Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Jun 1902, p. 4

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>' -lis*" • '>?'••?:% • '*- >'. •'•' :r ' m w *<vw; wmm, w& '.-fn _ • * ¥••" te i:;P i iil'l Jie McHenry Plaiodealer tFUBLIBHBD EVERY THURSDAY BY IHE McHEURT PLAIN DEALER COMPANY. S^T F. It. GRANGER. W. A. CRISTY, J. B. TERRY gjjs-. » ••,--i~^;r. Jrftili. - tJ«C. TftUkS. *J. . OaAS. D. BCHOONXAKKR, Editor. ^ V.\ Ottce In Bank Building. Telephone, No. 272. f ! ' r -- &j§ L. TCRM8 OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year „ t, s® Blx month*, 75 Cts. Three months. 40cts. ^v mx miimwV' Thursday, June 5, 1903. &>.!' *$&>- m REPUBLICAN TICKET. 4:4 1 For County Judge- F I ' & - ' » O R S O N If. GILLMORB. ilif" ,i"t i :0tit Ooonty Clerk-- GEOliGE F. RUSH TON. For County Treasurer-- EMILUS O. JEWETT. For Sheriff-- „ „ . »• MONROE W. LAKE. V--lWor County Superintendent of Schools-- GEORGE W. CONN, JR. F» Clerk of the Supreme Court--* CHRISTOPHER MAMBB. For State Treasurer-- / FRED A. BIJSSE. For Superintendent of Public 1 nstructlcm-- ALFRED BAYLISS. For University Trustee-- MRS. LAURA R-EVANS. WILLIAM B. MCKINLEY. L. H. KERRIOK. m 0$- CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION. A Republican Convention for the 11th Congressional District of Illinois is hereby called to meet in the City Hall in the City of Aurora on Saturday, June 7, jtt 11 a. m.. for the purpose of nomi­ nating a candidate for member of con­ gress and selecting a congressional com­ mittee and to transact such other busi­ ness as may properly come before it. The basis of representation in said con­ vention shall be one delegate for each 800 votes, or major part thereof, cast for McKinley in 1900, on which basis each county is entitled to the following number of delegates: COUNTIES. VOTE. DELEGATES. DuPage 3869 18 Kane 12031 40 McHenry 5234 17 Will 10056 84 H. T. ROCKWELL, Chairman. M. F. WALSH, Secretary. A. K. STEARNS of Lake county has decided to "bolt" and will become a candidate for the legislature this fall. Sfbarns was defeated by R. G. Lyon in the Lake county oonven^on. It would be advisable for him to save his strength and seek greener fields for the present. V THE Philipino who approached a United States soldier under a flag of trace and severed his arm with a kryes is a fair Specimen of the average Philip­ pine warrior. Such actions would have caused the primitive American Indian to blush with shame. Could such men control themselves in civil life if granted absolute independence? •> •• KcSwiner** GMM. Near Horn Head, County Donegal, Ireland, there Is a hole in the rocks called McSwiney*s gun. It is on the •e&coast and is said to have connection ,with a cavern. When the north wind blows and the sea is at half flood, the grind and the waves enter the cavern and send up jets of water from the "gun" to a height of more than 100 feet. The jets of water are accom­ panied by explosions which may be heard for miles. The Rapid Hovlag Fir. The rapidity with which insects trav­ el is astonishing. The common house fly makes 600 strokes per second when In the act of ordinary flight, that num­ ber of strokes causing an advance movement of twenty-five feet Our best naturalists say that this can be Increased sevenfold. He WM lorry. "A man Just called, doctor, an ugly fellow, who asked if you were in and •aid he wanted to give you a horse- Sr hipping." "Well, and what did you tell him?" "I said I was extremely sorry, but you were not at home!"--Der Dorfbar- True Economy %:(? • The difference in : y cost between an alum ^ baking powder and t h e h i g h e s t - c l a s s jflf' cream of tartar bak- 'tj$ ; ing powder would not |v 'amount for a family's supply to one dollar »v' \ * iip?year- • , ; S ' | V D r . P r i c e ' s i s t h e ^ 1 standard cream of tar­ tar baking powder. It makes the food de- r h % , licious and healthful. •MV • H; .... - """ NOT*.