t, I, r -< ^ »• , -n ^ ' r» ' y , r' t ^ *< „ a •" '« V-S ,**"%. v ' * ' v" ~ < ' " I , , , , » • 1 4 - • . * » J . v ^ f e r ^ J . - > „ r ̂ \ , f . t ti'"• •••••"-- , - - ' • - • 1 1 - -• - If pie iiuiiiiij Pluia^iW ^ P U B L I S H E D E V E R Y T H U R S D A Y B Y ':!*"§», THE Mctffltttr PUMDUIS COMPART. k, >\ £. 9. K. GRANGER, Pres. & W. A. ('RI8TT, J. B. PEBRT, Sec. Trpas. CHAS. D. SCKOONMAKCB, Editor. j'Dftoe in Stank Building- Telephone, No. 278. W;. wt * One year 1*1* months, 75 ct*. 1 $ * yS ;-:. ~ TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: 11.80 Three months. 40 cts. Kf W:: fe-'At fet- Thursday, January i3> '9®3« W& - ||;J| r l""'« i ;: ^ 1 I® Ills: HON. A. J. HOPKINS Candidate for United States Senator / trbaa Btipldttr. "Henry," said Uncle Amos from TTp- creek, who was visiting bis city neph ew, "who's that man in the house on the other side of the street? Every morning he stands in front of a Vin- dow an' shaves himself. He's done ft now for three days hand running." "I suppose that he has done it every morning for the last ten years, uncle," replied Henry. "Has he lived there all, that time?" "Yes, and longer than that, for all I "know. I've been here only ten years myself." "Who Is her "I don't know." ^ "What does he foiler T* "I haven't the slightest idea, uncle." " Uncle Amos put on bis hat and went out In an hour or two he returned. "Henry," he said, "that chap's name il Horton. He runs an insurance office down town. He's wuth about $27,000, Owns that house an' lot, belongs to the Presbyterian church, has three boys •to' one girl, an' he's forty-six years Bid. I've found out more about him in an hour than you have in ten years. .Blamed if I don't believe llvinr in the dty makes people stupid."--Chicago Tribune. ' M - He Watched Them. •' •'V ; T h e following is one of t h e s t o r i e s $>ld about Eugene Field: There were visitors in prospect one >tffternoon In the Field household and S strike In the culinary department Mischief was at flood tide, and Mrs. Field was vainly endeavoring to be everywhere at once, when the man of . *feharps and fiats" appeared in the Kitchen doorway with a folio in his Jljand. "Oh, won't you watch those pies for "me while I run upstairs an instant?" his wife exclaimed. "Be sure not to let the meringue scorch--it would ruin them; you'd better give me that book 0®" they'll be burned to a crisp." With mock meekness Mr. Field allowed her tD carry off his treasure. On returning She was horrified to find the oven door ;!j(ride open and the rich, fluffy meringue .vjflat, tough and leatherlike. "They're ruined!" she exclaimed In •idlsmay. "Why didn't you keep the "ipven door shut?" ; ; "Keep the door shut!" Mr. Field j Repeated In very genuine amazement V * * ' ^Why, you told me to watch them ev- i? " ary instant and I'd like to know how J. could do that with the oven door v.;:' tfhnt!"--New York Times. W -Ws y t Sable Sheep. ' _ - Sable sheep are not frequently seen ~y • In England, but ebony lambs are plen- tiful in the Australian commonwealth. £ , A colonial flockmaster had quite a number of black lambs, and he folded ^liiem in a range by themselves. He v4lound that black lambs might not re- .-'veur In a flock in generations and then ffecur suddenly. For example, where a j Black ram was used In a flock of white . ewes the product was white lambs. With few exceptions, and where sire fUid dam were ebony colored the lambs Were mostly white. And so the Aus tralians gave up the attempt to found g a sable flock. Where wool Is dyed a 4®ep color sable wool absorbs less dye makes a more durable color. Still black fleece absorbs more sun rays than White, and black sheep are more seri ously affected by heat--London Live . Stock Journal « ETOEK1LP PARK. * P. i."iu-v raul ol (Juicago called at P Walsh s Sunday. Thos. Kane of Ringwood .spent Fri day with friends here. M»*s. F. F. Hayes of Harvard spent Sunday with frie ds here. Walter J. Walsh has been engaged in buying cattle the past few days. Mrs. B. J. Sutton spent last Wednee day at M. Knox's in "ferra Cotta. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sntton visited at John Fleming's at Barreville Sunday. Elmer Francisco and Mildred Stevens called at Ed. Knox's Thursday evening, Miss Margaret Sutton spent Thurs day evening with Miss Kathryq Walsh. R. J. Walsh of Nnnda called on friends in this vicinity Sunday after noon. Chas. W. Gibbs and Ed. Behan of Barreville were callers here Sunday evening. Miss Lola Aylward returned to her home Sunday after spending two weeks in Terra Cotta. Richard Fitzgerald of Marengo visit ed among his old friends here a few days last week. Walter Frisby and Miss Celia Frisby of McHenry spent Sunday afternoon at Mrs. Aylward s. Win, Parsley and Miss Rose Parsley of Barreville were calling on friends here the first of the week. Mrs. J. B. Frisby and daughter,Anna, spent Friday and Saturday with Mrs. John Walsh at Fox Lake. &;• Speaker aad Speakers. ~ *• There Is a tale to the effect that while Hon. Thomas Brackett Reed wielded the gavel a gentleman took his little ;l>oy to the gallery of the house of repre sentatives. Looking down upos the" , more numerous branch of the federal j legislature the child asked, "Father, , 'Jprho lsi that large man sitting in the jpulpit with a mallet in his hand?" ' "He, my son," replied the fond par- •nt, "is the house of representatives." "And who are those other men sitting in semicircles around him?" inquired r'/Jfre tiny chap. ^ "They are the speakers of the house representatives," answered pater familias. -- Champ Clark in Leslie's -§Vcekly. What you doin' neighbor? Helping Bill. What's Bill doin'? Helping Mandy? What's Mandy doin'? Help ing Mother. What's Mother doin"? Taking Rocky Mountain Tea. Sensible family. G. W. Besley. RIDGEFIELD. F. E. Whiston was in Chicago Mon day. EL W. Merchant was in Woodstock Tuesday. Mrs. Eva Lynch was in Harvard Tuesday. ^ Miss Nell Gibson is visiting relatives in Chicago. Miss Bessie Reed of Elgin visited her parents here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Garrison were in Woodstock Sunday. Chas Yanke of Vienna, Wis., is yisit- ing his sister, Mrs. L. Ward. Miss Winnie Barden of Chicago visit ed at Geo. Wheeler's Sunday. Chas. Ambler of Chicago visited rela tives here Saturday and Sunday. Rev. U. R. Sheltreturned Wedue day from a week's stay at Hebron, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. M. Ward and Mr. and Mrs. Lyons were at Nunda Sunday. Mrs. Eva Lynch returned Saturday from Portage, Wis., where she has been caring for her mother. Misses Ida and May Wilson of Mc Henry visited at L. Stevenson's from Thursday until Monday. PROBA TE NEWS miHMlOlMllltlMIIHilHIIHIHIIWKI What would yon think of your groc ery man if he sold yon sand for sugar V What do you think of a druggist, who offers yon a substitute for the Madison Medicine Co's. Rocky Mountain Tea G. W. Besley. One BOJ'I Loyalty. • New York boy was at school In Canada, and it was his first day in class. The geography lesson was call ed, and it was his turu to answer. "Which is the largest city in the world?" asked the teacher. "New York," unhesitatingly came the answer. "I mean the largest city in the world," said the teacher. As promptly came the reply, "New York." "But," expostulated the teacher, "I did not say the largest city in the Unit ed States, but the largest city in the world. You surely know which is the largest city in the world." "New York," persisted the boy. "London has a larger population than New York," said the teacher. "If I do not have the correct'answer this time, I shall have to punish you. Come now." coaxin?!y, "tell me the name of the'largest city in the world." "New York." "Stay in during recess and write me fifty lines." He wrote the fifty lines, and every line read: "The biggest city In the world is New York."--New York Trib une. Prayln® aad Prlaklag. Sam Jones, the revivalist, was once taking women to task for spending more time in prinking than in praying. "If there's a woman here," he scream ed finally, "who prays more than she prinks, let her stand up." One poor old faded specimen of fem ininity in the sorriest, shabbiest of clothes arose. "You spend more time praying than prinking?" asked the preacher, taking her all in. The poor old creature said she did-- prayed all the time, prinked none at "You go straight home," admonished Jones, "and put a little time on your prinking." TOniA. The Kind You Have Always £ • ^ i• A Card. >̂ 7- \ We, the undersigned, do hereby agree refund the money on a 50 cent bottle v? • Of Green's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it 'Y*"' fails to cure your cough or cold. We also guarantee a 25 cent bottle to prove ^ satisfactory or money refunded. . 