1*4: ^ ' . . u - \ • - , w - / : . - - ^ * - • ; j _ • " ~ r . : * - r * • 1 / ' " < / r ' i - ; < * . I?1 • - Mid=Winter Clearing Sale Beginning on Saturday January 4,1902 I "will offer my entire stock of "Winter Goods at about ACTUAL COST tame and a large part of them below cost. I have bought too heavy in all lines and must turn them into cash at some price at once. Every thing in winter goods i±t the store is new, bought this fall, as we sold every dollars worth we had, in the big sale last winter. -So here is an opportunity not always found where you can get new goods-the best that I couta buy in every line at this slaughter in prices. I can't afford to hold them over. Take Notice of these Prices \$*k Regular Price Now Men's Whales Goodyear, 1 buckle overshoes .$1 40 $1 20 ' 4 4 4 4 Normandie " . . . . . . . . . .1 25 ( Women's " " «« 11 '* Youths 4 4 44 Misses and Children's 1 buckle 1 44 1 44 • 1 00 1 25 1 25 1 00 Mishawaka Ball Band felt boot 1 00 knit 1 25 4 4 4 4 44 stockings 1 00 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 and 2 buckle overs 1 75 Uncle Sam all knit boot $ 1 00 Boys' 1st quality felts and overs 2 00 All wool winter weight pants, $3 00 quality <4 t« ti " »' 275 4 4 «< it *« 4< *' 2 50 '4 *< «« 44 v4 4 44 2 25 4 4 tt << 44 44 44 7 00 44 Several cheaper grades at a slaughter in price. $2 50 grade best all wool knit underwear. 2 00 " 44 " " " " yg < t << 11 44 44 44 1 50 " " ' * 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 25 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 X 00 44 44 44 44 " 44 CliiWrpTt's .wAftl or cotton v.nd^rwear -20 .pfiiixcnt reduction r ~ " • -- -- -- 90 85 85 90 65 88 110 88 1 45 75 1 60 2 65 2 40 2 20 1 90 1 65 2 15 1 70 1 45 1 20 1 10.. 90 Regular Price Now Best heavy fleeced gents underwear, 50c grade. 43 " 44 44 boys 44 35c 44 25 4 4 4 4 4 4 womens 44 50c 44 j. 43 44 med. 4 4 4 4 ribbed44 30c 44 24 Fine quality ^ and ^ womens44 60c 44 45 Full sized comforter, $1 75 quality.. 1 40 1 50 44 1 25 1 25 44 1 10 1 00 44 85 Best English Amoskeag twilled tennis flannel, 12c quality... 9^c 10c 44 ... 08 All Avool flannel blankets, 10-4 and 11-4 size.. 15 per cent reduction Big® stock of horse blankets @ 20 4 4 4 4 44 Best quality all wool Beaver shawls 20 44 44 4 4 Gloves and mittens of all grades and kinds.. 15 4 4 4 4 4 4 Plush robes 20 44 44 " ,4 Fur coats, your choice of any of , them 15. 44 44 44 About 100 Duck coats of all grades and prices20 44 4 4 44 If you will take the time to think of it a 20 per cent reduction on the marked price of anything is eqnal to 25 per cent added to the cost of it. So you are getting these goods at actual cost and below. Yarns! Superior German knitting yarn formerly 25c now 20c sk. Superior Germantown Zephr yard formlery 12c now 10c sk. Superior Saxony yarn formerly. 10c now 7c sk. Sherman S. Chapell McHenry, - - - Illinois. Wail Raper! Your choice of any thing in stock ....... 5c double roll Overcoats and Clothing;! I have my entire stock of overcoats and clothing down stairs on long tables right up in the front of the store where you can see what you are buying, and intend to sell every garment at some price, this month, as I do not intend to handle any more clothing. If you are in need of clothing this will be a grand opportunity to buy what you want. Anything in overcoats or clothing in stock at 50c on the dollar, while they last. , ^ About 25 long cloaks left at 75c each A few last year's ladies jackets at 35c on dollar About 50 flannelette wrappers going at 85c Groceries! Here are a few Snaps in Groceries: 20 lbs, best granulated sugar for. $1 00 Besy Navy beans @ 25 pounds for 1 00 Magic yeafct and yeast foam 08 Best mixed nuts, 8 pounds for 1 1 00 Best broken mixed candies, @ per pound 10 Elgin canned pumpkin @ per ©an.... 10 Blossom brand sugar corn @ per can 09 Morning Glory sugar oorn @ per can (3 for 25o) 09 Blossom brand (1 pound flat can) salmon 18 Blossom brand (1 pound flat can) salmon f 15 Silver Seal Columbia river salmon 15 Silver Seal baked beans 10 Gal^gn cam Greening apples 85 Snyder's catsup (pint) 21 Old Kentucky smoking tobacco... * 20 "Up Shot" (dark or light) fine cut chewing tobacco 84 Try a pound of Blanke's 15, 20, 25 or 40c coffee for best results... Best Carolina whole rice, per pound... 