. " ~ - - . 1 r t . JC Milii ' j .wywaffara IV* >A. .• *-'•{•' « j Fancy Groceries an<! ; r "V.J- • , Delicacies All kinds of Fresh Fruit always on hand Prepared For Lent Beat Goods at lowest possible prices. Genuine Holland Herring, Salt and Stock fish. All kinds of Canned Fish, Domestic and Foreign Cheese. Specialties: Richelieu Coffees. Dutch Cocoa, Toast, Boer Mustard, Etc. Will have\ a full line of Timothy, Clover and Garden Seeds beginning erf March. Kindly send your orders early. Produce Bxchinted. If /"| nPKKFP Tickets to and from Europe. *-*• l/CMVCK. WOODSTOCK. Dorr township canons Saturday after noon. H. B. Medlar is spending the week at Milwaukee. Mrs. C. P. Barnes was a Chicago vis itor Monday. Adolph Pose was in Chicago on busi ness Monday. Claude Richards was a Chicago visit or last Friday. John Dennis was in Chicago on busi ness Saturday. T. W. Davis was in Chicago on busi ness last Friday. H. H. Barber of Riley was here on business Saturday. James Wilson spent Sunday with friends in Chicago. Fred Eichlor spent Sunday with his brother in Chicago. Will Lang was in Chicago on business the first of the week. ^ • Mrs. R. P. Short spent Monday with relatives in Chicago. M. E. Hitchcock was up from Elgin on business Saturday. G. L. Steadman of Seneca was a Chi cago visitor Saturday. Masquerade ball in the Armory hall next Monday evening. Miss Edith Johnson spent Monday with friends in Chicago. »,#* Mrs. Lynn Richards was the guest of Chicago friends on Monday. Miss Mamie Renich was at home from Normal, 111., on Sunday. Ladies' Easter ball in Murphy's hall on Monday evening, March 31. Miss Lucy Quinlan spent Sanday with relatives and friends in Chicago. W. H. Cowan was looking after fac tory interests in Chicago Monday. Mrs. D. Bonner of Hartland visited with friends in Chicago over Sunday. Mrs. C. Curtis and Miss Frances Mc- Ewan were Chicago visitors Monday. Attorney D. T. Stniley was looking after legal interests in Chicago Friday. A. J, Cannon was at home the latter part of last week to visit with his family. Dennis Coaklfey has purchased the old Dacy property near St. Mary's church MiSs Ada Cadwell spent the latter part of last week with friends in Chi cago. Thomas Jacobs was interviewing wholesale tobacco dealers in Chicago Monday. Miss Lena Sweeney of Hartland spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Chicago. Mrs. Wesley Coonrad and Miss Carrie Still were Chicago visitors the first of the week. - Miss Ceuelia Quinlan was the guest of friends at Harrington the latter part of last week. Alex. McDonald of the Woodstock Dry Goods Company was in Chicago on business Monday. The regular principals' meeting was held in this city last Saturday and was quite largely attended. Calvary Commandry of Woodstock will attend Easter services at McVick- ers theatre, Chicago, this year. Robert Nichols and sister, Mrs. Thompson* of Chicago spent Sunday with their mother north of town. Could Hot Breathe. jPoughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis, other throat and lung troubles are quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure. One Minute Cough Cure is not a mere expectorant, which gives only temporary relief. It softens and liqui fies the mucous, draws out the inflama- tion and removes the cause of the dis ease. Absolutely safe. Acts at once. "One Minute Cough Cure will do all that is claimed for it," says Justice of the Peace, J. Q. Hood, Crosby, Miss. "My wife conld not get her breath and was relived by the first dose. It has beeir a benefit to all my family. Julia A. "Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. to talk about spring merchan dise, but then you always look a f^w months ahead in making up your mind about new Fur niture, Carpets, etc. For the spring trade I will have a larger line than ever before of the latest designs in Carpets and Furniture. Call and see the styles before going else where. j Che The ! Independent It is conceded on all sides that the cele- A brated and popular Beers brewed and ^ bottled on improved and hygienic princi- 4 pies and known as f Prima and Burg Brau j are unequalled as the finest table Beers, r Prima Tonic, produced by The Indepen- J dent Brewing Association, possesses a J fine flavor and taste and is especially rich a in nourishing constituents and invigorat- ^ ing qualities. i Best Beer i and nothing