Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Mar 1902, p. 7

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f*v.- Tm>| Mm with m "Packij*" Oatru Moving Stolll. On the "uptown" side of the elevated station at 23d street and 6th avenue, and on the south side of 23d street, there is a moving stairway, which by a tedious process conveys the tired ahop- ^ P®ra from the street to. the station above. t Passengers from down town getting off at 23d street often forget about the stairway and walk to the south 6ide of the station, only to find that the steps p move only one way. They then walk over to the other side and down the fixed steps to the street This was not the case with a young man who made the wrong turn the other day. He had taken perhaps one drink too many, and was being looked after by two of his friends. Discover­ ing the mistake, the friends tried to pilot him over to' the other side, but the young man, with a contemptuous look at the creeping steps, remarked: "I always did believe I could outrun that thing, and breaking away from his friends, says the New York Mail and Express, -he bounded down two steps at a time and won the race hands down. Is Amply Woadtrfil. Chamrlon, Mich.. March 17th, Mrs. A. Wellett, wife of a local photog­ rapher, has had a remarkable expe­ rience recently. Mrs. Wellett tells the story this way: "I eould not sleep, my feet were cold, my limbs cramped. I had an awful hard pain across my back. I had to get up three or four times every nighC. 1 was very nervous and fearfully despon­ dent, I had very little appetitie. "After 1 had suffered in this way for live years,f*l begun to use Dodd's Kid­ ney Pills. When I had taken a few V, pills you ought to have seen what came from my kidneys. It looked like a spoiled egg only darker. "I kept on using Dodd's Kidney PUls till I was cured. Now I can sleep well and do not have to get up in the night, I have no pain in my back or limbs and I feel better than 1 have for years. Wendell Philips* Warning. Wendell Philips once said that un­ less our next step in progress, as a nation, was in a spiritual direction, that boy was now living who would write the downfall of the American republic, as Gibbon wrote that of the Roipan empire. We are not inquiring for that boy now, but for one who will make that history impossible. $33.00 To California, Orejou and WuhlBfton Chicago ft North-Western Ry. from Chicago daily, March and April, only 16.00 for berth in tourist car. Person­ ally conducted excursions Tuesdays and Thursdays from Chicago and Wed­ nesdays from New England. Illustrat­ ed pamphlet sent on receipt of two cent stamp by S. A. Hutchison, Man­ ager, 212 Clark street. Chicago. ?High Prloo for • 'Cell* A record price for a Stractfvarius 'cello is reported from Berlin. It is stated that Piatti's 'cello by Stradiva- rius has been bought for |20,000 by a banker, who is a grand-nephew of Mendelssohn. KARLIKBT RU88IAN MILLKT. Will yoa be short of hay? If to, plant a plenty of this prodigally prolific millet. S to 8 Ton* of Rich Bay Per Acre. Price SO lbs. $1.90; 100 lbs. |3. Low freights. John A. Salser Seed Co., La Crosss,Wls. W A Wandering River. During the last century the Chinese Yellow river changed its course twen­ ty-two times. Its present mouth Is 600 miles away from its mouth of 1800. Sensible Housekeepers. will have Defiance Starch, not alone because they get one-thirg more for the £ame money, but also because of su­ perior quality. v • Mo Money In Bicycle*. Of all the bicycle factories in Ger­ many only six paid dividends last year. Fifteen large factories are -on the point of going out of business. Representative Kimball has intro­ duced a bill in the Massachusetts house to license cats. Those unlicensed are to be killed. St. Jacobs Oil ESTABLISHED 50 YEARS Beoeived 13 Gold Medals from different International Expoel- tlons as being the most effect­ ive Pain Kilier ever discovered Omr-- Promptly AM moMtjr ACMKB AND M/W«. AC79 LIKE MAGIC! ISO and SOo. I Man's Mission on Earth. mUHtrn! Book Frmo. Know Tbyaelf Manual, a book for men only, Mai Free, postpaid, sealed, to every male reader men­ tioning tilt* paper; 6c. for pottage. "The Science of .l.lfe, or 8elf preservation." the Gold Medal Prize Troattae, the best Medical Book of thla or any age. STDpp., with eugravluga and preacrlpilona. Kir Ram I-lhrary Edition. fuil gut, ONI.Y «1; paprr rover*, Inferior ahrlditt*d edition. 