Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jan 1901, 14 000 7.pdf

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Wholesale and retail •>»-<; •a88N^.' £?&.« * , , r\< •S Sneked Meats, Sausife . V*"' mm fcs$ •* j McHenry - Illinois Steam Fi and Windmills and Olood and Farm machinery A tall line In every department are prepared to do jj/'V"- - 11 M»iHf Will NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY, OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS W*H Owk of all KhuU _ G i v e l i s - a c a l l • • Conway & Rattiey Ringwood, III. mi. Lilies' Belt Buckles Watch Chains Bracelets Cost Price SOCIETY P I N Woodmen- Masonic Maecabee J, 'et Foresters Beauty Pins First-class work only In watch and clock repair­ ing. All work guaran­ teed for one year. Sew­ ing machine repairs of *11 makes JOS. SCHNEIDER, • MclfOiy, III. o-- F. WATTLES f-t ' (Successor to B. R. Howard) 'All kinds of Fresh and salt Meats always on hand » " Vegetables and ' ' • Canned Goods. Bakery Goods a Specialty .^11 Kinds of Salt Fish. Highest market Prices " paid for Hogs, Cattle, Sheep, Hides and Tallow. Fat Cattle a specialty Fresh Vegetables and v received fresh daily* Orders from Pistakee Bay will receive prompt and careful attention. Call on me ;"I figtt do the right thing with you. & * • ' V « V T % W A T T L E S , |l l, ' WwScB^.IIl. IfV; " Long distance telephone, Mp -**>, OitUnaa'telephone 17 * - ' BAR.B1AN BROS. " Makers of K * *1- Fine Cigars,f • "Our ffi# • •*? nogram lCTcent Cigar Leads Them ML Our Leading 5c Brands: . . "Olivette" "Barbian Bros. B« "Silver" - "Bee Hive" "Empire Cuban" »* -Geo. Meyers- QENERAL TEAMINQ -0f all kind#. mg Grading. & , .-S,. y | McHenry, Illinois WMINO GROVE. *Miss Edna Prince has been qnite ilL Dennis Kirarifish i» a Chicago visitor at present. . »• The engine fee .lb* new mill arrived last week. Hon. Fred. Hatafc wq* a Woodstock visitor Monday. > • Ernest Peacock, of Greenwood, was a caller here Saturday. John Baker returned 'to his home at Lotus Point Saturday. Mrs. Kate Shotliff transacted business at Woodstock Monday. Miss Bessie Stone returned Sunday after a pleasant vacation. Mrs. Etta Esh has been very ill the past week. She is now gaining. Richard Oxtoby is enjoying the mumps at present and there are others. Mrs. Henry Wheeler spent seveial days here recently caring for her sister, Mrs. Esh. Wm. Lichty has purchased a new bar ber chair and placed it in the'hardware store for the present. Peter Wagner has his new building framed and work is being rapidly pushed This building is two stories high and an improvement on the one burned. Constipation neglected or badly treated, leads to total disability or death. Rocky Mountain tea absolutely cures constipation in all its forms. 86c. Ask your druggist. Samuel Mcllwain fell outside his door one very cold morning reoently and was unable to .rise until passers-by saw and came to his assistance. His daughter, Mary, is at home with him now. Among the many who have been sick the past week and are at the present time are Mrs. Laura James, Mrs. Chas. Andrews, Miss Alice Reading, Mr; and Mrs. Moss and children, James and Duain Bell and Harold Colby. Between the grip and mumps few are slighted.- Sore and swollen joints, sharp, shoot­ ing pains, torturing muscles, no rest, no sleep. That means rheumatism. It is a stubborn disease to fight but Chamber­ lain's Pain Balm has conquered it thous­ ands of times. It will do so whenever the opportunity is offered. One application relieves the pain. For sale by Julia A. Story. * Old People Hade Young, J,C. Sherman, the veteran editor of the Vermontville (Mich.) Echo, has dis­ covered the remarkable secret of keep­ ing old people yoting. For years he has avoided Nervousness, Sleeplessness, In­ digestion, Heart trouble, Constipation and Rheumatism, by using Electric Bit­ ters, and he writes: "It can't be praised too highly. It gentlv stimulates the kidneys, tones the stomach, aids diges­ tion, and gives a splendid appetite. It has worked wonders for my wife and me. It's a marvellous remedy for old people's complaints." Only 50c. at Julia A. Story's drug store. BARRKVILX1S. E. F. Matthews was in McHenry