/. . 1 • J C T O ® v 5 ^ , ^ . 7 i / f v . ' " ' ' • " * lay' V.?: r-sC V>vV *'•«;•"%$* ^ ;• V<;W-JT tf* y/;'|j wwfiE& > >r \H . . Mairtb** TMI riM. ^rSL-^ai The man who fives advice trtij to- ran unnecessary responsibilities. IdtMMImntolOn tetf OoosoaptiOT has is eqwl for coughs wad eoNk-Jon » BOTM, TitBitj Spri&CS. md^ we*, ifciaoa Hamburg la headquarters for wild animals and soo stock of all kinds. FITSfwuiwIlj Cwt HoltiorMraaMiifla >« iay's «w of Dr. Kiefs Gmi Km* P>1«m. Bend for FSKS ItAO Ma) boM* nt tmifi 0B. K. H. KUPM. 1*1. Mi ATA St.. Fbltsdsl>Ma.t*. Some very learned people have the dead languages buried in their brains. Poor Soap Spoils Clothea. Don't take chances. Buy the best. Ma ple City Self Washing Soap is guana* teed to be pure. All grocers sell it. • German savant points out that rural postmen were in existence in Egypt 4,000 years ago. Foolish and obstinate people alone suffer from neuralgia or rheumatism. For they can always secure Wizard Oil and care themselves. ABOUT SELF-HELP. SCHEMES THAT ARB OBNBH- ALLY WELL-MEANT, Ca »Way 11M HIHIIBI Kan--Teo KMk Oil- Tealeilin Ilowenr, Mar Ba Qualities. ' f v 4 . 4 SPRING CATARRH MAKES PEOPLE WEAK AND NERVOUS ; • V Ir &y t ' * & „ > v \"K "Hi W'i <t • i i - * J + , ^ All manner of extravagant expressions are possible when a woman's nerves are overwrought. The spasm at the top of the wind pipe or bronchial tubes, "ball rising in the throat,M violent beating of the heart, laughing and crying by turns, muscular spasms (throwing the arms about), frightened by the most insignificant occur rences--are all symptoms of a hysterical condition and se rious derangement of the female organs. Any female complaint may produce hysterics, which must be regarded as a symptom only. The cause, however, yields quickly to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, which acts at once upon the organ afflicted and the nerve centers, dispelling effectually all those distressing symptoms. Mrs. Lewis Says: "I Peel Like a New Person, Physically and ilentally." "DUB MBB. PINKHAH I wish to speak a good word for Eydla XL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. For years I had ovarian trouble and suffered everything from nervousness, severe headache, and pain in back and abdomen. I had consulted different physicians, but decided to try your medicine, and I soon found it was giving me much relief. I con tinued its use and now am feeling like a new person, physically and mentally, and am glad to add one more testimonial to the value of your remedy."-- MRS. M. H. LEWIS, 2108 Valentine Ave., Tremont, New York, N. Y. Writing to Mrs. Pinkham is the quickest and surest wav to get the right advice about all female troubles. Her ad dress is Lynn, Mass. She advises women free. Following is an instance: Mrs. Haven's First Letter to Mrs. Pinkham. 44 DEAR MRS. PINKHAH :--I would like your advice in regard to my troubles. 1 suffer every month at time of menstruation, and flow so much and for so long that I become very weak, also get very dizzy. I am troubled with a discharge before and after menses, have pains in ovaries so bad some times that I can. hardly get around, have core feeling in lower part of bowels, pain in back, bearing-down feeling, a desire to pass urine frequently, with pains in passing it; have leuoorrnoea, headache, fainting spells, and some times have hysteria. My blood is not in good condition Ho from you, lam," MBS. Emu. HAVEN, 2508 South Ave., Council Iowa. (June'8,1890.) Mrs. Haven's Second Letter. "Dm Mis. PINKHAM I wish to express my gratitude for what your medicine has done for me. I suffered for four years with womb trouble. Every month I flowed very badly. I got so bad that I could hardly do my work. Was obliged to sit or lie down the most of the time. I doctored for remedies--jLydi* Sanative Wash EMMA HAVER. 