Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Mar 1902, p. 7

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£•: 1MI»B Womu m Trained Nora*. One of the first Indian women to & take up the calling of a trained nurse 4-iZ* ** 1111 educated girl of the Pueblo tribe, TMSeicher Atsye. KAKLIKST RUSSIAN MILLST. -v*-- Will you be short of hay? If so, plant ft F*"' Plenty of thia prodigally prolific millet. S to 8 Tons of Rich Hay Per Acre. Price 50 lbe. $1.90; 100 lbs. $3. Low freights. John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse,Wis. W "If all men told the truth the tears - of women would create another flood." Half an hour is all the time required to dyewith PUTNAM FADELESS DYES. 8old by druggists, 10c. per package. The little a man wants here below lie likes to have above the ordinary. To Cure a Cold in One day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25a Coined words are not always the ones that have a ring to them. I do not beliere Pi so 'b Cure for Consumption ' has an equal for coughs and colds.--JOHM 9 Borsa, Trinity Springs, Ind-. Feb. 15.1900. The Shah of Persia has the finest collection of cats in the world. 1 WEEST lou GO TO BUT BLUIMO, Ask for Russ Bleaching Blue. bj Til* ROM Oompauy, South Bend. Ind. Beter to wear out than to rust out. --Bishop Cumberland. Is your home supplied with the greatest of pain relievers? Hamlin's Wizard Oil- greatest remedy for emergencies. A face that never wears £ smile should be avoided. Mrs. Wlnalow't Soothing Syrup.' For children teething, softens the gums, reduces In­ flammation, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c a 'jottla. There is many a slip twizt the cup and the lip.--Hazlitt. Try me just once and I am sure to come again. Defiance Starch. Switchmen are paid for sidetracking other people. "Trymi" jut Once. This Item is worth 25c to any snffeMV from Constipation, Stomach, Liver or Ntr- vou8 troubles, who will cut it out and send ft to R.J. Sarasy & Co., Janesville, "Wis., 'with name and address for a free package of Trymi Tablets. They never fail to satisfy purchaser. Hundreds testify to their bene* ncial effects. We guarantee every package or return money if not satisfied. Illiteracy of Protngnes* Portugal is the most illiterate coun­ try in Europe; 67 per cent of its popu­ lation cannot write. In Italy the pro­ portion of Illiterates is 53 per cent, in Russia 38, in Spain i and in Britain 3%. " Many- School Children Are Sickly. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Chil­ dren, used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children's Home, New York, cure Fever- ishness, Headache, Stomach Troubles, Teething Disorders and Destroy Worms. At all druggists,25c. Sample mailed free. Address Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Boy, N.Y. Chanced Meaning of Word. The word hoyden, now applied ex­ clusively to a noisy young woman, for­ merly denoted a person of like charac­ ter, but of either sex. To the housewife who has not yet become acquainted "with the new things of everyday use in .the market and who Is reasonably satisfied with the old, we would suggest that a trial of Defiance Cold Water Starch be made at once. Not alone because it is guaranteed by the manufacturers to be superior to any other brand, but because each 10c package contains 16 ozs., while all' the other kinds contain but 12 ozs. It la safe to say that the lady who once uses Defiance Starch will use no other. Quality and quantity must win. Frozen turkeys, geese, ducxS and fowls are being sent in increasing quantities to London from Victoria. No man can be selfish while he is In love. RESIDE Mrs. Francis Podmore, President W. C. T. U., Saranac Lake, New York, Owes Her Health to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege­ table Compound. Read Her Letter. "DEAR MRS. PINKHAM : -- For several years after my last child #"was born I felt a peculiar weakness, such as I never had experienced before, with severe pains in the ovaries and frequent headaches. " I tried the doctor's medicines and found it money worse than •wasted. A friend who had been cured through the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound advised me to try it. I did so, also your Sanative Wash, and I must say I never experienced such relief before. Within six weeks I was like another woman. I felt young and strong and happy once more. " This is several years ago, but Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is my only medicine. If I ever feel bad or tired a few doses brings instant relief."