Mon­ day. Mrs, Andrew Wingate |i still very sick. Frank Wattles, of McHenry, was seen on our streets Friday. Miss Grace Huffman, of Elgin, was a visitor nt our school Friday. C. W. Starritt, of Winnetka, was call­ ing on friends one day last week. L. Burton and C. Jacobs, of Nunda. transacted business in this village Mon­ day. James Cleary and sop, of McHenry, were making calls in this vicinity the first of the week. Misses Lizzie and May Ames, of Terra Cotta, spent Friday evening with Miss Clara Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Van Natta, son, Irvin, and Floyd and Robert Thompson spent Tuesday at Wm. Wingate's near Volo. Robert Wingate, Jr., of Gilbert Sta­ tion, Iowa, has been visiting his old friends and acquaintances here for the past week. Bessie Babcock, brother, Lee, and the Misses Frances and Opal Warner, of Prairie Grove, visited our school on Fri­ day afternoon. Our little village WHS the scene of con- siderable excitement on Saturdav even­ ing all on the account of the marriage of our justice of the peace. It dulls the scythe of Father Time, drives away wrinkles of approaching old age--the elixir of life, that puts hope in the human heart--Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask your druggist. His Wife Saved Him. My wife's good advice saved my life writes F. if. Ross, of Winfield, Tenn., for I had such a bad cough I could hard­ ly breathe, I steadily grew worse under doctor's treatment, but my wife urged me to use Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, x which completely cured me." Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, La Grippe, Pneumonia, Asthma, Hay Fev­ er and all maladies of Chest, Throat and Lungs are positively cured by this mar­ velous medicine. 50c. and $100. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Julia A. Story's drug store. RIDGEFIEU). J. H. Parks was in Woodstock Thurs­ day- H. Thayer, of Chicago, visited his par­ ents here Sunday. Geo. W his ton, of Holoombville. called noil friends here Friday. James Westerman and Chas. Ambler were in Woodstock Friday. Miss Lola Lynch visited at Geo.Whis- ton's, at Holcombville, from .Friday un­ til Sunday. Mrs. Hubbard and sons, of Elgin, who spent the holidays with her parents here returned home Thursday. Mr. Aimers, an old resident, passed ftway to the great beyond Friday, Jan. 5, 1901. The funeral services were held at tiis late home Sunday afternoon*- inter­ ment in RMgofitiH oemetery. OSTEND. Our dream of sleighing never mater­ ialised. School begaa Monday with themmal attendance. The greatest homage we can pay to truth is to use it Mrs. Chas. Corey is assisting Mrs. Bobt Richardson this week. They are never alone that fie ac­ companied with noble thoughts. Mrs. B. Harrison and Mrs. F. Martin were Ringwood visitors Saturday. Miss Mary Brott is a new scholar at our Sunday school. She is welcome; Mr. and Mrs, Schroeder, of Ringwood, were recent visitors at Henry Hobarts. Mr. and Mrs. Edward French were Wauconda visitors two days last week. People seldom ever improve when they have no other model but themselves to copy after. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Thompson, of Woodstock, spent New Year's day at Mr. H. N. Thompson's. Samuel Clark and sister, Orvilla, were Woodstock visitors Sunday after noon. Mr. Clark had his hand dressed. There will be a social at the home of Mrs. Brown, of Cherry Valley, for the benefit of the minister. All are invited. Never bear more than one trouble at a time Some people bear three frinHa, all they ever had, all they have now and all they expect to have. The sick in this vicinity are all im­ proving with the exception of one, Miss Fannie Jecks, who, we are sorry to say, is not getting along as well as we hoped. Genuine Rocky Mountain tea is never sold in bulk by peddlers or less than 35 cts. Don't be fooled, get the tea made famous by the Madison Medicine Co. Ask your druggist. Samuel E. Clark was injured quite badly last week in his corn husker. His left hand was bruised and cut quite severely, but it is getting along nicely under the care of Dr. Primm. Next-Sunday evening there will be Honor day exercises at our Sunday school. Gold