I 1 &m iu *»e A call McHenry MHiii . m Steam Fitting aiiit^mills Steel and mood tank# and : v; - Farm machinery A full line In every departmeril are prepare^ f' to do Olell Work of all KM* Siwml:- US a call -•M- i. '-iiS way & Rainey Ringwood, III. Abstracts of T»tle. lit $• : McHenry County itsma COMMIT. t If' 'WOODSTOCK, ILL. ^ ^ « ;4F • f F . F. A xtell, Harvard. MH-I, ~ j R. M. Patrick, Marengo. " MLCOTON{ John J. Murphy. \VI>oast,ock. '$<35 I W. C. Eichelberger, Woodstock (.Geo. L. Murphy, Woodstock - Real Estate Bought and Seld. Insurance and Abstracts of Title and Conveyancing. NEIGHBORrNG-NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS'OF CORRESPONDENTS' SALZER'S 6EE08. WILL MAKE TOO MOW • THLI la » daring atatsmeat. bat Sal- «W* gcedg bear it out «F«7 time, WToluttettiM corn frovlBf, BilllQn Don IStons of eropsix What Is It SPBIliOGBOTl. fiat? Mom is on the sioklist again. Lester Bell is suffering from ft» mumps at present. MM. h&m& aasMe spent several &syg recently at Richmond. Mrs. Kinne and daughter, Martha, are now at John Craine's. The tax collector. W. C. Moss, is now ready to*eoetve the taxes due. Jesse Richardson attended the Farm ers Institute at Hebron last week. Mrs. Lester Aid son, Boy, came from Chicago Monday. Mrs. Lester will work for Mr. Watts. Mr. Martain, the section boss, and family are now settled in the new house just built by A. Neish. Despite the terrible blizzard Sandfly the congregation at the first meeting at the new Catholic church was very large. Mr. and Mrs. Gould moved into their rooms over their hardware store last week and are rapidly getting their stock in order. Mrs. Kate Shotliff has received the $2000 due her on a policy carried by her husband, the late Wa Shotliff in the M. W. of A. Ice work is now in order, .Tames Neish and the Creamery Association having had their houses filled and Cole Bros, and Fred Hatch being now at work on their's. John Wiederman and family moved to Wilmot last week. Mr. Wiederman has secured a position in Carey's feed mill. We are very sorry to lose them from our neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hartwell were called to Greenwood the latter part of last week by the fatal sickness of Mr. Hartwell's mother whose death oc curred Saturday morning of pneumonia. DANGER of Colds and LaGrlppe. The greatest danger from colds and la grippe is their resulting in pneumonia. If reasonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all danger will be avoided. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy for these diseases we have yet to learn of a single case having resulted in pneumonia, which shows conclusively that it is a certain preventive of that dangerous malady. It will cure a cold or an attack of la grippe in less time than any other treatment. It is pleas ant and safe to take. For sale by Julia A. Story, _____ i» Grippe Quickly Cured. "In the winter of 1898 and 1899 I was taken down with a severe attack of what is called La Grippe" says F. L. Hewett, a prominent druggist of Win- field, 111. "The only medicine I used was two bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It broke up the cold and stopped the coughing like magic, and have never since been troubled with Grippe." Chamberlain's Cough Remedy can. always be depended upon to break up a severe cold and ward off any threatened attack of pneumonia. It is pleasant to take, too, which makes it the most desirable and one of the most popular preparations in use for these' ailments. For sale by Julia A. Stoiy. Catalogs toll*. rOR I0O. STAMPS ud thta WOTICX «• auffl big m* catalog, 10 Graia N BaaipU* taeiadwgaboT*, »Im ' ka. par A.) OM*. JM toM per A.) Bap*,^ , ',{USkuatA)FMaal, «ta.Wertfe$lfc H] JLiahwr •eai Oa. Ulw--. Ms. WATTLES ' (Successor to B. R. Howard) S| All kinds of Fresh and •altiCleats alwayswhsnd <>€: Vegetables anl^::? Canned Goods. I IV Bakery Goods a Specialty All Kinds of Salt Pish. Highest market Prices paid for Hogs, Caxtle, Sheep, Hides and Tallow Fat Cattle a specialty "Fresh Vegetables and - Fruits received fresh daily. Orders from Pistakee Bay will receive prompt «id careful attention j Call on me I will do the right thing with you. F. WATTLES, West McHenry, 111. 