PUBUS6QBD EVERY THURSDAY BY PMMtiKf r PUMUIR COKMNT. V.JuOUTT, J. B- P«mtr, B. J. S^uoBu'ilemeer. (MBde lb Josten Block, two doom Mrth of Owen A Ohapell's store. TKI-KPHOSTW: bgag Distance, No. MR; - Oitlsens', No. 1 One TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION; Su^^\ptYons 'received for three of six toonths in the same proportion. ^Thursday, May 33, 1901. ** * ;? t • ,v-' -4^ EIGHTV-SEVEN carriage horses were sold in New York the other day for an average of over one thousand dollars each, The horseless era has been indefi nitely postponed. UNCLE SAM is going to show off some of his firearms at the Pan-American ex position. Among the government ex hibits will be the 16-inch gun which has been under course of construction at the Watervleit arsenal for three years and .is one of the largest and most expensive guns in the world. The gun was to be one of a great battery for the protection of New York city, but the experts found it too large to be practical, and 12-inch guns were substituted. The 16-inch gun has a range of twenty-one miles. BY a new law, passed by the Illinois legislature and which will become ef fective the first of next July the person nel of the board of review will be slight ly changed. The board in each county of the state hereafter selected will be made up of the chairman of the board of supervisors and two men to be appointed by the county judge--one to be a Re publican and one a Democrat. So in McHenry county it will be Supervisor Stevens, of Coral, and two men of Judge Gillmore'8 selection. The county clerk is left out, greatly to his relief. I HON. T. J. CUNNINGHAM, of Chip- ; pewa Falls, secretary of state during 'Gov. Peek's administration and more ^recently editor of the Chippewa Inde- I pendant, is a democrat who at times j thinks clearly, speaks strongly. The i talk about reorganizing the democratic i party has stirred Mr. Cunningham to an i expression of opinion which cannot fail ? to attract attention. He says: "Give the democratic party some sarsaparilla or sassafras tea. Let it get rid of the political scorfula which has attacked it, quit consorting with its ancient enemy, ; pat on decent clothes and try to be rea sonably respectable." HAVING delivered the goods, the Ad vance Agent of Prosperity can afford to take a vacation.--New Yotk Mail and Express. Never did a President of the United States more amply earn and de serve a vacation and a rest, says the American Economist; never was wel come warmer than that which Major McKinley is receiving on his trip to the Far West. But the greatest superlative of all lies in the fact that no ruler in this or in any other land ever toured a country so prosperous and happy. Ver ily Providence, backed np by brains, statesmanship, sound sense, and the knack of doing the right thing at the right time, has been mighty good to William McKinley. TnMaeat of BWPM. Burns may be ordinary, but they IOM none of their smart because of the eaaa With which they are acquired. Some persons swui to have a perfect genius for getting burned. If they strike a match, it breaks and scorches them, White a visit to the kitchen ends In a burn from the oven or a scald from hot water or steam. Of course the right thing to do with a burn is to get It away from all contact with the air and to do this with all possible haste. The necessary articles for the treat ment should be on hand, and they are baking soda--not washing soda, notice --fresh fat of some sort and several thicknesses of cotton cloth. It is an excellent plan to have a bottle of car- ron oil ready for such emergencies. Carron oil is made by shaking together equal parts of linseed oil and limewa- ter. If the skin is broken over the burn, use the oil without the soda. Otherwise moisten the soda with olive oil or sweet oil or even lard or cold cream and apply It. Over this wrap the cloth. Cotton batting is often used for covering the burn and keeping out the air, but it is not to be recommend ed. It is not a good plan to use flour, dusting it over a burn, for it frequently hardens and is of little comfort. One of the simplest measures for a