Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jan 1901, p. 5

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1 . MMM ttlMM Mkd mind ntnu cm FP COR M WDENTS mrnAtm Itui ami Wood tMkf and Farm machinery A tall line ID every department . 4 ^ *<? • ,... . /,•*#;* w* artftajpasa®'; £•'«**. • " •' to'do "iv Well Work of all Wndl " ttiknttoll Conway & Rainey Ringwood, III. ; 1 ' ' ' • ' 'v-1 LMies' Belt Buckles Watch Chains Hfeand Bracelets W:#: m CostJRrice SOCIETY P I N 5 Woodmen Masonic <$> ' '*& rm •IV; .Foresters 4- ^• , ^ \* u ^f,*1 First-class worfe onl̂ m • . . watch and clock repair­ ing. All work guaran- > teed for one year. Sew­ ing machine repairs of all makes JOi. SdHIEMt, - JWUIQMI ••<5 F. WATTLES to R. B. Howard) I kinds of Fresh and salt Meats always on hand -ay ̂ > Vegetables andfl&t &Canned Gooc^s. ' > Bakery Goods a Specialty -15 All Kinds of Salt Fish, i tcf, ). f Highest market Prices 'r-, paid for Hogs, Cattle, Sheep, Hides and Tallow Fat Cattle a specialty Fresh Vegetables and F^ts received fresh daify. v * Oxders from Pistakee Bay will reoeive \r * ' i _ prompt and careful attention. ••}*£, "v Call on me % will $> tile right thing wi V F. WATTLES, WestMcHeniy, Hi distanoe telephone, 3» telephone IT BARBIAN BROS. Makers of Fine Cigai s, M i 4* /r-' 10, cent Cigar Them AII. ^ Leading 5c Brands: }, •'Olivette** "Button Bros. Pert* ••Silver" - "Bee Hive" "Empire Cuban" JJ * tm 'X.? -\1k'rL *rfV " •<«* * ,ii\ , ers- h rx • s,% t ' * >~ i QEfJlERAL Hi TEAMING , ,// ' of all kinds./ Excavating and Grading. Sunday visitor at d» on what may pos- " ; " ' ' J&Aart was a McHenry vis- was a recent caller at a McHenry Woodstock, called on J4iss Ooe way for a lawyer to rise at the m wm on a chair. Un. E. E. Basaett were Woodstook visitors Sunday Bd. Martin is well again after having a hiccough for two or tree days. Mm Robert Richardson and children were Woodstock visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mr§. Bernard Harrison were visiting at Herbert Thompson's Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Thompson and family were Woodstock visitors Satur­ day. With the possible exception of her tongue a woman can generally hold her own. Willie Phalen and Willie Thomas were visiting Roy Hobart one day last week. Mrs. Oren Prickett, of Nunda, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Harrison's Sat­ urday. Mi8$ Anna Harrison and Mis. Oren Prickitt called on Mrs. Edward French Saturday. When a married man has no mind of his own his wife is apt to give him a piece of hers. When it comes to saving pennies a woman will save a dollar before a man has saved ten cents. A New Jersev man tried to teach his cow to eat sawdust, but too much edu­ cation killed the cow. The "»»* needed a bottle of Dr. Cald­ well *s Syrup Pepsin. Sold by Julia A. Story and (J. W. Besley. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin convinces you of its merit the first dose you take. Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. Mr. and Mrs. Thad Seymour, of Wau- conda, were visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Davis' the first of the week. Rev. Mr. Nickle preached a very fine sermon to the children last Sunday evening. He will preach again in two weeks. All come. Mr. T. A. Abbott recently purchased, at Chicago, a carload of horses seventeen- in number. We understand they are for sale at his place. B. Harrison and Mesdames William and Warren Thomas and B. Harrison attended the installation of the officers R. N. A, at Greenwood Saturday even­ ing- Such little pills as DeWitt's little Early Risers are very easily taken, and they are wonderfully effective in cleans­ ing the liver and bowels. Julia