* *• • r -'• Healer ia tiw ' • q-- B market ̂ 'i •W-Mi v«d - niars "4J\ ]*#" P| Qhw a* ; j .cafl » -<% r.r| ' *• ••/' W:-Vp i ii McHenry f Hum VMNML aad v- OlfMd mill* f t & ' 4$*?: • ami Farw IllacWatvy Une In every We are prepared " to do ,J|£ll O^rtt of all Kinds g < >. MrtiiMaB •v.-' - V -••> '* K ' i%'* Conway & Rainey Ringwood, III. a /Abstractsof T'tlfc McHenry County ..ABSTRACT COMPANY, ̂WOODSTOCK, II •Of i^u-j.F_ F Harvard. < 1 W. C. ESchefberger. Woodstock - (.Geo. L. Murphy, Woodstock R*al Batate Beagfct aad Sold. taawaace end AMncU at Title and Cenveyaacta*. "8ALZE1P8 8EEB8 jliai UIBu BIHw* has been num bered with the sick for a few days. L. D. Fillmore was transacting busi- aeaaat Marengo and Union one day last week- « Mfaw Liaaia Mordhursfc, of Geneva, Is Spending a few ftp* witti her sister, Hatfc. Krm ' Mr*. Robert J5eh, of Spring Grove, h«i been the gueet of her brother, J. H. Richardson and family. Thos. Anderson has recovered from his recent illness and returhed to his duties at Oakely avenue on Saturday. EL C. Dohl and Misses Florence Payne, of Chicago, of I. V. Aldrich's family lMt%eilr. There is always danger in using counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hasel salve. The original is a safe and cer tain cure for piles. It is a soothing and healing salve for sores and all slda di- Julia A. Story. •NEIGHBORING NE ITS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS Tt%i««r OflBCKND. is moving on Ids farm Betl TelepbotM. The following are the names and numbers of the patrons of the McHenry and West McHenry exchanges of the Chicago Telephone Oo. Residences only are specified. All others are business houses. SIMON STOFFEL, Manager. « m AurlngerDr. A.E. r 281 Owen O W r 343 Besley G.W.drug y G.W.h ' an Bros Set Besley G.W.hotel Barblai KB Barbl&n NEr m Boley © F SH Brand John F 212 Buch J J 211 Chapelt & B r 3 8 1 O h a p e l i O O r 1 Chicago Tel Co 314 Owen ft Chapell 252 O'Neill Rev.P Mr 241 PageC L r 312 Fwadaaler Co. 282 Rosedale Club IMBoes Dr F C 202 Boss Dr F C r 912 Sommers Geo r 321 Spurllng Dr A Or 264 Sherman Mr. r 281 DermontMrsShot-el 372 Stoffel 8 r Anton CH 254 Frett Chas G 301 Fisher 9t Cornish MS Hanly Geo 2 B B H a z e l E J r 353 Hertz H Lr >34 Helmer Jos Holt* A Stilling 204 Howe A L r 3 5 2 H o w e l l M A r 383 Jensen H M 313 Jasten Jacob r 844 Justen N J 223 Lamphere C. E. r 851 Lorimer Wm r _ 244 McHenry Ore'm'ry 242 Whiting W E ~ 811 Wells Dr I) 304 Stoffel S postoffice 5 Stoffel Simon store 273 Story J I r 401 Story Julia A r 371 Stafford B W 341 Snyder Bros 80S Tweed R G 231 Village of McHenry pumping station 382 Village of McHenry public school 838 Village of McHenry Marshall's res 8W VanSlyk© J 302 Wattles F H 384 Walsh Jack r 228 Wheeler E8r Company. 881 McOmDerF L 7 Western U Tel Co 378 Wightman Harry 374 Mead H C r 388 Owen L H r TOLL STATIONS. German Village P. Jaeger, 10c. Johnsburg John P Lay. McHenry Gilbert Brothers Mineral Springs H. Ericsson. Plstakee Bay. Ben Stilling, Solon Mills... W H Davis,Me. Spring Grove........ -- A Neish, 20i&.. VfVNVVWVVVvVK California The Gateway To the Orient Numerous profitable business openings in California. Make money in orange and temon groves, vineyard*, wineries, orchards. Make money in cattle «&'. sheep ranches, wheat fields, beet sugar culture, varied farm products. Make money in mines, oil wells, manufacturing, trading The California Limited daily, Chicago to Los Angeles Wad San Francisco. v Qeaertl Passenger OStae I*1 The Atchison, Topeka ft Santt n Vy CHICAGO Mr. here. , Ethel Abbott spent Saturday and Sun- dav at. her horns item Chas. Davis and family visited at Chas. Abbott'a Sunday. Rev. Nickle preached a very good sertoon here Sunday evening. Robt. Richardson and Peter Martin have purchased themselves a hone each at Chicago. Wm. Thomas and family visited at John Dwelly's at Woodstock Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Seberg will work for EL EL Rich ardson the coming year beginning the first of March. T. A. Abbott sold two horses last week; one to Thos. McDonald and the other vo a man from Nunda. Miss Maybelle Sayler has returned from Chicago where she has been mak ing portraits for the past week. A sleighload consisting of thirteen scholars from the Ostend Sunday school visited the Cberry Valley Sunday school last