--MRS. FRANCIS PODMORE. $5000 FORFEIT IF THE ABOVE HOTTER IS NOT GENUINE. When women are troubled with irregular, suppressed or painful menstruation, weakness, leucorrhcea. displacement or ulceration of the womb, that bearing-down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, bloating (or flatulence), general debility, indigestion, and nervous pros­ tration, or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, faintness, lassitude, excitability, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, "all- gone" and " want-to-be-left-alone" feelings, blues and hopelessness^ thdjr should remember there is one tried and true remedy. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once removes such, troubles. Refuse to buy any other medicine, for you need the "best. CLE/Ut THE TRACKt Um monarch--nothing Dkeitoa eftrili. Salter's 20th Ce*tBiy Out ukc- IL« cake, carries firsi prists the biggest yielJcr everywhere. Tht tl, Salter's-cats are brad to prods**. The U.S. Depart* •Metof Agriofeliareciaims i£aiouiei «ver *00sampics aid kittl* twtoi, Islicr'l wcrt ths best. Hsw do yoa like tfcat, m>. i'armevT Our new 2Gik Ceatury Oat is bo*od to osmplstsly rsrslatloniss oal KT«wiag aad w« sxpeal dostna sf farsitrs to rsport yields la 190) ruaaiog from 906 USOObsiheli p«r aer«. Prloe la dirt ehesp. Be ia tbeswia and fearikta variety this tpriaf is ssll to jmir aeigbbera tho Mjalag fall for ml Ik will aarcljr paj jsm* &s»lzei#8 Mantel Wheal--42 bum. per Mene Tfcsauly spxiajg vbut «a earth Uiatwill ji.ld a p&jinj cr.p tut, MiLli. ••4 nH a»4 la «r«7 atat. im U. Cclo». W« .Im k.T« the wlrtwllt Mmm- wt »tm, ylsllln -- or turn*, a butili ft mw. 9PBLTZ At BNlMmliMMm] kay f»ed«aMrtk, predadtaff few* ItMtaaMi •f<ralaaa44to*aaf tfcifch&y j.w &*re. Vn-tiABLESEEDS W« are tfca !arf*at (rewen and •mr atock of earlieet Peas, linas, B»»I «ra and all aakimg v«c«tables ts sasrmeus. frisas vi fWj lav. Oal-- atad M ipoitl Celslsyus tails. Far HOe> Warth $10 Oar great eatalogoe eoatains fall dssoription oar Beardless Barlay, k jialdiag 109 baahele; ear Triple Iaecme Corn, gslng 400 boshsls; •or pwiaioee, yleldioj busuci* per acre; enr grass ard clever aalztmraa, producing 6 tone ef magtilQscai bay; eur Pea Oat, with Its S teas of bay, and Teeslate with 90 oaa. •fgre«c. foJJer per acrs. Salter's great catalogue, worth to anj vide tt'wake gardeaer er rarir^r, with 10 fana scsd eAmplet.^wortb $10 to get a start--is ensiled yoa •!> itMlft ef 10s. f nm> [JOHNASALZERSEED HOWE SCALES BEST In The World ALL KINDS FO* ALL PURPOSES Writ# for Free Ottalo*. _ I with ball bcarlBga. •ORDEN * ULLECK C0."cfi'.agg'- CRESCENT BOLD HININO CO. Capit&llzation S130.000. ©WT11 10 Of recui»tlon size--9SO fteres of Stlneiml land--»U uated 1 n th« center of the lichMt •lnerel producing region of the globe. $65,000,000 gIMED IN ITS IMMEDIATE VICIwiTY IJf 01. 15.000 toni Ol ore ou the dumps and blocked OCt. 2,045 feet tunneling completed. Shaped to MY good dividends the coming season. *rlte for prof-Tiectim and full partlculare to tbe ptin clpal tutlce at Aim Arbor, Mich. MIKE YOUR FORTUNE Our new method of operating oil ihe stock mid Kialn •Urket precludes all rlBk of capital. Don't delay. &ml torour circular fully exphilnlng. THE UMOM VESTMENT CO., Kialto Buildinc, Chicago, IlS ii% mortfcagei. aecured on lmprored j farms worth doable the sum loaned. '• 4J^rre»fojideuce soltcltod. HI.•tLUAL^Sioii^ FARM LANDS! 