• When you wish to give a party or get up a fine dinner and are at loss in securing something extra good to tempt the palate, call at the delicacy store and look over the stock. We will always Carry a complete stock of foreign and domestic Canned goods, Cheese, Etc., and fresh Fruits and Vegetables in season. Come and get acquainted witkua whether you wish to buy or not. West MqHenry, 111. ' K. Q. DEKKER MUk C80liis£ iowci Storife Cistera'i" We can make these tanks in ^ any size or shape in short ^ order. Every tank guaran- 3" ^ teed. These tanks will not rot or shrink, swell or leak. - Call and inspect om work. Prices Reasonable. ;Jj$cHenry, Illinois. M. ElidELN & SON Wholesale and retail dealer In Ore *e • call McHenry - Illinois Mi lt r Again! ?! -.1 >":i Steam Fittings ' i ' -n and ~t ^ " ' •} * Wind lllill« • !' * Steel and Wood CMIH and Farm machinery ^ line In every departme(g|; j * f j i ; ' f ' i Z ' ' • * * ' ' f-*v „ • j 'fwW* are preparw • .*•}••. to do : Well Work of all Kinds Olreus ec*ll • Conway & Rainey • ; R i n g w o o d , I I . This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do mestic Exchange, and does a ' ":5's ' TFKEML UHKIIK NISMSS. We endeavor to do all busi ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire- ly satisfactory to our custom ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on realestate and other first class se curity. Spec ial attention given to collections..., INSURANCE First Class Companies, at the Low- Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, I sin again in the meat business and would solicit a part of your trade It will always be my aim to sell at the lowest possible liv ing prices the best of meats. 4 > ..r; u,. V. - • Frcsb meats Salt meats j* • -IP Sausages Poultry Staple vegetables and Fruit. I will pay spot cash the highest market price for all kinds of live stock and poultry, hides, tallow, etc. Give me a call and renew old acquaintance. Goods delivered promptly McHenry, Illinois. '.p. J) Notary Public. Bankers. *!•' i 3= -Qeo. Meyers- • Bit: f rt sr- /- v GENERAL. , ; TEAMING ». '} " of all kinds. * Excavating and rading. ,: McHenfjF. V' Illinois •c . J B A R G A I N S ! J *------ i i • ̂ l wlU soon have % , * - " line of goods front A ( which I can make J yA'% yon a suit or pair if® f ***** al:eiy 1 ; ; .* low prices. Theae goods are puis, chased direct^ from the man*> facturers and at,a , £ . N bargain. You may have the benefit Come in and set the samples. It . will cost you nothr , ing to do that *> ^ \ A ' - V < * ^ * ! i * ' **>* Look for 4ji. next week. ̂ D. 100IZ' The Tailor. DR. TALLERDAY'S -FOR Constipation, Torpid liver jand the Blood. ^ v Belvidere, 111., Feb. 5, 1®01. t"Inherited Eczema, as my mother suffered for years with an incurable form, and I had been afflicted with it from childhood to a mild extent. It had annoyed me for several years dur ing the summer months. In April, 1900, the affliction was very pronounced . By the middle of May I was nearly incapac itated for business. In June I suffered to such an extent that I could get no rest under any conditions, and the tor ture was undermining my nervous sys tem and reducing physical forces to an alarming extent, and I cannot describe my sufferings. I had employed the best medical skill obtainable, but with no re lief until I began taking Dr. Tallerday's Fruit Juice. Within three days my suf fering began to subside and within three weeks I was much better than I had been during the summer months for years. The continued use of this medi cine completely cured me, removing ev ery sjmptom of the disease. Have rec ommended it to others for different blood diseases and all have been bene fited by its use. I make this statement purely upon the merits of this remedy, and will be glad to answer any inquiries any sufferer wishes to ask me, it they will enclose stamp for reply. E. J. MUNN. Residence, 540 S. Main St., Belvider*. Place of Business, Union, I1L Dr. Tallerday's K- - Cough Cure Cures* * Beloit, Wis. My husband was home, sick, for over a week with LaGrippe and was cough ing night and day. He commenced to use Dr. Tallerday's Cough Cure and got relief at once. We have never had a medicine in our house that has done so much good. It is invaluable. The Pftin Tablets have no equaL MRS. EMMA NEEDHAM, 1216 Vine St. Beloit, Wis. My grand-son has suffered from birth with broncial coughs, and after using i bottle of Dr. Tallerday's Cough Cure is getting well. I am using both the Cough Cnre and the Tonic myself, and think