Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Mar 1901, p. 8

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Thin, pale, ansmic girls need a fatty food to enrich ! their blood, give color to I their cheeks and restore their | health and strength. It is| safe to say that they nearly | all reject fat with their food. | Stf&SWH COD LIVER OIL WNHrPOPHOSPMTES orUME <S SOM m f'V.V \ is exactly what they require; o it not only gives them the im- j \portant element (cod-liver oil) | I! in a palatable and easily di­ gested form, but also the hypo- J | phosphites which are so valua- ! ble in nervous disorders that usually accompany anaemia. SCOTT'S EMULSION is a fatty food that is more easily digested than any other form of fat. A certain amount of $ flesh b necessary for health. | You can get it in this way. | We have known per' | sons to gain a pound a | day while taking it j 50c. and 00, all druggists. V SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists. New York, jt CARNEGIE CASH FOR WAUKEGAN. Off*r» to Give f85,000 for Public Library Building If City Do«* It's P»rt. Undre\ iw Carnegie has offered Wauk©- $25,000 for a public library on con* -lition that the city give the site and guarantee $2,500 a year for the library's support. The offer is made in response to a letter sent Mr. Carnegie by A. K. Stearns. The city now is paying 13,000 annual rental for its library. It is not so much what the newspapers say, as what neighbor says to neighbor, or friend to friend, that has brought Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar­ rhoea Remedy into such general use. It is as natural for people to express their gratitude after using this remedy as it is for water to flow down hill It is the one remedy that can always be depended upon, whether a baby be sick with cholera infantum or a man with cholera morbus. It is pleasant, safe and re­ liable. Have you a bottle of it in your home? For sale by Julia A. Story. All the latest novelties in spring and summer goods at Chapell'8. She.--I have never loved before. He.--And why my precious? Surely there are others as worthy as I. She.--That wasn't it. I had Indiges­ tion so bad I never could endure their prattle, but I took a bottle of Dr. Cald­ well's Syrup Pepsin and have never seen any sign of it since. Get it of Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. Extra quality cucumber pickles at 26c per gallon at M. J. Walsh's A Card. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a 50 cent bottle of Green's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold. We also guarantee a 86 cent bottle to prove satisfactory or monsy refunded. 27-26t JULIA A. STORY. (j|(| SlOI*0 °°me and let me 8how y°u the new-styles in Gents' Fancy Ties, Plain and fan<^ Jfcess Shirts, Col- ^ars, Hats and everything new in gents' furnishing goods. Also a new and cam&ity selected stock of Ribbons, Laces, Hosiery, Umbrellas, plain and fancy Handkerchiefs, Fancfr frowels and Towel- Almost every yard of washable goods we had was sold, in feet about all the shelves were empty of yard goods. Now they are filled with all kinds of neat and pretty pat­ terns in any kind of Dress Goods you may wish for. Everything new and up to date and prices never so low in washable goods and new novelties for spring and summer. SHERMAN S. WELL Telephone 314. delivered proinytly. ing, Napkins, Linens, White Goods, Pique, Damask, Linings, Satine, Everett Ginghams, Crawford" Percales, Louisiana Calicoes, Toile De Noid Ginghams, Newport Draperies, Homestead and Olym- pia Shirting; Allen, Columbia and American Prints, Tennis Flannels, New Novelties in Eddy Silks, Calmont Percales, Amoskeag Domestic and fancy Dress Gin&hams in all checks and colors. mmmrnrn _ ____ _ Fine assortment of light Calicoes, Muslin Underwear, Fancy Silks, Summer Silks, Etc. Come while the selection is best. About 30 of those long Cloaks left at $1.00 per choice, while they last A COMPLETE STOCK OF THE CHOICEST QROCE|*t@S. ALL KINDS FISH PHD I RNT Gas Company to Pipe Houses. The Elgin gas company has recently employed an expert gas fitter and will, make a specialty of piping old houses for gas. The Work will be done at cost. Fancy stock of Groceries at bottom prioeg at Chapell's. C orrespondents Wanted. Write to us if you want to learn what Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin will do, or call at our store and get a trial bottle. Ten doses 10c at Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. Nothing but the beet of groceries oome from Chapell's. Stops the Cough and works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day! No Cure, no Pay Price 35 cents. HERE AND THERE. A MlseellaneoaK Aggregation of Inferma- A'yV tlon Interesting All. /" r DR. TALLERDAY'S T mil JUKI FOR Constipation, Torpid liver and the Blood. > ? . B e l v i d e r e , I l L , F e b . 