Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jun 1902, p. 8

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'A-- VW V-:4v WkMi *v-V^ ONFIRMATION We have made the Clothing Business so much of a study in the past, that we know we can serve your interest well, in this line. Confirmation time is close at hand and we have made ample provison for the occasion. We can give you anything from ; cheap suit to a good all wool Garment. Our Cine of men's Suits for Summer «\ ar is yet quite complete. We invite your in­ spection of same for STYLE, WORKMANSHIP and MA­ TERIAL. We have a lot of MEN'S LINEN HOT WEATHER SUITS which you will soon be interested in. We sejl a line of footwear W- guaranteed by the manufacturer that gives satisfaction to the wearer. Straw Hats for young and old. Negligee Shirts for 'summer' wear. Cool Summer Underwear for Men, Women and Children. Pure Groceries and Flour. Our Goods are bought for CASH, we save all discounts, are in shape to make you lowest prices. Yours for Trade, «t» ' I ' ' I ' »t» <$* «|l <t» '$> 1$ «$> «|» »|> $$» tf 1 l|l «$i $ ||» !|l l|] foft iQood Things lb Ea#and Wearl THE STORE IS FILLED WITH ALL KINDS OF QOOD THINGS In the Grocery Department you will find the choicest selections of everything in the eatable line. At this time of year I double the Grocery Stock to meet the demands of Summer Resorters, so you can find almost anything known to be carried by any grocer. Ask for what you want and we will get it for you and meet any and all competition. Summer Wearing Apparel! <> it : ! • MP I have the largest stock of Dry Goods ever carried in this store in ^ years and am trying hard to always hifrve just what you want in ^ everything. You will find an up-to-date line of all kinds Ladies' i • Summer Dress Goods, Ribbons, Trimmings, Shoes, Etc. And iSLA 'f Gent's Wearing Apparel you will find most anything here you may wish for if I haven't it in stock will get it in 24 hours time for you. See the new line of Hats, Shoes, Ties, Shirts, Etc., for Summer wear. Come in and take a peak at the whole stock, it will do you good. Sherman 5. Chapell PURE FOOD LAWS ENFORCED. More Grocers Fined for Selling Alum Baking Powders. West McHenry, Illinois. JOHN J. MILLER j I I I I % No Outing Suit? Must have one. The business Suit won't do. Neither will the Dress Suit or the Prince Albert. The addi­ tion of an Outing Suit to the ward­ robe is not an extravagance, but an economy. It will lengthen the lives or all the others. Suits to Order -??1' t* '1 from any of the fine homespun flannels, cheviots, (etc.) are made np at right prices. The most fashionable materials in Scotch, black and white tweeds and cheviots, plain silk mixed and fancy worsted. Strictly hand made throughout this is the last chance for the $17.50 SUITS. JOHN D. LODTZ $ l|l $ l|l ffr l|l l|l l|l l$l »|» t$ ||| l|l ||l C|» fll i|> ||i l|| tfr t|| ||i ffi $ (|| • - SPECIAL June Bargains! We have just received from the factory an elegant line of Men's Shirt Waists and Negli­ gee Shirts and Collars. Ladies' Shirt Waists in white and fancy colors. All sizes and grades. A new line of Wrappers iir Lawns, Dimities and Percales. Shoes and Oxfords in all shapes and sizes, new and popular designs. During June we will offer many lines of Shoes at a big discount to close out. New up- to-date line of Men's Hats. Chil- drens Hats, Caps and Baby Bon- $ m * i I i * $ «§ * t * i i £ * * * i * * ife ifc * * I * : * * * * * * * * s it jjj Goods Delivered Promptly. J Long distance 'phone No. 363 V* m m m m m m m m * m * m . m m I t m m m * m m m * m * nets. Groceries, Canned Goods, $ Teas and Coffees of the best $ * m m * M. J. WALSH 1 grades. Yours Truly, The St Louis papers report several more growers brought to trial upon the charge of selling baking powder con­ taining alom in violation of the law. The parties were all convicted and each fined $100. Several baking powders which have been fonnd by analysis to contain alum have been offered in this market. They are called CALUMET. CHAPMAN'S. I. C. CROWN. BON BON. In many places similar powders, un­ der these or other names, are offered for pale at from ten to twenty cents a pound. Good baking powder is one of most useful things in the kitchen. There are several good powders on the market; housekeepers will help the authorities in their efforts to promote the sale of pare and wholesome food, if when buy­ ing baking powder they will insist up­ on, having some one of the well known brands of cream of tartar powders, which are pore and healthful beyond a doubt. A Real Friend. "I suffered from dispepsia and in­ digestion for fifteen years," says W. T.' Sturdevant of Merry Oaks, N. C. "After I had tried many doctors and medicines to no avail one of my friends persuaded me to fry Kodol. It gave immediate relief. I can eat almost any­ thing I want now and my digestion i* good. I cheerfully recommend Kodol." Don't try to cure stomach trouble by dieting. That only further weakens the