8008 South Ave., Council Bluffs, Iowa. (Feb. 1,1900.) $ 5000 REWARD Owing to the fact that son people hev^rom time to time . tbs gennineness of the testimonial letters we are ooostantlr publishing, we have deposited with the National City Beak, of Lynn, Mess., faooot wtuch will be paid to any person who will show that the above testimonials are not gennine, or were published before obtaining the writers' special psnnissioa.--LYDIA E. PINKHAM MKDIC'IKS CO. Montana first figured in the census returns in 1870. Then her population was 20,595. Now it is 243,329. We refund 10c for every package of PUTNAM FADELESS DYES that fails to give satisfaction. Monroe Drug Oo, Unionville, Mo. He--I*v© lost a wealthy aunt. She-- Really? When did she die? He--Oh! she isn't dead; bat her niece has just jilted me. People expect much from Garfield Tea and they are never disappointed; it purifies the blood and cures stom ach, liver, kidney and bowel disorders. A woman is very apt to have mis givings about a man who is addicted to the free and unlimited coinage of compliments. Coaching Leads to CuanapHaa Kemp's Balsam will stop the oough at once. Go to your druggist today and get a sample bottle free. Sold in 26 and 50 cent bottles. Gp ftt once; delays are dangerous. Grave of Hlppeemtlik The grave of Hippocrates, it is re ported, has just been discovered at La- rissa, in Thessaly. The Greek govern ment, has sent a royal commission to investigate the subject. PRONOUNCB Slgridur Jonsdottir, Kfcrmarstodum, Reykholasveit, ' , BardastrandaraysluJlM^' Iceland, Europe. This is the address given in an order for Dodd's Kidney Pills received and filled by the Dodd's Medicine Company of Buffalo, on April 16th. This unique direction means that to reach the sick people of Iceland, the parcel must travel to New York, then to London, Eng., then northwest to Greenland, to be landed finally, on the lonely island at the edge of the ArcUc Circle. This is a pointed illustration of how United States goods find their way to the remotest corners of the earth. America today, produces better medi cines, as well as better manufactured articles than any other country in the world, and this fact accounts for the demand for Dodd's Kidney Pills from every part of the known universe. For its unexampled electrical display the Pan-American exposition will re ceive five thousand horse power elec tric power from the great plant of the Niagara Palls Power company, twenty miles distant IN 3 OR 4 YEARS M INDEPENDENCE ASSURED If you take up spur home in Western Can- ada.the land of plenty. Illustrated pamphlets, giving experiences of farmers who have be come wealthy in grow ing wheat, reports of delegates, etc.,and full -Information aa to reduced railway rates can be "2had on application to the Superintendent of PImmigration, Department of Interior, Ottawa, * Canada, or to C. J. Broughton, 1223 Monadnock Rook, Chicago, or E. T. Holmes, Room 6, "Big >ur"Bldg, Indianapolis, Ind. If Your Wife i , - J $w Is B«rroo« and your doctor* BtOdfcin* deoghor mo good, don t you writo to Dr. Oroono about tor and got bis adrlea f This will not oost you anything, mnd It will probably ba tba moans of making your wlfo a wall woman. Dr. Oroono's addross is 99 W. t4tbSt., Ham York City* Ho Is tbo dtsoovoror of Dr. Oroono's Norrura and has tba groatost suoeoss oaring norwousaoss ia ail Its forms. It Is aa axaggoration to say tbat tboosaads ofwomoa and moa bavo booa mado woll tbrougb Mia aauasal. Mbsalataly aa obargo for advloo by mall. The well-known trade paper, the Iron Age, deprecates the use of the ex pression "working class" or "wage- earning class" in this country, declar ing that we have no such distinct classes; that men pass readily from one position to another, according to their abilities or good fortune. But the age has something further than a mere spellbinder's or demagogue's pur pose in dealing with this subject. It holds that the use of the expression is unfortunate if it encourage the Idea of patronage of one class by another. It declares, and rightly, that in this country the wa^e-earner does not rep resent a class, but a