Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jun 1901, p. 5

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1 nner and are at the palate, call We will always When you wish to give a party or get up ft a loss in securing something extra good to at the delicacy store and look over the stock. carry a complete stock of^ foreign and domestic Canned goods, Cheese, Etc., and fresh Fruits and Vegetables in season. Come and get acquainted with us whether you wish to buy or not-d ^ West McHenry, HI.! fi K. 6. DEKKER Ac .* v :vr" SfSvf?' 1 V ]HiXt IrakiMM Market F*^ v- VMt rtnttea aivcM • aril Smoked Meats, How It to DOM. The first object in life with the Amer­ ican people is to "get rich;" the second, how to regain good health. The first can be obtained by energy, honesty and »ving; the secondrigood health) by us­ ing Green's Angnst Flower. Should you be a despondent sufferer from any of the effects of Dyspepsia, Liver Com­ plaint, Appendicitis, Indigestion, etc., euch as Sick Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, Sour Stomach, Habitual, Cos tiveness, Dizziness of the Head, Nervous ^Prostration, Low Spirits, etc., you need not suffer another day. Two doses of 'the well-known August Blower will re­ lieve yon at once. Go to Julia A. Story McHenry, J. I. Brown & Son.Ringwood, land get a sample bottle free. Regular sijse, 75 cts. Get Green's Prize Almanac KINO WOOD. Mrs. C. W. French went to city Friday morning. Phil Harrteon was seen on our streets Saturday and Sunday. The Y. P. C. U. will be led next Bun- day evening by Miss Agnes Stevens. 1& Ittg&lla, our Singer Sewing machine •gent, •old two machines at Richmond j Cofcfca, were callers here Sunday. nds eignature ia on every box of tte gonaiM Laxative Bromo-Quiniiie WM. the remedy tb»t cm a MM ia mmm *R Is- i'SSK McHenry - Illinois JH / ' t* > ^ , t I ./>&*** Fittittfis '(-si; and &:i oitad mint Send in your name and address and get pur catalogue of all kinds of Merchan 3ftise at prices defying competion. Fully illustrated catalogue sent on receipt of 10 cents for postage. KAHN, GREEN & BEROER, »37 to a6i Dearborn Street, Chicago, lltlnoi* Catalogue mailed during July Steel and Slood CMbi and Farm machinery , I'- ^ A fall line in every department i * - " «»f i • * 'v"4* u ' «-• sta, * tiwrtM , to do ;;"vv'jw«n worn of ad KlHda4 mronsaoaU .: I REMEMBER IhTs! I Conway & Rainey Ringwood, 111. ft '••4- • Hf* F. WATTLES sr. : "4;i (Successor to B. B. Howard) All kinds of Fresh and on hand Vegetables and Canned Goods. 'tjtv**-? h_< , 4t" Bakery Goods a Specialty mil Kinds of Salt Fish. >V< .'\ •;> V ' Highest market Prices I paid for Hogs, Cattle, Sheep, $ Hides and Tallow Fat Cattle a specialty r . Fresh Vegetables and i: Fruits received fresh dailyl? , V Orders from Pistakee Bay will reoeive ..v ; T,. pwanpt and careful attention- " Call on me ; * t *iU do the right thing with yon. \< » F. WATTLES, '̂ West McHenry, 111 , '• > Lout distance telephone, M Cittaen*' telephone 17 Vr. i * * ii BANK Of Urn; This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKIN4 NSflKS% We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. • •»*** •' • * r* , Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention Do You Want TO 5 I guarantee my work and the goods to be just as represented* < v- ' •<#- • "' English Double and Twisted, Birdseye Worsted, # Clay Worsted,, **•- Striped Worsted, ' . .. Flannel. * f \ Crepe Diagonal Worsted, Black Undressed Worsted, Black Tricot, Complete hand-made suits from th$ jtbove suitings, up from 50 ;&*<• • For the same price an Overcoat of English Herringbone Covered Cloth, or English Whipcord. Never before have such offers been made in the county. Come and look at the samples from the largest and most reliable house in Chicago. OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS •••• " -- * SPRING OBOVB. Ned Brenan, of Elgin, is visiting at Wm. Careys. Cora Btevens is reported cm the gain, though still