system. You need wholesome, strengthening food. Kodol enables you to assimilate what you eat by digesting it without the stomach's aid. Julia A. A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. Provoklngly Funny. Have you ever had a long, ~-eary Sun­ day before you--apparently a never- ending day, when nothing imaginable would provoke one of those full, hearty, whole-souled laughs from which is de­ rived the old, favorite adage, "Laugh and grow fat?" If such a day comes to you again and you want a merry laugh for the pleasure it gives, turn to the Comic Colored Supplement of The Chi­ cago Record-Herald's Sunday edition. It is certainly an exterminator of the "blues." Filled completely with fresh, breezy jokes and irfeaistibly comic illus­ trations in colors, -sparkling with wit and humor of an entertaining as well as instructive nature, it is a paper to Amuse all who see it. Four pages in colors and four pages in black-and-white, this--the best colored supplement issued by any metropolitan newspaper--makes of that newspaper a combination of a modern Sunday newspaper and a humor­ ous weekly periodical in colors. The mechanical work involved in the making of this colored supplement is a marvel of skill. The harmonious ar­ rangements and perfect blending of the many colors used in its make-up.por- trayB artistic taste of the highest order. White Pine Cough Syrup cures. WORDS OF PRAISE. :Cbe Independent 1 j The pi I It is conceded on all sides that the c^le- J brated and popular Beers brewed and J bottled on improved and hygienic princi- i pics and known as ^ Prima and Burg Brau are unequalled as the finest table Beers. Prima Tonic, produced by The Indepen­ dent Brewing Association, possesses a fine flavor and taste and is especially rich m nourishing constituents and invigorat­ ing qualities. Best Beer and nothing but the best is made by this Brewery. Try it and be convinced. Purity, strength and rich flavor are its iruriiy, strength and rich flavor are its J qualifications, ^Delivered in barrels, hal- J ves, quarters, eYghts and cases by i JOS. HEiMER, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. * •THEOFOROS BUCK-DRAUGHT! ^stiiinoii Constipation is nothing more ogp «fr • 0 nation or death if not relieved. ;ipation is nothing i | than a clogging of the bowels and nothing less than vital stag- If every constipated sufferer could realize that he is allowing poisonous filth to remain in his system, he would soon get relief. Constipation invites au kind of contagion. Headaches, bilious­ ness, colds and manv other ail­ ments disappear when consti­ pated bowels are relieved. Thed- ford's Black-Draught thoroughly cleans out the bowels in an easy and natural manner without the purging of calomel or other vio­ lent cathartics. > Be sure that yoq get the origi­ nal Thedford's Black-Draught, made by The Chattanooga Medi­ cine Co. Sold by all druggists in '25 cent and $1.00 packages. •orK*u, Ark., Mar 25, 1M1. 1 eaamot reroinmend Thodlurd'H BUtk. i)raa*M too highly. 1 keep It In mrhovM •11 the time and haie um d It for the latit ton years. 1 never gave my children Muy other laxative. I think I could never lie able to work without It oa account of be In* troubled wlti . coBktlnation, four medicine la , | *11 that keep* me up. C. B. XcFJJtLAHD. Farmer*' Excursion to Champaign Was a Grand Sucpeaa. c- '• One may gain an idea of the satis­ factory condition of things at our state university by reading the pithy expres­ sions below as noted by a member of the excursion party: I am well pleased with the trip and am surprised at the growth pf the Uni­ versity. The most beautiful grounds I ever saw. What a jolly set of felloe these University people are. This is the pleasantist outing I ever had. The excursion is all right and the best thing of the kind I have ever taken in. I am delighted with the trip and much pleased with the character and stability of the buildings. This beats our last year's excursion all hollow. Why is it so many good people come from up in McHenry county? Because McHenry county is on top and the cream always rises to the top. I thought I had kept pace with the growth ot the college, but it is far beyond my expectations and the ap­ propriations have surely been wisely expended. I am glad I came down, I knew it was a big thing, and it is much bigger than expected. I suppose Mr. Shamel is the greatest corn man in the world. Shamel is a live man and a practical man as well. Yes. Shamel is all right and Rankin is all right too. This excursion is the most popular thing that ever left McHenry county. I tell you gentlemen, that is a fine body of men and women. If this is repeated next year I believe 500 will come down. I feel well repaid for the time and expense. Champaign is a blamed good place to go to. I had an-elegant time and it was just grand the way they treated us down there. Every one on the excursion is more than satisfied and the Univorsity folks couldn't have done better by us. What Some of