A. Story. Miss Fannie Jecks, who has been sick for some time, is, we are glad to say, stronger. We hope this fine weather will bring her out again all right in a short time. The merited reputation for curing piles, sores and skin diseases acquired by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, has led to the making of worthless counterfeits. Be sure to get only De Witt's Salve. Julia A. Story. SPRING GBOVK. Miss Anna Cole has been sick the past week. Warren Cole started on a trip to Utah Saturday. Walter Carey, of Wilmot, waaa caller here Sunday. Alex Tweed, of Fox Lakp, waaa caller here Monday, Jake Adams, of Ringwood, was a caller here Tuesday. Mrs. Wilson has spent several weeks at Richmond lately. Robert Thompson returned Saturday from a trip through the west. Mr. Gates, of Hebron, is papering the rooms over the hardware store. Dwayne Bell had a relapse and has been very sick, but is now gaining. Chas Granger, of McHenry, snipped a carload of hogs from here Monday. • James Flemming and family, of Bat­ tle Creek, Mich., will move here soon. Robert Godfrey arrived here from Baraboo Wis., Saturday and is now staying at Robert Eshs. Frank Oiberg, of Chicago, came out and looKed over his summer hopae at Lotus Point Saturday night. Quality and not quantity makes De- Witt's Little Early Risers such valuable little liver pills. Julia A. Story. Wm. Lichty is having a temporary building pot up on one of his lots east cuf the post office to use tor a baiber shop until spring. At a special meeting held Saturday aft-rnoon, Jan. 12th, the Nippersink Camp of R. N. of A. installed the fol­ lowing officers for the year 1901: Oracle, Mrs. Jennie Oxtoby; Vice Oracle, Mrs. Lizzie Neish; Marshall, Mrs. Laura James; Recorder, Mrs. Ida Westlake; Receiver. Mrs. Adeline Coates; Chancel- ler, Mrs. Jennie Moss; Sentinel, Mrs. Andrew Stevens; Manager, Mrs. Libbie Bell. The community was startled and deeply grieved to hear of the death of Mrs. Belle Thompson which occurred at her home near Richmond, Friday night, Jan. 11th, 1900. Mrs. Thompson has spent many years o- her life m this vi­ cinity and all will miss her cheery words and bright greetings. She leaves her husband, Chas. Thompson, one son, Dean; four sisters, two brothers and a host of relatives and friends to mourn her death. The funeral was held Sun­ day from the home, interment being made in Cole cemetery. Bay* having charge. RIDGEVtSU*. ' E E. Kinlans was in Woodstock Fri­ day. W. H. Munroe was in Woodsto# Sun­ day. Will Yanke was in Nunda on business Friday. Mrs. S. Wakefield was in Woodstock Monday. Lawrence Church visited relatives in Elgin Saturday. J Wilbur Levey virited i* Senefta the first of the week. Bert Ward visited with his brother, M. W. Ward Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Reed and Mrs. S. Wake­ field were in Nunda Friday. _ * _ Mr. Gibson and daughter, Nell, visited in Chicago the first of the week. Mrs. W. J. Garrison entertained com­ pany from Greenwood last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Whiston, of Holcomb- viiie, visited their son, Frank, Monday. Mrs. J. Doyle, daughter, Muriel and brother, Mr. Carmichael were in Nunda Wednesday. Constipation neglected or badly treated, leads to total disability or death. Rocky Mountain -tea absolutely cures constipation in all its forms. 85c. Ask your druggist. .avoziiAi >H» KM You Haw Always I Denniso® Monday. 