8'J uci-c-b In Kossuth County, Iowa. $26.00 pop acre. ICO acres In Kossuth County, Iowa, well Improved, Ht> per acre. Write us quick for a desci^ptlve list of 75 rood pieces for a honle or investment lnMlu- nesota, North and South DaJsoi.». Price from H.00 an acrc upward. Also ask for map of Min> neBota and Iowa. It is free. VARUND LAND CO., Globe Bldg., ST. PAUL, MINN. GANGER SR vnnwMi _orIfl h.s , For years the whole unci surgical world has waged un­ successful war against cancer. We cured 100 canoers in 1B01. Of these six resisted treatment till treated and cured by our New X-Ray Treat­ ment. Send for our book ; it tells all about can­ cers, gives the letters of persons cured without the use of a knife. 26 YeARS EXPERIENCE IN TREATING CANCERS. Electro-Curs Sanitarium, 8TREATOR, ILL. /OR SALE PUCAD RATiTC cAUFOiiiiiA, OHSQOh UVfLAr Rftlta "WASHINGTok, CGLGRArc on UoaneUold Gonds of Intending ncttler* to tue aooTe-namol Slates. Map of California-- FKEK. 2KIQRATX0N, 38 Market Street, CHICAGO, ILL. If Ynu Want M/nrk of a"y kind, with good par, seno il IUH TT all I vTUl^ $1,00 to Southwestern Mining. Seal Estate ft Emp. Agency, Box 714, El Paso, Tex U *niirt6(l with . aore ejr«s,jj^ | Thompson's Ejt Wat; t i t • AMONG THE L, I LIES By T. H. LANCASTER. Copyright, IMS, by D»lly Story PubJishinp Company When Carson Vaughn took charge of Trinity church and of its congre­ gation he did not dream of the rocks that lay in his apparently smooth path. In fact, the rocks did not develop un­ til after the Christmas holidays. The trouble began in a small difference of opinion concerning Christmas decora­ tions. Some wicked girls bent upon shocking the more sedate members mixed mistletoe with the moss that was twined around the altar. Rev. Carson Vaughn had sided with the sedate ones and the mistletoe was stl aside. Everybody had treated the mat­ ter as a joke, that is everybody save j the ringleader of the wicked ones, a pretty young society reporter. She took the matter not only seriously but vengefully, and forthwith proceed­ ed tp fciake the Rev. Carson's life a burden to him. Taking down his ser­ mons in shorthand and criticising his English afterward in open scorn, was one of the favorite vents for her dis­ pleasure, but there were others. Vaughn felt himself slighted and ridi­ culed at every turn. He was a reso­ lute man and held steadily on his way b*ut he could not help knowing that Mable Anderson was at the bottom of all his trouble and he would have had more mildness than the average strong man possesses if he had not once or twice neartily wished her out of his parish. For instance, when Mable per­ suaded the young people to boycott the fair he held for the benefit of the Old Woman's Home. The sedate ones sym­ pathized with the harassed preacher, but as they were chiefly business men and mothers of families they could be of little practical assistance. Sym­ pathy alone will not get up a fair. The home was relieved by subscription and the war waxed warmer. The climax came when in the beginning of lent Vaughn preached from the text:' "Little children love on© another." Those who were unprejudiced declared it tho best sermon he had evej: preached, but Mable bit off the entl of her report­ ing pencil and left the church. After that her pew knetv her no more, and when any one attempted to sound her on the subject she would respond with eloquent disdain: "Don't mention him." Carson was relieved. He could write a sermon now without concen­ trating TIIB whole attention upon its grammatical construction and he could deliver it without feeling that he was watched by eyes keen to criticise. He would perhaps, not have said openly with his lips that he was glad to have shaken off one member of his congre­ gation but he was, and there were more than enough to notice his free­ dom from restraint. "I do believe, Mab, he is actually glad to get rid of you," one of her girl chums confided sweetly. "No doubt he is, my dear," Mab re­ plied smoothly, "but he can't be half as glad to get riu of me as I am to get rid of him." Still