Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Oct 1901, p. 5

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% - 'i • -v.. -? V. • * : • ' - €at Fruit I make it'a business to handle Fruit, Vegetables and Del­ icacies, and consequently always have on hand evety- thing that the market affords in these lines, " 1 Fresh Fruits received every day. • West McHenry, 111. • K. G. DEKKER $15 TO $18 A WEEK Salary for an intelligent man or womanun .each town. Permanent position, 30 cents uit liour for spare time. Manufacturer, Box 11V2. Chicago. •ti Best Portland Cement • ? ' ; Delivered. &t McHenry. at $2.50 per barrel. WM. BELL. Factory and residence, No. 500 HillAvenae Qfltoe^foom 2, McBride block. Douglas Avr ELGIN, ILLINOIS (HARLES 0. FREIT v*rtMesa|e aad.reteil ^teaterlB I am in the Market For Beet Veal rtutton Hogi and Poultry Qlva • a calf am Smoked Meats, Sausage McHenry - Illinois Pumps } Steam Fittinaf and SUtad millf $)^f and Wood Cankf and Farm machinery A fall Unelp evwr Oepanp*** We are prepared ; fjr; tpdp |U*1I Uiork of all Kindt •y Giv^ u s a c a l l Conway & Rainey Ringwood, II. BANK This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage Honey to Loan onreal estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections." INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low­ est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Bankers, Tot Causes„Night Alarm. "One night my brother's baby was taken with Croup." Writes Mrs. J. C Snider, of Crittenden, Ky., "it seemed it would strangle before we could get a doctor, so we gave it Dr. King's New Discovery, which gave quick relief and permanently cured it. We always keep it in the house to protect our children from Croup and Whooping Cough. It enred me of a chronic bronchial trouble that no other remedy would relieve." Infallible for Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung troubles. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Julia A. Story's. • . Jit It Hqain! > 1 jam again in the meat business 4nd would solicit a part of your trade. It will always be my aim fa sell at the lowest possible liv­ ing prior- the host nfmeats. Fresh meats Salt meats Sausages Poultry Staple vegetables and Fruit. I will pay spot cash the highest . market price for all kinds of live rtock and poultry, hides, tallota, etc. Give me a call and renew old acquaintance. Goods delivered promptly THOMAS BURKE. * McHenry, Illinois. ? Fresh Salt and . Smoked. r Vegetables and Fruit in Season ! Having purchased the West Side Market of F. Wat- tles, it is my intention to give all customers the best service possible. I pay spot cash for hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the low­ est prices, and will sell on the same basis. ,:?;y A, G, TIATTHEW# . West McHenry, Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Thi9 preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cur<. It, allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many 'thousands of dyspeptics have been Cured after everytlii -vj else failed. It is unequalled for all stomach troubles It can't help but do you good Prepared only by E. O. IJEWITT & Co., Chieajro The $1. bottle contains 2H times the50c. size. Julia A. Story and (J. \V. Bosley Real Estate and Insurance Ho you want; a Farm, City Lot or Summer Resort? -Geo Meyers- OENHRAL THAMINO Of all kinds. Excavating and Grading. McHenry, - Illinois We can make it profit­ able for you to call on us. NEIGHBORING NEIVS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS MMNM ^ RINGWOOD -• Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ladd are attending the state fair at Spriugfield. A number from here attended the street fair at Elgin last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cristy have been entertaining friends from Woodstock. Saylor E. Smith left on Monday for' Springfield, where he will attend the state fair. The Ladies' Aid Society will meet with Mrs. L. R. Peet next Thursday afternoon, Oct. 10. Mrs. Jal>ez Carr, of Moreland, has been spending the week with friends and irelatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Harsh and Mrs. J. EL Cristy left Tuesday morning for Da kota where they are to visit relatives. Mrs. Edwin Johonnott returned to her home j# Terra Haute, Ind., on Mon­ day; she was accompanied as far as Chicago by ljer father. The corn carnival given by the Ladies' Aid Society at the home of J. B. Ben­ nett was a success both socially and financially, all in attendance report a good time. It is desired that all who took Penny Helper cards as well as those having benevolent cards will hand them in next Sabbath, Oct. 6, as this will be the last Sabbath of the conference year. HIbLCREST HERD. Hillcrest Herd of Jersies owned by E. A. Smith & Son, Ringwood, 111., re­ turned from Elkhorn, Wis., Sept.