'-jyr , • . .. . . ^ A • . ?. /. • 'M*' > # < i • ' ' , •> * *+ - • ; : v 4 : - "̂ Use Blanke's Coffees! None as Good SIMON STOFFEL, ifa., West Nclleory The Leading Hotels, Restaurants and Railroads use* Blanke's'Coffee 1 % lAPELL M . MflrV The McllMy Healer PUBLISHED F.VKKY THl'lISliAY HY Hff McHfNRY PLAINDCALER COMPANY. P. K. <;»AN'(iKH. '\V. A. ("H1STV, .1. H. I'KliUV, Pres. 8ec. . ' .Tw-us. CHEAS. IV SCHOONMAKKB, Editor. Otfloe in Justen Block. Telephone.: No. 312. r TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: '.©tip yoar.i.......' fl-SO fiijt mont-hs. Tf»<n>. Three months. 40cts. Thursday, September 26, 19QI. WHAT TO DO WITH ANARCHISTS. (By Martin A. liowell.) • Blackstone's definition of an outlaw: "A perspa excluded frcan th^beuefit of ltK or deprived of its protection." Formerly any person might kill an outlaw. Anarchists defy all law and those in authority." and seek by their teachings to destroy all government, therefore Ask no protection from any government or authority. The Presi dent as commander-in-chief of the land and naval forces, the head and front of the army, is supreme in authority and can proclaim all anarchists outlaws. (Jiving the war department supreme control and jurisdiction, arrest every one, male or female, tried by drum head court martial aud when found guilty, shot. Congress can legislate if necessary to this effect, and in my opinion all foreign governments will gladly emulate the decision of this great government and the proclama tion will become universal. Such an aet will make it so hot for them that they will have the alternative, leaVfc' or stay here and take their medicine. This is the opinion of your obedient servant, Maktin A. Howell, , McHenry, HI. ":*r Harlan Babcock. son of J. B. Babcock. editor of the Marengo Repub lican. was married at Grand Kapids. Mich., last week, to Miss Maud Eliza beth Pleiffer. Harley is an exception ally bright newspaper writer and has a style about his articles that always take TWell with the readers. He is well known throughout the state and his ttany admirers wish him and his bride a tranquil future. is uow manag ing editor of the Kalamazoo (Mich.) Gazette-News. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. PncMlncf or the Annual ' Meeting, 1901. (Continued from; page one) Algonquin I'uli Co. same Jtttti Monroe A: Soul h worth, county odr book w .W C3ty of \Voodst<*k,elec lights and wat er 14~3f> Same, electric lights... . . 6 TB jBame, .same 4 35 San;i\ same .. . ... 4 95 AIm (slx)rn. groceries, toba< Vo. etc. shrf 3K 2s '••J*' Blake, four window awnings... 14 00 B1-' Ktlswort h. repcleaner andTwn mow 2 55 -•© I' Soliraiick. mis f«>r jurors. May tertii 6 31) J»s Lake. 24 iron beds, per con tract 11*00 ,FJ Scluoeder, repair llag 200 ! All >ert Wiwike. jjut t n tr rope on flag pole 7 SO H W Lake, nail iff 1 day. Jan tevnQu ; 2.50 W B Mutt, )>!• days service. 850 Syuin-. ."i days same .5 :00 G-JF Thome. shoes and liqse • 200 #11 -Opfertrelt. lial serv McH Co pi- farm 102 ,j0 *1' Leach & Sin, alt and add ct house.. -MOOOO jManley Bros, material and labor same 2!BJ ss ••'Holmes and Wright, printing receipts.: 2 50 Totaj .«3>U ?J 4321 245 74 2 75 11 HO 1 80 210 17 VI 3 50 8 00 2 50 4 00 18 00 9N 00 34 59 03 5H , • KU£ .WOT PAID ... 11! Nor rtoth'R and tiu'ldentls P F i'ettilKine <!t Co, books, blanks, etc. for co officers ... Cullaglian & Co. Ill app Vol IM.... L H .lones. transcript, criminal charge . M F. (iardner. coroner's suhp<ena CL Fillmore, wit fees i'eo vs Strubbine Louis VogH, bailiff 7 da.vs May term... .Holmes & Wright. printg rules of Ijoard Same, notices for l>oard of review. A M Clark, burning ballots, H day O Ij Donnelly, .advance sheets 111 repts E Windmueller, attending patient at pr farm .Various Persons, wit fees bd of report. If f I*'n«dst; for'court house - -.-W L \\ ire, school supplies and expnses Total * 552 07 All of which is respectfully submitted. 