Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jun 1902, p. 5

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I Fresh Salt and Smoked. Vegetables and Fruit in Season Having purchased the West Side Market of F. Wat­ tles, it is my intention to give all customers the best service possible. I pay spot cash for hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, tkus paying the low­ est prices, and will sell on the same basis. A. C. McHenry. riATTHEWS, West McHenry 1902 Crop 50 Cents i Bushel, (ash with Every Load Pickles Be sure and contract your pickles with Stafford & Gold­ smith Co., as they were the first parties that paid 50c a bushel. Contract at once as we will take only a limited number of acres. Make your contracts with, and get your seeds from John Buss, or at the following places: Bank of McHenry, McHenry, 111., Simon Stof- tel, West McHenry. 111., M. J. Walsh. West McHenry, 111., John P. Lay, .Tolmsburgh, 111., W. C. Evan son, West McHenry, 111., John J. Miller, West McHenry, III., J. E. Cristy, Ring wood, 111., (J. M. Adams, Johnsburgli, 111. RCfGWOOD Frank Pay of Rid. jefiel*^was in ftirg- w o o d W e d n e s d a y . . . . Mrs. H. W. Allen returned Tuesd from her visit in Iowa. "The farmers of this vicinity are very | busy cultivating their • -orn. Schopl closed Monday for the sumtn rr \ u»tion.of about twelve weeks. Quite a number from here attend . ! i a horse sale at Woodstock Wedr rl«y. J. C. Ladd is making an extend> <l visit in Iowa with his brother-in-la J C. Harrison. A number of the Ringwood citir -tended Field Day exercises at Wo >ck Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harrison are i. iug friends and relatives in Coral u I vicinity this week. The Ringwood school picnic which was held at Pistakee Bay Tuesday was well attended and all report having had a fine time. Carroll and Harry Cristy have the bono- of not missing a day a+ school this year. This makes the fiourth year that Carroll has not missed a <lay. It is a gooi Tucord and not many -oholars can say the same NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS iland Best Po;' Cement Delivered at McHenry at $2.50' per barrel. WM. BELL. ictory and residence. No. 509 Hill Avenu ;Hce, room 2. McBride block, Douglas Av ELGIN, ILLINOIS Do n't Be FOOLEDI Take the genuine, original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA STAFFORD & GOLDSMITH West McHenry, III. CO. CHARLES 0. FREIT Wholesale and retail dealer In I am In the Market For Beef Veal nutton Hog* and Poultry aiva •« a call and Smoked Meats, Saus^e McHenry - Illinois AMERICA'S Editorially Fearless. Consistently Republican. News from all ofethe world--Well written, original stories - Answers to queries- Articles yji Health, the Home, New Books, and on Work About the Farm and Ciarden. The Weekly Inter Ocean Is a member of the Assoc!ated I'ress the only Western Newspaper re­ ceiving the entire telegraphic news service of the New York Sun and syecial ($able of the New York World -daily reports from over 2,000 special correspondents throughout the country. Y E A R O N E D O L L A R Subscribe for The Plaindealer and Tht Weekly Inter Ocean one year, both p apcr. for $i-7S- © Made only by Aladison Medi* cine Co., Madison, Wig. 't keeps you well. Our traa* mark cut on each packag Price, 35 cents. Never sold in bulk. Accept no subst- MODM)»rtD.u> tute. A»k your druggist. Direct Connections with CHICAGO MILWAUKEE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL OMAHA NEW YORK BOSTON PHILADELPHIA And 25.000 other points besides perfect local service. Bates 5c |>er Day CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY WACCODNA. Henry Golding was a Chicago visitor Friday. Mrs. Harrison spent a few days in Chicago thin week. John Golding made a business trip to Waukegan this week. Will Harris and J. W. Torrence were in Iiarrington Sunday. Elmer Duers attended the field meet at Woodstock Saturday. C. P. Pratt of Chicago spent Sunday with his parents in Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. John Spencer returned from Chicago Monday evening. Will Bryant and