Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jan 1902, p. 4

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rf--? lie Ndeiry Pliindeiler iy<! W KVKRY THURSDAY BY M nmm PLAIHDEALER COMPANY. m W, A. ORISTT, J. B.PKRBT, tV**. Pec, Treas. taut. D. Scnomum, Sditar. <Nk*ta (bade Building. Telephone, No. IB. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : Q»e year £tx month*, n«M. Three months. Mete. Thursday, January 30, 190a. HON. A. 4. HOPKINS Candidate for United Stmte* Senator IF the brigands have no pity for Miss Stone, they should at least show some mercy for the long-suffering and ex­ pectant public. WritEN the thermometer registers twenty below and some dear friend 'is it cold enough for you?" What are your worst thoughts? IN May, King Alfonso becomes the frioler of Spain. He will have attained the ripe age of sixteen years. And still 8pain is considered one of the enlight­ ened nations of the world. Just imag­ ine the people of the United States al­ lowing a sixteen-year-old to hold the sceptre over them. Connecticut Hrtbdlovr* Once upon a time---to bo more pre­ cise, In the latter part of the eighteenth century--thre lived a worthy Connecti­ cut divine named the Rev. Samuel Peters. Peters was a picturesque per­ sonage in his way, but his fame rests entirely upon the fact that he wrote a book. This Is one of the most mar­ velous works ever issued from the press. It was Mr. Peters, for example, who first discovered and made known to the world that the founder of Yale college was a Rev. Thomas Peters, evidently one of his own ancestors; that at Bellows Falls the water flowed so fast that It became as hard as mar­ ble, making it possible to float a crow­ bar upon it; that two most marvelous quadrupeds, the "whappermocker" and the "cuba" (evidently the ancestors of the jabberwock) roamed wild In the Connecticut forests, and it is also from Mr. Peters that we first learn of the famous Incursion of the Windham frogs. But it was in the early Jurisprudence of Connecticut that this expatriate made his most Interesting disceveries. He informed his English readers--and most of them believe the story de­ voutly to this day--that tbe citizens of the state were forbidden by law to rngke mince pies, to play on any in- strument of music except the drum, trumpet or jewsharp. and that every male must have his hat cut round, "ac­ cording to a cap." the model preferably being the hard shell of a pumpkin.-- Leslie'8 Monthly. PR OB A TE NEWS REAL ESTATE TRANSFER8. John J *Ryau & w to Albert J Gallagher neM of nwU and nwM of neH ex 23* 1 Doi S 100 10000 785 00 l&c 100 000 00 Peti DR. JOHN T. COOK, of Galesburg, is one of the most fluent and enlightened speakers in Illinois. Those who were fortunate enough to hear him at th* Universalist meetings recently will agree with us in making this statement. Be gives a public reading at Ringwood next Monday evening. His reputation III this line of work is enviable^ Hear Itfm if possible. BILLY MASON says that eventually $here will be only two candidates in .the field for the United Sates senate, V . and those two are Wm. Mason and Lorimer. 'Tis strange indeed the powers some men have of penetrating ' Into the future. But naturally when ;r $ ifeilly is engaged in making these fore- * oasts it serves to divert his attention f; from the actual facts as they exist* to­ day, Every cordial reception that is -J."• £iven Hon. A. J. Hopkins is just one '•;? snore icicle thrust down Mason's back ^' ̂ The indications point to a whole lot :%:1 inore of those chunks of ice. WOODSTOCK. There are no prisoners in the Mc Henry county jail. County Clerk Geo. F. Rushton is making rapid progress on the tax books and the same will be ready for the col­ lectors in a few days. The remains of Mrs. A. T. Mont gomery were broqgot to this city on Saturday morning from Elgin and in ^ terment took place in Oakland ceme­ tery. The funeral of Mrs. W. P. Morse was held last Saturday from the residence, Bev. S. C. Hay officiating, and the re- tnains were taken to Nunda for inter Folding Beds. All purchasers of folding beds do not buy them solely for the sake of saving room. According to a manufacturer, some