'long distance telephone, MS jpttisena' telephone 17 BARB1AN BROS. jt . Makers of r; " Fine Cigars, "Our Monogram" f *• 10 cent Cigar 4 Leads Them AH. ' Our Leading 5c Brands: "Olivette" "Barblan Bros. Best" |pj>' "Sliver" - "Bee Hive" "Empire Cuban" •Geo. Meyers- • • • • • • V' *-?, *• - :> •; :A >• ' X('; J V TEAMING? of all kin b"iK- Excavating and Grading. McHenry, Illinois WAVCONPA. Lee Brown has returned to school after a short illness. M. W. Hughes made a business trip to ChiCago Tuesday. Elmer Golding, of Chicago, spent Sun day with his parents. Frank Harrison, of Chicago, visited relatives here Sunday. Ch >ster Golding is absent tram school on account of sickness. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Cooke spent Sunday with friends in Chicago. J. E. Pratt, of McHenry, attended the masquerade here on Friday evening. W. D. Went worth and wife visited friends in Chicago the first of the week. R. C. Kent, of Chicago, was a pleasant caller in this village Saturday and Sun day. Chester Sowles is again home froga Chicago suffering from a renewed at tack of the grip. On Thursday evening Mrs. J. B. Turn- bull was pleasantly surprised by a party of friends. The occasion being her birthday. Tuesday evening a large party drove to Wm. Stone's, where a very delight ful evening was spent in social games and music. A social and business meeting of the Epworth League was held at the par sonage on Monday evening. An excel lent program consisting of vocal and in strumental music, readings and recita tions was rendered and the evening thoroughly enjoyed by the large num ber who were present The masque ball given by Landlord Grantham on Friday evening, Feb. 1st, was attended by-about 70 couples. The music was good, being furnished by Reed's orchestra of McHenry. The prises for the finest costumes were awarded to Miss Emma Welch, who was gowned as a huntress and Mr. Boyd, of Lake Villa, who was in the garb of a Highlander. The prizes for the beet acted comical parts were captured by Mian Pricilla Davelin and Mr. Willie Basley. _ O A S T O n i A . Bwitte " The Kiwi Yoa Haw Always 8BHM fifufem nd in Verf^oat. e is talking abouW the Mountain Pearls." Did\tt>u %f that they core liver troubled constipation, bad digestion,, nausea, dull headache, dizziness and foul breath ? There never was a pill sold which acted so quickly and gentl «|d they don't gripe one bit. is akwe ask--we know what^ne re suit wli be. JULIA A. STORY. NORTH M'NDA. Mrs. G. Walinsley was an Elgin vis* itor the first of the week. Chas. Eldredge, of W. McHenry, was here 011 feasiae^ Ss-inrdaiy. Miss Katie Walsh spent Wednshday with friends at Terra Cotta. Miss Mayme Knox recently enter tained a friend from Ringwood. Mrs. Phil Sutton spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Whiting at McHenry. Jas. and Joe Reed, of W. McHenry, were pleasant callers here Monday even ing. Several of the pnpils are absent from school this week Oh account qf the mumps. Mrs. R. Givens was called to Elgin Saturday by the death at her daughter, Miss Sarah. W. Bo'ger and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox, of Terra Cotta, Wednesday. Mrs. M. Walsh, of McHenry, Bpent part of last week with her daughter Mrs. Ed. Knox. A sleigh load of our young people at tended a euchre party atH, E. Clemen's Friday evening. * A young man from our vicinity was detained west of town Sunday night owing to the severe snow storm. Mon day morning he was heard coming home singing, "I can't tell why I love her but I do." On last Friday afternoon Prof. Chas. Buss and his pupils visited Miss Sutton's school. Mr. Boss entertained the children during the afternoon with graphaphone concert which was enjoyed by all. • Be In Style. Don't laugh at fashion. Don't discourage ambition. Don't hinder progress. Try to be affable. Look on the bright side. Strive to be happy. Enjoy life. Keep healthy, which you can do by using Dr, Cald well's Syrup Pepsin .according to direct ions. It is an absolute cure for Consti pation, Indigestion, Stomach Troubles and Sick Headache. G. W. Besley and Julia A. Story. RICHMOND. Miss Laura Mason is numbered with the sick. Mrs. M. R. Cole was a Chicago visitor the latter part of last week. Mrs. Samuel Allen is visiting with relatives and friends at Kirkland. Miss Dora Besley, of McHenry, was calling on friends in this village last week. Miss Mabel Alexander has been spend ing a few days with friends at Lake Geneva. M. L. Joslyn was over from Wood stock one day last week attending to business. Miss Nellie Johonnot returned to her school duties Sunday, after