superficial burn is to apply tile white of an egg with a soft piece of old muslin, B^ing more as it dries. ^ ' ' ^ v, . An Anecdote •* Verdi. The first production of VerdPs op era "Othello" took place at Milan, and all the prominent musical critics of Eu rope foregathered l!i the Cathedral City in honor of the occasion. Among them was a Parisian journalist of wide reputation and admitted authority In the musical world. His first care on his arrival In Milan was to seek out Verdi and ask to be allowed to be pres ent at one of the final rehearsals. The composer received him with ex treme politeness, but replied that he could not possibly grant his request, as he had decided that the. rehearsals were to be absolutely private, and he could not make an exception in the fa vor of any one journalist, however dis tinguished. The Paris critic, far from pleased at this answer, protested that in these circumstances his account of the opera might not be all he should like it to be. "Tou see," he explained to the composer, who affected not quite to understand, "I shall have to telegraph my article the same evening. It will necessarily be hastily written, and the impression in Paris the next day may suffer in consequence." But Verdi was more than equal to the occasion. "My dear sir," he made answer, "I do not write for the next day.'" The critic bowed himself out. wmm . . LISSWF There is a great variety of materials in m&ny pretty designs for summer wear, making it impossible for one merchant to handle all. Bat we have made a very careful selection from the lot and can please most any one in yji < ' FINE Line of CORDED BATISTE, (MTIANA CORDS, TEPHYR GINGHAMS LAWNS, DIMITIES, SATIN STRIPED DIHITIES SUPERFINE CHATIBRAYS, m *• • Ujj^ n- - ilaittiiHiiii Goods * $- J? j PROBATE NEWS ••iwimMiiiniiHiniiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiMiiiii REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Mary Sheldon to Amelia M Reader, Its 4 <£ 5, blk 1, except <&c Richmond -S 75000 Joseph E Cristy & w to R W Stafford, 2H a in swj< sec 06, McHenry 300000 Knickbocker Tee Co to Borden's Con densed Milk Co, 4 a in sec 26, Mc Henry 3000 00 Robert J Button & w to John Arm strong, It 10, Emerald Park, sec 1, Nunaa US 00 Same to Paul Armstrong, It 11, Emerald Park, sec 1, Nunda US 00 Same to James Armstrong, It U, Emer ald Park, sec J, Nunda US 00 8 B Gardner & w to S L Barber, pt It Ml assrs plat sdc 35, Marengo 1800 00 S L Barber & w to Mrs E B Gardner, same 190000 Luther P Fries tedt & w to Jacob Jacob- son, pc In nefe nwhi sec 80, McHenry.. 060 00 Same to same, pc In neM nwM sec 30, McHenry 660 00 Norman Frame & w to W H Young et al It 12, blk 17, Woodstock 60000 Edwin E Henry & w to Willis K Henry pt It 107 assrs pit sec 35, Marengo 225 00 Lucy Gardner Young to Fredrick O Scnroeder, sH swM swj* sec 22, Dun ham 800 00 Caroline B Tanner & h to Ida B Cott- rell. It 2, blk 40, Harvard 100 Ben H Nickerson & w to Frank J Nick- erson, pt It 30, assrs plat sec 38, Mar engo 60000 Frank J Nickerson ft w to Ben H Nick erson, pt It 36assrs plat sec 86, Maren go MO 00 Elmlra Hitchcock ft h to Isaac Cannon sH It 7. blk 5, Blackman's add 11 to Harvard Nancy Dlsbrow et al to Nelson Clark, It la, blk 8, Hart's addn to Harvard... A Gentle Hint. In our style of climate, with its sud den changes of temperature--rain, wind and sunshine often intermingled in a single day--it is no wonder that our children, friends and relatives are so frequently taken away from us by neg lected colds, half the deaths resulting directly from this cause. A bottle of Boschee's German Syrup kept about your home for immediate use will pre vent serious sickness, a large doctor's bill and perhaps death, by the use of three or four doses. For curing Con sumption, Hemorrhages, Pneumonia, Severe Coughs, Croup, or any disease of the Throat or Lungs, its success is simp ly wonderful, as your diuggist will tell you. Get a sample bottle free from Julia A. Story. Regular size, 75 cts. Get Green's Prize Almanac. AN INCREASE IN FARMING. There is general agreement that the favorable conditions which have af fected the agricultural