8. JE. CI,ark, chui. E. 1). PATRICK, N. UllOT/.MAN.. Li. E. MENTCH. L. H. ('OVKU. The committee on finance made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit; Mr. Chairman and. Gentlemen of the Board OC Supervisors: Your committee on finance, .*0 whom was referred t in.' report of the county .'treasurer. would be« leave to submit the fol- l^wirm report on the matters before them: 1 his report, shows a balanc'e on hand In all ••K)e various funds, Sept. 1, 11(01, of #5s25.tK . -jrour committee would recommend that the sum of thirty thousand («J0,000) dollars be -M-vied on the taxable .property of Mcfienry Cliunty for general county expenses for the «isuins: year. The treasurer's report is liere- U; attached and made a part of this report. We would further recommend that t he county treasurer lie authorized to procure the neces sary funds to pay t he running ex penses of t he county.until such timeas>uni. i nt nrniey has lieen <-ollect.ed from the*;uri>'ni year's taxes and turned over to t he t reasurer by the vari ous town collectors, to meet said expenses, said money to be procured at the lowest rate' of interest possible. Ali of which is respeclfully submitted S. E. CI AHK. j'lJSKHH S. MlUA _ . JOHN WKLT/.IEN. JOHN Haijhhjk. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County: 1, F. F. Axteil. treasurer of McHenry county, do hereby certify the foi lowiiiK Ui be a true and correct statement ol t he funds in my hands on Sontl. 1JJ01: Total m-eipts as per cash lK>ok ?l(i Total expenditures as per cash lx>ok.. 9 Balance on hand i 1 would respectfuiiy itemize the iiafanSi hand as follows: Duplicate tax fund Institute fund Non-resident and minor heir fund Distributable taxes... General fund 5K2OHH on 8 9k 54 J+l 5ti . ttVi 49 21551 91 . 2577 Is cents on the one hundred dollars valuation in accordance wit li the certificat e of said high way commissioners, Ail of which is respectfully submitted, J. Ii. (illACY. L. F.. Mkntch, Chm. Wm. Dksmond, John Wki.tzien, N. Bkotzman. The committee on elections made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the redist rioting of the town of Dorr intu votiiis: districts \Vould beft leave to submit the following report on tli'e .matter's before them: I'pon investigation we find t hat according to t lie laws of the state., the town of Dorr should be devided into t hree vol intf dist i ict s. and we would recommend a division as set*forth in the jwjconipanyinn description of boundaries, which its .hereby made a p;u t of this report: 1 Vol inn dist ricts in Dorr township: District No. 1. Coninicrieinn at the Greeti- 'wood and Dorr town line Ht the northwest corner of the WoiHlstock corporation, thence -smith following the corporation line to the point where, it intersects Jackson street, at the sfmt Invest corner 'of Oaklaud,.cemetery, thence east on Jackson street to Throop street. thence north on Throop st reet to a point due west of the center tif the court honsi . -thence east'throuL'li the center, the court house to t he center of Johnson street, t.lie nee sout h to t he center of Jackson* st reet. thence on a line duo east through the ..venter of t he public siiuare and along, the center <«f Deitz striH't to,a iKiitii wiiere said line' inter sects the corporation line on the estst line of Miction tiv»>. thence north along the corporation line to t in- township line. .1 hence west, on t lie township line to the place of beginning/-'. Polling i»face, nvnn under county clerk's office in Woodstock, ill.: Judges: L.. T. Hoy. C. I). Juild. K. S. Austin. 