1 iuina J a visit at Earl guest of Mrs. T< Chic&gd ;ONDLU went to Chicago on h--£ -*• *i i iiod of Wankegan, is the fnade a business trip to spent grand- McHenry,̂ was a Chicago visitor 'edneeday. M»" Johft^eroiniwes has returned from a,ratplfew York. C. W. itow ̂is at home from Chicago snffenagftiaia severecold. ' a^vi^^gi»daat^ Pauconda. C8*°* Miss SMaer#en*B visited friends in Uoaa^kpl week returning on Monday. Th»~MMKH*ic lodge, of Wattcoiida, en- rt^jsed a bawiuet ia their hall on Thursday evening. Tuesday evening the Rip Van Winkles entertained their friends at a small dance in the Oakland hall. A dime social was held at the home of Miss Mary CHynch last Thursday even­ ing. It was well attended. Mrs. Fanny Pratt, who has been visit­ ing friends in this vicinity for sometime, returned to her home in Chicago Sunday accompanied by Mrs. Eugene Jeuks. The fttSMfal of Miss Emma Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Davis, of this lifaiGQb place in the M. E. :hurch on Saturday at ten o'clock, Rev. Duttoa officiating. On Thursday evening of last week Elmer Pom entertained his young friends a* a party and oyster supper at his home. About t wenty young people were present and a fine time is reported. NORTH NUNDA. Chas.Gibbsis visiting friends at Elgin. Ed. Frisby is numbered among the E. P. Flemming, of Chicago, was a pleasant caller here Sunday. D. Whiting and wife, of Ringwood, were pleasant callers here Sunday. Miss Nellie Frisby is Visiting her sis­ ter, Mrs. Jno. Walsh, at Fox Lake. Mrs. Henry Degen royally entertained her neighbors last Thursday afternoon. Miss Freda Abt, of Chicago, is spend­ ing a few weeks with Miss Nellie Frisby. Pat deary and wife, of MeHenry, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Knox. Mary Sutton, of Elgin, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. ana Mrs. R. J. Sutton. Miss Mary Costello, of Saturday and Sunday wi' parents here. P. Walsii who has been suffering from an attack of la grippe is somewhat im­ proved at the present writing. Mis® Margaret Aylward who is spend­ ing a few weeks with her mother here, was agreeably surprised Sunday evening when a large crowd of her friends called at her home. A pleasant time was had by all. The Progressive Euchre party given by the C. O. F. court No. 74fl, at the home of Walter Bolger, on last Friday evening was a grand success It was well attended and all report a pleasant time. Mi«« Alio.« Sutton and Jno. Reli- han. carried off first prizes. Miss Lola Aylward and Fred Eldredge were given booby prizes. They expect to give a number of these parties in the future. RICHMOND. Mr. andMrs. A.P. W anS are numbered with the sick. Miss Ivy Richardson is having a siege with the measles. J. V. Aldrich is on grand jury at Woodstock this week. Mrs. Geo, McConnell was a Woodstock visitor the last of the week. The Aldrich Bros, played at a dance at McHenry on Tuesday evening. Miss Anna Luderwald, of Chicago, has been visiting a few days with her friend, Miss Elizabeth Heck. Mrs. E. A. Flanders, of Terra Cotta, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Mary Mason, who has been having lagrippe. Dr. A. M. Wray has sufficiently re­ covered from his recent attack ef rhen- < matism, to be abl<p to get up town with the aid of a cane. It dulls the scythe of Father Time, drives away wrinkles of approaching old age--the elixir of life, that puts hope in the human heart--Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask your druggist. Mrs. Charles Thompson died very suddenly on Friday evening at her home south of town. The funeral was held from the house on Sunday, Rev. Ander­ son officiating. burial at English Prairie. BABBKVILLE. Ross Robinson was in McHenry M >n- *E. F, Matthews was in McHenry Mon­ day. Miss Anna Behen was a recent caller at J. J. Hunter s. Earnest Hill visited friends in Elgin Saturday and Sunday. Ross Robinson started Tuesday Mi a business trip to Louisana. R. Steele, of Prairie Grove, Was call­ ing here one day last week. Geo. Wright