the Profeaaora Say. Your excursion is a grand thing and far beyond our expectations. McHenry county is surely the most progressive and up-to-date in this In­ stitute work of any county in the state. The people of Northern Illinois are intelligent and progressive and their coming more than half the length of the state at a considerable expenditure of time and money, means something and should be an object lesson to near-by counties. To my knowledge there is not a county in the state that is doing more effective Institute work than McHenry county. I believe this excursion to the Uni­ versity is the greatest Institute move­ ment that ever struck the state. Letter from Prof. Davenport We are proud of the McHenry county excursion; we are glad you came and hope it will not be long until you come again. You deserve a great deal of credit for your persistent efforts in working up this excursion; it was a good deal for such a large company of men and women to undertake and it represents the expenditure of a good deal of money; it was a good thing for the Uni­ versity and I want you to know that we appreciate the efforts of your com- iug to see us. Letter from,Mr. Shamel. The University of Illinois has been especially fortunate in having the Mc­ Henry county farmers visit the institu­ tion during the past week. We feel that this is the only way in which these people can come in contact with the work we have begun, and along the lines which I am particularly interested in. We feel, as I said before, that we are especially favored in the visit of the people of McHenry county, and as this is the initiative movement of this nature, we feel that the people of Mc­ Henry county may feel proud of the step they have taken. Very Low Kxcuralon Rates to Denver, Colo., Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be Bold June 29, 38, 24 and 25, with final return limit mrtiL Oct. 81, inclusive, account International S. S. Convention. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Weetern R'y. Jul 21 Keady to Yield. "I used DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve for piles and found it a certain cure," says S. R. Meredith, Willow Grove, ]>el. OperationH unnecessary to cure j>iles. Tluy always yield to DeWitt's \NTitch Hazel Salve. Cures skin dis­ eases, all kinds of wounds. Accept no counterfeits. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Beoley, Waet McHenry. NEW SCHEDULES TO DENVER. The Colorado Special to Leave Chicago at 6:30 p. in., Arrive Denver 8:00 p. m. Commencing June 8th a notable ohange will be made in the Colorado service of the Chicago & North-Western and Union Pacific Railways. The famous Colorado Special, which now lea ves Chicago at 10:00 a. m., will leave at 6:30 p. m., arriving at Omaha 0:55 a. m., Denver 8:00 p. m., and Colo­ rado Springs about 10:30 p. m. This will enable passengers from Atlantic Coast points to reach Denver with only two nights on the road, while trom De­ troit, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Indionapo- lis and Chicago only one night will be required en route. The entire train will be run solid between Chicago and Den­ ver, with through sleeper to Colorado Springs. East bound the train will be known as the "Chicago Special," and will leave Denver 1:00 p. m., Omaha 8:45 a. m., arriving in Chicago at 4:00 p. m., at a convenient hour for making connections for the east. A train from Des Moines in connection with this new train east bound will enable passengers to leave DesMoines at 7:00 a. m. and arrive in Chicago at 4:00 p. m. Accommodations are provided for all classes of passengers, the equipment including free reclining chair cars, din­ ing cars, buffet smoking carfe, drawing- room sleepers and day coaches. The entire service to be as nearly perfect as modern and skillful railway manage­ ment can make it. A second daily train for Colorado points will leave Chicago for Denver at 11:80 p. m., as at present. Hia Last Hope Realized. (From the Sentinel, Gebo. Mont.) In the first opening of Oklahoma to settlers in 1889, the editor of this paper was among the mamy seekers after fortune who made a big race one fine day in April. During his traveling about and afterwards his camping upon his claim, he encountered much bad water, which together with the severe heat, gave him a very severe diarrhoea which it seemed almost impossible to check, and along in June the case be­ came so bad he expected to die. One day one of his neighbors brought him one small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a last hope. A big dose was given him while he was rolling about on the ground in great agony, and in a few minutes the dose was repeated. The good effect of the medicine was soon noticed and within an hour the patient was taking bis first sound sleep for a fortnight. That one little bottle worked a complete cure, and he cannot help but feel grateful. The season for bowel disorders being at hand suggests this item. For sale by all druggists. We