- 12, having closed a very successful cam­ paign. They were on exhibition five weeks this year. At Beloit Inter State, Beloit, Wis., they won 12 blue, 6 red and one white ribbon, also won first on Exhibitors Herd,first on Breeders Yonng Herd, first on get of one sire, second on produce of one cow, .first on junior champion bull and first on- junior champion heifer. At Iowa State Fair, DesMoines, la., they won 2 blue, 7 red, 1 white, 1 yellow, 1 green ribbons. Also second on Ex­ hibitors Herd, first on Breeders Young Herd, second on get of sire, second on produce of cow. At Minnesota State Fair at Hamlin, Minn., near Minneapolis and St. Paul, they won H blue, 1 red, 2 white and 3 yellow ribbons and one royal purple ribbon, also won first Breeders Young Herd, third on Exhibitors Herd, first on junior champion male under two years old. Diploma. At Wisconsin State Fair at Milwau­ kee. Wis., they won 2 blue, 4 red, 8 yellow and 2 royal purple ribbons, also won sefcond on produce of cow, second on get of sire, first on champion cow over 2 years old, first on junior bull under 2 years. At Walworth Co. Fair, Elkhorn,Wis., they won 9 blue and 3 red ribbons, first on Exhibitors Herd, first on get of sire. The following is taken from the Jersey "Bulletin: At the Minnesota State Fair E. A. Smith & Son, of Ring- wood, 111., showed twelve head of high class animals, of excellent lineage and looking their best in their bright and well ventilated quarters. Fancy's Golden Lad, by Mona's Glory out of a Fancy Harry's cow, a member of this herd, carried off the first honors in the large class of excellent yearling bulls which competed. He pleased the writer immensely as he possesses nearly all the points and characteristics of an Up-to date dairy bull. He is large with^ out being coarse, with fine head, long neck, goi d shoulders, thin chin, open ribs, large barrel, mellow hide, of thin texture and has extraordinary rudimen­ tary development. He is not masculine in appearance however. The cow Tis- himingo, from this herd, a very close second in the contest for first position in the aged cow class, t is • an animal of exceptionally fine daii^y points and con­ formation. D$> 9*011 want to sell May Real Estate? A lew more Farms Wanted! 2$. L, HOWE, McHenry. .Mi A. CRISTY, W«st McHenry. Stricken With Paralysis. Henderson Grimett, of this place, was stricken with partial paralysis and com­ pletely lost the use of one arm and side. Afte^ being treated by an eminent phy­ sician for quite a while without relief, my wife recommended Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and after using two bottles of il he is almost entirely cured.--Geo. R. McDonald, Man, Logan county, W. Va. Several othir very remarkable cures of partial "paralysis have been effected by the use of thiB liniment. It is most widely known, however, as a cure for rheuiliatism, sprains and bruis­ es. For Bale by Julia A. Story and G. W. Beeley. EMERAl.D PARK. Miss Margaret Walsh spent Friday with friends in Elgin. ,R. J. Sutton visited relatives in Elgin Thursday and Friday. Miss Margaret Sutton began teaching Monday in Disirict No. 5. Ed Sutton left on Tuesday for South Dakota where he expects to rent a farm. Miss Edyth Whiting, of Ringwood, spent Sunday with Miss Kathryn Walsh. Thos. Kane and Miss Nellie Noonan, of Ringwood, were pleasant callers here Sunday. Miss Nellie Frisby has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Hitchcock, at Belvidere the past two weeks. , , Chas. Berkircher and Mr. Plice, of Chicago, spent a few days last week in the former's cottage here. Chas. Gibbs and Miss Clara Thomp­ son, of Barreville, called on friends here Wednesday evening. CHAMBEKLAIN'S COt'GH REMEDY Saved His Hoy'# Life. 