Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Dec 1901, p. 5

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»ISW«8TOI«ll^ ;iv.~.v...:;.:;.^.«:.a.A.v;^.».v.:>;ito'>-Y.«^^ ***:' V,; ; The finest assortment in McHenry, and they are going at reasonable prices. Call and look-them over before investing elsewhere. K. G. DEKKER ^ West McHenry, 111. FRUITS PLANTS Fancy Groceries and Delicacies! 4 Our motto: '"Rje best quality of everything at reasonable price," as best goods are always cheapest in the end.- Specialties: .1 ;iva& Mochacoffee mixed, fine teas, boiled ham, canoed and smoked fish, Limburger. brick, lunch cheese etc. Im­ ported; Edam & Swiss cheese. Gray peas, pickled beans and genuine Holland her- . rlug- For sick and delicate people our imported cocoa and toast: is very highly re- comrjriended everywhere. We also sell tickets to and from Europe at lowest rates, and exchange farms for Chicago property. Produce tM>ught and enchanged. Best Portland Cement Delivered at McHenry at $2.50 per barrel. WM. BELL. Factory and residence, No. 509 Hill Aveiiue Office, room 2, McBride block, Douglas Ave ELGIN, ILLINOIS CHARLES i FREIT Wholesale and retail dealer in I am in the Market For Beef Veal Ttutton Hog* and Poultry Olve n a call and Snked Meats, Siusi^ McHenry - Illinois Pumps Steam Fittings and Wind mills Steel and Wood tanks and Farm machinery A full line in every department We are prepared to do Well Work of all Kinds Give us a call Conway & Rainey Ringwood, 111. This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upmi^terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low­ est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Banker*. DON'T BE FOOLED! Take the genuine, origlnoi ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Mcdi* cine Co., Madison, WI4. It keeps you well. Our trad* mark cut on each package. Price, 3® cents. Never sold In bulk. Accept nu subrti- tute. Ask your druggist. C. P. Hall Co., Dundee. We're t(x> busy to tell much. 2000 towels, plain and fancy at 2, 8, 4, & and 6ic. Men's and women's gaiters at 28c. Mixed candy 6c per lb. Lot of 35 ladies' all wool, silk lined suits--a few Misses sizes--at $3.9o aud $4.95. Star braid, assorted colors, 2c. 8 spools twist lc. Fancy pillow covers 5 and 10c. - Ladies' and children's all wool double mittens 10 and 15c. Sample furs--all kinds--at saving prices. Collarettes at $1.69, $2.69 and $3 48. Fox muff and, Boa $4.50. All silk made mufflers 19 and 49c. Men's fancy slippers--special lot-- at 50, 79 and 98c. TOYS, GAMES, HOOKS, ETC. ,4 wheeled wagon. good size, 25c. All styles iron toys 5, 10, 19 and 22c. 16 in. kid body dolls 49c. Embroidered silk hdkfs 15 and £9c. Best, fancy candies at lowest prices. Special ladies' jacket sale, all wool. Skinner satin lined, all garments at $8.29, $4.49 and $4 95. Last chance. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to CUT< . It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been Cured after every ihi >g else failed. It Is unequalled for all stomach troubles. It can't help but do you good ftepared only by E. C. IJEWITT & Co., Chicago Thell. bottle contains2H times tbe&Oc. si*e. •Julia A. Story and G. W. Hesley HEATS! Fresh Salt and Smoked. Vegetables and Fruit in Season Having purchased the West Side Market of F. Wat-, ties, it is my intention to give all customers the best service possible. I pay spot cash for hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the low­ est prices, and will sell on the same basis. A. C. HATTHEWS, West McHenry. objects for ht The Telephone is the ideal rapid transit. The cost of transportation by this method is less than by any other. It makes you a neighbor to all prominent business houses and families everywhere. Business Rates, 6^e.A»er day and apt Residence Rates, Semper day aad up. Chicago Telephone Company. Geo. Heyers GENERAL TEAMING of all kiods. Excavating and Grading. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS McHenry, Illinois RINGWOOD Phil Harrison, of Greenwood, was in town Saturday. Miss Bertha Baldwin Sundayed at her home in Nunda. Mrs. H. W. Allen spent a few days of last week in Woodstock. Kindly ask the weather man to open up the box of summer heat. The members of the Universalist church are preparing for a Christmas entertainment. Preparations are being made for a Christmas tree and entertainment in the Methodist church Christmas eve. Mr. Waterman and family, of Minne­ sota, are enjoying a pleasant visit with friends and relatives in Kingwood. Mr. Waterman is a son of Levi Waterman of this city. The oyster supper given by the Will­ ing Workers, was successfully prepared. But onfi account of the extreme rainy night, was not so largely attended as would have been had the night been pleasant. The school entertainment of Friday night was a perfect success. Each pupil rendering their parts nicely. The at­ tendance was large consideriqg the cold and snowy night. However