- "Vr, 4V; %r-.. mm When you wish to give a party or get up a fine dinner and are at a loss in securing something extra good to tempt the palate, call at the delicacy store and look over the stock. "We will always carry a complete stock of foreign and domestic Canned goods, Cheese, Etc., and fresh Fruits and Vegetables in season. Come and get acquainted with us whether you wish to buy or not. West McHenry, 111. * Nipmmffl&RlNG NEIVS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS K. <S. DEKKER Chas. E. Jeda is now at Caldwell, Kas. Edward Fnooh waaat MoHenry Sat urday. Ear I Brown was a Wholesale and ietiill gfcaier in • lata* WfV * AM M • call Smol$ I am again in the meat business and would solicit a part of your . :4rade. It will always be my aim ** ito sell at the lowest possible liv- ingprioee the best of meal* Willie &aO£&!;*fc«FkMir for Tiwa Guy Harrison is the owner of a fine rubber-tired rig. The attendance at Sunday school last Sunday was forty. Mrs. C. Grimoldby has returned from a visit at Solon Mills. Thoe. McDonald was at thehorserace Sunday afternoon at McHenry. A good deal of the milk from here now goes to Hie condensing factory. Jessie Richardson, of Wood stock, is rioting Mrs. R. H. Richard- V"'# - f "4*. McHenry - Illinois '.if.??'-*.' Fresb meats Salt meats Sausages Poultry Staple vegetables and Fruit. I will pay spot cash the highest ^finarket price for all kinds of live ^fitock and poultry, hides, tallow, Jjetc. Give me a call aitd renew L acquaintance. ; * -t < % team Fitttao* and mind mint Steel and mood Canks and Farm machinery ' V A full line in every department v;. ^ •• '*• *s' * " We are prepawd to do Well mark of all Kinds '<•<» Vv""" / ' tttveusaeall >* ,-r- <•' . " Conway & Rainey Ringwood, 11^;;^# • miim *T -I' ? / ' Vf 5^ CUCUJIBEK PICKLES-- -ft-2: v;)r;' We want to contract a 'S limited number of acre® • * of Cucumber Pickles atr 60 CENTS PER BUSHEL SUM & CoWsraiti (mpy R. W. Stafford. Robert Q. Goldsmith. (Established 18») • miMM* New Fall Samples Week! The Tailor. Qeaeral offlce: 006-700 Austin A*«., fftucafo. Factories at Chicago, Karens*, McHenry Liberty vllle, * Mau»Ura, Wi«., Knox, lad. Make your Contracts f and get your seeds of ' John Bon, at the factory; W. C. Evanson, M. J. Walsh, J. J. Miller, Simon Stoffel, West Mc Henry; T. J. Walsh. S. 8. Chapell, Gilbert Pros., McHenry; J. E. Cristy, Ringwood; C. M Adams, J. P. Lay. Johiisburgh. 30 This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING M1SWESS. We endeavor to do all busi ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire ly satisfactory to our custom ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. floney to Loan on real estate and other first class se curity. Spec- ial attention given to collections. a INSURANCE ||i First Class Companies, at the Low- ^S&rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notftry Public. Bankers. * •Geo. Meyers- GENERAL TEAMING «f all kinds. Excavating and ,f Grading* f Illinois McHenry » •if li •rv- V. 4St* McHenry, Illinois. DR. TALLERDAY'S -POR- COnstipation, Torpid liver p and the Blood. '•' A' Belvidere, 111., Feb. 5,1901. I inherited Eczema, as my mother suffered for years with an incurable form, and I had been afflicted with it from childhood to a mild extent. It had annoyed me for several years dur ing the summer months. In April, 1900, the affliction was very pronounced. By the middle of May I was nearly incapac itated for business. In June I suffered to such an extent that I could get no rest under any conditions, and the tor ture was undermining my nervous sys tem and reducing physical forces to an alarming extent, and I cannot describe my sufferings. I had employed the best medical skill obtainable, but with no re lief until I began taking Dr. Tallerday's Fruit Juice. Within three days my suf fering began to subside and within three weeks I was much better than I had been during the summer months for years. The continued use of this medi cine completely cured me, removing ev ery symptom of the disease. Have rec ommended it to others for different blood diseases and all have been bene fited by its use. I make this statement purely upon the merits of this remedy, and will be glad to answer any inquiries any sufferer wishes to ask me, if they will enclose stamp for reply. £. J. MUNN. Residence, 540 S. Main St., Belvidere. Pfeoe of Business, Union, 111. Dr. Tallerday'# Cough Cure Cures. * Beloit, Wis. My husband was home, sick, for over a week with LaGrippe and was cough ing night and