Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Apr 1902, p. 8

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^5®SS§ -'&.* i ' / ^ „_ „- \* & * si *(L V"1^."*' -•"••-- -^f ~ *'-v*.-'- •'-.' •• • •l\il-••'•~S,i:"-Jki. •' ;'- '. ;i' , ";».-V< *.;,' .. '• ' :*.' ;t' • -*' ':^' Jf-; . > :*.'v i#."' '< ' :"li' J ' ' /? m>: 1 u • i^. •*;••"•' . y,>. «;& '4& '• 'Jy • IMI>I>»M|W>MW|IWII Spring n. Clothing We have called your attention k> our line of Clothing bought fcy|Spring before. The Goods are here a^iti^p your Inspection, in all kidcJs and sizo&from the little M n's Smt, (8 years old) np to the largest sizes in Men's wear a hey -re of the warranted kind, the prices are gnaranteedtobe absolutely correct A Uxjfe at oar stoA is all ask, we trust to r Goods and Prices to'do the resW-* ' HatsTjjfatgVtlats! wfeg I^y^ce-M the latest^^feapeis an^-colore in Men's »vs" Hats are in, see them. lme of Patent Leather Shoes now here. A large as' it of Grain and Plow Shoes. Overalls, Shirts and .$1 .00 a Suit and up. Garden and Field Seeds, Clover, y, Cane Seed, Etc. f*ies and the. Best of Flour, fc •* ' * ^"Youff for Sprii^ Trade, West M Illinois. I IMOMNMH t--o--oeeoawHIoBiBBBoow J. MILLER | W4KMKHHHM# This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory "to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections.. INSURANCE In First Class Companies, at the Low- Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Bankers. DON'T BE FOOLEDI Take the genuine, original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Media cine Co., Madison, Wis. K keeps you well. Our trad* mark cut on each package. Price, 35 cents. Never sold in bulk. Accept no substi- tat*. Adc year tfraffUt OUR MAKIVJ has been the making of good Clothes. The best dressed men on the street to­ day are examples of our art. You may be hard to suit or hard to fit, but we as­ sure satisfaction in both particulars. Our display of Imported and Domestic Suitings is the most comprehensive Patterns are distinctly stylish and ex­ clusive. Remember that those $17.50 Suitings will soon be closed out. Call now and make a selection. AJ1 patterns at these prices are exclusive. You Should Have a Pair of Those Automatic Pants Hangers! The Finest Thing Out. J. D. LODTZ. SPRING MJW Our Shelves and Counters are loaded with new Spring Merchandise of the newest and most up to date styles ob­ tainable. Dress Ooods, Waist and Tailor Suit Patterns, Silks and fancy Silk and Wool Ooods^' Zephyrs, Qing- hams, Etc. Lace Curtains and Window Shades An elegant line of new Hats, Caps and Gloves. New Shoes in all the latest shapes and leathers to fit all sizes. Men's Shirts and Shirt Waists, tne finest line ever shown in McHenry. CLOTHING CLOTHING 500 Samples to choose from. Come and leave your mea- Groceries, Canned Goods, Fruits, Tea, Coffee, Flour, Etc., at lowest Prices for first class Goods. Yours Truly, Oo«d4 Delivered Promptly. Kn ./ \ju MM / 0 U Long distance 'phone No. 363. mWm m |# m WW #1 Mm 1/ I # iBMiMWuaiaii imiiimniHmmi £$r. K V it"-. THE flRS? TlHi to take into consideration in painting your house, barn, floods, porches, inter­ ior Woodwork, furniture, etc^^s the quality of the Painty The Bradly ^ Vrooman Paints are-^he best on the market for any purpose and that is the brand we sell. Its all ready for use and anyone that can handle a brush can use it with very satisfactory results. It not only looks well when applied, but it wears well too. Julia A. Story I I McHenry, III. I have'200 bushels Fancy Rural N. Y. Seed Potatoes whicH I will sell at $l.iO per bushel from now until May 1st. Here is' a chance to get best Seed Stock for lesf than market price of eating Potatoes. McHenry, Illinois. Sherman S. Chapell. V WEEKLY CROP BULLETIN. BIG FIRE AT NUNDA. A Few Correspondent* Report He»vy Showers In Their Localities. Cool weather prevailed during the early part of the week, and light to moderately heavy frosts occurred. A1 thongh damage from these frosts is re ported by a few correspondents, it is be­ lieved that the damage was generally slight. The weather grew warmer the latter part of the week, and at its end was'almost suniraerlike. The week has generally been dry, but light showers oc­ curred over the greater part of the state during the we?k. A few correspondents report heavy showers in their localities. At no place, however, has the rainfall been sufficient for the needs of vegeta- tation. The cool, dry weather of the early part of the week retarded the growth of vegetation and, though con­ ditions improved latter, growing crops have made but little advancement dur­ ing the week. Heavy rains are needed generally throughout the state. The soil is in fine condition for tillage and weather conditions have been favorable for farm work, which has progressed rapidly. It is believed that the average conditions of wheat has not undergone much change during the week, though the lack of moisture and and the cool weather have retarded its growth. In some localities the crop has improved, and in others it has deteriorated. At many places where it is now in good condition it is believed that, unless good rains occur soon, the crop will begin to deteriorate. The above remarks re­ garding wheat will also apply to rye.