Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Feb 1902, p. 4

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. JWJBUMUI £*-. Sf'V" *r,V±r'i- ^ * X' - ,„VH " --A f, Tie Mtflenry Plaiolealer 1^.^. PUBLISHED EVE11Y THURSDAY ii¥ J / Till HdlCHRY PLAWPEAICR (OMPAHT. 3^" •>: W»X- OBANBBK, W. A. GRIMY, J. B. PBHBY, •4' • Pres. Sec. Treaa. OB AS. D. 8CHOONYAKB&, Editor. OBoe li Bank Building. Telephone, No. 91$. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION: One year P-M Ms months, 75 cto. Three months. 40 cts. Thursday, February, *7, 190a. if any, new side walks, bat oat of the license money, which amounts to $5000, there wonld be enough left to pay all current expenses and keep the roads and what side walks we have in good repair. If done in this manner it would seem that everyone should be satisfied, whereas if a special corporation tax is levied it would likely squeeze some of our property owners pretty tight. We all want side walks but it is doubtful if any man would censure the board for sacrificing the side walks in order to pay off an indebtedness. HON. A. J. HOPKINS Candidate for United States Senator For Collector. I hereby announce myself as a candi­ date for the office of collector and re­ spectfully solicit the support of the voters of McHenry at the coming spring election. M. J. FREUND. 32-7t For Collector. 'I hereby announce myself as a Repub­ lican candidate for the office of collector and respectfully ask my friends to sup­ port me at the coming town election. 844T PETER NIESEN. REPUBLICAN CAUCUS. The Republican voters of the town of McHenry are requested to meet at the city hall in McHenry on Saturday j March 1, 1902. at two o'clock p. m., for the purpose of selecting fifteen delegates to the county convention to be held at Woodstock, March 4, 1902. W. A. CRISTY ) A. L. HOWE [-TownCom. J. V. BUCKLAND ) THE FISH LAV. The Illinois Legislature has passed many game and fish laws that are right and just, but there are a few that are very flimsy and show lack of fore­ thought. The one in particular, which has recently been brought to our notice, is that which forbids fishing through the ice. We can readily and clearly understand that a law forbidding fish­ ing in this manner, for fhe market, would be justifiable and reasonable. Everyone living near a body of water that contains fish are aware that the fish swarm about the holes that are cut in the ice and are made easy yictims. The legislature was con­ vinced of this fact and without further questioning passed the law. But ac­ cording to this law no man can go out and catch a mess of fish for his own dinner. We do not believe such a law will hold in any court, and there are plenty of well posted attorneys who are willing to take up a case of that nature. The fish warden is aware of the weak­ ness of the law, and to our knowledge no case bearing on this point has eve/ been taken into the higher courts, but settlements made as in the case last week. Cutting holes in the ice prob­ ably saves more fish from death than are caught during the entire year. They must have air, and the fact that they seek the openings is sufficient proof. With the lakes and ponds covered with an unbroken layer of ice the oxygen becomes scarce, and the natural gases which arise from the earth find no out­ let. Under these conditions the fish can not live. It is to be hoped that the next legislature will see the error and modify the law, if not for the benefit of the fanner who wishes an occasional mess of fish, for the benefit of the finny tribe. , We have the largest and best assortment of salt, dried canned fish in McHenry. Salt fish in kegs or by the pound canned fish at all prices. ' < SIMON STOFFEL. Want Column. "CM)R SALE--Two good horses, 6 and 8 years old, for general use, ch< Springs Hotel, Plstakee Bay At Mineral 34-St WAN TED-- Energetic solicitors for Acci- * * dent Insurance. Address Freeport Ac­ cident Association, Freport, Hi. 84-St tTORSES FOR SALE--I have at my w denee 1H miles south of town on Bar ville road, 20 choice young (some of the mures are In ro 1 AT the auditorium Sunday afternoon John Alexander Dowie said: "I am not going to die. I will always be with you." Suffering humanity! What ant? ~ WE have received a copy of the 46th annual report of the Illinois State Hor­ ticultural Society. It is a nicely bound book and the contents are of interest to any one. The book will be sent to all members of the society, also to any school or public library on application and the receipt of 17 cents postage. Address, L. R. Bryant, Sec., Princeton, Dl. LYMAN GAGE, the retiring secretary of the treasury, will become president of the United States Trust company of New York at a salary of $50,000. When Mr. Gage entered the cabinet, people •aid he was foolish to give up his Chi­ cago position, with a $20,000 salary at­ tached, to accept a cabinet position at a salary of $8,000; but after all it has proved a very good business proposition for Mr. Gage, to say nothing of the glory of it.