25c. CET THK BEST. Ad- dreiathe Peabodv Medk-al Institute. 4 RuIOnch at.. opp. Revere House, Boston. Maaa., the olde«t nod beat In this country. Write today for these books: kej« to health and happlneaa. Consultation, In personOI by letter; 9 to 6; Sunday, 10 to 1. The Psabody Medical Institute baa BM tor*, but no equals.--Boston Herald. When writing mention thitpaper. 1.95 buys a full suit of Out-1 Bide clothes. Mend IIP | waUt, tront, leg and aim uie&*ure«, and $1.96 and wa v* ill deliver fre«k i«t anj P O. in If. s. a flrut 'jualitr union Overall suit Jacket and pant* in one irar- nu'Ht. Made in blua and fanrjr denuns: haa6 pocket*. lNoaiifpeu- dera ut'fded. Durable. Handy: Meat and Cheap. A sple <JW work ng t.uiPl Tnon*aud(i sold. . Afrent« wanted, Kt'fereuoa, all 'Uunicr banka. AdAroM. ^ raiojr mro. nt CONQUEST OF ASIA. COSSACK HEROES WHO HAVE AD­ VANCED THE RUSSIAN FLAG. Ter«a«k Wmm Ik* Vint «lzed ttas Vast fstsatial th« Slav Baca--Loaf as Wars In Siberia. Dsatlay of Asiatic Russia is the creation of a series of wonderful lieutenants of the Czars. The record of the crossing of Siberia by the Cossacks would make a thrilling realistic novel. Some day some writer will thus use it as a the­ sis. But before the Cossacks had ac­ complished" that feat a marvelous lead­ ed had immortalized himself. One day in August, 1584, a Tartar discovered in the River Irtish a corpse which was conspicuous by its rich coat of mail with a golden eagle on its breast. It was the body of the renowned and dreaded "ataman," Yermak, the found­ er of the Russian Empire in Asia, who rose to wealth and power from the humblest origin and from the meanest occupations and unlawful pursuits, for he was in reality a Volga robber and pirate in an age and a land ., of free­ booters. For his raid into Siberia and bis earliest conquest he had to ask for­ giveness of the emperor. Ivan the Ter­ rible easily forgave him. He was the first man who realized the vast poten­ tial destiny of the Slav race, and no name is more honored in Russia, next to that of Peter the Great, than that of the ablest adventurer the nation ever knew. The' early Cossacks were nearly all river sailors. It was in after centuries that tbey became the most wonderful horsemen in the world. They gradually acquired their equestrian skill in war­ fare with the Tartars, their constant antagonists. The ereatness of the Rus­ sian empire in Asia was chiefly gained by gradually superseding the sover­ eignty of the Tartars. One most sin­ gular chronological atipect marks in the most definite and regular style his process of Slav expansion. The im­ mense expanse of northern Asia Is di­ vided into vast sections by four grand rivers--the Ob, Yenisei, Irene and Amur. Bach of these riverine traets has occupied a century in" the world of conquest. Long and ferocious wars have been waged in almost every part of Siberia between the Russian pioneers and the native tribes. The regular armies of the czar have had comparatively little to do with the steady and grrdual sub­ jugation of the vast regions. There has never been any very long halt be­ tween the Ural and the Paclfle. The worst difficulties and the hardest con­ flicts were in the districts north and just east of Lake Baikal. Rough and cruel has been the treatment of many of the native tribes by the CosBacks at various times. Indeed, the expansion of Russia in Asia is one of the most terrible and protracted tragedies of history. Multitudes of Cossacks per­ ished. Massacres of natives in each century were intermittent. Siberia has been a land of blood and Are to an ex­ tent only understood by those who have made its history a study. The career of Vladimir Atlasoff, the discoverer and conqueror of Kamchatka, is itself only one of the series of these personal ro­ mances. All this expansion has been regular­ ly effective by the efforts of f four classes--pioneers, priests, merchants