fe"'t ' •>•&'*!&• -,'!•*- .... -i •' •.; V- ... -, . .... LJ » ,,• ,•• •*• /---a • • • » * r' ^ .£'• •'V^.' >-r •.";•• • 'i:. '• ••*••'o' M fA'r-\ AV. • .i' V;.;<..V • • 1 jy / '. PE-Rfl-NA CURES CATARRH OF KIDNEYS EVERY TIME. W;--~ <« pf:p. $,$*• !5<S?v; W '••>»» i &1 ...-V?-. !«•* r* mi 5JBSS MWEMS KFFLMY DISEASES CURES Pe-rii-aa Crest! tigs National Sensation in tfie Core of Chronic Ailments of lis© Kidneys. ^MajorTc 11, Mars, of the First Wiseon- j be takes. ®l Cavalry regiment, writes from 1425 Dunning street, Chicago, 111., the fol lowing letter: "Foryears I suffered with catarrh of tho kidneys contracted in the srmy< Me die!no did not help me any until a comradowho had been helped by Pe* run* advised me to try it I bought mo toe at once, mod soon found blessed relief. I kept taking it four months, and am BOW well and strong and feet better than I have done for the past twenty years, thanks to Peruna," ft H« Man. Mr. Johm Vance, of Hartford City, M. says: "My kidney trouble is much better. I have improved so much that •verybody wants to know what medi cine I am using. I recommend Peruna to everybody and some have commenced to nse it. The folks all say that if Dr. Bartman's medicine cures me it must be great."--John Vance. Mr. J. Brake, of Petrolea, Ontario, Canada, writes: "Four years ago I bad a severe attack of Bright's disease, which brought me so low the doctor Maid nothing more could be done for me. I began to take Peruna and Manalin, and in three months S was * weU man and have continued so arer since. "--J. Brake. At the appearance of the first symptom at kidney trouble, Peruna should This remedy strikes at once the very root of the disease. It at once re lieves the ca tarrhal kid neys of the stagnant blood, pre v e n t i n g the escape of serum from the blood. Peruna stimulate# the kidneys to excrete from the blood the accumu lating' poison, and thus prevents the convulsions which are sure to follow if the poisons are allowed to remain. It gives great vigor to the heart's action and digestive system, both of which are apt to fail rapidly in this disease. ^ Peruna cures catarrh of the kidneys simply because it cures catarrh where- ever located. If you do not derive prompt and sat isfactory results from the use of Pe runa, write at oncer to Dr. Uartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ol v ••?,> , " uja" - *• :.s ' ' ,< V* p-V'i f<V- "-VS r. y • 'r 5,'<• v '"?• S,:-*#r •' '.rj ir ;?• rl*T ' . " ^ > i sTARCH, y i 6 0 2 . l O C T S . y It b the purest, cleanest starch made. It is free of injurious chemicals. It can be used where ordinarily you would be afraid to use starch of any kind. That's Defiance. Your grocer sells it MANUFACTURING CO. IA. NEB. MAGNETIC jSTARCH 'u OMAHA. DON'T STOP TOBACCO Suddenly. It injures the norvous system to do so. Use DACO-CURO and it will tell you when to stop as it takes away the desire for tobacco. You have no right to ruin your health, spoil your digestion and poison your breath by using the filthy weed. A guarantee in each box. Price $1.00 per box, or three boxes for $2.50, with guarantee to cure or money refunded. At all good Druggists or direct from us. Writ* for free booklet EUREKA CHEMICAL CO., - La Crosse, Wis. b;ICO euro A D u r a b l e ALABASTINE Wall Coating k KALSOMIMK "lNngfc! On your nasty de<»ylnjr kate£ arine? No, rirl AI^AHASTINB is what 1 Vked for and what I mat" ALABASTINE COMPANY, Barms a pure and permanent coat ing and does not require to be taken off to renew from time to time. Is a dry powder, ready for use by Bilging with cold water. TO THOSE BUILDING We are experts in the treatment of •walls. Write