-- U. S. Department of Agriculture, Cli­ mate and Crop Bulletin of the Weather Bureau, Illinois Section, for the week ending April 22. Wants to Help Others. "I had stomach trouble all my life," says Edw. Hehler, proprietor of the Union Bottling Works, Erie, Pa., "and tried all kinds of remedies, went to several doctors and spent considerable money trying to get a moment's peace. Finally I read of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and have been taking it to my great satisfaction. I never found its equal for stomach trouble and gladly recom­ mend it in hope that I may help other sufferers." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures all stomach troubles. You don't have to diet. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West Mc­ Henry. Grand Jnrors. At the meeting of the board of super­ visors last week the following list of grand jurors was selected to serve for the May term of the Circuit court: Riley, Thos. Ratfield; Marengo, Fred Benja­ min, F. O. Weaver; Dunham, ,H. H. Barrows; Chemung, W. B. Truax, P. E. Whittleton; Alden, Chas. Andrews; Hartland, A. C. Mclntyre; Seneca, D: O. Mills; Coral, H, W. Kittenger; Grafton, F. A. Fisher; Dorr, Geo. W. Lemmers, C. W. Hill; Greenwood, John Raycraft; Hebron, H. E. Benedick; Richmond, Frank McConnell; Burton, D. W. Lichty; McHenry, Warren Thomas, S. Covell; Nunda, John Palmer, M. N. Gardner; Algonquin, Christian Geister, Henry Hnhert. THE NEXT THING consider is the Brush. Get a good and the job will be the better. We > Brushes of all discriptiops. Also a lull line of Oils, Varnishes, Leads, Colors, Etc. 1--i-- Good For Rheumatism. Last fall I was taken with a very se­ vere attack of muscular rheumatism which caused me great pain and annoy­ ance. After trying several prescrip­ tions and rheumatic cures, I decided to to use Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which I had seen advertised in the South Jer- seyman. After two appplications of this Remedy I was much better, and after using one bottle, was completely cured.--Sallie Harris, Salem, N. J. For sale by Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley. Settler*' Low Kates Weet, Via the North-Western Line. Colonist ono-way tickets at very low rates e ery lay during March and April to Colora­ do, Utah, Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washingtdn, California, Vic­ toria, Vancouver, New Westminster, Nelson, Rossland and other points in Xootenay District. Also special round- trip Homeseekers tickets on first and third Tuesdays in March, April and May. For full particulars apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Neglect Means Danger, Don't neglect biliousness and consti­ pation. Your health will suffer perma­ nently if yon do. DeWitt's Little Marly Risers cure such cases. M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says "De \\ itt s Little Early Risers are the most satisfactory pills I ever took. Never gripe or cause nansea." Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West Mc- -&L -- Kxoaralon Rate* to Dallas, Texas, Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold May 4 and 5, with final return limit until June 80, in- 1 liwiye, accouqf General Conference M. E. church South. Apply to agents Chi­ cago & Northwestern R'y. The National Rluk Ih Kotirely Comannii By flames. The old National rink at Nunda was entirely destroyed by fire Monday after­ noon, causing a loss of about $2,000. In addition to the rink a small frame structure in the rear of E. J. Coquelette's restaurant, which was used as living rooms by Mrs. Coquelette, was burned with nearly all ify. contents. Several other frame buildings in the vicinity were ignited, but by the energetic work of the local fire department those small­ er blazes were extinguished and the fire con fined to one spot That all the stores on that side of tlie street were not burned is evidence that the people of Nunda are good fire fighters, for the wind fanned the fiames to fury. The rink was owned by Dr. Ballon who is well known in this village. Before the fire plans and specifica­ tions had already been drawn np for a new assembly hall in a new location and it is probable that work on the new structure will be commenced at once. The old structure was used years ago as a skating rink, out since the fad died out it has been utilized for dances and public meetings. The Great