Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Dec 1900, p. 4

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fmigg&m. w.AjCmwt, jMucPBOintR: I^ lNBtaBO*,N<>.«tti • - Cltisena\ No. 1 TMHt or suMefktrnon: . . . t u # OF StS °8u5w5»ttons received jtor JkMe fconths4a til? same proportion. ^ flundiy, December ao, 1900 NOTICK. The figures on the label after your the date to which your subscrlptJoe Is For instance, if the label on your paper reads I oo&mend the paymeiK of Sept. 1. M9, It means your subscription Is paid J th_ _ severalanMKuits allowed as follows, to-wit: Sept. to Sept. 1, •». If you do not understand that the figures on your paper represent the date to which you think you are paid, notify us, gtviug date and amount of your last payment, »o(4»e will try and adjust the same. Orders bedrl nt-s due shi ittooopiea' i Into the c the com item in court to, t h e c o u n t y l f » „ dork. was referred the Circuit clerk for the •g leave to suh- 011 tm> matters be­ at's salary per year, 11,000. further recommend clerk hire remain at $750 aTwhteh Isreseootfully submitted. WM. rrs»Jto«>. Chmt s. K- OI^ABK, H. M. TOplf*, W. A. CBI8TT. The committee on claims made the following report, which waa adopted, to-wit: r. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board i; Your committee on claims to report that they have®*-" presented to them ana rec- - the following and _ . to issue orders Oh treasurer to the claimants for the th&tthe taeaaawaV Lynn W Bichards, , taking 51 oaths for board ot review Rte&uns ft Jewifct. premium on ins 901 l add to poor l'ouse * blppee, lab bd of rev39days..,... " l o f r < - - - - - -f?Donovan. lab bd of rev 55 days . , 1 Joitn A Dufleld, pub ballots Adnrtltm, Athmttwl Ifitatil Arnold, pre on ins on adn for insa Those desiring their ads change* mwtl We | l̂ fb^ ̂ ± spy in this office not later than Monday night I g g still, 5^ bd of rev 1®8 hrs @ 85c*... . . ^ - ~ S h e p a r d . S h e p a r d ' s I I I a n n o t a t e s $ 5 00 43 00 78 00 55» SO 00 C" >. 1" copy - ^r./'. is we positively cannot make change* after that time. An tmprejttScal Journalist ia Warii- j j^wa^Dwyer, same ington declares that President McKinley more power in influencing Congress- g^eHerrj^reoTg Barnes witty* 1 P O V a i l , s a m e ! I Charles Young, same. «,, ley, Peo TO Bennett wttjfeni.. ional legislation than any Preafclentsiiioe i p o Vail, same. « -- j g g Y c • c Lincoln has had. LJ Hills, a Mikh AsM $ ;:S ' $L' iS : v1 '"<*« 1500 500 40.10 500 •2 75 220 2 30 2«0 240 >90 2 » IS 8» 2 » 220 *» 610 210 3 00 2») ft i ; &L THERE seems to be no good reason for] Peter Valely, Peovs Novak wit fees-- keeping Oklahoma, with a population 1^^ke,,»^e.. .. .". .. X' of nearly 400,000, out of .tafahood my iMger; and New Merioo and Art™. L ^ere .uW.::".: are also ripe for statehood. I oharles Higbee, same • -<aassss= • -- | Ed "Widener, same You can neyer tell what a woman will do. A Wyoming candidate for Con- j Lewis Vopei. bHfees Sep termcirctru. gross declared that the woman vote was ̂̂ ndm,,le.r\B!l̂ yo^L!Mle.bc!1!1: MMV to set. 8UT to keep and easy to | J D Donovan, aoo ft gas pipe and labor. easy to get, easy TO 1' ""V 111 Int Feeble-Minded, cltli® for A Hill manipulateand the women turned out Uenry Keyes, janitor and jailor servl- m Vi_ Wmminro alortinn I