but the best is made by this J Brewery. Try it and be convinced. J Purity, strength and rich flavor are its A qualifications, Delivered in barrels, hal- ^ ves, quarters, eights and cases by I JOS. HEIMER, * McHENRY, ILLINOIS. * NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS'OF CORRESPONDENTS * HORSE SUNDRIES A(snt for the Celebrated International Stock Food Preventative - «f ̂ . Hog Cholera Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shelters and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, • Well Supplies, Harness Oil, • Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. General BlttXuoitliiig Prices - ilwiys Retioutfe RING WOOD 3. E. Smith was in Woodstock Satur day. Phil Harrison was in Ringwood Sat urday. H. W. Allen was in Chicago Friday and Saturday. Miss Edith Matthews visited in Me- Honry over Sunday. Miss Mattie Dwelly visited friends at Tryons Grove a few days last week. F. W. Cole attended the McHenry County Principals' Association at Woodstock Saturday. J. W. Cristy returned from Califor nia Tuesday evening where he was called on account of the death of his sisters. The Side Walk Improvement Society will take a trip around the world Fri day evening, March 21. . The starting point will be at the Woodman hall, Ringwood. The following lines will mention the places to be visited. Our side walks are broken And in very bad shap£- So for means to improve them An excursion we'll take. On a trip around the world We have all planned to go, That our foreign friends We, the better may know. So to all friends and neighbors An invitation we send To go with us, and help us Our side walks to mend. So come every young man And bring your best girl, To accompany us on Our trip round the world. And to the older ones say, Bring your wife and your daughter And remember the fare Will be only a quarter. Our first stop is Boston For a lunch of the best. There we will leave for Berlin Where we will take a short rest. And among the friends Who will be there to meet us, They say that Prince Henry Will be the first to greet us. Then to Tokio, Japan, Will be our next stopping place, Where we hope to be received With very good grace. When homeward we come On San Francisco we'll call. Of our visiting places This will be all. Then, back to Ringwood At the old Woodman hall, Where another lunch awaits us And a game of Crokinole. For the Complexion. The complexion always suffers from biliousness or constipation. Unless the bowels are kept open the impurities from the body appear in the form of un sightly eruptions. DeWitt's ' Little Early Risers keep the liver and bowels in healthy condition and remove the cause of such troubles. C. E. Hooper, Albany, Ga., says: "I took DeWitt's Little Early Risers for biliousness. They were just what I needed. I am feeling better now than in years." Never gripe or distress. Safe, thorough and gentle. The very best .pills. Julia A. Story, v McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. * BARKEVILLE. Isaac Jayne of Nunda called here re cently. E. F. Matthews sold a team of horses last week. Fred W ilmington was in Chicago Thursday. Wm. Bonslett of McHenry was a re cent caller here. Earnest Hill spent Wednesday with friends at Marengo. v Fred Bryant of Griswold Lake was a caller here Wednesday. Eugene Campbell and wife of Michi gan were recent callers here. Miss Louise Lehman spent Friday afternoon with Miss Ella Krouae. Thos. Thompson and John Hunter were in Woodstock on business Friday. Rolla Griswold of Dundee spent a few days last week with friends here. Frank Smith of Nunda was a busi ness caller here Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Amos Setter of Janesville, Wis., called at Wm. VanNatta's Friday evening. Mrs. Clarence Colby spent Tuesday afternoon of last week with Mrs. Thos. Thompson. Floyd and Robert Thompson and Irvin VanNatta of Slocums Lake spent Sunday here. Thos. Anderson and Miss Lena Church spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Clara Thompson. Mre. Annie Sutton and Miss Margaret Aylward of Emvrald Park ealled at J Fleming's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Campbell of Nun da called on their daughter, Mrs. H. J Wilmington, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wingate and daughter, Mrs. Mary Jones of Nunda, spent Thursday at Thos. Thompson's. Henry Wilmington and Miss