and soldiers. These always follow in that order. The explorers with little bands of adventurers, settlers and pet­ ty traders go first. But when they have borne the preliminary hardships, the great missionary, Russo-Greek church, never fails to forward the proper con­ signment of priests. We can always tell which country Russia means to subjugate. The priests appear and the fact Is settled. There have been Rub- fciau priests and Greek churches in Manchuria for many years, and those who understand Russia knew that this signified that the czar must rule Man­ churia, no matter what all the rest of the world might think, say or do. If anybody wants to make^ up his mind as to the certain fate of both Korea and Palestine, let him simply form a deduction from similar data amply sup­ plied in those country, especially in Palestine. Tb« British Schoolboy oa Animals. A correspondent who offered prizes in different schools for essays on kind­ ness to animals sends us a few ex­ tracts from the papers received: "There are two kinds of animals, and they are the quadruped and biped; the quadruped is lions and tigers and such like and the biped is birds." "Some people kick the poor dog aiyi, give it no food. Then the poor animal bites the first person it comes to, and this causes the person to have idipho^ bery, and the animal gets killed. This is all through the people giving the animal nothing to eat." 'Animals do not go to church nor say any prayers. They never sit down to get their meals, and we do." "When the animal dies it is no more good except for f^Qd. but when we die we have a resurrection."--Westminster Gazette. Vrtaad of Hobsrt Louis Starsaa* Still living in Monterey, in southern California, is the picturesque old Frenchman at whose restaurant R. L* Stevenson used to dine when both ais stomach and his pocketbook were emp­ ty. The old restauranteur, who had in hot youth adored his Victor Hugo in Pafcis, knew an artist in words at sight; and Stevenson lived long enough to justify this confidence reposed in him. He now dwells in a little wooden cottage, with a tiny tangled garden, where the humming birds come purr­ ing round the flowers in the sun. 4 Marlon Crawford** Horn*. p. Marion Crawford, the author, finds an ideal home in his breeze- swept villa, perched high on the pic­ turesque cliffs, one mile from Sorrento, overlooking the beautiful bay of Na­ ples. It is reached by following a country road, overhung by olive, lemon and orange trees. There are more rooster-pecked wives in the. world than hsBrpecked hoa- bandc*: - ,-i : \- V : THREE SERIES CHEAP RATES. Oiraat Northern Railway Populttr llom«- seekera' and Settlers' Kicnr<tuu«. Round-trip tickets to points in Min­ nesota. North Dakota, Montana, Ida­ ho, Washington, Oregon, British Co­ lumbia, will be sold first and third Tuesdays in March, April and May at one tare plus 12.00 for the round trip. One-way settlers' tickets to points in Montana, Idaho, Washington, Ore gon and British Columbia on sale every day during March and April at rates |15.00 to $25.00 each. One-way settlers' tickets on sale March 4th, 11th, 18th, 26th and April 1st and 8th, to Minnesota and North Dakota points for only $6.00 each. These tickets are good on all trains, including the famous Great Northern "Flyer." This is the best opportunity that has ever been offered to parties who wish to investigate the many advantages offered them in the Great Northwest Information about Great Northern country is given by agents of the Great Northern Railway, or those de­ sirous of ascertaining Just what op­ portunities are offered there, can se­ cure full illustrated Information in reference to land, climate, crops, rates, etc.. by writing to Max Bass. O. I. A.. 220 S. Clark 8t. Chicago, or to P. L WMtncy. G. P. * T. A.. St. Paul. Minn. m of Ctrew Bias* Unfortunate passengers aboard a steamer are not the only ones to en­ dure the agonies of nausea. Any cir­ cus man will tell you that it is a most difficult thing to* overcome the miser­ able sensation caused by constantly circling round a sm§ll ring. Clowns, even, the ringmasters suffer from it, merely from seeing the