--You cannot, if yo« value good health, afford to ttse cheap, low-grade, alum baking powders. They are apt to spoil the food ; they do endanger the health. All physicians will tell you that Alum in iood is deleterious : #XW- Wfc«a the Warm TarfetC In a little town there dwells a man of exceedingly shiftless disposition, and recently he got his "come-up-ance." His wife bad borne with his shift less- ness for some years. Sometimes she scolded him sharply, but it had no ef­ fect. So long as he could shuffle down to the village store and gossip with other ne'er do wells in the town he did not care for u sharp tongue. He never worked, and the wife sup­ ported her husband and did the house­ work, cooking good meals for his lazi­ ness to greedily devour. One day he had a chance to work and did not take it. His wife heard about it and gave him a piece of her mind, but he receiv­ ed it as stolidly as ever. He went down to the store that morning, as usual, as placid and as self satisfied as ever. When he returned at noon, a strange sight greeted his eyes. The house was empty, bare as Mother Hubbard's cup­ board. He went into the bedrooms. Bedsteads, bureaus, all the furniture, the curtains, everything had been re­ moved. It was the same bareness down stairs. .He crept into the kitchen, hop­ ing that there at least he might find something comfortable. Here, too, emp­ tiness greeted him, but directly In the center of the floor was a little white mug, and on It in gilt letters were the words. "Think of me." PROBATE NEWS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Cora E Dlckerson to John F Mugge pt blk 3. Ellsworth's addn Nundu I 800 00 Philip M Huffman to Amelia HalRht It 5, blk ft. I'omeroys addn Crystal Lake and pt: in neH nwM see 5, Algonquin. Why Americana Tklmk Quicker. The American people can think quicker and more to the point than any other people in the world. This state­ ment was made recently In a New York newspaper, but the reason given was wide of the mark. The American people read in the aggregate ten times more than any other people. The Amer­ ican boy gets his inspiration, his ener­ getic disposition, his ambition, his keen snapshot judgment and his quick wit largely from his reading--and very largely from his newspaper reading. The poise and culture and refinement and solidity come later In life from the reading of books and magazines and from contact with men and things. It is the American newspaper which sets the initial pace. Push and pluck are contagious, and more germs are hatched in the average American newspaper office than anywhere else.-- Booklovers' Bulletin. Unimprease4. "What kind of ducks are these?" ask­ ed the visitor in the ornithological de­ partment at thfe museum. 'Labrador," said the attendant. "We paid $1,000 for those two specimens." "Gosh!" exclaimed the visitor, turn­ ing to his wife. "He says they paid $1 ,000 for 'em. I've bought finer ducks for half a dollar many a time. What have you got 'em in that glass case for?" he inquired, addressing the guide again. "Because they are about the most notable exhibit we have. Thorte birds were shot in 1856. Labrador ducks are now extinct." "He says," exclaimed the visitor, turning to his wife once more, "they put 'em in that glass case because they haven't a pleasant odor. And I don't wonder at it. They were shot in 1856." --Chicago Tribune. Two Strong Reasons. A certain Scotch minister in a west highland parish has never yet been known to permit a stranger to occupy his pulpit. Lately, however, an Edin­ burgh divinity student was spending a few days in the parish, and on the Sat­ urday he called at the manse and asked the minister to be allowed to preach the following day. "My dear young man," said the min­ ister, laying a hand gently on the young man's shoulder, "gin I lat ye preach the morn and ye gie a better sermon than me my fowk wad never again be satisfied wi' my preaching, and gin ye're nae a better preacher than me ye're no' worth listening tae." Hla Open Eye. A man the other day went to a Bos­ ton dentist to have a tooth extracted and decided to take gas. The doctor administered the hypnotic, and the man soon appeared to be under its in­ fluence, but he continued to keep one eye open. This worried the doctor, and h& gave the man more gas. Still the* eye re­ mained open. "Shut that eye," said the doctor finally, losing patience. "Can't," said the man in a drowsy voice; "it's glass." To Color Mahotaar. The natural color of mahogany when it is too light may be deepened by applying a mixture composed of a half gallon of water, four ounces of madder and two ounces of fustic. Boll and apply while hot. While it is wet streak the grain with black. This will give new mahogany quite the coloring of old. Precocious Youth. Mother--What's baby crying about, Jane? Nurse--I don't know, ma'am, unless it was what the parlor maid said. She remarked that Willie looked like his pa, and I'm afraid Willie heard her.