5, 1901. "f Inherited Eczema, as my mother suffered for years with an incurable form, and I had been afflicted with it , from childhood to a mild extent. It • had annoyed me for several years dur- Wi J• the summer months. In April, 1900, the affliction was very pronounced. By ? the middle of May I was nearly incapac- dfe-*" itated for business. In June I suffered to such an extent that I could get no ,: s rest under any conditions, and the tor- ture was undermining my nervous sys­ tem and reducing physical forces to an alarming extent, and I cannot describe m?: f my sufferings. I had employed the best ' medical skill obtainable, but with no re­ lief until I began taking Dr. Tallerday's -V * Fruit Juice. Within three days my suf- S faring began to subside and within three J-*' weeks I was much better than I had fy» . been during the summer months for •fV;» years. The continued use of this medi- ' cine completely cured me, removing ev- < ery symptom of the disease. Have rec- : ommended it to others for different blood diseases and all have been bene- ^ fited by its use. I make this statement V if purely upon the merits of this remedy, | and will be glad to answer any inquiries '4 "J§ any sufferer wishes to ask me, if they _; will enclose stamp for reply. E. J. MUNN. MS k, Residence, 540 S. Main St., Belvidere. 14 n Place of Business, Union, 111. ffllftlpS Dr. Tallerday's Cough Cure Cures. Beloit, Wis. fe),'V > My husband was home, sick, for over Itll ,t f week with LaGrippe and was cough- £ ' ing night and day. He commenced to f|, » use Dr. Tallerday's Cough Cure and got relief at once. We have never had a 5 medicine in our house that has done so c much good. It is invaluable. The Pain ^ \Tablets have no equal. , ̂•: .. MRS. EMMA NEEDHAM, 1216 Vine St V ^ Beloit, Wis. My grand-son has suffered from birth with broncial coughs, and after using tiottle of Dr. Tallerday's Cough Cure is getting well. I am using both the Cough is" * ' Cure and the Tonic myself, and think they are excellent. |.i; " MRS. GEO. STIRES, 721 Brook St . 'JMEAIIUFHCTURED by THE TALLKKDAY MKI>XC1MK CO., Belvidere, 111. * For sale by <WUA A. 8TOET, - McHenry \%F ©BO. W. BE8LET, - West McHenry Gottfried Brewing Company Chicago* Illinois I guarantee this to be the Best Beer sold in McHenry and sell it in SPECIAL BRAND% Golden Drop, .1. Imperial Cabiifyei Muenchener Hofbrau Export Beer invigorator Malt Extract BARREfci HALVES QUARTERS EIGHTHS and BOTTLES McHenry, 111* A M I L D LAXATIVE. WfclTC FOR. SAMPLE TABLETS L/^TVLTALITY. I MChTAL CALM/1C55. ^ I PEACEFUL 5UJMBCR,,. ^ ' | THt MODCOrt "STITCH ITITIMt- ^ 5ol.o amo OudpAffretD err JULIA A. STORY, I BUYAflD | TRY THftn I THfc HoKwto«nta I^VANttjLU/40l& | Druggist. Mr BANK This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage poney to Loan on real estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec- ial attention given to collections, and promptly at­ tended to - INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low­ est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Htiwy Public. Banker*. #6.00 per Month and Expenses eu be made by a capable woman. Perma­ nent position. Experience unnecessary. Write ticulars. CMKK & CO, f c « . V 5 r ? r i i k 4 DO YOU KNOW that it pays to invest in tailor-made clothing?. so, if you buy at the right place. I have made rangements to buy a line of goods direct from manufacturer, thus sav- ing the wholesalers prof- t it and giving you the benefit. I will make you an all-wool suit that can be compared with any­ thing made at the price, for ^ This suit will be strictly hand made, { trimmings and perfect fit guaranteed. not be allowed to leave the shop unless satisfactory. will buy you a pair of all-wool pants as fully guaranteed as the suit men­ tioned above. Remember, I am not ;; here today and away tomorrow, but JI am here to stay and make good all ^ The above bargains are offered for four # J. Square dealings always ^JOHN D. LODTZ, fleHenry, IIli apd best of The suit will guarantees, weeks only. I% fe reported that Mrs. Pear! Phttlips, who was employed at the Julien house, Belvidere, some time ago, has been left a legacy of $19,000 by A relative in Bock- ford. Spring has come. From all parts of the country can be heard the talk of base ball and other outdoor sports and the average boy has got his pockets full of marbles. Major D. W. Whittle, formerly of Elgin and Chicago, and for many years the friend and associate of the late Dwight L. Moody, died Monday at East Northfield, Mass. He was 00 years old. An English author who has been in­ vestigating the production of butter and cheese in all countries says that the largest creamery in the world is at Lin­ coln, Neb. It has a capacity of about 80,000 pounds of butter per day and an average daily output of 17,000 pounds. The kickers on the farm are not as hard to get along with as the kickers in town. On the farm there is the kicking cow and our long eared friend, the mule, where in town there is the old moss-back who wants all the privileges of municipal living, without paying for them and blocks so far as he can, every municipal improvement. The cow may be sold for beef and the mule traded for a shotgun, but nothing but a funeral will get rid of the town kickers. The longest piece of straight track in the North-Western system is said to be located in South