Dismal Swamp Of Virginia is a • breeding ground of Malaria germs. So is low, wet or marshy ground everywhere. These,germs.cause weakness, chills arfd fever, aches in the bones and muscles, and may induce dan­ gerous maladies. But Electric Bitters- never fail to destroy them and cure malaria troubles. They will surely pre­ vent typhoid. "We tried many remedies for Malaria and Stomach and Liver troubles," writes John Charliston, of Byesville. O., "but never found any­ thing as good as Electric Bitters." Try them. Only 50c. Julia A. Story guar­ antees satisfaction. Clone Election at Hebron. License or 110 license was the question to be decided at the village election at Hebron last we«k. Ifiie trustees repre­ senting the no-license faction won by a majority of three, while the license party's candidate for clerk won by a majority of one. The two candidates for mayor A. J. Cole and Z. H. Young, each received 81 votes. The village board met last Friday night for the pur­ pose of deciding the contest by casting lots. Z. H. Young, the no license can­ didate was the winner. A VAI.UABLK MEDICINE For Coughs and Colds in Children. "I have not the least hesitancy in recommending Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to all who are suffering from coughs or colds," says Chas. M. Cramer, Esq., a well known watch maker, of Colombo, Ceylon. "It has been some two years since the City Dispensary first called my attention to this valuable medicine and I have repeatedly used it and it has always been beneficial It has cured me quickly of all chest colds. It is especially effective for children and seldom takes more than one bottle to cure them of hoarsness. I have per­ suaded many to try this valuable medi­ cine, and they are all as well pleased as myself over the results." For sale by Julia A. Story and (T. W. Besley. A Gov^trii l'ui<iti(MI. According to The Herald the board of education of Harvard has teceived seventy-four applications and endorse­ ments from gentlemen desiring to serve as superintendent of the Harvard schools. Of this number forty were applicants, the others being letters of endorsement and r<x:ommendation. From the la*ge number of applicants it is certain the board will select a gentleman who will creditably and ably fill the place. Rbot In Hi** Left Leg. For all kinds of sores, burns, bruises, or other wounds DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is a sure cure. Skin diseases yield to it at once. Never fails in cases of piles. Cooling and healing. None genuine but DeWitt's. Beware of counterfeits. "I suffered for many years from a sore caused by a gun shot wound in my left leg," says A. S. Ful­ ler, English, Ind. "It would not heal and gave meonuch tronble. I used all kinds of remedies to no purpose until I tried DeWitt's ^Vitch Hazel Salve. A few boxes completely cured me. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley,West McHenry. Comes to It* Senses. In commenting on the action of The Plaindealer in regardito charging for all business locals the Nfuda Herald says: "The McHenry Plaindealer in a recent issue comes to its senses and announces that hereafter it will do like other busi­ ness concerns and charge for its goods. The Herald and other county papers have done so for some time." Makes children eat, sleep and grow; Makes mother strong and vigorous. Makes a healthy family. ^That's what Rooky Moantain Tea does. 80 cts. G. W. Besley. Are you thinking of painting? Re­ member the old reliable Alston Paint. G. W. Bailey. r orvrtm**--, By the immediate use of our Sar- saparilla (which is second to none) or our Beef Iron and Wine you can pass throngh the change from Winter to Spring without trouble and be in good shape for. the sulnmer. Onr Sarsaparilla is a Medicine that everybody needs. Try a bottle--50 cents. N. H. PETESCH, Justen Block, - - - McHenry, 111. The Open-AIr Post. The Open-Air number of The Satur­ day Evening Post, of Philadelphia, which will be out April 24, will be one of the most notable special numbers of the year. In the opening article, The Se rene Duck Hunter, ex-President Cleve land writes about his favorite sport with genial humor and laugh compell­ ing frankness. William Marconi, the inventor of the most successful system of wireless telegraphy, tells, over his own signature, of the experiments which led up to the marvelous results that he has achieved. In Tqles of the Diamond President James A. Hart, of the Chicagos, recalls some good stories of famous ball players, games and en­ thusiasts. This is the first of two papers. Every sportsman will read with pleasure Arthur E. McFarlane's spirited story, entitled The Old Feller's Fishin'. Among the other strong fea: tures in this number is a new Letter from the Self-Made Merchant to His Son, the second part of Pajjk Latzke's