day. He commenced to use Dr. Tallerday's Cough Cure and got relief at once. We have never had a medicine in our house that has done so much good. It is invaluable. The Pain Tablets have no equal. MRS. EMMA NEEDHAM, 1216 Vine St. Beloit, Wis. My grand-so li has suffered from birth with broncial coughs, and after using | bottle of Dr. Tallerday's Cough Cure is getting well. I am using both the Cough Cure ar John Munch, of Biagwood, is build ing the foundation for Wallace's new _ and the Tonic myself, and think thcqr are excellent. Mas. GEO. STIRES, 721 Brook St MJUiafikctnred by THE TAI.I EKDAY MEOXCINE CO., Belvidere, 111. Foraaie fegr JULIA A. STORY, - McHenry amW.BBHLKt, • Weft HeHMUT S. B. Kelly, of Biagwood, will do the earpenter work oh Bob't. Richardson's barn. wiiyi^r of Genoa Junction, to visiting his cousins, Emil and Hasel Thomas. "In this workaday world the courage to do right is greater than the fear to do wrong." Mrs. Richaxdson, of Woodstoc*, was •toiling at her eon's, R. H. Richardson, of this place. Eber Bassett and Ed Martin attended the ball game Mid horse xaoe at Mc Henry Sunday afternoon. Thos. Garrison and niece, Frank Har- nish, and two daughters, and Harry Harnish and wife were Sunday visitors at E. S. French's. Meedames William aad Warren Thomas and Mrs. Bernard 'Harrison at tended R. N. A, lodge at Greenwood Saturday evening. Harry Bacon, of Chicago, to visiting at Chas. Davis'. Harry to suffering from inflammatory rheumatism. We hope he will soon reoover. "Aguinaldo to wearing out his be- ghted brain trying to figure out whether he is a citizen, a subject, a traitor, or a hero. The Administra tion is not much wiser." Arthur Severs was a brief caller here Saturday evening. He informs us that he has a situation in the Borden Con densing factory at McHenry. We are glad to hear of his success. It Dazzles The World. No Discovery in medicine has ever created one quarter of the excitement that has been caused by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It's severest tests have been on hopeless victims of Consumption, Pneumonia, Hemorrhage, Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thousands of whom it has restored to perfect health. For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hay Fever, Hoarseness and Whooping Cough to the quickest, surest cure in the world. It is sold by Julia A. Story who guarantees satisfaction or refunds money. Large bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. TOLO. Mr. John Richardson was la Elgin on businees Monday. George Watton, of Chicago, to vtott- ing at Harry Nicholl's. Miss Rosa Vogt is visiting Mrs. J. Torrenoe, of Wauconda. Herbert Howard, of Waukegan, is visiting friends at Volo. Miss Rosa Sexton, of Elgin, to visit ing her parents at Volo. Mrs. Bennie Wagener has returned from her visit in Chicago. Miss Gertrude Fitch, of Waukegan, spent part of the week at Chris Dillon's. Mrs. Laura Huson is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Simeon Russell, of Chi cago. Mr. aad Mrs. Harry Batter and chil dren, of Chicago, spent Sunday at John Boeing's, Mr. Alfred Nicholto went to the city the first of the week where 1M has em ployment. Miss Winifred Russell, of Chicago, has been visiting at Huson Bros.' the past; week. Miss Hellen Raymond spent Monday and Tuesday at Fremont Centre with Miss Annie Miller. Miss Olive Wilson came out from Chicago, Saturday to spend the summer at George Benwell's. Mrs. Jack Frost aad daughter Katie spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. John Tonyan, of Dighton. Mrs. Millie Raught aad daughter Nellie returned to their home in Wau kegan after a short visit at Raught Bros.' Miss Bessie Clough spent the first of the week visiting her cousin Natalie Stoxen, who to staying at A. 3. Ray mond's. The Salvation Army oould not hold services at the M. E. church Sunday. Bev. Stereos, of GrayB Lake, preached instead. Misses Laura and Margaret Granger, Georgians and Rowena McKannon, of Chicago, are spending the summer at Fish Lake. Mr. Sidney Russell and family spent Saturday and Sunday in Waukegan visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Russell. "The way to gain a good repntion is to endeavor to be what you desire to ap pear. " That is precisely the manner in which Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has gained its reputation as a cure for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. Every bottle that has ever been put out by the manufacturers haa been fully up to the hisch standard