^ ty* •) A»TMENT. Kditor. mnIHM Wort* visited friends here Sun g When you wish to give a party or get up a «/ a loss in securing something extrk good to tempt the jiiS& at the delicacy store and look over the stock. We mil ' carry a complete stock of foreign and domestic Canned X* , 'Cheese, Etc., and fresh Froits and Vegetables in season. le, call always goods, Come ; and get acquainted with us whether you wish to buy or not. weBtMcHen .̂ia t: ? : K. Q. DEKKER I i k 3*t -J : v. flamtfacturers ^ of-- -- 1 ^ vt Stock Witeriai M8tr ZiyJhU rVm lUUiUflJ ^ Tom Storifc - Wir jrt*. mm IZED STEEL TANKS We can make these tanks in any size or shape in short oilier. Every tank guaran teed. These tanks will not rot or shrink, swell or leak. Call and inspect our work. IPflees Seasonal &• IM McHenry, Illinois. M. EMELN & SON AMES k fRETT jhomas BURKE, mmmtm m cat * * > * ^ : ? I I > | ^ t*ju < • " UOlWW™ :; dealer ID , jolted Meats, Sausate '• p : : , McHenry - Illinois " Fittinos and Windmill* and Olood . and Farm lttacNncry : a jk fall line In every department ; '$V We are prepay \ to do Work of all Kindt Giveusacall Conway & Rafney f Ringwood, II. This Bank receives deposits, bays and sells Foreign and Do mestic Exchange, and does a xvy -, w. GENERAL BARKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire ly satisfactory to our custom ers and respectfully splint the public patronage.... r ... Honey to Loan r on real estate and other 'first class se curity. Spec ial attention ! given to collections. ^INSURANCE i in First Class Companies, at the Low- * est rates. Tours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, ; Notary Public. . 8ankers. , ' GENERAL i TEAMING of all kinds. ••m Excavating and I j; Grading. McHenry, _.> • Illinois it & tn w,,-l am again in the awsft' tatttness #nd would solicit a part of your V. trade. It will always be my aim 4. *> sell at the lowest possible liv ing prices the best of meats. Fresh meats ̂ Sail meats Sausages Poultry ; ' Staple vegetables and Fruit. p||| will pay spot cash the highest Biarket price for all kinds of live - 'v*toct and poultry, hides, tallow, Give me a call and renew did acquaintance. > Goods delivered promptly McHenry, Illinois. P. WATTLES ., (Successor to R. R. Howard) 1 All kinds of Fresh and •alt Meats always on hand Vegetables and Canned Goods. Bakery Goods a Specialty All Kinds of Salt Pish. Highest market Prices paid for Hogs, Cattle, Sheep, Hides and Tallow. Fat Cattle a Fresh Vegetables and Fruits received fresh daily. Orders from Pistakee Bay will receive /̂;̂ iijjompt and careful attentitift. Call on me I Will do the right thing with you. F. WATTLE5, West McHenxy, 111 ton* diataaaatotephone, an dthona' telephone 17 Do You Want TO Save Money? Send in your name and address and get our catalogue of all kinds of Merchan dise at prices defying oompetion. Fully illustrated catalogue sent on reoeipt of 10 cents for postage. KAHN, GREEN & BERGER, *S7 to Mil Dearborn Street. Chicago, Illinois Catalogue mailed during: July r DR. TALLERDAY'S P LRUini l lU Constipation, Torpid liver and the Blood. Belvidere, 111., Feb. 5, 1001. I inherited Eczema, as my mother suffered for years with an incurable form, and I had been afflicted with it from childhood to a mild extent. It had annoyed me for several years dur ing the summer months. In April, 1900, the affliction was very pronounced. By the middle of May I was nearly incapac itated for business. In June I suffered to such an extent that 1 could get no rest under any conditions, and the tor ture was undermining my nervous sys tem and reducing physical forces to an alarming extent, and I cannot describe my sufferings. I had employed the best medical skill Obtainable, but with no re lief until 1 began taking Dr. Tallerday's Fruit Juice. Within three days my suf fering began to subside and within three weeks 1 was much better than I had been during the summer months for years. The continued use of this medi cine completely cured me, removing ev ery symptom of the disease. Have rec ommended it