and Bernie Frisby called at Wm. Van Natta's Saturday. Miss Francis Fleming spent Sunday with Miss Margaret Aylward. Chas. Eldredge, of McHenry, was here on business one day last week. Mrs. Cornell is spending a couple of weeks with Mrs. Ross Robinson. Robert Wingate, Jr., has been spend­ ing a few days visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Matthews visited relatives at Burton's Bridge recently. Miss Edna A. Colby spent the last of the week in Nunda and attended the in­ stitute. Miss Nettie Campbell, of Holcomb- ville, is helping care for Mrs. Andrew Wingate. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Thompson at­ tended the Farmers institute at Nunda Wednesday. Thos. Thompson and daughter, Clara, spent Thursday in Nunda and attended .the institute. A number from here attended a card party at W. Bolger's in North Nunda Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. EL Stolpe, of Terra Cotta, called at Andrew Wingate's Mon­ day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Thompson at­ tended the funeral of Mrs. Harriet Clemens Sunday. Mrs. Andrew Wingate, who has been seriously sic* for the past three weeks is improving slowly. Mr. and Mm Thos. Thompson spent Saturda. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith at McHenry. Eugene Matthews, Jr., who holds a position in Chicago, was calling on his ather here the first of the week. Allen Stamtt and Miss LaNette viilt, of Nunda, spent Sunday after­ noon with Miss Clara Thompson. Mrs. Plin Hunt and Mrs. Henry Shales, of Terra Cotta, called on Mrs. Andrew Wingate Monday afternoon. The teacher and pupils of our school took advantage o" the sleighing by visit­ ing Miss Covalt's school at Terra Cotta on Friday afternoon of last week. Genuine Rocky Mountain tea is never sold in bulk by peddlers or less than 85 Don't be fooled, • get the tea made Madison Medicine Co. Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the o o o 0 OT NARCOTIC. SmJ~ A perfect Remedy for Constipa­ tion, Sour Stoa&c .̂DiaiThoea. Warms £onvulsions,Feverish- oess and Loss OF SLEEP- HySiirile Signature eg aZiWflESZ TOWYD8K. r>c * Years Ji P'lf V Vbs above cat represents A strong line, but BO * ~ right here in stock. The stock is Niljr - -Nothing Maanhctnrers. The goods are taM lwM* ifentn. and tnketbem home wit h yoo. We find, from ~ need < try'ott the Karmt or buying to lx> by tar the most sas isfacto>y*l» the wearer. j ' * 5Bring in your ieet and have them dressed. We have ill sorts of winter foot wear, and our lines are unbroken. Horse Bianl»«s, Fur Robes, Plash Rabes, Duck Co#% nmOOmmm Coats, Mittens, Caps, Etc. Yonw tor winter trade, , JOHN J. MILLER Pure Groceries, Flour, Buck wheat Graham and Corn Meal EXACT COPT OF WBAPPEB. RUGS am MEDICINES tm« iwwim w» yWMi wit. ' X i " - V ' - • ̂ tr' I S. »"• ^,4 /> V il redixction sale in L«die«'Wrttppere. We ̂ liave about 150 of the choicest patterns in Flannel­ ettes, Percales and heavy Prints which we will close out for Gash at 75 cents and SI.OQ. Former prices, $1.00, $1.25, $1.35 and $1.50. cts. famous Ask your ^ fieri's Duck Coats | Hen's Heavy Pants I Bed Blankets ^ v... J >;/*«<•-' 4^' i /* ' TOILET ARTICLES 'vo N r..t, „ PAINTS AND OILS " ' B O O K S - FINE CHINA WARE: 1 T A T I O N B 5 : R ' ^ ELEGANT LAMPS kV >t ^2; \ > I,' <#1 v;' " PRESCRIPTIONS C A R E F U L L Y COMIODNDED^ JULTA A. STORY % M>n next Saturday and Monday we will giva you 10 yard# Best Calico for 35c r t c H E N R Y I L L I N O I S J .r$0*0 • f ante #r urs Truly, 7, , » * . "• ..v^" AT \, Is Delivered Prowptlji jfc Loaf dUtMCC 'pbuM No. |fî i jyi, J. WALSH. ?S i jj 1 COWS AND CALVES V * ' -;V? -y tv , 4 v Vfe4;; ' " -- -vl |^'t If. ... , * 8 •v !?'