Use Blanke's Coffees! None las Good { SIMON STOFFfl, M, West McHenry The Leading Hotels, Restaurants and Railroads use Blanke's Coffee $. S. (HAPEtt A$t. iw.iM«M«WWM»«»"MMWWWAWMVWW.,W»W^^^^^ liie McHenry PUindedler PUBLISHED EVERY TIU:KSI>AY HY THE M(HfN»r PLAIIIDULER COMPANY. F. K.cmxr.F.R. W. A. CRISTY. .1. H. I'KUUY, Prtis. Soc. Tresis, CHAS. P. 80BOOKHAK«B, Editor. OSoe In Juston Block. Telephone. No. 318. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year ......;............... .. $1 .r>0 Six months/ to cte. :• .Tbree Months. 10 ets. Thursday, September 19, 1901. , KALIT TO HIS STANDARD. Theodore Roosevelt has taken the oath of office and is now President of the United States. His. first words after the ceremony are enough to con- yinee us that he will prove himself worthy of the trast the Americans place in him. He has said that it will be his aim to follow the policy of his prede cessor and has made known his desire that all the cabinet officers retain their portfolios. It is not necessary to say that Presi dent Roosevelt is possessed of an iron will and has all the qualifications that make a nation's executive. As govern or of New York he showed a spirit of reform that could not, be mistaken, and at the nation» helm we are confident that he will gnide the affairs of state safely through the balance of the term. ANAHCHY IS TRKASON. Is it necessary that the legislative bodies should enact laws to rid the country of anarchism and prevent the dastardly deeds of these fiends, who sneak about this beautiful land in the form of human beings? We think not. Anarchv is treason in every sense of the word and a line cannot be drawn between them. There are laws that fix the punishment for treason, and every school boy knows their import. We know that anarchy is even worse than there are enough whole-souled men in town to pay the cost, which would be but little to each. By some one donat ing a chair, another a table, another a lamp, etc., the room could be furnished without any outlay of money. This has been tried in other towns by the Churches and proved successful. Those ivho have boys that seldom spend their evenings at home should take a deep in terest in this matter. The Plaindealer will furnish a large amount of the read ing mattgr and many others will do likewise. If all the churches would combine in this matter the plans could be carried out, for everyone would then . take an interest. woonsTocic. : Next horse sale Wednesday, Oct 9. Charles Eckert is now in charge of the railroad gates in this city. Mrs. Lottie Hendrichs is spending the week with her sister at Elgin. R. T. Banick, of Byron, 111., to the new clerk in L. T. Hoy's store. Wait Richardson lias accepted a posi tion as clerk in M. N. Wien's store. Fred Bird, of Chicago, was here on business the latter part of the week. Judge E. H. Waite spent the latter part of last week with friends in Chi cago. W. J. McDowell returned on Friday evening from an extended visit in the East. " A. D wight Osborn was in Chicago last Saturday selecting a new stock of goods. C. W. Hill returned on Saturday evening from a business trip through Oregon. F. W. Streets and J. Choate returned on Saturday evening from their West ern trip. George Donnelly returned to Chicago on Saturday after a week's visit with relatives here. . " Clyde M. Snow has severed his con nection wtth L. T. Hoy's store and will attend college in Chicago. Mrs. L. Salisbury returned to Chi- OUR COUNTRY'S LOSS. Three times have the people of the United States been called upon to mourn the death of a martyr. Three of our most able> and beloved presidents haye been laid low by the hands of * fanatic. Political lines are obliterated and today every true Ameri can feels that the country has lost one of its most ardent sons and a capable, conscientious President. Ever since Win. Mc- Kinley took the oath of office he has been confronted with ques tions that required the deepest thought and study. How well he has bandied these is a matter of history. In all he has taken time for deliberation, but when convinced of his plain duty to his country his indomitable will was manifest. Senator Mc- Kinley endeared himself to the hearts of the people of the state of Ohio, and President McKinley has found the hearts of every citizen of the United States. McKinley, the President, had his enemies and his friends, but as a man he was beloved by all. In not hastening the war with Spain he was censured by both Republican and Democratic parties. But his policy proved to be the