Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Apr 1901, p. 5

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laateUM Wholesale and rataS % , 4 M 1 B * * * < ' - ; *-"• . , fV..^ 88«8* tal McHenry - Illinois ! *'i' 5^ ' i:' vi*»V 'N' "n ••* y ' and Wind mills : Steel and Wood and " Farm machinery line to every department J " W; ~ , *•••• • t-:'- . We are prepared todo Work ol all Give n a a call ay & Rairi ey Ringwood, III. Abstracts of Title. Jf,;,' i n^jTr McHenry County ABSTRACT COMPANY. WOODSTOCK, ILL. f F. F. Axtell, Harvard. • :<} , IB. M. Patrick, Marengo. . ^flkftNMtmw -j John J. Murphy, Woodstock. ^ ,-v W. C. Eicheiberger. Woodstock I Geo. L. Murphy, Woodstock I Estate Bought and Sold. Insurance and Abstracts of Title and Conveyancing. m F. WATTLES (Suscessor to B. B. Howard) All kinds of Fresh and Ijalt Meats always on hand Vegetables and < . i^Qanned Goods. Uakery Goods a Specialty AU Kinds of Salt Fich. ; • Highest market Prices paid for Hogs, Cattle, Sh&p, Sides and Tallow Fat Cattle a specialty Fresh Vegetables and \ Pruits received fresh daily. '* Hhrders from Pistakee Bay will receive prompt and careful attention. if. i Call on me ;s - t will do the right thing with yon. F. WATTLES, |f̂ li McHenry, HI. Irfmff distance telephone, J#:** -(Sttaens' telephone 17 This Bank receives deposits, bnys and iwlls Foreign and Do­ mestic Ezchange^and does a ,V- I9S GENERAL BARKIIK BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to onr care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. rtoney to Loan on real estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections, and promptly at- - landed to. INSURANCE In First Class Companies, at the Low­ est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, iolary Public. tL: ire •Geo. Meyers GENERAL TEAMING of all kinds. Excavating and Grading. The U4tu and tHa w<«t. A handsomely illuaiFM&ed book just issued by the Chicago & North-Western R'y, bound in cloth and containing 115 pages of interesting historical data, relating to the settlement of the great Northwest, with fine half-tone engrav­ ings of Black Hawk, Sitting Bull. Bed Cloud and other noted chiefs; Custer's battleground and ten colored map slates showing location of the various tribes dating back to 1600. A careful review of the book impresses one that it is a valued contribution to the history of these early pioneero, and a copy should be in every library. Price, 50 cents per copy. Mailed postage prepaid .upon receipt of this amount by W. B. Kniekern, 22 Fifth avenue, Chicago, 111. ' 41-8t *1 have been troubled with indigestion for ten years, have tried many things and spent much money to no pnrpose until I tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I have taken two bottles and gotten more relief from them than all other medicines taken. I feel more like a boy than I have felt in twenty years." Anderson Riggs of Sunny Lane, Tex. Thousands have testified as did Mr. Riggs. Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. (Men! Do you know that it pays to have your clothes made to order. In­ variably a ready-made suit will be out of shape in a few weeks if not a poor fit to start with. They are not more than half made, and are continually ripping. Let me fit you out in o hand-sewed suit and I will guarantee it to give satis­ faction. Prices always right Pealing [ DR. TALLERDAY'S I Constipation, Torpid liver and the Blood. Belvidere, 111., Feb. 5, 1901. I inherited Eczema, as my mother suffered for years with an incurable form, and I had been afflicted with it from childhood to a mild extent. It had annoyed me for several years dur­ ing the summer months. In April, 1900, the affliction was very pronounced. By the middle of May I was nearly incapac­ itated for business. In June I suffered to such an extent that I could get no rest under any conditions, and the tor­ ture wag undermining my nervous sys­ tem and reducing physical forces to an alarming extent, and I cannot describe my sufferings. I had employed the best medical skill obtainable, but with no re­ lief until I began taking Dr. Tallerday's Fruit Juice. Within three days my suf­ fering began to subside and within three weeks I was much better than I had been during the summer months' for years. The continued use of this medi­ cine completely cured me, removing ev­ ery 8> iii ptorn of the disease. Have rec­ ommended it to others for different blood diseases and all have been bene­ fited by its use. I make this statement purely upon the merits of this