to others for different blood diseases and all have been bene fited by its use. I make this statement purely upon the merits of this remedy, and will be glad to answer any inquiries any sufferer wishes to ask me, if they will enclose stamp for reply. E. J. MUNN. Residence, 540,S. Main St., Belvidere. Place of Business, Union, 111. Dr. Tallerday's Cough Cure Curea*^ Beloit, Wis. My husband was home, sick, for over a week with LaGrippe and was cough ing night and day. He commenced to use Dr. Tallerday's Cough Cure and got relief at once. We have never had a medicine in our house that has done so much good. It is invaluable. The Pain Tablets have no equal. MRS. EMMA NEEDHAM, 1216 Vine St. Beloit, Wis. ^ My grand-son has suffered from birth with broncial coughs, and after using i bottle of Dr. Tallerday's Cough Cure is Retting well. I am uging both the Cough Cure and the Tonic myself, and think they are excellent. MRS. GEO. STIRES, 721 Brook St > MMafwtnnd by TM£ TALLKKDAT **DICINE CO., Belvidere, XU. ? For sale by JULIA A. 8TO*Y, ; ^ McHenry OKO. W. BKSUnr, + ^W«SVeII««*7 Robert Brott was at McHenry Friday. Arthur Whiting la busy repairing his bus. R. H. Richardson was at Woodstock Monday. Titos. McDonald was stak a few days last week. . Phil 8. parrim was a Ringwood vis itor Sunday. "Not all are asleep who have their qyes closed." er Francisco visited his parents at Ringwood Sunday. William Thomas and wife were at McHenry Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Abbott were Mc Henry viators Friday evening. Henry Hobart and Warren Thomas were McHenry visitors Saturday. Ed. Martin and Guy Harrison visited Woodstock last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Barber, of Wood stock, drove through here Sunday. Emil Peterson is building a milk- house on the E. H. Thompson farm. Another rubber-tired rig is the latest at Ostend. Ed. Martih is the owner. Mrs. Henry Goodsell is on the sick though we hear she is improving. Miss Lora McDonald Mid sister, Mrs. H Goodsell were at Ringwood Sunday. Mr. and Mm Edward French are at tending institute at Woodstock this week. Bernard Harrison took a grist of wheat to Spencer's mill at Wauconda Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Harrison and family were visiting at Jas. McDonald's Thursday. The corn crop in this vicinity is look ing exceedingly fine. Potatoes are also ooming on very well. George Thomas went to mill at Mc Henry Saturday, as did also Henry Hobart and Robt. Richardson. Chas. Abbott, who has been alt Cali fornia for his health, reports his health greatly benefitted and his intentions of returning soon. News comes to us of the recent de parture of Mr. and Mrs. P. Martin and Miss Maud Abbott for the Pan American Exposition at Buffalo. They expect to remain two weeks and possibly longer. Among those who went from here to the Woodmen picnic last Thursday were: Mesdames Wm. Thofnas and Bernard Harrison and Messrs. Bernard Harrison, F. E. Martin and son, Chas., Davis and Ray Thomas and Henry Hobart and family. They report a good ,• ---- , November tth, 1880. Pepsin Syrup Co. Dear Sire:--I feel it my duty to write to you and let yon know how much good your medicine has done for me. Twenty-three years ago I was taken with some kind of stomach trouble and I tried everything I heard of * They did me but little good. Three years ago neuralgia set in on me and I got so poor and weak that I could hardly walk couldn't work any. My husband re ceived a book through the mail, adver tising yoar medicine, and he sent our little boy to the drug store to get one of your ten-oent bottles. 