L-•.*&£* '11 m . ,• . •: • ' ... -7 • - t ... ••'"«*« ••' r -•.• :••« -• «• < .•;/«.• rt* >• A . ... i • • • • • 1 '• •. " " • .,.*••••• --»• •••• - ^ w ^ ^ ^ «. • »• ^ • - • • • - • v ^ ^ ^ KOTES ON SCIENCE. MOTES or AND INVENTION.- r-imy" •£>. Sj&i vi?<V Mght ImmeoM Bfonollttu---Thmj Arm to •.TJfvjJk rr,-.' *fp:. §'•£. "" Be UiiM u Columns la th« Cithednl «f 8*. <r«tw th* JMVIA* H|ln| jiiKil *SH <w' ife" ifc* rv>* •«-•; V te':V" •'..*•«' if Mi '•?" w - f * • :k : %,u^k' 5»v r^4: ***. . ?<*r. ,(. ^W' * LARGEST KVKR QUABRIKD. Weight of the largest blocks of stone •ter quarried in this country are lying «t the works of the Bod well JSranite compaQy at VinaL Maine, awaitlDg the completion of a great lathe which is to turn and polish them. They &re to be used as columns for the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York. city. The weight of the stones In the roiagh is from 120 to 130 tons each. They are from fifty-seven to sixty feet in length and about seven feet in di ameter. When ready for shipment each stone will be a round column six feet ln*diameter and fifty-six feet in length and will weigh more than sdxty tons. The contract price for the eight stones is $220,000, something more than $25,- 000 for each column. As there was no lathe la existence large enough to turn the columns, John Pierce, the contractor, is having one built at a cost of about $50,000. The shafts of granite are so long that they wiii not hold ilteir owji weight when suspended from, the ends to ha turned down to proper shape. To ob viate this difficulty a central support will be 'put in the lathe, which Will tui*n. with the shafts and after the stone is made into a cylinder the ma chinery will be moved ahead to take Off the uncut section. In 1856, when ^e columns in front Of the treasury 'building at Washing ton were cut on Dix island, Maine, stone workers said they were the lim- it of size in granite work. From that date until the early '80s the treasury columns, which were twenty-seven feet In length, were the greatest feat of the stonecutters. Then the monument to Gen. Wool, which is erected at West Point, was cut at Vinal Haven, and held the record until the architect of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine came forward with af plan for eight cohi&ns, each of whicp was to be fifty- six feet long. \ f>"' • $&• r- ...; P.*- iS v-qfrr1:--* • * 'V "Vr IjpfBS OF WAX. ] .J f^vJn'several parts of the world a resi nous substance called ozocerite, and bearing considerable resemblance to beeswax, is found, usually in connee- • Hon with rock salt and coal. There ar$ deposits in Austria, Russia, Rou- ttiania, Egypt, Algeria, Canada and Mexico, but, says our consul at Trieste, Mr. Hossfeld, ozocerite has, so far, not been discovered in sufficient quantities to. pay for mining anywhere except in the district of Boryslav, in Austrian Gallcia, and on ap island on the west cbast of the Caspian Sea. In mining this mineral wax, shafts are sunk un til a bed, or "nest," of ozocerite is struck. Then connecting galleries are driven. There is considerable danger, and many lives have been lost in con sequence of the sudden forcing up of the soft wax into the shafts by the enormous pressure to which it is sub jected. It is used largely for. manu facturing ce resin, which is employed, together with beeswax, for making wax candles, as well as in the manu facture of phonographic cylinders, and for many similar purposes. that purpose he contrived a woofitn float eight feet Ions and four feet broad. Within this, in a manner some what resembling a harp, were placed pipes perforated with small holes six inches apart. A. hose, connected with a tank filled with erode petroleum, and a pump were then attached to the pipes, and petroleum was driven down through the water with consid erable force. JThfere is thus formed upon the surface an oily scum which destroys the floating larvas of thi mosquito. During the process of dis tribution the float is pulled backward* and forwards over the ponds so that every inch of the surface is treated with petroleum. The ground around the pond has been cleared of rank veg etation, and the bank-: have also been saturated with oiL Doctor Doty will now watch the health reports of his district for some indication that his experiment has .been successful.