the hit hurt, as the girl chum knew it would, and Miss Anderson began to feel that her dig­ nity demanded demonstration. The very next Sunday morning found her wheeling out toward Trout creek with basket and rod. To an old gentle­ man who plied her with inquiries she explained that she was going fishing. "But on Sunday, my dear young lady! Why, what will your preacher say to you?" * "Oh, my preacher doesn't care what I do so long as I do not come to church," she replied gayly. Of course poor Carson heard all about it before the week was two days older and Saturday evening found him sitting over his study fire feeling that he ought to do something desperate, and unable to decide what the something should be. Gradually, however, resolution took shape, and with a shiver of reluctance he pulled ou his heavy coat and went otit into iiie cold February night. Miss Anderson was at home. She had just finished her weekly letter to the Criterion and was lying on the library rug watching the play of the firelight on the ceiling when Mr. Vaughn entered unannounced. "I wished to see you alone," he ex­ plained as she scrambled to her feet, "there are some points of difference between us that it would give me great pleasure to reconcile." "Oh, I don't know," she responded carelessly, "I'm sure that I am quite satisfied with the situation." "But I am not," he cut in sternly. "You have spread the report that I plague and a torment to me since I took charge of this parish?" "I have tried not to be; If there is anything I have left undone I am very sorry and promise you that I shall make good the omission at the earli­ est opportunity." "There is only one omission that I am aware of--you have not yet suc­ ceeded in making me fall in love with you." * "I have not gone about it the right way, I suppose," Mable returned com­ posedly. "But it is not worth while for us to spend the whole evening "Crush it under foot if you see fit." quarreling," she added pleasantly. "Father and mother are out at a neigh­ bor's so I hope you will keep my tea from being solitary." Carson was puzzled by the sudden change, but before tho evening \va* over he realized what a bright, brainy woman this stray sheep was. Mab seemed determined to make herself agreeable. Sho succeeded so well that before he took her hand in parting, Vaughn was quite ready to forgive and forget. And this was only the beginning. Nearly every day they met somewhere for a moment at least and the meeting was always pieasant. Carson heard that she had explained this sudden change of front by announcing that she and the preacher had made it up. Long enough before the lenten sea­ son had passed it had become natural for him to regard her as his sworn second in all church work, and when they met on Saturday to decorate for Easter, Mable took up her role as a matter of course and zealously sec­ onded his every suggestion. It was natural, then, that when they at last stood alone together before the lily banked altar he should have felt called upon to express his gratitude and it was also natural that as the evening was growing late and the soft April twilight was filling the church with all sorts of shadows, his words should have been warmer than grati­ tude strictly demanded. "If you only knew," he concluded huskily, "how very, very dear you have grown to me." Mable spoke quickly as though afraid of herself. "Does this mean that I have made good the only omission you could sug­ gest that evening?" Carson started into sternness. "What evening? Ah, what a fool I have been." "Yes," Mable agreed, "it is a rash thing to defy a woman ae you defied me." Carson made no reply. He was staring at the lilies with a touch of savageness. It was easy enough now to understand. He stooped and took from the altar steps a long stemmed lily and offered it to her. "Crush it under foot if you see fit," he said quietly. Mable took th$ pure fragile emblem of Easter gladness and looked for a long uncertain moment. Then sud­ denly with a shy laugh she