ces fromJune 1.1800 toNov.30,1800 21000 m« gave Mm his trimmings, eiecuon i Theo hammer, del bits and inst n crds 45 oo JU. I I>r E V Enderson, attending prisoners.. **•** --=5s---s=====a=== I Henry Keyes. dletlngprisoners from ATTIGWY ««afa oMfi THFL AFJITFT IRF IOWA I JUN© 1 to NOT* 80> FTOO. raw years ago rae scaw « .»»w» i gamê feedlng jQrors 3 a> laid showing as great vaJnes in J ^ame, chair springs 170 Ite^rtr^lbmltonl oo^rt-rilUi. rSSS xoinaiof motels in Ui6 oooutiy* I Woodstock Sentinel Co, ptg pub Mlts n. This year it goes far beyond that The fetput of the farms of the .tote for the I SS j M r k t m r n n w . w h i c h ! b n o t t u t o - 1 « 7 » hind gross output of the gtdd mines! same, same, Peo wWBMott.i.....4... of all parts of the globe. The gold rain-11, P Card,' Jgs t̂e'(W^Edwinp'apite 220 220 290 290 290 400 1780 1000 aos 560 995 455 19 55 n iflMfee IMS he he sutwequent iaagood cie»k% give • )!§n* rich and brtt- t. No odor. malm, sold ElMii Think you wiU be pleased wit our Holiday Assortment, cx>^a^4Q vite your and - .. fcjefllmjri the 6»xes on this property m all fore ySTpetitioner verily b§Ue«w san D. woosier has not owned thte . sin«J Jane 14, l«W,and that thejMuneliaa a. anpUoate assessment since that Therefore your petitioner belieyea hW be entirely worthless, except that it ckma anon the title of S. iiarties holding tltle«e-4an narter ot the sontfcaaet range 5, and jrO*^ lit ttet the amoimt o{ ft!| prop- tohlm ittb- '5,andyo«r the amoiwt becessaryf^xpense of quit- erty to the rightful owner, lyryogr honorable body, ^ Subscribed and sworn to before day of Dec., A.D, 1900. . Q. F. BPSHTON, County Clerk. Sup. Brotzman moved that the claim be paid on presentation to the county clerk by J. F. DeYarmond of a quit-claim deed conveying to the several owners any color of title he may have to the se£ se} section 32, township 46, range 5, or any part thereof. Carried. Sup. Beck«noved that a vote of thanks be tendered F. E. Stevens for his cour­ teous consideration of the board during the past year as chairman. Carried. Moved and carried that the board be allowed their mileage and per diem for fhis December meeting and committee work. No other business appearing, board ad­ journed, on motion of Sup. Beck. F. E. STEVENS, Chairman. Attest.--& F. RUSHTON, Clerk. PROBATE NEWS l^Wm Henry Lambrechfc. R^mrt of OGfhdition of estate. Petition to's ;̂lPM^«state to bay debts filed. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Bernard D. Bell ..Bingwood Alice N. jp«r»ill -- Solon Mills The mofi effective little livtar pillB made aM 3^Witt s Little Early Risers They n««ar gripe. Julia A. Story. Total... C J Hendricks, sendees ren'd Jaa Lake® Henry Keyes, cash paid G Bennett and F Ehrke for labor for county 7 00 W C Wellington, sidewalk around ct h. 837 01 A Dwlght Osborn, bill of goods H D Holmes, blf2 days gro jry Sep trm Theo Hamer, expenses tax levy......... ingiwdnstryofall lands is jnelding about $315,006,000 tiie current year, more than three times that of ten years ago. The returns on the farms alone for the next state to tta fWB* of ns show a business of lito proportions, and with a much I Theo Hamer. expenses tax levy......... brtMr^^ f̂U Moreover,Iowa I 1. growing mr jmr M an tsdaitnl I f g 21 state. ___________ I Chas Snyder, gravel ana dirt for grad TO BSFEAL BANKRUPTCY LAW. Alinag tiw Wlls introduced into the.