horses go around and around; and one well- known ringmaster, even after years of experience, still finds that if a horse balks a little, or gets behind time, com­ pelling him to follow close upon it, he will probably undergo a painful fit of sickness after leaving the ring. $33.00 TO PACIFIC COAST Chicago & North-Western R'y; dur­ ing the months of March and April $30.00 from Chicago to Helena, Butte, Anaconda, Ogden and Salt Lake City; $30.60 Spokane; $33.00 Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Ta- coma, Vancouver, Victoria and a large number of other points. Tourist Sleeping Cars daily to the Pacific coast For maps and particulars apply to nearest ticket agent or address W. B. Kniskern. 22 Fifth avenue, Chicago, Uli $1.00 Chicago to 8t. Paul or Minneapolis for double berth in Tourist sleeping cars of the Chicago, Milwaukee ft St. Paul Hallway, each Tuesday and Fri­ day during March and April, 1902, on train No. 1 leaving Chicago at 6:30 p. m. For further information apply to the nearest coupon ticket agent, or address F. A. Miller, General Passenger Agent, Chicago. Japanese Cat* aad dots. Japanese cats have the shortest kinds of tails, or else none at all. One of these cats, on being taken to a Euro­ pean town, refused companionship with the long-tailed cats there, but, finding a cat whose tail had been cut off by accident, the two became friend­ ly at once. Japanese dogs are almoBt destitute of noses, having the nostrils set directly in the head. The smaller the nose the more valuable the breed. •lOO Reward, aiOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to leurn that there 1s at least one dreaded diseaes that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrb Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu­ tional disease. requires a constitutional treat­ ment Hull's Catarrh Cure Ik taken internalijr, acting directly upon the blood and mucous sui- faces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the diaease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The pro­ prietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of Testimonials. . „ Add res* F. J, CHENEY A CO** .Xfitafla .Qt Sold by druggists 75c. Hall's Family Pills are tbe best. Hobeon's Choice--That or None. In the time of Charles I. one Hobson let horses to the students at Cam­ bridge. He would never break his rule of letting the horses in strict rotation. Persons wanting a horse must take the one whose turn it was to go, or they could have none. Hence the saying, "That or none." "Trymi" ia iteiwole and this item is valuable--worth 25c to every sufferer from Constipation. Ntomach. Liver or Nervous trouble who will cut it out and setul with a<idre>s to R. J. Sarusy & Co.. Janesviiie. YViv. for a package in Trymi Tublets free of charge. Results cei - ta p and guaranteed or monev returned if not satisfied. Do not suffer when it is not necessary. 1'ycllnf In the Mountains. Ben Nevis, the highest mountain ii Scotland, has been ascended by Dud­ ley Grierson of London on a motor bicycle weighing 200 pounds.' After having ridden to an altitude of 3,000 feet the cyclist was compelled to wheel the machine through the snowdrifts to the summit. You never hear any one complain about "Defiance Starch." There is none to equal it in quality and quan­ tity, 16 ounces, 10 cents. Try it now and Bave "your money. There is no beautifier of complexion or form, or behavior, like the wish to scatter joy and not pain around us.-- Emerson. Superior -quality and extra quantity must win. This is why Defiance Starch la taking the place of all others. While gold digging in Demerarra. a negro has unearthed a nugget weigh­ ing eighty-seven and a half ounces. The family doctor has more secrets told him, but the family dressmaker discovers just as many. Defiance Starch is guaranteed biggest atid bfst or money refunded. 16 ounces, 10 ccnts. Try it now. The Paris municipal council will shortly be asked to name a street after Richard Wagner. Mrs. Austin's Wheat Pood pleaaes the whole family, from baby to grandfather. Makes a healthy, hearty breakfast that aailsfirs. , When prosperity falls on the evil heart it but nourished its weeds. Nothing Is more friendly to a maa than a friend in need.