quite ill. Geo. Osmond has severed his connect­ ion with the Barker Lumber Co. Bessie and Ivy Huffman, of Terra i last week. G. B. Bead's people and their com­ pany from the city spent Sunday at Pis­ takee Bay. Mrs. Wakefield, a sister of J. W. Criaty, left here Wednesday morning for Boston. Mta Dora Coatee rode her wheel to Richmond Sunday night, to vMt her sister, Mrs. Foes. The drug store has been treated to a new coat of paint, which improves the looks of it very much. The Strawberry Short Cake supper at Mrs. Bennett's last Thursday was a suc­ cess, both socially and financially. Mrs, W. H. Small and daughter, of New York City, are visiting at Geo. Hohenstein's, Mrs. Small s brother. The Ladies Aid society will meet next week Thursday, June 20, with Mrs. C. C. Harrison. A oordial invitation is ex­ tended to all. The Willing Workers will meet this week Thursday at the home of Mrs. Buckland. Ioe cream and cake will be served. A oordial invitation is extended to all. Our school closed last Friday and the school picnic was held this week Tues­ day. A goodly number of scholars and parents spent the day very pleasantly at Pistakee Bay. Miss Hettie Carlton returned to the city Monday, where her brothers, Harry and Frank, will meet her Thursday and start for their future home, Bridgeport. They will spend one day in Buffalo at the exposition. Mr. Rotherford and wife, father and mother of Mrs. Geo. Hohenstein re­ turned to their home in Savana, Mo., Friday morning, after a four weeks' visit with their daughter. Mr. Bother- ford is editor of the Andrew County Re­ publican. The memorial service of the M. W. A. will be held next Sunday, June 16, at half-past two at the halL Rev. Hay, of Woodstock, will speak. On account of this service there will be no meeting at the M. E. church. Sunday school at the usual hour, one o'clock. Statement for Ringwood Butter com­ pany for May 1901: Amount of milk received, 839,665 lbs; amount of butter made, 37,075 lbs; amount of money re­ ceived for butter, $6767.55; amount of money received for butter toil*, $36; total amount received, |6798.55; average price received for butter, 18.8c; average yield for 100 pounds milk, 4.34; average oil test of factory, 3.74; average cost of ^manufacturing, .007; over run, 19.4 average prioe paid for 100 pounds milk, .787 cento. D. INSURANCE 'I* given to collections, and promptly at- |§paed to /N in First Class Companies, at the Low­ est rates. Tours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, y PubHfc. Bankers. •<leo. Meyers- GENERAL •TEAMING of all kinds. 4 * . ' < VT iVi- . f • Excavating and •vGrading^ McHenry, r DR. TALLERDAY'S £ minuKL Constipation, Torpid liver W and the Blood. ^ B e l v i d e r e , 1 1 1 . , F e b . 8 , 1 9 0 1 . TTOherited Eczema, as my mother suffered for years with an incurable form, and I had been afflicted with it from childhood to a mild extent It had annoyed me for several years dur­ ing the summer months. In April, 1900, the affliction was very pronounced. By the middle of May I was nearly incapac­ itated for business. In June I suffered to such an extent that I could get no rest under any conditions, and the tor­ ture was undermining my nervous sys­ tem and reducing physical forces to an alarming extent, and I cannot describe my sufferings. I had employed the best medical skill obtainable, but with no re­ lief until I began taking Dr. Tallerday's Fruit Juice. Within three days my suf­ fering began to subside and within three weeks I was much better than I had been during the summer months for years. The continued use of this medi­ cine completely cured me, removing ev­ ery symptom of the disease. Have rec­ ommended it to others for different blood diseases and all have been bene­ fited by its use. I make this statement purely upon the merits of this remedy, and will be glad to answer any inquiries any sufferer wishes to ask me, if they will enclose stamp for reply. E. J. MUNN. Residence, 540 