Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Mar 1902, p. 8

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PWVTF'IIJJ- '• •/'"' ,,' • "'"•' ' ' •v{'.,-"»-':J,v . ! \ :;-'• ^gs^gjEs&gg&gagttoiHEtwogpc a »•----<fc--mmmmmmmmmm ft • m&i*. •*>•?*%<41 i\V .*v • &v ••!&$.* K 1 \*t" : 0* Clothing We have called your attention to our line of Clothing bonght for Spring before. The Goods are here R^siti^sr your inspection, in all binds and sizes from the little M n's Salt, (8 years old) np to the largest siees in Men's wear Vhey~n of the warranted kind, the prices are guaranteed to be absolutely correct. A look at our stock is all we ask, we trust to ---r Goods and Prices to do the rest I Hats! Hats! Hats! Our Spring Invoice of the latest shapes and colors in Men's and Boys' Hats are in, see them. A fine line of Patent Leather Shoes now here. A large as* sortment of Grain and Plow Shoes. Overalls, Shirts and Jackets, $ 1.00 a Suit and np. Garden and Field Seeds, Clover* Timothy, Cane Seed, Etc. Pure Groceries and the Best of Flour. The Pfdper 5tyIeS! The most essential parts of a man's make-up to give him a stylish appearance are the Hat and Shoes. I have taken this fact into consideration and as a result now have for your inspection the most stylish Hats and Shoes in Mc- Henry. Look at any of the latest fashion plates and then compare them with my stock. You will observe that there is nothing later. The Golf Hats are the newest design. I have them in three shades. Call and see them. The new shapes in enameled Shoes can also be found here at right prices. Summer Dress Goods I have the only new line of Summer Goods in town. Everything new and pretty. SHERMAN s. CHAPELL. Yours for Spring Trade, West McHenry, Illinois. oofto*BflatQD<aoooo4iooow< JOHN J. MILLER j MMflf This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage Honey to Loan on real estate a n d o t h e r first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections INSURANCE In first Class Companies, at the Low­ est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Bankers. DON'T BE FOOLED! Take the genuine, original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Med^ cine Co., Madison, Wis. It keeps yuu well. Oar trad* mark cut on each package. Price, 35 cents. Naver sold in bulk. Accept no cubsti- tiite. Aak year iniggUt © THE TURNING POINT in the tailoring business is marked by Easter. Orders for Suits are generally more numerous at this time than at any other season. No man likes to appear in his winter clothes after Easter. We are pre­ pared to meet all demands for high class MADE-TO-MEASURE CLOTHING Our display of new Spring Fabrics is comprehensive and representative, and prices are Gorrect. J. D. LODTZ. NEW Spring merchandise We have an ele­ gant line of Dress Goods for Spring Trade in all the new weaves ahd shades for Tailor Suits or Dresses. Pine Ginghams, Zephyrs, Percales and Wash Dress Goods Novelties. New Silks for Waists or Skirts in all the popular shades at ex­ tremely low prices Dress Trimmings of all kinds. An elegant line of Shoes for Spring and Summer. Our line of Cloth­ ing Samples are now ready for in spection, a per­ fect fit guaran­ teed and a saving of about 20 per cent. Groceries, Canned Goods, Pickles, Flour, Etc. of the best quality. Good* Delivered Promptly. Loag distance 'phone No. 363. Yours Truly, M. J. WALSH | i i i n u m M H n 1v'* -i ••is THE TEST OF TIME rOH many years the people of Mc- ' Henry have been purchasing good reliable goods at this store, and in­ variably have all wrongs been made righ+j when any complaint has been made. My stock of drugs and patent medicines is just as complete as ever and in notions everything imaginable can be found on my counters and shelves. I have an exceptionally fine line of stationary and school supplies. JULIA A. STORY mmm -Ife; MMMINIMMM Superintendent'! Report. Following is the report of the county superintendent of schools, submitted March 30, 1903, showing the receipts and disbursements of the school fund for the year: RECEIPTS. A. J. Boylngton, P. M 4 24 7fi State Auditor, school tax ,< 4481 76 State Auditor, Int i . 