--Ex. THE friends and admirers of Admiral Schley would do well to admire him and his achievements in silence here after, and put an end to the deplorable controversy that has caused so much III feeling between naval officers, con gressmenand civilians. The solicitous friends asked that President Roosevelt pass an opinion upon the findings of the oourt of inquiry, and he has done so, upholding the decision of those three men in every instance. What can , Admiral Schley gain by his persistency? It is safe to say that he now h«j> the sympathy of a majority of the people, bat the longer the controversy is main­ tained, the less friends he will have. Let him abide by the decisions of the oourt and we will forget his errors nmi remember him only as a brave officer and a faithful son of America. THE disgraceful actions of Senators Tillman and McLaurin lqst Saturday in the upper house of congress have humiliated the government, and placed that house in a position for ridicule by the whole world. If such a scene hnd transpired in some backwoods voting prccinct nothing would have been thought of it. But in the senate, where every member is supposed to be a broad minded, educated man, and an American, we naturally look for some thing different. The differences be tvreen Tillman and McLauren should have been settled long since. The charges made against McLaurin by Tillman should have been investigated There is only one honorable course to Jtarsue now. Tillman should be ex- ' felled from office at once. The charges • against his adversary should be investi / gated, and if proven gnilty, he should also be relegated to the wilds of his native state. resl- rre- horses and mures (some of the mures are In foal) weighing from HOO to 1500 pounds; also 8 choice drivers from 950 to 1150 pounds, 3 2-year old colts &nd a few cheap work horses. All of which I offer for sale privately until March 7, when I will sell at public auction about 30 horses, my farming tools, etc. WM. BONSLETT. 34-^t. lAOR SALE--Cottage, furnished or unfur- ni«hed, lat Plst,akee Bay, situated be­ tween Bald Knob and Robt. Schiessle's cot­ tage. Apply to Mrs. Paul Gerdlng, 42 8t. James Place, Chicago, 111. 33-tf 7VOR SALE--Choice building lots in Hanly's second addition to McHenry. Inquire of Hanly Bros. 34-3m* She was sitting up with a sick man, No professional nurse was she, Simply sitting up with her lovesick lover Giving him Rocky Mountain Tea. G. W. Besley. PROB A TE NEWS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Annie E Smith & h to Jennie A Ken­ nedy, it 8, blk 10, E G Ayers addn to Harvard -12000 00 James C Tobln to John Tohin, it 1. blk 16, Syn addn Marengo 200 00 Tbos Blakeslee et al to D D Blakeslee, swM swM sec 4. eH neM swM sec 2, pt it 296 A P sec 5, Dorr „ 1 00 D D Blakeslee et al to M R Fltming, pt neM swM sec 2. Dorr 150 00 E C Jewett & w to W W Bogart, stt, it 10, Cotting & Purdys adn Richmond.. 15 00 F C Ruggles et al to Wm L Acker et al, sett SEtt sec 16, Chemung 1960 00 H C Sweet et al to M S Freund eH nwtt swtt sec 31 Burton 700 00 J Kattner & w to Wm Kattner sett nw tt sec 36, Richmond 2640 00 Sarah I, Fillmore to L D Fillmore undlv % of wtt sett & sett swtt n of river, sec 12. Coral 1800 00 R R Turner & w to E E Cropley, its 13, 14, 15 & 16, Turner's 1st adan Solon Mills 200 00 Alison McLean to Carl Olrich, eH swtt & wH sett sec 13, Seneca 9000 00 G F Beardsley & w to John F West- phall, pt sett sec 15, Alden 700 00 S 8 Burchlll & w to Wm Basry, It 4, blk 46, Harvard 50 00 Jas Horn an & w to Allen Homan, It 5, blk 1. Nunda H &c Julia C Dike et al to T H Leonard, Its 3 &4, blk 4, Pierson's addn Crystal Lake & pt swtt nett sec 6. Algonquin 1 00 Silas P Melander & w to Adam Wolf pt frl nett sec 19, McHenry 1050 00 Fred Frank & w to Carl Knoac pt sett nwtt & nett swtt sec 5, Algonquin 975 00 C P Barnes & w to Patrick Keating & John M Hoy. It 1 swtt, wH sett sec 19, nwtt nett sec 30 & DH it 1, nwtt sec 30, Algonquin 12000 00 D R Wyant & w to^Mrs Ann Carpenter w 6e ft Its 7 & 8, blk 4 E G Ayers addn to Harvard 1750 00 C J Hendricks & w to Fannie M Lilley, Its 1 & 2, blk 5, A D Pauls addn to Chemung & pee in sett swtt sec 33, Chemung Fannie M Lilley & h to Jeremiah Conn, same 350 00 August J Whipple & h to Jno F Burke, its 7 * h, blk 46, Harvard 525 00 Timothy Nolan & w to Cornelius wH swH sec 2, Harvard 3600 00 Anna K Michels to N J Nye pee in swtt nett sec 13, McHenry 250 00 J F Hayner to Alison McLean pee in Dorr 80000 Cynthia A Salisbury et al to Alison Mc­ Lean, It 130 sec 7, Dorr 1300 00 Archibald T Montgomery to James Cooney wH nett & 4 a in nwtt &ett sec 19, Greenwood 6500 00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Wm. Heimann Crystal Lake Matilda Bailer Crystal Lake August L. Utesch. Dunham Augusta Zimmerman. Dunham Roy C. Greene Marengo Bessie M. Washburn Marengo Reader--Yoa will confer a lasting favor and receive a reward, if you will report the name of dealers trying to tell you a substitute for Madison Medicine Co. 