--ughing notice to contractors. v - f T t DF^^wtrtaS. iaiwi peal of the bankruptcy law, to take ef- j city of Woodstock, elec Ughts Oct...... feet Sept 1, next It is high time this Wank notic^! misscahie makeshift of an affair was I 111 Northern hos, cloths for co patients done cway with. The givn for its adoption was that it would give good bosinegs men, who hail gone down under some unfortunate deal, a chance to get cm their feet again. Ac torn and Heartbeats have taken advantage of ittoonchait extent, however, that it ...11274 98 500 Lrnold. lab 1 | J B Babcock, publishing Ohas Snyder, gravel and in* at court bouse City of Woodstock, elec lights and watr Chas C Snvder, two loads of gravel... .. Harvard Herald Oo, blanks and pub- . . . J P F Pettibone & Co, bill of original excuse game, same ft 45 5 00 200 4 33 30 30 4200 235 13 55 1930 130 700 320 45 00 2149 50 170 15 ?2 0108 28714 Total...-. $144913 All of which Is respectfully submitted. R. J. BECK, Chm, JOHN WELTZIEK, S. E. CLASS, N. BROTZMAN. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. D T Sm i l e y f t w t o L B C o m p t o n , t o t s 1 & 2 & 13, blk I, Strode's addn Wood- st<x-k 9 2S000 Nathan B Helm & w et al to Albert & Settle Bloom, e% lots 6 & 7, blk 6, Hart's 1st addn to Harvard .....1300 00 John Hannaford toWalterJ 11 anna ford, lots 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8, blk 5, EI _ Smith's addn Woodstock 10000 7 & 8, blk 5, E stock H Hannaford to W J Hannaford Bradl blk 5, E I Smith's addn Woodstock,.. 1 OO&c Geo A Hannaford & w to same, same... 1 OO&c Walter JHannaford to FredLKimberly, same.. 78000 Charles Exera Brown & w to Daniel F Quin lan. lot 5, blk 18, Spring City addn to Woodstock.... ^ 1500 William Struwing et al per guard to James Lowe, lot 4 & ne% lot 5, blk 1% Plumleigh's addn to Algonquin 5 00 Beka Struwing et al to same, same..... 100 PROBATE NEWS Estate of Daniel Sweeney. Petition to sell personal property at public sale filed. Estate of Jacob Barth. final report filed. Estate of Wm. N. Palmer. Sale filed. Estate of Joachim Freese. Final re­ port. Proof of heirship filed. utmwttwmt--wMttmmwtiiituwiiniiii BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. Continned from page t SSI CHRISTMAS of whichisw 40 espectfi N. BBOXZKAS, Chm, r-Mmu 6. D. Otuaa, H. D. OOVBL • • *The committee on finance made the j following r^ort, whidi waa adopted,to- j wit: Ifc. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board i at Supervisors: Yonr oommitteeoo finance, to wboni was referred the county collector's I bond ln the sam of seventy thousand dollars, I would beg leave to submit the foUow-1 Jag wpoct on tbe matters before them: That] «r« have exajnined said bond and And It In form wad sufficient securities, , following named cltixens, nddenb of a*y Conner: Frank FAxtell, E^astus E. nuUbn C. Jewett, MerrlttLJaslyn, Amos K. Bmaker, George K. Banker, William I M. Stewart, George H. Hoy and M.D. Hoy. We Would respectfully recommend the approval Of pfriBtti We would further recommend that the coun-1 ty treaiurer lie authorised to procure the | nec«Mary fonds to pay the running expei ot the eoonty until such time as suraclent I money has been oollected from the current | year's taxes and turned over to the 1 CHAS. L Ptms & (0. "A CASH','! Produce Buyers Dressed Poultry, Game, Furs, s Egga and Butter. 