and see liow helpful we can be, at no cost to you, in get ting beautiful and healthful Grand Rapids, Mich. Judge Blackenbam's Heroic Moment PIL-E-TUM C U R E S PILES jambs KOHL J (Owrricfct, in* by Dally Story Pah. O frftsTe been spending & bit of the torrid season with my friend Judge Thomas Marshall Blacken ham of Ty- gart Creek, Kentucky. After dinner to-day the Jndge led the way to the broad veranda. The. Judge ponderously seated himself in a shriek ing rustic rocking-chair, threw his fat right leg across the left, pushed backward and rested a chunky fist (that held the handle of a palm leaf) on the center of his protuberant girth. Soon through the heated silenoe came the imperious voice of Mrs. Blacken ham: "Do all that over again, my lady! I saw you souse la plate in the water, turn it over a time or two, give it a slap and a swipe with the drying rag and dismiss it Do it all over again."' "That's tough on Lillie, hot as it is, but there is no help for it," spoke the Judge in smiling sympathy; "her mother would never abate one jot or tittle of her stringent housewifery ex- actions." "What a wonderfully lucky man you are. Judge,"' f said, with the frank freedom of intimacy. "In your wife the beautiful and practical have met to harmonious union. How could you, with your careless habits, ever win a woman of such punctilious precise- ness?" The Judge rolled his sunset face over toward me. He affected indignation. "What do you mean, suh? While prob ably I am no prize beauty now, I was the Lochinvar of this state. I was the glass of gallantry, the beau ideal, the tossing blossom of Kentucky chllvalry, suh! 'Twas her was a lucky woman, suh; yes, suh, though at one time, suh, she didn't have the propah apprecia tion. of It, probably." "She was the reverse of practical, too, when she was young, suh. She had gone to school at Lexington a few terms, and when she returned her lit tle brown head fairly swarmed with romantic ideas. A dishrpg in her white hands then would have seemed defilement. Though rich in all the al luring grace of manner and physical attributes of perfect femininity, she seemed to possess no inclination for the sterner sex. We young fellows in the community who aspired >to hold heads on a level with hers were great ly nonplused at her frigid bearing. We couldn't believe she was a bom man- hater. Her glowing lips, her pink- mantled cheeks, her sparkling blue eyes, her form filling all the rules of perfect symmetry, her step light as if she trod an unpalpable substance, all conspired to resent such a charge. But tthe gave scant attention to us, I tell you. "Tom Baker bought a span of fine bay horses and a buggy to macth. Every d%y he would dash by her house, his grand steeds smiting the hard road with rapid, ringing hoofs, his buggy wheels richly hutnming, the black top catching and throwing sunlight at •very motion. 'Twas all vanity and vexation. She scarcely gave his showy equipage a glance, of* if she did deign a look it was to wonder why a young man. of his lean means should incur so much expense to advertise himself a fool. He soon sold his rig at half price and left for ^Frankfort, where he Is now a popular saloonkeeper. "Milt Turner bought a suit of clothes tn a credit--worth seventy-five dol lars. The next Sunday when ho thought she was badly in need of his eompany home, she told him her pa tras all the company she required. He Is now a restaurant keeper in Chicago. "John De Laney, knowing her to be % church member, thought the short cut to her heart was the ministerial path. Accordingly he went to Cincin nati, and for six months gorged his mind on theology. He returned with a smooth face, an affectedly meek, but withal, superior clerical smile, a long- tailed, black coat and a nicely gotten sp parson voice. He made an appoint ment to preach, but lo! though the house was jammed by a curious throng, the only one he would have given a cuss to exhort, was promi nently absent. He is now a highly esteemed gambler of New York. Jim Stevens, more practical than the rest, pooled his little stock of money with all he could borrow, and set up a store. Alas! 