's Rocky Mountain Tea. G. W Besley. THE NEW BRIDGE. The iron bridge across Boon creek in v 5 .-this village should be a source of pride , i ... . to all our citizens and a source of com-• y' W * fort to pedestrians and teamsters. But the manner of paying for the work 4 £ aeeuiB to be a source of much discussion ".V pn the part of tax payers and worry on * ' ^ fhe part of the aldermen. We have Interviewed several heavy tax payers • -V' "And some of the aldermen regarding ' the matter ^nd they all seem to be of \ > '/pne opinion, and that is that the money ' ^ come from the corporation funds without levying a special tax. Thb Can be done by paying about $1000 each year for three years, and by so jjoing 110 gme would feel the effects and the vil- j^ge could pull through. Of course it i Colds *' I had a terrible cold and could hardly breathe. I then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and it gave me im­ mediate relief. W. C. Layton, Sidell, 111. How will your cough be tonight? worse, prob­ ably. For it's first a cold, then a cough, then bron­ chitis or pneumonia, and at last consumption. Coughs always tend downward. Stop this downward tendency by taking Ayer's Cherry Pec­ toral. Tkree dm: 2Sc., All irnnlttt Stop iho BUght It is a sad thing to see fine 'ruit trees spoiled by the blight You can always tell them from the rest. They never do well afterwards but stay small and sickly. It is worse to see a blight strike children. Good health is the natural right of children. But some of them don't get their rights. While the rest- ^row big and strong one stays small and weak. Scott's Emulsion can stop that blight There is no reason why such a child should stay small. Scott's Emulsioi is a medicine with lots o strength in it--the kind c strength that makes thin' grow. Scott's Emulsion ma! children grow, nfakes them c makes them sleep, makes Vtv*. play. Give the weak child chance. Scott's Emulsion wr make it catch u with the rest. This picturfe repre ev the Trade Ma<k of St Emulsion and is on t< wrapper of every bottle. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOW NT. 409 Pearl St., New V r 50c and |i. all druggist: day with his parents in Greenwood township. Thos. Kelly of Olivia, Minn,, was the guest of relatives here and in Hartland last week. Mr. and Mrs, Neill Donnelly of Chi­ cago spent Sunday with relatives and friends in this city. C. L. Ward began work last Monday on the foundation for his new house in the Hobart addition. Martin McCue of Notre Dame, Ind., was the guest of relatives in Greenwood township over Sunday. Mrs. L Kippler and daughter of Chicago visited with friends here the latter part of last week. N. R. Buckley has bought a stock of goods at Clinton Junction and will take charge of the store March 1. Mrs. W. B. Sullivan of Seneca town­ ship is spending the week with rela­ tives and friends in Chicago. The Guard's annual ball last week Friday evening was a great success, over seventy couple being in attend- Bearathe ftgnatv* of ibtohia, rTha Kind You HaveAlwm Bought If fashions and the 'weather did not change, society would have to think In order to keep up conversation.--Satur­ day Evening Post Good sense is heaven's choicest gift, and iq order to obtain it most men have to make the trip to headquarters. --Chicago News. Every family should have one of those beautiful McKinley memorial engrav­ ings offered free to our subscribers this week. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children, The Kind Yois lan Always Bought DON'T BE FOOLED Take the genuine, original ROCKY MOUNTAIN Made only by Madison Medi> cine Co., Madison, Wis. It keeps you well. Our trad* mark cut on each package. Price, 35 cents. Never AOI4 _ in bulk. Accept S5« substl* motNi tute. Ask your divggUt. This Beautiful Memorial Crayon Engraving Free to Our Readers. The publishers of the Plaindealer havb made arrangements with the Illinois Art Co. of Chica­ go whereby we are able to offer as a present to each of our subscribers this beautiful memorial crayon of our martyr President, a miniature copy of which is shown herewith. In the center yoa will notice a full length por­ trait of our beloved Pres­ ident ; uii his right and left hands portraits of his wife and mother, both of them excellent likeness and reproduc­ tions from recent photo­ graphs; in the two upper corners of the picture are his birthplace and Canton residence. This small reproduction will give some idea as to the general effect, but cannot bring out thu bo^utiiul uiiWi. of thu lull sized uiemuri al