of excel lence claimed for it. People have found that it can always be depended upon for the relief and cure of these ailments and that it is pleasant and' safe to take. For sale bv Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley JUKOWOOD. Mrs. Bennett has a sitter visiting her from Racine. Mrs. Julia Bishop has been quite siok for several days. Mr. D. R. Beebe and little daughter, of Elgin, are visiting his niece, Mrs. Frank Hess. Mrs. Bennett Mid sister,. Maud, drove to Solon Friday and to McHenry Satur day, to call on friends. Mr. James Conway and wife went to Elgin Friday. Mrs. Conway will stay a few days with friends. Mr. Bradley and family and Mr. Warren Foss and family started for Vermont last Monday morning. They expect to be gone about a month. Robert Tweed and three daughters came Saturday night tor visit their grandfather, John B Bell. Mr. Tweed will soon return home to Nebraska, and the girls will stay here' until the last of August, The ice cream social last Thursday at Ben Hut&on's passed off fine, the only drawback being not enough cream. There were so many disappointed that the ladies have decided to sell cream again this week, Thursday evening, at Mrs. Small's, when we will try to have plenty for all. Statement of Bingwood Butter Co., for June, 1901: Amount of milk re ceived, 817381 lbs; amount of butter made, 34511 lbs; money received for butter, $5867.75; money received for butter milk, $115.25; average price re ceived for butter, 18.2c; average yield per 100 lbs. milk, 4.22; average oil test of factory, 3.56; ayerage cost of manu facturing, .007; overrun, 18; average price paid for 100 lbs milk, 74.8c. A Poor Millionaire. Latelp starved in London because he oould nat digest his food. Early use of Dr. King's New Life Pills would have saved him. They strengthen the stom ach, aid digestion, promote assimilation, improve appetite. Price 25c. Money back if not satisfied. Sold by Julia A. Story, druggist. WAUCOSDA. Bay Shumway returned to his borne in Waukegan, Friday. Scott Goodwin returned Monday to Nunda after spending the week with relatives in Wauconda. A boy choir from Chicago ooeupy Camp Thomas this week. Claude Marvin, of Highland Park, called on Wauconda friends Sunday. Miss Lulu Hill, of Chicago, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Lester Bur- dick. Owing to the intense heat, oar hotels and boarding houses were crowded over Sunday. Mrs. Flora Lines and family are the guests of H. B. Burritt at his summer cottage. Mrs. C. L. Pratt and daughters, Nina and Cary, are the guests of Wauconda friends this week. Mrs. John Spencer and Misses Lucy and May Spencer left here Monday for a trip on the lakes. , E. L. Harrison and C. P. Pratt of Chicago, are spending a week's vaca tion in this village. Mr. Frank Harrison and sifter, Miss Lora, of Chicago, spent Sunday with friends at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Harris went to Waukegan as delegates from Waucon da post G. A. R. We understand from them that the annnal Sailors and Sol diers Reunion will be held here this year. # -Gas Bolse^ppW-Wk-WWlllly Friday. B e h a n . w l l e r . h e r e Sunday. * Bruce Starrest, of Terra Ootta, was a Sunday caller hetfp. ; Bernie Friiby, <ii Emerald Park, was a Sunday caller here. Chas Frett, of McHenry, ,wa* a lnisi- ne«s caller on Monday. ^ Maurice Jenson has left the employ ment of E. F. Matthews. Robt. Matthews, of Barton's Bridge, was a caller here Sunday. Geo. Henderson, of Missouri, was a caller at J. Hunter's recently. Dr. and Mrs. Brown, of McHenry, were callers at Clarence Colby's recent ly- A rattle snake about four feet in length was killed by Ernest HU1 at J. Hunter'a Mr. and Mrs. Win. VanNatta and son Irvin, from Wauconda, were callers here Sunday afternoon. Mrs. H. A. Luther and son, Harry,are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter and family. John Hunter and sister, Edna, and Glen Morrison spent Saturday and San- day in Elgin with relatives. Misses Alice Sutton and Margaret Aylward, of Emerald Park, were call ers at John Fleming's Wednesday. Misses Clara Thompson and Mar garet Sutton drove to Cary Saturday aud attended the Lady Forester's Pic nic. Misses Alice Sutton and Margaret Aylward speat Wednesday evening of last week with Miss Clara Thomp son. Mrs. Clarence Colby and daughter, Edna, and Mrs. Lee Lockwood and children, of Chicago, spent Wednesday at T. L. Flander's at Holcombville. Mr. and Mrs. C. A Johnson, of Elgin, and Miss Ethel Johnson, of Chicago, returned home