condition that may be temporary; that there are very few; employers that have not at some stage of their career been wage-earn ers, and that our so-called classes merge in a way that would be impos sible if there were any real class dis tinctions. The Age therefore depre cates anything that tends toward the making of class distinctions, toward the patronage by one class of another, as well as toward the acceptance of patronage. In this connection it de velops a thought that may not be so popular as this, but that commends it self to reflection, namely, that an en couraged investor like an encouraged immigrant or an encouraged anything, is not worth much. The practical ap plication of it Is that it is unwise for industrial and transportation corpora tions, tor example, to offer, as they frequently do, special facilities to their employes for becoming stockholders. Such schemes are generally, if not al ways, well meant The stock Idea we all know, namely, that employes that have an interest In the business will be stimulated to greater care for that business, will be steadied by their sense of responsibility--which sounds well, but which the Age holds to be rather specious than solid, because the practice leads to an artificial situation. Every Investor, It declares, should in vest for the same reason that any in vestor invests, exercising the same caution, be prepared to accept the same responsibilities, and be entitled to the same fruits. The specially helped em ploye as a stockholder is likely to be troublesome. The thought ia a deep one and worthy of consideration. In a way, everybody, particularly In this country, is hopeful and helpful as to the struggling man of small means. The sight of the small wage-earner be coming a large wage-earner, then a salaried man. and then a capitalist, is ever a welcome sight. It is typical of the optimistic and sympathetic charac ter of American life. But however beautiful these qualities are, they can not in the long run Ignore fundamen tal traits, and unquestionably It seems to us the Iron Age has laid bare one of those traits in its suggestion that too much over-fostering or too much help may result not only in a paraly sis of self-help, but In the creation of the spirit that is fatal to the only con dition on which permanent prosperity can toe based, namely, the exercise on the part of each for himself of the qualities of good judgment, of thrift, and wise management For with all these there is more or less of an ele ment of luck or the operation of things that no one can control that bring at times disaster, and when dis aster comes the only defense against it is the education which the exercise of these qualities alone can give. The ar tificially stimulated man at such times lacking these qualities shows weakness Instead of strength.--Indianapolis News. FROMWASHDAY From Monday to Saturday--at every turn in the kitchen work--a Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stove will save labor, time and expense--and keep the cook comfortable* No bulky fuel to prepare or carry, no waiting for the fire to come up or die down; a fraction of the expense of the ordinary stove. A BLUB FLAME Stove will boil, bake, broil or fry better than ^ coal stove. It is safe and cleanly--can not become greasy, can not emit any odor. Made in several sizes, from one burner to five* If your dealer does not have them, write to nearest agency of j STANDARD OIL COMPANY. Wickless TO RAKING DAY I' fcf- \ HOLLYHOCK POULTRY FARM 56-page Illustrated Poultry Catalogue. \ The secrets of snccessfnl poultry rais- ' ing told in plain language; all abbot in cubators, brooders, poultry houses, bow ,to hatch and raise every chick, what, I when and how to feed, forcing hens to lay and hundreds of valuable subjects atained in no other catalogue. Tells of S5 van • popular thoroughbred fowls and quotes ex- •v Weoielylow prices. Send 4c in stamps for postage. ItoHylwck PeultrT Farm. Box 1457, Des Moines. Ia. PATENTS • KILO B. STKVFNR A WITHOUT FBI . nnleea lucoMitsI J Send description; w sad get tree opinion. MILO B. 8TEVEN8 ft CO., Estab. 