family of Nnnda spent Sunday at the home of Albert Jones. J. L. Harris, who has been serving in the U. S. navy for two years, is home on a farlongh. Miss Ethel Dners returned Friday from Dixon where she attended school the past year. Miss Ada Hicks, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Kimball, several days, ieturned to Chicago Tuesday. Dr. Wells returned Monday from Dixon where he ifas been the guest of his daughter, Mrs. L. E. Hughes. A number of Wanconda young people went to Hancy Lake Wednesday where Miss Lilah Golding closed her school with a picnic.. Special Children's Day exercises were held Sunday evening in the M. E. church. Mrs. Lapharu has been drilling the little ones who took part and they went through with the exercises very nicely. BAKKKVILLK. J. D. Fleming was a Wauconda visitor recently. Frank Smith of Nunda was a caller here Monday. C. E. Rowley of Nunda was a caller here Monday. F. K. Granger of McHenry was a re­ cent caller here. Mrs. S. Hanson called on Mrs. Eliza­ beth Hunter Sunday. Wm. Haertel of Dundee was a busi­ ness caller here Monday. Miss Eliza Howell spent Thursday night with Miss Edna Hunter. John R. Hunter and Earnest C. Hill called at J. Courtney's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Shugra of Nunda were calling on friends here Sunday. Misses Anna and Francis Fleming spent Sunday with friendB at Burton's Bridge. A number from here attended the show, ' 'Uncle Tom's Cabin" at McHenry Thursday night. Mrs. F. L. Flanders and little daugh­ ter of Holcombville spent Thursday at Clarence Colby's. Floyd and Robert Thompson of Slocum's Lake spent a few days last week with their grandparents here. Mrs. Edith Daggett and son, John, of St. Paul, Minn., were the guests of Thos. Thompson and family last Thurs­ day. John Gibbs and sisfer, Mary, and John Hunter and Miss Clara Thompson attended the banquet given by the high school pupils at McHenry Thursday evening. Misses Clara Thompson and Lena Church accompanied a crowd of Nunda friends on the M. W. A. excursion to Rockford last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Colby and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Thompson attended the funeral of their relative, Mrs. Page Colby at McHenry Monday. VOLO. Peter Bower spent Thursday in Chi­ cago. Frank Wirtz of Fremont was in our village Sunday. Frank Amann of Fremont was a call­ er here Sunday. Mrs. John Rosing and son, Joseph, spent Monday in the city. Mrs. Bert Graves of Chicago is spend­ ing this week with relatives. Thomas Moore and John Richardson were in McHenry Monday. Celia and Clara Rosing spent the past week at Woodter Lake. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rosing Jr., Monday, June 2, a daughter. Misses Rose Hoson and Helen Ray­ mond spent Saturday in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Brown of Gray's Lake visited at Sidney Russell's Thursday. Emerson Travers and Fred Eldredge of McHenry were Volo callers Monday. Mrs. Freund and children of Mc­ Henry visited at Mat Miller's Sunday. George Scheid and family of Gris- wold Lake Sundayed at Jas. Murray's. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hertel of Fremont spent Sunday with the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nicholls attended the Woodman picnic at Rockford Wed­ nesday . Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Murray and Mrs. Jack Raymond visited at Wauconda Monday. Rev. Lapham and brother of Wau­ conda called on friends in this vicinity the past week. Mrs. Jake Wirtz and two daughters a pent Thursday at Fremont with the former's parents. Paul Averry returned from Oak Park, where he has been attending school the past year. John Battensby returned to his home in Whiteside Gounty Tuesday few days' visit in our village. Children^ day exercises will be held at the M. E. church Sunday afternoon at 2:30. All are cordially invited to at­ tend. Miss Minnie Benwell returned to her home in Morton Park Thursday after a pleasant visit with friends and relatives in this vicinity. There will be an ice crean ocial on the church lawn Thursday evening, June 19, if stormy it will be Friday evening. All are welcome. 