'District No. Commencing at the same point as in district No. 1 and following the same line soul Ii. east, and north t herein de scribed to the point where the corporation line intersect s t he township fine at. t he north east corner of section five, thence cast^on tile township line to the northeast corner of sec tion one. t hence south to the southeast cor ner of sect ion one. thence west to the south- wesT i*onier of section two, thence south to the (juarte-r post lietween sections fourteen iind tifti en. I lichee west to the quarter post between sections fifteen and sixteen, thence south to the southeast corner of section t went v-one. thence west to the quarter post lietween sections twunty-otur and twenty- eighi.thence south to the' quarter post be tween sections twenty-eight and thirty- three, theuce west to the northwest corner of section thirty-tliree. thence south to the southwest corner of section thirty-three, thence west along the town line to the south west corner of section thirty-one. thence north along t he town line to .the northwest, corner of sect ion six. thence e'ast to place of beginning. Polling place, room under sher iff's office. \Voodst<x'k. III.: judges: K. H. Conant. M. M. Morley, G. \Y. Frame." District No. 3.--Commencing at. the north east corner of section twelve, thence west and following the line of district NO. 2 to the southwest corner of section thirty-three, thence east on the town line to the southeast corner of section thirty-six. thence north along the town line to the place of beginning. Polling place. A. F. Davis old store, Kidge- field. ill.; judges: \Y. U. Monroe, F. \V. Hurt- man. R. L. Dutield. AH of which is respectfully submitted. N. Hbotzma.v. Chm, C. M. StkvensOS. 8. E. Clark. F. W. H atch, L. B. COVLI.l. The committee on poor farm made the following report, which was adopt ed, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlenun of the Boatd of >upervisors: Your committee on poor farm would beg leave to submit the following report of t he superintendent of const ruction on the improvements made in buildings at poor house and respectfully ask that it be made a part of this report. We would also" recommend that he be allowed an additional sum of one hundred (£100) dollars for his ser vices for the reasons stated in this report. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County. Illinois.--Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen: I hereby' submit to you a brief report of the work done under my sup erintendence at the McHenry county poor farm: On'the 2Uthtlay of August,, liHJO. you awarded the contracts for the sundry Im provements as follows: The general contract for building t lie new liospit a I for the insane f»oor to John Hanck. of t his city: the general contract for building the new boiler bouse and smoke-stack also to John Hanck: the contract for plumbing and Hew sewerage sys tem to Whit-son Bros,, of Woodstock, and t he* contract for the new heating apparatus to Hanly & Casey, of Chicago. All tlie con tracts contain, among other stipulations, a t ime clause by which each contractor agreed and liound himself to complete his contract on or liefore Dec. 1, 1900. Although this was ample time for doing t he work, circumstances which I could not control, such as inexper ience and pixir management of some of the contractors, their, inability and failure'to' supply the proper materials and labor at the :iroper time, are the main reasons why these uildings were not completed by the 1st day if December. 1900. During the latter' part, of •ecember. liXMJ. an epidemic of smallpox broke out at the poor farm, necessitating a luarantine of all the buildings, thereby stop fling all further work for more than two months, uutil sometime in March. 1901, when he building operations were figain coutiuued. The new unfinished hospital having been used as an isolated w^ird during the quaran- ine further delayed the completion of the rork to some extent. All these circum stances delayed tlie final complet ion and ac ceptance of the buildings until May, 1901. .Much as these five months delay, and some itlier lesser shortcomings on t lie buildings, ire to be deplored. 