they are excellent. -v MBS. GEO. STIRES, 721 Brook St XaavlitetuKd by THE TALtEBDAI || MEDICINE CO., K«lvtdero, IIL For sate hy JDLIA A. STORY, - McHenry GKO, W. BKSUEY, - ' Wwt MoH«U? RINGWOOD. Mrs. Dwelly has a sister visiting hear. Ed. Dodge Is home from Elgin at present. Miss Mattie Cohn is here on a visit at J. W. Cristy's. Mrs. Hepburn has a brother and family visiting her. We are glad to hear that 1|n, Julia Bishop is much better. Little Carlton Fay if back with Grandma Coatee again. Mrs. Bon Hutson had a sister visiting her from Chicago for a lew days. " Mrs. Richard Lawson was among the evening passengers Monday night. Mrs. F. R. Hess was completely pros' trated with the heat last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beth welcomed a ten pound boy to Mr home last Thurs day* F. R. Hens, of Burr Oak Farm, has secured the services of a housekeeper from Chicago. Mrs. H. P. Buckland and Mrs. James Ladd will attend the Manona Assembly at Madison this week. Muses Jessie and Bertha Baldwin are keeping house for Mrs. Merchant While she visits friends in Chicago. H. C. Allen returned from his eastern visit Monday. His son, P. EL Allen, of Chicago, accompanied him home. Miss Mertie Rich, of Grand Rapids, Mich., Mrs. O. W. Rich, of Elgin, have been spending a few days with Mrs. F. R. Hess. F. R. Small returned from the North ern Normal at DeKalb Saturday morn ing, where he has been attending the summer school. Mr. and Mrs. Waterman attended a birthday party and reunion at Crystal Latte Saturday at the home of their brother, Mr. Whiting. The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. church will give an ice cream social on the lawn at the home of Mrs. Small Thursday evening, Aug. 1. • cordial invitation is given to alL Their Secret Is Out. AH Sadieville, Ky., was curious to learn the cause of the vast improvement in the health of Mrs. S. P. Whittaker, who had for a long time, endured untold suffering from a chronic bronchial trouble. "It's all due to Dr. King's New Discovery," writes her husband. "It completely cured her and also cured our little grand-daughter of a severe at tack of Whooping Cough." It positively cures Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Bron chitis, all throat and lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles 50cand$1.00. Trial bottles free at Julia A. Story's drug store. . WAYTCOKDA. Chester Sowles Sundayed in Chicago. Miss Cary Pratt returned to Chicago Sunday. Several from here are attending camp meeting at Des Plaines. Rev. Button returned to Wauoonda this week after a month's vacation. Robert Bennett and Miss Ida Hutchin son were Wauoonda callers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Silverman and family, of Chicago, are encamped on the lake shore. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goodwin spent Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Duers. Rev. Blanchard, of Barrington, con ducted service in the Baptist church Sunday morning and evening. Miss Lulu Hill returned to Chicago Saturday, having spent the week with her sister, Mrs. Lester Burdick. Mrs. Joe. Reilly and children, of Gray's Lake, are the guests of the for mer's sister, Mrs. Herman Hicks, this week. Mr. and Mrs, Erskihe Oakes and Miss Lulu spent last week with relatives and friends at Wauconda, returning to Chi cago Sunday. Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Hawley and Prof, and Mrs. Smith, of Barrington, have taken the Glynch house for the remain der of the summer. Mrs. Harry Scranton, of Chicago, Sundayed at B. K. Duers*. Sbe was ac companied home by her daughter, Miss Eva Scranton, who has sprat several weeks here. Don't forget the Woodman picnic at Wauconda Aug. 15, 1901. Games and races are being arranged and other pre parations being made to entertain a large crowd. Senator Wm. Mason will speak. Don't miss it. If a dealer asks you to take something said to be "just as good as Rocky Moun tain tea made by Madison Medicine Co.," ask him if he makes more money. G. W. Bedey. k- -J*- ̂ • BABimUK --'M- < { Mrs. Alfred Johnson is quite ill Otto Forkart is working for E. F. Matthews. Glen Morrison ^ visiting in Wood; stock this week. :• John Pettibone and wife, of Chicago, are visiting at J. Fleming's. Earnest Thybony, of Chicago, is spend ing Ms vacation at S. Hanson'& Maurice Jensen has secured employ ment at the Terra Cotta factory. A number from here attended the dance at Wauconda Saturday evening. Emma Swanson and Minnie Ander son, of Chicago, have been visiting at S. Hanson's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Matthews and children, of Elgin, were visiting rela tives here recently. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham and Jay Bailey, of Wauconda, called at Wm. Van Natta's recently. Messrs. Earl Bryant, Earl Gear and Bruce Starritt, and Misses Gertrude Harrison, Olive Johnson and Clara Thompson spent Sunday at Pistakee Bay. O A 0 T O R I A . iTfci Kind You Hara Mwsre Bairift OSTKNI*. Chas. Abbott is a California visitor. Elbert Thomas waa at McHenry Mon day. George Thomas was At McHenry Sat urday. Miss Anna Harrison was at McHenry Friday. Thos. McDonald was at McHenry Monday. Eugene Gaylord was at Woodstock Monday. Amos Smith, of Ringwood, waa here Monday. Rob't Richardson was at Woodstock Saturday. Elmer Francisco was a Ringwood vis itor Sunday. * William Ssylor was a Woodstock vis itor Monday. Albert Francisco was * brief caller here Sunday. Mrs. William NogW waa an Oatend caller Monday. Mr. Paske and family were McHenry visitors Sunday. H. N. Thompson was at Woodstock Monday afternoon. Misses Callie and Ella Thomas were at McHenry Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. French were Ring- wood visitors Monday. Miss Myrtle Stevens, of Ringwood, was an Ostend visitor recently. Mesdames Robert Richardson and Ed ward French were at McHenry Friday. Hutson and Fay, of Ringwood are painting Rob't. Richardson's new barn. Miss Bertha Walters, of Woodstock, is visiting Miss Anna Harrison this week. Miss Lora McDonald is assisting Mrs. Richardson in her household duties this week. Bennio Geary and Jennie Seymour, of Wauconda, were recent visitors at Chas. Davis'. "Be firm. One oonstant element of luck is genuine, solid, old Teutonic pluck." Rob't. Kimball has finished work for Bert Whiting and will go with his fath er on the thresher this fall. To Save Her Child From frightful disfigurement Mrs. Nan nie Galleger, of La Grange. Ga., applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve to great sores on her head and face, and writes its quick cure exceeded all her hopes. It works wonders in Sores, Bruises, Skin Erupt ions, Cuts, Burns, Scalds and Piles. 36c Cure guaranteed by Julia A. Story, druinrist. »• •" ' W--.III.M.IM1I •• " TOW. V-v", •' • Jack Frost has been on the sick list the past week. John Richardson waa in Chicago on business Tuesday. Master Lee Huson is visiting friends in Chicago this week. Misses Avis Payne and Olive Wilson were Volo callers Thursday. Miss Winifred Russell returned to her home in Chicago Friday. Mrs. George Eatinger and daughter, Maude, went to Chicago Tuesday. Misses Avis Cook and Lida Ford, of Wauconda, were Volo callers Saturday, John Walton and son, Jason, aie working at Fremont Centre this week. Mrs. A. J. Raymond and daughter, Mary, wore Chicago visitors Wednes day. Miss Mabel Granger, of McHenry, spent last week with Miss Helen Ray mond The McHenry Ladies Aid society spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. A. J. Ray mond. Misses Jennie Smith and Nina Colby of McHenry, spent Friday with Miss Walton.' Mrs. Agnes Montgomery and son, Roy, of Chicago, are visiting at Theo. Wirtz's. Misses Alice and Mary Cramer, of Waukegan, axe visiting friends in this vicinity. Miss Lizzie Glosson, of McHenry, Sundayed with her sister, Mrs. James Murray.* Miss Minnie Walton, of Chicago, is visiting Misses Harriet and Sarah Nichols. Miss Frances Rosing is visiting her sister, Mrs. Mike Hertel; >f Fremont, at present. / The social held at Stanford Bros. Fri day night waa a sucoess socially and financially. A number of young people from Volo attended the dance at Gray's Lake Sat urday evening. Misses Rose Huson and Maud Walton are spending this week visiting friends and relatives in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. T. Winkle, of McHenry, spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sable. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hiller and daugh ter, Lillie, and Iva Ritter, of Chicago, spent Sunday at John Rosing's. James White, Bryan tsville, IncL, says De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve healed running sores on both legs. He had sufferec 6 years. Doctors failed to help him. Get DeWitt's. Accept no imi- tationa. Julia A. Story and P* W. Besley. . . • GREENWOOD. ^ Try Palm Leaf Tea at Earl's. Harvard Laundry Agency at Earl's. Oscar Soderbergh has moved his fam ily to Aurora. Lysle Freedman, of Solon, was a caller Sunday. Leave your subscription for the Plain- dealer at Earl'8. Mrs. Hert Condey was visiting her parents last week. Geo. Mansfield has his mill in good repair and is doing lots of grinding. John Barber has his new house completed and expects to move soon. O A S T O R I A . a r The Kind You Have Always Boi«M Joseph Heimer was a caller here Mon day. ^ Mr. Danke waa a business caller bete on Monday. Peter Weber ia drilling a Weil far S. M. Schmitt. John Pitzen and wife visited relatives here Sunday. John P. Lay was in Chicago on busi- JMSS Wednesday. Phil Freiler, of Elgin, waa, a badness caller here Friday. \ Charles Michels is doing some latAing in Solon this week. J Eli Manor, of Genoa, tamsacted'tmsi- ness here Saturday. The plasterers finished their work on John P. Lay 8 house Friday. ^ Geo. Nell and family visited relatives in Chicago several days last week. Stephen H. Freund was a business caller in Chicago and Elgin this week. Jacob Rothermel and wife entertained some of their friends and relatives on Thursday. R. Soger left for Milwaukee Monday afternoon after visiting friends here a few days. John P. Lay who has been sick for about a week is able to be around again, as lively as ever. Math Niesen and wife, of McHenry, and Mrs. Frank Rothermel, of Chicago, were callers here Friday. Jacob Schumacher and sister, Lena Schmitt and Mrs. Lay spent several days In Racine last week. What A tafflfc Tells. If that mirror of yours shows a wretched, sallow complexion, a jaun diced look, moth patches and blotches on the skin, it's liver trouble; but Dr. King's New Life Pills regulate the liver, purify the blood, give clear skin, rosy cheeks^ rich complexion. Julia A. Story's drug storfc ---- Amp 4-„« • • WOODSTOCK. Geo. W. Lemmers waa a Chicago viB itor on Saturday. F. W. Munford made a business trip to Chicago on Saturday. Geo. Thompson, of Greenwood', was a Chicago visitor over Sunday. Attorney V. S. Lumley was looking after legal business in Chicago on Fri day. 6. C. Thompson, of Greenwood town ship, was an Elgin visitor on Saturday afternoon. Attorney A. J. Mullen transacted legal business in Chicago on Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kipper, of Chicago, yisited with friends here the latter part of last week. Miss Stella Austin was the guest of relatives and friends in Chicago the latter part of last week. Mrs. Ernest Fues and children visited with her sister, Mrs. Herman Henck, at Algonquin over Sunday. { G. W. Frame returned on Saturday from his trip to Minnesota where he was looking after business matters. Miss Inez Searles left on Thursday for Edison Park after a week's visit with her cousin, C. Dickenson, in this city. Chas. Wainwright has moved his family to this city from Benton Harbor, Mich., and will take charge of the Din- gee Pickle factory. At a little before three o'clock last Sunday morning lightning struck Wm. Grace's barn near the brewery and it was destroyed by fire. One of the brewery ice houses was struck by lightning during the storm early on Sunday morning and one cor ner of the building was badly shattered. Timothy Leonard, of Belvidere, visited with old friends here last week. Al though a very old man his new home in Belvidere seems to agree very well with him. The drouth in this section was effect ually broken by the heavy rains of early Sunday and Monday mornings, the last one being the heaviest rain we have had this year. Miss Minnie Ball and children re turned to their home in Chicago on Thursday after a pleasant visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Dickenson, in this city. Company G., L IF. 0., left last week Friday evening for the annual encamp ment at Springfield, and a large delega tion of our people were at the depot to see them off. J. H. Forman returned on Thursday from his visit to Saugatuck, Mich. He was accompanied by Mrs. Forman and son, Percy, who had been spending a few weeks at that popular summer re sort. At a meeting of the city council last week Friday evening the contract was let to the Aimes Engine Company, of Chicago, for two new one hundered horse-power engines for the city power house. The funeral services of Mrs. A. Hurd, who died at her home in this city last week Wednesday, were held at the Presbyterian church on Friday morning and the remains were taken to Ridge- field for interment. Mr. and Mrs. George Bertschy Mid children, of South Dakota, are guests of bis sister, Mrs. Lena Seller, and other relatives here this week. Mr. Bertschy will return to his western home but his family will remain her? for the summer. While painting on the Philo Roe farm in Hartland last Saturday morning Fred Eichlor had his right arm broken by a ladder falling on it. The ladder was leaning up against a building and the wind blew it over onto Fred, who was standing on the ground near it. Dr. w. H. Doolittle attended the injury. Eruptions, cuts, - burns, scalds and sores of all kinds quickly healed by De* Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Certain cure for piles. Beware of Counterfeits. Be sure you get the original--DeWitt's. Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. !*»-. \-. « , „ ^ »s,v &* > k* -A*, ̂ f -if ,?\{i Summer (owls ROW r% •His Children's and Misses' Underwear tip from 5e Men's Underwear, up from .3QC Children's 2-piece suits of an extra fine i "• style and quality Children's knee pants and waists, each.«*3 I»awnsand Percales, up from* *V. (Ue offer you 25 per c«ni Discount on Cadies' Sbirt UJaists. :• : IvAj&iiiS. 'siSb : J' . w We wish to get our stock in perfect condition for fall, which means quick disposition of What we have on hand, and to this end cord- ||lly invite- your-co-operatiog» * : ,j| WALTER C. EVAM5Nf ? h , . * 1 imniimni-- iiminmt--m--mtmumm ThaKM Y« HtnMwm B«0l ,*5 , . Furniture until you have inspected v my stock. Do not think that you can do better in Chicago. Compare city prices with prices I will quote #1; and, if quality is considered, you , ^ irill give me your order. You can * jfj ;^i^1find here everything that is n«ededfcilf| to beautify the home. The latest ' i designs in Tables, Couches, Chair** ^ Stands, Iron and Wood Beds, Coan- ** jplete Parlor and Chamber Suits, Picture Frames, Side Boards, Etc. %f" See my line of Carpets and Bugs. J '•*. '• V ' • Finest fruit syrups are now being served with our delicious ice cream soda. A good, pure syrup is the important part in a good glass of soda, and Gunther's can not be equalled. Our ice cream parlors w : are becoming more popular every day. Have you been ia? GILBERT BROS, McHenry -v I Z . k ^ HI! Desirable Foods for Summer. Lean meats, eggs, milk and cheese are, in proper proportions and when taken with succulent vegetables and fruits, desirable foods for summer. But the fats of meats, and fat meat such as pork, large quantities of cream and butter, as well as olive oil, should be avoided. The latter, however, is preferable, as it does not contribute so rapidly to the bodily heat as do the animal fats. Avoid hot and heavy deserts. Use fruits in sea son in abundance.--Mrs. S. T. Borer, in The Ladies' Home Journal for August If the action of your bowels is not easy and regular serious complications must be the final result. DeWitt's Lit tle Early Risers will remove this dan ger. Safe, pleasant and effective. Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. Tree Scholarship. Midland University offers to any young lady or gentleman a Field-Secre- taryship for organizing classes in "Cor rect English" for home study, in pay ment for which work tney will give either a scholarship for one year's course in the following: Law, Medicine, Den tistry, Pharmacy, Shorthand and Type writing; a full Business Course, oar a Cash Commission. Interested persons please address J. J. Tobias, Chancellor, 115 Dearborn St, Chicago, PL In cases of cough or croup give the little one One Minute Cough Cure. Then rest easy and have no fear. The child will be all right in a little while. It never fails. Pleasant to take, al ways safe, sure and almost instantan eous in effect. Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. Eight British brewers turn out over 1,000,000 barrels each year. TO CUBE A CO LI) IN ONI QAT, -'H Take LAXATIVE Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. nature is on eaoh box. Me. F. WATTLES (Successor to K. R. Howard) All kinds of Fresh and salt Meats always on hand Vegetables and Canned Gooda. % « s". Bakery Goods X' All Kinds of Salt*Fisli« Highest market Prices paid for Hogs, Cattle, ST Hides and Tallow. Fat Cattle a Fresh Vegetables and Fruits received freak daily. * ' Orders from Pistakee Bay will reodfoi I^rompt aadeareCul attentioB. . - i1' : Call on me t I wUl do the right thing with jm >' -v. ,;4 F. WATTLES, ' West Citizens' telephone 17 Do You Want TO Save Money? Send in your name and addrese aad get our catalogue of all kinds of Meickaa- dise at prices defying competion. Fully illustrated catalogue sent on receipt of 10 cents for postage. KAHN, GREEN 1ST to s*i Detrten Street, CMeete, Otalogpt* dories Jrtr D O N'T BC FOOLEOI ; W * ( - , • » I, > ' - . . . * K, ̂ jf**