people with ample bouse room at command buy them, for one reason, so that the rooms In which they are placed can be put to other uses than as bed­ rooms. This manufacturer mentioned one New York family in whose house are eleven fine folding beds. Any room in the house designed for and equipped as sleeping room could easily be trans­ formed from a bedroom to one that had no appearance of a sleeping apartment whatever. There are produced nowadays folding beds of one kind and another that are sold at low prlees^but the most costly of the finer folding beds may easily be pretty dear affairs. The manufacturer told of one elab­ orately designed and finished folding bed that cost $1,000. the cost of the carving'alone having been $300.--New York Sun. Oar Unit of Value. The real, actual unit of value In the United States is the silver qtfarter. The dime is out of place. In the bar you get two drinks for a quarter; you buy two cigars for a quarter. One ci-' gar for 10 cents seems plebeian, so you take two for a quarter. In the restau­ rant you are ashamed to give the wait­ er a 10 cent tip and cannot afford to give him a quarter, but moral coward­ ice drives you to let him have the quarter^ The quarter is the most beau­ tiful silver coin in the world. It is of the most convenient size. Mix up a lot of dimes, nickels and copper cents in your pocket, and your sense of touch balks at distinguishing between them. You must haul out a handful of "chick­ en feed" for visual identification. A quarter you can tell from anything by the "feeL"--New York Press. y - r - . » £ . Mrs. Henry Wilcox died at her home ; ../< •' .4tt Elgin last Saturday. The remains v^-HWere brought to this city on Monday * - JEnorning and taken to Greenwood for \ interment. Sheriff Henry Eeyes on Saturday last took William Mott and James O'Connell to the penitentary at Joliet. Judge C. H. Donnelly having sentenced them re­ cently for an indeterminate term. At the regular meeting of the Masons in this city last Monday evening the i Royal Arch degree was conferred on three candidates. Visiting brethren from the neighboring towns were pros ent V a / John J. Whiteside won %n important BUit jn Justice Arnold^s court last Sat- , urday when he secured a judgment of $90 for John Mieth in a suit that gentle­ man brought against Herman Trebess for injury to to the former's cattle. Rev. J ^ ^ ̂ _ |^f|^'Be(lford St, M. E. church, Cumberland Md., says: "It affords me great pleas .cfK'-1"*® to recommend Chamberlain's Colic V Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I , ' J, have used it and know others who have never known it to fail." For sale ' 1^ ̂ /JaMa A. Story and G. W. Besley. Pleaae Settle. Persons knowing themselves to be in ^ debted to me are requested to call and 'lx 1 make a settlement either by note on or before February 1, 1902, -J,} ?• account will be left for collection. 88-8t - SIMON STOFFEL. |y What yon dote' neighbor? Helping r> ^ Bill. What's Bill doin'7 Helping Mandy? What's Mandy doin'? Help- "V > inS Mother. What's Mother doin ? W? ^ Taking Rocky Mountain Tea. Sensible 4 |f,* ' family, G. W. Besley. v-'\ ' JJ|V Erank Going and his juvenile quar- . tette in up-to-date coon songs at Stoffel's fer* hall Feb, 7 and 8. M. Tingling, pastor of the by a In see 16 Lena Guttsohow et all to Margaret Curran, ni* of iiwn stM*26, nH of neX Sec 27. also eV4 of nwM sec 27 & swM •of lie1* soc 27, Dunham Horace N Cliittenrten & w to Orlamio M Peck & Lucy Peck, pt new of sex sec31, Nunda 2800 00 James Lake & w et si to A L Rhodes It 8 county clerks plat pt wH sec 36 OheniuiiK The Union Oo to R W Stafford pt swX swH sec 28, McHenry James C-onroy et al to Elizabeth Oon- roy, It5blk30, Harvard i.. F F Axtell & w to S H Callender. It 7 blk 9, Hlackmans addn Harvard John Mac key to Edward MackoV eH nwlt sec 20 & seX swH sec 17, swy no ii sec 20 & ne1! sivX sec IK n & e of hpy Hartland 2500 00 George K Bunker & w to Frank Brown It 8 blk 0 Hobartii addn Woodstock.... 10000 Charles B Smith & w to Nels Parson 40 a In s end eH nwX sec 6 Algonquin... 