1 am much pleased to be it last able to assure you gentlemen that, on whole, these new improvements are. a success, made of good and sound material ind construction aud will prove to be thor oughly substantial and durable. As your sunerintendent of these improve ments I desire to say that I have served you he best of my ability by insisting on hav ing these contracts executed according to the true meaning of the plans "and specifications, as contracted for. that it has been an un pleasant and troublesome duty and that these deviations from the plans and speciti- it.ions heretofore referred to were forced on me by the inability of some of the contract ors to do their work as called for. Finally.'! wish'to state that your, superintendent con tracted to superintend these iuiliroveinents on a basis of three months' time, that his duties have been exceptionally arderous and unpleasant and of eight, months' duration in stead of three. w^Ji I desire to lay before you for your coiisTfleration. If your honor able body feel that the compensation is not commensurate with the time expended, i sub mit. t he matl^-r to your fair consideration as U>. whether you will allow me an additional sum for such service. The several contracts areas follows, to-wit: F 11 (>pfcrgelt. plans and specifications! 200 00 same, superintendence lohii J^PSfich, hospit al buildingcontrct Same. Iifii ier house cont ract. . Whlt-Miii Bros' plumbingaiid sewerage llanly A. Casey, jitcarn heating John llanck. e.Vt.ras for morgue, linen •loscts, changing partitions, etc.... Hanly & Casey, repairing . .... Total. Respectfully submitted.- F. If. Oi-KKiHiKLT, Superintendent. i ornniit tee met at, poor farm. Monday. Aug. i. for ttae purposcof auditing bills, ascertain ing the cost of keeping inmates and transact ing such other business as might properly come before them. The following bills were audited: 2M04 DO 19H SO 7 05 4 50 44 HH 34 25 :c 37 35 75 - 56 K2 "T ' ~ Divided as follows: Permanent improve ments. #1031: running expenses. $I40S.2li: cloth ing. $401.21; tobacco. S50.SS; medical atttind- ance and med vines. i?l02.25. Groceries on hand Mar 23, 1901 .f 793 30 Bills for running expenses 140S 26 (820196 Total. 200 00 Ki t oo •.»;«» oo lis,) (XI Total Less supplies on hand Aug 31,'01.1239 86 Less 23 wks board Mrs Brown.... 92 00 Less 23 wks Tvoard L Knaak ..... BE00 Less S wks lioard J Hayden... .. 8000 Less S wks board Mrs Nael 80 00 Less stock sold :..*.... 186 00 8 629 86 Net cost 94- 1 7 weeks board to -Auk 31. 14**1 11571 70 Cost per week. $1.67, , Bills were made out and sent as follows: Riley. N Brotzman -,.l,{>456 SlartMigo. E D Patrick..,;.., SP9S5 Dunham. C M Steveuson. •• •••• '16 66 ChemiHui. .lanu's Lal<e..i ., 110(10 Alden. John Bald<K*l< ; «... -4ii t>3 Hartlaiid, Win Desmond 811 25 Seneca. Joseph Mills...:... 10.1-IB 'Coral, I" K Stevens. :47 00 tJrafton, John Welt./.ien..,........ 54 S9 Dorr. 1, 1- Hoy 32.) 01 .Greenwood, S E Clark...-,..' ' #5 S3 Hebron. H M Turner....,.;;,:;..: 87 45 Mcllenrv; W A Cristy>'." ..-. 192 53 \uiida. ,1 H Gracv ....» '•••• • 180 45 \lgon<|uin. L E Mentch ..167 31 McHenry County. GeoF Rushton.coelk 44 2t Mrs T 11 Brown. A Tlipmpson.;..... 5-1 3S l ^ n i i s e K n a a k , T l i c o ' f l a m e r . . - 4 ( 1 0 0 Johanna Hayden. M Hayden...'........,,' 13 SS Mrs Nael. ("has Nael. Sr 12 00 Your committee would res^eet-fnlly recom mend that a laundry be fitted up in the west room of t he basement of t he new insane liospi- tal and also that a large cistern lie built on the north side of said building as a supply for the laundry. All of which is respectfully submitted. L.