'twas a bootless venture, for Flossie Blake not only never entered the store, but indig nantly sent back a dress pattern bought there by her father (and whiah m . heroic deeds at ur. "I now had the key that I was Mm would unlock the door of her Indiffer ence. i would be a novel hero, and wouldn't be long about 1L "I had a cousin living la City, and thither I went on a two months' visit \ "While there I .contrived, on paper, to become a hero of the first water. I went to a Job printer with a pieoe of newspaper, blank on one side. "I next day mailed a dipping to the local paper of my home county. I didn't forget to Inclose a crisp ten dollar bill, and a request that the edi tor should publish the clipping and say nothing about how he had come by It Heroes must be modest, you know. He was a personal friend of mine, and I knew I could trust him. Well, the next issue of the Baft Kep- "There, now!" she exclaimed, knit ting her brow, "No more romance for me!" tucky Deadshot had the following ar ticle, topped with fireworks headlines: IDARINO DEED Of That Oallant Knight of Modern Chiv alry, b THOS. MARSHALL BLACKENHAM. Lewis Hero County Youth Becomes the of the Hour In Kansas City, Mo. [From the Kansas City Journal.) Kentucky, the home of modern chiv alry. has another gem to wear In her bristling crown of pride and glory In the M -- - - Of Lewis County person of Thos. Marshall Blackenham BY REMOVING THE CAUSE. IN PLEASANT TABLET FORM. Tin ONLY INTERIM. PILE CURE tor Tears by au Kmlnrnt Phy»l<'ian. *** P1U?n are eauMul Iiy *ay obstruction to tb« outflow of the blood In the hemorrhoidal rein* because con- IS?.1" ' ltu' OT liver circulation, and alio because of a weakeued condlilun of iho viu walla. « fl® relieve* Cougeetton, Strengthens tho Vein Walls, Tones the System, Aldn J>i£e»clun, and Coi«s Chronic Constipation. Ho disagreeable local application. PIL-E-TUM CURES WHERE EVERYTHING ELSE FAILS TBY IT. IT WILL COST YOU NOTHZMO. Ask your Druggist, and send for F KEE Sample to DOCTORS DRUG CO., - 356 Dearborn Street, - CHICAGO. 50 50 DOSES C E N T S ii'8 :: ; WRITS TO 1# BORDEN * SELLECK CO.. ^LAKEST. OHICAOO. ™ ROOT VIOLIN in tone, workm&ualiip ;i tlniwh «uperU>r to any otLar corfiiu^ double price and i» jrutrttiOft-t] to ®l>e action. During 40 of 8tuaV in mMIm «• b»ve lappl i«d IhoaMiidi muM. PtIow from |> to IA. riiMtat Q. I>^ with pri?ll«ft of € days' triad. Writ# c «tnpAl«te UlMtratod caUlo*. It to fllCA T. MOT k S0<n.aw Wafc--fc )U„ Cfclc«-- "What do you wea^ •uhf Stevens had selected) with the dispir iting message that there was no ne- cress In the family who could ap propriately wear it." "During this ridiculous contest of would-be lovers, I, Judge Blackenham, to be, maintained a judicious Bilence. But I was actively using the faculties that subsequently put the Judicial robe on my shoulders. I was analyzing the altuat'on---drawing intelligent deduc tions from the failures of others. I made noiseless, but exhaustive inquir ies into the habits and secret tastes of tills anomalous beauty. I finally learn ed she was an unquenchable reader of heroic literature. I went to town and secretly learned from