Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Dec 1900, p. 5

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•Y „ , < ,, ; *• *'• t,3 "Ov * " .*. C-. *, and 50c music *.t ^F.*. Music, which is sold at prices as low as the lowest c per copy and all 25c music at 5c per copy If you wtsli to present a friend or rel­ ative with a nice present for Xtnas, why not select a musical instrument? We have a nice liiie of $*naM instru­ ments at very reasonable priced.;, .V . V12 VIOLINS SlPANJOS A?? "MandoliM' - ACCORDIANS GRAPHOPHONBS ;̂ AUTOHARPS 'Si. GUITARS HARMONICAS; M'--V *AV<- ' -'C V MUSIC BOXES ,nt, t L *#> > 'V' ; • .vf***-,"*** (K Strings, rosin and everything per­ taining to musical instruments...... The finest line ̂ Ladies^ 6 and 0 sizes and the new 12 size for gentlemen. These are without exception the fin­ est goods for the money that the marMet affords. They are all 20 year Boss filled cases and fitle# with either El­ gin, Waltham or Duber Hampden movements. We also have the high grade Hamilton Railway movements which are now considered the best in the world..... \ K . - u fi '4 'x 1 "j * , ' e ' *• .g * ^ \ „ * |r * V - 1 * „ . < \ v < . V - -V, \ " ^ i < , * , , >: T: •- i 4 ^ . v / ' V> % < 'v'Jjr*'At v"l/ \ ^ ^ « Jfe* *. ./Ju»t u> i* ^ ^ *1* - , 1 i £<$[$£ . SOLID GOLD 1 We have about four dos&ft &)!id gold rijigs with Turquois, Emeralds, Ru­ bies, Pearls, Opals and other fine stone settings, some of which have been sold at $2.50 wholesale will now go at $1.50 and up\ #'s#$.%^.>•»»»..****>. '< r.:* J -%*!• - PIANO: SCARFS Alt (3.00 awl $4.SO grades at $2.00 " 1.50 •• 2.75 " «' 1.00 in ail the Latest >* 4* /, ; -v ,7 WIPIX NEIGHBORING NEIVS AS CHRONICLED B Y OCX ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS HARRKVILXE. John Fleming, Sr., is on the sick list. Miss Tena Baird spent Sunday at Ifttnda. Fred Matthews assisted T. Thompson Monday. A. Grautham passed through here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Willington spent Thnrsday at Nunda. ? „ , Earnest Hill is assisting J. Hunter with his farm duties. . > Alva Shales, of Crystal Lake, spent the first of, the week here. Will Wilcox, of Burton's Bridge, in town one day last week. Leonard Smith, of Barrington, transacting business here Monday. JkL Sutton from over the river was ynalring calls in this vicinity Sunday. « Wm. Wingate and daughter, Bertha, spent Tuesday of last week in Chicago. Miss Clara Thompson called on Miss Lena Church at Terra Cotta Monday afternoon. Floyd and Robert Thompson spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Wm. VanNatta. T. W. Ames and Henry McMillan, of Terra Cotta, called on friends here Sun­ day afternoon. Mrs. Ruth Turner, of Nunda, has been visiting with her brother, Wm. Van Katta and family. Miss Clara Thompson entertainad her cousins, Floyd and^Miss MabelleCarr, of Greenwood Sato|&ay and Sunday. Mr. and Mra Wm. Van Natta and son, Irwin, spent Sunday with her fatiier, John Wright over the river. Edmund .Fleming is home from the city, where he holds a splendid position, *to visit relatives and his many friends. Carley Kannack, Hazel Robinson, Ethel Bremer and James Howell have been oat of school on aoeount of atefc- 3f RICHMOND. f "|U*y Alexander was a Chicago visitor tile day last week. P. G.Skinkle spent a part of laBt week at Racine and Kenosha. - ©. H. Taber attended to matters of business in the city last week. Mrs. S. R. Ward spent a few days of ifmt week with Chicago relatives. ^ H. E. Boutelle and son, Frank, were Chicago visitors one day last week, 0rie Harrison has returned rim an extended visit with friends at Geneva. Mrs. M. Stone has been entertaining ber mother from Hebron, several days. Mrs. Mary McConnell spent a few days of last week with relatives at LaGrange. Mrs. Malissa Ercanbrac, of Janesville.; Wis.,is spending a few weeks with rela- jty»mthi» Tillage. ^ . <r± \.k M. _ tUm * m ***** th*NMlytM«MtMlils voto. Kick Miller returned from Wisconsin Wm. Richardson andftunily will soon move to Elgin. Theo. Wortz has taken the mail route for two years. Mat Miller is building a new house on his lot in Volo. S. J. Russell and Frank Vogt were in Chicago on business this week. Miss Carrie Schroader, of Chicago, has been visiting at Harry Nicholl's. One of our Volo young men will soon be married to a Chicago young lady. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Russell, of Chicago, were hereto attend Mrs. Smith 'B funeral Monday. Mrs. Delia Booth was here from Hainesville Monday to attend lbs, Smith's funeral. Mrs. Hannah Sine* returned to her home in Waukegan Monday last, after a several weeks* visit at Raught Bros. Mrs. Albert Raught and Miss Mary Raught attended the bazaar at the Methodist church at Wauconda Thurs­ day and Friday. Several of our young people attended a dancing party at Douglas Wait's at Fort Hill Friday night. About twenty- six were present. All report a fine time. The G. C. a and W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Simon Davis at Fort Hill Friday, Jan. 4. Dinner will be served. All are invited, gentlemen as well as ladies. Died--At her home in Elgin, Dec. 15, 1900, Mrs. Charity Smith. Deceased was well known here having lived here moat of her life. She leaves a mother, Mrs. Laura Hnson, two daughters, Elsie and Lanra, two brothers. George Mid Wm., of Volo, two sisters, Mrs. S. B. Russell, of Chicago, and Mrs. Williams, of Iowa. On Nov. 2,1899, her husband, M. D. Smith, departed this life. She died very suddenly. In the evening, she, with her daughters, attended church and slie died at two o'clock in the morning. She was a cultured, christian woman, an active earnest worker in the church. Especially she was a home woman, ministering to the wants of loved ones. Her life will long be held in loving memory by her friends and dear ones. Pearls fyaund in is talking abo Mountain Pearls." Did1 they core liver constipation, bad digestion, nausea, dull headache, dizziness and foul breath ? There never was a pill sold ttrhich acted so quickly and gen aW they don't gripe one bit. is'allwe ask--we know what £uit p|| be. ^ JULIA A, V SPRING OBOVK. £ The masquerade ball given last Friday evening netted $31.25. Mr. and Mrs. W. C, Moss visited Chi­ cago Sunday and called on their friend, Dr. Emma Warren, whom they found seriously ifl. . - Married, at Woodstock. Wednesday, Dec. 12,Bernard Dennison Bell and Miss Alice Merrill. Both are well known here and the heartiest congratulations are tendered. Last Wednesday night Jesse Richard­ son had his hand caught in a corn shred­ der thereby losing part of his thumb. But for the breaking of the cogsit would have been much worse. About ten o'clock Tuesday morning Wm. Shotliff dropped dead on the Nip- ersink bridge. He was apparently in his usual health and had started on an errand near Solon. Having some affairs to attend to in the village he started to walk there, his team being just behind him, driven by his brother George. The body was discovered instantly and taken home to the sorrow stricken wife and children. Though seldom giving up his work he has been a great sufferer #6r many years and it was known his con­ dition was serious. His brother Ranee, of Wilmot, was engaged in plastering Mr. Watt's house but a few rbds away. Other relatives have been summoned. He was a member of Wilmot Lodge, I. O.O.F.,and also of Gpring Grove Camp, No. 1358, M. W. A., being one of the charter members of this camp, and carry­ ing $2,000 insurance. • ' to WAUCONDA. ,Mm M. Ford and MissLida Chicago Sunday. Harry Fuller transacted business in Chicago Monday. Mrs. R. C. Wells returned from a visit to Chicago on Saturday. Miles Lamey, of Barrington, fTM a pleasant caller Wednesday. Charles Yonkey, of Barrington. called on friends here on Monday. Mrs. Elmer Wood, of Chicago, Is visit­ ing her sister, Mrs. T. Oaks. Percy Wells, of Arlington Heights, visited relatives here Monday. John Hodge, of Rockefellow, attended the Odd-Fellow's dance on Friday even­ ing. M. W. Matvin conducted teacher's meeting Saturday morning at the school house. A number from here attended the funeral of