best, and after the treaty of peace be had gained supporters by the thousands. On the Porto Rican question he did his plain duty, to the satisfac tion of everyone. In time the Philipinos will do honor to his name. treason, for it laughs at order, fosters riot, invites the murderer to use his hand, and seeks to und< rmine the fun damental laws of a nation. The Al mighty Grod has dedicated America to the liberty-loving people of the world, a home for the persecuted and oppressed, and those who seek by word or deed to destroy all this should re ceive the sentence meted out to all traitors. Can any man with a brain developed in the slightest degree, look upon a President of these free and independent states as an emperor or despot? Such a thing is impossible and can not be conceived by a fair minded man. Mc Kinley was not an emperor, he was our servant, and was elected to his position by a majority vote. There is an im peachment clause in the laws laid down by the people of the United States over a hundred years ago, whice is our safe resort when necessary to use it. Down with anarchy and its sup porters even if found expedient to im prison or hang every one. The mo ment a man proclaims to the world that he is an anarchist, he should be prosecuted. PROBATE NEWS Want Column. A GOOD HOME, GOOD WAGES--For u Kood o-lrl for .general housework. No stoves. ABOUT KEADl.Ni; HOOMS, If there is one thing McHenry needs more than another, it is a reading room. A warm place where young men can spend the cold winter evenings and en joy a few hours in company with good magazines and papers. It would be much totter for them than hanging around the streets and would help them morally and intellectually. It would be an easy matter to secure the reading, matter, for nearly every person would be willing to contribute something, %nd as to the expense of hiring the room, ftfting it lip and heating, wabelieve cago 011 Friday after an extended visit with friends in this city. A. C. Adams was in Chicago on busi ness on Thursday of last week, tran sacting business for the city- Mrs. Herman Henck and daughter, of Algonquin, spent Sunday wijh her sister, Mrs. Ernest Fues, in this city. Paul Windumeller, who is attending college in Chicago, spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives and friends here. The rennion of the Third Regiment, which was to have been held at Joliet on Sept. 21, has been postponed until Nov. 2( Mrs. James A. Dufield and Mrs. D. D. Manny returned on Friday from a week's visit with relatives and friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Conklin, Sr., lift on Thursday for an extended visit with relatives and friends in the East and will also visit the exposition at Buffalo. John Yount, who a year ago pur chased the A. W. Anierson farm in Seneca township, has sold his place and will have an auction gale on Octoper lf<, next. The foundation for the addition to the city pumping station is completed and Contractor McCauley is making preparations to begin work on the building. Master Harry and Miss Eva Barnes returned to their home at Delavan, Wis., on Thursday after a four weeks' visit with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G, Conklin, Sr. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS* . Harvard Cemetery tisen to EmIIto. Schnitke. It.Vi blk 1,1st addn to Mount' Auburn cemetery t Mnroellus L Joslyn k w to David R Jos- I v 11. pt It-s 1, 2 x 3. blk 18, Woodstock, & ri«lit of way 25000 Lewis Eriokson et al to Anna B Erlek* " son, nel-4 sek» see 22, Nunda Mary B Send ram et al to same, same..;. 1'tO Jolm .1 Moore to Hueben R Turner, Its 11. 12. i:i. H. l.V lti,2fS. 27, 28. 2U&30ln. Gardner's addn to Solon 42ft 00 S M Grimes & w to Charles Teckler, It a. lilk 2, I'addock's addn to Crystal Lake M0000 James 11 I'hilp & w to Mary Kolidut, It l.s, blk 15, I'lumleigh's adan to Algon quin ; 90000 Ptailo E Erink et al to Jottle Ourtlss, sw Ik lie* see ia, Riley 1300 00 Prtrick Oonerty & w to Charles Urban,,. It 1, blk 12, Bfackman's addn to Har- ' vard 47##0 John \V Cbewnins et al to Wni Rollings^ <• <. - head. Its 1 & 2 In blk 2, Chewninp'B ' addn to Algonquin 440 .W A Archibald to F S Archibald. neX ' iieH sec 32. nvv1^ nw^ sec 38, sw!< se section 29, Hebron 90600 Annie M Smith & h to George M Udell & w It 3, blk 10 E (5 Ayer's addn to- Harvard 190000 Reuben U Turner & w to John J Moore, Its 1.2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, K, 9 & 10 In Reuben It Turner's 2nd addn to Solon Mills... 