'fl believe I saved uiy (nine year old) boy's life this winter with Chamber- Iain's Cough Remedy," says A. M. Hop- pe, Rio Creek, Wis. "He was so choked up with croup that he could not speak. I gave it to him freely until he vomited and in a tAort tiAe was all right. For sale bwyulia A. Story and & w. Bestey; " VOLO. John Rosing was in the city ness Tuesday. Mrs. Chris. Sable spent the last of the week in Chicago. John Dryer, of Chicago, parents here last week. George Richardson, of was a Volo caller Saturday. Misses Naomi and Rose VasejT were Gray's Lake callers Thursday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Albert Raught spent Thursday and Friday in Waukegan. The two-year-old daughter of Mr. Kraph, was buried here ThursSi Mrs. Bernie Wagener died a' home in Volo, Sept. 28, (Of consumption. Mr. Murphy, of Chicago, visited at A. J. Raymond's Thursday and Friday. Misses Mary and Annie Freund, of Johnsburgh, visited friends here Sun­ day.. Miss Bessie Rogers, of Waukegan, is visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mfs. Louis Knigge, of Gris- wold Lake spent Saturday at George Ben well's. Mrs. John Miller and . Miss Lizzie Glosson, of McHenry, were Yolo call­ ers Friday. Will Montgomery and Mrs. John Wortz, of Chicago, spent the first of the week in Volo. Mrs. Thos. Moore and daughter, Ella, spent Thursday and Friday visiting, relatives in Elgin. Ben Hiller's new house is now started, John Mertes, of Johnsburgh, having se­ cured the contract. Miss Rena Decker, of Ivanhoe, spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Charles Parker. The social at T." Bacon's Wednesday night was a success both socially and financially. Proceeds $24. Mrs. John . Rosing and daughter, Celia, were in the city Wednesday pur­ chasing a new stock of millinery. Mr. Elfering and daughter, Miss Frances, of Libertyville, attended the funeral of Mrs. Bernie Wegener Mon­ day. ' " Mrs. WiUiam Dunnill, daughters, Agnes and Lucy, wero visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Jack Dowell, at Sloe vim's Lake, Tuesday. What's Your Face Worth? Sometimes a fortune, but never, if yon have a sallow complexion, a jaun­ diced look, moth patches and blotches on the skin, - all signs of Liver Trouble. But Dr. King's New Life Pills give Clear Skin, Rosy Cheeks, Rich Com­ plexion. Only 25cents at Julia A. Story's Drug Store. ; RIDGKFIKLD. Him-Sell Dri field and son, Roy, were in Nunda Mouday. Mr. and Mrs. Keeler and son were in Chicago Thursday. ' Mr. Still and daughter, Bessie, were in Nunda Saturday. F. Morse, W. Morey and eon were in Woodstock Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James Westerman were in Woodstock Monday. A few from here attended the fair at Elgin Fiiday and Saturday. Misses Blanche and Lola Lynch called on friends in Harvard Saturday. Miss Bessie Reed and lady friends visited her j agents over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Levey visitea the former's parents at Seneca Sunday. Miss Emma Eichkoff entertained Mr. Flies' family from Woodstock Sunday. Rev. Suelt will be with us next Sun­ day morning, let all who can, be pres­ ent. Miss Etta Levey returned Sunday to her home in Seneca after a short visit here. " Earle ind Ray Skinner, of Green- wood, visited their sister and cousins here Sunday. Mr. Fay and family visited relatives at Ringwood and McHenry Saturday and Sunday. , Miss Kit Ward, of Woodstock, spent Sunday with her brothers and sisters in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Skinner returned Mon­ day to their home at Nunda after a week'8 visit at R. L. Dnfield's. Misses Anna and Mildred Morse came out from Oak Park and Bpent Saturday and Sunday at their home here. at Woodstock Friday, was at McHenry Tues- £. Clark was at Woodstock , Harrison was at jsczxenry Ihomas was;*t McHenry Abbott was at Woodstock Elbert day. Samuel Friday. Mrs. Jake Hanperish was at McHenry Monday, Arthur Whithtg was at Woodstock! Saturda y. Bernard Tuesday. George Tuesday. Francis Saturday. Ray Thomas bought a fine colt at Waller's sale. The basket social, jst Randall's was well aj^nded. Schry ver has recently purchased horse and buggy. Mrs. Geo. Thomas and daughter, Ella, were at McHenry Friday. We are glad to hear that Mrs. Good- sell is improving in health. Mr. and Mrs. Edward French w< Wauconda visitors Sunday. Mrs. A. N. Thompson and daughter were at Woodstock Satucdag. Miss Myrtle Harhish returned Tues­ day evening from a visit at Elgin. Quite a number from here attended the Street Fair at Elgin Saturday.. Chas. Hobart and family, of Rich­ mond, were Sunday visitors at Henry Hobart's. Mrs. Ed. Pierce has been quite ill with quinsy recently, but we are glad to state that she is improving. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Lincoln, of Har­ vard, called on Henry Hobart's Satur­ day and also visited relatives at Wau- coada. - * A Fiendish Attack. An attack was lately made on C. F. Collier, of Cherokee, Iowa, that nearly proved fatal. It came through his kid­ neys. His back got so lame he could not stoop without great pain, nor sit in a chair except propped by cushions. No remedy helped him until he tried Elec­ tric Bitters which effected such a won­ derful change that he writes he feels like a new man. This marvelous medi­ cine cures backache and kidney trouble, purifies the blood and builds up your health. Only 60c at Julia ,?m ry.'s Drugstore. WArCONTVAY ' Miss Lida Cary is on the sic* list Will Shaw and Olie Potter spent Fri* day in Elgin. , Earl Harrison spent Sunday with rel­ atives of this village, Mrs. Wot>dhouse visited hST parents at Waukegan on Friday. Frank W ynkoop, of Chicago, is visit­ ing his parents of this plaoe. v Arthur Powers and Miss Jennie Brooks attended the fair at Elgin Frj- Mrs. Henry Harrison and 'flH&ly and Mrs. Will Harris attend ed tl e street fair Friday. /XJ Among those who atten game at Lake Zurich Sup<\ay Sensor, H. Riley, H. Graham ner, E. Mills, E. Brooks, N. Lamphere and J. Basely. C. W. Sowles, O. Hubbard, J. Blank Great Fall of the new clothing store; West McHenry, with a lull line of men's and boys' Clothing, Furnishings, Hats and Caps. We have the largest variety of all the latest fall styles ever seen in the town of McHenry, and the prices are from 25 to 50 per cent cheap­ er than you can buy elsewhere. You'll find the largest assort­ ment of Suits and Overcoats ever seen in McHenry. Here aife ^ few of our prices to compare with Chicago Clothiers: yVl Suits, Pants and Overcoats i Men's fruits in light or dark patterns made nji in the latest fall styles in all sizes, for $a>49 Men's Wool Suits in different pat­ terns, in all the latest fafr styles.. 3.99 Melvjiall Wool Clay Serges and fan­ cy Worsteds, tailor-made, aqd made up in the very latest fall anj^yinter styles, for. .if.- 6.49. Men's fine suits, made up from the ' latest effects and patterns, well tail-. ored, equal to custom-make. These - suits are sold in all the finest cloth­ ing stores in Chicago from #15.00 to f20.00, onr price.... <$12.00 and $10.00 Young nitn's suits, 14 to 2 years, as - low as $1.99, worth double . V| Yonng men's Overcoats, in the lat> est fall and winter styles, low as $3.49 Boys' Suitr in 2 and 8 piece, for 8 to 14 years, a < i" w as * 65c Child's fine 8 piece Suit, neatly made ' and trimmedK size 8 to 15 years,.. $i>49 Men'8 Pants, good ererj-day pants, as low as •*49® Men's good dress up Pants in $tie latest fall and winter styles ajid pat­ terns, as low as Si-49 Men's Overalls, warranted. ...... best quality and Boys' Overalls. ....JM5C Men's Overcoats in the latest fall and winter styles for $3*49 Men's blue and black Beaver and ' grey Overcoats, well trimmed with v e l v e t c o l l a r s , f o r . . . . . . . . 4 * 4 0 -Men's fine Kersey OferuWrt!!, lined with satin yoalk, made up in the ve*y latest styles; equal to custom- make, for .. i < Furnishings Men's good, heavy winter Under­ w e a r f o r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a i c Good, heavy fleeced lined Shirts and Drawers for....... .v....35c Children's best heavy fleeced lined Shirts and Drawers for..........;. .25c Men's and boys'good, heavy Sweat­ ers for .... .480 Worth double*.. . Men's heavy winter Half woolen, per pair Hose, Men's good heavy winter Shirt* £or 454 Hat* We have the finest line of Men's and Boys' ' and Caps ever seen in McHenry Men's fine Slouch Hats in the latest fall styles and colors, up &onk»v..«..«.r|80c Men's Derby in the latest fall and winter shapes, up from. Men's and Boys' Caps for fall and winter wear, up from .Il® Remember these prices are for thirty days only GILBERT BUILDING. WEST MIM ihe ball vere W. '1 Near Lumber Yard; We invite one and all to come and inspect onr goods. Yours truly, /We remain CHICAGO CLOTHING STORE. Stepped Into Live Coals. •'When a child I burned my foot frightfully," writes W. H. Eads, of Jonesville, Va.. "whith caused horrible leg sores for 80 years, but Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured me after everything else failed." Infallible for Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Sores, Bruises and Piles. Sold by Julia A. Story, 26c. JOHNSBURGH. Miss Lena Schmitt is visiting relatives at New