-- Exchange. A laferer. Yes, Pllcher broke down and had to go away for his health." What was the matter with him?" Every complaint known to man." How could that be?" 'He was a rental agent"--Indianapo­ lis News. The Poor Tailor. "Your tailor is a mighty poor one,' said an Atchison woman to her hus­ band. "This is the third time I've sewed on this button." -- Atchison Globe. Every baby is the sweetest baby In the world. You were once considered the sweetest thing in the world, al­ though you may not look it now. Chester S Blackmail & w to Nellie Ol- cott It 1 blk 11 Blackinan's uddu Uarvurd John Fahey to Charles Crowley It 1 seM (<'o elks plat) see 35, Chemung Herbert O Crumb & w et al to Herman L Breitenfeldt It 12 II 1) Crumbs sub- dlv swx fwk sec 35, Chemung *. Same to Wm H Ward frl blk 55 Harvard Henry Burdick & w to C B Murphy pt Its 3 & 4 blk 5 Emily llutclilns addn Woodstock C B Muruhy & w to Lillie Thompson pt same George Eckert St w to Guy E Still Its 5, . " \V pt It 5. 100 400 00 700 00 285 00 100 00 170000 1900 00 0 & 7 blk 2Strodes addn Woodstock ex 2100 00 Margaret Curran & h to August Ebert uH uw« sec 26 nH ueM, nwii & sw X neJ< sec 27 Dunham 12000 00 Herbert I) Crumb & w et al to Geo Tracy It 26 H T) Crumbs sub dlv swM see 35 Chemung 175 00 Beardsley Lake to Sennie W Clark it S & pt It 6 blk 8 Harts 1st addn to Har­ vard. 1 Ac Same to James Lake its 3, 5, 8. 9 Har­ vard i 1 &c Victorlne E Boldgett to Jane E Clary It 26 Hebron. 1000 00 Mark Hoffman to M S Freund 1 a off en­ tire e side wH nwX swfc sec 32 Bur­ ton 40 00 J Harry Andrews et al to Mary E Bsn- tram nH Its 1 & 2 blk 3 SaffOrds addn Mareugo .. 400 00 Charles A Adams & w to same 1-5 int ln same 100 00 John Weltzein & W to Patrick Keating lain n«)i nwM see 33. Grafton....... 800 00 Loyd Stewart to Judson Stewart ett seX sec 19, Richmond 143 00 Same to Clark Stewart wH nwM sec 29, « Richmond 143 00 Ellen M Stewart to Wm H Hendrlck- son pt swK sec 19 Richmond .. 5260 00 Frederick Gullstrom & w to Nols Paul­ son 26 a in eH nwM sec 29 Nunda 95000 Johu W Hayes to Daniel Hereley It 3 blk 27 Harvard 785 00 Thos Francis Hayes to Daniel Hereley It 5, blk 27, Harvard 1285 00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Stephen H. Holden Hebron Etta Hawthorne Hebron Martin A. Vincent Woodstock Bessie Lee Woodstock John C. Miller. Union Lena H. Trebes Marengo Ladlei' Waists. We now have still another line of ladies' silk waists (worth from $2,00 to $5.00 each) but selling at $1.69, $1.98 and $2.87. A further shipment erf ladies' white silk waists has been added to the lot of 1,600 purchased last week and these garments at 69, 98 and $1.29 are among the best values we are offer­ ing. We refund your care fare if you trade $10.00 and show us round trip railway ticket. Our motto is: "Everything as cheap as the other fellow sells it: Most things cheaper." N. B. (To the men.) Next week is your turn. Watch this paper for our advertisement C. F. HALL CO., Dundee, 111. • Good Bouckeepu. Wife--Arthur, we'll have to go with­ out breakfast this morning. Arthur--Why? Wife--The cook's sick.--Woman's Home C a ID pan Ion. The oldest royal dynasty in the world is that of Japan, which goes back un­ broken for 2,300 years. Petesch's headache powders cure. O A S T O H I A , Bwn the /f The Kind You Have Always BaogM 8<gmtiuu Robert O'Connor Mary Haley ... Chicago .. Hartland Tkoncht He Mlaaed a Car. In a neighboring city lives a young man whose name is Carr. Carr is deep­ ly smitten with the charms of a young woman who resides with her mother In a pretty villa near Sandlake, on the line of the Troy and New England rail­ road. He asked permission of his In­ amorata to cull upon her at her home, and the young woman accorded him the privilege. Mr. Carr reached the villa where his Juliet resided and pressed the electric button at the door. The ring was answered by the mother of the young woman. The latter had never seen the young man. "I'm Mr. Carr," he said, bowing profoundly. Um--er--well," was the reply which staggered him, "you may sit on the stoop until one comes along." Five minutes later the daughter told her mother she expected a caller and asked who had rung the bell. She was Informed that there was a young man sitting on the stoop who had missed a car. The daughter looked through the blinds and saw her lover perched dis­ consolately on the steps. He was quick­ ly within the portals and mutual ex­ planations followed.