Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Apr 1902, p. 3

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' ' ' . • ^ , i •~ . ,. \ iy:.! •"TTV- • >v •• «, . ?, - S ' r . * ' ; - , - T , ' ' » ^ . ' ' - : ' - \ -- " ' - " v ' - - » . * * * ' - ' ' / : \ * > 4 ? ' How Truly the Great Fame of Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Com­ pound Justifies Her Orig­ inal Signature. Lydia £. Pinkhamf* Vegetable Compound It will entirely cure the worst forms of Female Complaints, all Ova­ rian troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration, Falling and Displacement of the Womb, and consequent Spinal W eakness, and is peculiarly adapted to the Change of Life. . .. It has cured more cases of Backache and Ifiucorrhcea than any other remedy the world has ever known. It is almost infallible in such, cases. It dissolves and expels tumors from the Uterus m an early stago of development, and checks any tendency to cancerous humors. Irregular, Suppressed or Painful MenstruatioruTV eakness of th® Stomach, Indigestion, Bloating, Flooding, Iservous Prostration, Head* ache, General Debility quickly yields to it. # "Womb troubles, causing pain, weight., and backache, instantly re­ lieved and permanently cured by its use. Under all circumstances it acts in harmony with the laws that govern the female system, and is as harmless as water. „ .. , . . It quickly removes that Bearing-down Feeling, extreme lassi* tude, Kdon't care" and "want-to-be-left-alone feeling, excitability, irritability, nervousness, Dizziness, Faintness, sleeplessness, flatulency, melancholy or the " blues," and backache. These are sure indication of Female Weakness, or some derangement of the Uterus, which this medicine always cures. Kidney Complaints and Backache of either sex the Vegetable Compound always cufes. No other female medicine in the world has received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. No other medicino has such a record of cures of female troubles. Those women who refuse to accept anything else are re­ warded a hundred thousand times, for they get what they want --ft cure. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Refuse all substitutes. A Questionable Compliment, Now that women are becoming 80 romiaent in every walk of life it is ften quite difficult to decide upon the arm of address, especially if one rishes to speak of both husband and rife. Not long ago a reception was given j th© well-known writer, Mary Wil­ ing, and her husband. The hostess, a journalist of some years' experience, was doubtless anx- ous that her guests should realize the mportance of the occasion, and so left o room for speculation. She attacked he preblem boldly and Bolved it ap­ parently to her own satifaction. The cards read: "To meet Dr. and KVfv Mary Wilkins Freeman." $33.00 TO PACIFIC COAST Chicago & North-Western R'y; dur­ ing the months of March and April ^30.00 from Chicago to Helena, Butte, Lnaoonda, Ogden and Salt Lake City; (30.50 Spokane; 933.00 Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Ta- |oma, Vancouver, Victoria and a large lumber of other points. Tourist Sleeping Cars daily to the Pacific boast. For maps and particulars apply |o nearest ticket agent or address W. B. Kniskern, 22 Fifth avenue, Chicago, 111. Deep Politics. 'We are going to organize a politi- |al glee club," said the caller. "Well," answered Senator Sorghum, ll'll contribute liberally on one condi ton." 'What Is that?" 'Go and serenade my hated rival jur ®r five hours a day. If we can [reek his nerves the victory ii ours." Hnll Caloti's Greeting. 'When Hall Caine, whose resem- llance to Shakespeare is well known, inded in New York on a trip to Amer- t, he" was accosted by the late Igna- ^us Donnelly, a stranger to him, with le words: 'Lord Bacon, I presume."--"Lives of le 'Lustrious." Dome* tie Trials. | Mr. Nagget--Oh, what's the matter lith you. You're forever finding fault. Lurs. Nagget (sweetly)--Well, that dualizes things; you're forever losing be. I Mr. Nagget--Losing one? | Mrs. Nagget--Yes, your temper, jrely, that's a fault. To the housewife wno has not yet pcome acquainted with the new things everyday use in the market and who reasonably satisfied with the old, we juld suggest that a trial of Defiance jld Water Starch be made at once. )t alone because it is guaranteed by le Manufacturers to be superior to \y other brand, but because each 10c [ckage contains 16 ozs., while all the ler kinds contain but 12 ozs. It Is fe to say that the lady who onoe uses jfiance Starch will use no other, jality and quantity must win. }all on your neighbor once in awhile. I he is faring worse than yourself you |ll be more contented after that; but [he is faring better you may be to get pointers that will help you improve. ['Ma," said the Wonderful Kid, **I >uld think that tall building there *ht to keep the sky clear, shouldn't ?" "Why, my dearest one?" asked Fond Matron. "Cause, ma, it's a ?