-- Pennsylvania Grit . \ RAPID COMB-CUEAiroit. \ The invention shown below has beeig designed for cleaning combs of hair. TQ^ REMOVE HAIR FJtOM COM3. dandruff and other matter which clog up the.teeth after the comb is In use a sbort time, the machine being es pecially useful in barber shops and hairdressing parlors, where the combs are in constant use and it is necessary to have them always clean. The ar rangement consists of A box with a' removable top in Which is mounted a rotary brush of- wire or stiff bristles with a crank at one end by which it is revolved. In the bottom of t£e box Is a row of curbed fingers, which* serve to remove from the bristles whatever the latter dislodge from the combr it being a small task to remove tne mat ter irom the bottom of the box at in tervals as it accumulates. To operate the cleaner the comb is placed on the slanting end of the box underneath the thumb rest, being adjusted in re lation to the brush, when a few turns of the lattec .will force the bristles be tween the teeth and dislodge the hairs, etc. / POTHER* A; PLANET BETOXD HEF- TPNE? This question was revived before the Royal Society of Edinburgh lately by Prof. George Forbes, who called atten- tien to, the fact that there are seven comets whose aphelion points, accord ing to their calculated orbits, corre spond with the position of a planet re volving around the sun at a-distance 100 times greater than that of the earth, and having a period of about 1,000 years. He suggested that the dis turbing attraction of this supposed planet had altered the elements of the orbit of the great comet seen in 1264 and 1556 so that it did not come back whe&v expected in 1848. This comet, he thought, might be identified with the third comet of. 1844 or the second comet of 1843, its return having been hastened, by the pertubation of the planet. WOMEN AS CONFECTIONERS. A London confectioner's establish ment, which is run entirely by women, has become so great a success that its kitchen has of necessity been partial ly converted into a school where wo men anxious to learn are taught the confectioner's art At the neat mar ble slabs .women of apparently good education are busy with dainty con coctions. Some of these pupils are ambitous to becoipe managers of sim- il^r establishments of their own, rays the Philadelphia Inquirer. The con cern in question is carried on in con nection with a/ restaurant and tea room, and since tea rooms are often managed by women, pupils from such establishments are coming in increas ing numbers to this confectionery school. One course, in which only two pupils can be taken at a time, Includes the making pf cakes sweets, ices, bookkeeping and shop management All the latest inventions of the con fectioner's art are mastered by these women as readily as they appear, for they find it necessary in this, as in every field of work, to keep abreast of the times. TO KILL MOSQUITOES. Some time ago we illustrated in de tail the experiments which are being carried out in the Roman Campagna, Italy, for the reduction of the mos quito plague. It has been established beyond doubt that these insects are the cause of the dissemination of ma larial microbes, and further light has been thrown upon the subject by g£aj. Ronald Ross., R. A. M. C., who re turned to England from West Africa on September 2, after having con ducted extensive investigations into the origin and spread of malarial fever. At Freetown the Investigators em ploy^ workmen to destroy mosquiw larvae and within thirty-four days they had cleared more than 2,000 9- ' * ii; •*•>..., *!