remedy, and.will be glad to answer any inquiries any sufferer wishes to ask me, if they will enclose stamp for reply. E. J. MUNI*. Residence, 540 S. Main St., Belvidftifc • Place of Business, Union, I1L Dr. Tallerday's Cough Cure Cures. Beloit, Wis. * My husband was home, sick, for over a week with LaGrippe and was cough­ ing night and day. He commenced to use Dr. Tallerday 's Cough Cure and got relief at once. We have never had a medicine in our house that has done so much good. It is invaluable. The Pain Tablets have no equal. MRS. EMMA NKKDHAM, 1216 Vine St. Beloit, Wis. My grand-son has suffered from birth with broncial coughs, and after using £ bottle of Dr. Tallerday's Cough Cure is getting well. I am using both the Cough Cure and the Tonic myself, and think they are excellent. MRS. GEO. STIRES, 731 Brook St. Manufactured by THE TALLKKOAf MEDICINE CO., Belvidere, 111. For sale by JULIA A, STORY, - McHenry GEO. W. BESLEY, - Wwt McHenry Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It la unequalled for all stomach troubles. H can't help but do you good Pltmared only by E. O. DbWITT &Co., Chicago H. bottle coDtatnaSK times tbeaOc. size. A-»oryMK«3.W.B«wley. 'AJ. ; OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS IM. OSTXND. Mrs. Henry Goodsell la improving in health. Mrs. James McDonald was a McHenry visitor Saturday. Thomas McDonald was a Ringwood visitor Saturday. Miss Lucile Stocking is sewing for Mrs. E. E. Basse tt There was a fine attendance H Sun­ day school la*t Sunday. Mr. Mike Dassow was in OW com­ munity assessing Mondfcy. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thomas were McHenry visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Baseett were Greenwood visitors Sunday. Edward French was a Ringwood visitor Saturday and Sunday. Chas. Davis and family were Green­ wood visitors Saturday evening. - A man who bleaks a promise can easily make another just as good. Warren Francisco and sister, Annie, were Woodstock visitors Saturday. Mrs. T. A. Abbott and daughter, Maud, were McHenry visitors Monday. Mrs. Herdkoltz and son, George, were Sunday visitors at the home of John Miller. Frank Thompson and family, of Greenwood, spent Sunday at R. H. Richardson's. Mrs. Henry Dailey and daughter, Martha, were visiting Monday at Mrs. N, Thompson's. Mr A. L. Francisco, wife and two sons, Clyde and Leon, 'were Sunday callers at Henry Holiartlu Mr. Bernard Harrison is the first farmer hereabouts who has sown grain. He has fitted and sowed two fields of oats last week. "Narrow minded people ilp like narrow necked bottles, the less they have in them the more noise they make in getting it out. "--Selected. There was no school Wednesday and Thursday of last week on account of the funeral of Mr. Chas .French, Edward French'8 father, at Ringwood. S. L. Lincoln, wife and son, Leon, of Harvard, visited Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hobart and family. They returned to Harvard Monday. Miss Nellie Richardson, of Woodstock, accompanied Miss Anna Harrison home from her school Friday evening and re­ mained over Sunday visiting at Harri­ son's and Richardson's. Miss Helen Granger, of Wauconda, spent Wednesday evening at Warren Francisco's and Henry Hobart's. She is having dental work done by Dr. Ross, of McHenry. She returned home Thursday. A Testimonial from Old England. "I consider. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the best in the world for bronchitis," says Mr. William Savory, Warrington, England. "It has saved my wife's life, she having been a martyr to bronchitis for over six years, being most of the time confined to her bed. She is now quite well." It is a great pleasure to the manufacturer of Cham berlains Cough Remedy to be able to publish testimonials of this character. They show that great good is being done, pain and suffering relieved and valuable lives restored to health and happiness by this remedy. It is for sale by Julia A. Story. RIDGEFIEX.1X J. Merchant was in Woodstock Thurs­ day. Miss Bessie Reed returned ftJElgin Sunday. Lyman Levey, of Woodstock, was here Saturday. Miss Nell Gibsonris visiting at Chi­ cago this week. Mr. and Mrs. D. L Gibson spent Sun­ day at Woodstock. W. Yanke and Win. Reed were in Woodstock Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E, W. Merchant were in Nunda Saturday. Mrs. E. Nobles is visiting friends at Genoa Junction, Wis. Miss Myrtle Kiltz, of Gary, visited friends here last week. Mr. A. Westerman and daughter,^ May, visited here Friday. Geo. Whiston, of