S. Main St., Belvidere. Place of Business, Union, 111. Dr. Tallerday's Cure Cures. , Beloit, Wis. Hy husband was home, sick, for over a week with LaGrippe and was cough­ ing night and day. He commenced to use Dr. Talierday'sCough Cure and got relief at once. We have never had a medicine in our house that has done so much good. It is invaluable. The Pain Tablets have no equal. ^ MRS. EMMA NEEDHAM, 1216 Vine St. Beloit, Wis. My grand-son has suffered from birth with bronciiil coughs, and after using i bottleof Dr. Talierday's Cough Cure is getting well. I am using both the Cough Cure and the Tonic myself, and think they are excellent. MRS. GEO. STIRES, 721 Brook St manufactured by THE TALLEBDAT MEDICINE CO., BELVIDERE, in. For a»i* by JULIA A. STORY, > . McHenry CHUk W, 1HBSUEY, ' - Saves Two From Death. "Our little daughter had an almost fatal attack of whooping cough and bronchitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Havi- land, of Arinonk, N. Y., "but, when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece, who had Consumption in an ad­ vanced stage, also used this wonderful medicine and today she is perfectly well." Desperate throat and lung dif earns yield to Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other medicine on earth. In­ fallible for Coughs and Cold. 50c and $ 1.00 bottles guaranteed FAF JnHa A Story. Trial bottles free. KIDOEF1KLD. B. Thayer was in Nnnday Saturday. J. Johnson was in Woodstock Satur­ day. Mr. Parks, of Nnnda, visited his son here Sunday. R L. Dufield and wife visited friends •t Cary Sunday. Miss Lola Lynch visited Mends in Woodstock Friday. A. Briggs, of Crystal Lake, visited his brother here Sunday. R. L. Dufield visited in Woodstock Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Osjbin, of Nnnda, called on friends here Sunday. Miss Edith Kahl, of Nnnda, visited friends here over Sunday. Mr. Hartman, of Chicago, is visiting his brother, J. J., this week- Misses Nell Gibson and Emma Sch- koff were in Nunda Saturday. Miss Flora Harback, of Evanston, visited friends here Friday and Satur­ day. . F .̂E. Thaywe, wife and daughter, Mamie, of Greenwood, visited ,relatives here Sunday. Mrs. E. Lynch and daughter, Mada- lena, visited friends at Fon dn Lao Fri­ day and Saturday. B. EL Morse and daughter, Mildred, and Miss Anna Morse, took in the sights at Lake Geneva Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Dufield and Mr.' and Mrs John Dufield, of Woodstock, visited at R. L. Dnfield's Thursd^f. > Seven Years Jn Bed. "Will wonders ever cease?" inquire the friends of Mrs. L. Pease, of Law­ rence, TTRTI, They knew she had been unable to leave her bed in seven years on account of kidney and liver trouble, nervous prostration and general debility; but,. Three bottles of Electric Bitters enabled me to walk," sbe writes, "and in three months I felt like a new person." Women suffering from Headache, Back­ ache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melan­ choly, Fainting and Dizzy Spells will find it a priceless blessing. Try it. Sat­ isfaction is guaranteed Julia A Story. Only 50c. Oj BMntto ttgntin Kirk Craine, Clifford Smith add Asa Waterman are the latest victims to the measles. Eld. Turner spent Monday at Wood­ stock assisting in improvements on the Fair grounds. Wm. Carey has been very ill for several days past but at this writing is slightly more comfortable. Mr. Mcquire, from Lake county, was here Friday negotiating with Court Hastings for the purchase of his place, Mrs. Kate Shotliff contemplates visit­ ing her mother for some weeks. Her children will accompany her to the city. John Lawson is here this week super­ intending the preparations toward build­ ing a new farm house on his place north of the village. N. Smedley, of Chicago, is spending some weeks with his cousin, W. C. Moss. Mr. Smedley is the father of Prof. Smedley, dLector of the Chicago University,, Otto Hesse has nad his propel sur­ veyed and platted and