the woman who kept the hook store, the titles of all those high-spiced novels that consti tuted her daily mental and emotional feed, and I bought them. Day and night I would lie cn my coach and read novels. Dark, handsome chaps rulhfid fhrnm* thy i»r«s ploys logic for any good end. . - . -• "* i' » • « K . . Jv-.V, ; 7^: Last evening, while Mrs. Ella EJdwardS, a wealthy and beautiful young widow of Southworth street, was goine home from a call she was set upon l>y tnre« masked robbers. At the place where the inia» creants came upon her there is a lonr distance between the street lamps, ana is a most favorable locality for the per petration of villainous deeds. Mrs. Ed wards was within a block of her home and never anticipated any foul play, as she was used to traversing: that part of the street in the early evening. All at once, when about midway between the lamps, th« three men sprang out and seized her. One threw a cloak over her head, but not before she had uttered a piercing: scream. Instantly, as if he had risen from the earth, the Isold Kentuck. Ian sprang like a lion among them. Risrht and left ne landed with his Herculean flsts. There was a terrible struggle as the three footpads were powerful men. Undaunted by their resistance the Ken- tuckian fought them single-handed, never yielding an inch. Two fell as though •mitten by sledge hammers. The third turned in an endeavor to escape, but came to a sudden halt with a bullet in his left leg. The noise of the shot brought policemen to the spot. All three of the assailants were arrested. One of them is "Cribber" Darnley, a veteran footpad, who has served several terms, and is regarded as a dangerous man to tackle. Another of the beautiful trio is. "Cross-eyed" Bronson, wanted badly In New York and Philadelphia for safe cracking. He has murdered several offl* cera who have attempted to arrest aim. The third is "Bully" Adams, who last year cleared out an entire sheriff's posse trying to capture him. The lady lost nothing except her con sciousness. Her pocketbook, containing three hundred dollars, her gold watch and diamond necklace were Jolted from the hands of the robbers when Col. Blackenham's mighty flsts landed. Col, Blackenham, like all heroes, is an ex ceedingly modest man, and acts as it he were not aware he had done anything out of the ordinary. In the meantime, his deed is the theme of universal praise. Col. Blackenham refused to accept thu gold watch the grateful lady besought him to take, but, later on--who knows? The old, old story, possibly. "Well, suh, 1 staid away long enough to let that story sink into the heart of the beautiful Flossie, and prepare for me a haven of welcome and favor. "When I returned I demeaned my self as becomes a modest hero, unas suming, but with a quiet dignity that bespeaks the importance of the man on whom it sits. "When I met Flossie at church there was no ice on her, no suh. She bow ed to me, smiled, trembled a little while her eyes emitted sparks that flew upward from a very warm heart. She took a proffered arm and leaned on It with that air of delicious depend ence so grateful to the heart of the true hero. "After we had been married about two weeks I told her about my ruse. She gazed at me a long time, her ex pression a compound of mirth, aston ishment and mock contempt. Finally, she made a motion as If throwing something away. "'There, now!' she exclaimed, knit* ting her brow. 