intensely interesting paper oIt James J. Hill's School for Railroad Presidents, a new installment of Conjuror's House, and the regular biweekly Washington letter by a Congressman's Wife Among the shorter contributions are Mr. F. A. Warner's practical paper on Farming as a Business, Mr. Forrest Crissey's timely sketch of Governor Van Sant, of Minnesota, an exquisite poem by Mr. Bliss Carman, and the usual popular departments. Saved Many a Time. Don't neglect coughs and colds even if it is spring. Such cases often result seriously at this season just because peo­ ple are careless. A dose One Minute Congh Cure will remove all danger. Absolutely safe. Acts at once. Sure clue fur coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis, and other throat and lung troubles. "I have used One Minute Cough Cure several years," says Post­ master C. O. Dawson, Barr, 111. "It is the very best cough medicine ou the market. It has saved me many a se­ vere spell of sickness and I warmly recommend it. " The children's favorite. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. Contest Payment of Taxes. The Chicago & Northwestern Railway Co. has refused to pay County Treasurer Axtell road and bridge taxes in tlid town ships of Algonquin, Greenwood, Mc­ Henry, Coral, Seneca and,Marengo, and also school tax in district No. 61, Hebron. The following are towns where road and bridge taxes will be contested and the amount of said taxes for each town: Algonqnin $508.27 Greenwood 15.71 McHenry 101.8a Coral '... (Mi. 78 Seneca 81.40 Marengo 198.37 Hebron, school tax, district No. 61 21.95 Total $944.29 The C. & N. W. 's share of the county tax for this year was $27,057.47 and all of it has been turned over with the ex­ ception of the above amount. , The canse assigned is that the levy was in excess of 60 per cent, without stating the pur­ pose for its being extended beyond the legal limit. To Whom It May Concern, All accounts, notes and other obliga' Hons due the late firm of Nordquist & Weber are to be paid to Mr. Nordquist, Who is authorized to receipt for same. t' S MARY Wkhkk. Signed, j g Nordquist.' Alston No. 1 Floor Paint drys in one night O. W. Besley. . . ' : • . • • : Che Independent j It is conceded on all sides that the cele- J brated and popular Beers brewed and i bottled on improved and hygienic princi- i pies and known as f Prima and Burg Brau are unequalled as the finest table Beers. Prima Tonic, produced by The Indepen­ dent Brewing Association, possesses a fine flavor and taste and is especially rich in nourishing constituents and invigorat- The ing qualities. Best Beer and nothing but the best is made by this Brewery. Try it and be convinced. J Purity, strength and rich flavor are its qualifications, Delivered in barrels, hal­ ves, quarters, eights and cases by JOS. HEIMER, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. >MMiM»emMiiamwmmiiiwinnmmnn SPECIAL SALE FOR ONE WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY, APRIL 14 Men's Shoes, worth $3.00® 88.30 Shoes for hoys and girls, Nos. 10 to 2 the best make @ fl.25 Suits worth ?IS.00@ $4.f>0 Men's Pants, worth 98c @ 69c Boys' knee Punts worth (JOe 40c Embroideries, worth Ific per yd, ®.7%c Ginghams, per yd 4%c Best Indigo blue Oallco, worth 11c @.9c Host Pureales, per yard 7c Kiiiiey dress Shirts 40c Stockings, sizes 5V4 to 9, @ 10c Very best Stockings, sizes 5 to 8H, extra heavy ific Men's bib Overalls, blue 39c CLOTHING HOSIERY SHOES HATS I Fine line of Neckties at greatly reduced prices. In fact everything in the store will go while the sale lasts at very low prices. Come and ex­ amine the Goods and judge of their value your­ self. The Savings Bank, West Mchenry. J. HURWITZ, Prop, i niinwnniiiiMiimiiiiiiiiniiiinj The Kind Von Have Always Bought, and which has been. In use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per­ sonal supervision since its infancy* Allow to deceive you in thisu All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are baft Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children--Experience against Experiment* What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil* Par©- Iforic, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant* It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age W its guarantee. It destroys Wornif and allays Feverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation And Flatulency. It assimilates tlie Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep* The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend# GENUINE CASTORS A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Mays Bought , In Use For Over 30 Years. V'V] THI OCrtTAUM OOMMMVi ft MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK omfl. t> . J -• A" >w,;. : i - i . r - J

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