2500 00 Nels Pearson & w to Chas B Smith It 1 & 3 ble 2 Pome;oys add Crystal Lake. 1800 00 Richmond cemetery ass« to S R Ward It 71 div 2 Richmond cemetery 1300 Jolm G Dunn A; w to Willian Meyer, It 9 blk 1 Cbewings s>dd Algonquin 825 00 PROBATE NEWS. Estate of Gustav Guttschow. Inven­ tory filed. Estate of Catherine Clari »y. fcion for award filed. Estate of Henry Gorham. Proof of death. Petition for probate of will tiled. Estate of Edward G. Kimball. Re­ port of sale of real estate filed. Estate of Chas. B. Howe. Report filed. Estate of Peter Rowe. Proof of death made. Letters of administration issued. Proof of heirship filed and approved. Bond $200. Appraisers appointed. Estate of Frederick Randt. Final re port filed. Final receipts exhibited. Estate of John Lainbke. Inventory and appraisement bill filed. Estate of William P. Kane. Inven­ tory filed. Estate of Hazel N. Weeterman,miner. Report filed. Estate of Joseph Seymour, insane. Petition for release of bondsmen filed. Petition for special assessment No. 5, city of Woodstock filed. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Chris W. Wilke Seneca Hannah Smith ??. .Union Gustave Herdnlote Greenwood Elsie Kunda Greenwood Edward J. Lennon Lafayette, Wis. Nellie Lorland..... .Lake Geneva, Wis. Robert Cruikshank --Greenwood Carrie Toles Greenwood Charles J. Burnham Poplar Grove Gertrude Allen Poplar Grove What would you think of your groc­ ery man if he sold you sand for sugar? What do you think of a druggist, who offers you a substitute for the Madison Medicine Co's. Rocky Mountain Tea. G. W. Besley. N. H. Petesch, Deutche Apotheke. Familien Recepten sorgfallig zu be- reitet. - OASTORZA. Bean th* * The Kind You Have Alway Sigutnn of Want Column. T^OR SALE--New Ice boat, made tills season, A everything complete except sails. Made especially for running on river. Call and see the boat or inquire of CARLTON ROSS, Mcllenry. "CM)R RENT--Whole house or a part with about five acres of land, barn and out­ buildings. Inquire of JOHN HEBBKS. *28-3T> p>OR RENT -Dairy farm of 100 acres at -1- Crystal Lake, two miles from town. All tine prairie land in best condition and well improved. Will rent for cash or shares. Call on or address, Frank R.Jackman, Woodstock, 111. 30-4t POH SALE--3fi Barred Plymouth Rock Cockerels of the A. C. Hawkins and I. K. Felch strains also 30 Barred Plymouth Rock hens, lyr old choice birds 75c and |1.00 each. Call on or address J. V. Buckland, Ringwood, 111. 29-4t ~\\rANTED--Several persons of character *v and good reputation in each state (one in this county required) to represent and ad­ vertise old established wealthy business house of solid financial standing. Salary $18 weekly with expenses additional, all payable in cash each Wednesday direct from head offices. Horse and carriage furnished, when necessary. References. Enclose self-iiddressed stamped envelope. Manager, 310 Caxton Building, Chi­ cago. ' Neatly Done Delaware. Delaware has been called the Dia­ mond State, for, though small in size. It formerly was of great political im­ portance. It also enjoys the nickname of the Blue Hen State, this having been bestowed on account of a gentleman named Caldwell, who made the state famous in sporting annals by the qual­ ity of his gamecocks, which he always bred from the eggs of a blue hen, be­ lieving that this was the best color for the mother of a gamecock. Tke "Angry Tree." The "angry tree," a woody plant which grows from ten to twenty-five feet high, and which was formerly supposed to exist only in one state in the Union, Nevada, has been found both in eastern California and in Ari­ zona. If disturbed, this peculiar tree shows every sign of vexation, even to ruffling up its leaves like the hair on an angry cat and giving forth an un­ pleasant, sickening odor. Batters. There are pour batters, drop batters and doughs, all depending on the quan­ tity of fiour used with the liquid used. Generally speaking, one full measure of flour to a scant measure of liquid makes a pour batter, two full measures of flour a drop batter' and three full measures a dough. Something, of course, depends oti the liquid and the quality of the flour. GREAT CHANCE FOR Teamsters We have bought from various Breweries and Express Companies,"> several carloads of .second-hand horses, all in good shape, and suitable for Farm and Team work, wili re­ fund one-half of railroad fare Ixi any out of town purchaser. Let your depot agent give receipt for ticket money. Abe IClee & son 272 & 2"6 North Center Ave., near Milwaukee Ave.. Chicago. 