interests of the nation for several years past have been a very important factor in bringing about the widespread prosperity that has blessed the people of the United States and in keeping in motion the wheels of industry and commerce. This fact gives special interest to a recent ar ticle by L. G. Powers, the chief statisti cian of the division of agriculture in the census bureau, in which he presents a comparative analysis of farm conditions in this country during the last two de cades, as shown by the census returihi. It appears that the bureau sent out 5,786,907 farm schedules and, although fhe information gathered has not been all tabulated, it is estimated that the re turns when completed will show 5,700,000 farms now under cultivation. As the number reported in the census of 1890 was 4,564,691, the increase during the decade amounts to about 1,135,000* forms, which is a remarkable showing and is proportionately much greater than the percentage -of increase in the population of the country during the same period. Of the details given, the most noticeable is the large increase in the total number of tenant farmers, which exceeds that in any previous de cade in the history of the country. This is gratifying, because it indicates that a larger proportion than ever before of the immigrants seeking new homes here are devoting their attention to agricultural pursuits upon their own account as soon as they arrive in this country. When they are not supplied with the means to buy farms for themselves, they rent from others and become familiar with the qualities of the soil they propose to cultivate before they invest their sav ings in lands. That this accounts for the big increase of 635,000 in the num ber of tenant farmers is shown by the fact that at the same time the number Of farms cultivated by the actual owners also has increased during the last decade to the extent of more than half a mil lion. Both of these increases mean a substantial augmentation of the annual productiveness of the country and a con tinual addition to its resources and wealth, and therefore must be regarded with general satisfaction. r CASTORIA ^ < For Infants and Children. Ha KM Yon Han Always Bought Some men seem to have reached the pinnacle of their ambition when they are able to lie like a circus poster. A Very Remarkable Remedy. It is with a good deal of pleasure and satisfaction that I recommend Chamber lain 's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, "says Druggist A. W. Sawtelle, of Hartfort, Conn. "A lady customer, seeing the remedy exposed for sale on my shoe case, said to me; 1 really be lieve that medicine saved my life the past summer while at the shore.' and she became so enthusiastic over its merits that I at once made up my mind to re commend it in the future. Recently a gentleman came into my store so over come with colic pains that he sank at once to the floor. I gave bim a dose of this remedy which helped him. I re peated the dose and in fifteen minutes he left my store smilingly informing me that he felt as well as ever." Sold by Julia A. Story, McHenry, and J. L Brown & Son, Ringwood. STB 00 20000 F F Axtell & w to Justus Raeder, It 14, blk 12, Harvard .. 170000 Vaclav Kvidera to Frances Fitiek, Its 5 & 8, blk 4, Algonquin 100 Esther M Holmes to A L Austin, 18 50000 a Kentucky obituarist of his subject: "She was wafted into the gloom of eternal night at 6 o'clock in the morning." How It li Done. The first object in life with the Amer ican people is to "get rich;" the second, how to regain good health. The first can be obtained by energy, honesty and saving; the second, (good health) by us ing Green's August Flower. Should you be a despondent sufferer from any of the effects of Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint, Appendicitis, Indigestion, etc., such as Sick Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, Sour Stomach, Habitual. Cos- tiveness, Dizziness of the Head, Nervous Prostration, Low Spirits, etc., you need not suffer another day. Two doses of the well-known August ¥ lower will re lieve you at once. Go to Julia A