11 ' 4&. W. BE8EJSY AND JULIA A. STOTY. "Hay 81. O A » T 6 R IA, / tiailh /IThfl Kind You Have Alwm i:- . . ISM-MUin^ cards at this oflictfc>. Turner** Toaat. Turner, the painter, was a ready wit Once at a dinner of artists and literary men a miuor poet, by way of being fa cetious, proposed as a toast "the health of the painters and glaziers of Great Britain." The toast was drunk, and Turner, after returning thanks for It proposed "the health of the British paper stain- ers." The laugh was turned against the poet Ungallant. A Marysvllle schoolina'am was teach ing her class the mysteries of gram mar. "Now. Johnny," said she, "In what tense do I speak when I say, 'I am beautiful?'" The little fellow answered quick as a wink, "The past"--Kansas GU# Joor- REAL EST AT® TRANSFERS. , WilllHm R.trr et al to Eugene W Cham- • berlin et al pt nwx swM sec 86, Che- » tnung t lfiOOO Thomas K Jackson & w to Christ Noth- oagel It 5, blk 4, Imp Syn adit to Ma rengo 600 00 Christ Nat hnagel & w to Matilda Noth- nagel. same 800 00 Frank G Vail & w to Frank A Dalby, It 118 a pt sec 35, s it 1 of It 13 of seo 35 and s It. 2 of It 2 $ s It 2 of sec 26, both of Co elks plat Marengo 8600 00 Frank Smith <fc w to Frank H Beardsiey Its 14 & 17, blk 1, Smith & Hills addn to Crystal Lake 80000 Frank 11 Boardsley & w to H W Beards- ley, same 300 00 Charles R Brown St w to Emily M Brainard. sH It 3 & 4, blk 7, Harvard.. 3500 00 E A Ford & w to James 1> Sensor, It 4, blk 7, (ex 6 In w side) Algonquin. . . . 850 00 Herbert M Shearer & w to Wallace R Russell. eH M e?4 of of wH of wH of wH of sec 3, Riley s of rd 610 00 Hubbard J Wilcox & w to Charles Gll- kerson. It 40 a pt sec 1, Riley '.... Lucretia I") Burton & h to J Nlles Bur ton. pt k,3, blk 3, Richmond, also pt It 4, blk 3, pt It 5, blk 2. & pt. It 4, blk 5, also pt It2, Cottlng & Purdy's addn to Richmond... 850000 Walter M Lawton Sc. w to 8 Curtis George, sek* of sw^ sec 13 w of rd. also 10 a on e side swM of svM sec 13, also neX of nwH of nwM w of rd sec 24, Chemung 2840 00 Christian l'atselie St w to Herman Patscho, It 4. blk 14, Plumleighs addn A lgoiicj uln J500 00 Julius O Martin St w to Christian Pat- X sche, .same • 5500000 Harriet A Overton St h to Christian Herrling, It 4, Overton's 1st addn to Solon Mills .. 750 00 George W Andrus to Louise Danneniann 3 a in ne cor of sH nwX nwH sec 29, l">orr 100 Josrph Trendel to Louise ffannemann, n 50 a of wH of nwM sec 29, Dorr. ... 100 CJharles H Talbott & w to George Red- path pt blk 1, Spc-ncers 1st ad Maren go. 100 S imuel F McDonald & w to American Terra Cotta & Ueaamic Co, 1H tt-in e % of swM sec 22, Nunda 1600 00 Charles 11 Backus& w toGrant SCran- dsll, nH of fe.x & eV4 of neM swX sec 6, Nunda 5000 00 Sophie Timm et al to Franz Timm H a, in seM of nwM sec 5, Algonquin ' 100 Want Column. ive same at T OST--Horse blanket, on road Henry and Nu Patch. Finder v lalndealer office Henry and Nunda. Blanket Finder will please leave receive reward. tpOR SALE--New Ice boat, made t his season; everything complete except sails. especially for running on river, the boat or inquire of Made ('all and st CARLTON ROSS, McHenry. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Sanford Q. Wat kins Hobart, Okla. Helen R. Stratton Hebron J esse E. Marvin Chemung Edith Gregory Chemung William Radde Nunda Bertha Krepil McHenry Perry S. Spencer. f..Genoa June., Wis Marguerite Goruflo Hebron Horace Burnett Chicago Hattie Goodrich Union pMJR RENT-Whole about fivft * buildings. house or a part with about five acres of laud, barn'and out- Inquire of JOHN H 'aT* tjj^OR RENT -Dairy farm Crystal Lake, two miles from town. tine prairie land in best condition and well cash or shares. Call oodstock, 30 4t Improved. Will rent for on or address, Frank R.J: III. F°" SALE--30 Barred Plymouth Barred Felch strains also hens, lyr old choice Call on or address J 111. Cockerels of the A. C. Hawkins and I. K. Plymouth Rock birds 7f>c and $1.00 each. V. Buckland, Ringwood, TXT ANTED--Several persons of v* and good reputation In each in this county required) to represent and ad vertise old established wealthy business house of solid financial standing. Salary jis weekly with expenses additional, all payable in cash each Wednesday direct from head office-;. Horse and carriage furnished, when necessary. References. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Manager,310 Caxton Building, Ohi-CSLgO. Repairin Moat QREAT CHANCE FOR f\ and Teamsters /(tfe hitve bought from various Breweries and Express Companies, several carloads of second-hand llorses, all in good shape, and suitable for Fitrm and Team work, will re fund one-half of railroad fare to any out of town purchaser. Let your depot agent give receipt for ticket money. Abo Kl«« & Hun 272 & 270 North Center Ave., near Milwaukee Ave.. Chicago, III. Take Milwaukee Ave. cable car. >. * Rev. J. M. Yingling, pastor of the Bedford St. M. E. chnrch, Cumberland, Md., says: "It affords me great pleas ure to recommend Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I have used it and know others who have never known it to fail." For sale by Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. Hopeleu. First Golfer--He doesn't play very well, but he says he's too busy to give any more time to practice. Second Golfer--Oh. well, If a man neglects golf to attend to his business what can he expect? The bows of the North American In dians were usually made from a spe cies of osage orange. After a man reaches fifty a year seems to be about three weeks.--Atchi son Globe. NUNDA. Myra and Roy Wells spent/Saturday in Chicago. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Gny Pricdett, a son, Sunday, January 19. Earl McCollum of Muscoda, Wis., has been in Nunda this week. Mrs. E. W. Russell went to Janesville Monday to spend the week. Henry W. Beardsley had a stroke of paralysis Tuesday morning. Miss Donna Lincoln went to Elgin Wednesday morning where she has a position in the watch factory. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Covalt and son, Lester, attended the funeral of Mr. Co veil's mother at Aurora last Satur day. Mrs. Wm. Shales with her son, George, and daughter, Carrie, visited with her sons in Elgin from Wednesday until Sunday • E. W. Russell and family have been entertaining his brother, John Russell, and wife and daughter, Helen, of Jahes- ville, Wisconsin. George Arnold shot a 22 bullet through the end of his finger last Saturday, but no serious results have followed the ac cident and he is doing well. Please Settle. Persons knowing themselves to be in debted to me are requested to call and make a settlement either by cash or note on or before February 1, 1902, or account will be left for collection, 29-8t . SIMON STOFFEI* mm. v";r 'tl-'-K Never thought of sign for a medicine did you? Well, it's a good sign for Scott's Emulsion. The body has to be repaired like other things and Scott's Emulsion is the medicine that does it. These poor bodies w^ar out from worry, from over-work, from disease. They get thin and weak. Some of the new ones are not well made--and all of the old ones are racked from long usage. * , Scott's Emulsion fixes all kinds. It does the work both inside and out. It makes soft bones hard, thin blood red, weak lungs strong, hollow places full. Only the best ma terials are used in the patching and the patches don't show through the new glow of health. No one has to wait his turn. You can do it yourself--y6u and the bottler This picture represent* the Trade Mark of Scott's Emulsion and is on the wrapper of every bottle. Send for free sample* SCOTT & BOWNE* 409 Pearl St,. New Voik. 50c. and $1. all druggists. ti ll G o r t o For Bargains in fir ( M R I f S Chicago & North-Western. Effective September 20, 1001. WEEK DAT TRAINS. NORTHBOUND Big headaches Btopped for little money. Why suffer when Petesch's Headache Powder 'stops all sorts of headache, 3 doses 10c. ANY HEAD NOISES? ALL CASES OF D.PF» J* I>IRFAA ijgii cnrracdS uif9 nftrtiJ ncfii\invi ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, 8AY81 _ BALTIMORE, Md., March jo, loot. Gentlemen: -- Being entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I will now give )W full history of my case, t6 be used at your discretion. AI>out five years ago my right ear began to&ing, and this kept on getting worse, until I lost .y hearing in this ear entirely. 