337 34 A. J. Boylngton, P. M 13 20 W. A. Nason, P. M 6 00 L. P. Card, J. P 5 90 11. J. Christian, J. P 300 L. F>. Lowell, States Atty 500 00 L. D. Lowell, States Atty 30 49 TREASURER'S REPORT. Statement of James Oreen, Treasurer of Highway Commissioners. STATE OF ILLINOIS, ( COUNTY OF MCHEWRY. \ TOWN or MCHKNRY - 88. Total receipts (6402 44 * DISBURSEMENTS. Riley I 17317 Marengo 440 54 Dunham 115 44 Chemung tflfl 23 Coral 283 93 Seneca 240 32 11 art land 197 35 Aldon 179 85 Grafton 235 12 Dorr 800 1! Greenwood 169 77 Hebron 239 37 Algonquin 544 50 Nunda 317 88 McHenry 404 88 Richmond 230 88 4 3 9 60 60 4 4 9 53 90 4 5 9 9125 Burton... 76 82 Commissions 105 44 Publications 25 00 (5408 44 W. E. WIBE, County Supt. Schools. Could Not Breathe. Coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis, other throat and lung troubles are quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure. One Minute Cough Cure is not a mere expectorant, which gives only temporary relief. It softens and liqui­ fies the mubous, draws out the inflama- tion and removes the cause of the dis­ ease. Absolutely safe. Acts at once. "One Minute Cough Cure will do all that is claimed for it," says Justice of the Peace, J. Q. Hood, Crosby, Miss. "My wife could not get her breath and was relived by the first dose. It has been a benefit to all my family. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. A Boy's Com position. Pants are made for men and not for women. Women are made for men and not for pants. When a man pants for a woman and a woman pants for a man they are a pair of pants. Such pants don't last. Pants are like molas­ ses, they are thinner in hot weather and thicker in cold. Men are often mistaken in pants; such pants are breeches of promise, There has been much discussion 'whether pantB is singu­ lar or plural. Seems to us when men wear pants it is plural, and when they don't wear any pants it is singular. Men go on a tear in their pants, and it is all right; when the pants go on a tear it is all wrong. If you want to make the pants last, make the coat first. For the Complexion. The oomplexion always suffers from biliousness or constipation. Unless the bowels are kept open the impurities from the body appear in the form of un­ sightly eruptions. De Witt's Little Early Risers keep the liver and bowels in healthy condition and remove the cause of such troubles. C. E. Hooper, Albany, Ga., says: "I took DeWitt's Little Early Risers for biliousness. They were just what I needed., I am feeling better now than in years." Never gripe or distress. Safe, thorough and gentle. The very beet pills. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. Hints About the Newest Hats. The new hats remain, in nine cases out of ten, low and flat both as to shape and style of trimming, showing a very decided tendency to fall low over the hair in the back, and to droop well over the edges of the brain at all times. This fashion is decidedly a pretty one, es­ pecially in summer hats, as laoee and flowers can be used most effectively in this manner. Many of the larger hats show uneven brims, the edges being bound with silk and wired into drooping and downward or sharply upward curves becoming to any face.--Mrs. Ralston, in the April Ladies' Home Journal. Would Smash the Club. If members of the "Hay Fever As­ sociation" would use Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, the club would go to pieces, for it always cures this malady,-and Asthma, the kind that baffles the dectors-it wholly drives from the system. Thousands of once hope­ less sufferers from Consumption, Pneu­ monia, Bronchitis owe their lives and health to it It conquers Grip, saves little ones from Croup and Whooping Cough and is positively guaranteed for all Throat and Lung troubles. 50c,$ 1.00. Trial bottles free at Julia A. Story's. Nothing like knowing what's going on. We keep you posted locally, but The Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean gives the news of all the world. By our special arrangement you can secure both papers for one full year for the extra low rate of $1.75. OASTORZA. Bauitk* _yy Tte Kind Yw Haw Always The following is a statement by James " •ei 3 of public funds received and expended by him _ t by Oreen , treasurer of the town of McHenry In the county and stiite aforesaid, of the amount during the fiscal year just, closed, ending on the 25 day of March, 1902, showing the amount of public funds on hand at the commencement of said flscal year, the amount of public funds received and from what sources received, the amount of public funds expended ana for what purpose expended, during said flscal year, ending as aforesaid. The said James Green, being duly sworn, doth depose and say, that the following state­ ment by him subscribed is a correct state­ ment of the amount of pulblc funds on hand at the commencement of the fiscal year above stated, the amount of public funds received and the sources from wliich received, and the amount expended, and purchases for which expended, as set forth in said statement. JAMES GREEN. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 85th day of March 1902. H. C. MEAD, J ustlce of the Peace. DATE. FUNDS RECEIVED AND FItOM AMOUNT. WHAT SOURCES RECEIVED. Amount of public funds on hand at the commencement of the fiscal year com mencing the 26th day of March 1901... $2623 31 Received from F F Axtell, R R& Tel tax 310 50 Received from F F Axtell, de­ linquent tax 156 95 Received for tile 12 80 Received for plank 9 00 Received for poll tax 230 00 1902 March 19 Received from Peter Rother- mel 8624 96 17017 54 AMOUNT. School Notes. Prof, brazier of Harvard visited our school on Tuesday last. Lena Stoffel has been absent from school on account of sickness. Mrs. Phillips, Alice Knox and Mamie Knox were visitors in otir school the first of the we«k. Duke Holmes, Willie Heimer, Willie Stoffel, Carleton Ross and Sammy Zim­ merman have been absent from school. July 13 July 13 FUNDS EXPENDED AND FOB WHAT PURPOSE EXPENDED. 1901 March 30 B Stilling, road work f 5 12 April 2T7 George Meyers, road and bridge work 38 00 Satn Sherman, taking care water 5 00 H C Allen, gravel 2120 Chas B Harmsen, postage, en- velopes and pettilx>ne bill 1015 •fay 25 Phil Sutton, work on Sherman road 38 65 Webster Bros, car of tile 182 38 Hert Hell, road work 1010 Geo Meyers, graveling 55 00 Wilbur Lumber Oo, lumber and posts 37 29 June 29 M 8 Freund, graveling 47 36 Geo Meyers, road work and bal 145 72 11 Zimmerman, graveling 50 00 Homar Wattles, gravel, road- work, blacksmithing 13 48 Wilbur Lumber Co lumber... 9 52 Clark Hall, spiles and bridge- work 8 00 July 27 Frank Smith, gravel 20 18 H Zimmerman, graveling.... 12170 M S Schaeffer, stone.. ... 24 00 Theo Meyers, mason worlr.... 13 00 Jake Meyers* cutting willows 725 Geo Meyers, graveli..g 38 83 Bert Bell, road work 300 Aug 31 J H Molander, gravel and graveling 50 00 H Zimmerman, graveling 86 70 S H Smith, gravel and road- work 1435 John Mulch, mason work and road work 16 75 J A Smith, stone 17 00 Wilbur Lumber Co, lumber.. 87 93 Geo Meyers, road work 27 50 John Stock, road work 13 50 Frank Stock, roadwork 13 «if> Sept 28 H Zimmerman, graveling. ... 7105 Wm Beck, spiles. 17 00 u Doctor and Patient; Joseph F Smith, Blacksmith and hardware John Mertes, repairs on Johns- burgh bridge M Dasson, driving spile Joe Justeu, repairing roads.. id work.. 10 60 Oct Oct Nov 44 40 70 00 <J 15 11 75 130 09 72 76 Dec Bert Bell, roa Wilbur Lumber Co, lumber... 12 H C Allen, gravel S B Kelly, work on bridge at outlet Peter Blake, road work 26 Jacob M Freund, road work.. Geo Coats, graveling Wilbur Lumber Co, lumber... 30 Michael McGrath J G Sherman, gravel Stephen J Freund, gravel and 5rave 11 ng acob J Freund. graveling.... John Stilling, gravel Wm Oeffllng, road work Geo Coats, gravel and gravel­ ing 95 80 Geo Meyers, teaming 10 50 J E Crlsty, hardware ft 90 Joseph 11 Huemann, hardware P J 1' reund, use of jack screws Wilbur Lumber Co, lumber.. 28 Joseph J listen, gravel and graveling Peter Smith, graveling Stephen Freund, gravel J B Nolander, gravel and 37 75 ID 10 10 00 4000 47 40 110 00 2H 08 110 84 112 00 27 20 900 680 200 19 62 86 85 108 04 2516 graveling. Geo Meyers, graveling and 8l L Worts, gravel and gravel»' lng. H Zimmerman, graveling.,., F L McOmber, hardware F L Hartman, guide boards.. Wilbur Lumber Co, lumber,. Jan M H Zimmerman, graveling.,., Wilbur Bassett, gravel Feb 22 Chas B Harmsen, stationery. Michael Schaffer, sign paint­ ing, road work March 25 Jos Mlckels, cutting ice and road work H Thelen, cutting spiles " rC. 1902 64 84 10500 68X5 58 50 UOO HO 00 20 41 21 95 13 98 1 76 450 10 00 500 5 50 10 00 Bert Bell, road worl.. H C Mead.ottict; rent McHenry Pialndealer (^.pub­ lishing treasurer's report G W Pennington repairing bridges James Green, compensation.. John 11 pensatlon Bernard Harrison, compensa­ tion James Green, communion on money paid out 87 28 Total paid out... .98885 45 BBCAPITUISTION. Amount on band at beginning of flscal year 92688 81 Amount of/undji received during flscal year 4304 28 10 00 500 78 00 84 00 66 50 Total amount... Amount expended during flscal year. -17017 54 . 