7i Lion and XXXX coffee, 10 pounds for 1 00 1 pound package best clean currents 11 1 pound package six crowned raisins 11 Wishing our Customers and Friends a H A P P Y N E W Y E A R ! and assuring them that with our business experience and cash to discount all bills, we shall try to serve their interest better the coming year than in the past. We remain your servant. Respectfully, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from page one.) FARM STOCK.. .mi 75:1 . 205 25111 . 18 75j2 heifers 4 50 2 bulls .. 50 00 2c*l: hifkeijis ... UL>I(U 1 Kmy mitre.., 2 black mare#. Total FARM IMPLEMENTS. lyes. 1 road wagon 9 25 00 1 platform wagn 75 00 1 lumber wagon. 1 truck wagon... 1 liog rack 2 set double har. 1 robe 1 pr horse blank. 1 mower West McHenry, Illinois. J O H N J . M I L L E R 1 potato digger.. 1 rorn marker... 1 set bob sleighs. 1 crow bar 2 spades 2 shovels 4 scoop shovels.. 1 Tigr corn plow. 3 hogscraprsand hooks 0 forks 1 barn broom... 2 sets curycombs and brushes... 1 wire tooth hay rake 1 sin shovel plow 1 wire stretcher. 11 barrels 2 swill carts 1 ladder 1 roller 1 buck saw 2 axes 1 grub hoe 1 water tank -- 1 seeder 1 pr ice tongs.... 1 hammer 75 ft rubber hose 1 Deeriug binder 35 grain bags -- 1 riding plow.. . 1 ootato hitler... 1 feed cutter and 85 00 10 00 300 25 00 4 00 200 25 00 600 1 00 800 75 150 60 240 700 8 corn knives -- 1 post auger 1 work bnch and vleo 1 stencil plate... 1 disc pulveriser 1 corn planter... 2 plows 2 sets drag 1 screw driver... 1 tape line ,, 1 broad axe. 1 cold chisel 1 alllgatr wrnch alllgu sprin klero. JOS. H. HUEflANN, Johnsburgh, Illinois, power. 1 ha' 110-ft cable cbn 1 2-in auger 1 try square .... 1 pr compasses.. 2 pr pipe tongs.. 1 grindstone. ... 1 trowel 1 hog ringer 1 funnels 1 oil stove 2 scythes and snaths 1 bshscytbe and snath 1 ice saw 5 hoes. . .. 2 potato forks... 1 pick 1 garden rake... 1 set scales 20 0013 handsaws 751 square 50 1 bevel square. . 0 00 2 monky wrnchs 50 00;1 plane 3 50 1 block plaue.... 2b 00 1 brce and 0 bits. 3 00 1 hay knike !1 mawl 65 00 2 chisels 1 stepladder 3 00 1 draw shave -- 1 50 150 25 1 50 10 00 800 40 5 50 800 400 20 00 25 150 75 10 00 .. 125 00 .. 5»00 .. 50 00 .. 6500 .. J55 0O #15W«5 100 50 800 1 00 15 00 500 80 00 15 00 50 *> 1 oo 26 50 100 100 50 70 W) 8 00 1 75 00 85 25 50 200 150 200 125 100 75 &-> 800 850 75 20 1 50 *- 85 1 50 150 50 1 25 1 25 Farm Stock 1439 25 Groceries and Fuel 400 88 Farm Implements 597 10 Household Furniture and Flxt 1001 36 Totals $4353 19 85208 70 Increase ip value year 1901 855 51 Yopr committee would recpmmend thaf Dr. E. V. Anderson be employed to treat the sick at the' poor house the coming yearon " ~ terms as heretofore, viz: |2.aQ per furnish medicine. 411 of whicl) is respectfully submitted. L. T. Hoy, Clim, VV41. DehmOnd, |y. p. Mentch, James Lake. The committee on poor farjn made the following report, to-wit; Mr, ('iialrn)an and Gentleman of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on poor farm would bog loave to submit tU« following re- on the samp visit, he tp port: On call of the chairman the committee mot iv. 16, and decided, after to advertise for applica- at poor bouse 011 Nov. 16, and dec due consideration, to advertise f< tions for superintendent of poor farm and house. The committee met again Deo. %, 1901, and after opening the applications received, selected those of seven