'No more romance reading for me. As for you, Mr. Blackenham, I want you to study law Tour genius must have scope. As for me, to the science of plain, prac tical housekeeping, I hereby dedicate my days.'" SEVEN PRINCIPAL ROUTES. It is a well-known fact that the C., H. & St P. Ry. system offers a great many different routes between Chi cago and St. Paul and Minneapolis. Its main line between those points Is especially well known as the route over which runs the famous "Pioneer Lhnited" and the Government Fast Mail Train. There are six or seven other routes over a number of which are run through coaches and sleeping cars, which are almost as direct as the prin cipal main line. These various routes traverse the most interesting and attractive sec tions of Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota, including the celebrated "Lake Region" of Wisconsin, and cross the Wisconsin river at the fa mous "Dells," where is the most pic turesque scenery in the Northwest. •The main line and several others include from 150 to 300 miles of ro mantic and picturesque scenery along the Mississippi river. On these vari ous lines are located the most im portant towns and cities in the North west Both one way and special excursion tickets between Chicago, 3t. Paul and Minneapolis are honored via any one of these direct lines. The teachers attending the National Sducatlonal Convention at Minneapo lis will appreciate and take advantage of this fact as they can have a choice of routes going and returning. WHEN YOUR GKOCER SATS 1m does not have Defiance Starch, you may be sure he is afraid to keep it until his stock of 12 os. packages are sold. De fiance Starch la not only btttter than any Other Cold Water Starch, but contains 1< OS. to the packeve and money as 12 oz. brands. rolls for same 14ght«st Aotomobll* RnnaboaU The lightest automobile runabout is one of three;horse power, which has a speed of eight miles and weighs 250 pounds. WHY IT IS THR BEST ta because made by an entirely different process. Defiance Starch Is unlike any other, better and one-thiru more tor U cent*. . "The first water cure was the flood, and it killed more tha£ It eared."-- Charles Lamb. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES color silk,wool or cotton perfectly at one boil ing. Sold by drug-gists, 10c. per package. Alaska, It Is said, can furnish home steads of 820 acres to 200,000 families. FITS Permanently Cured. KofltaornerroasneaaaftM Ant day'» nt-e i>f l>r. Kline's tireat Nerve Kestorer. Send fo" "UEK #2.00 trial bottle and treatiite, ta. R. H. Kline. Ltd.. Ml Arch St.. I hilndelpkla, Pa. Laziness too often succeeds in get ting a strangle hold on ability. Piso'ts Cure for ConsUiuptioa is an Infallible Mdicine for roughs and colds.--N. W. Saitou* Ocean Grora, N. J., gab. IT. UWa Woman does not count her years until she has no teeth to count. '% 'H'h (c~~ -- V % ^ Jr 1 Vrr* J V J DON'T SPOir, YOUR CT.OTHKS. Use Red Cross Ball Blue and keep ihem white as enow. All grocers. 6c. a package. A man Imagines his bride an angel until she asks him for money. •SO A WEEK AND EXPEN8K8 to men with rig to introduce our Poultry (OOda Sendstp. JavelleMfKCo..Dept.D,Paraoag,Kan. "A" should be dropped from ths al phabet; It makes men mean. Stops the Cough and Works OfT the Cold. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. PrloeSBe. A Japanese family of five can live on less than $8 a month. Don't Suffer From Rheumatism. Take MATT J. JOHNSON'S 6088. It Is a positive cure. Try It. All druggists. It's always advisable for a poor liar to tell the truth. The well-posted druggist advises you to use Hamlin's Wizard Oil for pain, for be knows what it has done. Better a red face than a black heart. JAKES WEAK tYES _ ?6 DROPS" . aCALCIOWUO* - GRANULATION. INFLAMMATION.CTt^ ^ RMHTEMM)ULL EYE9, CURES PINK EY| • AT MUGGISTSi OPTICIANS 03 6Y MAIL kURINE EYE REMEDY CO, Chicaba REAL ESTATE. CHEAP FARMS and RANCHES Do Ton want to engaKe In Btock raising? If *o, write D( lust what you waul aud we will quote you price* «oa descriptions, aim also Information about Western Ktoias. Wo liavo never had a total failure of feed; good feed crop luat year. W. O. BOURMF. - Knott CHy, KSnSSS. 