Holcombville, called on friends here Thursday. Miss Gracie Wells visited ielitives and friends at Chicago recently. Miss Blanche Lynch, of Harvard, spent Sunday with her parents. Mrs. M. W. Ward and Mrs. Bell Dufield were in Nunda Monday Erie Ormsley, of Chicago, is spending a short vacation with his parents. Mrs. Eiltz and son, Lawrence, of Cary, visited at R. L. Dufield's Sunday. Mrs. Eva Lynch returned Saturday from a week's visit at Ripon, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. J. Whiston, of Holcomb­ ville, visited their son, Frank, here last week. f R. L. Dufield, A-P. P®ok and sons spent last week fishing and hunting at Fox River. Miss Etta Levey, of Woodstock, visited her brother, A Levey, and wife from Wednesday until Saturday. ; The Beat Remedy for Rheumatism. . . QUICK RELIEF FROM PAIN. All who use Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism are delighted with the quick relief from pain which it affords. When speaking of this Mr. D. N. Sinks, of Troy, Ohio, says: "Some time ago I had a severe attack of rheumatism in my arm and shoulder. I tried numerous remedies but got no relief until I was recommended by Messrs. Geo. F. Par­ sons & Co., druggists of this place, to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. They recommended it so highly that I bought a bottle. I was soon relieved of all pain. I have since recommended this liniment to many of my friends, who agree with me that it is the best reined; for muscular rheumatism in the market." For Sale by Julia A. Story, BARBSVUXK. Thos. Thompson was a Nunda caller Saturday. E. F. Matthews '.waa in Woodstock Wednesday. Mr. Wm. McGraw, of Gary, called here Wednesday. Little Henry Knaak was a new pupil at school Monday. Thos. Walsh and Thos. £tane were callers here Sunday. _ M. J. Freund, of McHenry, inks a caller here Monday. Paul Reiger is assisting Gene Cox with his spring work. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Starritt, of Nunda, were Sunday callers here. Frank Griswold, of Ringwood, spent Sunday at Thos. Thompson's. Mr. Weaver, of Cary, purchased a horqe of Chas. Knaak last week. Mrs. Howell is staying with Mrs. Leisner at Terra Cotta at present. Earnest ll ill drove to his home at Marengo Saturday returning Sunday. Frank Smith, of Nunda, was making business calls in this vioinity on Mon­ day. Emery Huffman and Hugh Watson, of Nunda, were callers here on Satur­ day last. F. L. Colby and Marshall Henderson, of Nunda, were in onr town one day last week. ' Mrs. Trueman Flanders and little daughter spent part of last week at C. W. Colby's. Mrs. Chas. Wilmington has been with her daughter, Mrs. Harry Wooley, the past week. Mrs. Thos. Thompson and daughter, Clara, called at Richard Thompson's one day last week. Alfred Johnson It to oooupy the rooms recently vacated by Ed.' Wilming­ ton and family. Floyd and Robert Thompson spent Saturday and Sunday with their parents near Wauconda. Fred and Arthur Wilmington and Miss Nettie Campbell spent Saturday evening at Jno. Fleming's. Nina Bryant, of St Louis, Mo., who is visiting relatives at Terra Cotta called on Miss Clara Thompson Sunday. He Kept His Leg. Twelve years ago J. W. Sullivan, of Hartford, Conn., scratched his leg with a rusty wire. Inflammation ani blood poisoning set in. For two years he suffered intensely. Then the best doc­ tors urged amputation '•but" he writes, "I used one bottle of Electric Ritters and 1 1-2 boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve and my leg was sound and well m ,ever." For Eruptions, Eczema, ^Tetter, Salt Rheum, Sores and all blood disorders Electric Bitters has no rival on earth. Try them. Julia A. Story will guarantee satisfaction or refund money. Only 50 cents. rote. Mr. Theodore Wortz is onr mail carrier again. Miss Katie Pfannestill spent the week at Hanesville. Miss Cora Huson, of Fort Hill, spent Sunday in Vrlo. Miss Naomi Vasey is clerking for Mr. John Richardson. Miss Rose Huson spent a two days vacation at home last week. Mr. Rolland Townsend, of Fort Hill, ^was a Volo caller Thursday. - Miss Anna Miller and her mother were McHenry callers Snnday. Mrs. Sarah Gill is visiting her daugh­ ter, Mrs. William Richardson, of Elgin. Mr. Frank Sexton and son, Jake, visited his mother in Elgin over Snn­ day. Mr. Lee Strang, of Grays Lake, attended church at Volo Sunday after­ noon. Mrs. Sarah Gale, of Elgin, called on friends in Volo the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. T. Winkle, of McHenry, Sundayed with the latter's parent's, Mr. and Mrs. ChriB. Sable. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hertle and child­ ren spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Rosing. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Torranoe, of Wauconda, called on friends in Volo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Davis, son, Earl, and Mr. George Richardson spent Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Rich­ ardson. Mr. Charles Smith and daughter, Cora, of Hebron, visited Mr. John Walton and family Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. Elarn Converse, of Chicago, Sun­ dayed with his mother. He was accompanied to the city by his daughter, Frances, who has spent the past week visiting friends and relatives in Volo. Miss Abbie Converse and Joseph Voght were quietly married at Fremont Wednesday, April 10. The wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Jane Con­ verse. Only the immediate relatives of the bride and groom being present. Both are well known in Volo and their inany friends wish them much joy and Jkappiness in their married life. A Raging, Roaring Flood. Washed down a telegraph line which Chas. C. Ellis, of Lisbon, la., had to re­ pair. "Standing waist deep in icy water," he wtitee, gave me a terrible cold and cough. It grew worse daily. Finally the best doctors in-Oakland. Neb., Sioux City and Omaha said I had Consumption• and could not live. Then I began using Dr. King's New Dis­ covery and was wholly cured by six bottles." Postively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung troubles by Julia A. Story. ana $1.00. Hubert Klapperich shot 24 ducks last Friday. Lena Schumacher went to Chicago Friday. Hubert Neumann visited friends here Monday. Peter B. Freund was a caller here Monday. Rev. H. Mehring was a Chicago visitor Friday. • v Henry Meyers working at Fox Lake at present. C. M. Adams was a business caller in Chicago Wednesday. Mr. S. Jackson, from Grass Lake, was a caller here Sunday. Peter Britz sold his hone to Hubert Neumann on Monday for $90. : Joseph Heiiner, from McHenry, iraa a business caller here Monday. Peter Rothermel is putting up the pews in the new church at present. Peter Weber and Charles Granger, from West McHenry, were callers here Monday. H. Tappendorf, from Rock Island, was a business caller here several days this week. 1 ' **-. The new altar for the new church arrived on Monday and will be erected right away. Auton Kramer, from Milwaukee,, arrived here to put in storm windows in the new church. The scaffolds on the towers of the new chnrch are all down and the church has a nice appearance. One of Jos. H. Huemann's little chil dren is very sick at present. They fear the child can't recover. R.Sager,from Milwaukee,arrived here Monday to finish the work • on the gas plant in the new church. Many of the young people from here drove to McHenry on Sunday to attend the services in the German Catholic church. Many of the young people from here attended the dance at Stilling's hall on Monday. All of them reported a good time. Mr. Oswald and several of his friends returned to Chicago on Monday after several days hunting near their cottages at German Village north of here. Hubert Michels and John Mertes are putting an addition to Wm. Althoff's store where the latter will, be ready to wait on his customers on short notice. John Krans and Geo. Held two of the tinners that worke-.l on the church finished their work Friday forenoon re­ turning to their home in Milwaukee in the afternoon. The funeral of Miss Chrietena Bugner was held on Thursday of last week from St. John's church at 9 o'clock. The funeral was attended by friends and relatives from far and near. On Wednesday of this week Peter Blake and Katie Tonyon were married at the Catholic church here by Rev. H Mehring. After the ceremony dinner and supper were served at the bride's home. In the evening they gave a dance at John Heimer'e hall to their many friends and relatives. Anton Meyers had the fortune to dis­ cover that it is different living on the prairie than from living near the Fox River as the other night several Bportsinen who were out hunting killed two of his tame geese and wound­ ed one. He was lucky as one of them thought he wonld pay for his mistake and settled the bill which Mr. Meyers thought was alright Marion Koohe, manager for T. M Thompson, a large importer of fine millinery at 1658 Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, says: "During the late severe weather I caught a dreadful cold which kept me awake