMH Vaaf: Do you have pain in th« side, nausea sometimes vomiting, distress after eat­ ing, belching, constipation, loss of appe­ tite, dizziness, flatulence, moth patches, sluggish looks, pimples aud a repulsive complexion 1 If you have any of these sym; ach ey's ims, you have dyspepsia or stom- The new disco Dyspepsia relief, followed very, Bail- Tablets, brings quick . by„ a permanent cure; pleasant to take. W. J. Bailey, written on each package. Price 25 cent®, post­ paid. Made by Lakeside Medicine Co., Chicago. Sample free. Well informed doctors prescribe them. Sold bv Miss J. A. Story. *-*o R1DOKITBUK Will Eichkoff was in Woodstock Mon­ day. W. H. Munroe was in Woodstock Sat­ urday. Mrs. Eva Lynch was in Harvard Sat­ urday. Mrs. Baldwin, of Nunda, was here Saturday. Willie Ormsley was in Chicago a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Merchant were in Woodstock Saturday. Wilbur Levey visited in Rockford Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Wm. Reed and daughter, Mable, were in Nunda Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hartman visited in Chicago the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Lockwood and daughter were in Nunda on business Thursday. Pearls Rpund in Vei *Everajde is talking "Grpin Mountain Pearls." w that they cure liver troribl constipation, bad digestion, nausea, dull headache, dizziness and foul breath ? There never was a pill sold which acted so quickly and ge: they don't gripe one bit. fo akwe ask--we know what^BM|in­ sult will be JULIA A. STORY. Clotting is all right, if you are too &t; and ail wrong, if too thin already. Fat, enough for your habit, is healthy; a little more, or less, is no great harm. Too fat, consult a doctor; too thin, persistently thin, no matter what cause, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver oil. ' . ^ heft I1 ting too thin; they all come under these two heads: over­ work and under-digestion. Stop over-work, if you can; bujt, whether you can or not, T^ke Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil,. to balance yourself with your work. You can't live on it--true--but, by it, you can. There's a limit, however; you'll pay for it. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the readiest cure for "can't eat," unless it comes of your doing no work--you can't long be well and strong, without some sort of activity. The genuine has 4-w i a i* SMSV. P*VI.M • V VII l*y take no other. If you have not tried it, send for free sample, Its a- greeable taste will surprise you. SCOTT & BOWNE Chemists, 409 Peari Street. New York. 50c. and $1.00; all druggists. Want Column. XjVJR SALE ^ new. 13 --Large Jeweler's Safe. Good as Jos. SCHNEIDER. McHenry, III. "tpQR RENT--A well-inmroved 2U0 acre farm adjoining Huntley, ill., belonging to es­ tate of D. H. Haeger. for information ad dress T>. C. MAIMER, Dundee, III. 16-tf OTRAYE1*--Black belfer two white feet. A suitable reward for ite return to J. P. Cleary. 20-tf Opportunities for Business. During the past year the Chicago & North-Western Railway Company bmlt 474 miles of new line through the most fertile portions of Iowa and Minnesota. Those new lines of railway are now in full operation and are dotted with prom­ ising towns, which are trade centers for well located communities. A descrip­ tive pampfctet with a list of the business opportunities in each town may be ob­ tained upon application to Agents of the Chicago & North-Western Railway or toW. B. Kniskern, General Passenger & Ticket Agent, Chicago, 111. iku' „&>i. •_. « 1 5 ' : M if .VjJ , > i T O R Tte Kind You •Ju, . Village Blacksmith ttaved His Little Son's Life. Mr. H. H. Black, the well-known Til­ lage blacksmith at Grahamsville, Sulli­ van Co., N. Y., says: "Our little son, five years old, has always been subjected to croup, and so bad have the attacks been that he nearly died. We have had the doctor and used many medicines, but Chamberlain's. Cough Remedy is now our sole reliance. It seems to dis­ solve the tough mucus and by giving frequent doses when the croupy symp­ toms appear we have found that the dreaded croup is cured before it gets settled." There is no danger in giving this remedy for it contains no opium or other injurious drug and may be given as confidently to a babe as to an adult. For sale by Julia A. Story. The clever woman is the* one who can make a man think she is obeying him while all the time she is really "bowing" him. ft.OS to International Live Stock ExblM- tion, Chicago, and Betura. Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold November 80 and December 1, limited to return until December 10, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y, mcBctiry, Tlllttoi* Tin* Bakery goods anil (Kotifcc* :< <#v,; tionery .H We positively have the fin­ est line of Jewelry ever seen in McHenry. Perhaps not the largest stock, but a good assortment of the best goods and at prices that are con­ sistent. Call and see us. Potted hand. 0 ,ly sa era an Watc promptly given to collections, tended to in First CIMB est rates. Notary Public Ladies Watcli match and Clock Repairing SOCIETY P w s Masonic If you wish to cure a headache do it with Beauty Pin* Virst-class work Watch and clock All work ieed for one year. *ibg machine repairs makes. Testimonial from Gen. A. C. Hawley JOS. smmoL mi style* ami Rlgmfor Kvanr Kiud ot JhMi % ' ' n « ni LTI Cake s White and | Rye Bread j \ Test Our Bread! fresh €very Day (HIS. L. Wilis & (0. igiCASHti^ Produce Buyers Oreued Poultry, Game, rura» Eggs and Butter. 304 DUANE STREET, NEW YORK. Write for present piyiig prices. 560.00 per Monti al hpeises can be made by a capable woman. Perma­ nent position. Experience unnecessary. Write at once tor particulars. CLARK & Co., i£tt South. 4th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Washington, D. C. DR. Q. C. TALLRRDAY, Belvidere, 111. DEAK SIR:--Your Pain Tablets and Hot Drops w^re used in treatment at 'The Soldiers' Rest," and both medi­ cines in every instance where used proved satisfactory, doing everything claimed for them. It is with much pleasure an opportunity is offered me of recommending both the Pain Tablets and Hot Drops, and feel assured they will meet with the approval of all who UMfCUM tek, Iteapoctfully . .r. A. C. Hi> r ' Belvidere, 111. I have always had such terrible headaches, and about one day every week I would have to give up and go to bed. I have used three or four bottles ot Dr. Tallerday's Headache Tablets, and they have cured me, as I hardly ev­ er have headache any more. I always keep the tablets on hand, and, if I feel a a headache coming on, one tablet is all that id required for almost instant relief MRS. JAS. FOWLER, 1122 Cherry Burlington. "Wis. I have have had sick headauhes for over thirty years and have used all Kinds of headache wafers, but it was a Jiappy time when I got a bottle of Dr. Taller- day's Pain Tablets. I insist on them and take no other. They have no equal 'r- MRS. A E. VAUGHN. 4 " . "': 4 Denver, Colo. I cjiti get along, without Dr. Tallerday 's Pain Tablets. I never saw their equal for sick headache. MRS. A. S. CARTER, Highlands, Denver, Colo. ' MnVbetared by THE TALLERDAV M1SUICINK CO., BelvldMM>» HI. f For sale by it " - JtTT.IA A. STORY, . HtTKnry U. W. BGHLEY, - West McHetiry No. Phoas A No. 9. • /• ; ^ tcf" GEO. SOnMERA Plumbing : Gas Fitting ; I '.t J: -iSewera Also Agent for Basic Acetylene Qas riachiiM Qae Fittings, Gas Fixtures and Carbide for sale---- »• All-kinds Brora Valves an# ' is •!,, i,? i»n> -Pipe always on WEST M'HENBY, S T O V E S ! Bead what People say about Friedley'a Stoves. " 1 The stove I bought of you works satisf i in every way. I am well pleaaed with it. AJITOK WEBKR. The No. 15 Empire Acorn I bought of gives good satisfaction. It can't be tieat. W».TW| The stove I botifftttof to giving? ' lent satisfaction. GEO. THQjjil; l am well satisfied with the cook stove boUKht of yoa. GEO. Onur. Last year T bought a No. IS Empire A< juu iiuu must say ii has given KO«xi sai ion. I would heartily recommend It to for good heating and economical use of ASTON BAHBIAH. The Acorn cook stove I bought of you is No. I. JACOB BOS The two stoves I bought of you (one and the other a beater)arc giving pert faction for doing good work and in fuel they are unsurpassed. E. B. Three years ago I bought a oook you and have found no fault with it For baking It can't be beat. NICHOLAS WKIKIJMU I am more than pleased with the stove bought of you. For economical use of and heating purposes it can't la* beat. JACOB 11 Itiiwmlwr we Hav* over too wifl paWlsh darinc TH* SMM what think of oar Moves. A. C. FRIE1 Dealer in llMiywi, Tlawsre, Staves Etc. v t -t ~ , . '"i ' t W- BARB1AN BR05. ^ Makers of in© Cigan,' *'<'•?£> _ _ * < IjL' Monogram v 10 cent Cigar •V;-J'-Leads Them Our Leading 5c Brands: "(Mivette" "Barbian Bros. SMf| "••/.•^"SUver** - <*Bee | i • ••empireCabaii ^ •* V 'i C »• - dkv "TL IHb* ir* <y. iUtif ILLINOIS

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