ajh&ays iav© oa hand a good line of the latest Vocal and Instrtmentai Musio Firom now until Christmas we offer all 35c and 50c music at io, which is sold at prices as low as the lowest per copy and all 25c music at 5c per copy m «.:. • .j, ^ 1 r- If you wish to present a fpetid or rel ative: with a nice present for Xmas, why not select a musical instrument? We have a nice line of small instru ments at very reasonable prices..... „ *" * •> * * ? *" ' ̂ f •* , - B A N J O S \*v» MANDOLINS Jp-GUITARS ACCORDIANS ? ;<GRAPHOPHONJg| • ^ AUTOHARPS T HARMONICAS^;;:.,;; -MUSIC BOXES' ^ - J Strings, rosin and trerythiittg per taining to musical instruments...... The finest line of Ladies' 6, and 0 sizes and t^ie new 12 size for gentlemen. These are without exception the fin est goods for the money that* the market affords. They are all 20 year Boss filled cases and filled with' either El gin, Waltham or Duber Hampden movements. We also have the high grade Hamilton Railway Movements which are now considered the best in the world ̂ .»|»- • ^ ̂ V 1 m * *. ' .• r"r V 4 V i ' , • ' • t r • 4U, ' r. : A £ JLJL 4JL 1 "V r* rT r SOLI Df i OLD it nil •d&iii We have about fqur dozen solid gold rings with Turquois, Emeralds, Ru- bies, Pearly Opals and other fine stone settings, some of which have been sold at $2.50 wholesale will now go at $1.50 and up.,.. . ,v. C *1 v'-'*- ^ ^ ^ All $3.00 and $4.50 grades at $2.00 " t50 « ;Z7$„ " 1.00 Patterns -mi NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED 6 Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS RINGWOOD. # The year is now an ancient crone, Cold and white in the arms of Trusting the Father's love alone, And lisping His name with dying breath. J. W. Cristy was a city visitor last Friday. 3. E. Cristy transacted business in the aty Tuesday. Mra. Walter Bradley a Chicago i s i t o r M o n d a y . , v \ • : : Mr., Webster was Hie guest of James toeen last Monday. C. W. Harrison was a Springfield viai- or part of last week. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Q. A. Stevens, son, Friday, Dec. 7. Messrs. Will and Amos Smith were Jhicago isitors last Thursday. P.8. Harrison, of Ostend, was ^ing- rood visitor Saturday evening. Prof. Frank Cole attended the Princi- AI'B meeting at Woodstock Saturday. The Willing Workers meet with Mrs. S. Brown this Thursday afternoon. Miss Frank Ingalls, of Elgin, is the naeat of her brother Earnest and family he present week. A fine Christmas tree will be seen in il. W. A. hall, arranged by the Univer- alist Society and Woodman to which •eryone is invited. A good program is , » * mtnvTi,t«. Boss Robinson was in Elgin Boss Hobinson was in Chicago Thurs- ay. Miss Isa Matthews began school again ionday. . Mrs- A. T. Wingate was a school visi- recently. Afflia Fleming visited relatives Chicago recently. Mi KM Hazel Robinson is oat of school _ aooount'of sickness. Wm. Bonslett, of McHenry, was seen our streets Monday. <. B. Howell called on Jaa. BeW at Bur l's Bridge Sunday. Mr. Wright, of Wauconda, was a feasant caller here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Thompson spent art of last week in Chicago. Mian Dora Grantham, of Nunda, ailed on relatives here Sunday. R. W. Starritt, of Nunda, called on riends here one evening recently. Mrs J. Hunter and daughter, Edna, ave been visiting friends in Elgin. A number from here attended the oneral of Mrs J. Wright, Thursday. Leverett Webster, of Shelbyville, 111., sUed at T. Thompson's Monday even- jp. W. Smith and Wm. Port, of Chi- sgo, visited at Thos. Thompson's last MTS. T. L. Flandere, of Holcombville, ondayed with her patents, Mf, and C. Colby. r CASTOR IA lor Infants and Children, KM YM Han Ahnys BovjU " ' VOI4X. Mrs. George Huson is quite sick. Mrs. Monaghan is visiting in Chicago. Dr. Rossdeutscher is on the sick list Arthur Monaghan is working in the city. George Wait was in Chicago last week. C. Sabel and Nick Bnhr were Chicago visitors last week. , Herman Epping, of Wisconsin, is vis iting at Benj. Dovve's. % C. G. Huaon attended th§ Fat Stock show in Chicago Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Gainer, of Wfcu- conda, visited atTheo. Wortz's Monday. Lewis V. Lusk was in Chicago Wed nesday, Thursday and Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kinsala have re turned from their wedding trip to Wis consin. Nick Miller visited his brother, Law rence, near Wheatland, Wisconsin, over Sunday. ' Jack Stadtfield and Miss Kate Pfanefe- tiel were Wauconda callers Saturday evening. Miss Hellen Raymond visited her cou sin, Miss