4nnn ot rich, black land for »WwU Hl/IVbO sale in Northern Indl- ana, in tracts or lO acres up. Write for particu late. JACOlt KKLl.AK, North Judnou, Ind. 440 ACRES in Southeastern Idaho. ;(SO acres natural ha/laiid. lilO acres fanning land, ut 09.OO per acre with clear title utid u flrat class water rlt;ht. AU feuced. Good modera improvement*. will •ell on eaty term*. For furiltei* |mrt!cu!art apply to B, O. RTJJCTOM, 134 E. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. Invention Credited1 to China. Another meritorious so-called mod ern invention--the water-tight bulk head--is now attributed to Chinese ex perience. In a paper presented to the Institute of Marine Engineers tho use of the bulkhead principle on Chinese Junks from time immemorial waa pointed out. " 6000 THINGS NOT OFTEN READ." Moat favorable opportunity to buy FAKMfj In Cali fornia, 70 to 3,203 acre*, at 97 to K2U |>«r ai:r«. Small amount cash; low rate Interest; time to i>ult purchaser. Add. A. W. Canfield, Banta Barbara,Gal. KaP CA1 K7_140-acre Grain and Stock wnkCi FAEM.sltuated In Jersey " Co., 111., S'> mlk'.s) from tst. Lonln; 2 trains from there ewli day; B inlleg from K.R. itatiun and market: S-atory, B-room dwelling with cellar; good burn anil granary;8 wel]s;c!»tern and spring; well hedged; fine location; school,church, telephone near. WD.OOO. Eaayterma. Address J.M. English, Jerseyville, 111, Farms, Homes, Grazing Lands ! We have lOO Faring In Brookings Co., 00,000 acres of corn and grazing lands lu Beadle, Spink, Faulk, Hand and Sully counties, farms lu Klunsbury and Hamlin counties, square section of hay andgraz- lnK land lu Deuel county, only ®1 7.50 an acre. Prices range from 83.50 an acre toS-lO.OO. Write to as or come and see us. 8. H. G00DFEJLL0W It BOWS, Eeal Estate, Brookings. South Dakota. WHY NOT OWN YOUR OWN HO MET We have lOOquartersectlom located lu ihe litd litver Valley, prices ranging from iio.i.0 to 125.00 per acre. Cash payment one-third, long time on balance, all per cent. Also 1,000 quarter sections In Central Minnesota, prices ranglun from e5.00 to »S.OO per •ore. One-fourth cash, balance In six years. After thirty days thene prices will be advanced. Write at once for full description. TRUAX LAND AND IN VESTMENT 00..82orion*«r Prvfca Hldg., St.Paul.Minn, X»po1«M'i 8Uk 8toekf*«* After Napoleon was crowned Em peror his imperial toes became so ten der that he could wear only new silken stockings. He never wore a pair but three days, then put on another, the discarded stockings becoming JUm per quisite of his valet. Beware of the man who prides him self on his tact and of the woman who says she is logical. The former is dishonest and the latter never em* •inprial BARGAINS In fai mo and ranches, Kan- upbl»lal gas ami Ml^Kourl; from <0 to 5,0iA)*cPM» Address F. H. HUMPHREY, Fort Scott, Kan. WESTERN CANADA'S Wonderful wheat crop for 1<X)1 now the talk of the Commercial World Is by uo means pheuoin- t>nul. The Province ol Manitoba anil districts cf Ausiuiboia, Euekat ohewun and Alberta are the most wonderful grain producing coun tries in the w. rid. In stock raking they also the bighfi-t posi tion. Thousandsof Americans are unhuullymak- lug this their home, arid they succeed as they neverdid before. Move Westward with the tide and secure