at night and made me unfit to attend my work during the day. One of my milliners. was taking Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for a severe cold at that time, which seemed to relieve her so quickly that I bought some for myself. It acted lik<S magic and I began to improve at once. I am now entirely well and feel very pleased to acknowledge Its merits." For mfa by Julia A Story. Northern Wlaeonsln Hallway Vwu For Sale. The North-Western Line has for sale in Northern Wisconsin, at low pricee and easy term of payment, about 850,- 000 acres of choice farm lands. Early buyers will secure the advant­ age of locations on the many beautiful streams and lakes, which abound with fish and furnish a never ending and most excellent water supply, both for family use and for stock. Land is generally well timbered, the soil fertile and easy of cultivation, and this is rapidly developing into one of the greatest sheep and cattle, raising regions in the Northwest Chicago, Milwaukee, St Paul, Minnea­ polis, Duluth, Superior, Ashland and other towns on "The North-Western line" furnish good markets for stock and farm produce. For further particu­ lars address: Geo. W. Bell, Land Commissioner, Hudson, Wis., or G. H. MacRae, Assistant General Passenger Agent, St Paul, Minn. 89-14t OSGOOD, MO., Oet. B8, 1899. PEPSIN SYRUP CO., Monticello. HL GENTLEMEN:--I have used Syrup Pepsin for some time and find it gives most excellent results and it is one of the greatest selling preparations I have ever carried in stock. I do not hesitate to recommend it. Very respectfully, DR,/F. JONBB. Sold by J h l l a A . S t o r y m a d • Besley. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tke Kind You Han Alwaft Bwght CASTOR *h© Kind Yon Ahsays Boag&i, sad wlue& hm -- In use for over 80 years, has bonie the signature and has been made under Ida sonal supervision since Allow no one to deceive yon in tihfaw All Counterfeits, Imitations and MJnst4W*good" are Ml Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children--Experience against Eiperfaimafc *u use ivr over ou What is CASTORIA ! A A ^Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OH» gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups* It is . contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other "WjMrntlft ' substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys and allays Feverishness* It cures Diarrhoea and Colic* It relieves Teething Troubles, cures and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tbS Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural aMttfb The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend* GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Tie Kind Ton Hare Always Boo# In Use For Over 30 Years. A A •MC OMHftVH I IT (TMCT, M»NMm t*7$*T<7V. j&k ,.JQ&m Well-posted dressers say we sell the best garments in this place. You'll say so, too, if you take the trouble to investigate. Quality, durability, economy and style are the points we insist on. 1 Spring Hats : "I ll New, nobby and dressy, in all shades and obrtect prices. SHOES, OXFORDS and SLIPPERS--We have just what you want. I A new line of Men's F»n«y »od Sfailta jost J ; , received/, „ , » - * • > ̂ * J* y.-S I Olfoceries «f afftinds A full line of Canned Goods, Pickl€#f Seal of Minnesota and Fancy Flour* > , « „.v. . Yours | Good* Delivered Promptly. i|/[ 1" j Long distance'pbone No. 363. . . * » • %! • frt* ttt (»« Ft* >• * $ I f'X, :sj % ' ' 1 The dry goods merchant has taken up J your time and money during the past #" lew months--it is now my time to ?' say a word. When you clean house4, ^ and find that new Carpets, Mattings or Rugs are needed just bear in mind^* that I can fit you out at |ts low a fig- V ure aud as satisfactorily as any deal- er in the country. Come and look at'3iv ~:A i«w designs. If you need new furai- < ture it will be to your interest to call* ^ ^ at this store. New, up to date goods * on hand and more arriving every day' < l! Justen K-i ' i t®" X V °:4 ' ' * S ; 1 FRESH FRUITS j A n d V E tirfe T A B L E 5 | The season for fresh fruits and vegetables is now | opening and it is our intention to keep pace with | ft the market, and ahead of all competitors. As soon * I as new goods strike the market we will have them | on sale. Keep your eye on the display of goods in k front of our store. Something new every day. | - | GILBERT BROS, McHenry -vv.2>^ r CSV STO The Kind You Have Always Bomdt Bearg the {Signature •' vl

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