4 4 cj. •tr • } •'* '4 •6- * For Comfort and Protection While Driving, « Robe of some kind is necessary. At 40 cents we have one that looks well and is excellent value. Won't last as long or give such satisfaction as our Summer Robe at, 75 cents This is the handsomest article ever sold at the price. The quality is excellent. We have also Robes at from 11.00 to $2.50. McHenry and West McHenry. 6us. Carlson. HARPER T H K W O R L D ' S B E S T BY EVERY TEST Gold Medals for high-standard quality at New Orleans, 1885: Chicago, 1893; Paris, 1900 Kor sule by All Leading Dealers Agent for the Celebrated International Stock Food Preventative of Hog Cholera Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. General BldckimittiinS Prices ilwiys ReuoortJe I PHILIP JAEGER General Commission merchant 5 Stall 1 & 3, Fulton St. ! Wholesale Market Cbicdoo, Illinois Special attention given to the sale of Dressed Beef, rtutton Hogs, Veal, Poultry Hides, Etc. Butter and .Eggs This is the oldest house on the ittfeet Tags and price lists furnished on application OQLD STORAGE FREE Chainberlain'H Col If, Cholera and , IHarrliufa Remedy. The uniform success of this remedy has made it the most popular prepara­ tion in use for bowel complaints. It is [ everywhere recognized as the one rem­ edy that can always be depended upon- [ and that is pleasant to take. It is es­ pecially valuable for summer diarrhoea in children and is undoubtedly the means of saving the lives of a great many children each year. For sale by all druggists. ALGONQUIN Mr. Lakey was a Chicago visitor Tues­ day. John W. Chewning was an Elgin caller Friday. John Rattery was home over Sunday from Terra Cotta. John Jurs, Jr., was home over Sunday from Chicago Highlands. John W. Chewning attended to busi ness in Chicago Tuesday, Walter Carter was home over Sunday from Chicago Highlands. William Carter drove over to Chicago Highlands Saturday evening. Mrs. William Carter and daughter, Minnie, were Elgin callers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Covert of Elgin called on M. D. Covert and family Sun­ day. Miss Emma Janes is out of the factory for a few days caring for her sister, Mrs. George Hehem, who is dangerously ill. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Bradley and Gar­ field Bradley of Elgin spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Covert and George Bradley and wife. "The Plattdeutsche Guild "of Chicago gave a picnic at Algonquin Sunday. The party consisted of six trains carry­ ing 3,600 picnicers. On the way home a pickpocket was discovered in the crowd. A Chicago dispatch says: Caught with his hand in the pocket of Gust Brusemeister, as a picnic train was about to start from Chicago Sunday. James Miller was set upon by a crowd of angry picnicers and severely beaten. After he had been beaten into submis­ sion Miller was placed under guard and brought from Elgin to Chicago and locked up ac the Chicago avenue station. WOODSTOCK. Saturday is "flag day." J. Freelan was a Chicago visitor Fri day. Gus. Vcgal was a Chicago visitor Thursday. P. W. Murphy was in Chicago business last Friday. H. E. Starrett made a business trip to Chicago Satnrday. Mrs. Thomas Beatty visited with friends in Chicago over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ball of Chicago were guests of relatives here Sunday. Mrs. M. Woods was called to Chicago Saturday by the illness of her mother P. H. Haley of Chicago spent the lat­ ter part of last week with relatives in Hartland Miss Bessie Goddard of Harvard spent Saturday with the Misses Esther and Minnie Sherman. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stone of Genoa Junction, Wis., were visitors here Thursday of last week. The Board of Supervisors met at the court house'in this city on Monday for the regular June session. Mrs. Nathaniel Vail of St. Thomas, Canada, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Wm. Sherman, this week. Phillip Fisher came out from Chicago Monday morning and began work for S. E. Cunningham, the contractor. Mumps, whooping cough and diph theria are keeping the doctors pretty busy in the country surrounding us. George Eckert is making preparations to build a fine, large residence on one of his lots, corner'Madison and Calhoun streets. Guy E. Still has purohased the old L. KM KU.Y1.I) I'AliK. Thos. F. Walsh of Chicago, Sundayed with his parents here. Harold Gillis of McHenry spent Wed­ nesday with friends here. Jos. Hamm of Chicago is visiting this week at the Huck cottage. Miss Nellie Frisby of Chicago visited over Sunday with her parents. Lyun Cristy of McHenry began work­ ing at P. Walsh's Wednesday. Harry Bacon of Chicago called on friends here Sunday afternoon. C. Bremer of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with his folks here. Mrs. W. Bolger and son, Thos., visited relatives in Woodstock Saturday. "Melancholy Mose" made his usual trip to Ringwood Sunday evening. Miss Mayme Knox spent Monday evening with Miss Margaret Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Giveus of Mc­ Henry visited at J. B. Frisby's Sunday. Miss Mary Gibbs spent a few days with Elgin friends the first of the week. Messrs. R. J. Sutton and L. Huck spent Monday and Tuesday in Chicago. Miss Margaret Walsh of Chicago vis­ ited her parents Wednesday and Thurs day last. For reasons unknown "Black Bess has discontinued Sunday evening calls to the park. Messrs. Jas. B. Heaney and Chas, Cohan spent Saturday and Sunday in their cottages. The (married) ladies of this vicinity were veqy pleasantly entertained at quilting party at the home of Mrs. Jno. Gibbs last Thursday and at Mrs. L, Aylward's Wednesday of this week. The Emerald Park and Terra Cotta teams played a game here Sunday after noon. And talk about the slaughter of the innocents--the carnage was awful When the smoke of battle cleared away the home nine found 22 scalps hanging to their belts, while the vanquished could only count 7. This is the team that dragged tb« Emerald Park banner ii; the dust a few weeks ago. of course such actions only fiml the home tenm v\ ith a spirit of revenge and when tKi$ v. ent onto the diamond last Sunday, the careful observer could note that en<\ { ce wore a determined expression. Ti Terra Cotta'if Were evidently awed froi tin) start fo.r at no stage of the gam v. ere they iiyXt. Filthy Temples in India, Sacred cows often defile Indian tc -I 1 Hg, but 'voxse yet a body that's J* 1 1 tc 1 by coj.:ifi]kit; ,;i ^ i'. '^riiiit ( 'eanse your system with Dr. King's New Life Pills and avoid untold misery They give lively livers, active bowels, good digestion, fine appetite. Only 2.">c at Julia A. Story's drug store. Virulent Cancer Cured. Startling proof of a wonderful ad­ vance in medicine is given by druggist G. W. Roberts of Elizabeth, W. Va. An old man there had long suffering with what good doctors pronounced in­ curable cancer. They believed his case hopeless till he used Electric Bitters und applied Buoklen's Arnica Salvi-, which treatment completely cured hiuu When Electric Bitters are used to expel bilious, kidney and microbe poisons .it Ihe same time this salve exerts its matchless healing power* blood diseases, t-kin eruptions, ulcers and sores vanish. Hitters 50c, Salve 25c at Julia A.Story's. 8 J. Young residence in the south part of the city of GeoVge Eckert; consideration |2,100. Mrs. Emma Manhardt left on Sunday for her home in Milwaukee, Wis., after a pleasant visit with her daughter, Mrs. Philip Schneider, in this city. The annual field meet of the McHenry county schools was held at the fair grounds in this city last Saturday. A large crowd was in attendance. Married, at the home of the bride's parents at Crystal Lake on Saturday evening, June 7, 1902, H. J. Booth of this city to Miss Ida Sahs of Crystal Lake. The stone crusher, purchased by the city authorities some time ago, arrived on Monday; was^taken from the car and moved to thl^gtavel pit. It is a monster machine. \ The nine-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gaske, who live on the Forrest farm in Hartland township, died of dip- theria last Saturday. Brief funeral services were held at the home on Sun­ day last and the remains were brought to this city and laid at rest in Oakland cemetery. I sell more of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy than of all similar preparations put together and it gives the best satis­ faction of any medicine I ever sold. I j guarantee every bottle of it.