Ruby Cooke, at Wauconda Saturday. S. J. Russell and Robert Vogt were In Chicago Wednesday to attend the Fat Stock show. Mrs. John Walton and daughters, Maud and Elsie, were Wauconda visitors Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Elan Converse and daughter, Frances, of Chicago, visited relatives here Sunday. Jonn Hessfort, of Wisconsin, is visit ing his cousin, John Rosing, and other, relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. James Murray and Peter Stadtfield visited Mr. and Mrs. John Glosson at McHenry Sunday. Misses Lizzie Glossen, Barbara Thelen and Maggie Blake, of McHenry, visited Mrs. James Murray one day last week. Mrs. Joseph Miller and Miss Katie Pfanestiel visited Miss Pfanestiel's sis ter, Mrs. George Richardson at Haines- ville Wednesday. The next meeting of the Grant C. S. and W. C. T. U. will be with Mrs. Simon Davis, of Fort Hill, Friday Jan. 4. All are invited. Mrs. Benj. Cossman, of Lake. Villa, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Compton, and her sister, Mra. James Kirwin, Thursday. At the gold medal contest at the M. E. church Friday evening Dec. 7, Miss Hattie Payne, of Ivanhoe, got Che medal. Four young ladies contested. All of them being from near Gurnee. Mrs. Ormsby, Mrs. Mary Metcalf, of Gurnee, and Misses Bell Taggart, Mary Basely, Mary Glynch. Mrs Ed. Golding and Rev. Button, of Wauconda, at tended the W. C. T. U. conference here F r i d a y . . . . . This signature is on every bo* of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine Taw** «hs MMdy thst ojm » «*.•»••••• +9 SPRING GROVK. Michael Raun moved to this village Monday. Wm, Lichty lias postponed building until spring. Wm. Carey has been on the sick list for some weeks past. . Nick Freund sold two k>ts last week. One to Mathias May. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Neish wore Chicago visitors Monday. Fred Hatch goes to Champaign this week to be absent some time. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bell, of Ringwood, visited at J. W. Bell's Saturday last. Warren Pierce has his feed mill near ly completed and will soon be able to grind. Christmas preparations are being m&de to greet old Santa at the M. E. church. Mrs. Hartwell, Miss Bessie Stone and Mr. Johonnott have charge, so that we rest assured we will have a good program. A masquerade ball and snpper will be given next Friday night, Dec. * 14th at this village by the Woodman and Royal Neighbors. The time of notice is short but we hope to see every family repre sented. A cordial invitation is extended to all. ' Don't forget that you have an oppor tunity to hear a good sermon every Sun day at half past one at the M. E. church. The pastor makes unusual ef forts in order to give us regular servicfes and we hope to see many show by their presence that they appreciate his efforts. The annual election of the officers of Spring Grove Camp No. 1853, M. W. of A. resulted in the election of the follow ing: W. C., Jesse Richardson,. W. A., Byron Orvis, clerk, Warren C. Moss, banker, John Waspi, escort, Andrew Stevens, sentry, Otto Hesse, watchman, Everett Orvis, manager, Min Imerson. OSTEND. - Otto Dailey started school Monday. Mrs. Goodsell is assisting Mrs. Harri son at her home this week. Mrs. Bernard Harrison is visiting this week at Elgin and Chicago. Mrs. Chas. Corney is taking care of Miss Fannie Jecks during her illness. Mr. Clark has hired Mr. Barnes from near Springfield* I1L, to work for him this winter. Thos. McDonald and Henry Hobart sold their hogs this week. They took them to Woodstock. Robt. Richardson is putting in a sys tem of pipes connecting his new wind mill with barn tanks. Some people are like old worn-out pianos. Every sound that comes from .them is a discord and harmony is ont of the question. There will be preaching at the school house next Sunday evening by Rev. Nickle. Every one is cordially invited to be present at this meeting. Miss Fannie Jecks is reported no bet ter at this writing. We hope to hear that she is*,better soon. She has the sympathy oothe entire community. The Christmas cantata entitled "Her alds of the Morning" will be given'at the Ostend school house on Xmas eve. The presents will be distributed from a snow house. Henry Hobart's house is being re paired. John Kimball is doing the work. The house is being resided, re- shingled and also is having many im provements on the interior. When fin ished it will practically a new house. ALGONQUIN : „ B. E. Haeger has been to lowa. Will Jones was in Elgin Friday. Leon Helm was in Dundee