Wednesday after a week's visit with relatives and friends here. The Same Old Story. J. A. Kelly relates an experience sim ilar to that which has happened in al most every neighborhood in the United States and has been told and re-told by thousands of others. He says: "Last summer I had an attack of dysentery and purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I used according to directions and with entirely satisfactory results. The trouble was controlled much quicker than former attacks when I used other remedies." Mr. Kelly is a well known citizen of Henderson, N. C. For sale by Jnlia A. Story and G. W. BeslOfV ' RIDOKFIELD. James Westerman was in Woodstock Thursday. W. Rover and J. H. Parks were in Chicago Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dufield www in White rian Turned YeUowi Great consternation was felt by the friends of M. A. Hogarty of Lexington, Ky., when they saw he was turning yel low. His skin slowly changed color, also his eyes, and he suffered terribly. His malady was Yellow Jaundice. He was treated by the best doctors, but without benefit. Then he was advised to try Electric Bitters, the wonderful Stomach and Liver remedy, and he writes: "After taking two bottles I was wholly cured." A trial proves its matchless merit for all Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles. Only 50c. Sold by Julia A. Story, drug gist • ; OBEENWOOD. Five gallons best oil only 8$c at Earls'. Stanly Brady returned to Chicago Monday. Mr. Geo. Mansfield is repairing his mill this week. Mrs. J. Toles and Carrie were Hebron callers Tuesday. Mr. John Wire, of Cary, is visiting his sister Nell Dassow. Mrs. Lena Nuntzen and Etta were Alden visitors this week. Earl Toles Mid C. Headley were Richmond callers Thursday. Open air services at L. Cowdrys' lawn Sunday evening, July 14. Take your laundry to Earl he has, the agency for Harvard steam laundry. Mrs. B. B. Marble and daughters start for the east soon for a brief visit. The farmers are nearly done haying, the crop being very light Threshing comes next. She Didn't Wear A Mask. But her beauty was completely hidden by sores, blothes and pimples till she used Bucklcn's Amice Salve. Then they vanished as will all Eruptions, Fever Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Carbuncles and FelonB from its use. Infallible for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Scalds and Piles.. Cure guaranteed. 25c at Julia A. Sto*y'* *•- • For Infants and Children. The KM Yos Have Always Bought Bears the Signature i r > v. _ ^ Nunda Saturday.' Mr. and Mrs. &. Levey wave in Nunda Saturday." Mrs. Parks and son, Hugh, WW in Woodstock Thursday. a J. Jorgensen and S. Merchant ware in Woodstock Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Merchant were in Woodstock Saturday. Miss Lyda Johnson, of Chicago, to visiting at Geo. Wheeler'a Miss Etta Levey, of Seneca, to visit ing her brother, A. Levey and wife. Miss Nell Gibson returned home Saturday from a short visit in Chicago. Rev. Hawley, of Edinburg, Ind., will preach in the church Sunday, July 21 and 28. • Mrs. Jenks and children, of Elgin, visited her mother, Mrs. A. S, Wake field, last week. Miss Lola Lynch left Tuesday for an extended visit with relatives aad friends at Polar and Bryant, Wis. KOKOMO, IND., Aug. 10,1889. PEPSIN SYRUP CO., Dear Sirs:--For the past 10 years I was troubled with my stomach. About 4 yeari ago was taken down with rheu matism; was not able to do a day's work for 3 years. All medicine seemed of no benefit to me. A year ago I was ad vised to take Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep sin. I truly believe I would have died but for this medicine. My rheumatism is entirely gone and my stomach is in good condition. It has saved my life and I cannot recommend it too highly. Yours respectfully, ELWOOD MCCRACKEN. Sold by Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. SPRING GBOVK. Le Stone, of Hebron* to visit ing Mrs. B. Hartwell. Wm. Campbell and family, oi Wil- mot, visited relatives here Sunday. James Westlakeandson, John, started Tuesday for Iowa for a two weeks' visit. John Sibley and Frank Pitman, of Antioch, were here recently on busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Blanchard, of An tioch, were visitors here Sunday after- x&i. Mr. and lira. Frank Thompson, of Wilmot, were callers in this vicinity Sunday. Miss Anna Cole is very sick and was taken to Chicago last Thursday for treatment The Illinos Comedy and Concert Co., are holding forth here this week. They are having a good attendance. The many friends of Mrs. Ida Wal lace, of Racine, will be sorry to learn that she is seriously ill at the home of her sister, Mrs. Clara Johonnott, of Antioch. of Green's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold. We satisfactory or money refunded. A. Story. Wiatare on every box °.f Laxative Bromo-Quinioe **»*•• the remedy that ouei • saM isi a®a UW *• X*' Children's and Misses' Underwear tip from 9c fj§len's Underwear, up from 20c Children's 2-piece suits of an extra fine style and quality -. .