applicants and notified them to appear with their wives before the committee at Woodstock qb Friday, Dec. 6, 1001. The committee met again on Friday, Dec. 6, at Woodstock, and interviewed the several applican s who appeared and decided to recommend to t hie board the names of two different sets of applicants, and ask the board to make the selection without recommenda tion from this committee. Tho applicants selected were T. H. Brown and wife and Geo. K. Millw and wife. Your committee would re commend that the salary of the superinten dent be fixed at the sum of $1,000 net per an num for running tho farm and house and the 122.88, making a total of $292.88. approved by the committee. Woodstock, 111., Aug. 6.1(W1. On call of Chairman James Lake, pursuant" to a resolution of the board of supervisors at their meeting in June, 1901, the committee on public buildings met at VVoodstock for the purpose of considering bids received for ad ditions and alterations tp court house. Metn- bersof the committee present wi)re Chairman Lake and Supervisors Grac-y, Boldock, Mills and Hoy. Two bids were received-- que ffqii'i Markoff Brps.. pf Elgin, for $2635, and' on«J from L'. L. Leeclj & Son, pf Nui|da, for' $2474i85 for tho work complete as per spe6ifica£iqfys.' Specifications flrere reacj aijd discussed, a fid on motion of Sup. Hoy, imd seconded tiy Squi Gracv, |.he eontract be awarded tq L. Tj. Leecn 4 Son, as prices iqdic.ated by tqeir hid, t-hey executing a proper contract, aqd fqr- nishlng a satisfactory boqd In sqm of $2,000 for the faithful execution of the coq-r tract, occording to pltiqs and speoiqcattlpUS. The work to be oompl^ted ?fov. 1, 1901. P. H. Opfergelt was selected to superintend tno building aqd the proper executing of tho plans and specifications pq a salary of 475. It was also provided that he shpula receive :iy carrir. frk and rope 1 hay rack 4 OOj 1 wheelbarrow.. 1 OOi Total 1579 35 UOC8KHOLD FURNITURE AND FIXTURES. Appleton Corn Huskers Corn Shelters and Tread Powers Pikes dlwdyS Readable Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Baggies, Wind Mills v Well Supplies. Harness Oil, Paint Oil and flachine Oils a Speciaty! 2 bureaus 4 settees 1 office desk 6 office chairs 1 milk tank 18 mou palls 2 padlocks ij wash basins.. * Hi!*? ,0 waul. |Ao:/rds... 47(1 gala lu <.itftte and sm^ill wtU* jars. '.... •24 towels J53 pie plates yi -.auce plates.. % f<i»f/-J»er knives 10 00i4 bracket lamps. 14 00; 1 soup tureen 15 00130 pie tins. 12 00|:i0 tin cups 2 00 15 tin hasins 2 HO1:; dripping pans.. 50 2 dish pans 1 HO tl tin pans 2 00 1 butter bowl 1 20 1 chopping IkiwI. 1 range in ur hs.. 1 bread knife pa" tttl WiJJk can....... J Qplis ^fers.... 65|1 churu 1 washing urnlsh and pay for all necessary help, with the exception or one female attendent, whom we woula recommend that the board of super visors employ, at a salary of not to exceed $25 L'jtt j •k. •leaver. ASTONISHING*OFFER !S Fcf D;any ye^ru wehnvetoM our Whifktcsind Cigj and our brandti ar« prefer re'lky them. they are »u order to give the Consumer the benefit of the large Midaleuwn, w« have decidi <i to now aclI direct U Popular Brands of Whiiki<s and Cirara at 14 BEAUTIFUL PRIZES FREE H1>. WMIl«Mryqwrtfl>ottle<.f . <»r f aroma 10 y*ar«.M y*»r tiy <-t U-V>ratt" 1 |ri nulno Cuban It,v.c will ri\e AI1S0I.I TIJ.Y iiuti, axtra heavy nickel Gent'a Watch« *a4 ae4, genuine Aiooriran niovcnjent and ci , 4oes not turnUb an-i will lnet a lifetime. 1 MB l it).*-. ! genuine Mt-crachaurn (^igar Holder rkii Holder, | pretty leather Tobacco pouch. 4 uiatcbfcux.i pair buttons, 1 l»al l1 •ldcr, t4»air«laevat>uttou». I douMa chain a jewelry heavily 14k p<>14 plated. All thaM 14 1 jou» Cuban Specials and on* quart t>i<u]e"f our yOlubFuNj Kye cannot be boueht for lew tUi ONLY $3.97 than we aak f *o!4 fcya and City Vr'hlkk«y and CitM>a in cluding'the 14 priita f ' CiK-m alorio cost for ti- < igai mjiio in our own fr.ct. rv T asythicf aver advtrlifce I Leforo Uuaran Att Extrafreu;tuni of an elocant \'<>rki .! if $3 9? aMOt in advance with I clt fi5 fhalrs. J citl>bage cuVUt 1 iutilvF stove -- i g.uioUnft stove. 