and silver medals and di­ plomas will be given to those faithful in attendance. Rev. Nickle will deliver an address to the little ones. Bring th»m all out to hear him. Rev. D, C. Dutton, of Wauconda, will deliver a fine lecture here in the near future. The subject is "Man in Earn­ est." Mr. Dutton is an orator of no small repute and will be at the school house Thursday evening^ -JaiV 17. weather permitting. When threatened by pneumonia or any other lung trouble, prompt relief is necessary, as it is dangerous to delay. We would suggest that One Minute Cough Cure be taken as soon as indica­ tions of having taken cold are notioed. It cures quickly and its early use pre­ vents consumption. Julia A. Story. Are Ton Conntlpated ? Do you have that tired feeling? Do you feel sluggish, billious and out of sorts generally T Do you have sick head­ ache? Do you have pimples, eruptions, blotches, ulcers, sores or other results of constipation? To be healthy, the sewer of the body, the bowels, must be kept in an active, healthy condition, and nothing does it so well as BAILEY'S LAXATIVE TABLETS. They bring a clear rosy complexion and a clear head. A tablet or two taken at night makes you feel fine in the morning. 10 ct. packages contain 20 tablets, and 35c pack, contain 60 tablets. Choclate coated. W. J. Bailey, is written on each package. Lakeside Medicine Co., Chicago, Prop. Sample free. Remem­ ber they cure constipation. Sold by Julia A. Story. Feb. 15, 00. ly. VOLO. Louis Lobdell, of Grant, was in Volo Monday. Miss Sarah Fox is visiting in Chicago and Evanston. j Mrs James Kir win was an Elgin visi­ tor Thursday and Friday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Huson, January 4, 1901, a daughter. Mrs. Graves and daughter, Mary, of Firh Lake, were McHenry callers Friday afternoon. Mrs. Gill returned from Elgin Wed­ nesday where she has been visiting Wm. Richardson and family. Our teacher, Miss Mary Freund, of Wauconda, is quite sick. Her sister. Miss Katie is taking her place in the schooL DIED. Jason S. Converse, an old resident of Lake County died January 8rd, 1901. His demise was due to kidney trouble combined with advanced age. He was born Dec. 11, 1821 in Brookfield, Orange County, Vermont, the lastsurviver of the children of James Converse. In 1847 Mr. Converse came west and located in Lake county at the present homestead. Sept. 9th, 1849, Mr. Converse married Jane Lamphere to whom were born five children: Cyrus R. Converse, of Gary, Dak., Alma J/. Walton, of Volo, Elam Converse, of Chicago, Katharine B. Dowell, deceased and Cynthia A. Con­ way, Mountain View, Wyoming. Fun­ eral from the house Saturday, Jan. 5th, at 1 p. m. Interment in Fort Hill cent* etery. CARD OF THANKS. We desire to express our sincere thanks**) all those who aided so much during our recent bereavement, espe­ cially to the choir. MRS. JANE CONVERSE . MRS. JOHN WALTON. ELAM CONVERSE. To Whom it May CoMerq: We wish to notify the citizens of this county that we have secured the agency for Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, the great cure for Constipation, Indigestion, Sick Headache and Stomach Trouble, and guarantee it to do as recommended. We alwas keep the best Drags on hand and solicit a call, promising the very best of everything. Yours truly, JULIA A. STOKY AND A. W. BESLSY. vis­ it Harry Fuller made a business trip to Chicago Monday. - Miss Jennie Green h<M returned from a visit in Chicago. Mrs. Mary Cooke is very siok at the home of her daughter* Mrs. Clough. Miss Whitney returned to her home in Chicago after a visit to Miss Mary Glynch. Miss Winnie Pratt returned to Chica­ go Monday, after a visit among her young friends here. Mrs. L. E. Huges returned to Chica­ go after a two weeks' vacation spent with their parents at Wauconda. Elmer Golding and Chester Sowles returned to their school in Chicago on Monday, after spending the holidays at home. Mr. and Mrs. Hauglan returned to Chicago Monday, after spending a week with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Martin. Misses Mary and Lucy Spencer re­ turned to Chicago after a two weeks' vacation spent with their parents at Wauconda. The old folk's dance was very