18M. Dir. 2, 317--14th Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. Branch offices: Chicago, Cleveland and Detroit. _ Syrup. In tlma. Bold In ' CONSUMPTION HAVE YOU MONET TO IHVEST1 A limited amount of fund# wanted for stock In an exceedingly meritorious and profitable MINING en terprise. Will prove a very profitable Investment for small as well a* large capitalists. You can invest from «S0 to S5.000. A specially favorable proposition made for the first available fundi-. For terms and full Information address K. G. RI7XTON, 134 Tan Bonn Street. Chicago, Illinois. FOR SALE. STOCK FARM--*80 acres southern part ef Min nesota, <0 miles from Minneapolis. 140 acres fenced Pasture. 900 acres cultivated, 140 acres hay lands. Soil black loam. Complete set of buildings, including Ice house, eta. Fully equipped with machinery, horses, cattle, hogs and sheep. Belongs to an estate --must sell. Price and terms right. For particulars address, a. TL. BTAWB, sas Muuepla An., •lunpelii.UHM. MflllEY In Sheep la Montana Is SAFE and pay e J*™" I U «m* lateral Now la the time to IHVCCTCII ln<™8t. Get in at bottom prices "* * LO | btl and be prepared for four more years of prosperity. Write for our annual report and particulars. <<e-Opwsttv« Kaack Ce., Orcst Palls. Mestaaik WHY GET SOAKED / s ' WHEN SLICKER BLACK Oft YELLOW W1UKEIPT0UDCT HMOHTSTOHIt LOOK FOR ABOVE TOADE MRjC KVMAC OF IMlTATlOfO. CATALOGUES FREE SHOWING PULL LINE OP ̂ RMCNT3 AI« HAT3. A J.TOWER CO- BQ3TON. MA53. 4» APRICOTS IN GERMANY. Which Have Been Bsiphariwd Are Confiscated as Injurious Consul General Guenther of Frank fort calls attention to the fact that un der the German law dried fruits which have been treated with sulphur are considered Injurious to health and are liable to be confiscated, confiscation having actually taken place in several cities. The consul general further states that he has been shown two re ports by the Chemical-Technical and Hygienic institute, of Frankfort, re lative to samples of dried California apricots, one of which samples showed the presence of 0.03376 per cent of sul phurous acid and the other 0.182 per cent If the authorities become cog nizant of this fact, continues Mr. Guenther, not only will this fruit be confiscated, but the German dealers, rather than get into difficulties with the authorities, will discontinue the trade. The consul general adds that Ger many's importation of California dried fruits is increasing, and advises United States exporters to be careful to ob serve the German laws and not sub- Jeot their shipments to confiscation. The two consignments of apricots of which samples were analyzed were not shipped directly from California to Frankfort, but were procured from middlemen. Mayor or Mlddletown, Ohio. Joseph E. McCarter, who was elected mayor of Mlddletown, O., last Monday, 1s one of the youngest men ever chos en to that position In the state, being but 27 years old. Mr. McCarter was a popular officer in the First Ohio regi ment, and saw service in the war with Spain. Peroentacaa of Urban Population. In England 29 per cent of the popu lation live In cities of over 100,000 in habitants. In other countries the per centage is lower--United States 19, Germany 18.17, France 12, Austria 8, Russia 6. Sauls'* Paper Industry From Russia (northern ports) im printed paper is imported into Great Britain to the annual value of over £70,000. Wood pulp boards are also received in fairly large quantities from Russia. Miss Anna Bryan, a favorite cousin of William Jennings Bryan, is well known socially in Washington, D. C., where she has a host of friends. Miss Bryan recently studied music at Fair mount Seminary, of Washington, D. C. In A recent letter to The Peruna Medicine Co., of Columbus, Ohio, she says: 1459 Florida Avenue, N. W., Washington, D, C. Tho Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O.: Gentlemen*-*"At the solicitation of a friend I began soma weeks ago to take your Peruna and I now feel like a new person. I take pleasure In recommending It to all who^want a good tonic mnd a per manent cure for catarrh."