--Plautus. Hundreds of dealers say the extra quantity and superior quality of Defi­ ance Starch is fast taking place of all other brands. Othere say they cannot sell any other starch. Call another a fool and you are the fool; call yourself a fool and you be-" gin to be wise. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES are ttfe brightest, fastest and easiest to use. Sold by druggists. 103. per package. fled in starting a periodical devoted wholly to the scientific study of milk. You may know a man's principles by the things he has an interest in. FIT! fBHaiwrtlf Csml. WatWrnrswrwuBmsflw •Brat day's use of Dr. Kllne'a Ureat Nerre Restorer. Send for FREE SS.OO trial bottle and treatise. Da. B. H. Ki.ine, Ltd.. Mi An h St.. »hlladelphla. Pa. But few go6d things come to the av­ erage man. He must go after them. I am sure s Cure ror Consumption saved my life three years ago.--Mrs. Thos. Bobbins Maple Street. Norwich, N. Y.. FVb. 17.1800. Envy, always implies conscious in­ feriority Wherever it resides.--Pliny. Stops the Cough and Works Off the Cold Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Price35e. TO YOUNG^ LADIES. From the Treasurer of the Yonng People's Christian Tem­ perance Association, Elizabeth Caine, Fond da Lac, Wis. " Dkaji Mas. Pinkham: -- I want to tell you and all the young1 ladies of the country, hovr grateful 1 am to you for all the benefits I have received from using Lydia E. PinXtbam's A'ego- table Compound, i buuered for Success consists of doing what you can do and doing it well. Rhenmatlam aad Johnson's 6088 cannot agree. The former kills the latter every time. Try It. All druggists. With most men economy; Instead of charity, begins at home. If you tire of Buckwheat, try Mrs. Aus­ tin's famous Pancake Flour for a change made from the great food cereals. No man is free who is not master of himself.--Epictetus. Oet a bottle of Hamlin's Wizard Oil to­ day; it saves trips to the doctor! It cures Headache and Toothache quickly. Genius is a superior aptitude to pa­ tience.--Button. Two cannot quar not. 1 when one will AGRXTS, WAMTFft A rood man in this sad adjolnln* cooa- nnniUF General Ag;'Dt fr.r Photo Fam­ ily Records. other riciur-K. Portrait* and Framen. Hest [lay'rig: ihi'i ? iiTteents. A beauti­ ful 16i'J0memorial sent p. p.l. t'>r 2Ac. Send f :rcata- loRue. B. C. P. Cory Co., 41-46 Jefferson St..Chieago. AGENTS Greatest tel«phone and office ^ specialty ever t alented. Thoo- aands dally n.ld; territory allotted )lv» agent*; state and county rights f<ir sale. Send 30c for nample and particulars Marengo Specialty Co., Marengo, 111. Gentlemanly Salesmen Wantedt0 ' scripUoa*fjr stock In Bookkeepers' Land and Cattle Co., small monthly paj-menu, l»nre profits; send for Illustrated booklet. C. MKSSF.RVE. l.P.A.Sec. Kmporla.Kan. WANTFn 8rtfI41' msvwHFSi, men orwo- ff fiia I LU men: w 1 i 1 nut tnterfen* with present ein- plovmenti (treat oprort unity t iln< rea«e your Income. Glen-Armstrong Co., #0 Deartorn St., Chicago, 111. IADIES make money eas* sell ln(t Holdfast Hose Pup- P'-ner. i*iR profits. K.a rto»e!l. I.arfte *ale». Catalog free. Holdfast Garter Co.. 110 Western Ave.,Ch.cago. miscki, r.A v jco rs. valaaklt Baeeipta for trmn'r'g an HousetK 14 Articles 10c each. 6. K. Hall, 23 9 Penn. Ave., Pltuourv. Pa. Youao WOMAN just came Into possession of *14.000 des'res correnpondence with respect, b e uma who would apprecUi e good wife. Box ivss. Toronto, Can. CBD1V PIIMIK W*ITE CHAPMAN MFG. arnMi rumn co., ciccho. ino., for prices and 11 iu rra'ed •-Itvalars d scrtblne the best ivnd cheapest SPRAY PUMP «Ter Invented. Easily *pray» ta lent tr.ies or lowest vines. Our agents a*« now e I'ui.ig hi* monev: Te-rltory free. KOSKY Wofth fortnne. Make yoa tn- dependent I! rne work. Little capital. Rn IKIJ close ata-m. A. W*rr : >.. -i *. r> St..Brooklyn, V.T. KISS ELIZABETH CAIXfi. eight months from suppressed men­ struation, and it erected my entire \ey«tem until I became weak »nd debil­ itated, and at times felt that I had a hundred aches in a3 muny places. I only used the Compound for a few weeks, but it wrought a ch: nge in me which I felt from the Tery beginning. I have been very regular sinc-e. have no pains, and iind that my entire body is as if it wai renewed. I gladly recom­ mend Lydla K. Pinklium's Vege­ table Compound to everybody. -- Miss Elizabeth Cains, 69 W. Division St., Fond du Lac, Wis.