Nettie Campbell were married last week Wed nesday at high noon at the home of the bride's parents near Nunda, Rev. W. B. Doble officiating. A reception followed the ceremony. They will live on the farm owned by the groom's father near this place. Lockjaw From Cobwebs. CobwebB put on a cut lately gave a woman lockjaw. Millions know that the best thin^; to put on a cut is Bucklen's Arnica " Salve, the infallible healer of Wounds, Ulcers, Sores, Skin Eruptions, Burns, Scalds and Piles. It cures or no pay. Only 25c at Julia A. Story's drug store. DLWr EarlyRisers The famous little pills* D O N ' T B e F O O L E D ! Take the genuine, original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Mads er.iy by .V.adissr. fVSccii- cine Co., Madison, Wis. It keeps you well. Our trade mark cut on each packages. Price, 35 cents. Never soi4 in balk. Accept m «ubcti> tat*. Ask yoar dng|i«t SPRING GROVK. John Craine is seriously ill. Mrs. Emma Philips spent several days lately with Mrs. W. Colby. Oh as. Johnson of Capron spent last Friday night at Jas. Westlake's. Mr. Nulk has his barn up, Selim Pierce doixjg the carpenter work. Andrew Neish has been appointed school treasurer to succeed Chas. Mead who has removed to Wilmot, Wis. Joseph Westlake of Genoa Junction spent Tuesday with his brother, James* Mr. and Mrs. Ren Johonnott of An- tioch spent part of last week with rela tives here. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Oxtoby of Canyon City, Colorado,March 7, 1902, a ten pound son. Miss Ivu Richardson of Richmond spent Friday and Saturday with her uncle, Jessie Richardson. Robert Thqmp8on accompanied Fred Hatch to Champaign Monday, where he will have work for a short time. Standing room was at a premium last Friday evening and the receipte for the evening were twenty-four dollars the M. W. and R. N. play. Though not able to entertain Prince Henry we have had the honor of enter taining other notables in Spring Grove lately. It is hoped next time we will have more leisure. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cole had a sad termination to their journey to Nebras ka, Mrs. Cole's sister dying a few hours after their arrival, leaving a husband, little son, and little daughter fiye days old. Among those who attended the play Fridajr evening from a distance wer«: Mr. and Mrs R. Johonnott of Antioch, Harvey Wjl^on, Misses Florence Chevil- lion and Iva Richardson of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Beck and Mr. and Mrs. John tJell of Ringwood, Harry Spear and Miss Nettie Motley of WQmot. A Card. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a 50 cent bottle of Green's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold. We also guarantee a 25 cent bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded. G. W. BESLEY AND JULIA A. STOTY. May $1. VOLO. Wm. Huson was in Chicago on busi ness Thursday. Charles Waite of Chicago was a Volo caller Saturday. Mrs. Chris Dillon visited relatives in Chicago the past week. Miss Annie Miller returned home from Grays Lake Friday. Amos Compton of Elgin visited rela tives in our village the past week. Miss Jessie Gale of Elgin visited friends in Volo Saturday and Sunday. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Esse Fisher died at their home Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Huson and daugh ter, Marion, were McHenry callers Thursday. • Fourteen new library books, two maps and a picture of McKinley have been put in the Volo school. The officers who have been elected for the Epworth League are as follows: President, C. G. Huson; 1st vice presi dent, Chauncey Jepson; 2nd vice presi dent, Jennie Walton; 3rd vice president, Mary Raught; 4th vice president, Rose Huson: secretary, Ella Moore, treasurer, Mrs. Charles Parker. Surgeuii'* Knife Not Ne«(led. Surgery is no lunger necessary to cure piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures such cases at once, removing the necessity for dangerous, painful and ex pensive operations. For scalds, cuts, burns, wounds, bruises, soreq and skin diseases it is unequaled. Beware of counterfeits. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. KMKRALD PARK. D. W. Hill of Chicago spent Sunday in his cottage here. Mrs. John Walsh of McHenry visited Mrs. Ed Knox last Friday. Miss Anna Frisby visited at Mrs. Aylward'8 Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Walter Bolger spent Tuesday with her mother at McHenry, Frank McMillan of Terra Cotta was a Sunday caller at Mrs. Aylward's. Mrs. F. Hayes of Harvard spent Sat urday and Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. Purvey of Nunda visited with her parents, Mi. and Mrs. P. Sutton, Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Frisby and children of Mc Henry spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Aylward. Mrs. Mary Kelter of Chicago and Miss Maggie Cleary of McHenry were calling on friends in this vicinity Thursday. Mrs. Ed. Sutton and children left the first of the week for Elgin, where she will visit a couple of days befere start ing for the west. Mrs. Peter Walsh entertained a num ber of her friends at a quilting party at her home last Saturday. The follow ing ladies were present: Mrs. John Walsh and Mrs. Laughlin. McHenry; Mrs. Nellie Biggs, Chicago; Mrs. Hayes, Harvard; Mesdames R. J. Sutton, Elizabeth Aylward, Ed. Sutton, P. Sut ton, Walter Bolger, H. Dagen and Ellen Frisby, of Emerald Park. Can't Keep it Secret. The splendid work of Dr. King's New Life Pills is daily coming to light. No such grand remedy for Liver and Bowel troubles was ever known before. Thousands bless them for curing Con stipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness, Jaundice and Indigestion. Try them. 25c at Julia A. Story's drug store. If you want an up-to-date hat or pair shoes call at Chapell's. New line just in. * Now's the time, spring time. Take Rocky Mountain Tea; keeps the whole family , well. A great medicine for spring tiredness. 86 eta. G.W. Besley. Mcfeenry West McHenry S&C3V V, 'S» «.ty Whatever the needs Of the bone or stable we have foreseen them and gathered an unsurpassed stock of goods to supply them. F^om Harness snaps to Harness sets the quality which runs through all will be a full equivalent for the price. But that price is not high, anyway. Margins of profit are down to the smallest size consistent with fair dealing. QUS. CARL50N DO YOD GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? 3 Kidney Trouble Makes Ton Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver I and bladder remedy. It is the great medi cal triumph of the nine teenth century; dis covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,Bing- hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and Home of Swamp-Root dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. 8 Hosiery Sale g |Of a most extraordinary effect for your benefit g \-i % , •!' Si -- : M JOHNSIIUKOH. Miss Susie Schmitt is recovering. Eli Manor of Genoa was a caller here Saturday. John P. Lay was a business caller in Chicago Tuesday. Math Palmes of Greenwood called on his parents Sunday. Thoodore Grot of McHenry was a caller here Tuesday. Math Freund of Waucondais working for Jos. H. Huemann. John Pitzen and wife of Volo visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. Rohrbacher of Chicago was a bus iness caller here Thursday. Phil Schaefer visited relatives and friends in Chicago several days. Nick Weber and Nic May of Spring Grove called on friends here Sunday. Geo. Nell was over from Genoa Sun day. He expects to move his family there next week. John P. Lay entertained some of his relatives and friends Sunday. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nell, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Frett, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schmitt, Chas. Frett of McHenry, Jacob Miller and B. Jus ten. RIUQEFIELU Mr. and Mrs. Shelt were in Crystal Lake Monday. Mrs. W. H. Monroe was at Crystal Lake Monday. A, Levey and R. Lynch were in Nunda Monday. Mrs. Dufield and son, Roy, were in Nunda Saturday. F. Wille and F. S. Terwillager were in Chicago Monday. Mrs. Eva Lynch visited her daughter at Woodstock Tuesday. J. Jorgensen of Chicago visited friends here Sunday and Monday. Miss Pearl Whiston of Holoombville was in this vicinity Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wester man were in Chicago Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Baker were in Chicago on business Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Spaulding of Ringwood visited her son, F. Fay. Friday and Saturday. S. Merchant, E. Cadwallader, V. Stephensen and C. Burgystrand were in Nunda Saturday. Mrs. Hudson and son, Vernon,of Ring- wood