Mrs. C. Smith at Volo, on Monday. Mrs. L. E. Hughes, of. Dixon, 111., is the guest of her parents, Dr . and Mrs. C R. Wells. " Articles offered for sale at the church bazaar sold readily and netted the BO- ,ciety a n< at sum. The little folks an preparing a fine program to be given Christinas eve at the M. E. church. Mrs. Harry Fuller in spending the week with her mother, Mrs. L Went- worth, in McHenry. December 25, a Christmas dance will be held in the Oakland hall. Reed's or- chestra, of McHenry, will furnish thtf music. , The reception given by the Wauconda Odd Fellows was not largely attended as the unfavorable weather kept the ad­ joining lodges from responding to the invitation. All who attended had a very enjoyable tame. IMp 00 You have used all sorts of cough reme­ dies but it does not yield; it is too deep seated!. It may wear itself out in time, but it is more liable to produce la grippe, pneumonia or a seri­ ous throat affection. You need something that will give you strength and up the body! SCOTT'S EMULSION will do thb when everything die Wis. There is no doubt about It It nourishes, strengtftens, builds up and makes the body strong and flealtfi^ not only to throw off 1Kb hard cough, but to fortify the sv item against further attacks. If you are run down or emaciated you shook! eertainiy take this nourishing food medicine. %oc. *fid all drueglsts. SCOTT & BOWKE, Chemisis, N*w York. Bell Telephone. The following are the names and number^ ofthtt patrons of the MoHemry and Wes' McHenry exchanges of the Chicago Telephomj Oo. Residences only are specified. Alii are business houses. SIMON STOFFKL, Manager. 7" ; J 884 AuringerOr.A.E. r 831 Owen O W r ; V 343 Bealey G.W .drug 314 Owen & Chaste!! Besley G.W.hotel 252 O'NeiU Rev.P M r ZK Barbian Bros 2f>H Barbian N E r 'Mi Boley (i F 21<1 Brand John F 812 Bueh J J 2XlChitpeU8 8r 381 Chapelt (' C r 1 Chicago Tel Co m O'Neill Re*.! StiPiMteC L r SIX PtalatfMlar Co. MS Roaedale Clob JM BOH Dr F O . fOB Rott Br F C# MB Sotnmers Geo r 964 Spur 1 lug l)r A C r Sherman M r. r . 322 DermontMrsShotel 372 Stoffel 8 r 304 StoBtel S postofflne 5 Btoffel 81 moil ItOK f!? Story J I r Ml Story Julia A r 371 Stafford R W SI 8nyder Bros 3 Tweed RG Want Column. OTRAYED--Black heifer two white feet. A ^ suitable reward for Its return to J. P. Cleary. 20-tt fjV>R Rest OB «AJ,E Farm of a»w)ut 140 x acr«» Cor eub tent cheap, for sale at a bargain,Suitesadt&east^^of McHenry on tl»e blinks of Ptetadcee JLitke. For information apply to Wtal J. Myers, 212 Franklin street, Eigln, HI. 22-3m. "fc^OR SALE--The Schneider farm, adjoining x the village of McHenry. composed of 148 acres. Part of the above Is located on the Fox Hver attd ' ----- tomes. Far ji Mary very desirable summer id terms apply to Mrs. [enry. 24-3t 281 Engeln Anton 283 Engeln M 833 Fegers Dr C II 854 Frvit t Chas G 901 Fisher ft Corntah 943 Hanly Geo 2 0 8 H a z e l E J r M 8 H e r t z H L V t34 Heiuier 3m 103 Holts & Stilling 8 0 4 H o w e A L r 338 Howell M A r 208 Jensen H M • 813 Justen Jacob r 344 Justen N J 223 Lamphere €. E. r Ki Lorimer Wm r 244 McHenry Cre'm'ry MS Whiting W Company. K1 Wells iVr I) 1 361 MeOmber PL 7 Western 1J Tel Co 374 Mead H O r 8 7 3 Wlghtman Harry 383 Owen LUr * TOLL MM*IONS. ' / V, • Geman Village........ P. JMW.Jte ^ .Toimsburg John P Lay. > McHenry Gilbert Brothe|fti Mineral Springs.. ,B- Ericsson. t 1 Pistakee Bay Ben Stilling. % Solon Mills.' W H Davis, 20c.i Spring Grove.. A Neish, 20c. Village of McHenry pumping station MS Village of McHenry public school |B3 Village of McHenry Slarshall's res H8 VanSlyke J m Wattles F Hi; ; 864 Walsh Jac k r IWHEELERESAFEV •*'r\ DON'T BE FOOLED! @ T«totlw|wwl»t, wlil--i ROCKV MOUNTAIN TIA ketfw jrod w*U. Oar • tHto. Aak jrMW draalit v» nvfvr wm If you wish to cure a headache » do it with Dr.Tillerdiy's PatoTiMets Te*tin«onlal FROM Gen. A. C. Haw ley _ „ „ * WMhlagtoii, IX a DB. a C. TALLERDAY, Belvidere, X1LQ DEAR SIR:--Your Pain Tableta and Hot Drops were used in treatment at "The Soldiers' Rest," and both medi­ cine# in every