Story McHenry, J. LBrown & Son.Ringwood, and get a sample bottle free. Regular size, 75 cts. Get Green's Prize Almanac. Va& He that holds is no better thap he that scourges. A Sprained Ankle Quickly C*Nd. ' 'At one time I suffered from a severe sprain of the ankle," says Geo. E. Gary, editor of the Guide, Washington, Va. "After using several well recommended medicines without success, I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and am pleased to say that relief came aa soon as I began its use and a complete cure speedily followed. This remedy has also been" used in my family for frost bitten feet with the best results. I cheerfully recommend its use to all who may need a first class liniment." Sold by Julia A. Story. ^ acres of it 10 sec 16, Richmond PROBATE NEWS. Estate of Geo. W. St John. Apprais ers appointed. Estate of Albert Lukes, Sr. Petition for provate of will and testamentary filed. Hearing set for June 10, 1901. MARRIAGE LICENESS. George Hammond Dike.. ..Crystal Lake Grace Mae Dike Crystal Lake David James Fisher... Janesville, Wis. Minnie L Noble Janesville, Wis. James McGovern Marengo Anna McDonald.. . . . . . . . . M a r e n g o Thomaa F. Muldoon..,.... .Harvard Catherine D. O'Brien - A V f e ? Shudders At His Past. "I recall now with honor," sayd Carrier Burnett Man, of Levanna, O.. "my three years of suffering from Kid ney trouble. I was hardly ever free from dull aches or acute pains in my back. To stoop or lift mail sacks made me groan. I felt tired, worn out, about rtady to give up, when I began to use Electric Bitters, but six bottles com pletely cured me and made me feel like a new man." They're unrivaled to re gulate Stomach, liver, Kidney and Bowels. Perfect satisfaction guaran teed by Julia A. Story. Only 50 cents. Excursion Rates to the Pan-American Ex position, Buffalo, N. V. Via the North-Western Line, will be placed in effect May 1st, and on Tues days especially low-rate tickets will be sold with favorable return limits. Direct connection at Chicago, with fast trains of all lines to Buffalo. For further par ticulars, apply to agents. An illustrated booklet will be mailed on receipt of two cents postage by W. B. Kniskem, Gen eral Passenger and Ticket Agent, Chi cago. 45-8t. Fought For His Life. "My father and sister both died of Consumption," writes J. T. Weather- wax, of Wyandotte, Mich., "and I was saved from the same frightful fate only by Dr. King's New Discovery. An at tack of pneumonia left an obstinate cough and very severe lung trouble, which an excellent doctor could not help, but a few months' use of this won derful medicine made me as well as ever and I gained much in weight." In' fallible for Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung trouble. Trial bottles free. Guaranteed bottlee 50c and $1.00 at Julia A. Story's. * A write*1 says, "Let any victim of the liquor habit eat tomatoes sprinkled with salt, consuming aa much as possi ble. Let the eating of tomatoes and salt to excess be continued for several days and the tomato eater will find liquor offensive, undrinkable or if drank ungrateful to the stomaeh so much that it will be thrown np this is the cheapest gold cure yet heard of said to be effectual." Want Column. "IJ^OR SALE--A good house and two lots will x will be sold cheap. Houseoneof the best built In McHenry. Apply to Peter J. Freund. 35tf XpOR SALE--The choicest building lots in x McHenry and West McHenry forbuslness and residences. All centrally located. Prices reasonable. Inquire of O. N. Owen, at the bank. 37-tf. a completely together with barn, "C^OR SALE--Three lots and furnished cottage etc., located on east side of Pistakee Bay. A bargain if taken at once. Apply to this office. 41-tf. TJ^OR SALE--A lot of driving and work x horses. Call on Hanly Bros., West Mc Henry. 