--Anna Bryan. mm R8. BERTHA KOCKLER, 177 /Vl Guinett street, Brooklyn, N. Y., Ill write8: "Peruna and Manalin have done me •ery great service, and I recommend them with pleasure to all who suffer with nervous catarrh of the stomach as I dm. Should such a disease ever attack me again I shall immediately take Peruna. I now feel very well and taava a good appetite all the tlma. I have gained In weight I recommended Peruna to an acquaintance of ours and he is making remarkable progress. I looked so badly for a time before I began your medicine, that now when 1 meet some of my friends they say °I was very much worried about you, but now you are looking so well.' 1 shall always keep Peruna and Mana lin in the house as family medlqjnes." --Mrs. Bertha Kockler. nuts* if Fair Wnm Im lever Withoit Puma, Tht national Catarrh Bitty. : 111,, Marie Coats, President flf M Appleton Young Ladies" Club, Si'llM the following concerning Peruna: Appleton, Wla. The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Q. Gentle m e n-- "I find Peruna an excellent spring and sum- m e r medicine and am glad to call the atten tion of my friends to it When that lan guid, tired feel ing comes over you, and your i food no longer-| MlsS Marie Coate* | I, >1 tastes good, and 3rTTTTTTTMM.>Mm»m»JI | small annoyances irritate you, Peruna . , will make you feel like another per- ~ j son inside of a week. I have now used it for three seasons and find it very reliable and efficacious."--Mauris Coats. t.JP. Mrs. Al. Wetxel, 21 South 17th street. ^ Terre Haute, Ind., writes: "Peruna is the greatest medicine oik earth. I feel well and that tired feel- .A ing is all gone. When I began to talcs , your medicine I could not smell nor \ hear a church bell ring. Now I can smell and hear. When I began your n >-; treatment my head was terrible, all ' ] sorts of buzzing, chirping and loud , noises. Three months ago I dragged ' around like a snail; now I can walk aa briskly as ever. I am going to go and see the doctor that said I was not long ^! • ;1 for this world, and tell him that tl /C Peruna cured me."--Mrs. AL Wetzel. «, If all the tired women' and all tho ' j nervous women, and all the women - ' that needed a tonic would read and heed the words of these three fair ladies who have spoken right to tho point how many invalids would tie prevented and how many wretched lives be made happy. Peruna restores health tak ft normal way. Peruna puts right all the mucous membranes of the body, and in this ; way restores the functions of every organ. If it is the stomach that is oat ot order, and the digestion impaired, Pe runa quickly makes things right by restoring the mucous membrane of tha stomach. If the nerves tingle, if the brain la tired, if the strength is flagging and the circulation of blood weakened by flabby mucous membranes of the di- gestive organs, Peruna reaches the ' spot at once by giving to these mem branes the vitality and activity which belongs to them. The pelvic organs are also lined with mucous membrane which in the ; female sex is especially liable to de rangements. Peruna is an absolute specific in these cases. The women everywhere are praising it No ottor remedy has ever received such nn* qualified praise from such a multitude*| of women. If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of ; Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of ] The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ol W. L. DOUGLAS $3 & $3.50 SHOES WSZ The real worth of my f.1.00 and fJ.M shoes compared with •tfcer makes Is *4.00 to £voo. My *4.00 Gilt Edge Line cannot be equalled at any prlee. Beat in the world for men. 1 awke and sell more men's flne shorn. Good year Welt(llaad.S»wMl Prnmu), than aajr ot her manuflu*. ••rer