a farm and home in Western Canada. Low rules and special privileges to homeseek- er« and settlers. The handsome forty page AUaa of Western Canada scut free to all uppli- c&ntt Apply for rates, &c., to P. Pedley, Su perintendent of Immigration, Ottawa. Canada, ortoC. J. Broughtou, 9S7Mouuduock Block, Chi- T. Holmes, Boom#, "liig Four" Bldg . lud., or H. H Will lama, SO Law eajto, K. T. H, Indianapolis, lu»,A Mrs. Mamie Herbert, 56 Elmwood Avc& Buffalo, N. Y., Treasurer Empire State Fortnightly, Buffalo, N. Y., After Eight Years' Suffering Cured by ham s Vegetable Compound. ^ " Dear Mrs. - Inflammation and ulceration ot tiw Oteras rkid roe low and robbed life of its joys for me, Forr eight yea$» I was in frequent pain and misery, and then Lydia E. Pinkham% Vegetable Compound came to me, the greatest boon I h&WV known, for it brought new life and health to me. I used seireidi bottles of Compound and your Sanative Wash. My improvement was slow, but from the first bottle I felt that I was better, and so l kept up courage and continued the treatment. None of my frlendi ever dreamed that I would be well again, but I have now enjoyed life to its fullest extent for three years." --Mrs. Mamie Herbert. $5000 FORFEIT IF THE ABOVE IiETTER IS NOT GENUUnS* When women are troubled with irregular, suppressed or painfd menstruation, weakness, leucorrhoea, displacement or ulceration of the womb, that bearing-down feeling, inflammat ion of the ovaries, backache^ bloating (or flatulence), general debility, indigestion, and nervous pro#, tration, or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, faintness, lassitude, excitability, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, "all- gone " ana M want-to-be-left-alone" feelings, blues and hopeless!) / .J • A't-ff: ' % they should remember there is one tried and true remedy. Lydla Plnkham's Vegetable Compound at once removes such trouble* Befuse to buy any other medicine, for you need the best. Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for a< Sb" has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Masa< S AVE HOMEY Buy your goods at .. Wholesale Prices, Our l.ooo-patro catalogue will be sent upon receipt ot 16 ceuts. This amount does not even pay the postage, but it is sufficient- to show us that you are acting In good faith. Better he ml for it now. Your neighbor* trade with u9--wb/ not you ulso f M/M S CHICAGO The house that tells tho truth. L I F E S A V E R and NERVE BUILDER rDCT BUILDS YOU UR. * l»LL PaiapMefc sent for the askinp. Writ® TO-DAY. Cures absolutely Weakness and aU Nervoas Tronblew. Young and old should U96 it. One bottle often cures. I'rlee Sil.OO, or six bottles for S5.00. Send for bottle to» d«y. Should your druggist not have it, send (0 GERMAN MEDICINE CO.. Marartine Uept B, 109 Randolph St.. CHICAGO, ILL. W.V.4 Wfl PROFITABLE INVESTMEIR'! TREASURY STOCKS CF GOOD MXIB. t BOSTON-IDAHO at 1/V Cents, pur tlJ WH1TK HOCIv GOLD at SO Cent*, par i Both on shlpptiiK liasle. Send tor Pr^iapeetm reliable Information. WM. II. TIKBALS, Salt Lake City, THE RICHEST SPOT ON EARTH. C«pper SflMfc A8»fe Investment anil lie turn* to* It While ltl» Low. Tho SI»£ilaleoa Sonora Copper Company Ijm 375acres <if liiL'lily mlni'raU/.iMi land t onUtahM many ledums or velu«, of rich copper-ixtMliiMrt. the great cupper belt or zone. cxteii>ling^MaiikK rich mine* 1a Arizona throng i the gtate of owon, Mej.il-". wtiii h will without prove eatwl to. and possibly better tliuu the mine* of the nmaM Green Consolidated Copper Co. In the same dUttm. A small portion of the treasury stock ot im Mnfi* lena Sonora Copper Co. now for sate at t