•'- .? •- v, {&' tit* < . v few quiet weeks after the holidays and r -1 the furniture dealer has time to look to buy furniture. There ia always a' « "****«'% over his stock. We still have an un- / ̂ y$. broken lot and as a consequence offer ^ & ' many * : :" PARLOR SUITS PHAMBER - / y EASY ROCKERS ams in ll)INING TABXfiS . = • H RUGS, CARPETSgPi CENTER TABLES W w c ' i :< „ , v r r r . ' . ^ Picture Frames. / ̂syf •I *, • "t r ' y-Jt - 1 JACOB A Card. We, the undersigned, do hereby „ to refund the money on a 50 cent bottle of Green's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold. We also guarantee a 26 cent bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded. 27-36t JULIA A. STOBY. It's a good investment to buy anything for sale at the closing out sale. Owen & Chapell. * This season there is a large death rate among children from croup and lung troubles. Prompt action will save the little ones from these terrible diseases. We know of nothing so certain to give instant relief as One Minute Cough Cure. It can also be relied upon in grippe and ail throat wad lung troubles of adults. Pleasant to take. Julia A. Story. _____ You can get the best groderies at actual cost at Owen & Chapell's. ?t» Kind You Haw Want Column. ijV>R S \ I/E--100 Barred Plymouth Fowls, 50 r cockerels, 50 pullets. Choice birds. 1'riee 7;V. to ®[ t-aoh. Address or inquire of.!. V. Buckland, Ltin^wood, 111. 25-10fc. Scftlt J UUS 11* Uiav-vtu;^ * " V* "TT sold at a bargain, inquire at this office. SB-it* XiAOR HALF. Olt RENT--A farm ot 2W acres, r with nnwing well, with thirty cows or more, one mile from butter factory or depot. Inquire Of H. C. Mead, West Mcllenry, I1L •nrrANTED--Competent girl for general W housework, $3.50 per week. Inquire of Mna 1? n Pinv 29-St MRS. F. C. PAGE, Judd St. Woodstock. ---- TJOUSE TO RENT--The Chris. Nlcliels XI house. Apply to N. J. .1 listen. 2ft-tf JjMJH jIIW »sALE--New milch cow--twin caives. Call at Mrs. Ll*zle Aylward on east side of Fox River- The most soothing, healing and anti­ septic application ever advised is De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It relieves at once and cures piles, sores, eczema and skin diseases. Beware of • imita­ tion?. Julia A. Story. Well! WELL! WELL! bowcheapthev sell at tha etaaing oat ChapelL . • . .« IN DAYS KOW-KURE • % This medidne wilt put the animal in as jood conditioa as kNloft flit trouble. Kow-Kure b a sure cure for scows ia cows and calves. AUSTIN MAXOTBUD, PXTTSFIKLD, N. H., «ys: " I had three calves that •eonred badly. They were ap weak they could not get up. I naed ICow-Kare, and in a few days they were all right. It is just as good foe cows." ' Kow-Kure is in nowder form, to be given in reeuiar feed. It am rtwHn, lnwi--illW tod scours, removes retained afterbirth and caked udder, atrengtheoa the app«<ba, flW»i tfca Wood vitalizes the nerve*, and prevents disease. 11 increases thendlk. ltUa iffitiii tWeowl oaly, 'made by the Dairy Aaaociation, I-yndonville, Vt. Price, 50c. «al Si.oo,aadlor aalaIf J. S. BROWN & SON, DRUGGISTS, Ringwood, 111. v When a physician prescribes beer for a patient, it is fSdhlitz beer. A physician knows the value of purity- Ask him how germs affect beer and he will tell you that few stomachs can digeat them. He will say that im.- beer is unhealthf ul. You will know then why we brew Schlita beer under such rigid precautions--why we even filter the' air th*fc touches it; why we filter the bear, and sterilize every bottfc* 1^; flf you knew what we know and what your physician irnnws about beer, you, too, would insist on 8oW||fc,̂ Supplied in the wood or in bottles by j§: Si; EKGELM McHenry, Illinois ^ .s' >

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