--Albany Press and Knickerbocker. Want Column. "CVJR SALE--Cottage, furnished or unfur- *• niched, at lMstakee Bay, situated be­ tween Bald Knob and Robt. Schiessle's cot- tugc. Apply to Mrs. Paul Gerding, 42 St. James Place, Chicago, III. 3&t.f tpOIt SALE--Choice building lots in Hanly's second addition to McHenry. Inqulre'of Hanly Bros. 34-3m! VST ANTED--Two girls to work in laundry. " " Apply at Mcllenry Laundry. TXTANTED--Work, cultivating gardens, etc. * ' H a v e h o r s e a n d c u l t i v a t o r . 1 h a v e f o r sale a variety of plants including cabbage, tomato, pepper, kale, kolirabl, etc. Inquire at Smith s lfomc Bakery or address Frank \V. Smith. Box !15, McHenry, 111. The Verdict of a Jury. 'Nothing is more uncertain than the action of a Jury," said a lawyer prom­ inent in New York. "I remember a story my father told me when I was a boy in Alabama. The story was of his Satanic majesty and a plain citizen who met one day on a narrow pathway cut in the edge of a cliff. On one side there yawned a precipice; on the other side was the solid rock. There was only room for one to pass, and of these two one must lie down and let the oth­ er walk over him. ' 'If you'll propound three questions I can't answer,' suggested Satan, 'I'll lie down and let you pass over my body.' The citizen asked: 44 'What is whiter than snow?* ** "Cotton,' was the answer. " 'What is sweeter than sugar?" M That's easy again--molasses.' " 'What will be the next verdict ren­ dered in this county by a petit jury?* " 'Pass on your way,' said the devil as he made a carpet pf himself." "I hsve used Ayer's Hair Vigor for over thirty years. It has kept my scalp free from dandruff and has prevented my hair from turn­ ing gray." -- Mrs. F. A. Soule, Billings, Mont. There is this peculiar thing about Ayer's Hair Vigor--it is a hair food, not a dye. Your hair does not suddenly turn black, look dead and lifeless. But gradually the old color comes back,--all the rich, dark color it used to have. The hair stops falling, too. tl.M a bottl*. All .druggists. If your tlrutfpist cannot supply you, ^ i 11 express (tend U8 one dollar ami we wi you a bottle. Be sure and give the name ol your nearest express oflnee. Address, J. C. AYKtt CO., Lowell, Muss. "nHJRNITURE FOR SALE--I have several pieces of furniture, which will be sold at very low prices if taken at once, also several windows, doors and quantity of lumber, suit­ able for use in building barn. M. MKKHIMAN. HELLO LOST--A 15-ride Chicago bearer ticket, on streets of this village. Flnderwlll please leave same with M. I). Weber or at this office. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. How To Find Out. Fill a oottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set­ tling indicates an unhealthy condi­ tion of the kid­ neys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid­ ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad­ der are out of order. What to Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage.j It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many, times during the night. The mild and the extra­ ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won­ derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery and a book that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer fit Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men­ tion reading this generous offer in this paper, Home of Swamp-Root. VOLO. Ray Fitch and son, Von, of Wankegan visited at C. Dillon's the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nicholls of Chi­ cago Sundayed with the former's parents. Volo was well represented at the memorial exercises held at Wauconda Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Huson and daugh­ ter, Marien, were McHenry callers Fri­ day. Miss Mary Decker of Ivanhoe spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Charles Parker. Mr. and Mrs. John Rosing, daughters Katie and Frances, and Bon, Jgsie, spent Sunday at Fremont. ; Ralph and Byron Richardson and John Kretschmer of Grayslake were Volo callers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Lusk of Fremont and Ruby Cook of Wauconda were callers at A. J. Raymond's Sunday. Mrs. Sarah Hnson came out from Elgin Saturday so as to attend the grad­ uating exercises at McHenry Tuesday evening. Catarut From Silkworms. Probably but a small