largely attended. Over 100 couples from this and adjoining towns were present and enjoyed the dance and Landlord Grath- am's delicious supper. John Hodge, of Rockefeller, attended the I. O. O. F. lodge here Friday even­ ing. Mr. Hodge brought with him for exhibition a large collectibn of interest­ ing and valuable curios sent from China. The school directors* this week pur­ chased one of Yaggy's geographical portfolios and placed it in the school where they believe it will be a great help in the study of geography and as­ tronomy. Reconsidered. A Topeka man lost a small opal set out of his ring and went to the jeweler to have it replaced. Returning home he found the lost set and, putting it in his mouth for safe keeping, hurried to the jeweler's to have that set used in­ stead of the new opal. Rushing into the store he said: "Say, I've found the old set, so don't use that new one." He attempted to remove the stone from his mouth, gave a gnlp, looked sheepish, and said: "I guess you'll have to use the new stone." The man needed a bottle of Dr. Cald­ well 's Syrup Pepsin. Sold by Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. The Plaindealer office turns out the best job work. You know it 1 Deal's Celebrated Antlaeplct and Preventive. of all diseases. One of the greatest medical discoveries for women. We have thousands of testimonials to prove its great merit. An article that should be in every household. Cannot fail to bring the aesired result. Send at once for a box with fpll instructions. Sent free--any part of the U. S. for (1. If once tried you will always use it. The only genuine antiseptic on the market. Address, MME. DEAL, 280 Jackson BonU Chioago, IlL 51-ly Few persons have courage to appear as good as they really are.--Hare. A Prominent Chicago Woman Speaks. Prof. Roxa Tyler, of Chicago. Vice President Illinois Woman's Alliance, in speaking of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, says: "I suffered with a severe cold this winter which threatened to run into pneumonia. I tried different reme­ dies but I seemed to grow worse and the medicine upset my stomach. A friend advised me to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and I found it was pleasant to take and it relieved me at once. I am now entirely recovered, saved a doctor's bill! time and suffering, and I will never be without this splendid medicine again." For sale by Julia A Story. A stout heart may be ruined in fortune bnt not in spirit.--Hugo. Beat Out of an Increase of Hit Pension. A Mexican war veteran and prominent editor writes: "Seeing the advertise­ ment of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, I am reminded that as a soldier in Mexico in '47 and '48, I contracted Mexican diarrhoea and this remedy has kept me from getting an in­ crease in my pension for on every re­ newal a dose of it restores me." It is unequalled as a quick cure for diarrhoea and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Julia A. Story. To die is ^distinction of which no man is proud.--Alex. Smith. The Mother's Favorite. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the mother's favorite. It is pleasant and safe for^he children to take and always cures. (ItNts intended especially for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, and is the best medicine made for these diseases. There is not the least danger in giving it to children for it contains no opium or other injurious drug and may be given as confidently to a babe as to an adult. For sale by Julia A, Story. Tola hr UH. "Wbdtfer or not we believe la phfe> tiology, physiognomy and kindred sci­ ences, were are some peculiarities of feature that are quite often indicative of certain traits of character," said an observant man. "From no one feature of the face can the disposition be more accurately read than from the lips and especially the upper lip. Tlie lower One Is less prophetic. "A person with a short, sharply curved upper lip is nearly always of a happy, lovable disposition. One witb a short but straight upper Hp is apt to be of a low order of intellect and coarse in his tastes. The person with a long, straight upper lip is the one to beware of. He bos