1 began to use it It is strange to say, but it's the truth, tlie seoond dose I took gave me lots of relief. I kept on using it till I used it nearly one year and now I am nearly as strong as I used to be and can do any kind of work. I recommend it to all, for it seems to me it would cure anybody. I have gotten several to use Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and they all say it has done them so much good. God bless Dr. Caldwell and his medi cine for doing me so much good • -'"I Yours with respect, Mrs. Isabell WheelMr. Freetown, Jackson Co., Ind. Sold by Julia A. Story and G. W. Wmr fcy- ' • , WAUCONDA. , ̂ Elmer Golding is on the Biok list: ^ Chas. Bodman, of Chicago, called on Wanconda friends Saturday and Sun day. Don't fail to attend the Soldiers and Sailors Reunion at Wauconda August 27 and 28. A. L. Coxhead and wile, of Chicago, are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Dixon. Mrs. Plumsted, who spent the summer at B. K. Duers, returned to her home in Chicago Saturday. Mrs. C. R. Wells went to Dixon Mon day to visit her daughter, Mrs. L. E. Hughes of that city. L. E. Oaks and son Harry, of Chicago, spent Sunday the guests of the former's brother, Theron Oaks. Joseph E. Glynch, of Chicago, came to Wauconda Monday to visit his family who are spending the summer hem B. S. Hammond, of Chicago, Sun- dayed at Wauconda. Work on Mr. Hammond's new cottage in this village is progressing rapidly. The picnic of the Lake County M. W. A. at Wanconda, Thursday was a grand success in every particular. The crowd was all that could have been expected, the weather being fine and all the ar rangements carried out to perfection. Everyone votes Wauconda MI ideal place for a good time and Wauoondites royal entertainers. Astounded the Editor. Editor S. A. Brown, of Bennettsville, S. C.. was once immensely surprised. 'Through long suffering from Dyspep sia, " he writes, my wife was greatly run down. She had no strength or vigor and suffered great distress from her stomach, but Bhe tried Electric Bitters which helped her at once, and, after using four bottles, she is entirely well, i can eat anything. It's a grand tonic, and its gentle laxative qualities are splendid for torpid liver." For Indiges tion, Loss of Appetite, Stomach and Liver troubles it's a positive, guaranteed cure. Only 50c at Julia A. Story's. V8 vow. r; Mrs. C. Dillon is quite iick.|£ v L. V. Link was in Ringwooiioftt ness Saturday. Mrs. Bert Paddock, of Fort Hill, a Volo caller Friday. Mrs. Jack Dowell, of Slooum'a Lake, was a Volo caller Friday. Miss Bessie Clougb, of Wanconda, is visiting at A. J. Raymond's. There was a family gathering at the home Ben of HiUer Sunday. _ Messrs. Chas. and Edgar Parker were in Waukegan on business Tuesday. Will Montgomery and son, Roy, erf Chicago, are visiting relatives here. Miss Bertha Wiegel, of Chicago* is visiting her cousin. Miss Rosa Vogt. Mrs. Ray Fitch and son, Charlie, of Waukegan, are visiting at C. Dillon's. Miss Cassie Eldmlge, of McHenry, visited in Volo Tuesday and Wednes day. Mrs. Junes Murry visited her sister, Mrs. John Miller, at McHenry Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bouer entertained Mrs. John Blake, of Chicago, ovsar Sun day. * Will Roeing and a gentleman friend, of Chicago, spent Sunday at John Ros ing's. Rev. D. C. Dutton and family, of Wauoonda, visited at Ranght Bros., Saturday. Mrs. Peter Frost returned to her home in Chicago after a two week's visit here. Prof. Robert Fulton, wife and little daughter, of Waukegan, ate visiting at Ranght Bros. Mrs. A. W. Fox is entertaining her sister, Mrs. Ed. Bhutchard and children, of Waukegan. Misses Naomi and Rose Vasey visi ted Mrs. Jennie Fillwerber at Antioch Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Birdie, her two children and Miss Emily Dowell, of Waukegan, were calling on friends here Wednesday even ing. Nearly all the families of Volo were represented at the M. W. A. picnic at Wauconda Thursday. All report a fine time. Mrs. John Williams and children, of Chicago, are visiting Mrs. Williams' sisters, Mrs. Jack Frost and Mrs. John Stadtfield. Mr. and Mrs. Ben HiUer entertained John Rosing, of Kenosha, and Mr. and Mrs. Raeder and children, of Chicago, over Sunday. Dorothy Edith, the baby daughte* of Prof, and Mrs. Robt. Fulton, of Wau kegan, was christened at the M. E. church Sunday. Mrs. Benj. Cossman, of Lake Villa, and Miss Edith Carpenter, of Elgin, who is visiting Mrs. Cossman, were Volo visitors