304 DUANE STREET, NEW YORK. Write for present paying pikes. mssi I am to the Mark«« Pmr :S ^ fi •' • zm i r... •, ....w./'fe IM^Z i: a can Sntkfl Meits, i - Illinois "9 j ."'jl _ • ' ,.i ii BARB1AN BROS. ^Makers of 1 HVL;' * pine Cigar«„: ' v r Our Monogram" lO cent Cigar -Leads Them AiU J * Our Leading 5c Brands; ^pBvette" ««Barblan Bros. Best" '":>§I«SMver" - "Bee HIv# : ••Empire Cuban" -Geo. Meyers- MAXi ;.-eVr air OBNERAlj'^t-W;? TEAMING Mallkindiii^* In the meantime remember reduction sale which is being, < Fiouf |fist: *; - y *" *. 1 JA ,81^4 article at $i.oo per sack F..WATTLES (Successor toR. B. Howard) All kinds of Fresh audi salt Meats always on hand ̂ Vegetables an#CpllS CSnnned Gtoods, •*. ; BtUcery Qoods a Specialty AH Kinds Of Salt Pl?h. /* f-: .Highest market Kioea ? {Mid for Hogs, Cattle, Sheep* Hides and Tallow FatCtottle a specialty Fresh Vegetables and Fruits received fresh dally. (Orders from Pistakee Bay will jH^afive "" prompt and carefnl attentloa '̂' Call on me I will do the right thing with yoti. F. WATTLES, West McHeory, 111. Lonv dUtance tcl.pkone, 308 CJtleeng*telephone 17 , * ' 'J h\- if , ^ »•; West Mctlenry, 3H iu i .ii [[ii 11 geagggaaasiCB . C. EVANSO / When a physician prescribes beer for a patient, it is. Schlitz beer, A physician knows the value of purity. * Ask him how germs aifect beer and he will tell yet# that few stomachs can digest them. He will say that im­ pure beer is unhealthful. ' Yon will know then why we brew Schlitz beer under such rigid precautions--why we even filter the air that touches it; why we filter the beer, and sterilize every bottle If you knew what we kpiow and what your physician knows about beer, you, too, would insist oo. Supplied in the wood or in bottles by ' jw- Excavatingarid ..rf;.;; Grading:. ̂ . . " V'i 'X^ McHenry, - Illinois 0iiieits liliat y^u eat. It artdflclally digests thefopd and a|d» I Kature In strengthening and recopp strucUng r * ' " -- ~ gans. Itls ant and tc.-- . can approach It In efficiency. It in* *' *srman|Hitlycoreaj on, HeaHburn, AH TON EHGELH McHenry, Illinois 'y -l*r * <: ' • ( " ' • ' ' ^ 'J 4 t x £ r ' \^S C Vt' h ' • } ft < ^ v' ' •J v We have an elegant line ci P+j f, f f [ Jbaaas Goods on hancl and yon ' j' 5'-""4 the miss it if you* do not come see them. Everything in line of Notions, Perfumes, fays* Etc. m , r,:\, 4 . *• f !( far the various town collectors to lea, and i treasurer I meet said I money to be produred at the Tweatrateof interest posalble. AU of which is reepectfolly sumbltted. W.Jw OBiMT.Ohm, JOSEPH 8. Mix, . L. t. HQT, JOHK Wmoix, • tuks. ;• vv 'i'*1' v /«> 4^,, A ZM}< - • fi cH f/ The committee on claims and fees and . salaries being not ready to report, Sap. //:.v Beck moved Quit tiie board tit Tuesday morning. Carried. • ' NINE A. M., TITKSDAY. ^4*1 ' ®oard met pursuant to adjournment. ^ * .At roll-call the following named super- Jrisors were present: Sups. Brotzman, ' Beck, Coruue, Desmond, Mills, Stevens, . Weltzien, Hoy, Clark, Turner, Covell, /»< -i Jit?"* B^teh, Criaty, Gracy and Mratch. cw^nittee on fees and salaries ̂ " ' made the following report, which was]4& adopted, to-wit: *4 } •iMk y '""VZ-v ^ d L ' V ' JULIA A. STORY, flcHenry, HI. „ % vji.'