--F. C. JAQUITH, Inland, Mich. This remedy i» for sale by all druggists. JOHNSBURGH. Miss Lizzie Miller of McHenry visited frieads here several days last week. Mrs. John Freund is very ill. Mr. and Mrs Peter Britz visited Mc­ Henry friends Sunday. Miss Ella Schaefer is visiting her aunt. Mrs. John Young, at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. John Hoff and children visited Mrs. Schaefer at McHenry Sun­ day. Miss Annie Diedrich visited her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Diedrich, at McHenry several days last week. You've got to hustle all the time to keep in the swim. If you are slipping down the ladder of prosperity, take Rocky Mountain Tea. Makes people strenuous. G. W. Bealey. SOLON. Collison & Hastings were business callers here Monday. F. L. Vosburgh attended to business in Big hollow Tuesday. Mrs. Trow and daughter called at Mrs. Arthur Merrill's Monday. T. A. Fellows and E. T. Monear transacted business in Genoa Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bern Bell and son, Clyde, visited the latter s parents here Sunday. * O. W. Owen of McHenry was here Monday and delivered an organ at Arthur Merrell's. Frank Vosburgh, Arthur Merrell and Will Monear accompanied by their wiV68 spent Sunday at Twin Lakes. A number from here attended Uncle Tom's Cabin at Richmond Friday night and admit that it was time and money fooled away. (Too Intu for lust week.) H. J. Christian visited in Chicago re­ cently. * - T. A. Fellow was a Chicago passenger Monday. Dr. Foster was a business caller here last week. F. A. Fellow spent Wednesday with Genoa friends. Mrs. C. J. Boeay of Twin Lakes yisited friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Merrell spent Sunday with relatives at Spring Grove. The Solon band played at Richmond memorial day and we must say the boys did fine. Mr. and Mas. F. L. Vosburgh visited the former's parents at Mound Prairie Sunday. The ice cream social last Saturday night drew out a large crowd. We un­ derstand the ladies made about five dol­ lars. Chamberlain's Pain Balm is an anti­ septic liniment, and when applied to cuts, bruises and burns causes them to heal without maturation and much more quickly than by the nsnal treat ment. For sale by all druggists. IN CUBA where it b hot all the year round 'Scott's Emulsion1 sells better than any where else in the world. So don't stop taking it in summer, or you will lose what you have gained. Send for a free sample. SCOTT & BOWKfi. Chemists. CHURCHES. UNI VERSA LIST. I . W. MILLER PASTOR T.J. Walsh President. j!. C. Mead aerk l'r. H. T. Brown....... Treasurer f-upt. of Sunday-School.. .Mrs. Emma Phillips Assistant W. A. Cristy WILLING WORKERS. Mrs. James B. Perry President Mrs. K. O. Ross Secretary Mrs. W. A. Cristy Treasurer Y. P. C. IT. Miss Julia A. Story President Miss Berniece Perry Secretary JUNIOR v. p. c. n. Mrs. Anna Ryrd Superintendent Irs. E. B. Perkins Assistant and Organist Miss Irene MeOmber President May Bee be ...Vice President I amile Granger... Treasurer I lorence Granger Secretary t-orvieesi St ated Sermon 10.30 a m Sunday School. 11.48 a m Y- P. d U 7:00 pm Junior Y. P. C. U.. 4.00 Fancv Groceries Fruits j McHenry, III. I for Ifo Week METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Itev. S. W. Lauck Pastor Preaching, Sunday 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. Prof. E. Fisher Superintendent Prayer Meeting. Wednesday, 7:00 p. M. Ladles' Aid Society meet each alternate week. Mrs. C. C. Colby, President, Mrs. Ii. Wheeler, Secretary. WA Cordial Invitation is extended to all. ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN.) Suuday services: Low Mass at 8:00 a. m.; High Muss and Sermon at 10:00 a. ni.; Sunday School at 2:00 p. ni.; Vesper Services and Ben­ ediction AT -.30 p. ui. KFC. M. W. BAUTU, Pastor. 