*T. Hoy. Chm, L. K. Mkntch. James Lakh. Wm. DKHMOKO. W. A. Ckisty, The special committee On giving aid for new bridge in Marengo township made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: To the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County. Illinois, and to George F Rushtori. county Clerk: Your committee to whom was eferrtd the matter of giving aid and assisting the township commissioners of highways of t lie town of Marengo, in said county, in the building.of a bridge across the Kishwaukee river, one mile north of the city of Marengo, in said town of Marengo, would beg leave to re port: That your committee, with the high way commissioners of said town of Marengo, pict at the court house in the city of'Wood stock on or alMiut the 17th day or June, 1901 mil organized by the selection of Win Des mond, one of the supervisors, as chairman, and T.I Riley, one of t fie-*eomniissioners of high ways. as secretary, and on that (lay plans and specifications were adopted for the building of said bridge: that therefore due and legal notice was given of the letting of the cont ract for the building of said bridge and providing for sealed bids to be placed with the town erk of said town of Marengo according to tlie plans and specifications so adopted and tiled with t he said clerk, said bids to be opened and contract let on June 29, 1901; that on June 29. 1901. your committee met at, the city of Ma rengo with the said commissioners as a board iind opened said bids, there being seven in all for said Work, and that the Joliet, Bridge and J ron Co., of Joliet. 111., having bid the sum of f299s for said work, your committee and said board on that day entered into a contract with the said Joliet Bridge and Iron Co. for the furnishing of all materials except about twenty-eight cords of stone for founda tions. which your committee and the commis sioner!, of highways of said town of Marengo deemed could be furnished cheape.* by being purchased at the quarry at Garden Prairie, said Bridge and Iron Co. to build foundations and all other work necessary in the construc tion of said bridge for the sum alwive men- tioned. this sum, With the cost of stone de livered at bridge, which would be aliout ?252, making a total of $3250. Your committee would recommend that, an appropriation of $1625, being one-half of the expense of said bridge, be piadu to defray the expenses ef said bridge. \ • All of which Is respectfully submitted.' g J. ii. Ghacy. Chm, Wm. Desmond, 8. E. Clark. The committee on town accounts made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on town ac counts, to whom was referred the tax levies of the several towns and corporations of the ••ounty. would beg leave to submit, the fol lowing report ou the matters before them:- That we iind certificates for following amounts and per cents of tax levy on file with county clerk: R.aud B. Chemung... Dunham.. Marengo Riley...... Alden........... Greenwood..... 11 art) and... ... Seneca. Coral ,. Hebron I >i irr Grafton, Richmond Burton Mc Henrjr....... Nunda.. ... Algonquin Harvard.'.. Marengo City... Hebron Village W'fXKistock Town Tax, Corp. Tax. 1500 500 1000 200 400 600 800 600 ' 600 2000 350 450 250 800 000 1200 I 6150 3000 1000 7500 Tax. 100 p c Sipc 100 p C 00 p c 100- p c 80 p c 80 p c 100 p c 75 p c 80 p c 50 p c 100 p c 60 p c 60 p c 8tt p c 80 p c 100 pc Bunker Bros, groceries and hardware..! H A Stone, boots and shoes. F W Streets, clothing, Niots and Reni'ch & Hart, groceries All of which is°respectfully subriiitted.> ' t i> ' F. F. Axtkll, Co. Treat*. The committee on roads and bridges made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred t he various road wurrantsof the • town of. Hebron aud the ligi Ii way commissioi ers certificate of tax levy for said town would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: Town of Hebron, nineteen districts, fourteen of which are cor rect. Nos. 1, 4, 14. 