a will like adamant, is not always thoroughly trustworthy. Is apt to be quarrelsome and jealous and is more often than not an unmitigated politician. If he is gifted with a strong intellect he will make his mark In one way or another; If he is not he may become a harmless person, a parasite or a scoundrel. The man whose^opper lip protrudes Is apt to be a shrewd business man. "The person whose mouth has a de cided droop at the corners may be a hu­ morist a hypochondriac or a poet The possessor of a mouth curved In the style of Cupid's bow Is indeed happy, for in nine cases out of ten he also possesses a refined, aesthetic and yet practical nature, susceptible to every beautiful and ennobling Influence."-- Chicago Record. Old Faahloaed Cancer Care. Take the common sheep sorrel which grows in your yard and which children eat because of Its sourness, mash it up Into a pulp in some vessel that will save all the juice that would otherwise be lost, then put It Into a bag and squeeze out all the juice on to a pew­ ter plate to get some of the acid from the metal, then put this out in the sun and let it dry until about as thick as tar, then put in tight bottle. If the skin is not broken, put a drop of chlo­ ride of potash or lye on It to break the skin and then apply the sorrel on the cancer, Just covering It with a thin coat If the sorrel gets too thick, a little water will make it so that It can be handled. The pain will be severe, but it Is oth­ erwise harmless. It will stop hurting in a few hours. Keep up these appli­ cations, one every day, until the cancer can be lifted out without pain. It took four days in my case. The sorrel will cook the cancer, but It does not eat It as it does the flesh, hence it eats all the flesh away and lets the cancer loose. When you see the cancer, put the sorrel on It and not on the flesh. When the cancer is out, heal the sore with any kind of healing ointment--J. A. Wayland in Appeal to Reason. Conceit causes more conversion than wit--La Rochefoucauld. •nj Their Lepers Alive. The Chinese have a curiously cheer> ful way of disposing of their lepers. The relatives of the afflicted person propose to him that they bury him alive, and, such is the fatalism of the Chinese, that the victim readily con­ sents. An extra elaborate meal Is served to him in the way of a farewell banquet and then the funeral proces­ sion forms. The man who is about to be Immured under the sod follows bis own coffin, and when he reaches the grave he takes a dose of laudanum, bops Into the box and settles down for eternity. Dr. Wittenberg, writing on the sub­ ject of leprosy In China, states that the pure nerve form Is the least common. In such cases, as is well known, the pa tients may go on for years. As to the mixed form. It is fairly common, but It Is a difficult matter to estimate the number of lepero in any given district The sufferers lead the common life so long as they remain free from destruc­ tive lesions. When these occur to any marked degree, the leper Is either seg­ regated in a but or be Is allowed to wander about the country, sustaining life by begging. Dr. Wittenberg re- qords cases of direct contagion from motber-ln-law to daughter-ln-law. CAST She Rind Ton Have Always Bought* aa use for over 30 years, has borne and has been made sonal supervision riaee Ha Allow no one to deeelve yam ,jjMI Counterfeits, Imitations and " Juat-ag-good" acaSii that trifle with and endanger the linaHhi if and. Children--Experience against What is CASTORIA - . A is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil* Drops and Soothing Syrups, It Is Pleasant. Contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other imbstance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Wooi allays Feveriahness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Willi It relieves Teething Troubles, cures ConstipaftkNi v Flatulency* It assimilates the Food, regulates tftM},. eh and Bowels, giving healthy and aiotpfc - v ̂ggjZhe Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend* . GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 11 ^ Bean the Signature The Kind You Hare Aiwa In Use For Over 30 Years. TMCTIMUW OOWWUWB Y? MWMMUT TMN, WNTOENEGMI n Cbe 20tb Century started in with a Welbave the necessary ar ucfes at exceptionally low prices I li; keep yon wars*. | Men's Camel Hair Underwear* worth 60c, for 40c I " Heavy ribbed Fleeced, Ladies' 44 44 Underwear ^ Boys' 44 Fleece 44 | Children's Heavy Underwear Men's Duck Coats... ? 