no^nas some fine lots for sale. A. Ndsh has pur­ chased one on the ^mw street running north and south. *• We will have a first class celebration and picnic here July 4th, under the management of the German Catholics. Come one and all and participate in the pleasures of the day. The Richmond Tigers were down Sat­ urday afternoon fully equipped with musical instruments, but after playing with the Spring Grove Pirates decided not to blow that horn. The score stood tl to 85 in favor of the Pirates. ev? , WAIICONDA. , Show here all this week. * Clyde Harris will work v tot Otto Waelti this summer. " Herman Maiman called on Rooke- fellow friends Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Harris and family went to Algonquin Sunday. Miss Emma Van Etta returned from a visit in Wankegan Saturday. Rev. McClellan held services at the . E. church Sunday evening. Mrs. Griffin has been entertaining her daughter, Mrs. Flood, this week. Several people from here attended the Sunday School convention at Volo Sun­ day. Miss Lora Harrison and brother, Earle, are the guests of friends here thiB week. Mrs. L. E. Hughes returned to Wau- conda Saturday after a few days visit in Chicago. Mrs. Spencer returned Saturday from Chicago, where she has been the guest of her daughters for the past week. A meeting of landowners was held here Monday evening to confer with the railroad committee. It really seems as if we were to have our R. R. at W. Richmond, was a caller here Sniday. Miss Lena Blake, of Richmond, was a caller here Sunday. Peter Weber is drilling a well for Mat May on the prairie. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sable, of Yolo, visited friends here Monday. Peter Schmitt and wife are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl. The carpenters started to work on •John P. Lay's new house on Monday. W. Kattner, of Stacyville, la., at­ tended the funeral of his sister-in-law Monday. Henry Meyers, who Is doing some lathing at Richmond, was a caller here Sunday. William Britz and sister, Mrs. M. Bauer, of Chicago, were callers here several days last week. Hubert Neumann and wife, of Chica­ go, visited relatives and friends here several days last week. Peter Freund and wife are rejoicings over the arrival of a baby girl. Mother and child are getting along nicely. The young lady arrived Tuesday. Mrs. Christina Kattner died last Friday aged 63 at the home of John V. Freund. The deceased leaves five children, three sons and two daughters. The funeral Was held from St. John's church on Monday at & o'clock, Rev.H. Mehring officiating. Head It In Ht* Newspaper. George Schaub, a well known German citizen of New Lebanon, Ohio, is a con­ stant reader of the Dayton Yolkes- zeitung. He knows that his paper aims to advertise only the best in its columns, and when he saw Chamberlain's Pain Balm advertised therein for lame back, he did not hesitate in buying a bottle of it for his wife, who for eight weeks had suffered with the most terrible pains in her back and could get no relief. He says: "After using the Pain Balm for a few days my wife said to me, T feel as though born anew,' and before iwing the entire contents of the bottle the un­ bearable pains had entirely vanished and she could again take up her house­ hold duties." He is very thankful and hopes that all suffering likewise will hear of her wonderful recovery. This valuable liniment is for sale by Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. T The Kind You Haw Aim Illinois fwmm BABKEV11XK. Gus. Bobzen was a Huntley visitor one day last week. Geo. Colby, of McHenry, was a caller here last Saturday. Fred and Arthur Wilmington spent Monday in Chicago. Bernie Frisby was a pleasant oaller at J. Fleming's Sunday. John Parsley, of Burton's Bridge, was a caller here Monday. Chas. Gibbs has accepted a position at the Terra Cotta factory. Arthur Wilmington has acoepted a position for a book agency. Chas. Gibbs and Miss Kathryn Walsh drove to