Saturday. Mrs. Ed Peter was in Dundee Friday. Dhdley Chewning is still on the sick list. Sadie Lobeck was adty visitor Thurs day. Mrs. Mary Keys is confined to the house. ,, George Jones was a Nunda visitor Friday. R. B. Haeger returned from Iona Sunday. Mrs. Hart, of Woodstock, visited here last week. Mr. Shears,of Huntly,called on Mends here Sunday. Mrs. Ada Browft,*! Iona, left for So lon Wednesday. Mrs. Mensoh, of Cary, was a caller here on Saturday. Geo. Wood has been out of the factory with a sore neck. £ Jay Van Slyke has moved his family here from McHenry. Ed McKay, of Elgin, visited his par ents here over Sunday. Ruth Yerkes has given up her situation in the Condensing factory. R. W. Haeger and daughter, Anna, were in Dundee Wednesday. The Algonquin choir union met with Anna Adamek on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Andy McKay, of Chica go, spent Sunday with relatives here. Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. Eldredge, a 7 pound boy, Dec. 5. Alt ate doing nicely. ' Mr. and Mrs. Leon Helm aje quail with R. W. Haeger and faimly last Thursday. There are very few men at wor c in Condensing factory here. It is a com mon thing to hear of men being laid off. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Keys and Miss White had a very close call on Sunday night by" gas escaping from the coal stove. At this writing all are getting along nicely. Miss Lena Wandrack entertained her young lady friends very nicely on Fri day evening from 6 to 8 o'clock, it being her seventeenth birthday. An elegant spread of three courses was served. Those present were: Vera Haeger, Anna Adamek, Emma Jayue, Vera Thread- gold and Nellie Ford. Clearing sale--Owen & ChapelL Corre«poac)ehta Take N<>tlc«i. Every week we receive tardy com munications from correspondents, too late for publication. All items for pub- licationfshould reach* Us not later than Tuesday. Now that the winter months are here we hope to receive weekly com munications from all of our correspon dents. Some have neglected writing during the summer. Commence next week. We want your items. e Just Saved His Life. It was a thrilling escape that Charles Davis,of Bowerston, O., lately had from a frightful death. For two years a severe lung trouble constantly grew worse until it seemed he must die of consumption. Then he began to use Dr. King's New Discovery and lately wrote: "It gave instant relief and ef fected a permanent cure." Such won derful cures have for 25 years, proven it's power to cure all Throat, Chest and Lung troubles. Price 50c and $100. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Julia A. Story's drug store. If you wish to cure a headache po it with . r Want Column. CTRAYED--Black heifer two white feet. A ° suitable reward tor its return to J. 1'. Cleary. 20-tf Xj^OH RENT OR SALE-Farm of about 140 acres for easli rent cheap, for sale at a bargain, ;> in lies northeast of McHenry on the banks of Pistakee Lake. For information apply to Wm. J. Myers, 212 Franklin street. Elgin, 111. 33-3UJ. "CV->R RENT--A completely furnished ft room J- cottage together with barn and chicken houses located on the Pistakee Bay road until May 1st 1901 for |5.00 per month. Apply to M A. Howell. "C*OR SALE--The Schneider farm, adjoining the village of McHenry. composed of lis acres. Part of the above is located on the Fox river and makes very desirable summer homes. For price and terms apply to Mrs. Mary Schneider. McHenry. 24-3t LOST--Between M. J. Walsh's store and Ed. Thompson's farm, on the Woodstock road, new gray shawl. Finder please leave at M. J. Walsh's store and oblige. * •« MRS. JIM. MCDONALD. "CVJR 8ALE--Fifty fall pigs. Two to three -1- months old. WM. BONSLETT, »•«*', A\i . , A . Weft AeHeiiry. is destruction of lung 1 growing germ, precisely as moldy cheese li destruction of cheese by a growing germ. If you kill the germ, jou stop the consumption, ifou can or can't, according to when you begin. Take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil i take a little at first. / * > ^ It acts £$ a food; it is the e a s i e s t f o o d . Seems not to be food; makes you hungry; eating is comfortable. You grow strong er. Take more ; not too much ; enough is as much as you like and agrees with you. Satisfy hunger with usual food; whatever you like and agrees with you. When you are strong again, have recovered^ y^ur strength--the germs are dead; you have killed them. If you have not tried it, send for free sample, its agreeable tadte will surprise you. « SCOTT & BOWNE. - Chemists, 409 Pearl St., New