8T. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC. Regular Sunday Services at H a. ni. and 10 a., Vespers at 3 p. m., Sunday School at 11:30 ;i. ni. REV. FATHER O'NEIL, Pastor. ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN.) St. John's Catholic Church, Johnsburg have servires on Sunday as follows: High Mass at 10 o'clock :i. ni. ami Vespers at 3 o'clock p. in. Rav. FATHER MEHRINO. Pastor SUGAR Best Cane granulated Sugar, per hundred pounds f4.98 COFFEES Fancy Rio, a good drink, 8 B»s, for $1.00 V: Ex. fancy Golden Rio, per fi>. .20c 6 lbs. for $1.00 3! These Coffees are guaranteed to £ give satisfaction. If they do Hot jS please you, after a trial, money refunded. u § Arbuckles coffee, 1 ft. package & 10c, 11 lbs. for $1.00 j§ Syrup and ilolasses I Fancy Honey Syrup, per gal.. .35c p Fancy Maple Syrup in 10, 20 and « and 25c glass bottles. 5 Genuine New Orleans open ^ kettle Molasses, per gallon. .60c M If you find any trouble in get- £ ting the genuine N.O. Molasses for f| cooking purposes we ask you to 1$ give this article a trial. It is the jj| pure N. O. Molasses. Porto RicoJ dark Molasses, per « gallon 85c Is Chicago & North-Western. Lea Ohlci ave cago. 36 a m s. a m.. •'1.30 p m.. 4.00 p m .. 01 p m . Effective June 1. 1903 WEEK DAY TRAINS. NOHTHHOIIM, ^,7^. Vis. I-.lgln 11.34 a ni ... Via l>es Plaines 10.10 a m . ...Via be.-, I'laines *.40 p 111 Via Elgin rt.47 p m '....Via Des Plaines SUNDAY TRAINS. Via Elgin 11.14 am .0.64 p m Via Des Plaines U.14 a in igln 5.00 p m s.45 am.. it. 10 a m.. <!.02 p m Via Elg WEEK DAY TRAINS. McHenry. SOUTHBOUND. "32 am Via Des Plaines. 7.32 am Via Elgin Via Des Plaines. H.33 a m 3.0T p m 1 1 . . . Via Elgin. . .Via Des I'laines. Arrive Chicago. .9.25 H ni .10.10 a til .9.50 a in . .5.45 p ni < .45 SUNDAY THA1NS. 7.32am .....Via Elgin 10.30am 6.02 p m Via Elgin 8.15 p m FISH | Fancy large Mackerel, per tt>. 124c " White Fish, per tt>. 10c yj Imported Herring, per tt> 7Jc $ New Holland Herring, the very i* best pack, per keg 85c |§ Boneless Codfish, per lb 10c 1ft DRIED FRUITS | Ring cut evap. Apples, per tt>..10c j| Fancy Peache i, per lb 10c sjj " Moorpark Apricots, per V pound. 16c [ft Extra large Italian Prunes, per « tt». 10c, 3 ll>s. for 35c p CANNED PRUITS 1 3 lb. cans Apricots, Peaches, Pears, Egg Plums and Green Gage Plums, per can 12ic; per >•? dozen cans.. $1.25 $ EVERY CAN GUARANTEED! i ^ i Paint Pointers! Why do you paint your house? Not only to beautify it, but to protect and preserve it don't you? Why then buy an inferior paint just be­ cause it costs a few cents per gallon less than a well known first-class brand? That is folly, for a cheap paint is made of poor material and seldom lasts more than a year, whereas a good one should wear for five years, at least. Our CROWN COTTAGE COLORS will not chalk, peel or scale, and in covering capacity and durability is superior to all other brands, including white lead and oil. Consider­ ing these facts, why not buy the best and save money. GUARANTEE: We guarantee that when properly applied on a surface in proper condi­ tion Crown Cottage Colors will give better results than any other paint (including White Lead ond Oil) and in all cases where it does not and it is the fault of the material used we will do the work over again at our own expense. I Cary a Line of FINE ENAMELS FOR DECORATIVE PURPOSES Furniture, Coach ;md Floor Yarnishen. Floor anil Porch PHIUU . lUmeral Paints, prepared and dry; Glue, Putty, Tinting Colors, Etc. A large as­ sortment of brushes of all kinds. Respectfully Yours, F. L. McOMBER. West Side Hardware. U ft****************'*** *4^ You Paint? Ringwood, 111. If you do, bear in mind that we carry the best brand of ready- mixed paints in the county. All colors and shades--ready for the brush. The beauty of these paints is that anyone that knows enough to ply the brush can use them. We carry a full line of Is, Varnishes, Etc. which are sold at.the^lowest possible "prices. II you want a Spring Tonic call on ust J. S. BROWN & SON.

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