Haven, Iowa. Jos. F. Schmitt and wife are visiting relatives in Minnesota. R. Sager, of Milwaukee, Was a caller here several days this week. ' F. H. Herdrich, of Chicago, Was a business caller here Thursday. Mrs. Anna Bugner entertained some of her friends and relatives Thursday. . Jacob Schumacher and wife enter­ tained some of their relatives from Min­ nesota several days last week. Carpenters are repairing the Johns­ burgh bridge which has been in a dan­ gerous condition for some time. Jos. Stfnith and wife are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy. The young gentleman arrived Saturday. Many people from here are chopping their winter's supply of wood on Mrs. Sweet's place about 2 miles north of here. Sisters Hereronlma and Willmetta re­ turned to St. Louis Thursday, after vis­ iting with thd former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Williams several days. Mrs. Williams is getting along nicely at this writing. ng returned to the city ard is attending North ical school and.Sowles and attend the Chicago Dental and L. E. ( Monday. western M Golding wi: college. Monday evening J. W. Gilbert was surprised at the home of his father, he having been married-five years. Anions those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Brooks, A. T. Gilbert, H. Hicks, N. B. Duers, V. D. Kimball,-L. C. Price and J. W. Cook. A surprise party was held at the home of L. Burdick in honor of Miss Lida Ford. It was a lawn party and greatly enjoyed by all. Those present were: Messrs. J. Blank, C. Golding, C. W. Sowles, J. Welsh, E. Golding, M Freund, A. Powers, H. Graham, L. Burdick and Misses Delia Hammond, Ruth Neville. Avis Cook, Jennie Brooks, Lilah Gold­ ing. Myrtle Mullen, Sadie Burdick. G.A.Roberts, of Lintner, III., suf fered four years with a wad in his stom­ ach and c.mld not eat. He lost 65 pounds. Two bottles of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin restored his appetite, cured his stomach trouble and today he is well and hearty and says he owes his health to Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Julia A. Story and G. W liMMMiMiMMMaiiiummumminiiMin If you have time BARRKVIIXK. Maurioe Jensen is working for Chan Knaack. Fred Wilmington was in Wauconda Sunday. Chas. Wilmington was in McHenry Monday. J. H. Parsley went to Chicago Sunday morning. . ' Miss Lizzie Ames has accepted a position in Elgin. Mrs. Chas. BabcoCk, of Prairie Grove, was a recent caller here. Mips Clara Thompson attended the oarni al at Elgin Thursday. Geo. Bay, of Chicago, was a pleasant caller at J. H. Gracy's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gracy visited friends in Union one day last week. J. Parsley and Elmer Wilmington hauled lumber for J. Fleming Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Matthews, of Burton's Bridge, were callers here Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Thompson called on friends at Sloeam's Lake Sunday afternoon. Richard Fleming and sisters, Mary, Anna and Francis, called at J. Gibbs Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilmington visi­ ted with relatives in Lake county Satur­ day and Sunday of last week. John Hunter and sister* Edna, and Miss Isabell Matthews spent Sunday at Chas. Babcock's at Prairie Grove. Misses Clara Thompson and Lena Church spent Sunday with the Misses Olive and Effercine Johnson, at Crystal w////0m, ALT! If your boy is like most others he gives his shoes a hard rub. T h e R. * H. School Shoe U made to stand a boy's wear. They are made on mannish lasts i n s t r o n g e s t ' leathery Solid wearing, value. In large variety of styles -aapi;t prices here.. step into our stopfe ; We have new things to show you « « / The fall stock is now in process of completion and awaits your coming. It's larger and better perhaps than ever before in the store's history-- but YOU must be the Judge. West McHenry, 111. W. C. EVANSON. j \ • •^3 j V i m upf ;»V Furniture until you have inspected my stock. Do not think that you can do better iu Chicago. Compare city prices with prices I will quota • and, if quality is considered, y<*» will give me your order., You oaa find here everything that is needed to beautify the home. The latest designs in Tables, Couches, Chairs, Stands, Iron and Wood Beds, Com­ plete Parlor and Chamber Suits, Picture Frames, Side Boards, Etc. See my line of Casrpets and Ruga. JACOB JUSTEN

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