thrust the long stem into her belt and the lily laid its heavy head upon her breast. It Worried Him. Herr Kruegel's daughter, Gretchen, had been serving as domestic about two weeks in the household of Judge Vaugban, when father and employer met on the village street. "Veil, goodge." said Kruegel, "how do you like dote Gretchen by dis dime alretty?" "Like her?" returned the judge, in his blunt way, "why, she's just great! We never had anyone in the house in her line that entered into work with so much spirit; she's full of snap all the time." y Kruegel turned ponderingly away, and, meeting his frau at his home por­ tal, he sorrowfully said: "Teresa, someding must goed wrong mit dot Gretchen; I yoost did meeted Yoodge Vorgan.und he said dot she vas vull of schnapps all de dime."^Richmond Dispatch. .*1 ; "Oh, my preacher don't care!" have compelled your nqn-attendance at church. Will ^pu pleas q explain how?" "I said that you were glad I had withdrawn, ahd you are," Mable returned coolly. They looked into each other's eyes •teadily for a moment as though meas­ uring their strength. Carson was the first to speak. "And if I am, have I not cause to be? Havf you ever been anything hut a • . . ' Albums New and Old. What Is nowadays called an album is a book for photographs, stamps, post cards, drawings, autographs, and so forth. But in ancient times, am<?ng the Romans, it meant something very dif­ ferent. It was really the notice board, upon which public rules and regula­ tions and the like were written for the guidance and information of the citi­ zens, and was made of some white ma­ terial--hence the name (albus, Latin, white). A heavy penalty was laid upon any person who disfigured it or played pranks with the letters. In the middle ages the word came to mean a list or register of saints, soldiers and so forth, and on the continent it is still used to describe the catalogue of the names of members of universities and high schools. Surrey of Macedonia. J. "E: Spurr of the United States Ge­ ological Survey is making a survey ol Macedonia and Albania at the request 4$$ expense of the Sultan of Twite/. CONGRESSMAN HOWARD. Of National Reputation Are the Men Who Recommend Pe-ru-na to Fellow Sufferers. \ Remarkable Case Reported From the State of New York. CONGRESSMAN HOWARD, OF ALABAMA. Hoase of Representatives, ) Washington, Feb. 4, 1899. J The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio: Gentlemen:--««/ have taken Peruna now tor two weeks, and find I am very much relieved. I feel that my cure will be permanent. I have also taken It tor la grippe, and I take pleasure In recommending Peruna as an excellent remedy to all fellow sufferers." M. W. HOWARD. Congressman Howard's home ad• dresa la Port Payne, Ala. OST people think catarrh is a disease confined to the head and nose. Nothing is farther from the truth. It may be that the nose and throat is the oftenest affected by ca­ tarrh, but if this is so it is so only because these parts are more exposed to the vicissitudes of the climate than the other parts of the body. Every organ, every duct, every cavity M' of the human body is liable to catarrh. A multitude of ailments depend on ca­ tarrh. This is true winter and summer. Catarrh causes many cases of chronic disease, where the victim has not the slightest suspicion that catarrh has any­ thing to do with it. The following- letter which jrivea the experience of Mr. A. C. Lockhart is a case in point: Mr. A. C. Lockhart, corner Cottage St. and Thurston Road, Rochester, N. Y., in a letter written to Dr. Hartman, sajs the following of Peruna: "About fifteen years ago I commenced to *0 alllmg, aati consulted a physician. Ho pro­ nounced my trouble a species of dyspepsia" aad advised me, after he had treated 'me about six months, to get a leave of absence from my busi­ ness and go Into the country. I did so and got temporary relief. I went back to work again, but was taken with very distressing pains in my stomach. "I seldom had a passage of the bowels natu­ rally. I consulted another physician with no better results. The disease kept growing on me until I had exhausted the ability of six teen of Rochester's best physicians. The last physician advised me to giver i up my work and go south after he had treated me for one year. "I was given a thorough examina­ tion with the .V-riy. They would not even determine what my trouble was. Some of your testimonials In the Rochester4 papers seemed to me 4 worthy of consider-4 atlon, and I made up j my mind to try a bottle of Peruna. <1 B e f o r e t h e b o t t l e * j " "'XT ' ticed a change for4 Morris, 111., says: was half gone I no- il JUST THINK OF It* farmer hi.-; o»a landlord. Dranc.s, . . , , no lncuw ^^^RjiiiK_iiccount Increasing y«ar b# year,land •aiu': lncreifc ini;, slock Incr^aai splendid climate, Cf-ilent schools (•Lurches, low taxati hi','h prices for oat im:, low railwa; ra'-cs, and every po: • .ii ble comfort. This Is lb* condition of the farmer in Western Canada-. Province of Manitoba and districts of Assinf* boia, Saskatchewan ar.d Alberta. Thousands of Americans are now settled there. Reduced rates on all railways for homeseekers and set* tiers. New districts are being opened up this year. The new tortjr-pa«e Atlas of Western Ca- nada sent free to ail applicants. F. Pedley, Superintendent of Immipration. Ottawa, Canada or C. J. Broughton. 9:7 Monadnock Blork, Chl« ca^o, E. T. Holmes, Boom 0. "Uig Four" Bldfo Indianapolis, Ind., or H. M. Williams,Toledo,OU Canadian Government Agents. j IN WET WEATHER A WISE MAN WEARS ^AJ % OILED WATERPROOF CLOTHING 0* riUJM m KEEP YOU DRY NQTM ELSE flfl£ •TAKE NO SUBSTITUTES • CATALOGUES PREC* SHOWLNTJ FULL UNE OF1 GARMENTS AND HATS A-cJ.TQWER CO.. BOSTON. MA33. ̂ :-'fk 'Aj 1 w •M Douglas ibo* <lt»lers everywhere. CICTIOHi The ffnuln# h*TeW.L. Douglu' name and price on bottom V/VORLJ2 SHOES UNION MADE of salts t:: tab.c bt'oTol \ot:ce 7 1998 = ;4S,?OC Pa! 1890 898,183 P*5i 1901^MG(S(n>!Iirs. Mr. W. P. Peterson, of ^ I was nearly dead with catarrhal sia and am now the better. I am now on the fifth bot tie, and have not an ache or pain any- 4 man, better, where. My bowels < than I have been for move reg u / a r iy 4 twenty years or more. every day, and I^ "Since 1 got cured have taken on eigh- 4 by your Peruna I have teen pounds of flesh, j been consulted by it I have recommended 4 great many pt opio. ,:-- ~ Peruna to a great 4 w B. Peterson. many and they rec- 4 o m m e n d I t v e r y » highly. I have told several people that If they would take a bottle of Peruna, and could then candidly say that It had not benefited them, I would pay tor the medldlne." A. C. LOCKHART. Send for a free catarrh book. Address The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus. O, • The Horriblo Tortures of Rheumatism can be overcome and the dreaded diseaso expelled from youf system by the use ol MAIT. J. JOHNSON'S For bulo by flrst-t-letsH >ii u^^ists or direct from uiauuiaciurens, Min J. jutLMKMa Co., 151 E. ftth St., St PRUI. Minn. Euw, Durability, Simplicity with G&J iURfc Accidents are rare, pleasure is increased by tbelr superior elasticity, and yoa can mend them with your hand*-- no tools required. Our automobile tires are just as safe, satis* factory and reliable. Q & J TIRE COMPANY. Indianapolis, lad. REAL KSTATK. FAR CAI F Fruit and Vegetable Farm 26<4 acres rwit wnkb of Itood ground, nutation, good build­ ing*, niacudaintied roads, 5 miles good market; SO chickens, 2 milk cows, 0110 horse, wskous anil all fanning ioois iin'iiiiied. l'rico easy pay' meuts. Address Box 373, Michigan City, Ind. ALABAMA LANDS FOR SALE. Thirty tlioiih.ind cto.imoi m rcs In the heart of tlia Rluck licit of Alabama. ;n -10 to:i,000acre tracts. Best fanning, r>;iMurc nml timber lanil) In tho south, at from (3.00 to 110.00 per acre. Only small cash pay ment required, o*»v term* on balsnce. Correspond­ ence InTlted. 