-scraper." the world Is small when it Is only a estion of meeting in it people you but when you set out to con- ijr the world its bigness multiplies slf a million times a minute. lundreds of dealers say the extra atity anl superior quality of Defl- j Starch is fast taking place of all ler brands. Others say they cannot • amy other starch. bleeping after eating Is condemned I a German physician, who has }wn experimentally that stomach rements are lessened and acidity is ced. re die for truth Is not to die for I's country, but to die for the rid."--Jeaa Paul. r Travelers Going To New York Are becoming quite enthusiastic over the delightful service which the Lack­ awanna Railroad has recently inaug­ urated from Chicago. The three through trains each day are splendid examples of the car builders' art. Solid comfort is provided while passengere are whirled through the most beautiful scenery in the East. Any railroad agent can give information or anyone may write to Geo. A. Cullen, Gen'l Western Passenger Agent, 103 Adams St., Chicago, who will be pleased to respond to inquiries. Unsuspected. "Do you suppose, darling," whis­ pered the lady who was on her fifth wedding tour, "that any of the other passengers have suspicions that we are just married?" "I am afraid not," he sadly replied. "I just heard that homely old woman in the third seat from the other end of the car ask her husband whether he thought I was your son or merely a younger brother." Deafness Cannot Be Cared oy local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only oa« way to cure deafness, and that Is by consti­ tutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucus lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumblinR sound or imperfect hear­ ing. and when it is entirely closed deafness la the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by oatarrh, which Is nothing but an inflamed condition 01 the mucus surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any cas6 of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, a Sold toy Druggists. 75c. Hall'8 Family PUU are the best. He Btade N> Mistake. "I sho' did see Marse Tom's ghost las' night," said the old family ser­ vant "Are you sure of that?" he was ask­ ed. "Yes, suh--sho's es you Btan'ln* dar! I couldn't make no mistakes, ha gone straight ter ue sideboard, whar de ol' jimmyjohn stay at, en de fust word he say wuz--'Dam ef dat nigger ain't been drinkin' my llker ag*in!'" Never Despair. Despondency is a violation of na­ ture's law; her scheme is to grow. We are put here that we may unfold and help others to unfold, and optimism, cheerfulness, is the plant that would gladly grow upward, while pessimism, de-pair, is the gravitation that ever strives to drag it back. She Was Prepared. He--I don't see why a woman shouldn't lay something by for a rainy day as well as a man. She--Why, they do. I have a lovely rainy-day skirt. You never hear any one complain about "Defiance Starch." There is none to equal it in quality and quan­ tity, 16 ounces, 10 cents. Try it now and save your money. At a recent meeting of the Anthro­ pological Society of Washington evi­ dence was adduced that the tattoo marks on Eskimo women are made for the purpose ofvindicating relationship. EARLIEST RUSSIAN MILLET. Will you be short of bay! If so, plant a plenty of this prodigally prolific millet. 5 to 8 Tons of Rich Hay Per Acre. Price 50 lbs. $1.90; 100 lbe. $3. Low freights. John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse,Wis. W No less than 30,000,000 acres of Cuba --nearly half the island--is forest. There are thirty different species of palms alone found there. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES are easier to use and color more gx>ods brigh­ ter and faster colors than any other dye. Sold by druirg-ists. lOe. per package. The consumptives wintering In the SwlsS Alps sleep with their windows wide open In the coldest weather. RED CROSS BALL BLUE Bhoold be in every home. Ask your grocer far It. Large 2 oz. package only 5 cents. Before marriage a woman think* of a man. After marriage she frequently thinks for him. Superior quality and extra quantity must win. This is why Defiance Starch is taking the place of all others. Money comes into one pocket and goes out of the other , WHY HE DID Nut buIS GOOD STORY TOLD OF ENTERPRIS­ ING FLORIDA MERCHANT. H*ta e<M winds* Bsastklii tf • Mystery (• ISJISD Chief, bat Mot for Lome -- Casts for Luifhtsr Akmt Bisslly Divided. When Henry M. Flagler, "the wizard of the East Coast," began operations that turned a palmetto and "scrub oak" tangle Into a tropical fairyland, and gave to the world its greatest and most delightful winter resort. Palm Beach, there were many small invest­ ors who followed him there. One of them was C. O. Livingston of Jacksonville, Fla., who had built a brick block near Flagler's investments in St. Augustine, and had remarked that he would follow him "slam" to Cape Sable and around on the gulf if Flagler should keep on going. Mr. Livingston had an ambition to have the first plate-glass front in the Everglades. So when his brick, block In West Palm Beach was nearing com­ pletion he made a special trip down and personally superintended the plac­ ing of the polished plates in the frames. They were of large size and reached nearly to the level of the sidewalk. He was standing outside with his chest in the air, swelled with gratified ambi­ tion, admiring the crystal sheets, when along came Tiger-Tail, big chief of the once powerful but now fast disappear­ ing Semlnoles. When his foot treads his native heath Tiger-Tail scorns to hide his no­ ble form with any of the habiliments affected by his civilized brethren, but he has a white shirt hung up in his wigwam, which was given him by a commercial drummer In the early '70s and which he was wont to don when he made his monthly pilgrimages to Palm Beach for "fire water," "fire powder," and lead. He was thus attired when he walked up to Mr. Livingston and exchanged "Hows." This was a good opportunity for the proud builder to impress the savage red man with the march of civiliza­ tion, so he pointed out the building to Tiger-Tail, calling his particular atten­ tion to the plate glass front. Tiger-Tall looked at the polished surfaces, but his unpracticed eye could see nothing except openings in the front windows. He walked up close, and thinking to get a closer view, he tried to step through the window inside. His Ro­ man nose came in contact with the glass, which surprised him very much. He rubbed his nose, gave a grunt and looked hard at the window, and still, not seeing any reason why he could not step inside, made a second essay. He bumped his nose harder this time, which caused Mr. Livingston to laugh long and loud. Now the Indian IK essentially a man of action and without emotions. With­ out the least sign of anger visible in his face, Tiger-Tail backed away to the edge of the sidewalk, picked up a scantling and went for that plate-glass front--the first in the Evergladefe--auu before the owner could protest there wasn't a piece left big enough for a paper weight. Mr. Livingston stormed and cursed but the big chief, adjusting his shirt, and explaining the whole matter by ut­ tering the single word "Huh!" con­ tinued his search for more mysteries to unravel. In telling this experience while on a visit to Boston, says the New York Mail and Express, one of Mr. Living­ ston's friends asked him why he did not sue the Indian. "What," he exclaimed, "sue Tiger- Tall? Sue a man who ain't got noth­ ing but a shirt? What would I get? The shirt?" DEATH CAME WITH THE SONG'S END As the Welsh Choir Won s Triumph Its Leader Died. It is not often that a musical festival closes so pathetically as did an Eis­ teddfod at Oolwyn Bay, Wales. Welsh choirs were competing me­ lodiously, as usual, and when the time came for his choir to make its effort. Henry Hughes, a quarryman, mounted a chair to lead it. In a few moments he tottered and fell. Ready arms car­ ried him into an anteroom, and the choir, led by E. T. Davies, a clerk, sang on, continuing their melody amid a round of admiring cheers. No other choir excelled the company of songsters whom Hughes had vainly attempted to lead, for they won the prize, and the sounding cheers broke out again. It was these cheers of triumph that rang in the ears of the failing con­ ductor as he lay In the anteroom, for