Will Send the Value of One Dollar and Ten Cents (1.10) in booklet by mail for ten cents (cash or stamps), containing twenty- seven pen and ink photo-reduced sketches of Washington life. Queen Victoria knighted Sir John Tenniel for similar artistic work in London. (Your editor has sam pie of this.) NUTSHELL PUBLISHING Co., 108& Third Ave., New York. Leada Them All. "One Minute Cough Cure beats all other medicines 1 ever tried for coughs, colds, croup and throat and lung troubles,"says D.Scott Currin of Logan- ton. Pa. One Minute Cough Cure is the only absolutely safe cough remedy whichj acts immediately. Mothers every­ where testify to the good it has done their little ones. Croup is so sudden in its attacks that the doctor often ar­ rives too late. It yields at once to One Minute Cough Cure. Pleasant to take. Children like it. Sure cure for grip, bronchitis, coughB. Julia A. Story, Mc­ Henry; Q. W. Besley, West McHenry. Very Low Excursion Kates to Denver, Colo., Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold June 22, 28 and 24, with final return limit until Oct. 81, inclusive, account International S. S Convention. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. 45-7t Happy Time in Old Town* "We felt very happy," writes R. N. Bevil, Old Town, Va., "when Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured our daugh­ ter of & bad case of scald head." It Relights all who use it for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Boils, Ulcers, Erup­ tions. Infallible for Piles. Only 25c at Julia A. Story's drug store. -- * Very Low Rates to San Francisoo, Los - Angeles and Portland and Return. Via the North-Western Line. Tickets will be sold until June 8, inclusive, limited.,(by extention) to return within sixty (60) days, on account various gatherings. Through Drawing Room and Observation Private Compartment Sleeping Cars daily. Personally con­ ducted twice a week. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Wee tern R'y. 4&-2t THE WOODMAN PICNIC. Fully Tblrty-flve.Thousand People Crowd Into Rockford. The crowd in attendance at the Mod­ ern Woodman picnic at Rockford Wed­ nesday is estimated to have been 85,000. Rockford was filled to overflowing from early morn till late at night. The first visitor came on the 2:20 morning train from Chicago over the Northwestern, farmers began to come by 4:80 and the long specials to disgorge their thousands shortly after weight o'clock. The band contest was won by the National of Belvidere, there being eleven bands in the procession. The first prize of $150 for the Forest­ ers was won by Rock Island, the second of $100 by Elgin, and the third of $50 by Camp 348 of Beloit. The following is the result of percentage: Rock Island... ^... 97.75 Elgin 92.00 Camp 348 of Beloit, Wis 87.79 Dubuque 86.00 Nunda 84.50 Camp 1907, Beloit, Wis 82.17 John J. Lentz, the Ohio ex-congress­ man, made the speech at the fair grounds in the afternoon, Head Consul Northcott presiding over the exercises. It is esti­ mated that 15,000 people were on the grounds. O A S T O n i A , Bean the Th0 Von Have Always Bought fignatme •f SUNBRSES MODCfUTE To Give Value in all articles and all lines is the funda­ mental principle of our business. This covers all branches and is applied to the small things as well as the large. It'a application to our stock of Driest Sundries is particularly noticeable. The cost of these articles singly is really trifling, but in the aggregate it amounts to consider­ able and we show how a saving can be effected. N. N. Petesch, McHenry, 111. Druggist. M ill (Reflect This week we will offer more rare bargains aiid those who fail to take advantage of the low prices are the losers. We have tine lines of Lap Robes, Rugs, Dress Pants, Mosquito Netting in all colors, Shoes for Ladies, Men, Misses and youths. Latest styles in Ladies' and Men's belts, all new goods which will sell at prices to defy competition. Ladies' fine Umbrellas, worth $1.25 to $1.50, your choice 49c Best Machine Thread, per spool. 4c Large line Clothing, latest thing in Suits, worth $14 to $15 per suit, your choice @ $8.75 Soft Dress Shirts, worth $100, your choice @ 48c Sun Bonnets @ 19c COME AND SEE THE QQODS. THE SAVINGS BANK West McHenry. J. HURWITZ, Prop. (EES® liiuuluu AV^getable Preparationfor As­ similating lite Food andRegula- ting the Stomachs and Dowels of l l N K Y I N l S / - < H L L D K H N Promotes Digeslion.Cheerful- ness and Rest Contains neither Opium,Morpliine norNineral. >OX NARCOTIC . Ax Srnna * WAmk Sxttl * flBSBSSw tSmd-- A perfect Remedy for Constipa­ tion , Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ncss and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature oP NEW YORK. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature of A l b m o u I h - , o l d J) S - J jCI MS EXACT COPY or WRAPPER fe,. For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THf CINTAUH CO»»N^ HIW TORI OrfT.

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