1 range(t»Mi»i'rin- teiKlei'sfMH |:W knives an forks 10 deep dishes. • 20 tablespoons ;;*! teasp<H)ns... f asr"*"". 1 W 1 pr mitts 20 00 7 dust 1 1 toiler kett 1«... f 00 1 celling bi 1 pr handcuffs.... »<*) J chopping 1 pr clippers -. • SOD j/jitter p 2 cutfpldoiw 1 SO 2,iv)Vin^| ( 11 stands.... .. , sugar howls.... 24 toup plates .. 2h cups ana ttauc 1 sewing ma<'h.., 2 bells ;$ lard cans .{ lant ern»»...... 12 bowls. 2 butter 2 clothes wrngr* 2 Itred pans :s 5-gal Ker <• 1 pr crutches. 40 plates. 4 inIIU ' ti hangfug li ng chain. 22 On 2 gravy 8Q0 U salts ^u(l uopi 4.ND1 1-bbl oil tafll 7 7o I otHce table 2)t rtx'h-jn fOO-2 plaU% H0.W br<K>mi» .. .. X5 00T5 bedsteads..... 4j*>;25'J uilts liaAOromfortH.... . 1 Z-V4J blankets Iteirtt^kS .... i shifts.,.,,,,. pillows 1 l(M pillow caam.. coffee (Miller.. Uiu kettle 20o 50 90 00 1 20 1 75 150 120 50 50 25 00 25 2 25 50 4 50 2 50 3$0 S* 00 1 00 00 00 800 1 00 300 1 50 so 50 25 50 1 50 50 45 4 50 2(10 too 1 (00 8 (Ml 00 w 00 00 «T50 i i 50 8MK) 400 S00 proper care for all Inmates, superintendent to Furnis' centloti of one U ula recommend employ, at, a salarv per month and board, said attendant to work at all times under tho Instruction of the su perintendent or his wife. It is further re commended that the superintendent, or some repsonsible employe of his, or of the county's, shall at all times be In personal charge of the Inmates. The said superintendent shall be employed for one year from Jan. 1, 1D02, or sucli portion of said time as his services shall prove satisfactory to the lioard of supervisors and its poor farm committee. The board of supervisors at all times reserve tho right to terminate this agreement when. In their judg ment, the best interests of the county de mand. It Is further understood that the en tering upon the duties of superintendent of said poor farm shall constitute an acceptance of the provisions herein contained. All of which is respectfully submitted. L. T. Hoy, Ohm, Wm. Dksmond, James Lake, L. E. Mentch. Sup. Hatch moved to amend report by inserting the names of all the ap plicants who had been considered by the committee. Amendment carried and report approved as amended. The chairman appointed Sups. Desmond and Hatch tellers, and ordered an in formal ballot on superintendent of the poor farm. Result of ballot: Mills, 8; pfQwn, 4; Peacock, 3; Towne, 1. A foj-tyial b^lot was then ordered, which resulted a# jfollpws; Mills, 11; Brown, 4; Peacock, i. George Mills, of the town of Seneca. recWtyg f majority of all votes cast, was declared" by the chairman to be duly chosen superinten dent of the p^or farn). fhn committee oif election? n^ade the followjpg ftWFt, whif'h was Adopted, to-wit: Mr. t'halrmao and Gpnfleaip^ pf [he Board of Supervisors: Your com ml tt.ee fo wlfoni wtjs referred the change of polling place fn tiff} tow;; <>f Dorr would beg leave to submit f,ije following report on the njatters before them: That the vojtfng place in the lown of l>orr, IMst. No. 3. l/c /7l»ai>(iwl from Davis' old store to the meat market bulldliiu In rear Wester-f 1 to the meiijl mifrkef l/ijlidl^u nian Si Garrison's store at • third elecflo ToU4-.. Farm products Farm stock tinx-erles and fuel 1 Farm Implement* Housoholk furniture and "Total..,'. ,f|0W 00 .4l&M2f> .. 1060 25 .. 615 H5 ,. 57J :15 .. MSM 0*> ..|S20H 70 iaoi H3W25 rear Wester- 1 < IM *) tj«> 1 <1, 111. t hat in the third elecflojf <)\>fri>:t of goitii^iit township the nanujof Jifuies Wutiley appear i^s Juxlyu Ot election Instead of 8. £• Uurto^. All of wW<-'b W resp^tfj/fullysiil/mltted. (J? M• KStSON, N. Bwotzma!