60c, for 40c 35c, for 35c |5c, for 35c . < .8c to 60c '# * < * . f.. * »». . . 75C to $2»25 •W •'4 • CASTORIA For Infants and Children. llw Kind Yon Haie Always Baugtt Bears the Signature of Our distrust of another justifies his deceipt--La Bruyere. Quality and not quantity makes De- Witt's Little Early Risers such valuable little liver pills. Julia A. Story. Want Column. XX7R1TE to the Moler Barber College, Clilca- " ' so, 111., for their catalogui explaining how they teach the trade in two months, do­ nate tools and pay Kruduaji's $12 weekly. They want 500 men, new field, splendid chance CTKAYKD--Black heifer two white feet. cnttuhlA Mwavd ft.c pat.nvn in _T A suitable reward for Its return to J. P. Cleary. 20-tf "L"V>K KENT OK SALE--Farm of about 14tt -1- acres for cash rent cheap, for sale at a ii'pairi. 5 miles northeast of McHenry on t!«* banks of Pistakee Lake. For information . „ to Wm. J. Myers, 212 Franklin street, Kin. 111. 22-3m. Oreralla, aU sixes. 75C, 85c, ffcoo .Oroceries, Flour, Etc, • at.Lg^sst f|>rJws». • Yours Oood* Delivered ProMptljr. Loot dlstaao* 'phone No. HJ. wmtr. •ft P^OK SALE--100 Barred Plymouth Fowls, 50 cockerels, 50 pullets. Choice birds. Price to f l each. Address or inquire of J. V. Buckland, Kingwood, III. 25-im. sold at a bargain. Inquire at this office. 26-4t* jjV)K KENT under of Bishop' Farm of lZi acres, nearly a'l ultivation, situated % mile south mill. Mas. M. CLEARY. 26-3t* <sw£ XpoK SALE OK KENT--A farm of 204 acres, *- with flowing well, with thirty cow» or 'more, one mile from butter factory or depot. Inquire of H. C. Mead, West McHenry, 111. »-it This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablet. the na(4f that tnrca m eoM in one Watches were first constructed in 1476 Pearls Fpund in Vermont. is talking * Giptm Mountain Pearls." yaw that they cure liver troubl •onstipation, bad digestion, nausea, lull headache, dizziness and foul >reath ? There never was a pill sold vhich acted so quickly and gent] alW they don't ©ripe one bit. is wLwe ask--we know what, salt w|l be. JULIA AVSTORTT $60.00 per Month tot Expenses can be made by a capable woman. Perma­ nent position. Experience unnecessary. Write at once for particulars. CUARK St Co., 234 South. 4th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Chicago & North-Western. . WKKK DAT TSUIB. Leav® Chieaifc 8.10 a ViaDes Plalnes... ........Via Des Plalnes.. a.15 p i 5.05 p: Arrive McHenry. ... .a&0 a m ....4£8 p m . . .6.44 p m SUNDAY TRAIMS. 8.10am..... ..Via Des Plaines... 2.02pm.....;. Via Elgin....*.. „VBK DAY TRAIHS. Leave McHenry. 7.32 a m.'....n ... 7.:J2 a m. 8.33 am.........Via Des Plalnes. 3.18 p m.... Via Elgin SUNDAY TRAIHS. 7.32 am... ... ..Via Des Plalnes... fcVam Via Iglgiai.....; 10JD a m 8.40 pm .. 11.14 a m ...5.00p m Arrive Chicago. . .Via Ebria. 10.10 a m . .Vis Des Plaines 9.30 a m .#.50 a m ..MSp m 7.82 a m to buy furniture. There-always# a few quiet weeks after the holidays and the furniture dealer has time to look over his stock. We still have an* un­ broken lot and as a consequence offer many bargains in # : • TM V •> 1 m PARLOR SUITS CHAMBER SETS EASY ROCKERS > 4 DINING TABIDS " .. RUGS, CARPETS ;|j CENTER TABLES We have a nice line of Picture Frames J4£QB JUSTEN, x- " V j -- ' . M Mclien mm P U R I T Y is a very essen­ tial thing in a drug store and in buying drugs and patent med­ icines we bear thfa in mind. We guarantee our stock to be of the purest on the market.... A COflPLETE STOCK Not only is our stock complete--it is fresh and new in every department We have secured the service* of H. A. Goddard, a competent pharmacist, which insures accuracy in compounding prescriptions Fancy GooJls, Notions,4 Toilet A rticles, Fancy Stationary flchool Supplier Wall Paper, Paints and Q£ls Druggist's Sondriee { Ringwood, Dl. J. S« BROWN X;-, lis

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