he was dying. Every efTort was made to save him, but In vain; and not the least sad accompaniment of this pa­ thetic incident was the fact that the dying conductor's own son and daugh­ ter were singers in the victorious choir. A gloom spread over the great audi­ ence as theiSSi news spread, and the Eisteddfod when the end was reached closed with deep sorrow. New Piece of Music. General Horace Porter once asked Li Hung Chang for bis photograph for his daughter. The Chinese statesman kindly complied with his request, and, getting his paint pot and pendil, drew queer looking figures up and down the portrait. Handing it then to the gen eral, he explained that the left-hand column contained a list of his titles, while the right-hand side bore a of the posts he had filled. When ne reached home Porter gave the Photo­ graph to his little girl, saying: "Here's what you wanted. If you can't head it, probably you can play it on the piano." Less Irish Em Iff ratios. The emigration statistics of Ireland for the year 1901, details of which have been just presented to the British Par­ liament, show that the number of emi­ grants who left Irish ports during the twelve months was 39,870, or nine per thousand of the estimated population of the country in the middle of the year, being a decrease of 7,237 upon the total tor 1M0 A PAP1A ON WESTERN CANADA. Saskatchewan OM mt ths Fa** red DlitrWk The following clipped from the cor­ respondence columns of the Ban Claire (Wisconsin) Leader is but one of many letters of a similar character that might be published concerning West­ ern Canada, the land of No. 1 hard wheat and the best cattle on the con­ tinent It is a simple matter to reach the lands spoken of, the Canadian Gov­ ernment having agencies established at St Paul and Duluth, Minnesota; Grafton, North Dakota; Watertown. South Dakota; Omaha, Nebraska; Kansas City, Missouri; Des Moines, Iowa; Wausau and Milwaukee, Wis­ consin; Chicago, Illinois; Indianapolis. Indiana; Sault Ste. Marie and Detroit. Michigan; Toledo and Columbus, Ohio, and by writing to or calling upon any of these agents at these points full in­ formation can be secured. This Is a great opportunity to secure a home free of cost or if you desire to purchase lands they can be bought now at prices miich lower than will exist in a few months. But read what the corre­ spondent referred to has to say of one particular district. "'To the Editor of the L^ader-^-The rush of the lan 1 seekers will be to the prairie provinces of the Dominion of Canada. The allurements of a soil that yields 40 bushels of wheat to the Sere are too great to be resisted and an immense migration from this country may be confidently predicted. People here laughed at first at the idea of any one leaving the United States for Canada, but the Dominion authorities knew they had a good thing and they stuck to it. Their officials evidently knew the value of printers' ink. They spared no expense in letting the people of this country know that these lands were there and that they were exactly as represented. They did more. They sent out specimens of the crops raised and samples of the grain. We have had them here at four consecutive street fairs, presided over by one bt their ablest immigration officers. This gentleman spared no pains. He ex­ plained the value of the lands and the richness of the soil from morning to night to all comers. "All this told in the long run. Sev­ eral went up from here to spy out the land and like Caleb, the son of Je- punneta,1 and Joshua, the son of Nun. brought back a good report, and now some ten families will leave here in a few weeks for Saskatoon to settle upon farms there, and others are preparing to follow. Of course many will appear shocked at the idea of any cne leaving the stars and stripes for the Union Jack, but patriotism Is but a nomen clature after all, and our experience has been that in nine hundred and ninety-nine cases out of a thousand a man is the most patriotic where he can make the most money and do the most harm to those whom he hates." Nobody is ever really practical who has not an Ideal before her. You must see before you can plan or do. Defiance Starch is guaranteed biggest and best or money refunded. 16 ounces, 10 cents. Try it now. Cleanse the/ fountain if you would purify the streams.