a siege of la grippe. Miss Elizabeth Unwin, of South Chi cago, has been spending several days with her sister, Mrs. William Nyquist. A sleigh load of young people from this village attended (?) the farmer's in stitute at Hebron Friday evening of last week. The death of Laura H. Seaver, one of the twin babies of W. L. Seaver of this village occurred Thursday night and was taken to Darien for burial Satur day. Deal's Celebrated Antlseptet and Preventive. of all diseases. One of the greatest medical discoveries for women. We have thousands of testimonials to prove its great merit. An article that should be in every household. Cannot fail to bring the desired result Send at once for a box with full instructions. Sent free--any part of the U. S. for $1. If once tried yon will always use it The only genuine antiseptic on the market. Address, Mm DEA&, 280 Jaclfsou BoulH Chicajco, I1L • Hl-ly Children. The Km fou Have Always Bought , Bears the Signature $ * * * ,e j kf T NARCOTIC. m above cut represents a strong line, bat no snanr man our 1 trfpr<%rrlo<i right here In stock. The Stork is bought for Spot Experienced Clothing Manufacturer*. The goods are laid befo than our uneof cloth- Cash froB before yoo, you try 011 the garments, and take rhem home with you. We find, from experience, that way of buying to be by far the most, sat isfactory to the wearer. Bring in your feet and have them dressed. We have all sorts of winter foot wear, and our lines are unbroken Horse Blsnkcts, ' iT*v* ^ , . . • Fur Robes, Plush Robes, l>uck Coats, nacldpK k Mittens, Caps, Etc. • Aperfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomdi.Diarrhoea. Worms .Convulsions .Feverish aid Loss or SLEEK s.ms •: Yours for wlnter traoe, JOHN J Pure Groceries, Flour, Buck wheat Graham and Corn Meal IfcrSaiwe Signature «ff HCWYOUt. EXACT COPT OF WRAPPEB the Sacrifice mi „ #' i': We do nolj^pH'W • . i^jdng goods from one season to another. W© want the people to have the seasonable merchan- MILLER Tell us not, il iNTDfUl BUiDeiS, Life is but io empty iim: But, for tbat cold feeling let us sell yotl ,:>/ some warm value Groceries and Meats at prices that will make oar Fke Sale Com petitors feel that selling * * - ^ "Cut price" Groceries is i "Frost1 The prices we make are not our only attraction, for with our prices . !s m we guarantee quality. ' > ^ v ^ ? ,?.,rrs We have adopted for our special tiftfc ; ^ l ^ the following proverb: ^ ^ S ^ T' L iiBse at its proper time. "*' 5 Our prices are an expres- S sion of that firm detewo? S ination to close out our # r S * I I Stock of * 1 "" . >' ' .. ... • .ui._ a Ihf CYCLONE GROCERY R. G. TWEED, Prop. JSASSASSSSSR*" wna» I Winter Oooidif " yoHiffliin»K (Received too late for last iyiue.) Jcthn V. Freund is very sick at this wrifing. Misses Mary and Lizzie May, of Chi cago, are here to attend the wedding of their sister, Lena. A number from here attended the firat ceremony in the new Catholic church at Spring Grove Sunday. The eldest son of Hubert Freund has been very Bick for a couple of weeks and is reported no better. A baby boy of Nick Schmitt's died last week and the funeral took place Wednesday morning. Mrs. Bugner entertained the following Monday: Andrew Hoff, August Hoff, McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, Michael and Peter Hoff, Richmond; William Hoff Mid Mr. and Mrs. John King. Miss Mary Miller entertained company last Sunday eveninl^S Some of those present were: Michael Freund, Jake Miller, Math Smith, John Miller, Peter Freund and Misses Lizzie Freund, Mary Freund, Lena Lay, Annie Lay, Susie Smith and Mrs. Peter Freund. They all enjoyed themselves and spent a pleasant evening. Stops the Ceugh and works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, no Pay. Price 25 cents. Always taking out of the meal tub and never putting in soon oomes to the bottom. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children Tkt Kind YM Han Always Bngfet Bears the -,*/A» ' i ' - L v • • v ' ; : " v , f ^ WE MUST REDUCE STOCK Visit to our store will convince you. ITours Truly^ M. J. WAtSH. ^ind inaugurate a February WJ * J - ' . •- 'VW c ji *ur*si § floods Ddlvered | Lone distance 'phone No. 363. ^ CLEARING SALE Now U the to buy furniture. There is always a few quiet weeks after the holidays and the furniture dealer has time to look over his stock. We still have an un broken lot and as a consequence offer many bargains in PARLOR SUITS CHAMBER SETS EASY ROCKERS ' DINING TABLES RUGS, CARPETS CENTER TABLES We have a nice line of Picture Frames JACOB «jUSTEI% McHenry, 111. Want Column. TTVOR SALE--100 Barred Plymouth Fowls SO ^ cockerels,50 pullets. Choice birds. Price 75c. to $1 each. Address or inquire of J. V. Buckland, RinRwood, 111. 