111. Take Milwaukee Ave. cable car. Historical "Bull*." - Grave historical writers are occasion­ ally guilty of what are called "Hiber- nicisms." The following passage oc­ curs in a popular history of France: "It Is extremely doubtful whether this prince, Merovaeus, ever existed at all, but he had a son, Cliilderic, whose existence is well authenticated." The following is also' from .a historic­ al work: "Like Samson of old, who, armed only with the jawbone of an ass, put 1,100 Philistines to the sword." A Brvtal Threat. Mrs. Jigsby (the discussion having become somewhat personal)--You may talk till doomsday, George Jigsby, but you'll never get me to admit that a wife is bound to do as her husband tells her. Mr. Jigsby--By gravy, madam, if 1 outlive you I'll have it engraved on your tombstone that you were a good and obedient wife!--Chicago Tribune. Good Coagh Sirup. The following is said to make a splendid cough sirup: Take one ounce of boneset. one of flaxseed, one of slip­ pery elm and a stick of licorice. Boil In soft water until the strength is ex­ tracted. Strain carefully and add one pint of best sirup and one pound of loaf sugar. Simmer together. Bottle up tight when cold and take a table- spoonful three or four times a day. Where Medical Knowledge Stopped. "No use talking." said the Invalid feebly. "I'm going to die, I know." "Oh, come!" expostulated bis friend. "The doctor doesn't say that, and he surely knows more than yon do." "No; he doesn't know, as I do, that 1 allowed my insurance to lapse."--Cath­ olic Standard and Times. j Farmer Tompkin and his girls will sing at Stoffel's hall February 7 and 8. I ̂ HEAD NOISES? ALL. CASES OF DEAFNESS OR* HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable, HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERNIAN, OF BALTIMIQRE, 8AYS; BALTIMORE, Md., March j»r iQMt Gentlemen : -- Being entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I will now give JW full history of my case, to be used at your discretion, .... . ... _. . About live years ago my right ear began to sing, and this oo getting WOTt, twill IIQK iy hearing in tliis ear entirely. .... •. ^ 1 underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without any SUCCORS, consulted a tWB' • r o f oliysicia.18, among others, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, who told me tnat inly an opera! on could help me, and even tliat only temporarily, thEt the bfiftd noiirSWOtllQ lien ccase, but the hearing in the affected car would be lost forever. I then saw vour advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered your treatj ment. After I had used it only a few days according to your directions, the noiseacensed, lo-day, after five weeks, my hearing in the discard ear ha» been atitirely reetqred. I thank ye." heartily and beg to remain Very truly yours, Y: A, WERMAN, 7308. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. Our treatment does not interfere with your usual ocvup<ition< YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF INTERNATIONAL AURAL CliKC, 533 LA SALU .".V S^amination and advice free. at «, iiitantniil Let us speak of man as we find him, And censure only what wa can see, Remembering that no one GGa be perfect Unless he usee Rocky Mruntein Tea. j;ir i y Say--by gosh, lets go down to Stoffel'B ' hall February 7 and and see Tomkins Brs««. Brass Is an alloy of tin and copper, and analysis of the earliest, existing specimens demonstrates that it was formerly manufactured In the propor­ tions of one part of tin to nine of cop­ per. A notice in Genesis fixes the dis­ covery and use of both these metals, according to the Bible, at between 4,004 and 1,635 years before the Chris­ tian era. The Last the Worst. "Don't you think the first year of married life the most trying one, Mr. Benedick?" "I did at the end of it, but since then I have given each recurring year thi •redit."