41-tf. SALE OR TRADE--Improved and un- x improved farms in Logan, Trego and Gove counties, Kansas. Farms well stocked. Running water and fruit. For particulars ap ply to Mas. E. J. HAZEL, McHenry, 111. T^OR SALE--Two-horse power boiler and en- x gine, and De Lavele cream separator of 600 pounds capacity. Will be sold at a bar gain. Inquire of C. E. SHERMAN, 4ft-2t* West McHenry. O LOVER and TIMOTHY SEED for sale- ^ We have a large quantity of this seed on hand and it is selling fast. Free from foul seed. Call early. WILBUR LUMBER CO. 83-tf The Indian and the Northwest. A handsomely illustrated book just issued by the Chicago & North-Western R'y, bound in cloth and containing 115 pages of interesting historical data, relating to the settlement of the great Northwest, with fine half-tone engrav ings of Black Hawk, Sitting Bull. Red Cloud and other noted chiefs; Cnster's battleground and ten colored map plates showing location of the various tribes dating back to 1600. A careful review of the book impresses one that it is a valued contribution to the history of these early pioneers, and a copy should be in every library. Price, 50 cents per copy. Mailed postage prepaid upon receipt of this amount by W. B. Kniskern, 22 Fifth avenue, Chicago, 111. 41-8t The poor man wants much, the miser everything. O Bsnstks S T O X I X A . BMTI TFA* /i Kind You Have Always Dates for County Fairs. Adams, Camp Point, Sept. 8-S. Boone, Belvidere, Sept. 3-8. Brown, Mount Sterling. Aug. ft-0. Bureau, Princeton, Sept. Carroll, Sept. 17-20. Champaign, Champaign, Sept. 8-4. Champaign, Homer, Sept. 10-13. Clark, Martinsville, Oct. 1-5. Coles, Charleston, Sept. 17-21. Cumberland, Greenup, Sept. 10-14. l)e Witt., Clinton, Aug. 5-9. Douglas, Camargo, Sept. 10-13. Edgar. Paris. Sept. 24-27. Effingham, Watson, Sept. 24-S7. Fulton, Avon, Sept. 3-6. Gallatin, Shawneetown, Aug. 87-31. Greene, C'arrolton, Oct. 3-11. Hancock, Carthage, Aug. 19-23. Hancock, La Harpe, Aug. 19-23. Henry, Cambridge, Aug. 19-23. A laa I How Soon Forgotten t» is an ache or a pain or trouble of any kind when one is well rid of it, and if it happens to be Headache or stomach Trouble that bothers you, take Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin and you will -not only forget you ever had it, but* will know that you are not liable to have it again. The dose is small and it is pleasant to take. Julia A. Btory and G» W. Besley. CUCUnBER 2^ $ (a We want to contract a» limited number of acres • of Cucumber Pickles at- 50 GENTS PER BUSHEL staffdrfl & CflM(ofnp any R. W. Stafford. Robert G. Qoldsmitfet. (Established 1689) General office: 898-700 Austin Ave., Obtbago. Factories at Chicago, Marengo, McHenry Ubertyvllle, Maiuton, Wis., Knox, Ind. Make your Contracts and get your seeds of John Buss, at the factory; W. C. Evanson, M. J. Walsh, j. J. Miller, Simon Stoffel, West Mc Henry; T. J. Walsh. S. S. Chapell, Gilbert Bros., McHenry; J. E. Cristy, Ringwood; C. M Adams, J. P. Lay, Johnsburgh. 36 _ . sept.2-4. Jasper, Newton, Sept. 17-20. Jo Daviess. Galena, Oct. 1-4. Jo Daviess' Warren, Sept. 10-13. Kane. Batavia, Aug. 27-30. Kankakee. Kankakee, Sept^9-13. B?AV0R OF Kendall, Yorkville, Sept Knox, Knoxville, Sept. 3-6. Lake, Liberty vi He, Se Livingston, Fairbury. Logan, Atlanta, Sept. 2 li. McDonough, Rushnell. Aug. 27-30. McCowmgh. Macomb, Aug. 12-17. McHenry, Woodstock, Aug. 27-30. McLean, Le Roy, Aug. 20-23c. McLean, Saybrook, Aug. 13-llc. Mercer, Aledo. Sept. 17-20. Peoria, Elmwood, Sept. 17-20. Perry, Pinekneville, Oct. 1-4. Piatt, Montlcello, Aug. 12-1A. Pike, Griggsville, July 30-Aug. & Pope, Golconda, Oct. 3-6. Putnam, McNab, Sept. 11-13. Richland. Olney. Sept. 10-14. Rock Island, Joslin, Sept. 10-12. Stark, Wyoming, Aug. 27-30. Tazewel. Delevan, Sept. 10-23. Union, Anna, Aug. 28-30. Union, Jonesboro, Sept. 17-20. Warren, Sept. 9-13. White, Carmi, Sept. 3-7. Whiteside. Morrison, Sept. 3-6. Whiteside, Sterling, Aug. 27-30. Winneba Wood for t'slde, Sterling, Aug. 27-30. ebago.Rockford, Sept. 2-5. Iford, El Paso, Sept. 9-14. . EVERYBODY'S BLOOD PURIFIER Prompt Positive Pure Ple£$ant It destroys the Microbes and Germs within the Blood, free ing it from all parasitical ele ments, producing a healthy circulation, thus acting direct ly upon the diseased conditions and upon the fundamental and controlling organs of the body, and removing all morbid and secreted matter. MICRO GERM! will quickly cure