--$5000 forfait // «t»M Im met fnuim*. At such a time the greatest aid to nature in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. 11 prepares the young system for the coming change, and is the surest reliance for woman's ills of ere ry nature. Mrs. IMnkhan: invites all young women who are ill to write her for free adrioo. Ad« dreaH Lyiin. Mass. WAIITEDP™5S?J5ft2JlS23 PiratMhaverytblnt: best butmeecen V..0O0 a year-- e»a 4e th«nm«. \)ur guii» t»Hs ail 3* get yon tt&rted atoao wewll! -era ovr (1 2^ *anpl«s. , frve. SetwJ <*nl? . 'hj tf< be'e fmy nam. Addma, FA1&£X*T£1N 2v!PPJ.7 CO . tUVK C1T1 Id. 3»it es £artk, sent l>. pd gprloK fclde steels never ureak. I. spiral A esses X. DARLING, n H. Clark St., Cfeieage. CHEAP RATES **&&&&! OIIOOB r, COlaO&AEO ob Household Goods of lnteudlng settlers to tae a^ove-aaiued 8 ates. Map of California--FREE. UUOEATIOIt. U Market Street, CHICAGO, tt.t. Sent Postpaid to any address. 3 Pieces, Pall Size lor 28 carta. 7 Pieces, Pull Slse fsr M MU Vocal or instrumental. Write for List. Msnufaeturflrs 4 PubHthere Distribwtisf P. 0. Drawer Buffsls. K. V. WRITE ciiuOi, D»y School, THK C. I for your Anthem, Sun singing School, Sacred Male Quartet, Memorial Boon. PralH<\ Harvest, Thuuksjrtvlng, Tem­ perance, Christmas, Easter Services. Children^ Day and Christmas Exercises. Everything in .he line of music. 226 Oearhqrn St., Chicage, III, •iyMin'i i li^ssAiig* j l@Inl ®' 'SOITS Oae may sail the sem and visit every land and everywhere will find, men of affairs, who are well informed, have neither (he Mine nor the inclination, whether on pleasure bent or business, to use those medicines which cause excessive purgation and then leave the internal organs in a eonstlpated condition. 8yrup of Figs Is not built on those lines. It acts naturally, acts effectively, cleanses, sweetens and strengthens Che internal organs and leaves them in a healthy condition. If in need of a laxative remedy the most excellent is Syrup of figs, bat when anything more than a laxative is required the saffc aad scientific plan is to consult a competent physician and not to nsort to those medicine* which claim to cure all manner of diseases. The California Fig Syrup Co. was the first to manufacture a laxative remedy which would give satisfaction to all; a laxative which physicians could sanction and one friend recommend to another; so that today its sales probably exceed all other laratives eosnbised. In wDk places considerable quantities of old-time cathartics and modern imitations are still sold, but with the general dlflhslon of knowledge, as to the best medicinal agents, Syrup of Figs has com into general use with the well-informed, because It Is a remedy of known value and ever beneficial action. Tbe quality of Syrup of Figs is due not only to the excellent combination of the laxative and carminative principles of plants, known to act most beneficially on the system, with agreeable and refreshing aromatic, liquids, but tdso to the orginal method of manufacture. In order to get the genuine and its beneficial effects one should always note the full name of the Company California Fig Hyrup Co.--printed en the front of every package. Vft, •HIT"1 A \ . * * " * * s * * " ' "a i.. -o J H E W E A L T H Y OPPORTUNITIES for investments which are denied the man or woman of moderate means. Hare you ever stopped to think why the rich grow richer'.' Because they are continually looking for investments which yield large return; whether it is termed speculation or investment, it is all the same. The rich people of onr country have not amassed fortunes on 5% and 6% money but on investments which yield them dollars for cents invested. We believe there are now opportunities for small investors which should be taken advantage of. We speak of the gTeat State of Texas, the best place on earth to live and the best