wcntv-JN* centsaeharc, the par value betnK one vloll^r pe» share. It is nuii-asse*sal'!e. For pre»peelQaate«>. iuit pbotopraphu of soiin- oF the ledges. smeMerteal^ M8(iy8 etc.. address MAGDALKHA OOP* PER CO., 1012 5th St., Ban mt£», tel. V -H • -f, : • irJ • : : V'i ' iU 1H ISC RL LA SKO VS. KNOW THE FUTURElH^^i^aSt birth. Madam Allen, 114 Center Ave., Ohiosgs^llL BHir*ATi8*--Pertone fufT^rlop ItbewMtlHB will learn »vimeth!o< to tiielr interest br letter to 8axton Supply Co., Lock Box SLICKERS? COUR8E! D n| THE 5TANPAKD BRANP OP IJ I WATERPROOF- [J OILED CLOTHING | • YOU HAVE ALWAY5 BOU«I I I Made in black or .yellow of the best moteriab And sold with our warrant by HH reliable dealers everywtvert. A. «l. TOW6R CO.. BOSTON. MASS. ESTA.BL13H&P l&Sg. RARE BARGAINS SY IUM) K( RK\V HI: ITOH* ulwava fcuin never pull off; sample set, itK-.; Ben Skirt bepporUT, ll)c pair; CyfceM Stitih Ripper, eieel, nickel plated. 10c: Mending Tissue, luc; Flat lfcHk Polisher, useful, 12c; tfrrt QWid Top r̂eutest novelty oat, 1#C. Alt 6 articles by mall, SOo. lilrW n» Btamps. Agta. warned. list of rapid seller* free. DOMESTIC SUPPLY CO.* 323 Fifth Ave,,Pittsburg Sale^mrn w,DlfJ 10 piacc etocfe u* airmail aaiGdlHCII paying c ri'oi-ation. Territ« liberal. drof« with refeienccb THE DAV1ES INVSSTKBSS CO., 514 Firtt Notional Bank Bldg., Chicago, WL £12 Wppk Copying; No canvassing; unlit lllB| ylO WCCK Modftl Snpply Co., Clearfipld, Ak BAUBSMEN wanted in every locality. $18.00 weelilf. Write for territory. Holland Cltfar Co.. St t.oul?, Ite. o, Hirer or Wholesale Write finr. ^ j; • X ".• ' --"ui ' "drSksy .'1 # nutiGura m. 1 Resd?eDt PIUS CUTICURA RESOLV ENT PILLS (Chocolate Coated, 60 doses, 25c.), are a new, tasteless, odourless, economical substitute for the celebrated liquid C U TI - CURA RESOLVENT, as well as for all other blood purifiers and humour cures. Each pill is equivalent to one teaspoonful of liquid RE SOLVENT. Put up in screw-cap pocket vials, con taining 60 doses, price, 25c. CUTICURA RESOLV ENT PILLS are alterative, antiseptic, tonic, and digest ive, and beyond question the . purest, sweetest, most suc cessful and economical blood and skin purifiers, humour cures, and tonic-digestives yet compounded. Complete Treatment $i Complete external and interna^treatment for every humour, consisting of CtmcuBA Soap, 25c., to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened cut icle; Cuticura Ointmknt, 80c., to in stantly allay itching, inflammation, and irritation, and sootho and heal; and Cuti< cuka. Kksolvhxt Pill^, 25c., to oool and cleanse the blood. A Slnglk Set is ofteU sufficient to cure the most torturing, di»> figuring, itching, burning, and scaly xkin, scalp, and blood humours, eczemas,rashes, and irritations, with loss of hair, from Infancy to age, when all elso fails. Ct'Ticmu Bimww an sold throughout tfc* worfel. BrttUi D*tatiSr-tt.Ck«tarteaae8«.. Loudon. Fnnefc Unoti » Km d« la Pais, Pari* romta AQEXTS! Good Position. New hmicehniii n introduced frum Kurope. Hfit^rihan Klonillke troJ MhKDGREN, Loan & Trust Sldg, Mi Iwauk^t, wi WANTED ®0,yS copy fetter* « tUmpa, B. E. PARKKR, V?e»terrUio, Ohio, " D| I PTIIDBT CURED while you work. "ur • WHBipay $4 when corea. iNoedC no pay. A I. EX BPKIKB, Box 0, Weitbrook, name blanks. TTNITED KFO,, Also Agents wanted. Outilt 25c. Salary la ry ana OiSE Good enough for anybody! tAll HAVANA Filler *FL0R0D0RA'BANDS are of same value as tags from 'STAR: 'HORSE SHOE: 'SPEARHEAD: STANDARD NAVY: | "OLD PEACH & HONEY" end J. T. " Tobacco. W. N. U. CHICAGO, N0l 18, 100^. ' Answering Adv«rtiseaeiits Htfldoa Ttiis fapet CONSUMPTION k* yi i.....^1.^ 1 - * *. -