3865 45 Balance on hand... •8652 09 Try Petaach's headache powder. are both helped by our DRUGS and HEDICINES The Doctor achieves success by ef­ fecting many cures through their agency and the patients are re­ stored to health by taking them. Their freshness and purity pro­ duces results not obtainable with Drngs of inferior quality. Our pre- ception department is in charge of a competent Pharmacist. Medici­ nes are carefully compounded. WE DO NOT SUBSTITUTE. N. H. PETESCH, Justen Block, - McHenry, 111. CHARLES 4 FRET! Wholesale and retail dealer In I am In the Market For BMf Veal riutton Hogs and Poultry dive M a call ud Smoked Heats, SJHSJ(C McHenry • Illinois Pumps Steam Fitting* and Wind mills Steel and Wood Sank* and Farm machinery A full line In every department We are prepared to do Well Work of all Kinds Give us a call Conway & Rainey Ring wood, III. 1 PHILIP JAEGER General Commission merchant Stall 1 & 8, Fulton St. Wholesale Market ~ £bicaao, Illinois "I Special attention given to the sale Dreascd Beef, riutton Hogs, Veal, Poultry Hide*, Etc. Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists furnished on application COLD STORAQE FREE J ! Cbe Independent '• (It ifi conceded on all sides that the cele- t brated and popular Beers brewed and i # bottled on improved and hygienic princi- S f pies and known*as } ) Prima and Burg Brauj t are unequalled as the finest table Beers. # J Frima Tonic, produced by The Indepen- f I dent Brewing Association, possesses a £ (fine flavor and taste and is especially rich J in nourishing constituents and invigorat- i ing qualities. 4 Best Beer ] The t and nothing but th,e best is made by this Brewery. Try it and be convinced. Purity, strength and rich flavor are its qualifications, Delivered in barrels, hal­ ves, quarters, eights and cases by JOS. HEIMER, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. THE SAVINGS! BANK ! J . H U R W I T Z . I beg to announce to the people of this city as well as county that I am about to engage In the Mercantile Business In this city where I have rented a store located near the depot and stocked It with the most desirable lines of Dry Goods, Cloth- lng. Hats and Caps as well as Boots and Shoes. I am safe in saying that 1 am fairly well known to a large portion of people in this city as well as.vicinity and believe this to be the right time as well as pluce to state that my aim in conducting my busl- will consist of dispensing a Strictly Reliable Line of Goods as well as selling at the smallest margaln of profit consistent with such goods. 1 will aim to make this a Savings Bank for my patrons, knowing the market as well as I do taking advantage of cash purchases I believe lean honestly assure to discriminating buyers a considerable saving from the prices usually charged /by the average mer­ chant. Honest Dealing! Reliable rierchandise! coupled with low prices are the claims I bring forward for your patronage. The new store will he open for business '• Saturday, March 20 and hereby extend to you all a cordial Invitation to come and inspect the new store. Staple Goods as well as Novelties of the latest and best will repay you for the trouble of Inspection and enable me to prove to You my earnest wish of pleasing the public. Very Respectfully, J. HURWITZ, The Kind Yok Always. Bought, and wMefc has been. In use fbr over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per­ sonal supervision since its infancy* Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Jnst-as-good" are but; Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infant# and Children--Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Ofwtorla is a harmless substitute for Castor OO, Pare­ goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverisliness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA Bean the Signature of ALWAYS The Kind Yoi Han Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Yearf.

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