485 00 Frederick C Janke & w to Albert J Abraham, BV4 a in sees 86, 27, 34 & 35. Marengo 180000 John Tong & w to Lathrop H S Barrow# It 7. blk r>& It 5, blk 8, In Spring City ' addii to Woodstock , t«o Joseph I'osieczek & w to Arthur Mc- Intyre, pt swH IIW'4 sec 23. Hartland 850 00 Rosalie IMesel et :il toChas H Donnelly, pt It IS. blk 1, Woodstock. 2500 00 Belle H Agnew & h to Zackarlah Lou- denbeck. sub ItlSof sub lot 44 of assrs plat sec 3(1, Marengo 106000 Albert J Abraham & w to Frederick C Janke, e 30 a of part neH sec 21. lying s of highway, also pt nw H sec 22. Riley 000006 Isaac Esmond et al to John Gilliland, Its ft, 7. 8 & 9, Whitmarsh Estate 01000$, Wm Foerster, Jr & w to August Claus- sen, nw(4 ney sw'4 sec 28, Nunda 1500Oflj; John T Moore to Wm 11 Davis, Its 9 & 10 Turner's 2nd addn to Solon 250 (X}: William H Davis & w to Edwin TMonear same 250 00- Same to Edwin S Johonnott, Its 19 A 9, Gardner's addn to Solon 80000' PROBATE NEWS. Estate of Harold Leroy Dunn, minor. Report and inventory approved. Estate of Delos Blodgett Widow'® selection approved. Estate of F. L. Nutt Inventory ap« proved. Estate of Eleazor L. Pomeroy. Report of private sale of personal property ap proved. Estate of Johannah Hayden, insane. Report approved. Estate of Walter Cooney, insane. Petition to sell land filed. Estate of Roxie A. Bid well. Petition, to sell real estate to pay debts filed antF ~ report of condition of estate filed. Estate of minor heirs of Lydia Mi Collins. Inventory filed and approved. Estate of Banke Erickson. Final re port filed and approved. Proof of heir* ship made. Estate settled and adminis^ trator discharged. Estate of Martha Klick. Inventory filed and approved. Estate of Lorinda Lawton. Leave given to erect monument. Estate of Vera C. McLean. Report filed and approved. Estate oi Humphrey Barber. Final report filed. Proof of death of widow filed. Estate of George Coarson. Final re port filed. Estate of Lucretia A. Russell. Proof of death made. Letters of administra tion issued to Jane Rogers. Bond $2500, Estate of Gustave Guttschow. Proof of death made. Chas. F. GuttschoW1 appointed administrator. Bond $100. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Robert Schutt Harvard Frieda W eichman Harvard' Stood Death Off. E. B. Munday, a lawyer of Henrietta** Tex., once fooled a grave digger. Ht says: "My brother was very low with malarial fever and jaundice. I per suaded him to try Electric Bitters, and he was soon much better, but continued their use until he was wholly cured.- I am snre Electric Bitters saved hit life." This remedy expels malaria, killii disease germs and purifies the blood; aids digestion, regulates liver, kidneys and bowels, cures constipation, dyspep sia, nervous diseases, kidney troubles, female complaints; gives perfect health. Only 50c at Julia A. Story's drug store. If You Are Goi ng to California Apply to agents Chicago & North-West ern R'y, about the through Tourist Sleeping Car service to Los Angeles and San Francisco Round trip tourist tickets on sale daily. Dec. 31. Sid Darling, 1012 Howard St. Port? Huron, Mich., writes: "I have tried^ many pills and laxatives but DeWitt'f 'Little Early risers are far the best pills I have ever used." They never gripe. Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. or cooking and lighting, dress I). Hill, opposite cemetery Apply or ad- , Dundee, III. XpOR SALE OR RENT - A good stock farm of " 212 acres. For a term of 2 or 3 years. For further Information apply to NICK L. FKEITND, 11-it. Johnsburgh, 111. "CHJUND-- On sidewalk in West McHenry, a door key. Owner can have same by call ing at' this office. TXTANTED--Several persons of character »* and good reputation In each state (one In this county required) to represent and ad vertise old established wealthy business'house of solid financial standing. Salary !?1M weekly with expenses additional. :»11 payable In each Wednesday direct from'head office*. Horse and carriage furnished, when necessary. References. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Manager, 310 ('axton Building, Chi cago. $15 TO $18 A WEEK salary for an intelligent man or woman in each town. Permanent position, 30 cents per hour for spare time. Manufacturer, Box 1102, Chicago. Geo. W. lane, Pewamo, Mich,, writes: "Your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the best remedy for indigestion and stomach trouble that I ever used. For years I suffered from dyspepsia, at times compelling me to stay in bed and causing me untold agony. I am com pletely cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. In reccomniending it to friends who suffer from indigestion I always offer to pay for it, if it fails. Thus far I bave never paid*" JtaHa A. Story and G. W. Besley. c tfi o 'ST tfi t/* P O fD 2 •fD X CO n o JX o n C/v Sporting Goods I have just received a large stock of balls and bats which will be sold at the lowest prices. Plenty of other sporting goods. Call and see thorn. v. Clocks dnd Watches • . In clocks I have a good as sortment and many of them are going at bargain prices. It will pay you to see them. Anything you can wish for in watches. Optical dofids I do not claim to treat the. : ^ eyes, but do claim that I ,'C have the largest line ef > spectacles in town and can ;C fit any ordinary case. Let me try to fit you out with a : pair. Umbrellas I have a line of these goods T that can not be equalled. Not a large line, but an assort- , ment of the best. Come and; :• see them. Prices right. ' ' A good stock of Rings, Chains, ' Silver-plated Ware, etc. JOHN P. SMITH, McHenry, Illinois. DON'T BE FOOLEDI Take the genuine, original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi* cine Co., Madison, Wis. It keeps you well. Our trade mark cut on each package. Price, 35 cents. Never sold in bulk. Accept no substl- ngokpomtid <••, tute. Ask your druggist. To the Horsemen of McHenry and Lake Counties! Horsemen desiring good shoeing and wishing to have it properly done, call upon " s one that thoroughly under stands the anatomy of horses feet or any other part of a - horse. , I have had 25 years-we- perience in cities, also wit® lame horses, horses with ; poor feet and horse diseases • ; of all descriptions. I have treated Spavins, Ring-bones Kribs and Dentistry with great success. Horse-shoeing and Jobbing a Specialty. Give me a Shop one block north olC.N.W.Ry, Station. D. Q. NELLIS. M Estate and Insurance Do you want a Farm, City Lot or Summer Resort? Do ypu want to sell any Real Estate? We can make it profit able for you to call on us. A few more farms Wanted! ^ A. L. HOWE, McHenry. W.-j^CRISTY, West McHenry. When School Opens You must supply yow children yfth pencils, pens, stationery, jetc. We have a complete stock of these necessities and are selling v * them at reasonable prices. >r Everything in Drugs and fledicines. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Ringwood, 111. J. 5. BROWN St SON. htii i ip mm I General Commission merchant tall 1 & 3, Fulton 86, . fliQlesnle Market * '/•V; Gbieaao, Illinois wn«»« »>»«>»---- Special attention given to the sale off Dressed Beef, rlutton Hogs, Veal, Poultry Hides, Etc. Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists •: furnished on application- COLD STORAGE FREE '••••*•• •••••••• ••••MMN laiimilHifM •••• MMMIS f JOS. H. HUEHANN, Johnsburgh, ' • • 1 • Illinois. Sells Appleton Corn Huskers Corn Shellers and Tread Powers Oeneril BUcksmitliial Prices always Reasonable Dnplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island PlovNk' Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills Well Supplies. Harness Oil, Paint Oil and ilachine Oils a Speciaty I iMmiimmmmnmmnmmmmnmnmi ^Paints Bear in mind that Z hihr« a fine assortment of ready-mixed paint# : for all purposes, of a superior brand, and also a complete stock of colors, oils, leads and varnish. J u l i a J l . S t o r y l l l c f i e t i r y , . I l l i n o i s Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat ' This preparation contains all of the fligestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to Curr. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The sensitive Stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been Cured after everything else failed. It Js unequalled for all stomach troubles. It can't help but do you good Prepared only by E. O. DEW ITT & Co., Chicago The (1.bottlecontains2H tim< i times tbe50c. I JuIIii A. Story and U. W. Besley -*r Gent l emen! •i.,.,/' ,)„i'vn lii'p;.';j, r ; ,1,; if yon want to pocket. ? ' $10.00 to $15.00 for tailor hand-made suits of the finest winter samplee, Call in. I have made 9 snits in four Weeks--will give names as yon . oone ia. ' •E. LAWLUS. Tailor McHenry, Illinois. Henry Braydon, Harris, N. C., says: "I took medicine 20 years for asthma bat one bottle of One Minute Coogh Qure did me more good than any thing else during that time. Best (Wh ^ure. Julia A Story and G. W. Bea tt l inter Ulearables Simon Stoffel has received, and is receiving daily, large consignments of fall and winter goods. Don't fail to read his "ad" next week*