15 and 76 are not returned. We recommend that the said warrants be re turned to the county clerk on or before the 1st of October, 190i. We would further re commend that the (•ounty clerk be instructed to spread all unpaid tax of t he several war rants on the collector's iiooks for the year 1901. We would further rivommeml that t he certificate of levy for road and bridge tax of the highway commissioners of Hebron, to gether with copy of record showing vote at town meeting, laid before the hoard by 11 M Turner, supervisor of t lie town of Hebron, be approved, wid that the county clerk Tjedi- nectod to uxtead a road and bridge tax of NO All of which is respectfully submitted.. F. W. Hatch, Chm. N. Bhotzman. H.M.Titunbr, E. D. Patrick. S.E.Clark. Sup. Lake, chairman of the committee on public buildings, brought to the at tention of the board the matter of fur nishing the newly-built vaults for cir cuit clerk and treasurer with modern steel furniture. On motion of Sup. Patrick the committee on public build ings was authorized to have the vaults furnished with such furniture as they may see fit. On motion of Sup. Turner the com mittee on public buildings was empow ered and directed to remove the vault and $8h house in rear of court house. On motion <of Sup. Hoy the state's at torney was authorized and directed to proceed to collect from the county of Ogle the costs and expensed incurred in the commitment of Wm. H. Sahs to the insane hospital at Elgin. On motion of Sup. Mentch the sum of $9.75 was ordered to be refunded to Fred Dnensing on account of an error in the assessment of his land for the year 1900. The following is a statement of the cost, of supporting the poor in the var ious towns for the year ending March 31, 1H01: Riley. . f!07 2sj Dorr M a rengo. 387 59 G reon wood. Dunham ! Hebron Chemung 897 7m|Richmond.. Want Column. TjH)R SALE OK RENT " 212 acres. For a t e further information apply to L. Fkeund 11-4t. A good stock farm of For a t erm of 2 or 3 years. For Nick Johnsburgh, 111, IF YOU wish to Invest In good Nebraska farm land refer fo II. J. Herbes, Humph rey. Neb., Hox 211. 13-2t* FURNISHED farm cottage oil Pistaqua Bay road to rent for winter on easy terms. Telephone 443. M.A.Howell. 13tf. Tf*OR RENT--The McCloud house on east x side of town, recently vacated by Frank Cobb. F. K. Granger. \\7"ANTED--Several persons of character '* and good reputation in each st ate (one in this county required) to represent, and ad vertise old established wealt hy business house of s 'id financial standing. Salary £1S weekly with expenses additional, all payable in 'cash each Wednesday direct from head oftices... TfV)K SALE In West McHenry, a Hrst class 4- [laying business block with good living roon\s on second floor. Will take residence property.in part payment. Easy terms and long time Is desired. A bargain If taken swift. W. A. Cristy. Alden 297 30'Burt on No poor Ilart.land 5K2 22 Mc Henry.. Seneca 322 26'Nunda.. Coral 103 55 Algonquin 843 98 Grafton 186 MJ • On motion of Sup. Lake the members of the board and clerk were allowed their usual per diem and mileage for attendance at this meeting and for special committee work. On motion of Sup. Turner the board adjourned to meet at the call of the clerk. F. E. Stevens, Chairman. " Attest:--G. F. Rushton, Clerk. ..4063 68 .. 882 13 .. 336 97 .. 67 00 Geo. W. lane, Pewamo, Mich,, writes: "Your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the best remedy for indigestion agjrj stomach trouble' that I ever used. For years I suffered from dyspepsia, at times compelling me to stay in bed and j causing me untold agony. I am com pletely cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. In reccommending it to friends who suffer from indigestion I always offer to pay for it if it fails. Thus far I have never paid." Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. j PROBA TE NEWS { REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Anna J Freund to John J Freund, 108 a in sec 19 & 24. McHenry 17560 00 Same to Peter M Freund, und X of wH sel-5 swl-4 & e pt w^ swl-4 sec 36, Richmond 3450 00 Mary F Pomeroy to Axel Nelson & w, It 14, blk 2. Pomeroy's addn to Crystrl Lake 100 00 Ridge field Cem society to Cli'as F Eick- liotf. It, 2, blk 6. Ridgefield cemetery.. 