--New York Herald. P HILIP JAEGER General Commission Merchant Stall 1 & 3, Fulton St. Wholesale Market Cbicaao, Illinois Special attention given to the sale of # Dressed Beef, Hutton Hogs, Veal, Poultry Hides, Btg, Butter and Eggs This Is the oldest hpflsp 0# the street Tags and price lists furnished on application COLD STORAGE FREE Never thought ol such a sign for a medicine did you ? Well, it's a good sign for Scott's Emulsion. The body has to be repaired like other things and Scott's Emulsion is the medicine that does ̂ These poor bodies we;ar out from worry, from over-work, from disease. They get thin and weak. Some of the new ones are not well made--and all of the old ones are racked from long usage. ^ ' Scott's Emulsion fixes all kinds. It does the work both inside and out. It makes soft bones hard, thin blood red, weak lungs strong, hollow places full. Only the best ma­ terials are used in the patching and the patches don't show through the new glow of health. No one has to wait his turn. You can do it yourself--you and the bottle. This picture represents the Trade Mark of Scott's Emulsion and is on the wrapper of every bottle. Send for free sample- SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St,. New Yoik. 50c. and #1. all druggists. Chicago & North-Western. Leave CbicaRo. 7.2o a m 9.00 am... Effective September 29, WEEK DAY TRAILS. NORTHBOUND 1901. via Mffin . Via, Dys 1'lainos,.,. 3.25 p m .Via Des Plaines... 4.00 pm Via Elgin 5.01 p m Via Des I'jaines... SUNDAY TWAINS, 8.45 am Via Elj?ln 9f10 u m Via I)es Plaines.... 2.02 p m Via Elgin WEEK DAY TRAILS, McHenry. SOUTHBOUND. 7.82am Via I)es IMaineS... 7.32 a m Via Eliiin 8.33 am Via I)es Plaines... 1.07 p m Via ElBin SUNDAY TWAINS. '.32 am Via Elgin 1.02 p m Via Elgin Arrive McHenry. ...10.00am ...10.00a m ,... 5.00 p m .. .6.47 pm . . .6.47 p m ... 11.14 a m . .1144 a m ... ft.OO p m Arrive Chicago. ... 9.30 a m ...10.10 am . .9.50 am ....5.45 p m 10.80 am ....8.45 p m HEATS! Fresh v Salt and Smoked. Vegetables and Fruit in Season Having purchased the West Side Market of F. Wat­ tles, it is my intention to give all custurners the best service possible. I pay spot cash for hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the low­ est prices, and will sell on the paine •, basis. Full line of fre»h -Pl#h at all times during the cold weather. A. C. HATTHEWS, West McHenry, Kedol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the ^iigestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cun It allows you lo eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it- By its use many tliousapds of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It la unequalled for all stomach troubles. It eaii't help but do yon good prepared only by E. 0. DKWITT & Co., Chicago Tfee fl. bottle contalnsZH times tbeGOc. sua Julia A, Story and O. W. Besley MM For Bargains in mitt This week and next. Prices way below market on all kinds of Abstracts of Title. McHenry County ABSTRACT (OMPAflY . WOODSTOCK, ILL. f F. F. Axtell, HarTftrd. R. M. Patrick, Marengo. Director* < John J. Murphy, Woodstock. W. C. Ele he merger, Woodstock I, Geo. L. Murphy, Woodstock Abstracts of Tltls and Conveyancing. Money to loan on Real Estate In Hums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. nr. Summer My Fatrp'es for the Spring and Summer trade have ar­ rived, and they are beauties Call and look at them ahd get prices before ordering a ready-made suit. Over a thousand samples of the latest designs to select from . and yon get yoor suit made up in the- latest style Order now if you wish a new outfit for Easter. Re­ member a tailor-made. suit will outwear two ready- made suits, and will always look well. J. D. L0DTZ„ flcHenry, 111. •'TV* "subjects for fhonght The Telephone is the ideal rapid transit* The cost of transportation by this ' method is less than by any oth£r*' • -• •• It makes you a neighbor to all prominent . business houses and families everywhere* Business Bate^, 6%c, per day amtfpi, Resilience Bates, Sc. per day ani^ r ... Cnicajin Telephone Compary. BO YEAR8* EXPERIENCE TBADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. qntokly Hsoertniii our opinion free whether an InvmiMon is probnbly patentable. Communica­ tions strictly contldenttal. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest nuency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive Ipecial notice, without charge, in the Scientific Hmerkan* A h.indsnmely illustrated weekly. I.nrtreet cir­ culation of nny scientific journal. Terms, $3 a rear ; four months, $1. Bold byall newsdealers. MUNN & Co.361B"M"" Hew York Branch Office. 626 F Washington. D. C. JOS. H. HUEftANN, Johnsburgh, Illinois. s Appleton Corn Huskerg Corn Shelters and Tread Power* General BficksmMg Prices ilwiyS RetsouMe Duplex Grinding Mills, Bock Island Plows. Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills Well Supplies. Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Hachine Oils a Speciaty! & ^fi^AST0NTsHING.0TPii cruSer* WHl.3K.E-V B fcl fnr«»any yt»rs wa hivasold our WhlaktearttulChcare t > W!p k.-. ' and our brandaars praftrrsU bjr them, $9 th*y aresupotior „il othu order to fiva the Consumer ihft fctnctttvif iU* Urge |r<f.ts of Peale Middlaman, wa hava^d^cidf^i^ &QW diiect to the ('onsurrcr oar Mott at less th.Ti tvholcs.'.lo i'-iocs MORFSTBICTIOXHJ V.VEKY ONE WILL «KT 1 !'KH ! I P»9«!ar Braafa oi . HKIFFLTMPRTOFRE With aTMT«var¥V4tlaof our famous 10 y« naWxat •uarlfltottlaof our famous 10 year old Queen CllyClub rureRyi M aur juatlf colobrated penulno Tuhan Hand-Mad* 10c c oar , hail S> btOB,t HTW€*ba«8ta«laU,Ve win pive AHSOU TKLY KKEK n , ao«Wtopan (act, artra heavy nickel Gent » Watches wUid tod tot, fonulne American morement and case, ^est ti: •arth, doet notUrnUJi md will last a lifetime. I extra fin© Vionn* 9Ch%un Pip#* lgcnuiuu Meerschaum Ci?f»r Holder, 1 penyino IfoesraUiar Citaratta Haldar, I pretty leather Tobacco pouch, 1 clerat)t extra nlckal malck box, 1 pair pearl cuff buttons. 1 hiUlton c^lUr Isuttnn, 1 n» < Ua hoMkv, 1 pair alarrebuttoue, I douMo cliainand one heuutiftil c). .1 ' 1. All th^'o H pieces with f-ncl'dx of o V-ott^eo? ©nr year old <^ue ... jbtfor tban $12 00. We stil the WbUkay andin-|||AI V MC O T) with privilcroof cs eludlnfth«14prlx#«fQrVWfc• • atnlnntion, v.iiile WMskc and Cifar%%k>A%f9a4mor« than wa aak forth© en tiro lot Our Whiskey i Wff 1® year aid Rye and our Clgara genuine Cubnn b&ncl fttaftft,aade In our own factory These cipars arc far bftte anjrtMwereredTertleed before Wa Guarantee the goods ar.d refund! _i j ii_T^ km KxtraPremium of an aleeani Pocket knife with two blodea, 1 ecrk-^row l^ar « iiityrmrUi ?***»¥* ft*" eottar, if $3 97 is tant in advance with order. Good® sent in P ^ 'frkoWaala Ff'aa LUta of Llqnon sad Cigars. Responsible agents wanted- Ora«* j- ' -- <P. 04 X>1STX1XSRV8 DISTRIBUTING CO.-»ept, 431 North Clark SU CbJc^ro, Hfc It nfmtrit? (U > Write tor Dalr Thankful. And now one of the professors sayi It will be 10,000,000 years before th» sun goes out. Thanks! We are In nee<i of just that sort of consolation everj time we're called on to settle the gas bill.-- Atlanta Constitution. Miss Eolia Boyer will sing at Stoffel's ball February 7 and 8. Slandered Into It. He--And so you are really going to marry that professor--you, tbe heroine of a thousand engagements! How did you ever come to accept him? His Cousin (from college)--Why, you see, he proposed in Greek, and when I refused him I got mixed up in my Negatives and accepted him, and now I'm too proud to acknowledge my blon­ der. Get calling cards at tibia "i-'r,: Great Clothing Slaughter! We still have plenty of clothing on hand, consisting of boys' and mqa's Overcoats, Full Suits, Coats and Vests and Pants, but they are moving out quickly. The prices .we are quoting are bound to sell the goods, Everything at 20 per cent, dig" count which practically means cost price on nearly all the goods. We are going put of the clothing business and wish to^-clean «v«rything, before January 1. 7, in Rubber Goods ! An over supply of rubber goods compels us to, put them ont at reduced prices in order to make them move quickly. You can find some real bargains in these goods. It will pay you to call and look at them and let us quote a few prices, k'Cfl

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