percentage of the fishermen who use flies strung with fine translucent catgut are aware that the almost unbreakable substance that holds the hooks against the fiercest struggles of the struck fish comes from silkworms. The principal center of the manufacture of this kind of cat­ gut Is the island of Prociila, in the bay of Naples, but most of the silkworms employed are raised near Torre An- nunziata, at the foot of Vesuvius. The caterpillars are killed Just as they are about to begin the spinning of cocoons, the silk glands are removed and sub* Jected' to a process of pickling, which Is a secret of the trade, and afterward the threads are carefully drawn out by skilled workers, mostly women. The length of the thread varies' from a foot to nearly twenty inches. Turcoman Brides. When a Turcoman belle is to be set­ tled in life, the whole tribe turns out, and the young lady, being allowed the choice of horses, gallops away from her suitors. She avoids those she dis­ likes and seeks to throw herself in the way of the object of her affections. The moment she Is caught she becomes the wife of her captor, who, dispensing with further ceremony, takes her to his tent. The bride race is also an established custom among the Kalmucks, and the girls are such excellent horsewomen that, we are told, it would be impos­ sible to catch one against her will.-- London Standard. Boii Your Boas. Boss your boss just as soon as you can. Try It on early. There is noth­ ing he will like so well if he Is the right kind of boss. If be is not, be is not the man for you to remain with. Leave him whenever you can, even at a present sacrifice, and find one capa­ ble of discerning genius. Our young partners in Carnegie Bros, won their spurs by showing that we did not know half as well what was wanted a* they did.--Carnegie's "Empire of Busi­ ness." Had to Swallow Mauy Thlnsi. An amusing anecdote Is related of the late Hungarian statesman Tisza, who when one day dining at the Hof- burg with the Austrian emperor placed a large pear upon bis plate at dessert. The emperor remarked to bis minis­ ter that cold fruit after a hot dinner was Injurious to the digestion. Tisza replied, "The stomach of a Hungarian premier, your majesty, is obliged to be a strong one." XotklaK Remarkable, Mrs. Grumpps (looking up from the paper)--A brother and sister, who- had not seen each other for sixteen years met accidentally the other day. Mr. Grumpps--Iluh! A brother and sister seldom meet any other way. i * ,§ -. ---- * Here I am with the finest and €$ freshest line of Family Groceries efi in McHenry, and if you will give me a trial I will prove the truth­ fulness of that statement. I am not here to slash prices nor offer something- for nothing--no man is 4 in business for fun alone, although a little fun in all business makes the world seem brighter. c^« I handle nothing but the Standard Brands in everything You pay a fair, price for the Goods and know just what you are getting. I could handle the cut-price articles but "§• ej* do not believe it would pay in the long run. I am here "J* to stay and hope to gain the confidence of the people by >9s honest dealing. •!» 4- & sg. Orders Delivered Promptly. I FRANK C. GOING, I Practical Plumber ; and (ins fitter - "ll s Telephone 301. dchiessie Building, West McHenry. Z Schiessle Building, West McHenry. Wi $ RICHARDSON'S R ICH ARE UGS These Rugs are the most popular Rugs on the Market. Also Lace Curtains, Portieres, Window Shades, Mattings, Linoleums and Art Squares. ss *#: :*• & s § $ % § $ y The largest line of Carpets in McHenry. I have samples of the best made Carpets on the Market. Call and look them over before placing your order. The qualities are right, the patterns are newest, assortment largest and prices low- i est. & n Jacob Justen. * u ft fit: 1 § •:* I if: & .$ % if: a* M •f: 6 N't? l § I if is caused by shoes that look all right and wear all wrong. Plenty of this kind are being offered -- You don't know it until you have paid for them and worn them. Quard against this by buy­ ing your shoes here. Reliable honest makes only sold here. Rice & Hutchins Men's and Boys' shoes have a clean reputation of a third of a century. Here they are in all styles. Proper prices too. We invite yon to call soon as possible to look over the most complete stock of gen­ eral Merchandise ever shown in the town. Fine Lawns from 3^c per yard and up. Silk Ginghams 25 to 40c. Fine Shoes, ' newest shapes. Corsets, of which we have recently added the "Ameri­ can Lady" famous the country over for its perfect and excellent wear. We will be pleased to sh.rn them to yon and also to present yon with a booklet when you call. W. (. fYANSON. t HMM*«MMfMMMHM MIMIH M HIL1P JAEGER General | Commission I merchant Stall 1 & 3, Fulton St. Wholesale Market Chicago* niiitois Special attention given to the $ale of Dressed Beef, flutton Hogs, Veal, Poultry Hides, Etc. Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists furnished on application COLD STORAGE FREE j AGENTS WANTED LIKK OK T. !)i:WlTT TAIJI Uli; by his son, REV. KKANK DEW ITT TAi.MAFJE and associate editors of Christian Herald. Only lHJok endorsed l>y Talmage family. Enormous profit for agents wlio act quickly. Outfit, ten cents. Write immediately CI^AHK. & CO., •i'49 S. 4th St. rhl la.. Pa. Mention this paper. VOLCANO'S DEADLY WOKK "from the Fall of I'oinpell to the De­ struction of .St. P.lerre," by I'rof. Chitrles Morris. LL. D. Most intensely iut<erestinK lKK)k ever published. Complete, thrilling and accurate account of greatest disaster that, ever befell the human ruce greater even than l'ompeli. Tells how Martinique, one of the most beaut iful islands in the world, was suddenly transformed Into a vertible hell. Alx-ut !>00 pages, profusely Illust rated with photographs taken before and after' disaster. Practically only "Martinique Itook" in the field, for "everyone now Insists on having l'rof. Morris' IKMJU and no other, llest author, largest b<K)k. Ix-st illustrated, scientifically accurate. Price *1.30. Amenta Wanted. HiHiruKHis profits U'j- those who act quickly. Most liberal term#. Outfit 10 cents. Don't lose a minute. Send for outfit IMMEDIATE­ LY. and l>e at work. The chance of a life­ time for making money. Clark * Co., 9S9 S. 4th St. Philadelphia, Pa. Mention this Paper. Best Portland Cement Delivered at McHenry at $2.50 per barrel. WM. BELL. Factory and residence, No. 500 Hill Avenue Office, room 2, McHrlde block, Douglas Ave ELGIN, ILLINOIS SANITARY PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. Hath room outfits complete. All work guar­ anteed and at reasonable prices. Olve me a chance to figuretjfi your work. Leave order at Matthews market. West McHenry or call phone 302. Chris Schmidt SAVE YOUR DOLLARS Gents, call in and you will see the finest line of Sample Suitings, Pants and Fancy Vestings. All goods are sewed with silk, sponged and shrunk, and made up by UNION Journeymen Tailors right on the bench. No Humbug, Down With Sweat Shop Work! E. LAWLUS, Merchant Tailor. This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a Of NEPAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage Honey to Loan r on real estate a n d o t h e r first class se­curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low­ est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Banker*. Kodol Dyspepsia Oure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It unequalled for the stomach. Child* ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. Cures all siGiiHisnii troubles Prepared only by E. O. IitWit; & Co., OhlcmgO The II. bottle containstimes the50c. slafc Julia A.Story and G W. Tte«lev MORK LIVES *I1E 8AVE9 ...BY USING... Dr. King's New Discovery, --FOR.... Consumption, Coughs and Colds Than By All Other Throat And tiling Remedies Combined. This wonderful medicine positively Cures Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Hay Fever,Pleurisy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness. Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. NO CURE. NO PAY# Prioe 60c. & $1, Trial Bottle Free. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS I BADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone sending a nketch and description may qnlcKiy ascertain our opinion free whether aa Invention is probnbly patentable. Coniuimiio». tlrmsmnctlyoonthk'ntiiil. Handbook on PntentS sent free. Oldest BH'MU-V for »<>ruriii(f patents. Putnsit.--. i.ikc; t':r nn-h >luim ,* Co. recelft gjucial 11 >U< -\ wit'; >ut charco. m ll'.e Scientific American. A fcandsoiin-iy Ul.isiratod weekly, culatlou of niiv (<('iciitiflo Journal. Terms, |3 • rear; lour months, $L Bold by all newsdealer*. NIUNN & Co.36,BM"*"y New York Brunei) Oflioe. <2b V SC. W&shiutrton. I). C. . i!: * ,:W • "»

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