8I-10t. H OUSE TO KENT--The Chris, house. Apply to N. J. Justen. Nichels » tf XJ^OR SALE OK KENT--The property lately occupied by the McHenry Ste;t tn laundry on the southeast corner of the public square, house 40xati feet, two stories, large barn, good well, cistern and city water. Ed. Knox, one mile south of McHenry. T2M3R SALE--A road cart, nearly new and In Lr" .rly n< condition, reasonable. Call at Bishop 31tf XT^OK SALE--AdSrfean dfgftdhary and ency- clopedla, 16 vol., new, half morocco bind ing. Price and terms to suit. Address A. M. Alexander, McHenry, 111. "T1 trees, well and city water. Renting from fl* to per month and seldom vacant. Price $>2._>0. Terms 11000 down and balance f300 yearly with interest at 6 per cent. Clear title and no incumbrances. FRANK E. ANGKVINE, 31tf McHenry, III. XjVARM FOR RENT--One-half mile wxith of r* McHenry, m acres nearly all under cul tivation. Also a house containing ten rooms and nearly six acres of land. Apply to » Michael Clearjr, HcBenry, III. 31t TJH)R RENT--A farm consisting of 128 acres -1- on the Nunda road will be rented reason able to good parties. Apply to The Plaindea- ler office. 1 SHOATS FOR SALE--40 choice shoats ranging in weight from 00 to 100 pounds; also five cows, new milch and springers. J, WELXILLIJ * Grlswold Lake. \/TALE HFT.P WANTED--Reliable MEN TO iVI sell our line of high grade lubricating oils, greases, paints and varnishes. Salary or commission. Address, The Adams-1? rank 1 in Oil Co.9 Cleveland, Ohio. ^ Pneumonia CAD b® Prevented. This disease alwayB results from a cold or an attack of the grip and may be prevented by the timely use of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. Tbat remedy was extensively used during the epide mics of La Grippe of the past few years, and not a single case has ever been re ported that did not recover or that re sulted in pneumonia, which shows it to be a certain preventive of that danger- OUB disease. Chamberlain's Cough Re medy has gained a world wide reputa tion for its cures of colds and grijk For sale by JttUa A. when nearly every article in the store h ̂ V -is offered *! cost. afiS" 1 ..#.$1.00 LOO 18 lbs best Granulated Sugaf 5 .*1% ... 3 lbs fine Japan Tea for.... * i * \. 33 lbs best New York Buckwheat Flour iy,. 20 lbs choice Prunes. .$1.00. 10 lbs rolled Oativ^. 1 % gallon pail Syrup Grand ma's washing powder, per pkg.v. v..; . A r m o u r ' s w a s h i n g p o w d e r , p e r p k g . . » . > ; . . . Fair bank's 4 lb package Grold Dust... + ***•* Spr., W. & Co.'s fast rising Corn Flour, 3 lb pkg.. 3 pkgs for 390 " 4 i < 4 R i c h e l i e u r o l l e d o a t s , 9 c , 3 p k g s . . R o y a l B l u e B r a n d , 5 l b p k g s , 2 3 c , 2 p k g s f o r . . . . . . 5 pkgs corn starch... .25c 5 pkgs Bell starch 5 pkgs Salaratus.. •.. .25c 10 bars Elgin Soap. 3 3-lb cans Apples.. • .25c 3 2~lb cam&r- 2 3-lb cans Van Camp's Pumpkin 3 3-lb cans Hulled Corn.................. * .;i«. i Our Coffees by far highest grades in town for the money. We Have Left and to Close 25 prs gray 12-4 Blankets of the $1.75 quality which w e o f f e r y o u a t , p e r p a i r . -- . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . ® 5 c 25 cotton Blankets, per pair .% 5©c Also a few wool blankets to dispose of cheap 1 lot Underwear, 50c to 75c value, your choice. £* 35c 1 lot men's and boys' Mitts, your choice...... 19c 200 prs Shoes, some warm lined for ladies, HALF PRICE 1 lot of ladies Jackets at .HALF PRICE 1 lot men's Overalls, slightly soiled, per pr.. > -- >»• - 35c 1 lot men's Pants, all perfect, reduced. 1 lot men's work Shirts, each • 4|Kc 1 lot men's silk front dress Shirts, 3 collars, each. „;'4 SOc 1 lot men's Hats at *....... .HALF PRICE Ladies' Wrappers, the $1.25 and $1.50 kind, for $1.00 Ladies' and Gents' wool Underwear, of such as you pay $1.00 to $1.25 for 8tte Wool dress goods, the 50c to 60c kind, your choice.. 40c Ladies' muslin Underwear, skirts, drawers, go^| Also a few Overcoats at nearly your own price. 4J, ;V Xri *1% ALL FOR CASH w Yyest MOleniy, CA L.JkJis X i.