Friday. Mrs. Sarah Huson and grand-daugh ter, Mary Kepple, - returned to their home in Elgin after a visit with O. G. Huson and family here. Natalie Stoxen returned to her home in Wauconda Wednesday after a visit of several weeks at the home of her aunt, Mrs. A. J. Raymond. Mrs. Harry Ritter, her son, Ira, and daughter, Edith, of Chicago, visited her sister, Mrs. John Rosing and family Mr. Ritter spent Sunday with his family here. The many friends of Chas. Ranght will be pleased to hear that he has re turned from the west and is visiting in Waukegan. He will visit his parents here in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rogers, Miss Bessie Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. O. A Howard, of Waukegan, were visitors at Chat Thompson's at Fort Hill last week. They attended the M. W. A picnic at Wauconda Thursday. Their Secret Is Out. All Sadieville, Ky., was curious to learn the cause of the vast improvement in the health of Mrs. S. P. Whittaker, who had for a long time, endnred untold suffering from a chronic bronchial trouble. "It's all due to Dr. King's New Discovery," writes her husband. "It completely cured her and also cured our little grand-daughter of a severe at tack of Whooping Cough." It positively cures Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Bron chitis, all throat and ltng troubles. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Julia A. Story's drug store. " Very Low Rate Kxcnralon Tickets the Fan-American Kxpoeltton, Buffltlo, N. T., Via the North-Western Line are sold daily with favorable return limits. Direct connection at Chicago, with fast trains of all lines to Buffalo. For fur ther particulars, apply to agents. An illustrated booklet will be mailed on receipt of two cents postage by W. B. Kniskem, General Passenger ftjoul Tick et Agent Chicago. • •. .-4MMJ Question Answered.. , Yes, August Flower still has tho larg est sale of any medicine in the civilized world. Your mothers and grand mothers never thought of using any thing else for Indigestion or Biliousness. Doctors were scarce, and they seldom heard of Appendicitis, Nervous Pros tration or Heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undi gested food, regulate the action oi the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches. Yon only need a few doses of Green's Au gust Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. Get Green's fliM Aluuxuc. Jnlto^Stwr. friends W this signature to on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Ouinine TU>MS w>J| Ihsi sua a M day. Peter Bowers, of Volo, visited here Monday. Math and Barbara Steffes were Volo callers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. August Huff visited rel atives here Monday. ( Chris. Sable and wife, of Yolo, visited friends here Monday. N. Lewis, of Chicago, was a business caller here Saturday. Jos. F. Schmith was a business caller in the great city Monday. Anton Engeln, of McHenry,' was a business caller here Friday. F. J. Barbian, of McHenry, was a bus iness caller here Thursday. Mr. Damgard, of McHenry, Vras a business caller here Friday. Mrs. Math Niesen and children, of McHenry, visited relatives liere Friday. Peter Steffes and family are entertain ing some of their relatives from Chicago at present Misses Christina and Anna Freund, of Elgin, are visiting relatives here at present Mr. and Mrs. John King are the parents of a baby girl. The young lady arrived Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wolff returned to their home in Chicago Monday after visiting relatives here for several weeks. On Friday evening a barn dance was held on Jacob F. Schmith's place. Re freshments were served and all present reported a good time. DOM It Pay to Buy Cheap ? A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but yon want something that will relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more regular cli mate? Yes, if possible; if not possible for you, then in either case take the ONLY remedy that has been introduced in all civilized countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, Boschee's German Syrup." It not only heals and stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allays infiamation, causes easy expectoration, gives a good night's rest, and cures the patient Try ONE bottle. Recommend ed many years by all druggists in the world. Get Green's Prise Almanac. Julia A Story. HAKKEV1LLK. E. F. Mattheus' baby is very sick. Robert Mattheus was in Chicago Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hunter were in McHenry Tuesday. Mrs. Chas* Knaack has a sister visit ing her from Chicago. • Mrs. J. Hunter and son, John, were McHenry callers Monday. E. F. Mattheus and son, Robt, in Woodstock Wednesday. John Fleming is preparing for the erection of a large new barn. Paul Reiger has secured employment with W. E. Coon, of Lake Co. Miss Clara Thompson called at Wm. Van Natta's at Slocum's Lake Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Thompson visit ed his brother, Chas., at Greenwood Sunday. Floid and Robt. Thompson are spend ing a couple of weeks with their grand parents here. Miss Kathryn Forbes, of Nunda, has been engaged to teach the Dnolin school the ooming year. Misses Edna Hnnter and Gertrude Turner spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. C. Wilmington. A large number from here attended the M. W. A and R. N. A picnic at Wauconda last Thursday. Mrs. Hattie Henderson, Mrs. Brown /Wilcox and daughter, Anna, spent Sat urday afternoon at Thos. Thompson's. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wingate and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wingate and cousin, Mary, comprised a party who picniced at the Bay Friday. Miss La Nette Covalt has resigned her position as teacher of our school, having accepted a position in Chicago There are several new applicants but a decision has not yet been made, •'/.gtf What A Tale It Tells» t If that mirror of yours shows i wretched, sallow complexion, a jaun diced look, moth patches and blotches on the skin, it's liver trouble; but Dr. King's New Life Pills regulate the liver, purify the blood, give dear skin, rosy cheeks, rich complexion. Only 25c at Julia A Story's drug store. Low Bate* West and Northwest tils Summer, Via the North-Western line. Excur sion tickets will be sold to San Fran cisco, Loe Angeles, Portland, Seattle, Salt Lake, Denver and other Colorado. Utah and Pacific Coast Points, as well as St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth. Da kota Hot Springs, etc., at greatly re duced rates, with favorable return limits, on various dates during the sum mer season. Frequent Fast Trains, Through Sleeping Cars, Chair Cars, Dining Cars. The Best of Everything. For dates of sale and full particulars, inquire of ticket agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Aug. 81 To Save Her Child From frightful disfigurement Mrs. Nan nie Galleger, of La Grange. Ga., applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve to great sores on her head and face, and writes its quick cure exceeded all her hopes. It works wonders in Sores, Bruises, Skin Erupt ions, Cuts, Burns, Scalds and Piles. 96c. Cure guaranteed by Julia A Story, druggist Excursion Tickets to Inter-Mate Fair at Beloit, Wis., |Tia the North-Western Line, will be sold at reduced rates August 19 to 28, inclusive, limited to return until Au gust 24, inclusive. Apply to 4§8$ts Chicago & North-Weeteni R'y. Wienke was a C&icago visit on Friday. Harry McKee friends here. Timothy Leonard was fat Chicago on business on Friday. . f Wm. Whitnon was % Chicago « business on Friday. Mrs. John Johnson was a Chicago visitor over Sunday. Carl C. Hughes was in Chicago on business on Saturday. Miles Gibbons, of Elgin, spent Son- day with friends here. C. J. Bodecser, of Chicago, was here on business on Saturday. N. A. Peri, of Chicago, was a of friends here over Snnday. Carl Hughes, of Delavan, Wis. here on business on Saturday. George Bolger was in Chicago on business the latter part of last week. Jacob Werner was in Chicago on business the