place on earth to invest your monev. The State is well termed the "Empire State" with its OIL, RICE, COTTON, CORN, LIVE STOCK AND BRAIN* ITS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. If you cannot come, you can write a letter. We want you to write us a letter about investments. We want you to buy some good dividend paying Oil stocks in companies we know are managed by honest, capable and conservative men. You have heard of the wonderful Oil fields but you have probably never realized what they really are. We can tell you. We can also tell you how and what to buy. Millions have been lost in all kinds of speculation except Oil. Do you know of anyone who has lost money in good Oil investments? We huve a reputation and we are going to keep it. Look in Bradstreet's for our standing, or write to the National City Hank or Trust Company of America at New York, the Whitney National Bank of New Orleans, La., or the Commercial National Bank of Houston, and then write to ub and we will give you the benefit of our experience and advice. Don't delay. The demand for Oil and the stocks of good Companies are advancing- steadily. Invest a few dollars for dividends which are being paid now. Capitalists from all sections of tbe Oountry are investing in stocks. DO THEY KNOW A 000D THING WHEN THEY SEE IT? DO YOU? Send for our new directory of the Oil fields, it is worth money but we will mail it to you fm. CARGILL & RICHARDSON, Dept. Q. HOUSTON, TEXAS. RKAZ, 1CSTATH. OSGOOD PO^TASIC-ADARQ \ •W wt V-W* '• W 1 tfV V v - ,y x k • »'S* '>S| j-tHTs---i-y-fic FP*T Used by V. s Oov. Can b* carried on your back In a bag. Bext whare tber« are no boata. W1 1m»U rib# and ulcrli ion unci cAtju aeparate tothoMdenirlne to build their own ooats. Rtnn for prtrea. OSO<X>D PORTABLE BOAT CO , LTD.. BATTLE CKEl-dt. MICH. CRESCENT OOLD MINING CO. Capitalization Sl'^t'.OUU. Own I 10 claims of rHKu ntk.u tUc-SaO aer<M of mineral land--nituuiril In the i-entcrof the rlchett I nilueml producliiK "f the globe. $65,000,000 i MIWED IN ITB IMMEDIATE VICINITY I» i 1901. tout ^'1 ore on the dumps and Mocked out. Sd.i'45 lett luunfliug comply led. Shaped 10 pay foo<i dividends the com Luff inmoiii wrlt« for prospect ui and full pardouiart to Ui# principal office at Ann Arbor. Mich. run Steady Home Work for Ladies vAssnHa orwortblau outOt to bar. Send • tamped envelop* to LJlXESISE Mro. CO., 141, MDMTbora St., Chiokf*. GOLD BEATS OIL $10 per 1,000 tHarei fur itock of I've u.lulug i-omptny •waias (MMuted givuud iu Crlppl* 001*. AMmh Box UM, Dmmt, Colo. , j Southern Minnesota Lands and Fxrm^MiirlrxKei for K»l«. WrheforMlfv WKl,l>, Wln lnm, MlanemOb tioui«r« to D. I1 'mod r. : Mmt m ; Inir, eardenlns kud fral'H, tmndv xr<ttrkev la luitctof.' AT!:, rt H.itn, r. A. S, laik(p!i, |D£ FREE HOWIE -i GOVERNMENT LANDS! TllouMnrf* < t f ri. !i fan:! lands ffmat* opeia for »«tlen)pni ii< rb»' wh^at-Krowiog ("^etl^ns of ts# KorthWfxt »ik\ I m tiareOTiportiHd* tlei to tecurc i livap ItohtcK, (tnn« anil ranrben. 1'b* estern Laud (.uiiic. a I><m>h for the aljabout tbfc Pul-llc J^nds. whfre t'ley-arelo ateS. how to reacb tti«an.I obtnln title Prlci* A<*», • Addrnaa X.. 6 HARVJSV, Osawatomie. KwnruHk ';Vl FOR nil OUT THEV GO! Nortk litiri Hiu.h llakr.f* t«S> proved and prairie lauss. Fast be^oTr.mjr c»tu«rl by #<>. d 'aruiera. Save i pel arro We <!t bCHVSTEx, Jollet, III. to • M. P I I'eal direct with avae FOR F ideal farm r w n OsllLa. i65acres,*4,ooo.«0 Bi"ithfla»tintt K»n«a^. M aerrm tinder plow, 25 a< rea hieadow, 40 n re" i)i«»uro, 10 acrva iiiaber, i/^rrfea, •to. Flv»>.roo0i Hoikio, clotera, w»ll sod Sl.OOO.OO t'AXH. balance H. B 3AHLEW, Jollet, in. ffi1; r: FARM ar RANCH? 1 c.m «!>i| yoo iiiitu (and at Ctff Mr acre, jnd wild (o SIS per acre tu UMS land of So. "i H*rv. v» li»^i.where diSO^ acre, andiiix * livfjo.ui >| n',nttl« yfararouaS. rm /urihrr lDf«irinm.k).i ad<tr?« 5". t>. VOfOVOnrB, Hop*, W. I>. ' ; easy iarnaKGi. ffop Sal« Fr,n4 3d Acres, S Cat w a reoE,excet)t'Ja«ireii.s plMI "1 and small fr dryer, costkby ».'