> FLOAT FOR DISTRIBUTING OIL. houses, with the result that the num ber of mosquitoes has been largely reduced, and it was hoped that there Would be a corresponding abatement In cases of malaria. This week we illustrate and experiment which has been made at Staten Island by Dr. Al- vah Doty, health officer of the port of New York. His method was to de stroy the mosquitoes with petroleum, and he attacked Muller's pond, which has for y?ar3 been a breeding place, to the discomfort of the Inhabitants of Concord, where malaria has been prevalent. Doctor Doty proposed to distribute oil oyer me water, and tat SCIENTIFIC NOTES, Kaktnf Ll|)it from SmolCQ. Jk Belgian £££iheer, Tobiansky, has invented an apparatus* for producing light from smoke. It appears that the origin of the smoke is a matter of in difference. It is simply forced into a receiver, where it is saturated with by- drocarburet, and can then be burned, giving a brilliant illumination. Otraani and English In Antarctlo. By mutual agreement, the two prin cipal exploring expeditions which are to start for the Antarctic this year, one under the auspices of the British gov ernment and the other under those of the German, government, will respec tively confine their attention to oppo site halves of the unexplored regions. The Germans will study the side fac ing the Atlantic and the Indian ocean and the English the side lying south of Australia and the Pacific. Danger in Insulating Gloves. According to the results of experi- ments recently reported to the Inter national Society of Electricians, india- ruDber gloves and sandals, and gloves made of glass pearls interwoven with cotton tissue, ought not to be trusted to afford security to workers about electric apparatus. They should be de pended upon, not for touching direct ly conductors of high tension, but only for touching the already insulated at tachments of such conductors as, for example, the non-metallic handles of interrupters. The danger Is especially great when the fclovei are fnofii* " NOTHING EQUALS St. JmoVI OIL , - ITttr Rheumatism, Gout, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Cramp, Pleurisy, Lmnbago, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Soreness, Bruises, Toothache, Headache, Back ache, Feetache, Pains in the Chest, Pains in the Back^ Pains in the Shoul ders, Pains in the Limbs, and all bpd- ily aches and pains, it acts like msgic. Safe, sure and never failing. Mistakes of the Polar Bear. " Jfbrdenskiold found that the white bears generally went through a long performance Of B'a'king his Bailors, deafly on the m sak;n conclusion that they were seals. „ As the men were clothed partly in sealskiii, it was a very natu.al m stakv But the in terest of the story liefe in the 'generali- zaHma made by t£e b:ar. The bear said: "There are two or three seals; one standing up on its flippers in a very unusual way.- I will therefore stalk them unseen as long as I can and when they see me pretend to be doing something - else." So the men, with their guns and lances, who granted to shoot the bear, had the pleasure of seeing him carefully crawling behind rocks and ice hummocks, making long detpurs this way and that, and every now and then plambering up a rbek and peepi"^ caut'ous y over to see if the seals had gone. On the open snow the bear would saunter off in another direction, and then, faffing flat, push himself along on his b;lly with ; his great front paws covering hfs black muzzle, the only thi-g nst matching the snow about him. Just as the bear thought he had got his "seal" the latter fired and Bhot him, a vicim cf faLse analogy.--The Spectator. - . The VeXlnleyV Little Old! V The National Magazine of Boston has the unique magazine feature the month. This Is a portrait of Fjres ident McKinley's little daughter Katie, who died at the age of three and a half years. Hie portrait, which has never before been published, adpr^us the first page of -$he jSMUwal Magazine for October. mm *.OURE8... FISTULA. POLL EVIL, In « to 16 weeks. When just forming usually cures without discharging, in four weeks. Humane and easy to pive. ^riOfcSO eta. Bv mail, 60 ct& TreaOse.freeapon application CLOtJSE & STASM, C&eiiStS, 88 8TATE8T.,GENESEO,IIL No chance fer disappointment,, if you serve Mrs. Austin's famous Pancakea. All grocers sell it. The man who gles with ruin. I E V . I . I f l C O M P L E X I O N P O W D X •a W I bU SKNTD FOR SAMPLE. BUFORB CHEMICAL CO., Chicago. 35-° SHOES*3̂ &AJQE E N S I O N JOHN TV. MORKIS Washington, X). C. Successfully Prosecutes Claims. Late Principal Examiner U. S. Pension Hureau. rrs.inctvU vur; lo &biy.sinc« Mr*. Dyer's Heart. McCftrron, Mich., <5ct. 21.