1500 Oliver L Phillips & w to-Wui Helm, w!4 swl-4 sec 17, Hebron 4000QO Mary F Thomas & h to Josiphine Roser, . ' it 4, blk 2, Spring City addn to Wood stock: ,... 89.60 Mary E Lawson it Ii to^Edward Dates ' ' 10 a s and adioli.lng n 15 a of eV4 »H nel-4sec 21. McHenry 312 00 John J Murphy & w to Wm Coouey. nw 1-4 sec 24, II art,land 700000 Fannie R Billings to Margaret Renning- ton w'/s nwl-4 & nwl-4 swl-4 & sel-4 nwl-4 & e1/* of nol-4 nwl-4sec 20, Dun ham -- 2500 00 Margaret Bennington & li to L M Lllll- bridge. same & pc in sec 17, Dunham. 2500 00 Oak wood Cem Asscn to Mr M L 'LiIlk ' bridge. It 37, blk S, Oakland Oemeterjf in see l, Dunham 1000 E E Llartwe.ll & w to John F Freund, pt - It 2 swl-4^ec 30, Burton... ........ 46500 PROBATE NEWS • Bstate of Hugh W, Watson, minor. Final report filed. L Estate of Geo. H. St. John. Petition for private sale <>f personal property filed. Estate of Charles R. Cross. Proof of death. Petition for probate of will and letters testamentary filed. Hearing set for October 10,1901. Estate of Charles F. Stewart, amended. Final report filed. Estate of William Ainger. Petition for private sale of personal property filed. Leave given as per order on file. Estate of Ann Y. Palmer. Decree of heirship and distribution filed. Estate of John Alysworth, Widow's relinquishment and selection filed. T. Howard Fellows, minor. Report filed, MARRIAGE LICENSES. Arthur E. Arvedson.... .Carpentersville Georgiana M. St. Clair Nunda Willis Disbrow Hartland Nellie Blanche Sackett, Alden Frank Styres ;... .Marengo Ella Franklin Marengo Many physicians are now prescribing Kodol Dyspepsia Cure regularly having found that it is the best prescription they can write because it is the one pre paration which contains the elements necessary to digest not only some kinds of food but all kind and it therefore cures indigestion and dyspepsia no matter what its cause.' Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley, Sporting Goods I have just received a large stock of balls and bats which will be sold at the lowest prices. Plenty of other sporting goods. Call and see tlieiu. (locks and Watches : In clocks I have a gopd as sortment and many of them ^ are going at bargain prices. It will pay you to see them. Anything yon can wish for in watches. Optical Goods I do not claim. to treat the eyes, but do claim that I have the largest line of » • spectacles in town and can fit any ordinary case. Let . me try to fit yon out with a 'pair. I have a line of these goods that ojp not be equalled. Not ""a large line, but an assort ment of the best. Come and . " • • < see them. . Prices right. A good stock of Rings, Chajtut, Silver-plated Ware, etc. JOHN P. SMITH, McHetiry, Illinois. Do n ' T Be Fo o l e d i Take the genuine, original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co., Madison, Wis. It keeps you well. Our trade mark cut on each package. Price, 35 cents. Never sold in bulk. Accept nu substi- tMonroHDTis tuts. Ask your druggUt. To the Horsemen of McHenry ind Lake Counties! Horsemen desiring good shoeing and wishing to have it properly done, call upon one that thoroughly under stands the anatomy of horses feet or any other part of a horse. I have had years ex- \ perience in cities, also with lame horses, horses with poor feet and horse diseases of all descriptions. 1 have treated Spavins, Ring-bones Kribs and Dentistry- with .' great success. Horse-shoeing and Jobbl^|( i a Specialty. I-i Give me a trial, Shop one block north of C. N. W. fty. gtatlon. . D. O. NELLIS. R e a r ' ' Do you want a Farm, City Lot or Summer Resort? When School Opens You mast supply ydtir children witli pencils, pens, stationery, etc?. We have a complete stock of tfiiese necessities and are- selling. thetn at reasonable prices. Everything ill Drugs and Hedicines* Prescriptions carefully compounded. Rin<r\voo<i, in. J. S. BROWN & SON. ••••••#• •••*•••• •• piilLIP JAEGER • General Commission merchant M" *»**--» WWMMHWMW WW» MMMM M H»m»H Special attention given to the sale of Stall 1 & :t, Kulton St. Wholesale Market Cbicaao, Illinois Dressed Beef, Hutton Hogs, Veal, Poultry Hides, Etc. Butter and Egg$ This is the oldest house on the street • \ Tags and price lists- furnished on application COLD STORAGE FREE j .. .»