owing to the fact that several of the people, who had previously bought tickets from the pupils, were unable to attend on ac­ count of the weather the entertainment will probably be repeated soon after the holidays. Save your tickets. YOJLO. Mrs. John Rosirfg spent Thursday in the city. Mrs. John Richardson was in Chicago Wednesday. Chris Dillon has been on the sick list the past week. Mrs. Sidney Russel was a McHenry caller Wednesday. Claude Richardson returned to his home ip Elgin Monday. Otis® Murray of Johnsbnrgh visited relatives here Thursday. Clara and Robert Vasey visited rela­ tives in Elgin the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nicholls were McHenry callers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Murray spent Friday afternoon in McHenry. C. 6. Huson spent Monday in Elgin with his mother who has been very sick. The merchants of our village have a new stock of Christmas presents on hand. John Converse and Holland Towns- end of Fort Hill were Volo callers Sat­ urday. Rey. and Mrs. Lapham of Wauconda spent Wednesday and Thursday in this vicinity. Barney Sexton returned home Friday after several weeks' visit with relatives in Elgin. William Nichols returned home Mon­ day from a pleasant visit with relatives and friends in Chicago. MT. and Mrs. Winkle and Mr. and Mrs. John Qlosson of McHenry spent Thursday with friends here. Mrs. Josephine Austin of Downers Grove came out to attend the Husou- Graves wedding Wednesday. There will be a Christmas tree and entertainment at the school house Christmas eve given by Miss Jennie Walton and her pupils. George Huson and Miss Mary Graves were quietly married at the Cloverdale farm, Wednesday, Dec. 11, by Rev. Lapham, only the immediate relatives being present to witness the ceremony. Their many friends wish them much joy and happiness iu their wedded life. Those who attended the reception at the parsonage at Wauconda Tuesday afternoon from here were: Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Huson and daughter,Marion, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Raught, Mrs. A. J. Raymond, Mrs. James Kirwan and Mrs. Albert Raught. All report a very pleasant time. HA KKK VILLK. J. Fleming thrashed on Tuesday. Clara M. Thompson is visiting in Chicago. H. C. Werden of Wauconda was seen on our streets Wednesday. Thomas Powers of Holcombville was seen on our streets recently. H. L. Grantham of Wauconda was seen on our streets recently. Clark Jocobs of Nunda called at Thos. Thompson's Thursday. Dwight Warner of Barrington was seen on on our streets Tuesday. Fred and Arthur Wilmington attend­ ed the social at Terra Cotta last Wed­ nesday. Harry Wooley wife ^and daughter, Anna Belle, spent Sunday at Chas. Wilmington's. A. T. Wingate and Henry Wilming­ ton were business callers at T. Thomp­ son's Saturday. Claude Matthews, Willie and Henry Hanson spent Friday last with their friends Floid and Robert Thompson at Slocum's Lake. While hunting last Friday James Deele was seriously injured by the ex­ plosion of a shot gun, the charge tear­ ing the fleshy part of the hand and arm to the elbow. Dr. Hobbs of Nunda dressed the wound. Charles Grantham, for many years a well known resident of this section, was struck and killed by the cars at Nunda last Friday evening. The deceased had a wide circle of acquaintances and was universally liked. Interment took placp Sunday in Prairie Grove cemetery. OSTEND. C is the chimney for Santa, I say. H is the holly with berries so Kay. K is the reindeer that prance in tke'&lr. 1 is the icicles stuck 011 their hair. S is the sweetmeats in boxes and bass. T is the toys that dear Santa Claus drags. M is the mantle (or stockings, 1 see. A is the antics they play in their glee. S is the season of sweet charity. Guy Harrison was at McHenry Mon­ day. Henry Hobart was at McHenry Mon­ day. W. F. Bassett was at McHenry Tues­ day. Geo. Thomas was at McHenry Satur­ day. F. A. Abbott was at McHenry Satur­ day. Miss Maud Abbott was at McHenry Monday. Mesdames Wm. and Warren Thomas were at McHenry Monday. Eber Bassett hauled butter from the Ostend creamery to Woodstock Tuesday. Mrs. Henry Hobart and daughters, Nina and Sadie, were at MoHenry Sat­ urday. There will be a Christmas tree at the Ostend school house Christmas eve. A fine program has been prepared. Elbert Thomas, wfio is in attendance at The Rockford Business College, will spend the holidays at his home here. Fred Thompson, who is attending school at Beloit, Wis., returned to his home here where he will spend the holidays. The school attendance is very good in spite of the keen weather ; this marks an education-loving community, and is a pleasant thing to note. Anyone desiring pure bred Mam- mouth Bronze turkeys would do well to call on or address Thomas Bros., West McHenry, 111., who have them of the finest sort for sale. The little ones are impatient for Santa. They have their pieces all learned and^their minds fully made up as to wl£^p^lhey would most like for Christmas. 