8H&RW00D B0NNX& A CO., Seal Estate Agents, Camden, Alabama. • 5 FARMS, LONG TIME Muck or upland, 40 to 400 acres eucar boot land; 1125 acres peaches, near Ii. Ii, to Chicago* Southern Michigan* 1,000 ucret frnced stock laud. Get prlcei before buying west. GEO. OLIVER, Allegan, Mich IIFRRAQIfA I lUIt 2.000 acres Improved land SICDIIHOIVA LAIIII for 40 mUcg jfortb of Omaha, ILI Burt,BanucrCounty of State. Near County Seat; well »uU:red; terms easy. Also dalrj business to lease or sell, or will employ cheese maker. Corre sponilonce solicited. M. R. Hopewell, Tekamah, Ifeb. Crap I anffc about them for stp. Be Independent, I ICG LflllUo own your farm ;rarff <*h*nce: write today. Aatrleu UosMted Leeattaf €•.« 0«»hi BIdf., Chlcag*. Farm* tn(i Exchange. 6peclal bargains for • ai 1119 home or Investment. Big list real estate fraa. Daviess county offers fcpoclal Inducements; fertility, prices and terms. A, Hamersly, Washington, Ind. Man's Mission on Earth. Medical Book Freo. Know Thyself Mannai, a book Mr men only, sank Free, postpaid, sealed, to every male reader mea. tlonlnc this paper; 6c. for postage. "Tbe Science of Life, or Self preservation." tho Gold Medal Prize Treatise, the best Medical Book of this or any age. 370 pp., with engravings and prescriptions. Elegant Library Edition, full gilt, ONLY $1; paper corers, Inferior abridged edition. 25c. GET THE BEST. Ad­ dress the Peabody Medical Institute, 4 Bulfinch st . opp. Kevere House, Boston. Mass., thi oldest and best In this country. Write today for these books; keys to health and happiness. Consultation, la person or by letter; 9 to 6; Sunday, 10 to 1. The Peabody Medical Institute bu many imita­ tors, but no equals.--Boston Uerald. FARMS! FARMS! FARMS! FARMS! ANYWHERE IN THE ' EVERGREEN STAT£" Of WASHINGTON. On saay terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. Full Infor­ mation on application to j.- FRED. H. MERRITT, P.O. Vox 2BS. TACOMA, WASH. SOUTHERN HOMES for SALE South Alaliama U tho cirn'.ng garden spot of the Unltfd States. TVe liave 1,000 lots In Bay Mlnnetto and 10,000 neros of adjacent lands for »a!e. Small cash payment, balance ontermtto suit purchaser. Cancel unpaid notes If you die before completing pay­ ment. A gulf breeze every dar; twr> cropi vegetables every yoar. HAND tAtfO COMPACT, Bay Atiuette, Baldwin County, Aiabuiaa. Business More Than Doubled in Four Years. THE REASONS t \V. L.Douglas makes and sell* more men's $:..M and $•!.£<) Mine* than any other two man­ ufacturers in the world. W. L. Douglas $3.00 and $3.60 shoe* placed sidei by side with $5.00 and ffi.00 shews of other ni^kes, arn found to b© just as good. They will outwear two pairs o£ ordinary $3.00 and $3.50 shoes. Made of til* best leather*, Including Patent Cnrona Kid, Corona Colt, and National Kangaroo. 4'o!or and Always Blark !(«eka Ca«4. W. Ij. Douelas S4.00 "Gilt Edje JLina** cftnuot be equalled at any price. MUoes l»v mull OKtrn. (lataIo(IVtaa W. 1~ Dauslafc Hraottua. M •HaJ Homeseekers* Excursions California 'J-P AND Great Southwest $33 from Chicago $30 from St. Louis ' $25 from Kansas City On* Way, aocond class, dally, during Mini and April, to San Francisco, Los Angeles aaft other California points, also to Pr«acott, Ph» ol* and other,Arizona points. MM st- One Fare plus $2 Round Trip* J J ,.*f March 4 and 18, April 1 and 15, May 8 and 30. , V-' •% From Chicago, St. Lou la and Kansas City Ufc Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, New ico, Arizona uiul California. Corresponding ratts from East feneraljjt Ask your home agent. Through sleepers an(| chair cars to California over the Santa Fe, thB comfortable and quick way to fo. Writs for free illustrated land pamphlets. Theic* Spring excursions will enabla you MK;?'V- C rSi personally inspect the many advantages offers* "i homeseekers and investors in tin great Souti»» ' ; > *!?;'• west and California. Particular attention IB Invited to irrigated lands fn Arkansas Valle* • of Colorado, Pecos aud Rio Grande valleys of New Mexico, Salt River Valley ot ATlUM* *' V "»vi San Joaquin Valley of California. ^ ' v General Pfesseoger Office 'Jt f~; V • W The Atchison, Topcka & Santa Po tfy Syatw* CHICAGO FIX A yCIAL. •100,000,000 furnished to 100,000 business men to Increase their business. Application S3.00 <n advance, no other recognized, state sum can use. References, bualneis and population. AdilressNorth American In­ vestment Co., LU3 State St. brldfc-eport, Conn.. U.S A. CAPSICUM VASELINE' -H T'JBiti ) WE ARE DEVELOPING iC'u'T,::,:; Columbia in the rlot»ff"t d.str'ct of the province TVoaie now selling our stock at ground floor price to per share. Try 13, *10 or «2u worth and »eo what It will be worth a year from now. We predict that It wi l l surprise von . Sfnl f . ir prospect us and all Information. THB LOitDKAU AlINKS Ltd., MOA Teuiple Court Uldg., Maw York. MtSCELLA SEO VS. AGENTS. naif WhywarkforanMMlivfafwhea B II If yen can earn 55 a day! Light rl Urm I work In your own locality. Plan aad working Instructions postpaid for 25c silver. Address PROGRESSIVE MFG. CO., 448 West Hsdlson 8t., Chicago, 111. A9nprillafinn Sm»" amounts made profitable OfJobUlallUII under experienced management. Address FIONKER CO., Home City, Ohio. PATENTS--rcouct Tour Ideas. Fortunes made. Free advice as to patentability, r.icn. ,,cured, Sl«d. Ililtur LKK n01)»0\, 1531 lomdnork Blk., t bllifa. Wantarf PAVING DRUG STORE forCASH* If aniBO DOFF, 612 Roanoke Bldg.. Chicago. X-MY--A -New Move'ty--See bones of your flueere, J*"' lead In a pencil, etc. Postpaid lOc. Agsnta Wanted. Other specialties also. CI rculars for statuo. OHIO SPECIALTY Co., Kellefoutalue, O. i f l f A If C I I P Send 25c for trade secret that *w • m- enables vou to start perma­ nent buslnesti of 115 to <„T> wecltlr. Address Fro- gresjive Mfg. Co., *4$ W. Madison St.. Chicago, 111. WANTED LADY AGENTS to sell Mexican Lin-Brawn Work. Address C. D. CRANE JR., Apartado S3, Aguascalisntes,Mexico. AGENTS I Free Samples, So postage and packlnir. Big premium' or cash com. American Victorias Co., 60 Wabash Are., CHICAGO. HriHTCnAQSNTS In Every County in Illinois for nHtl I Elf large Home Building Corporation of Chi­ cago. VT* build homes everywhere. New plan; no In­ terest chgd; large Income to good men. lJefs. aud guar- aataa boo* raqnliM. n ITI mrisiinam Tils--i KEISTtR'S Ladiss' Tailoring Coll«*o, 2'OS- nc.l3l(.n «2u0-'jn201lve6t.,8t. l.oulsMo TUa largest, most popular and (lnest equipped Institute a of Its kind in America. Write for terms, dMCrlptlra literature, etc. Mention paper In writing. ( PUT UP IN COLLii A substitute for and su^-or to mustard or I any other plaster, and will not blister 'ha I most delicate skin. The pain-allaying and curative qualities of this article are wc ful. It wiil stop the toothache at once J. \d relieve headache and sciatica. We r>- ^ iu- mend it as the best and safest counter-irritant known, also as an oxte• nal remedy for pains in the cheat and stoasuch auu all rheumatic, neuralgic and gouty »•>. in- plaints. Atrial wiil prove what we c'-.'m for it, and it will be fouud to be iavaluabla in the household. Many people »ay "it is the best of all of your preparations." Price 13 cents, at all druggists or other dealers, . sending this amount to us in postage st*;; we will send ; a tube by mail. No a: u: should be accepted by the public unless the same carries our !abel. as otherwise i t is Dot r»nUine. CHE5EB80UC1N MFU. CO , 17 State Street , New YORKCITT. $25 ON , 5 TON IS WHAT YOU CAN SAVK We uiaiie ail kinds oI acsdaa. Also B. B. Pump» and Windmill*, rama BECKMAN BROS., OESMOINIS, !•«*. DROPS Y,uu k re,ef a,d cure, worn casta. U -J. T-R :c--;.!!!ouia'!« and »alS' traaUBMI nn. Da. IL I. TIUUUI iu i. UIW>». K. W. N. U. CHICAGO, NO, II, 1902. pAXSKTS 0BXAI2f£D. Abfoluto rellibit work 9 John L. Kindt, Au'y, 35 E. Randolph St., Chicago, Vkea Aasweriog Advertiscmeats Meatioa Tki» ri«ff. YOUNG MEN WANTED To learn T«legr«pbr and Kallway acooutstiutf a;:-i I prepare themselves for the Kail way Te!«<r*:-h Ser. • i Ire. Write for free cat alt v ne. T1IK KA1LWA1 I txunuuni IMHTITDTI. ORTTAWH, wia. |

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