la the world. I will payel.OOOUuii) one whooaa mt ii ii r that nur statement Is not true. (Signed) W. I.. Douglas. Tafe*" no substitute! Insist on having W. L. Douglas shoes Wtth name and price stamped on bottom. Your dealer should ip them ; I give one dealer exclusive sale in each town. It does not keep them and will not get them for you, order ctfrom factory, enclosing price and 2"!C. extra for carriage. Over 1,000,000 satisfied wearers. Now Spring Catalog free. *Mt dolor Syelots used exchuinly. W. L D0U8LAS, BfOCktOn, M»a. all about patentsl Are' you an inventor? If so, I send stamp to L. T. QRHST, patent atty, 810 ltth St. GTLTJWASHJNGTOIMMXJRORFIJMJ^ ̂ flDADCV NEW DISCOVERY; gives V# I ^9 1 quick relief and cores worst cases. Book of testimonials sad 10 BATS* treatment FARMS FOR SALS. se,000 buy* seo »ore», tmllesfromfca*** ̂ Kelson County, North Dakota. (8,400 boys MB awe* S Biles from market, 180 acres under celtlranoe., •1,800 bun 180 acres tH miles from Lakota, DO MB» under cultivation. We have other good (MM Mr- •ale cheap. Terms reasonable. If you want tlve, cheap land or choice Investments, cal wiite RAWMtBs, Hum a usuw, im, a. Nature's Priceless Remedy DR. 0. PHELPS BROWN'S PRECIOUS HERBAL OINTMENT It Cures Through the Pores Address Pr.O.P. Brown, 98 trouble, we Sand Tou a B-way, W, N. U, CHICAGO, NO. 18, LOOI. Whea Aaswerisg Advertise meats ilailj 4 Meitioa This Capet. rn£m> i'}*y MAM-M-MAU . DONT YOU HEAR BABY Do you forget that summer's coming with all its dangers to the little ones-all troubles bred in the bowels* The summer's heat kills babies and little children because their little insides are not in good, clean, strong conditions Winter has filled the system with bile* Belching, vomiting up of sour food, rash* flushed skin, colic, restlessness, diarrhoea or constipation, all testify that the bowels are out of order. If you want ttie little ones to face the coming1 dangett with out anxious fear for their lives, see that the TODY'S bowels are gently, soothingly, but positively cleaned out in the spring time, and made strong and healthy before hot tueaiher sets in• The only safe laxative for children, pleasant to take (they •sk for more) is CASCARETS. Nursing mothers make their milk mildly purgative for the baby by eating a CASCARET now and then. Mama eats a CASCARET, baby gets As benefit* Try ftt Send for a 10c box of CASCARETS to-day and 70a will Had that# as wt guarantee, all irregularities of the little and big childrens inside* are 10c. 25c. 50c. ALL DRUGGISTS. NEVEI| SOLD IN BULK. CURE att towd troubles, appendicitis, biliousness, bad breath, MM blood* wind on the stomach, bloated bowels, fool month, headache, lndljrestlon. pimples, pains after eating, liver trouble, sallow complexion and dlulnesa. When jrour bowels don't move regu larly yon are getting sick. Constipation kills more people than all other diseases together. It is a starter for the chronle aliments and long years of suffering that come afterwards. No matter what alls you. start taking CASCARETS to-day, for you will newer get well and bo well all the time until you put your bowels right. Take our advice; start with CAfiCABETS to-day, under aa absolute guar antee to cure or money refunded. 4U .rsmaac MU. X*W it ts stlliea ksaw a greater than wur !• late mmmatrnf We katwflSiaai aaaaeynftiurd. (toksy twlajr, iwo'SSckaxee. SjjeIkiaa IWr, aaae*t_ trial, ai pfr «laj»|» <lmtl»M> snssTlf ye ̂ TOtTIIi the flr.t E'l'S ww oifr *ix •siuiaa. beats u year, slallar saedtclne la the world. Thl. •rest Merit, sail ear boat te»tla>«alal. will sell CAW'ABETS aMotelr caaraatee* to aet satlitti, after aali hex and tt* eatuty bsiuL «• by atall, er tie Oreertst wksa jsa aartkairf It, aad get yaar saaaejr bsMU Mr bases. Take our udvlee--ma aaatier wtal aw rse-sssi day. Health will qalekhr ftMwsslmwlU yeaUrststartedIhc aw^TAtCABtTs. Sssk Address: STEKLlMi UKMKDI CO., MCW IOBK er •"•i-'Shfc. ii*'- 3. j csjL'JB~ ,'is " j t ft }L ^ * -h -a> -JL i *y ,4 a