--A. Bronson Al- cott FITlFnaunOjCnnd. Wo flts or nerroqis-- first day'S VM of Dr. Kline'* Great Kerrc Restorer. Send fo- FREE S2.00 trial bottle ud treatise. Da. a. H. KLUB. Ltd..Hi Arch St.. l-hiUdelphia. Pa. Recompense injury with justice, and unkindness with kindness.--Confucius. I do not believe Plao s Cure for Consumption has an equal for coughs and colds.--Joan 9 BOTBH, Trinity Springs, Ind.. Feb. >6.1900. $33.00 To California, Oregon and Vsshli(tos Chicago ft North Western Ry. from Chicago dally, March and Apnl, only •6.00 for berth In tourist car. Person­ ally conducted excursions Tuesdays and Thursdays from Chicago and Wed­ nesdays from New England. Illustrat­ ed pamphlet sent on receipt of two cent stamp by S. A. Hutchison, Man­ ager, 212 Clark street. Chicago. s Jarring Him. "Yes, an' I took up de box o' choc'- luts dat cost me a hull bone, an' want- In' to do de t'ing proper, I says, when I passed 'eni to her, says I: 'Sweets to de sweet,' quotin' po'try, yuh know. An' say, wot d' yuh t'ink she says? Say! She dldn' say a t'ing but, 'T'anks to de tank!' Say! Wot?" That Altered the Sttnatloa. Stern father--Didn't I tell you not to call again, sir? Suitor--I know; but I didn't call to see your daughter. I came on behalf of our firm on account of that little bill--" Stern father--Kr--er--call again, will you? What He Could Do. Tommy--Ma, may I have Jimmy Briggs over to play on Saturday? Mrs. Foggs--No, you make too much noise. You'd better go down to his house and play. The rain falls alike upon the just and the unjust, but the unjust usually find it easier to afford a rain-coat. Most of our duties are too plain to be attractive. LIFE SAVER and NERVE BUIL0CR MUU.&S YOU UP. Pamphlet Bent for the nskinf. Write TO-DAY. Cures abnolotely Weakness and all Nervoos Troubles. Young and old should use it. One bottle often euros. Price Sl.OO, or six bottles for 85.OO. Send for bottle to­ day. Should your druggist not have It, send to GERMAN MEDICINE CO., Menrutine Dept. B. 109 Randolph St., CHIC460. ILL. DIVIDENDS -NOT PROMISES. Robber, Sagar Cane tod Cattle. Tropical apiii-ulture yields much larper re­ turns tuua iiua.f investments; property riphts equally secure in Mexico us* in United Slater First morigiiRe 7% 10-year Gold Bonds, prloe 95 and accrued Interest, security 3 for I, fin­ est tropical plantation. In midst of United polony: also d(vl«1"nd-oaying shares in plantation for cash or monthly Installments. For references and full particulars, call or send name and address to COMMONWEALTH MEXICAN PLANTATION ASSOCIATION, R 508, 115 Dearborn St, Chicago. WRITE BORDEN * SELL K CO. 4S-33 LAKE 8T, CHICAGO. £!!R00T VIOLIN in tons, workmanship aad laUk •apsrior to any othsr sosUaa doable j prioe aad is rwrt»i< M •adihatlti. Dorlac 40 ysats of staax la " i psrfsctloa w»h»r««ai>pUs4thnis»is ists. Prioss from llloH. Ntriskjnl J O. O. D., «1U priTilas* of < dair trial, writs J for complst* Uioitratod catalog. It IS Flail l^ROOTatOJil^WSWabsa^^j Be reticent; the world at large has no interest in your private affairs. ALL UP-TO-DATE HOUSEKEEPERS Use Red Cross Ball Blue. It makes clothes clean and sweet as when new. All grocers. Rashness is the faithful but unhap­ py parent of misfortnne--Fuller. Stops the Cough and Works OfT the Cold Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Price25c. Be natural; a poor diamond is bet­ ter than a good imitation. Drive Rheumatism Away by the use of MATT J. JOHNSON'S 6088. It cures thoroughly and quickly. The natural selection is usually the best umbrella in the rack. Mra. Wtnslow'H Soothing Hyrup. For children treililiifj. soften* the minis, reduces In* flammaUon.allays pain.cures wind colic. 25ca jottla. Th* Obliging Brakemaa. Brakemen--Now, then, miss, get in quickly, please. The train 1a about to start Young Lady--But I want to give my Bister a kiss. Brakeman--Get in! Get in! Fll at­ tend to tfiat for you. Deeorated by the Kalsesw During the last year the kaiser has decorated no fewer than 2,473 persons with either a star or a ribbon--a great­ er number than in any year since Wll- helm II; ascended the throne. WANTED AGENTS to ««T1 the CMsasji 8tears WASKKB, ' IBE optj WSSMML-.