Sunday. A party of friends and neighbors as-, sembled at the home of Warren Thomas last Friday evening. They played pro gressive cinch and ate Mrs. Thomas' fine cooking until a late hour.. Ray Thomas captured the first prize price. We did not learn who got the other. Miss Maybelle Sayler was pleasantly surprised last Saturday Evening by a goodly company of young folks. Miss Maybelle and sister, Edna, had been ^pending a week in the great city, and upon their return were greeted by the following friends: Misses Helen Ray mond, Mabel Granger, Zue Gallagher, Bessie Smith, May Noonan, Jessie Simp son, Ella Thomas, Hazel Spaulding, Callie Thomas, Celia Kane, Nellie Noonan, Maud Abbott, Ethel Abbott, Messrs. Ray Gay lord, Ray Thomas, Mark Hutson, Willie Botts,Claude Hut- son, James Sayler, Warren Thomas, Chester Nogle, Guy Colby, Archie Aur- inger, Frank Sayler, Mrs. Wm. Sayler, Mrs. Eber Bassett. Besides these were Mr. and Mrs. Artie Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Colby and Mr. and Mrs. Edward French. Refreshments were served at ten o'clock. The evening was spent in playing games, singing, chara des, etc. Everyone enjoyed themselves very much. At a quarter of twelve the guests departed, all agreeing that it was a pleasant evening they had spent La Grippe Quickly Cured. *1n the winter of 1898 and 188® I was taken down with a severe attack of what is called La Grippe" says F, L. Hewett, a prominent druggist of Win- field, 111. "The only medicine I used was tlWo%ottles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It broke up the cold and stepped the coughing like magic, and have never since been troubled with 'Grippe." Chamberlain's Cough Remedy can always be depended upon to break up a severe cold and ward off any threatened attack of pneumonia. It is pleasant to take, too, which makes it the most desirable and one of the most popular preparations in use for these ailments. For sale by Julia A. Story. was hers on in the *'• t'i F. WATTLES • *'.* f (Successor to B. 9. Howard) t *, • kinds of Fresh and g»lt Meats always on hand Vegetables and •v Canned Goods. Bukery Goods a Specialty All lands of Salt Pish. Highest market Prices paid for Hogs, Cattle, Sheep, and Tallow Fat Cattle a sped»ltjy ^•5 Fresh Vegetables and Fruits received fresh daily. from Plstakee Bfty will raoahre ̂n: prompt and careful attention ̂ Call on me ^ : do the right thing with yooi F. WATTLES, " West McHenry,; HL iSsstsySttr'- BARB1AN BROS. Makers of ̂ v Fine Cigars* ,r,: •; Monogram" lO cent Cigar Them All. ,4 *, Leading 5c Brands: ••Olivette" ••BarMan Bras. Best" «£Uv«r" - "BeeHfre^.'.^ "Empire Cuban'* For Sale KM Printing j #lant Consisting of , Qylinder Press Job Press Paper Cutter Gasoline Engine* Job and Display Body Type "' Cases •" f-li '-l Stones * . ' 1 . • Stan '̂'"'"" And everything with which to print a paper or do job work. Will be sold seperately or a very low price given on the entire - plant Apply at once to ^ ? THE PLAINDEALER OO. McHenry, Illinois. •j - "• WM. QENERAL TEAMING of all kindsj Excavati ng and r Grading. MsMmryti^-' IUlnol*i •if?SCiSii AMKWGq MOaTft»WA» RAHAVAV IgSlKilW^I IpgHTBOT ftMISEWOER SERVICE &ARRKT1LLE. Clarence Colby was in Woodstock Saturday. . v Will Wingate was a Chicago visitor last Monday. Chas. Enaack's team ran away in Nunda Friday. Mrs. S. Hanson spant. Sundftr With JiIis. Wm. Van Natta. / Miss La Nette Covalt, of Tsnrs Ootta, called here Friday evening. Arthur and Fred Wilmington visited fjpith relatives in Lake county Sunday. Thos. Ames and Henry McMillan, of Terra Cotta, called here Sunday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, of W. Mc Henry, visited at Thos. Thompson's Fri day. Mrs. Robt Howard visited with her ^rothere near Burton's Bridge part of last week. ^ Fred and Elmer Wilmington attended the card party at Wm. Campbell's last Wednesday evening. I Miss Harnish and pupils from the |Lincoln district visited our school one Afternoon last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Thompson at tended a M. E. church social at E. S. Wheeler's Thursday evening. Miss Mary Fleming went to the city Wednesday, where she expects to Spend a couple of weeks with relatives. ! Miss Clara Thompson attended a sur prise party on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ho- bart near