1 underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without any success, consulted a num ber of physicians, among others, the njost eminent ear specialist of this rity, who told me that July an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that the head noises would tiieu cease, but the hearing in ihe affected ear would be lost forever. I then saw your advertisetrent accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered your treat ment. After I had used it only a few days according.to your directions, the noises ceased, and to-day, after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored. I thank yoo heartily and beg to remain Very truly yours, F. A. WERMAN, 730 S. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. Our treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation• YOU CAB CUBE YOURSELF AT HOME INTERNATIONAL AURAL fcLuoit, LA SALLE AV£„ CHICAGO, ILL * Leave Arrive Chicago. NORTHBOUND Mclleury. 7.25 a m Via Elgin 10.00 a in 3.00 am Via Pes Plaines to.no a m p m........ Via Des I'lalnes.. 5.00 p m 4.00pm.,..,,. Via Elgin 6.47pm >.01 p m.... ./..Via fte Plaines. 8.47 p 111 SUNDAY TRAINS^ S.45am Via Elgin.. 11.14am 9.10 am Via Des l'laincs 11.14 a m 2.02 pm Via Elgin 5.00 pm WBEK DAY TRAINS. McHenry. SOUTHBOUND. Chfci^. 7.33 am Via Des Plaines 9.30 am 7.32 am Via Elgtn 10.10 a m 8.33 am Via Des Plaines..... .9.50am 3.07 p m.... --•-- Via Elgin .5.45 p m SUNDAY TRAINS. 7.32 am Via Elgin 10.80 am #.02 p ni Via Elgin 8.45 p 111 Ibis week aim ml Prices way below market on all kinds of Spritti Summer \ " My samples for the Spring and Summer Itrade have ar rived, and they are beauties Call and look at them and get prices before ordering a ready-made suit. Over a thousand samples of the latest designs-. to select from and you get. your suit made up in the latest style. Order now if you, wish a new outfit for Easter. Re member a tailor-made suit will outwear two ready- made suits, and will always look well. J. D. L0DTZB flcHenry, III. 1 > *" Mnimimiimiiiin s, H E A T S ! Fresh Salt and Smoked, Vegetables and Fruit in Season Having purchased ,, the West Side Market of F. Wat tles, it is my intention to give all cnstoiners the best service possible. I pay spot cash for hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the low* est prices, and will sell on the same basis. Full line of fresh Fish at all times during the cold weather. A. C. HATTHEWS, West McHenry. Abstracts of T'tle. McHenry County ..ABSTRACT COMPANY.. WOODSTOCK, ILL. Subjects for Thought The Telephone is the ideal raf>id transit The cost of transportation by this method is less than by any. other. It makes you a neighbor to all prominent business houses and families everywhere. Business Rates, 6%c. per day aad apu Residence Rates, 5c. per day aad up. Chicago Telephone Company, BO YEARS* EXPERIENCE Director* P. F. Axtoll, Harvard. B. M. Patrick, Marengo, John J. Murphy, Woodstock.' VV. C. Eioherhurger, Woodstock Geo: L. Murphy, Woodstock Abstracts ol Title and Conveyancing. Mouoy to loan on Ileal Kstule in sums of five hundred to ton thousand t oll tre. Time aud payments to suit borrower. PATENTS s AuyOiio DcRu'ng I qADt MAnnl DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS DKE. description m&y free whether an quickly ascertain our opinion free Invention Is piolmbiy patentable. Comiuuntea- llons strictly conlldentiul. Handbook on Patents Miit Oldest aiiuiu y for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive flHriui noticc, without charge. In the Scientific Americai. Atundsonieiy Illustrated weekly. I.nnereat cir culation of any scientific journal. Terms, 93 a rear; four months, $1. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & 00,361 Broadway, New York Biineb Offloe. 