• "ih, i,)i.trd 4ni»bc<? hotlee^fcya. Prl« *«, tu. :ut!nm _ . >0»>. f !ber»l tenr. tirulnra udctrwv J BOHBIDEK, BeboieUipdl^ »!o. b eit I ;ber»l terme. Fbr MS* - • - cent Cnp 181' FARM; aerfB ncaltlvi • Wl vulC rtOa« »"VM bara. orlb. (frmarj ami h; sl»cd omhlned, try bouae. bof wt>li, wind mitt, ct»t*ro >••. Libera! in •••? arranged: balnn.-e time. PHi *roT«. Libera! in •••? arranjjfd: balnn. e time. F •S.OOO. C.N MilRHIH, Holdrexe.Meh JKaA# •.'AitforiiU f^rm, 930 sereau 14 • uiikv from ^icrasieato,eo R. M. CoDTenlrni ti I * / , rrhoot* and t hurebaa. Ftnt-flAM lmproreniec p Codmpu cHtera.WMS flleqi. WttA pump conneciioua M rll pittedfor all eoSvenleucts. Excellent gra n >>i vln«)tirc| land; S acres ta frnHL Prli-e «*).(K' l>ei M<;r« Liberal term* arranged. Aa> • dre B. 1. BliAM, Klk Guve, OUihm*. FOR SALE 23a ACRES, 8 nitles ft A : {1' ... Hedrteld, Spink Co.,S. Date. *10 acre® t pasture and «bay )as#i bulldlofta w«>rth 4W» a<> abundnnce of good n~«t! water; good aol. vlajaeb-toll. Price SIS Der acfgu Call on or addreMHO. II. Hunt La ad 0o.,Bedfeld. SjK F(IR CAI F mortsajtee. ««cured on lmprutfA o MR farniswurth tb* sisn; CorreBi'ondeimn«oll<;lU:«l, wa.SlLll ALL. Sioux Citv.l*» FARM LANDS! 90 acres id Ko*si»»h Iowa, M.OO par aer«. 160 htcn m KoMuth County, Iowa, well improved, Nt* i>cr uero Write us l«i«- a descriptive list of W good piertiv lot » liome or Investment in Ml»> nesota, North mid South Pnkou. Price from 8-!.00 an jut^ upward. Also ask for map of Besota and low» I% is free. VARLAND LAND CO., Slobe Bl^. tT. MUUI FARMS! FARMS! FARMS! FARMtl ANYWHERL IN THE "CVCRMEEM STXtT* OT ', WASHINGTON., On seay terina Nattafacttoa gttarantesd. Fan »#": tiiaUaQ on appllcaUou te y rmmB. ##. MKnmrrr, (P. o. moM amm. taooma. mtamk !;:1S i0i:^ FIMAN< MAT~ IWIFwrtsMon tUe riKine. EbUrpiMK!, P. 0. Boil 978, Xew York. OIL HAS KM STRUCK in the Ktulia Lake Oil Fields, just acrow thv tliie from oar property. < )perStk>*it. Imvo beguu on our Inndhky and we to strike oil before July, and for a wry t-hori time we will uftiy full paid. *»tock at lO Ce>nt» per Share. • ' Writs tvr full i>arth!uiar* aad make ranittaBceeMr KINTIA LAKKOILOO.. r. L ait A V, Secy. Mllspslr, Motifr TEXAS OIL STOCKS MBMBKHB OB' THK HOUSTON Ofl-AHM bTOCK EX1'H.4*HIC: Note tbe bfMf ' vane 's in umiiv of th-j stocks, while *ltw »lvely ••botiui^l sUwki hitvf litUe trade vstas* St home W< lor inft>rniatiou auil ficial quotation clrculms. References: HoustMl Banks, M«*rua»tltc Ageuci^N; also ItuportaaS reference* )ti noo"it irtrno cities. R. W. CAIA&LE & CO.. Houston. T«S> m* geg» I- Homeseekers' Excursions 1 • AND* Great Southwest $33 from Chicago ^ $30 from St LOUR? ̂ $25 from Kansas City One Way, mcoihI class, dill*, duriDi? Marcll' and April. V) Ban Knmclsco, Xos Aug vies and* other California pOinta, al»o to Presooti, Pbfl^* n i x a n d o v b « r A r t x o f t i k v o i u t a . . . . I One Fare plus $2 Roancf Trip March 4 kud is, Ayril 1 ami 15, May tt »ua 2(i From Chi<.u<fo, .St, I.ouis au>l Kunsus City t# Kansas, okiahoniu, Texas,, Now Mt» ico, Arurnu und Cal'fornia. • r Correspomliu* rutrs from Kast geDersUA Ask your bouu' u»<eut. Throufrb aa#>; ohaircsrt- to »'alifornuk ovt r the Santa Kp, tb« <,omfortt»i>]« uua ijuii k way to go. Writ© for Iree ilUit-truKHl Ian.I puuipluetSL These ^priuff e*etti>ions will enaWo joh t* personally jiisjteia th.' uiuuy ttv\vanU«e8oilers# homeset kert< stid investors in the grf alSowlfe west autl < 'ulifornlii. Particular atteatteA- Is invited Uj irrUiitiHl InmlM in Arksu^iMi VsllMV Of Colorado, and Kio Grande valiVMSf . New liesicv. Salt Kiver Valley of AriaSMbSMP Bsa Joaquiu Valley of California. (ieacral Psasesxer Offke Ths AlcMin Tvpeks ft S&da Pi ffSymmitJ CHICAGO ' AUscrrjN/iPcta/aftr SALE 1 fMAr/MJAf/ZrmdtZUasAmnuC** • IflA Genuin« Conf Honey for SI; (100 for 500. #aVlf K. L DtlTKll K, Lorraine, Va. CLOVER 1 Ijirgitt of ( TiiaotnyaM ^^^ Gri(ki> «)ui northci u jrowaciojjjt I for vlgtn Trust an J J ninth niHttltj |prt»pci tii>- lu«*ijustl> SOPEHOk CLOVEr., Ij. IS.SO; 100 9t La Cresst PriM Cimr. (S it; IM IM. I S l l u v r r T t w a f h y I H 4 I t t CaU'o/ auikJ )OS fac 4c i JOHN A.SA1M " SEED C(K( ILAG*osse,WI$.< IV. NL U. DHIOAtiO, NO. 13, Vfeea Astcasrug MwribwiiH iMs Wmm .

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