Ridgefield Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. McCabe and family, Mrs. Concannon, Miss Harnish and James Gibbs, of Burton's Bridge, spent Monday evening at Jno. Fleming's. A well selected Washington and Lin coln program was given by our pupils on Friday afternoon and was very much enjoyed by those present. : "•* Working Overtime Eight hour laws Are ignored tireless, little workers--Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions are always at work, night and day, curing Indigestion, Bil iousness, Constipation. Sick Headache and all Stomach, Liver and Bowel troubles. Easy, pleasant safe, sure. Only 25c at Julia A. Story's drug store. The ice man goes to extremes. He wants it awfully cold in winter and ex tremely hot in summer. How to Cure the Grip. - Remain quietly at home altift t&ke Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as dir ected and a quick recovery is sure to follow. That remedy counteracts any tendency of the grip to result in pneu monia, which is really the only serious danger. Among the tens .of thousands who have used it for the grip not one case has ever been reported that did not irec»ver. For sale ty Julia A. Story. ! I I < M traodta rauHAR ibtoe omciao amo «» TOV AKS COKtltirLATINe A TS1F, A*t FOB. *IOV Of WHICH CIS BK KADK OTU TBS CB1CAM kumil, IV «|U PAT TQL' VO WBITB VO THK •»»CTT> Mm 11TM, MATS, rWWHIH, SXC. ' Oco. J. ClAUTOV,? Rlxr«Wooi>. Rev. p. M. O'Neill was calling on friends Monday, George Vogle, business Mono»y. F. Martin attended' to city on Thursday. Mrs. J. B. Bennett it entertaining a sister from Chicago. • Dr. Straub and Miss Q01 trade Straub Were callers oiiSst^hjr. Oliver Lawrence entertained a number of friends on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Baoon.spent Wed nesday with friends at Lake Geneva. Mrs. Katie Huff, of Richmond, was' calling on friends the first of the week. The W. G T. U. will meet with Mrs. A. L. Francisco on Saturday afternoon March 2d. Mrs. Florence Lowell entertained her sister, Miss Jessie Baldwin, on Thurs day evening. Remember the school entertainment to be given in Woodman' hall next Fri day evening March 1st. About thirty from this place attended the dinner given by the Willing Work ers at McHenry on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beth spent oart of last week at Dundee. They were called there by the death of Mr. Beth's mother. Mrs. H. W. Allen was called to Hub- bleton. Wis., on Thursday last to attend the funeral of her aunt Mrs. Carl Laag- kilde. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Fay entertained a number of friends on Friday evening. A pleasant time was spent in various amusements, after which supper was announced and all repaired to the din ing room where they found in waiting a repast fit tor a king and to which all did justice. The Willing Workers will entertain at Woodman hall on Thursday evening, March 7. Progressive crokinole and other amusements are being arranged Supper will also be served during the evening. The following Is taken from the Elgin News. J. H. Kemerlingand Mrs. Mary E. Fay, of Maple Park, were married at Sycamore. Mrs. Kenjerling formerly was the wife of the man who is now the husband of Mr. Kemerling's divorced wife. Mr. Mid Mrs. Kemerling once lived here. He is the son of Rev. L. D. Kemerling of Elgin. r Our movers--Wm. Longhridge has moved to the farm recently vacated by Fred Bell; and the Dodge farm vacated by Mr. Longhridge will be occupied by Mr. Dodge, J. B. Bennett will oocupfl the Grimoldby house the coming year. Bert Whiting is moying to his father's place south of town. Ed. Bell is mov ing to his farm recently purchased ot Wm. Coates. Geo. Coates has moved to his place near Barnard's mill. Mr. Harwood has moved from the Hess farm to a farm near Greenwood. John Malsch having rented the Baoon cottage has moved there. The Stephen Smitt farm is occupied by John Schaffer. . Died at Hubbleton, Wis,, Feb. 19, 1901, Mrs. Carl Langkilde aged 47 years. Rose L. Kimball was born in McHenry April 28, 1854. Being left motherless at the age of three years she went to live with Mr. and Mrs. Homer Wattles, there receiving every care and-attention of an own child; she never felt the loss of her mother. She spent all her girlhood days in that home except four years spent in Indianola, Iowa, where she at