*J . '"i'ZV " < . V Fancy Groceries and Delicacies All kinds of Fresh Fruit always on hand Prepared For jUent Best Goods at lowest possible prices. Genuine Holland Herring, Salt and Stock fish. All kinds of Canned Pish, Domestic and Foreign Cheese. Specialties: Richelieu Coffees. Dutch Cocoa, Toast, Boer Mustard, Etc. Will have a full line of Timothy, Clover and Garden Seeds beginning of March. Kindly send your orders early. Produce Exchanged. Tickets to and from Europe. K. Q. DEKKER. Patent Medicines! We have as complete a line of patent medicines on hand as any drnggist in the county, probably not in such large quan tities as others, but what we have on our shelves is always fresh. Medicines that stand a long time lose their strength • and are worthless. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded by a Re gistered Pharmacist. Ringwood, 111. School Supplies! J. S. BROWN & SON A Little Early I § 1 if: § & •»': :t\ Wi n ••? %*• Wi 9 Wi 3 I $ jtl § to talk about spring merchan dise, but then you always look a few months ahead in making up your mind about new Fur niture, Carpets, etc. For the spring trade I will have a larger line than ever before of the latest designs in Carpets and Furniture. Call and see the styles before going else where. Jacob Justen NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS *-• * Cbe Independent It is conceded on all sides that the cele brated and popular Beers brewed and ^ bottled on improved and hygienic princi- i pies and known as f Prima and Burg Brau J are unequalled as the finest table Beers, f Frirna Tonic, produced by The Indepen- f dent Brewing Association, possesses a \ fine flavor and taste and is especially rich ^ in nourishing constituents and invigorat- ^ ing qualities. 4 The Best Beer S and nothing but the best is made by this J Brewery. Try it and be convinced. J Purity, strength and rich flavor are its a qualifications, Delivered in barrels, hal- ^ ves, quarters, eights and cases. i The Independent Brewing Association * t. JOS. HE6ftEk, Manager McHenry Branch. :• i Agent for the Celebrated International Stock Food Preventative of Hog Cholera Jos. H. huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, W ind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. General Blttksmitlriog Prices always Reasonable m YOU wm§r> all cases of DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE . l»y our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. r HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERMARF OF BALTIMORE, SAYS: BALTIMORE, M<L, March jo, lyat. GtntUmen : -- Being entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I will now give JMI • full history of my case, to be used at your discretion. . About five years ago niy right ear began to sing, and this kept on getting worse, until I IOK tny hearing in this ear entirely. , I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without any success, consulteda num ber of physicians, among others, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, who told metnat Only an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that the bead noises would (ben cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would be lost forever. . .. I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered your treai- Bent. After I had used it only a few days according to your directions, the noisesceaseu, ana to-day, after five weeks, my hcaring^n the diseased ear has been entirely restored. I thank Jrutt keartUy and beg to remain Very truly yours, . F. A. WfiRMAN, 730 S. Broadway, Baltimore, MO, Our treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation* YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME advk c f l e af a noniii cost. I v ice 1 ICC. I UU wni l VV1IL IVVIIVLLI r» 1 • •Wi l l i - " MlfiUUIUUUl iUUl CUBIC, 596 LA SAllE AVI, CHICAGO, ILL •, j BINGWOOD Abe Lawrence and wife visited Mo- Henry last Saturday. Charles Stephenson and wife attended the masonic ball at Woodstock recently. All those who desire may find the tax collector of McHenry township at J. E. Cristy's store on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cristy and daugh ter, Mae, departed Tuesday morning for a trip through the southern states. The Side Walk society are planning a trip around the world to which you will all be invited. Look for announcement later. Lyle Howe, who for some time has clerked in Brown & Son's drug store, started with his family for Oregon, Wednesday, February 19. Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller, of Marengo, who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. F. W. Cole, for the past few days, departed for Milwaukee Tuesday. There will be a crokinole party at the Woodmen Hall, Saturday eyening for the benefit of the side walks. Light re freshments will be served. Admission 15c. Frank Hess and family have started for Tree Fruit, Alabama, where Mr. Hess has purchased a farm. Their many friends in Kingwood wish them success in their new venture. Those from this vicinity who attended the McHenry County Teachers associa tion at Woodstock February 14 and 15 were: F. W. Cole, Mioses Edith Mat hews, Bertha Baldwin, Maude Hall. The drama given at the Woo.iman hall last Saturday evening by the Mc Henry Dramatic Club, was well attended and proved a good success. By the con tinued uproar and laughter of the au dience it was plainly to be seen that all were well pleased with the perform ance and it is hoped that this dramatic club will visit us again. Lookout! surprise parties are on the wing. Last Wednesday evening Mr and Mrs. Henry Stephenson were thoroughly taken by surprise, when about 65 of their friends dropped in upon them lo spend the evening. Not withstanding the situation, Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson entertained their guest as though they had expected them. I Clerk's Wise Suggestion. "I have lately been much troubled with dyspepsia, belching and Bour stomach," writes M. S. Mead, leading pharmacist of Attleboro, Mass. "I could eat hardly anything without suf fering several hours. My clerk suggest ed I try Kodol Dyspepsia Cure which did with most happy results. I have had no more trouble and when one can go to eating mince pie, cheese, candy and nuts after such a time, their diges tion must be pretty good. I endorse Kodol Dyspepsia Care heartily." You don't have to diet. Eat all the good food you want but don't overload the stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests your food. Julia A. Story, Mcllen! G. W. Besley, West McHenry. EMERALD 1'ARK. Thos. Ames of Terra Cotta was a caller here Saturday. Miss Anna Cleary spent Sunday after noon with May Sutton. Walter Walsh and Allen Cleary spent Saturday at Wauconda. John Gibbs has been qttite sick with the grippe the past week. R. J. Walsh of Nunda spent a few days last week with his parents: Miss Lola Aylward began work at S. S. Chapell's in McFlenry Monday. Eld. Sutton returned on Monday from a two weeks' visit in South Dakota. Miss Margaret Sutton spent Friday evening with Miss Bertha Baldwin at Nunda. Miss Fleming and pupils of Griswold Lake school visited Miss Knox's school Thursday afternoon. Misses Alice and Katie Frisby and Mr. Berger of McHenry were calling on friends here Sunday. Miss Frances Fleming^and brother, Richard, of Barreville were calling on friends here Thursday. Misses Margaret Sutton and Mamie Knox attended teachers' meeting at Woodstock Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Wm. Welch and Mrs. George Walmsley of Griswold Lake viBited Mrs. Ed. Sutton Tuesday afternoon: Bucklen's Arnica 5alve. Has world-wide fame for marvelons cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo tion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tet ter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c at Julia A. Story's. WAUCONDA. Several sleighing parties were oat San- day. C. E. Jenks and family visited at Nunda Friday. Mr. Orabtree and wife of Cary visited with Emerson Cook. Mat. Freund of McHenry spent Sun day with relatives here. Orten Hubbard of Chicago visited his parents Saturday and Sunday. Rev. F. L. Lapham of this place is holding revival meetings at the M. E. church in Volo. Petef Stadtfield of Volo bad a lively runaway Sunday evening, breaking the cutter and harness. The trotting race on the lake Satur day was won by Homer Fisher's horse. "Grey Eagle" owned by Arthur Kirwin won only one heat. Quite an amount of inon«y changed hands as a result. A valentine party was held at the home of Norman Ladd Friday evening. Various games were played and a fine supper was served by Mrs. Ladd. ThoSe present were: Ed. Mills, Elmer Duers, George Harris, Homer Sensor, Earl Golding, George Ladd, Olie Potter and Misses Dora Monroe, Marion Freeman, Eva Harris, Hannah Davi£, LoraBlanck. t^"a office* the OSTKND. Geo Thomas was at Woodstock Fri day. Harry Brott visited McHenry Mon day. Claude Hntson was at McHenry Mon day. ^ Guy Harrison was at McHenry Tues day. Thos. McDonald was at Woodstock Tuesday. Guy Harrison was a Woodstock visit or Sunday. Henry Hobart was to mill at Mc Henry Monday. Mrs. Jacob Han perish has a fine new sewing machine. Jacob Schryer and family were visit ing at Woodstock Sunday. Mrs. Henry Hobart and children were visiting at Woodstock Friday. Warren Francisco and Donald Simp son were at McHenry Saturday. Mrs. John Pierce and lady friend of Greenwood were visiting at Thomas Bros'. Tuesday. Mrs. E. A. Thompson of Chicag visit ed at H. N. Thompson's