1 hope Santa does not dis­ appoint many. WACCONDA. Our stores have a fine display of holi­ day goods. Miss Villa Dixon returned from Chi­ cago for the winter. Bert Harris spent 'Wednesday and Thursday in Chicago. D. Ereeman spent Sunday with his family of this place. Mrs. Harrison and daughter, Lora, went to Chicago Friday. Rev. and Mrs. Lapham visited with friends at Volo last week. The latest novel is "the mystery of the town "or ' 'who rang the fire-bell." The Mystic Workers hold their an­ nual election of officers Wednesday even­ ing. Arthur Powers spent a few days in Chicago last week returning Wednes­ day. Miss Laura Harris left for Canada Thursday. She will visit her sister, who lives there. A reception was held in the parsonage by Rev. and Mrs. Lapham. All were royally entertained. Extensive preparations are being made for excercises to be held Christmas evening. Mrs. Lapham and Mr. Roberts are drilling the children. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jenks attended the funeral of Charles Grantham who was killed by the cars at N nnda Thursday. Monday evening concludes the imagin- ery Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. This has been a very interesting and amusing and Mr. Lapham deserves agreat deal of credit for his able managment The dancing school opened at the Oakland hall Tuesday evening. Miss Rafen, of Nunda, is the instructor and any one wishing to learn the art of dan­ cing should be present Tuesday evening. The Ladies Aid society of the Metho­ dist church will hold their annual bazaar at the church parlors Thursday and Friday. The Jadies have made elebor- ate preparations and many useful and ornamental articles will be on sale in the different booths. A chicken pie sup­ per will be given Friday evening. EMERALD PARK. Robert Knox was quite sick a few days last week. Miss Lena Smith is suffering with a sprained ankle. Mrs. L. Aylward is numbered among the sick this week. Miss Lola Aylward spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Mary Gibbs. John Bolger is absent from school this week, on account of sickness. Thos. F. Walsh, of Chicago, spent Sunday with his parents here. Miss Mayme Knox spent Wednesday evening with the Misses Aylward. Miss Nancy Frisby spent Wednesday evening with Miss Kathryn Walsh. Jno. Knox, of McHenry, called on friends in this vicinity Sunday evening. Miss Margaret Sutton and Margaret Aylward visited relatives in McHenry Sunday. Excursion Rates for the Holidays. Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold at low rates to points on the North-Western System within 200 miles of selling station, De­ cember 24, 25, 81 and January I, good returning until January 2, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North­ western R'y. 24-8t JOHNSBUBOH. John Schaefer was a caller in Chicago Monday. Anton May was a caller in Chicago Monday. Joe. Heimer, of McHenry, was a caller here Monday. Martin Schmitt spent several dayB in Chicago this week. Eli Manor, of Genoa, transacted busi­ ness here Saturday. Phil Freiler, of Elgin, was a business oaller here Tuesday. Math. Weber, of West McHenry, was a caller here Monday. H. L. Sage, of Beloit, Wis., was a bus­ iness caller here Friday. JuliuB Mathai, of Chicago, was a busi­ ness caller here Monday. J. W. Schields, of Chicago, was a bus­ iness caller here Saturday. Chris Blake and wife entertained some of their relatives several days. Peter Weber and wife entertained some of their friends here Sunday. Math. Steffes and sister, Barbara, vis­ ited relatives in Chicago several days. Mrs. Peter J. Britz returned Monday after visiting relatives in Chicago several weeks. Mrs. Michaels is entertaining her brother, Mr. Thelen, of Chicago, at present. M. N. Smitt representing Chas. A. John's wholesale business was a caller here Monday. Martin Schmitt returned home on Thursday after spending the summer at New Haven, Iowa. William Thiel sold 30 dozen baskets to C. M. Adams on Thursday, delivering them at Ringwood. Nic Adams was laid up with a lame arm last week but is able to be around again, as pleasant as ever. Fred Schmitt returned to his home in Oklahoma Monday, after visiting with MB mother here for several 'weeks. Many of the boys enjoyed the skating on the river, the river being frozen so as to enable one to cross at any place. Health and Beauty. A poor complexion iB usually the re­ sult of a torpid liver or irregular action of the bowelB. Unless nature's refuse is carried off it will surely cause impure blood. Pimples, boils and other erup­ tions follow. This is nature's method of throwing off the poisons which the bowels failed to remove. DeWitt's Lit­ tle Early Risers are world famous for remedying this condition. They stimu­ late the liver and promote regular and healthy action of the bowels but never cause griping, cramps or distress. Safe pills. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W Besley, West McHenry. WOODSTOCK. Mrs. George Wilson was a Chicago visitor the first of the week. Will Shipton of Chicago spent Sun­ day at his home in this city. Mrs. W. Hayes of Chicago is the guest of relatives here this W9ek. Miss Ella Knight and Miss McManus were Chicago visitors on Saturday. John McBroom returned last week from a business trip to Renville, Minn. John Collier of Greenwood was a Chicago visitor Ike latter part of last week. Circuit court was in session on Mon­ day with Judge C. E. Fuller on the bench. Miss Edith Austin visited with rela­ tives and friends in Chicago the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. William McBroom of Renyille, Minn., are guests of relatives here this week. Mrs. M. Putman and Mrs. Chas Sel­ lers were Chicago visitors the latter part of last week. Mrs. Edward Carnne and son' of Chi­ cago visited with relatives here the lat­ ter part of last week. Attorney and Mrs. V. A. Wright of Chicago Bpent Sunday and Monday with his parents in this city. Died, at his home in this city on Fri­ day morning, Dec. 13, 1901, after a long illness, Henry L. Watson, aged 77 years. Died, on Friday, Dec. 18, 1901, at her home one mile east of this city, after a long illness, Mrs. Brigg Still in the 52nd year of her age. The Stereoptican lecture at the city hall last Saturday evening by Dr. Max- son, representing Lund's land agency, was well attended and proved interest­ ing . The views of buildings and lands were very fine. Mrs. Augusta Tyler arrived in this city Upt Saturday from the Klondike gold fields where she accompanied her husband from Chicago about two years ago. She is now the guest of her brother, John Miller, and other rela­ tives in this vicinity. To Get Rid of a Troublesome Corn. First soak it in warm water to soften it, then pare it down as closely as pos­ sible without drawing the blood and appljgCha^nberlain's Pain Balm twice daily; rubbing vigorously for five min­ utes at each application. A qorn plaster should be worn for a few days to pro­ tect it from the sho0. As a general liniment for sprains, /bruises, lameness and rheumatism, Pain Balm is un- equaled. For sale by Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. If You Arr Going to California Apply to agents Chicago & North-West era R'y, about the through Tourist Sleeping Car service to Loe Angeles and San Francisco. Round trip tourist tickets on sale daily. Dec. 81. Finest line of new nuts in town at Gilbert Bros, consisting of all kinds, worth 25 per pent more in quality than old, cheap nuts sold by general stores, costing you very little more in price. v»! 'l ' - . ri ^ You will find a full complete line of Carving Sets, Nickel Tea and Coffee Pots Knives and Forks, \ Jack Knives, Boys' and Girls' Skates, Fine Shears, Fishing Tackle, Silver Spoons, Rifles, Axes, Nickel Tea Kettles, Fine Lamps. Gifts found in abundance at my store. The little notions that usually make . up the bulk of Xmas gifts are sufficient to express your good will, but a use­ ful article is much more ap­ preciated. I can sell you something to please every member o^the family, * making the most substan­ tial kind of presents. This stock is new and com­ p l e t e . N o s h o p - w o r n goods. Call and look at the different articles be­ fore making your select­ ions. ) GEO. SOMMERS I Nothing Nicer Than a piece of furniture for an Xmas present and there is nothing better than getting them at reasonable prices. My stock was never so complete as now. You can surely make a selection that will please. All styles and prices in Pictures Side Boards Couches * Hall Trees Chairs Tables ;> Stands Etc. Etc. Hobby Horses and Sleds for the Chilrend. |j McHenry, 111 JACOB JUSTEN. •jn I Test of Time We have been doing business in McHenry for many years, but whether this store has been a necessity or not, we will leave lor customers to decide. You know that about Sthis time of the year you can always find the most exclusive and finest, line of Xmas goods in town, at reasonable prices, a and the stock is not lacking this season. In the following \ articles we can show you something fine: BRUSHES, COMBS and TRAYS, TOILET SETS, ALBUMS, JEWEL BOXES, JEWEL V CASKETS, FANCY PERFUMES, GLOVE BOXES, MILITARY SETS, DOLLS, TOYS, SILVER NOVELTIES, VASES and FINE CHINA- WARE. West McHenry, 111. GEO. W. BESLEY. The Old Reliable. >-vurt . DAILY EXCURSIONS To CALIFORNIA Thi ough first-class and Tourist Sleeping Cars to points in California and Oregon every day in the year from Chicago. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSION Every Tuesday and Thursday. LOWEST RATES, FINEST SCENERY. SHORTEST TIME ON THE ROAD Only route by which you can leave home any day In th« week and travel in tourist cars on fast trains all the way. For descriptive pamphlets and full Information Inquire of nearest agent. & Northwestern 4

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