. . <* r f . ' , • . Prepared by C. C. DeWITT ft CO. ChlcagOi ] JULIA A. STORY. nice for Christmas a y t \\ } " i, i We have a larger, nicer and more exclusive line of Christmas Goods this year than ever before and you iniss it if you do not call and look them over. It is always a difficult task for a lady to select a gift for a gentleman, j /. .v bnt we are confident that $ <$*11 at will make the task e^sy, ' A Due lfriQ Qt f ¥t /1 V1- ' ' I , ^ ** I . * V* * * \X • ALBUn#|t^ rf-? EBONIZED BRiJSH and COA^S ' r PERFUMERY in FANCY gOTTL.p5 TOILET SETS I f & ' M i l , TP a n v ' DM tciu CDTG v A>r- 1 v Vi\' ̂ ^ a., ( / 1 &•" •!,' . " ^..V' ,V- SO v. ty *"v*, 1 f ^ r n i U T A R Y B R U S H S E T S ' " • 'in**' . . CONFECTIONERY Pine«t assortment ui k lb Twias. '• " >r»" ' ^ t " 4»i ' , -y '̂4, M *> . West McHenry, IU. j>WWMIIIWWWW^^ there anything nicer for a Christmas Present Our line is better and larger lanever. Look it over JACOB JUSTEN, 151 McHenry, III. P\:i im i'W" k ' Mr. Chairman and Qentlemen of the Board Of Buperriaors: Your committee to whom was refwrred teeaand salaries would beg leave to / aalBralt the foUowlng report on the matters OS. per la half ft ending Dec. L 1900, and heretofore rep as not recA Totals Stationery, telephone, express, etc.. Clerk's salary half year Total Balance due clerk $y&S*r: Sheriff's fees in snl OOBHTT CLXBK. . . „ Earned. Becd. 1 robate fees 11380 08 9 671 IB | T * 'a fees in suite In court. .. 87800 30000 j l lUmeowservice m» M4 951T W pts dor half year for serv Special reduced prices in all departments during the Holiday Season 847 81 08461 760 00 M 7 ....flT18 46 i , - - . 1 1 4 5 4 Earned. Becd. court..96 i 14000 " " 4154 and rec'ji^seiiectttos. ^54 »sa6 es: - . •, telephone and •tps. half year.... ... ..« Wt l»f 897 40 _%tal.', JB07 00 Balaam due sheriff....... ̂v*.. ^09 51 CiadOHC CIJHW. \ , Earned. . ...f 78100f J suite In court.... 63885 478 50 Dm June report 51815 r half year for serv « ireptdandaotreed 4085 aiaaBKHTttoo Ladies', Gents' and Ohildrens' .HANDKERWL 100 dozen just received. Prices ac up to 50c each Barfis in Fur M We have about 20 left which must be sold STAMPED IMS Doiles, Tidies and Pillows Ladies', Gents' and Ohildrens' .HANDKERWL 100 dozen just received. Prices ac up to 50c each Barfis in Fur M We have about 20 left which must be sold Several new ideas in children's HATS*CAPS Ladies', Gents' and Ohildrens' .HANDKERWL 100 dozen just received. Prices ac up to 50c each We have a superb line of Gloves and Mit­tens in Mocha, Kid and Yarn. They are always very acceptable Xmas presents Several new ideas in children's HATS*CAPS BOX PAPER in tints and in many new and fashionable ideas. Nice for gift. YOU MUST USE FLOUR Try "Pillsbwry's Best" or "Sleepy Bye" Sold under pos i t ive guarantee . . . . . . . . %. . Cults ill NtteHits, a nice assortment to fill up the little stockings with. Low prices Agent for the McHenry Branch , " w * f of €bicago ,ym-y This we will guarantee to be the finest beer Sfeold in McHenry, and a trial will convinc^p you of the fact. It will be handled in barrels, ifhaives, quarters and eighths. Your patronage will be t V f / ; , U'<- L?>' ^ ̂ . We«t iyMlenry y ; iBear in mind |:|warranM,» Try it that every keg of i' ; r' i . i f rS , 'A# JHemry, "um

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