tended Mid later taught school Jan uary 16th, 1887 die was married to Carl F. Langkilde. Two children were born to them a son and daughter. Four yeans ago they moved" to Hubbleton, Wis., where Mr. Langkilde was employed as foreman in a butter factory. In that time she had gathered around her many dear friends who will miss her and who sympathise with the bereaved husband and children. Truly a good and loving "wife and mother has gone. Four own brothers, three sisters, beside the adopt ed parents and two adopted brothers are left to mourn her loss. Beautiful floral tributes were sent by the Woodman, of which Mr. Langkilde is a member, by the creamery association and by friends. The funeral rites were conducted by the Episcopal pastor, Rev. Eggleson. The body was laid to rest in Portland ceme tery. Safe In the arms oi Jesus, Safe on bis gentle breast There by the love oreshaAwl Sweetly her soul shall rest. Chicago Thuniday. Math Pitsea made a business trip to Chicago Monday sad will Stay there for a few days. A number from henr attended the funeral of Mrs. Heimer, at McHenry, Tuesday mofskkff. Miss Tillie Kuhnert, of Chicago, and Miss Katie Weber, of McHenry, visited with friends here Sunday. , ? Martin F reund and family, ot Digh- tan, visited with friends tape a couple of days and returned home Stxfiday. John S. Freund entertained company Tuesday. A number of their friends were present and they all report a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Duginer, ot Chi cago, and their daughter, Clara, visited friends here m few days and returned home Sunday. A powerful engine cannot be run with a weak boiler, and we can't keep up the strain of an active life with a weak stomach; neither can we stop the human machine to make repairs. If the stomach cannot digest enough food to keep the body strong, such a preparation as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure should be used. It digests what yon eat and it simply can't help bu^do yon good. Julia A. Story. TOM. William Dillon, of Chicago, visited his parents a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Raught went to Bristol, Wisconsin the latter part of the week. The basket social held at the school bouse Friday was a success both socially and financially. A party was given by Miss Mary Raught Saturday evening. Those pres ent report a very pleasant time. Mesdames Jane Converse and John Walton were called to Hebron Satur day on account of the serious illness of Mrs. W.E Smith. A load of young people from Volo went to McHenry Wednesday night and spent the evening with Miss Mary Ray mond. All report a pleasaat timS; v ltd* •Ijiisfiirn to on WHKJ box ot ike £MMia* Iwrtiye BwrnMhiiaiy Pneumonia can be Prevented. ' This disease always results from a cold or an attack of the grip and may be prevented by the timely use of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. That remedy was extensively used during the epide mics of La Grippe of the past few years, and not a single case has ever been re ported that did not recover or that re sulted in pneumonia, which shows it to be a certain preventive of that danger ous disease. Chamberlain's Cough Re medy has gained a world wide reputa tion for its cures of colds and grip. For sate1>y Julia A. Story. NORtH NUNDA. H Mac Sutton ir a Chicago week. Walter Walsh Is numbered the Sick. Mrs. R. J. Sttttonspent Friday with Mrs. Ed. Knox. Mrs. Phil. Sutton spent Tuesday with relatives at McHenry. Mr. Leham drove to Woodstock Bun- day and spent the day with friends. Mrs. Henry Degan and brother were Ringwood visitors the first of the week. John Knox, of MeHenry, was a; ant oaller in this vicinity Sunday even ing. Miss Alice Knox, of McHenry, spent several days of last week with her sis ter, Mrs. Bolger. M. A. Conway, of Terra Gotta, has rented Thos. Phalin's farm and will take possession March 1st. Mrs. Lehman who for the past few weeks has been suffering from pneu monia is somewhat improved. Miss Nellie Frisby, who, fbr several weeks has been the guest of friends at Fox Lake^ returned home Sunday. Had to Conquer or Die. "I was just about gone," writes Mrs. Rosa Richardson, of Laurel Springs, N. C., "I had Consumption so bad that the best doctors said I could not live more than a month, but I began to use Dr King's New Discovery and was wholly cured