--Ip. April last the sensational case 2>f Mrs. Samuel G. Dyer of this place was re ported irt these columns. Mrs. Dyer has suffered for years with a very bad case of Heart Trouble and was cured in a tew weeks by Dodd's Kid ney Pills. . Since then Mrs. Dyer has received hundreds of inquiries as to her con dition ahd many may be interested to hear that she is at present enjoying the best of health and has not had £hfe slightest return of the Hgart Trouble. Formerly she had to sit up in bed for hours to'get relief; now she goes, about as smartly as any lady of 62 years in the State. ^Dodd's Kidney Pills have made many friends in Chip pewa County through their cure of Mrs. Dyer's case, and have proven be yond doubt that their cures are not only very complete, 'but absolute and. permanent. Karljr Vermont Barred Clretuee. ' Not until twenty years, ago were ctr*" cusesr allowied to exhibit in Vermont, but the circuses used to sk£rt three sides of the state closely, anct\it was most gratifying to the proprietors to see the way in which men, women and children of the Green mountains used to troop across the border into New York, Massachusetts and New Hamp shire, to enjoy the feasts forbidden to them at home. W. L Douglas $4 Gilt Edga 11M , Cannot be Equaled at Any Price. For lorttkaa a Quarter of a Ctvtmry the reputation of W. L. Douglas $C.aoan<t £3.50 shoes ror style, comfort arsil we.ir has ex^e^ed ai! other makes sold at these prices. T5m excellent reputation ha# been won by merit alone. \V.L.I)oaKlas shoes have to pire letter satisf:i»'t:*?n than other $3. ('0 an<i $ 3 . V > s h o e s b e c a u s e h i s r e p u t a t i o n f o r the best $3.0 >and $3.;>o sho^s must main L^tained. TliestanuAtd has always been pla4-p< * "o hiirh that the wearer receives more rali ^r liia money in the \V. L. Douglas n shoe* ihan he can pet eisevtiere. V* Douglas makes and sells more $a.00 and $3,50 shoes any < Kveleti IMP«I. W. L. PouztulS a*4 M.59 iho«< trfaaif*1 of t he same htgfa pratfe leather* as*4 la $5 and $6 cfiioea, aa4 are jost as ftttod la every war. Sold by C3 D'UoJat tfores in American cities telling dt rect from J-vearerat one pro/it; and the best shoe dealers everywhere* ^ latlat «|Ma kaTia^ W. L. t'oafias «b»nwiia aama aad priea staatped ea boffoH. Shoes sent any- where on receipt of priee and additional for oarriafre. TaVe measure-ments of foot as shown: state desired; size and width nesallvworn; piaiaorcap toe; heavy, medidm. or light soles. "W. L. Bous?la?. Brockton. Hass. ZEtEJG CATALOG for Bad/ Teeth Not Bad for Good Teetlv lea* Llcnsid »5cu Ui^« Lintiidftik Powdw 75*. < At all stores or by mail. Sample of tfeji Liquid for the postage, 3a " BALLftRVCXIL, N«#T«rlb Y.. •*. 1- NfilNEER'S LICFN^F m e c h a n i c s , e n g i n e e r v H U I R C E . n o L l V C U a C F I R E M E N , E L E C T R I C I A N S , E t f e 40-page pamphlet containing questions askeU by ExaminiDg Bo{*rd of Eugineers. SENT FREE, IBSMTPfl--~Good't»iker». capable of hi^h p4:cft« medicine utreet work. Good salary, oi-commission. V. O. Bwji .">SH Denver. Ci'lo. fflT Reduced. 6y Dr Plarce « Obesity So*p. Wf 1 fl I drtiKB- Nolos.1 of tlnac. Guaranteed. I nl bor. Cometi!ck Novelty Co.. i]untlngro£,>lMk HAMfl^niflF AMERICAN LADY, ladepeo*-HWIiWwWBIHi tnily _rlch, •wants good boueaA husband. Addres-) Jills. JL^I Z"ir,rkeL5i.,Cuic»gn,iii< Eji Watir W. N, U. CHICAGO, NO. 43, IBOI. ¥fce« Aasweriag Advertise meats Meatioi Tbis Taper. BEST In Th« World ALL KINDS FOR A LI, PURPOSES 7/ Writ® i'// lor :•>/// »e« Tlic onlj scale with ball Dcartnga^,- CHtCAOO XO INVESTORS! Money lnreited In Sheep and Cattls In Montana It safe and pays 30 per cent. A small Investment now grows Into Urge flock In few years. Write for par- tlculara. MONTANA I'O-OPERATIVl RANCH CO., GREAT FALLS, MONT. Bow * TbUI WlBOaer Onto Hundred Dollars reward ter ray ease 01 Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, tfie undersigned, have known F. X Cheney for the last 15 years antt believe bin perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obliga tions made by "their tlrm. West&Truax, Wholesale Drumrlsts, Toledo^ O.; Waldimr. Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, act ing directly upon the blood%nd mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free* Prlo# 76c per bottle. Sold by all druggista Hall's Family Pills are the best. O CURIOUS FACTS ABOUT SOUND. During the firing of minute-guns bjr the English fleet at Splthead, on the occasion or Queen Victoria's funeral, the sounds were heard at surprising distances inland, and the English sci entific journals have since published many interesting facts about these phenomena. It seems to be established that not only the direction of the wind, but Its relative velocity at different elevations from the ground, affected the direction of the sound-waves. In some cases, contrary winds refracted the sound over the heads of observers between 10 and 45 miles from the ships, so that they did not hear the guns, but the same waves were after ward brought to the ground by favor able upper currents, • rendering the sounds audible at 50 miles, and evei/T as far as 140 miles, while at 84 miles they were so loud that laborers In the fields put down their spades and lis tened to them. foreleg Name* of Corporation*. A social club in Pennsylvania, named Deutsch - Anerikanischer - Volksfest Verein applied for a charter of incor poration, but was refused dn the ground that the name was in a foreign language. On appeal to the Supreme Court, however, the charter was grant ed, the court holding that there is no requirement under the statute that the title of the corporation shall be Eng lish. Humor In the Century. The November Century--in many respects an unusually striking number --will begin the magazine's' tliirty- spcond year, which is to be a Year of American Humor. It will contain hu morous stories, etc., by Mark Twain, Carolyn Well3. Oliver Herford and other humorists. lablng Potatoes by Irrigation. An immense potato crop has been raised this season by Irrigation, in the Yakima Indian reservation, in the state of Washington. The quantity for export 1$ 2,000 carloads, and one farm er* *1U clear $10,000. It is estimated that the crotf will be 40,000 tons, worth $1,000,000. ladles Can Wear Shoea. One size smaller after using Alien's Foot* Ease, a powder. It makes tlg-ht or neW shoes easy. Cures swollen, hot, sweat ing, aching feet, ingrowing nails, corns and bunions. All druggists and shoe stores 25c. Trial package FREE by mail. Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y» Koah Webster* Spelling Book. The first spelling book printed in this country was entitled "The Amer ican Spelling Book," by Nx>ah Web ster. It was issued in 1783, and for considerably more than half a century was the standard work used In all American schools. mx GET SOAKED / / / WHEN 7 f^Tl OILED . CLOTHING BLACK OU YtLLCW WILL KEEP YOU BUT IN THE HARDEST STORK! LOOK FOR ABOVE TRADE MARK. BEWARc Of IMITATI0K3L CATALOGUES FREE: SHOWING FULL LINE A.J.TOWER C0,R03TQN.MA5&. ^WHEREr. Mm&M 1902. NOV. 30™ PFtOM MO* STttOP. 909 MUMMUfSacit. ro* rw* tobacco. to rt*m. SMfTSAMBtC r/SMNG HOD ouvc**latcd tHJLOt Atr too TAS3. STAR HORSESHOE "SPEARHEAD" STANDARD NAVY J.T. PIPER HEIDSIECK BOOTJACK DRUMMOND'NATURALLEAf OLD PEACH*HONEY' NOBBY SPUN ROLL" JOLLY TAR E. RICE. GREENVILLE GRANGERTWIST 2 6iMtBS Twar Jm tem§ equal to 0/19 of others mentioned. ••Good Luck," •• Cross Bow," "Old Honesty,'* ••Master Workman," "Sickle," «• Brandywine," •• Planet," ** Neptune," ." Razor," •• Tennessee Crass Tie," «*01e Varginy." * TAO* MAY Ml ASSORTED IN SECURING PRESENTS. Our new illustrated CATALOGUE OF PRESENTS FOR 1902 win include many articles not dwwa here* It will contain the meet attractive List of Presents ever Offered for Tags, and wiH b« sent by mail on receipt <4 postage--two cents. (Catalogue will be ready for mailing about January Ist, 190a.) < > 1 v ' Our offer of Presents for Tags will expire Nov. 30th, 1902. CONTlNKNTAL TOBACCO COMPANY. Write your nan* and addrsw fUinty on outside of packages containing Tags, sad Mad (ken and requests for Presents to C. My. BROWN, 4341 Polseai Ave., St. Louis, Mo* r*es as MM. mfUU Hucn tot nnt Cm >OkACCO. turm KM!ft ttTAKJ SUM* if til MtfW to MM. a ALT A/ve . Iwn« TAPt "exit wnrc% >1re n wtua AMOStr ISOO ta ta. TAaa. Kmvcs HAKIM MJtU/MS K1FU H/iO CAUUM. looo ues rnttu iMIUM v..