instance where used proved satisfactory, doing everything claimed for them. It is with much pleasure an opportunity is offered me of recommending both the Bain Tablets and Hot Drops, and feel assured they will meet with the approval of all who may use them. Respectfully, ^ * A . C. HAWLEY. " 1 « Belvidere, Ili I had such terrible headaches, and about one day every week I would have to give up and go to bed. I have used three or four bottles ot Dr. TaUerday's Headache Tablets, and they have cured me, as I hardly ev­ er have headache any more. I always keep the tablets on hand, and, if I feel a a headache coming on, one tablet hi all that in required for almost instant relief MBS. J AS. FOWLER, L M Cherry St Burlington, "W is. 1 have have bad sick headaches for over thirty yean and have used nil kinds of headache, wafers, but it was a happy time when I got a bottle of Dr. Taller day 's Pain Tablets. X insist on them and take no other. They have no equal •. E. VAUGHN. Wn*wl f *f • •- - .• . ̂* - . ~ - i •H'-i - A fall W*u Wm* an Ktatf* * n s a c a l l f ^ \ii : i Conway & TMtBank rebei| buys ness Stkiot^Mi^e^i mantMl^jAidi -talw ly sMisftloloryto our eni n^rtal *n< given to collections, Mad tended to. in^1rstClasB< est rates. Wn.fcM "•'•'Pi# - .-•» iviawt ^,V'!i. '• Denver, Cola " I «ui not get along without Dr. Tallerday's Pain Tablets. I never »w their equal for siok headache. MRS. A. 8. CABTEB, " Highlands, Denver, Cola HlMUfcttBWd by THE TALLBBDAT MBDUDXME 00„ MTMin, HI. For sale by JULIA A. STORY, - MeHcnry GKO. W. BESLEY, - W«at JteHmry 60 YEANS" •XPEN1ENCS PATENTS Wat Tiifknts and Children. Tie KM Tw Ian Always Boagll Bears the SignAtnreof If the average man would look him­ self squarely in the eye, he would see at once that he needs Rocky Mountain Tea. A priceless* boon to menu 85c. Ask yonr druggist. . V ̂ i" '..ti J t ,1M. ,.j • A -V, /MS nant pos at ouce NNttMd Expenses >able woman. Perma-1 ice unnecessary. Write, ETHtTBOVPS! 'BLOOD PURIFIER Prompt Positive Pure Pfe*s*nt It destroys the Microbes and Germs within the Blood, flee­ ing it from all parasitical ele­ ments, producing a healthy circulation, thus acting direct­ ly upon the diseased conditions and upon the fundamental and controlling organs of the body, and removing all morbid and secreted matter. MICRO GERMI will quickly cote Eczema, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Ulsers, Varicose Veins, Tumors, Tetter, Sores, Boils, Pimples and all scrofu­ lous conditions. It will destroy the germs, dispel the humors and purify the blood as no other remedy. I KMME MMM Denton* CorvnraHTS Ac. PS1QB Oil DOUAtf rVXTKMM TACTS Scientific JMerfcan. niit..(Kt culation of any •w iswinift hb F St. w year; loarnoBu MUMI&Gp Branch Offlo*. i Chicago & North-Western. STOVE": Read what People say Friedley's Stoves. The stove I bought of youi in every way. l am well pleased ! The No. Empire Accra 1 gives food satlsfactkm. Itean'ttw) w*| The alove I bought of JOB is lent satisfaction. I am well satisfied with bought of you. *' ̂ Last year I bought a No. IS ] you and must say It has givenjj km. I would heartily recomt tor good heating and econc The Acorn cook stove I No. 1. Ja< The two starves 1 bought of |̂ | and the ot her uheaterjuregtvi ' faction for doing good work ai _ fuel they are uusurpaased. H| Three years ago 1 bought a you and have found no fault wttl̂ | For baking It can't be beat. N,c®iW I ass more thaa pleased s bought of yoa. For ecouomt and heating purposes it cant I wlH pabUsh Sarl«g tlw tkiak of ear Stent, A.C. DMterla JSODERNREMEDYOCk KEWANEB, WL SpUaad GTTASASTXB) tf % Pa. i JULIA A. STORY, McHeury Leave Chicaie. 8.10 a mi.. 3.15 pm. . . 5.05 P m... 8.(6 p 1 WUK DAT nuoas. .. VSa Des Plalnes ...Via Des Plalnes SUKDAY TBiDK, ..Via Des Plaines... Via Elgin. wm DAY TRAMS. Arrive McHenry. am . ..4J5pm . -AMp m . 11.14 a m ...M»pm : 4 *i*r . v\ • "2>-, - , J" , i McHenry a E .VI* Via Des Via .its a m. 7.32 a n. 8.33 a m.. SO200MLV VFTAIKS. V 7.32 am. 7.38 am. . 116 pm .X# i

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