Nunda Sunday evening. Mr. Behan and son, Edward, billed at J. J. Hunter's Saturday evening. Mrs. Chas. Wilmington and Miss Edna Hunter were in Nunda Saturday. Harry Grantham, of Wauconda, vis­ ited at Wm. Van Natta's Monday. ' R. J. Wingate, of Nunda, attended to business interests here last Thursday. James Smith and Ben Throop, of Nnnda, called at J. Hunter's Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dermont, of W. Mc­ Henry, were pleasant callers here Sun­ day. A Staxton and F. L. Carr, of Wau­ conda, were callers here one day last week. A. J. Thompson, of Nunda, erected a windmill for J. J. Hunter last week Tuesday. Page Colby and son, Geo., of Mc­ Henry, were callers in this vicinity one day last week. Mr, and Mrs. Simeon CJoVell, of Mc­ Henry, called at Thos. Thompson's Sun­ day afternoon. T. W. Ames and sister, Lizzie, of Terra Cotta, "were pleasant callers here one evening last week. Chas. Matthews and family, of Bur­ ton's Bridge called on E. F. Matthews and family Sunday evening. Floyd and Robert Thompson spent Wednesday and Thursday of last week with their mother near Wauconda. Bruce Starritt and Miss Clara Thomp­ son drove to Greenwood Sunday after­ noon and attended Woodman Memorial. Chas. Gibbs and Ed. Behan and the Misses Tillie Anderson and Minnie Peter­ son, of Chicago, attended a dance at the Hale farm, over the river, one evening last week. Mines Clara Thompson and Lena Church, of this place, and Donna Lin­ coln and Nina Bryant, of Nunda, spent a pleasant afternoon at the Terra Cotta school on Thursday of last week. James Irwin, who has been very sick with pneumonia at the home of J. H. Gracy where he was employed, is very much better at this writing, which his many friends will be vey glad to hear. Hewi of McHenry. VOLO. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Oefting, June 5, a daughter. Harry Wightman, of McHenry, was a Volo caller Saturday. Claude Richard, of Elgin, has been visiting relatives in Volo. Mrs. Sylvester Wagner, of Wanoonda, was a Volo caller Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moore were Waukegan visitors Monday. Miss Irene Horton spent Saturday and Sunday with Maude Walton. Otis Murray, of Johnsburgh, called on Volo friends Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Winkle spent Snttday with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sable. u Dick Dandelion, of Fremont Centre, called on friends ift Volo Sunday. Lewis Lusk and Miss Rose Huson were Crystal Lake callers Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. * Harry Dunnill, of Chi cago, are visiting relatives in Volo. Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson, of Hainesville, were Volo callers Saturday. Miss Mary Decker, of Ivanhoe, was the guest of Miss Naomi Vaeey Satur­ day. Miss Anna Miller, of Fremont Center, is spending the week with her mother here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rogers, of Wau­ kegan, called on old friends in VoloSat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Chat Thomas Mid son, Forest, of Fort Hill, were Volo callers Saturday. Miss Cassie Eldredge, of McHenry, spent Thursday night with Miss Hellen Raymond. The W. C. T. 0. meeting will be held with Mrs. August Townsend June 22. All are welcome. Messrs. Albert Raugbt, Clark Huson and son, Lee, went on axi excursion to Madison Tuesday. Mrs. Caffrey and Mrs. F. K. Granger, of McHenry visited Mrs. A. J. Raymond Tuesday afternoon. ^ Miss Jennie Walton closed her school at Griswold Lake Wednesday, after a very successful year. Mrs. James Murray visited her sister, Mrs. John Miller, at McHenry,'Wed­ nesday and Thursday. Annie Miller was the guest of her brother, Laurence, of Silver Lake, Wis­ consin, Friday and Saturday. Miss Edythe Bauer has returned to her home after a two weeks' visit with her aunt, Mrs. Sidney Russell. Elam Converse of Chicago, and Miss Altia Converse of Fort Hill, called on John Walton