by seven bottles and am now stout and well." It's an unrivaled life- saver in Consumption, Pneumonia. La Grippe and Bronchitis; infallible for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever, Croup or Whooping Cotogh. Guaran teed bottles 50c and $100. Trial bottles free at Julia A. Story's drug stacfef ^ RtDOEFIKLD. Will Yanke was in Nunda Saturday. S. Thayer was in Elgin the last of the week. E. W. Merchant was in Woodstoek Saturday. A. Briggs visited his parents near Joliet the past week. Miss Ada Still was the guest of Miss Madelene Lynch Saturday. Miss Bessie Reed, of Elgin, visited- her parents from Friday until Monday. Miss Josie Hunt, of Elgin, visited at F. T. Thayer's Sunday and Monday. Orlando Garrison, of Woodstock, vis ited his son, W. J., here Wednesday. tj^e Poverty social Friday evening was very slimly attended but there was indeed fun for alL It being a very cold night there were forty present all from our little burg. Roy Skinner being the most poverty stricken, received the prize. W. J. Garrison represented Uncle Sam and O. Hall represented our travelling tramp. The proceeds amount ed to six dollars; $1.19 of which were finwi Supper was as good as could be expected under the circumstances. All departed at an early hour to save fire wood and oil. Danger of Colds and l4tf}ii|»pe. The greatest danger from colds and la grippe is their resulting in pneumonia. If reasonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all danger will be avoided. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy for these diseases we have yet to learn of a single case having resulted in pneumonia, which shows conclusively that it is a certain preventive of that dangerous malady. It will cure a cold or ah attack of la grippe in less time dim any other treatment It is pleas ant and safe to take. For sals by Julia A. Story. Very Low Kates to California, Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and Puget Sound, Via the North-Western Line. Tickets on sale each Tuesday until April 80, in clusive. Shortest time en route. Finest scenery. Daily and Personally Con ducted Tourist Car Excursions. For tickets and full informatiom, apply to nearest ticket agent Chicago A North western R'y. „ 84-7t Pearls Fpund in Vei Bverajlfe is talking " Gipdn Mountain Pearls." £irtfw\that they cure liver troubl constipation, bad digestion, nausea, dull headache, dizziness and foul breath ? There never was a pill sold which acted so quickly and Jwi they don't gripe one bit. is wLwe ask--we know what, salt mil be. JULIA AI5TORY* 111 . )K1 \ Sigaatare Jfofmrine nor sfinefaL A perfect Remedy for Constipa- km.Sour Stomach .Diarrhoe Worms X^onvulstons .Feverish among Fish ! Fish! rf:: ftff We have all kinds of Pish for the Lenten Season r > Salt, Smoked and Spiced. Our Prices are the Mwest* i, J* I- - ^ --- - - '• '-'V-j t V']. Try & frarttgaf. cait uf twit' I Table Syrup to „ . V ' f Flour, Graham, Buck wheat? Corn tmex J*' • ;i> i£s'.'s a' 1 ̂.^rYonfci m&m M. J. WALSH. Ooeds Delivered Promptly Loaf distance 'phone No. )Aj. iw ' ̂ ! J* '. * -* * feji buy furniture. There is always a few quiet weeks after the holidays and the furniture dealer has time to look Over his stock. We • still have an un broken lot and as a consequence offer many bargains ist * ̂ PAMEtKr SUITS , v- CHAMBER SETS EASY ROCKERS DINING TABLES RUGS, CARPETS CENTEK TABLES f # ; •'Wk 'Kit m- •^1 . - ' ,:t-k J-* -s • We have a nice line Picture Frames t J- - : ; f-« * ' > ' JACOB JUSTEN, McHenry, R ED • RIVER • VALLEY • FARM • LOANS An absolutely safe lnveslmcnt paying 6 per i-ont Interest. A full description of the security with location, value and amount of ioau. will be sent upon request. If you wish a choice investment of auv amount, I will eeteem It a favor to hear from you with a request for detailed information. W ltAfUSEkSON, Cashier Bank of Warren, - - Warren, cks:--Einst Nat. Bank, St. Paal, Bndsttaeti or Dons •ee RED RCKKtisc RIVER VALLEY EARNS BOUGHT AND JOS. H. HUETIANN, k:< Appleton orn Shelters Corn Shelters and Tread Pow«» taenl NacksaRfeil Prices KwiyS RtisiBttle 'Duple* Grinding Mills. Rock Island Plows. "" "Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills ; Well Supplies. Harness Oil, Paint CHI flachine Oils * ¥ $ ,r ft ^ i >. " .jl-' J ohnsburgh, Illinois. ̂ . *i*A; Speciaty I