Eczema, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Ulsers, Varicose Veins, Tumors, Tetter, Sores, Boils, Pimples and all scrofu lous conditions. It will destroy the germs, dispel the humors and purify the blood as no other remedy. PRICE an DOLLAR WOh FDBTBBR rACTft ADDRJim The MODERN REMEDY CO. v KEWANEE, ILL. : and OUAKAKTIBD by JULIA AT; STORY, | McHenry JOS. H. HUEHANN, J,>hI"sburgh 7 Illinois. Sens Appleton Corn Huskers Corn Shelters and Tread Power| -- ji' i •'jM'frf'T'" j- ' Cenerii BMcsmftlfi# Prices HwiyS RttsouMe Duplex Grinding Mills, Bock Island Plows, > S4 Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind MUle ^ * Well Supplies. Harness Oil, Paint 6il and flachine Oils a Speciaty! ISSSOOQSOOI PETERSBURG, III., Oct. 13th, 1899. PKPSIN SYRUP CO., Monticello, 111. Gentleman:--Our baby Esther has never tasted a drop of medicine other than Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin for more than a year. It entirely cured her of constipation. She is a lovely child and since I gave her your medicine she has been perfectly healthy, atho' she had not been well and strong until we began using it. We know of others who are using it with equally good results. Wistuj|g yon success. 4 5 Gratefully yours, , Mas. c. A. TRUCKMUXXKR. Sold by '̂ Story and Q. W. Besley. HHMMWWO WALL PAPER Do not (>ass us by if you are looking for the latest designs in wall paper. We have a fine line and are selling it at right prices. Also a complete line of PAINTS AND OILS If in mind that at all times we carry everyttiiilg in Drugs and Medicines, and all the > necessities in school supplies. ;v Ringwood, m. li' t J. S. BROWN & - i msmm . . m. . ±4* imxif For Sale v ;;' A Complete Printing "flfte wtbBen: Journal Outfit Consisting of . Cylinder Prefli Press Paper Cutter •gasoline' W T - - - i f s , ^ 4- Job and Display Type : JBody Type ...... V'Vk * pases sT »• Stones, §^|§ Stands And everything with which to print a paper or do job work. Will be sold seperately or a very low price given on the entire plant. Apply at once to WE PLAINDEALER CO. McHenry, Illinois. California The Gateway To the Orient r " . Numerous profitable business / Openings in California. $tfake money in orange anil |;>'^emon groves, vineyards, - Wineries, orchards. i Make money in cattle and ^ . " f£heep ranches, whoat ftell^ , ,^beet sugar culture, • . varied farm products. ,. »'v "• ~3ifake money in mines, oil wells, manufacturing, trading The California Limited " ' iQaily, Chicago to Los Angtil-- tuid San Francisoo. General Pagsenger Oflloe J The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Pc V)r CHICAGO PHILIP jaeger ( •T4 ' General ;d Commission Stall 1&3, Fulton tfc Wholesale Market ' ehicaao, Illinois -4 Special attention given to the sale off Dressed Beef, flutton Hogs, Veal, Poultry Hides, Etc. ,, , . r i - Butter and Ens * • $ € This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists - ^ furnished on application v '•, COLD STORAGE FREE =f: * Paints* Oils and Colors ..t Bear in mind that I have a fine assortment of ready-mixed paints fjtar all purposes, of a superior brand, and also a complete stock, y . ^ colors, oils, leads and varnish* » niiTir^IVTIIIIJITA + ' " Q 9 T W Kv... i a H. c B e n r y , I l l i n o i s Don't blame the Cook if you had a poor cup of Coffee for breakfast thii morning; she probably did the best she could witlj the material at hand. Did you ever notice if A „ using an inferior brand 01 coffee that you sel dom get two lots just alike? The reasoi is that the proper care is not taken ill,. the blending. One lot requires mor§: f f^nd another less coffee to make ^ good cup and as a consequence th# * cook is unable to please you*^ ^-V There is one brand of coffee that will give satisfaction* T £ i. ' and to be convinced useBlanke's Boffce :! i •V v*: 4* Av - - f .. vFor Sale by 'iS.-iS. CHAPELL McHenry. ; : SlttON STOFFm. f; rx:„ West McHenry. V9*-' 9 t > , BULK *Jur.Argument, Bat t le Ax. . . . Delicious Blend...* Mojav ^ ; . *, PACKAGE Panst, 2ft can * * Transplanted, 3tt> cattr.**-^ . .750 World's Fair, 1 fc can.. l\ Dixie, 4ft can..i.^>:^ Mojav, 2ft can... JPlyer, t>ib can..?