York. 50c. and $1.00; ail druggists. The i • i:'iiis< • has this pu isi'c n it, take no other. ItofttlatanUd from Gen. A. C. Hmwley Washington, JX ,CL DR. Q. C. TALLERDAY, Belvidere, IU.Q , DEAR StR:--Your Pain Tabfefcs^and Hot Drops were need in treatment at "The Soldiers' Rest," and both medi cines in every instance where used proved satisfactory, doing everything claimed for them. It is with much pleasure an opportunity is offered me ol recommending both the Pain Tablets and Hot Drops, and feel assured they will meet with the approval of all who may use them. Respectfully, A. C, H A WLEY. Belvidere, 111. I have always had such terrible headaches, and about one day every week I would have to give up and go to bed. I have used three or four bottles ot Dr. Tallerday's Headache Tablets, and they have cured me, as I hardly ev er have headache any more. I always keep the tablets on hand, and, if I feel a a headache coming on, one tablet is all that is required for almost instant reliel MRS. J AS. FOWLER, 1122 Cherry St. Burlington, 'Wis. , I have have had sick headaches for «ver thirty years and have used all Rinds of headache wafers, but it was a happy time when 1 got a bottle of Dr. Taller- day's Pain Tablets. I insist on them and take no other. They have no equal MRS. A. E. VAUGHN. Denver, Colo. I can not get along without Dr. Tallerday 's Pain Tablets. 1 never saw their«qual for sick headache. MRS. A. S. CARTER, ' Highlands, Denver, Colo. Manufactured ĵ y THE TALLEROAI MEDICINE CO., Belvidere, 111. For apto jbf JULIA A. STORY, - McHenry GEO. W. BESLEY, - West McHenry =r 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS I RADE IVIAnns DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. 'Anyone sending a sketch and description may qntfikly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention Is probably p.-iteiitable. Oommnnlca- tionsstrictlyooiiBdontial. Handbook on Patents sent, free, oldest auency for Becurlnir patents. Patents taken through Munu & Co. receive $ptc,UU notice, without charge, lu the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I,.iivest cir culation of any seientilic lournal. Terms, $3 a year: four months, (1. Sold by all newsdealers. : MUNN Mo.36'8-4""Hew York Branch Office. G36 V Bt_ Washington. D, C. Agent lor iSaglc ; •. * riacbioe _ • for sale1 •• .«• . ALL KINDS BTVMS VtOve* and -J' -Pipe" always cm ha" WEST M HENRY, _ 16 wwmms&ir leads Them AH. nv> Our •Olivette" "tiee'Hive**: •m "Empire Cwbtin (HAS. L C A Prdduce .Best* Dressed Poultry, Qame, Furs, Butter. NEW YORK, Write for presat hM Soflins i|ets Price SOCIETY P I N S en Masonic Maccabee Beauty Pin# work only in atch and clock repair ing. A11 work gtuuraa- teed for one year. Sew i»g machine repairs of Hakes .»;•:* itjhSi-» for «4 fW S T O V E S ? Bead what People say about - Friedley's Stoves. The stove I bought of yo« works In every way. Iam well pleased with tt. ANTO» VVKBSBU The No. 15 Empire Acorn I bought of jroof gives good satisfaction. It can't be beat. WM. TISCB. The stove I bought of you is giving excel-1 lent satisfaction. GEO. THOMAS. lam well satisfied/irtth the cook stove bought of you. _ Gut). COLBT. Last year I bought a No. 15 Empire Acorn *»f | you and must say it has given good satistact*;; ion. I would heartily recommend it toa..y on«* for good heating and economical use of coal. Afrros BAKBIAH. The Acorn cook stove I bought of yep Isi No. 1. JACOB Bossiiifî ' The two stoves I bought of you (one and the other a heaterjare giving ] faction for doing good work and,te,| fuel they are unsurpassed. E. B. ] Three years ago I bought a cook you aud hare found no fault with it; For baking it cau't be beat. NICHOLAS WIH^IYG^ ̂ •; I am more than pleased with the Jk';r' bpught of you. .For economical use and heating purpoawr U can't be beat. JACOB HMSSU. „ . V - 'V '4 Remember we kave over MO will publish during the think of our Stove*. A. C. FKIEDLEY, • iOMrla Hardwara. %1nwatw, Steves, Etc. Chicago & North-Western. what BUM! is ta Des I'lalnes..,. a Des I'lalnea.... WEEK DAY TRAINS. A rvfve lit'Henry. u m \.,4.55 p ia •». " ..4.44 p n> HCNDAY TKAINSt * ..Via Des IMaiues.^k^ii-Il.M a ni Via Elgin...^J.5.00 p m WKKK DAY TKAISt. ' Arrive - ^JL'htcago. .... Via Elgin a ta ... 4. via lies rltiine»..,.i<. y.30a in 8J3a m..i.,4..>Tia Pes Plained.-,».50 a m 8.18 p m. . Via Elgin-- ,...,t;.5.50 ̂ m •; ft'SDAY TKAISS. 7.38am... .....Via Des Plaiuef...Mi.9.!J0» ' ' ̂ \ ^ ^ J ^ * Leave , Chicago.': 8.10 a m. 3.15 pni... 5.05PM... 0.10 a m... 2.02 p m... Leave N McHenry. 7«32A M... 7^2 a ni.