$*.50 Children's knee pants and waist|t^^^*# .3|C Lawns and Percales, up frotti. .. JC ttle offer you 25 per cent \<'I*# . ?/ Discount on Cadies* Shirtwaists. ̂ iitiAVe wish to get our stock in perfect condition 'j4%|for fall, which means quick disposition of lat we have on hand, and to this end cor<|- mvite your co-operatici&» ^ WALTER C. EVANSON t'7: ̂ 1 '< K 'f - J' TOW ~ Furniture until you have inspected ,' ' my stock. Do not think that yOu/^V", can do better in Chicago.^ Compare " * ^ city prices with prices I will quote . ind, if quality is will give me your order. You can V / find here everything that is needed^ ? ' _ , . to beautify the home. The latest • *. 4s designs in Tables, Oraches, Chalrii f 1 i ^ Stands, Iron and Wood Beds, Cam- , A. \~A ^ .Vf' Parlor and Chamber Suits, }, '̂v Picture Frames, Side Boards, Etc. * r t / V See my line of Carpets and Rugs. JACOB JUSTEjN r tiaamiuUi n.fi r« Mr; It's not necessary lor any woman to stand over a hot stove three timeB 3 day to get up a good meal. You can find in <nir canned goods plenty of nice things to ipake a fine lunch, such as potted ham, beef, lobster, olama, cove oysters, salmon, sardines, mackerel, etc. Then fresh crackers, cookies, full cream cheese, piokles, olives, fruits and in fact everything to tempt the palate dur ing this hot weather. ," r 4 * 0»r Ice Cream Parlor Is open every Ei A Card. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree ̂... „ to refund the money on a 50 cent bottle every class of food and so prepare it that Prise Eating Contest.. 'They had an eating contest the other night at Pin Hook schoolhouse." "Who wont' "Ben Splutters--he ate nine cabbage." , Didn't it make him sidBt" » ; >, No. He just took a spoonful of Dr* Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. That pre* ventf Stomach Trouble of any kind, the/ say." At Julia A. Story's and G. W. Besley's. -• "There's many a slip twixS the cui| aad the lip, isn't there, pop?" queried" Willie. "Yes, my boy," answeared the old man. "Is that the reason so many people use straws?" 'I wish to truthfully state to you and the readers of these few lines that yottr Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is without ques tion, the best and only cure for dyspep sia that I have ever come in contact with and I have used many other prepara tions. John Beam, West Middlesex, Pa.i No preparation equals Kodol Dyspepsia^ Cure as it contains all the natural di» gestants. It will digest all kinds of food Mid can't help but do you good. Julia . Story and Q. W. Besley. Before marriage a man ye«na fst woman, and afterward he earns for her. You can never cure dyspepsia by diet ing. What your body needs is plenty of good food properly digested. Then if your stomach will not digest it, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will. It contains all of the natural digestants hence must digest nature can use it in nourishing the body and replacing the wasted tissue®, thus also guarantee a 25 cent bottle to prove giving life, health, strength ambition, pure blood and good healthy appetite. Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley.: : -- , j' f: » Head rests--vacation. ^ OASTORIA- Yen Haw P. WATTLES (Successor to R. K. Howard) All kinds of Fresh an# salt Meats always on hand W-y'l Vegetables aad Canned Goods. 0'̂ Bakery Goods a All Kinds of Salt Flall. Highest market Prices paid for Hogs, Osttle, ST Hides and Tallow. Fat Cattle a Fresh Vegetables and * Fruits r«oeiv«d freak dally; Orders from Pistakee Bay will receive prompt and careful attention. ' : ̂ Call on me ^ I will do the right thing with JOB. ̂ Loagr <!usta«e»s teleptiMM, I Citizens' telephone If Do You Want TO Money? Send in your namaaad address aad get out- catalogue of all kinds of Merchan dise at prices defying oompetion. Fully illustrated catalogue sent on receipt of 10 cents* ' • KAHN, GREEN & BERQER, 357 te *6l Dearborn Stm*. Ckkmgv. CMak(M wIM (tartar •>«*? Don' t Be Foolcoi ' h\l<"