Thursday and Friday of last week. There was no school here Friday, teacher being at Woodstock in attend ant^ at the institute. A sleigh load from here attended an oyster supper at Mr. Mason's in Cherry Valley Friday evening. Francis Abbott went to Woodstock Friday and brought his daughter, Ethel, home to remain over Sunday. Ed. W allace is soon to erect a large barn 120 ft long and 40 ft. wide, with 24 ft. posts. He expects to put 60,000 ft. of lumber into it. Warren Francisco and Wm. Richard son went to Woodstock Tuesday to meet Mrs. Wm. Richardson and brought her home with them to visit a short time among relatives here. The funeral of Charles Coleman was held from the home of E. E. Basset last Sunday afternoon. The deceased was a native of Denmark, sixty-one years of age, a*fd had been chopping wood several days for Mr. Bassett pre vious to his illness which lasted for one week. No trace of?relatives could be found. The remains were laid at rest ip Ostend cemetery by a few kijid hearted people. Favorit# Nearly K»*rywh»re. Constipation means dullness, depres sion, headache, generally disordered health. DeWitt's Little Early Risers stimulate the liver, open the bowels and relieve this condition. Safe, 6peedy and thorough. They never gripe. Frvorite pills. Julia A. Story, Mc Henry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. BAKKKVILLK. John J. Hunter was in Chicago Thurs day. John J. Hunter was in Cary Wednes day. Mrs. Wm. Wingate has the pnen- UiOula. Wm. Jesse of Nunda was a caller here recently. Albert Fritz of Nunda was a caller here recently. Jos. Wienke af Algonquin was a re cent caller here. Miss Clara Thompson spent Saturday afternoon with Miss Lena Church. J. H. Gracy and Miss Lena Church were in McHenry on business Monday. Thos. McMillan and son, Henry, of Terra Cotta were business callers here Monday. Misses Clara Thompson and Lena Church called on Terra Cotta friends Monday. Mrs. J. A. Robison is very ill with la grip. Dr. Hobbs of Nunda is in at tendance. Mrs. Clarence Colby and daughter, Edna, spent Sunday evening at Wm. Wingate's. Mrs. Harry Wooley and daughter, Annabel, spent Monday at Chas. Wil mington's. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Matthews spent Tuesday at C. T. Matthew's near Bnr- ton's Bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Thompson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Guerin at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Thompson visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCannon at Ring- wood Thursday. Paul Timmerman, Thos. Ames and sister, Mae, spent Thursday evening with Miss Clara Thompson. Judge O. H. Gillmore of Woodstock and Chas. Rowley of Nunda were mak ing calls in this vicinity Monday. Floyd and Robert Thompson and little Irvin VanNatta of Slocum's Lake spent Sunday at Grandpa Thompson's. Lap Robes and Horse BUakets & is a subject we are harping on just now. We know a number of people who would buy both if they fftlly realized the excellent values we offer. Come and look at the Flush Robes at S3.S0 and our $1*50 Hone Blankets. They 11 start you thinking. ... • •' M- >M vitffc '%•$ V ^ McHenry West McHenry GUS. CARLSON f Charles Parker, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Gardinier of Grays Lake called on the former's mother Sunday, who is very sick with pneumonia at present. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Glosson, George Scheid of Griswold Lake and Miss Lizzie Glosson of McHenry visited at James Murray's Wednesday. There will be a basket social given by the teacher and pupils of the Volo school Tuesday evening, February 25. Ladies please bring baskets. Proceeds to be used in buying books for the library. All are cordially invited to come and help a good cause. Patrick McCabe died at his home south-east of Volo Saturday, Feb. 15, at the age of eighty-seven years. He leaves three children, Mrs. John White and Mike of Chicago and James of this place to mourn their loss. Funeral services at Wauconda, Tuesday. She was sitting up with a sick man, No professional nurse was she, Simply sitting up with her love-sick lover Giving him Rocky Mountain Tea. G. W. Besley. SPRING GROVE. Mrs. S. L. Orvis is sick. Mat May moved into his new house last Friday. Miss Nettie Motley was a Chicago visitor Monday. Goo. Gould purchased two lots of O. Hesse Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chan. Smith ^11 move to McHenry March 1. Still applications for houses continue and in many cases supplications. ' Mrs. Laura Sames has sold her house and. lot to Wm. Campbell for $1100. Erastns Mick has rented the Wm. Hoffman farm and will move at once. Henderson Churchill and family moved into part of Otto Hesse's house Saturday. John Niinsgern bought a lot directly north of the one he now occupies, last week, of Otto Hesse. Many of our people are renting part of their houses in order to accommo date those moving in. H. Churchill has purchased a lot of Otto Hesse and will build on it as soon as the weather permits. The play entitled "What the Wood men did for Melvina," will be given at the hall Friday evening. Feb, 28= With the large increase in population the school rooms are well filled, every vacant seat being taken and more seats will have to be added at once. A congregation of sixty greeted Rev. Gee last Sunday evening. Next serv ices will be March 2 at 7:80. The ser mon will be especially addressed to the boys. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gould entertained about thirty young people Friday even ing at a valentine party given in honor of their son, John. Refreshments were served and all departed thanking their host and hostess for the pleasant even ing afforded them. yT £ 'I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for a number of years and have no hesitancy in saying that it is the best remedy for coughs, colds and cronp I have ever used in my family. I have not words to express my confidence in this Remedy.--Mrs. J. A. Moore, North Star, Mich. For sale by Julia A. Story and G. W, Besley. VOI.O. Miss Ruby Cook of Wauconda was a Volo caller Friday. Miss Nell Kirwan of Wauconda is visiting at Jaines Kirwan's. Misses Annie Miller and Kate Pfan- neatill spent Sunday in Volo. Misses Celia and Katie Rosing were McHenry callers Wednesday. Mrs. Frennd and children of Mc Henry spent Sunday with Mrs. Mat Miller. fe Rev. Mid Mrs. Lapham of Wauconda are calling on friends in this vicinity this week. Misses Zelma Bretsnyder and Edith Bauer of Fort Hill called on friends in Volo Saturday. Miss Emma Molidor attended the teachers' institutes at Woodstock Fri day and Saturday. MiBs Rena Decker and friend of Ivan- boe vjsited the former's aieter, Mia. RIDOST1EI.D. Rev. Shelt is very much improved. D. L. Gibson is visiting in Chicago. Mrs. Wakefield was in Nunda Satur day. Mrs. N.J. Garrison was in Woodstock Friday. J. Still and Mrs. A. Cadwallader are very sick. R. Reed was in Chicago the first of the week. Mrs . J. B. Lynch was in Chicago on business Friday. Mrs. Baldwin of Nunda was here on business Wednesday. Mrs. R. L. Dufield and son, Arthur, were in Nunda Saturday. Mrs. M. W. Ward and C. M. Keeler were in Chicago Saturday. I. E. Mason shipped a carload of stock to Chicago the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Levey and danghter visited his parents at Seneca Sunday. Miss Sara Gaffney of Hnrtland visited at J. B. Lynch'a Friday and Saturday. F. Fay and F. Small attended insti tute at Woodstock Friday and Saturday. Lewis Gibson of Chicago spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Gibson. F. Winegar was called to his home in Iowa Saturday by the serious sickness of his son. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Merchant have moved to Woodstock. Mr. Merchant is going to commence work in the Oliver Typewriter factory soon. The valentine social st B. R. Morse's was a rare ti^at. There were about twenty-five couples, old and young There was an enormous valentine sur rounded by smaller ones hung in the parlor doors and a bow and arrow for the skilled marksmen to hit the small hearts. F. Reed won first prize in the shape of a very pretty valentine. Miss Blanche Lynch won the booby prize, it being a comic valentine. Proceeds amounted to $6.25. The next C. E. social is to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Walkup, Friday evening, February 28. Everyone cordially in vited. NUNDA. Carl McCollum of Muscoda, Wis., is spending this week here. j Alva Jones and wife were in town visiting her parents Saturday. W. B. Shales family of Barring- ^i 1 • ~ -- AT WHOLESALE PRCS Such as Tea Kettles Coffee Pot* , Tea Pots • Dish Pans Dairy Pails Tlilk Pans Stew Pans Bread Raisers Rolling Pins Cuspidors and hundreds of little Household Items We need the space for other Merchan dise and desire to dispose of them quick Sale begins Friday and will pay you to investigate. W. C. Evansoft •A -g*- !P Special attention given to the sate of H1LIP JAEGER General Commission mcrcbaoi Stall 1 ft 3, Fulton St. Wholesale Market Cfticaao, Illinois Dressed Beef, Hutton Hogs, Veal, Poultry Hides, Etc. Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists furnished on application COLD STORAQE FREE Vsil ' ASTON ISHIN6.0FFER!! r Q^any years wo have sold our Whiskies and Cigars to Wholesalers only and our brands aro preferred by them, as they aro superior to all others. In order to givetheGonsumcr the beucfil of the largo profits of Dealer and Middleman, we have derided to now tell direct to the Consumer our Host Popular Brands of Whiskies and Cig&rs at loss than wholesale prices 14 BEAUTIFUL PRIZES FREE WSfe With ersry quarfbott)* of our famous 10 ys«r •llQs*s(llyCImb P«r«Rjre and ons box of our justly csUbratod fwibs fibts 10c dear Hava»afaba«ftpeelsU,w« will rive ABSOLCTVLY FRIKoneof the hand- •omest open face, extra heavy nickel Gent's Watches miile.ino latijs) stem wind and set, genuine Aiuuric»r* niovsnscr.t case, host timekeeper on earth, does not tarnish and will last a lifetime, 1 extra fine Vienna Mcer* | ichaum ripe, 1 genuine Meerschaum Cigar Holder, 1 fenuino Meerschaum Cigarette Holder, 1 pretty leather Tobacco pouch, 1 elegant extra heavy nickel match box. 1 pair pnarl ruff buttnn«_ 1 ball tnpmllar hutt«n. 1 holder, 1 pair sleeve buttons. 1 double chain and ono beautiful charm. k\\ jowelry heavily 14k pold plated. All these 14 pioees with one box of our famous Cuban Specials and one quart bottle of our famous 10 yoar old Queen City Club Pure Ryo cannot be bought for less than $12 00. Wo sell the Whiokty und Cigaks ID'AIII V C O D. witb prmlepreof ex- cludingtho 14 prizesforVHIal w f tlblnation, white Whiskey and Cigare alone cost more than we ask for the entire lot Our Whiskey U en Absolutely Pure 10 year aid Rye and ou Clears fftaalae Cuban fesad* •sade^etoar Havana, made In our own factory These cigar* are far better than anything ever advertised before Wa GaaraaUe the tcoods reftad ,, J I An Extra Premium of an elegant Poeketknife with two blades. 1 cork-screw, 1 cigar cuttar ana L • • (lass cutter, if #3 97 it Vast is adranca witk OTdssr. Goods sent in plain package. Wrtse nl Liquors and Cigars. Rsspoosib£e afent9 wanted. Ord«* to-day. J D, a. nmxii.rntn D1STRIBUTXHO CO^-Acpt. K., «31 North CUrk gt, Chicago, Dfe WHISKEY as represeated. wholesale Price Lists "ii Si M *8$ ton spent the Sabbath at home. Mr. Goodwin shipped a car load of cows to the city Tuesday night. Abont seventy-five couple attended the dance here Saturday evening. Mrs. W m. Jayne, Sr., of Chicago vis ited her son, Will, and family Saturday and Snnday. Ed. Dalton of Hampshire was the guest of his brother-in-law, Will Mead and family, last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Webber of Mc Henry visited with her sister, Mrs. W. H. Mead here Saturday. Mrs, Georgia Warren returned from RingWood last week where she had been caring for Mrs. C. Harrieon. The ladies of the W. R. C. held their quarterly birthday dinner at the hall last Saturday and had a very pleasant time. The remains of Mrs. Frank Cox were brought to our city last Friday for bnrial from Pensacola, Fla., where she was spending the winter. The funeral was held at the Free Methodist church Saturday. Frank Pingry died at his home east of town Snnday as the result of an ac cident. Friday afternoon he caught his arm in the wheels of a corn sheller crushing it bfclow the elbow. Sunday the doctors amputated the hand but be did not survive the operation. Mr. Pingry's death seems unusually sad owing to the fact that he lost the other arm some years ago in a similar acci dent. n EATS I • $% •?! Fresh Salt and Smoked. . 1 w. Vegetables and Fruit in Season Having purchased the West Side Market of F. Wat tles, it is my intention to give all customers the best service possible. I pay spot cash for hides, poultry and 8took of all kinds, thas paying the low est prices, and ^ will sell on the same basis. Full line of fresh Hsih^at afl ^^MS during the cold weather*^ A. C. flATTHEWS, West McHenry. 1 "j-S % McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE wltli Mi-Henry County State Bank. Wood-NUx-k. III. Abstracts of title and oon- veyanrliiK. Money to loan on real estate la sums of #fi00 to $10,000, time and payment to suit iKiri-ower. GREAT CHANCE FOR farmers ind Testers We have bought from various Breweries ami Fxpress Companies, several carloads of second-hand Horses, all !n good shape. a::d suitable for Farm and Team work, will re fund one-half of railroad fare to any out of town purchaser. Let your depot asent Kive receipt for ticket money. Abe KU e & Sou 2T2 -t 276 North Center Ave,, near Milwaukee Ave.. Chicago, Ul. Take Milwaukee AT®. cable car. Dyspepsia Curo Digests what yon eat. Tiiis preparation contains all of tha dlgestauts and digests all kinds olr food. It gives instant relief and never, fails to cure. It allows you to eat alll , the food you want. The most sensi tivat stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed, tot unequalled for the stomach. Cttild* ren with weak stomachs thrive on it* ; First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. Cures all stomach trouMa* only by E. O. DEWITT A Co., Ofetcaaa • contains** times UMMc. Mfc Julia A. Story mad U. W.