Dakota on the line which runs from Huron to Pierre. It is said there is a straight stretch without curve for sixty-two miles and in fifty milee of this there is not a bridge. The crookedest piece of road undoubtedly in the whole system is the Huchakinock branch, commonly called the "pumpkin vine," where there is a curve for every furlong and a bridge for every enrve. If there is any chance to boom busi­ es, boom it. Don't put on a long face and look as though you had a sour stomach. Hold up your head, smile and look for better things. Hide your little hammer, and try to speak well of others no matter how small you may really know yourself to be. When a stranger drops in jolly him. Tell him this is the greatest town on earth--and it is. Don't discourage him by speaking ill of your neighbors. Lead him to believe he has at last struck a place where white peo­ ple live. A Missouri editor, going away, left a minister in charge of his paper. A day or two later a letter from a "way back" subscriber came which read: You know'd----well that I paid my sub­ scription the last time I was in Lexing­ ton. If I get any more such letters I will oome down and maul h out of you. The minister answered: I have been trying to maul that- thing out of the editor for ten years and if you really oome down and maul it out of him, then, my dear sir, I have twenty mem­ bers of my church you can operate on. An exchange says: It may not be generally known that a man who owns land along a river or stream can prevent persons from using the water in front of his land to midstream for any purpose whatever, except passing or repassing in a boat, but this is the law. People who have spent their whole life along the river think its water free to all, and this is the case by sufferance, but if a land owner tells you not to fish or hunt in front of his property you had better take him at his word and keep away, as he has a legal right to make his orders good." Friday evening last some twenty-odd members of the Odd Fellow Lodge of this city visited Grayslake Lodge end initiated some three members into the order there. The boys brought their paraphernalia, including the "lodge goat" which has had considerable exer­ cise of late and is in good condition to give the "bumper degree" with neatness and despatch. After the work had been done a banquet was served at theGardi- nier House, to which all did ample jus­ tice. The Antioch contingent arrived home in time for breakfast.--Antioch News. Help yourself by becoming popular and push your friends with you. It's dead easy. Be a good fellow and soon you'll have a procession of followers No man ever helped himself by knock ing other people down in character and business. No man ever got rich by try­ ing to make others believe he was the only man in town, or the only man in town who knew anything. You can' climb the ladder of success by treading on others' corns. Keep off the corns and don't knock. You're not the only pebble on the beach. There are others, and they have brains and know some­ thing as well as you. There's no end ol fun you can have minding your own business. It makes other people like fiem't Sone7 liOst His Right Arm. Charles Smith, a brother of Mrs. J. S. Phinney, of Harvard, but who resides with his father, Wm. Smith, north of Capron, met with an accident Tuesday that cost him his right arm. It seems that while they were sawing wood with a buzz saw at the Smith home, the gov­ ernor to the engine became unmanage­ able, greatly increasing the speed of the engine, which caused the balance wheel on the buzz saw to burst, one of the pieces striking the young man, who was standing near by, and severing his right arm just below the elbow joint. Drs. C. M. Johnson, of Harvard, and Robt. Hutchinson,of Capron, were called and dressed the wound. Mr. Smith is a member of the Mystic Workers of the World, from which lodge he will receive $750 as a result of the loss of his arm. He also holds an accidental policy in the Metropolitan company, which will pay him about $1,500. Like Oliyer Twist, children ask for more when given One Minute Cough cure. Mothers endorse it highly for croup. It quickly cures all coughs and and colds and every throat and lung trouble. It is a specific for grippe and asthma and has long been a well known remedy tor whooping cough. Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. Dr. C. P. Graves, of Alden, has kept a record of his medicine practice done since coming to Alden sixteen years ago and finds that the total amount of the uncollectablc accounts made during that period in less than 4 per cent of all the business done. This certainly speaks well for the citizens of Alden, and what ia true of doctor's bill is no doubt true of other bills. As well as being a credit mark to the citizens of Alden it also shows that the doctor has been a pretty good collector.--Harvard Herald. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take LAXATIVE Bromo Quinine Tab­ lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig­ nature is on each box. 25c. Before you decide on the style you want for Easter or spring, visit our Stan­ dard Pattern Department and examine the April Fashions just received. W.C. Evanson. The Pasture Stock Food Co., 884 Times building, Chicago, offers $15 per week and 10 per cent, on all sales for a man with horse and buggy to sell Pasture Stock Food. 29-20t. Our stock of spring dress goods was never so complete. We have all the new shades with trimmings to match. Call and see them at M. J. Walsh's. When you are bilious, use those fam­ ous little pills known as De Witt's Little Early Risers to cleanse the liv& and bowels. They never gripe. Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. Leave your measure for a new suit for Easter. We can save you money and give you a perfect fit. Over 1Q0Q apnples to select from. M. J. Walsh. Results. Immediate and lasting. Be­ fore and after trying other remedies use Rocky Mountain Tea this month 'Twill keep you well all summer. A great spring blessing. G. W. Besley. Easter ideas, hats, styles, amusements, etc., fill the April Designer, for sale at Evanson's store where yon may leave your subscription also. The lingering cough following grippe calls for One Minute Cough cure. For all throat and lung troubles this is the only harmless remedy that gives imme­ diate results. Prevents consumption. Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. The Designer is the best magazine of styles published anywhere at ten cents. It's for sale at Evanson's store. See that you get the original DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve when you ask for it. The genuine is a certain cure for piles, sores and skin diseases. Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. In the April Designer,for sale at Evan- son's store, there is a prize story, "In Pursuit of Miss Mooney." Counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve are liable to cause blood poisoning Leave them alone. The original has the name DeWitt's. upon the box and wrapper. It is a harmless and healing salve for skin diseases. Unequalled for piles. Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley i In the April Designer, for sale at Evanson's store, there la a new prize offer for young folks. Puny children with week constitutions can attain an unusual degree of bodily and mental vigor by taking Rocky Mountain Tea this month made by the Madison Medicine Co. 35c. G. W. Besley. OJLSVO Bmtfe KM YM HMtigt ttfBStU* tM l/A ^ . . . . t . ^ a . x ' I ' A t > 1 . ^ i ? ^ * 1 Every Day Wearing Apparel si® Special care has been taken in selecting goods to supply the wants of hired men, in OVERALLS, SHISTS, JACKETS and SHOES.~ The kind selected is warranted by the manufacturer not to rip, and to give satisfactory service to the wearer. Our line or spring PLOW SHOES. . • 6 , J? % ^ s , Stock of Ready-made Clothing .33 that looks and wears like tailor-made, bought about two months ago, will be in in a few days. It will pay you to take a look before buying elsewhere A choice lot of Pure Buckwheat Flour just in. All kinds of garden and field seeds, including Clover, Timothy, Etc. and Groceries# Yours for ttc i < t" West McHenry Illinois * JOHN J. fllLLER IHHWII-- m m n -- n m m n n » The Grocery Stock 1 * is very complete just now and qpjfa mtere||-ts ing to cash paying trade > < 10 lbs. best granulated sugar. . ,58c 3 lbs. choice Apricotpu . 25c 8 " Peaches ..25c 5 " Prunes...25c 3 " . " Pears ,. s , 25c 10 lbs. Rolled Oats 25c 2 gals, sour Pickles.... 45c 1 gal. pail Syrup...;. /.35c 3 cans Corn . 25c 3 pkgs Richelieu Oats.. 25c 8 " Mince Meat.;,, ,25c FISH AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES r l - 1 ^ • a. I Your Spring Dress, large Aprons, waist for the boy and girl, presents an opportunity for economical buying. Several thousand yards are here of late spring styles and we arrange a special sale at 4£c per yard while they last. We told you before about odd size shoes we are closing out. Some are here yet. New spring styles in Ladies' and Gentj|V Shoes are here and await your coming.... Plenty new Outing Flannels, Muslin Undes** wear and many things for your inspection W. C. EVANSON •X. \ •• Delph Blue -.jjt . iThis ware is a little higher in price than tin ware, ;,v is much cheaper to buy, as it lasts forever, if J have a complete line of this ware and also of £ >. •/'V ifche Venetian Green Ware. Call and see it, • 7 Complete line of Nickel Plated Ware. ; y Cutlery and Plumbing Goods. ^ have a fine line of cutlery, including Carving Vi Knives, Table Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, "'^Razors, Etc. A full stock of Carpenters' Tools. JfWhen in need of anything in the plumbing line bear in mind that we know the business asyd keep on hand all the necessary supplies. Garland Steel Ranges n ^ust received a line of Garland Steel Ranges, and you know they are the best. Have a few Acorn big dis- w \ .*r ; 1 - Stoves left over which will be sold at a f'l jcount. It will pay you to look at them. Powder, Shot and unloaded Ammunition for birds or bear. or loaded Shelly McHenry, Ilt^/i GEO. SOflflERS, JR.

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