|X» t Cr - ' .j >y. •iscbme on earth ttiat really washes. Nonoaktns.. ralibltiR necessary. Will lsst s lifetime, hjg sslMwJ^ ,i B'KPr flt. Only flnt cia«a m*n wanted. '. v.' STEAK WASHJbB, CO., 31» Bsarbern flitHtf • m A^prattler is a person who preaches but declines to practice. Hamlin's Blood and Liver Pills cure constipation and alt the ills due to It; 25c at your druggists. The way of the aggressor is hard. Lost His Rheumatism By the use of a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil. SERGEANT JF.RF.MIAH MAHER, of Ard- cath, Koysd Irish Constabulary, says: "My friend, Mr. Thottias Hand, has been a great sufferer from rheumatism in the back arid joints for the last four years, during which time he has employed many different methods of treatment, but obtained no relief whatever, and for the last two yeans h:is been unable to waik without a stick, and sometimes two sticks, and was in great pain constantly. I induced him to procure a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil, which he applied with the most astonishing and marvellous effects. Before he had finished using the contents of the first bottle he could wiilk readily without the aid of a stick, and after a few applications from the second bottle he was free f om pain, and has been ever since ; and although fifty years of age and a farmer, he can walk and work without experiencing any pain or difficulty whatever." VOT.BI.RR'S CT'HATIVB COMPOUND, the fcreat remedy which makes people well ; it is made from t'le fhrmula of an eminent London physician Send to St. Jacobs Oil, Ltd., Baltimore, Md., lor a free sample bottle. C°t° CW: • • WATER \ BO* (JNi I . wArtitt . TEAKETTLfll WATER STIU VocmgstDM, | OMTU Ssndi ft* ^.4 Mammoth Cave One o( America's iiwtwi wonders is located In Edmonaob County. Kentucky, 90 miles son til of Louisville. This Company bas Just issued a very Interesting booklet of' 33 pages, descrlptlTb of the Cave. This booklet la well Illustrated with many fine halt* tone cuts, is printed on enameled book paper and design 6n cover Is In three colore and very at­ tractive. If yon want a copy send 10 cents in silver nr stamps to C. L. STONE, Crn'l P*«s. Afcal ( L>ouisville&NashvilleR.R. Ix>nsvri.LE, Ky. Health will come with all its blessings to those who know the way, and it is mainly a ques­ tion of right-living, with all the term implies, but the efforts which strengthen the system, the games which refresh and the foods which nourish are important, each in a way, while it is also advantageous to have knowledge of the best methods of promoting freedom from unsani­ tary conditions. To assist nature, when nature needs assistance, it is all important that the medicinal agents used should be of the best quality and of known value, and the one remedy which acts most beneficially and pleasantly, as a laxative, is--Syrup of Figs--manufactured by tbe California Fig Syrup Co. With a proper understanding of the fact that many physical ills are of a transient- char* acter and yield promptly to the gentle action of Syrup of Figs, gladness and comfort come to the heart, and if one would remove the torpor and strain and congestion attendant upon a con­ stipated condition of the system, take Syrup of Figs and enjoy freedom from the aches and pains, the colds and headaches and the depression due to inactivity of the bowels. In case of any organic trouble it is well to consult a competent physician, but when a laxative is required remember that the most permanently gratifying results will follow personal cooperation with the beneficial effects of Syrup of Figs. It is for sale by all reliable druggists. Price fifty cents per bottle. * The excellence of Syrup of Figs comes from the beneficial effects of the plants used in the combination and also from the method of manufacture which ensures that perfect purity and uniformity of product essential in a perfect family laxative. All the members of the family from the youngest to the most advanced in years may use it whenever a laxative is needed and share alike in its beneficial effects. We do not claim that Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of known valne, but it possesses this great advantage over all other laxatives that it acts gently and pleasantly without disturbing natural functions, in any way, as it is free from every ob­ jectionable quality or substance. To get its beneficial effects it is always necessary to buy the genuine and the fUll name of the Co.--California Fig Syrup Co.--is printed on the front of everjr package. m Louisville, Ky. San Franciaco, CaL New York. N. Y. V v.'ySw ^4 . HAVANA FILLER F O R l O ? quality for 10 cents each. •ffs - NL. <-FLORODOKA " Baa da art mt earn* •*!«• a* Ta*a freaa •• STAR," "KORSLSHOK, "OTAKHr.AP,- "STANDARD NAVY," "OLD MACH AND HONBY " mn* "J. T." T

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