•••«•• M4HH. MM.... .MM... MM.M.MM...* MMMMM ....MM MM MM .... MMMM 9 JOS. H. HUEHANN, Johnsburgh, 7 Illinois. sells Appleton Corn Huskers Corn 3hellers and Tread Powers' General Blacksmith^ Prices always Reasonable Duplex Grinding Miljs, Rock Island Plows, "Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills Well Supplies. Harness Oil, Paint Oil and ftachine Oils a Speciaty! miiiininiinnimmnnmummmmmM ^Paints * Oils and Colors Bear in mind that I have a fine assortment of ready-mixed paints for all purposes, of a superior and also a complete stock *s, oils, leads and varnish : Julia B. Story m c f i e n r y , I l l i n o i s H>WMMI>M>|»--IMItllMtHIHNNIIMWIIIH Do you want to sell any Real Estate? We can make it profit able for you to call onus. A lew more farms Wanted! A. L. HOWE, McHenry. W. A. CRISTY, West McHenry. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestantu and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cur<. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It is unequalled for all stomach troubles. It can't help but do yWgood Cfeeparud only by E. O. J>i;\\ rrr & t "<>•.«.'liK:a»:o The II. bottle contitins2Vt times tlie50c. sioe. Julia A. Story anil U. \V. Bos ley G e n t l e m e n ! If yon want to'pocket $10.00 to $15.00 for tailor hand-wade suits of thl finest winter samples, Call in. I have made 9 weeks--will give oome in.' suite in four i yotii E. MWI.US, Tailor McHenry, Illinois. W<XJ<JSUM'U St'iiluiel I'(1, ne Frank ]N1 Hunker,(rroccrit's.. <.'T l>o!iovan. hliicksmitliiiig A I) Oslxjrn, }?riK;erles l>a<!y l.uinl>er Vo. lufulier '...... H I'ratt i Son. meat wYKr1!1, lST W1, l , ,<wt- au<l rep'rt >V I) Hull, Uunbor .... A }•' Fli'UI, rual.. V T, '! ,nK - < l«'t tiiiiNt- b<Jots and 'ahbesV.' .lulm Iunji(in t-epal/8 H S Austin. KriM'erioH an'i tobacco...- .. 'ieiiH llmikt r. same Walters farm implement#.. F \V Huell. izround fee<l 'L' II Iti-iiwn, inis<:4'll;i)ieous... $ !!£ •' A.Kenni cly.ncrs and Ujlmcco.. N K Kuckley Ory goods ( l | ,y ^HKlsand ckry.. V, , ' loy s"». dry L'ofxls and clothing J t no ite,. dry goods .1 R KellOfCK, meats...., . ...... • ' W Mill, blarksmltiiini; Murphy & Mullen, dry trooids and elliijr N I1 rami' iV Sun, ^rirulinn. Me.ud & ( liai-U-h. «i-<>.'eries. Whitson Hro.s, liarilware and ulumbiuii A J Wrijrljt. medicines and paints . hv Anderson, physician ' Mrs T H Hrown. suiKlries Sttiiie. su|it salary Whii-Hon Bros, hardware and uluualjiuii K 1 Bui ruwes & Vu. wire scre.u I'lackxmlthiiijf. I* kl Isworth. hame Win Wiley, car|)enter.. .. ' K .1 iiedl. naintiujf. . ... N H Buckley Co. dry goods < > N B r a s s , h u j ; 1 0 0 0 i James I iermoiii, pUrnp work 28 U0 Total 72 OX 1 (15 130 75 8H5 WW - 170 4!i :tr> 411 177 Kt ; 5«4 30^ 12 04 «2H « <50. 175a 21 59 17 or. r>:{4 dr. T.i 70 07 50 !W 54 442 29 120 37 a (10 73 25 lit PREPARED FOR THE COLE> WAVES?! Horse Blankets, Stable Blankets, Plush and water-proof Lap Robes, Wagon covers. * Duck Coats, Duck Vests, Ulsters--flannel, sheep and felt lined. : ' ' y>" Ladies' Dress Goods^-an exceptionally fine Venetian cloth in all colors, 54 inches wide, 90 cents per yard. A real bargain. Fall and Winter Underwear m all ^j^hts and at right prices. for all.- Boys water-proof feal, bellows tongue Shoes* just the thing, no snow or water can get in. Hats, Caps, Gloves end Mittens in great variety at the lowest living prices. Buy before November I and get Red Trading Stamps SIMON STOFFEL