and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hertel, of Pre-, mont, Sundayed with the letter's parents Mr. and Mrs. John Rosing. Mr. and Mrs. James Gainer, of Wau­ kegan, Sundayed with the latter's par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wirtz. Mr. and Mrs. Hay, Mr. and Mrs. Shaffer, of Johnsburgh, visited at Mat Miller's the latter part of the week. The Sunday School convention held at the Methodist church last Sunday was well attended and Was a success in every particular. Mitm Alice Cramer closed her school Friday, after a very successful year. She returned to her home in Waukegan Saturday. She has many friends here who will miss her very much, y L few months ago, food which I ate for breakfast would not remain on my stomach for half an hour. I used one bottle of your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and now eat my breakfast and other meals with a relish and my food is thoroughly digested. Nothing equals Kodol Dys­ pepsia Cure for stomach troubles. H. S. Pitts, Arlington Tex., Kodol Dyspepsia attended by Air. weus, 8to daw<Bedey. * The Kind Yoa Have la us© for over 30 years, has and has ' i \r! £ All Counterfeits, Imitations and "< Experiments that trifle with and endanger the Infants and Children--Experience * ~ What is CASTORIA. ©ftstoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Ofl» goric, Drops and Soothing Syrupsf. It is contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other •nhstanee. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys and allays Feverishness* It cures Diarrhoea and Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles? cures aad Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulwfwt tfca Stomach mid Bowels, giving healthy and natural The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend* CENUINB CASTORIA *"»»• Bears the Signature of r -y At f»- In Use For Over 30 Years. iiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimummmimM Did you read 7 last week's adv. about our Shoes " s ? J. •'-/M the prices have been cut in order to ; fout the stock, and the reason why? Yea, some ' ' • i of you must have read about the shoes, as ytott V ' %ave responded and in some cases made \ / ,vpurchases. We thank you for both, but ' * - : ; stop. Come to this shoe sale; they are bound < to be sold and the savings are in your pocket* * ' ^ V W V Fitp« Zephyr Ginghams, per yd. * * ^ Hundreds of yards to select front,' newest , „ '̂prettiest patterns the mills turn out. Absolute- Ai \<ly straight in every way, styles of the very ; - ' latest. The regular prioe is 18 cents. Yon * , / f don't care to know the reason why we sell it for * , H": !H Jf! 10 cents, but such is the price 'till all is sokSv The other staple Ginghams are 5 cts per ^ TSr.'J't \ * .» • .--Or;- • ' • ^ •; -'H i WALTER C. EVANSON . If I 3 S 4 ; Furniture until yon have inspected \ my stock. Do not think that yon ' ^ can do better in Chicago. Compare city prices with prices I will quote , and, if quality is considered, yon (\' - t V; will give me your order. You can 1 t V find here everything that is needed v, N tp beautify the home. The latest ^ '?• \, designs in Tables, Couches, Chairs, * •*' A Stands, Iron and Wood Beds, Com- ~ -51 plete Parlor and Chamber Suits, ft.** A » : * I .1 - \ Picture Frames, Side Boards, Etc. See my line of Carpets and Ruga.- I -v •? ' I ,! »"• ' * - ! , \ JACOB J U5TEN S IA Cold Wave I ; n o t a p p e a r a g a i n f o r s o m e m o u t h s b u t y o u | . _ »• t can keep cool by occasionally taking a glass of 1 4 lour delicious ice cream soda or a dish of cream. || Shurtleff's Celebrated Janesville 1 . - f e e C r e a m . , . • * ̂ : I ,4^^ best that can be bought. Can furnish it in small yflipuantities at any time, and any large amount for soci- >' fj&bles, parties, picnics, etc. on ten hours' notice. Try pt and you will have no other. Price reasonable. GILBERT BROS, McHem '&JL *3L

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