picture, which is 22 inches wide and 38 inches long, engraved on fifeavy coated plate paper. It is a beautiful work of art which everyone will want and appreciate. Tt would be valued at any art store at $2.00. In addition to the above they will enclose with each picture their beautiful memorial sheet music, containing the beloved President's two favorite hymns, "Nearer, My God, to Thee," and "Lead Kindly Light," on the back of which is a sketch of his merit-crowned life. This beautiful music should be in every home. We trust every subscriber to The Plaindealer will take advantage of this un­ precedented offer. Read attached coupon carefully and send at once. No picture will be sent un. less^coupon is received. Twenty-five cents in coin can be sent through. the mail without danger of loss. Coiuuit your doctor. It he lay* take It, then do aa he »ay»- If he tells you not to take it, then don't take it. He knows. Leare It with htm. We are willing. J, C. AY EH CO.. Lowell, MftM. WOODSTOCK. Horse sale March 12. Republican county convention next Tuesday. J. H. Barry was in Chicago on busi­ ness on Saturday. Homer Brown was in Chicago on busi­ ness last Saturday. Ralph Bush made a business trip to Chicago on Saturday. D. F. Quinlan made a business trip to Chicago on Saturday. A. L. Dunning of Chicago called on friends here on Sunday. Mrs. H. A. Ashton visited with friends in Chicago over Sunday. Judge E. H. Waite spent Sunday with friends at Harvard. Three new mail routes will be started out of this city Saturday. N. R. Buckley and son, Ben, were Chicago visitors on Saturday. W. A. Bolger of Chicago spent Sun­ day with his brother in this city. Stanley Richards was out from Chi­ cago last Sunday to visit with his par­ ents. Saturday is moving day with the farmers and many changes will be made. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Dee nan of Maren­ go spent Sunday at the home of N. Grady. The Mozart Symphony Club will ap­ pear at the opera house this Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Snyder of Ma­ rengo Bpent Sunday with friends in this city. Walter Ejpkert of Chicago spent 8«w- ART COUPON. This is to certify that 1 am a reader of The McHenry Plaindealer En­ closed find 25c in stampB, or silver, to cover cost of wrapping, mailing, etc.. for which please send me one copy of McKinley Memorial Engraving, and copy of the Memorial Sheet Music. NAME P08T OFFICE.........." STATE Pill out this conpon and m«i! to the Illinois Art Co., 1635 Old Polony Rid •S»»mww CWmpo. Every one should secure the Beautiful SOUVENIR GROUP OF-- Prince Henry and His Entire Family WHICH THE SUNDAY INTER OCEAN Is giving free with the issue of Sunday, March 2, 1902. Order at once, as the edition is limited. H O R S E S F O R S A L E ! ^ O R E A T C H A N C E F O R F A R M E R S Have oh hand several carloads of cheap horses bought from various brewery companU^.. W111 refund H railroad fare to any out-of-town purchaser. Hav« y»ur ticket agent rive you receipt. ABB KLB8 * MM, 37a Nwth Center A venae, CMICAQO, ILL Mw Vllwukw Aveam Cable Oar. GILBERT BROS.! Fancy Grocers Kinds Gilbert Bros. McHenry - - Illinois. Pumps SteamZFIttina* and Olind mills $tc«l and Wood Cankf and Farm machinery A. full line lu every department / ' ' We are prepared to do Well Work of all Kinds aire aa a call Conway & Rainey Ringwood, III. Best IPortland Cement Delivered at McHenry at $3.50 per barrel. WM. BELL. Factory and residence, No. 506 HUT AMw OfflMt ZOOm a, Mc Bride block, Douglas Av« ELQ1N, ILLINOIS (LfRETT Wholesale and retail dealer in I am In the Market For Beef Veal riutton Hogs and Poultry dive me a call Smoked Meats, Sausage McHenry - Illinois This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage floney to Loan on real estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low­ est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Banker*. Subjects for Thought The Telephone is the ideal rapid transit\ The cost of transportation by this method is less than by any other. It makes you a neighbor to all prominent business houses and families everywhere. Business Rates, 6%c. per tfay a«l ap. Residence Rates, 5c. per day ami sp Chicago Telephone Company AMERICA'S Editorially Fearless. Consistently Republican. News from all of the world-Well written, original stories--Answers to queries--Articles on Health, tlm Home, New Books, aud on Work About the Farm and Oardon. Tde Weekly Inter Oceai Is a member of the Associated Press tbe only Western Newspaper re­ ceiving the entire telegraphic news service of the New York Sun and syeeittl cable of the New York World--dally reports from over 2,000 special correspondents throughout the country. y e a r ONE d o l l a . Subscribe for Tt* Plaiadeatkr and Tli : Weekly Inter Omioat yaar, botk pip.r.i for $1.73.

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