(, M, E.t'I.AIlK. JL. li t-'ovjc1.1.. The committee on public buildings made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chatrman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your commltte to whom was referred th« MiUllcr of putting new eave troughs on jif>l vyoyld bug leave tx> submit the following report on the matters before them: Bids were received frOji* Whitson Bros.. \V<HKist<H-k, and 3 Mauley Hi'os., Harvard. 'J Man ley Bros, being the lowest, the contract was let to thttpi for 1270. They were also em ployed £4 fjo jpxfU- work that amounted to j pri . . , $50 for drawing the plans and specifications. On motion duly seconded, meeting adjourned. Woodstock, 111., Out-K, UJQI- ^ ']KS called by Chairman Lake for the considering bids on furpishipgs purpose of circuit Kb clerk's and treasurer's vaults, as per Instruc tions from Board of Supervisors. Memberti present were Chairman Lake and Supervisor# Gracy, Baldock, Mills and jloy. Bids were received from the Art Metal Construction Co., of Chicago, for $1,375; from the Hall Safe & Iak'U Co., (if Chioage, for SI,285, aud from the Trumbull Safe and Vault Co. for 11,510. After considering the several bids and cjual" ity of work proposed to bo put In, a motiou was made by Supervisor Mills that the con tract be awarded to the. Art, Metal Construe- tlon Co. for the sum of 11,325, to be put in of the same material and workmanship as pro vided for in original specifications and the firm's proposal. Motion seconded by Super visor Baluock, and carrlod. TJie agent for said linn appeared and filed a written acceptance of the a wive proposition, whereupon a contract was executed with the company through their authorized agent. W. F. Bassett; Nunda, J. V Beatty and Frank Beardsley; Algonquin, I). L. Lowe and T. L. Shaw; Seneca, John Wilcox. On motion of Sup. Weltzien the com mittee to settle with the treasurer was instructed to burn the vouchers remain ing in the county treasurer's office from Dec. 1, 1900, to Dec. 1, 1901. Moved and carried that the board be allowed the mileage and per diem for this December meeting and special com mittee work. Moved and carried by a unaniwons vote that F. E. Stevens be offered a vote of thanks for his faithful and ef ficient services as chairman of this board during the past year and also for his corteous and fair treatment of the individual members of this body. No other business appearing, board adjourned. F. E. Stevens, Chm. Attest:--G^F. Rushton, Clerk. Health^and Beauty. A poor complexion is usnally the re- salt qt a torpid liver or irregular action of the bowels. Pnless nature's refuse is carried off ty will surely paiase fmptjre fylood. Pimples, boilg anc^ otbejc epjP: tions foUpw. This is nature's mpthod pf tfjrowiPff off the poisons which the bowels failed to peifiovp. PeWitf* ytr tie Early Risers are woj?14 famous fpr remedying this condition. They stimu late the liver and promote regular and healthy aution Of the bowels but never cause griping, cramps ur distress. Safe pills. Julia A. Story, McfJpnry; Q- W, Jieeley, West McHenry, CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tki Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tha Wgnatoraof Thanking my oustomers for ® their support during the year, I wish them all a | Happy New Year | M, J. WALSH. I* **9 **9 4*9 9*4 S m * The bill Bappy Dew Vear PlftSWpod, 111. J. S. BROWN & SON. »W r Special attention given to the aale of p H 1 L I P r A E O E R General Commission Itiercftant Btfttl US, PultQQ 8t. Wholeaale Market ebicaao, MfP* Illinois imanuiiii»i»m Drvased Beef, rtutton Hogs, Veal, Poultry Hides, Etc. • Butter and Eggs Tkia la the oldest house ou* the Tags and price lists furnished on application COLD STORAGE FREE t liiiiMtfUiril I III' .Id°iri,^ ' '*' ] ".iJhi "TV li'r"" r I ' •'