6H V 0t» Washington, D. C. JOS. H. HUEriANN* Johnsburgh, 7 Illinois. Appleton Corn Husker* Corn Shelters and Tread Powers Caienl Bltcksnit&i&t % Pikes HwiyS Ret*oiiiftle Duplex Grinding Mills, Bock Island Plows, Wagong, Carriages, ' Bnggies, Wind Mills •Weil Supplies. Harness Oil, Paint Oil and flachine Oils a Speciaty! ^MWMM WWIIMWWWM MtMtM •••••••••••••••« «»»»>»»» MMMM nMMM »»«»»»»» «»»«»«»«--»»«»»»««»»>» Special attention given to the sale of H1LIP JAEGER General Commission ffiercbant Stall 1 & 3, Fulton St. Wholesale Market Chicago, Illinois Dressed Beef, riutton ^ Hogs, Veal, Poultry Hides, Etc. Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists furnished on application - . COLD STORAGE FREE Kodol 1 Dyspepsia Cure | Digests what you eat., . This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never! fails to cure It allows you to eat all j the food you want. The inostsoutsitive | stomachs can take it By its use many > thousands of dyspeptics have been ! Cured after everytlr else failed. It Is unequalled for all biomach troubles.! It can't help j |but do you good Mensred only by E. u. DEWITT&<'<>., riiicago \ TSSeSl.bottletiotitaina8>6 tlrutsUie50c. j Julia A. Story and U. W. Besley s ifel AST0NISHING.0FFER It *:rcrrl WHISKEV For many years wo hav® sold our Whiskies and Cipars to Wholesalers only aud our brandy are prcfcrtcd ty tlicrn, as tliry aro supei i«n to all oUiut order to give tho Consumer t!\e benefit of tlio large profits of Dealei Middis»aa, we have decided to Dow sell direct to tbo Consumer our Aost PtMlftrBrute of Whiskies and Clears at less th:m wlmK^io priors jl *0 RESTRICTIONS! KVEUY ONE WILL «KT TIIK* !! With OTOTjr ^arVbottla of oor famous 10 yt%r ©ldQnpen CUyClub Pure Rye aadonobosof our justlf eclobratedfenuiiic fubao Iland-Sade 10e «lear will ^-Ive IBWH.T TKIT FRKRoi.oof the hi k opto faeo, oxtra heavy nickel Gent' wind and set, (*n«ine American movem< n •arth, does Dot tarnish and will last a lifcti Watches in rule.(no !adj^) ttcm and case, best timekeeper on 1 extra fino Vienna Mecr- •ohaum Pip** 1 fanvlno Maorschaum Ci^ar Holder, I penuino Meersch; Clfarttto Holder, K pretty eather Tobacco pouch, t elerant extra be Blen! nuteh box* 1 pair paarl caiT buttons, 1 ball top collar button, 1 neck- tie holder, l palf sleere baitona, 1 [ouble chain and ono beautiful dim "d plated. AH these 14 piece* with one box of < one Quart bottle of our famous 10 year old Queen All Jewelrr heoWly 14k fntd plated. AH these 14 pieces with fauo«sC«han8paeiala and one quart bottle of our famous 10 year old Oi City C!«fc Pure Rye cannot be boojht for less thsn $10i>0. We sell the Whiskey and Clffara ln«|||l| QVC O D •ludlnrtheHprUeeforUWlal atD I nation. Jth privilepoof ex- - -- while Whiskey aad Ctfara alone eoet more than wa ask for the entire lot Our Whiskey is ^ yoM* old Eye and our Ctgurs jreoolne Cuban hand* •avana^nade In our own f.ictorv These cipare »ro f.tr bett-er *** aaythlnf «er advertised before We Guarantee the prooda acd re fund I I An ExtraFremlum of an eleir&ntPorket knife with two blades, 1 cork-screw, * ^ar cutter and - > - . _ . .. • fla«e*tlef, If $9.97 is Sent in advance with order. Oooda aent in packifa. Write fOV . Wholesale rriee List# of Liquors and Clfar*. JUvponsible ajrenta wanted. Ordor to^ay. V. 8. DISTILLER'S DISTRIBUTING CO--DeptTK., 431 North CUrk St., Chicago, U s» Other Way. Teacher--I would like some: one In the class to define the meaning of vice versa. Bright Boy--It's sleeping with JTOOT of the bed. - Great Clothing Slaughter! We still have plenty of clothing-on hand, consisting of boys' and men's Overcoats, Full Suits, Coats and Vests and Pants, but they are moving out quickly. The prices we are quoting are bound to sell the goods. Everything at 20 per cent, dis count, which practically means cost price on nearly all the goods. We are going out of the clothing business and wish to clean up everything before January 1. Big Reduction in Rubber Goods! An over supply of rubber goods compels us" to put them ont at reduced prices in "order to make them-move quickly. You can find some real bargains in these goods. It will pay you to call and look at them and let us quote a few prices.