latter put of last week. Sam Sorensen, of Chicago, was a guest of his brother here over Sunday. Miss Belle Sackett, of Chicago, was the guest of relatives here over Sunday. Mrs. M, Gulickson, of Chicago, was the guest of relatives here over Sunday. Mathias Anderson, of Greenwood, spent Sunday with friends in Chicago. Arthur Waite, of (Chicago, was a guest of his brother here on Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Rowe, of Chica go, are guests of his parents here this week. George Wachtler, of Omaha, Neb., is visiting with his parents here for a few weeks. A. Donaldson, of Chicago, spent the latter part of last week with the family of N. Grady. Mrs. Ida Flemming, of Chicago, was a guest at the home of Geo. Grilling in this city last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zimmer returned on Saturday evening from a week's visit with relatives at Morris, 111. Mrs. Calvin Broughton, of Evaasville, Wis., was a guest of Mrs. Frank Wood bury at the Hotel Woodstock. Mrs. M. Phetti place returned to Chi- sition at Buffalo. Mrs. Geo. B. Finch and ehikbwil turned to GMepgo on Saturday pleasant visit «J*it her parents east of this eitgr. Aldermen Hill aad Waltere, Eleetfi• cian A. C. Adams and ICsiMf|aIt Bolger were in Chicago on bwinses on Thurs day of last week. Misses Laura and Iinda llsfiita, of Delavan, Wis., cousin, Thomas Mervrin, in the latter part of last week. A YOUNG LADY'S LIFE 8AVE&' At Panama, Coloaakla. by qwtirl|j«% Colie, Cbolera aad: physician, of Panama, < cent letter states: "LastMarsh as a patient a young lady si*testt jatf* of age, who had a very had attack of dysentery. Everything I prescrilttd for her proved ineffectual aad she was growing worse every hour. Her parents were sure she would die. She Ip4 be come so weak that she could nat tarn over in bed. What to do at this critical moment was a study for me, bat I thought of Chamberlain's CoHc, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and as a test Re sort prescribed it The most voodsrfttl result was effected. Within cjghtlpoiirs she was feeling much better; inside of three days she was upon her test «pd at the end of one week was entirely well.." For sale by Julia A Story and G. W. Beeley. • 'XS; Vary Low Rate* to K. T. at LoaiMrllle, Kjr., Via the North-Western Lia sion tickets will be sold at one fisre for round trip, August M to 28, limited to return September 2, fnttjh ax- tension until September lfc Apply to agents Chicago & Boirth- Western R'y. 7-2t When School Opens foH must supply your childtjwi frith pencils, pens, stationery, etc. We have a complete stock of these necessities and are them at reasonable prices. hi- ' Everything in Drugs and rtetficlaes. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Ringwood, 111. Jf* '"ft - , ' * » ' " , v t flip I® •MNMMMMMMMMMMMMMtMMMeWMMftMMNl J •v v ^ Cast Call! The Clearing sale is on its ' 'last peg ty of bargains for you in shoes. Two kinds _ for boys, made by one of Ohio's best factor ies, heavy soles and hook lace--will make a first-class school sho% Price, 9% to 12, 12# to l# , Mi 2% to 5, 1.2 l^adies' walking shoes, odds & aids, 50c to 75c About 100 pairs ladies* shoes at half price. J Your choice of all our Shirt Waists " / i^ Some have sold at $1.25 Cleaning up Summer Corsets, some Boys' Waists, 5 to 14 years, at... ' Boys' Crash and Summer Pants at...». Making a combination for you at 37c Weekly arrival of new things ready for yottr ^ •f inspection. All for cash. WALTER C. EVANSON . 2QC «• „ • 'S/ 'i :lpll ^ ' 'i 1 4# ; ;f *'v. :* Furniture until ̂you have inapected n my stock- Do no| think that yon ; • Y can do better in Chicago. Compare city prices with prices 1 will quotji .and, if quality Is considered, you |̂rill give me your order. You can / jfind here everything that is needed to beautify the home. The latesjjf|J designs in Tables, rQouchee, Chair*, Stands, Iron and Wood Beds, Com* ' #lete Parlor and Chamber Suite, Picture Frames, Side Boards, Etc. : * See my line of Carpets and Rugs. ?>{ :j&*{ 1 4*: •v' - ' • J "" " M~