visited her sister, Mrs. Stephen son, Friday and Saturday. Mrs. French of Ringwood visited her daughter, Mrs. Stephensen, and son, F. French, last Wednesday. OSTKNI). u Cora Bassett was at McH^ry Tues day. Edgar Thomas was at McHenry Tues day. Mildred Marble is a new scholar at our school. Henry Hobart was to mill at Mc Henry Monday. Wilbur Bassett sold his hogs to F. EL Granger Wednesday. Miss Belle Harnish is visiting rela tives in Chicago this week. H. C. Mead passed through here on hiB way toJWoodstock Tuesday. Geo. Thomas and family attended the Smith-Covell wedding Wednesday. Mrs. Burt Whiting was at McHenry Monday calling on Mrs. Arthur Severs. Ralph Bush is visiting his daughters, Mrs. J. Hauperish and Mrs. Chas. Dates, of this place. Mrs. Robt. Richardson was quite ill the first of the week,but is feeling much better at present. Elbert Thomas has returned from Rockford and on account of the weak ness of his eyes he will not attend col lege again until cold weather. We sat at the table together. She cast a shy glance over at me, She certainly looked like an angel Oh Charley 1 Please order me Rocky Mountain Tea. G. W. Besley. New shapes in shoes for men, women, and children at Chapell's. IOC. for Wool or fleeced'till sold. We also in-p M elude our "Black Cat" brand for Ladies dur-next Saturday at the same price. The Shoe 5a!e SHOEJTA wil continue during next / I l^CUSTOM •SHAPES week. <r. *,r; *0 W. C. Evanson. -I -'M PHILIP JAEGER Genera? Commission merchant J Stall 1 & 3, Fulton St. t Wholesale Market | Chicago, Illinois ^ Special attention given to the sale of Dressed Beef, nutton Hogs, V^al, Poultry Hides, Etc. Butter and Eggs . v This is the oldest house on like street Tags and price lists furnished on application COLD STORAGE FREE M 1 * i * * * i i * i t * * i * £ t Do You Paint? 4; If you do, bear in mind that we carry the best brand of ready- mixed paints in' the county. All colors and shades--ready for the brush. The beauty of these paints is that anyone that knows enough to ply the brush can use them, We carry a full line of bils, Varnishes, Etc. which are sold at the lowest possible prices. If you want a Spring Tonic call on us! Ringwood, 111. JL BROWN & SON. Save Your Dollars Gentlemen, call in and you will see the most beautiful Sample Cloths for Suitings. Clothes will be spunged and made up by Journeyman Union Tailors in first-class style. E* LAWLUS, TAILOR. riEATS 1 Fresh Salt and Smoked. McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY". OFFICE with McHenry County State B:iuk. Woodstock,'III. Abstracts of title »»d con veyancing. Money to loan ou real estate lu sums of jaOO to $10,000, time and payment to suit ixjrrower. Chicago & North-Western. Effective September 29, WEEK DAY TKAiaa. Leave nobthbocnd Chicago. „ 7.25 a m Yja Elgin 8.00 a m Via Ues Plaiues... 3.25 p ni Via I)es IMalnuS.., 4.00 p m Via Elgin 5.01pm Via Des Plaltios.. SUN DAT THA1N4> 8.45 a m . Via Elgin 9.10am Via Des Plainca... 2.0Sp m Via Elgin WEEK DAT THA1KS. McHenry. southbound. 7.32 am Via Des Plaint*.. 7.32am .Via Elgin 8.33 a m.. Via Oes I'luindS.; 8.07 p m Via Elgin...... SUNDAY TKAIN4. 7.38 a m.,. 6.01 p m.. ......Via Elgin. .El£ia. .Vial 1901. Arrive McHenry. .1.. 10.00 !i 111 ..... 10.00 u m 5.00 p in . ,. ti.47 p m , . . ( J . 4 7 p i n 11.14 a in 11.14 a m 5.00 p ill Arrive Chicago. 9.30 a m .....10.10a tt. ... .9.50 a m 5.45 p in ....l&aoau* Vegetables and Fruit in Season Having purchased the West Side Market of F. Wa^ ties, it is my intention . to give all customers the best service possible. I pay spot cash for hides, poultry } / Ai ' , ' and stock of all lands, . - >,' 1 th«s paying the low- 'k-v. ? ' •- est prices, and will sell on -. the same basis. .,^1 Full line of fresh Fish at all times - during; the cold weather. A. C. riATTHEWS, ^ McHenry. West McHenry. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat. This preparation contains all of tb(B digestants a^d digests all kinds Off food. It gives instant relief and oev«r fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food yoti want. most sousitlv® stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have heM» cured after everything else failed. In unequalled for the stomach. Child* ieo with weak sUMuachs thrive cu First dose relieves. Adietunneoeesaa* Cures all s Prepared or.lv by Too II- com SZ5?3Zi2aS?3C - k , ipsys \