Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jun 1902, p. 3

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«* H < • * rf v * > * * ? i 1 , * ' w \ , , * H^tf f%gk * i,^> .f : '1 1jp '- A* DON'T STOP TOBACCO Suddenly. It injures the nervous system to do so. Use BACO-CURO and it will tell you when to stop as it takes away the desire for tobacco. You have no right to ruin your health, spoil your digestion and poison your breath by using the filthy weed. A guarantee in each box. Price $1.00 per box, or three boxes for $2.50, with guarantee to curt or money refunded. At all good Druggists or direct from us. Write for free booklet. EUREKA CHEMICAL CO., - La Crosse, WIS. I)UC0 euro To Preserve, Purffy, and Beautify the Skin, Hands, and Hair Nothing Equals TtTITLLIONS of WOMEN Use CUTICURA SOAP, assisted JLVX by Cuticura Ointment, the great skin cure, for preserving purifying, and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, foi baby rashes, itchings, and chafings, in the form of baths for annoying irritations and inflammations, or too free or offen­ sive perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women, especially mothers, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. No other medicated soap is to be compared with it for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No other foreign or domestic toilet soap, however expensive, is to be compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Thus it combines in ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE, the BEST skin and complexion soap, and the BEST toilet and baby soap in the world, r COMPLETE TREATMENT FOR EVERY HUMOUR, $L Consisting of Cuttcuk* Soap (25c.), to cleanse the 6kln of cruste and wales, ami soften the thickened cuticle; CUTH Uka Ointment (50c.), to Instantly ullay itching, Inflammation, and irritation, and soothe and heal; and Cuticuka Rkkolvknt IMlls (2.V ), to c..ol TUC QCT <&• an<l cleanse the blood. A Single set is often suflicient to cureithe ' " ™ • most lorturing, disli)rurinK» and humiliating skin, SC.A))>, and blood liu mourB, \vith loss of hair, when all else fails. Sold throughout the world. British Depot: il.28, Charterhouse Sq., London. French Depot 5 Hue de la I'alx, Paris. Potier Drug and Chem. Corp., Sole Props., Boston, U. S. A. CrncTTRA Rfsolvknt Pills (Chocolate Conted) are a new, tasteless, odourless, econom­ ies! substitute for the celebrated liquid (JUTICL'KA Resolvent, as well its for all other blood purifiers and humour cures. Koch pill is equivalent to one teaspoouful of liquid RbsolTXXT. Put up In screw-cap pocket Vials, oontalnlqg (JO doses, Dr.ce 2oc. (yticura Put your fin­ g e r o n o u r t r a d e m a r k . T e l l y o u r dealer you want the best starch your money can buy. Insist on having the best, DEFIANCE. It is 16 ounces for io cents. N o p r e m i u m s , b u t o n e p o u n d o f t h e v e r y b e s t s t a r c h m a d e . W e p u t a l l our money in the starch. • It needs no cooking. It is absolutely pure. I t g i v e s s a t i s f a c t i o n o r money back. REAL ESTATE. Minneapolis: meadow, timber,water, $18*60 per acre. &yimctfota, N. and S. liatcota lands. Come rlpht up.or Write me what you want. Two section* Ne­ braska to exchange. A.D. EADS, Minneapolis, Mina* Improved Farmland Ranches, write ub for descriptive circular^. A E. El-e & Sons, Doland, South Dakota. BARGAINS IN LANO ISS Hunches. Write, wire, or csll and see me. HOST. M. PEY10N, 24 Main Street, Creighton, Bebt' PAR QAI r hy owner, Flue Improved 480 sere run unLL Farm, located 4 nilloe from River- falls, Wlgconsln. l'rlce W25.00 per Acre. Kasjr IVrms, I,. ('. .IKFFEKSON, St. Paul, JIiuu. IOWA FARMS fH SALE We have some choice bargains in Cass county and Adair county, Iowa, furms for sale at prices from •*0 to S7 5 per acre, according to improve­ ments and location. These farms are in the i heart of the corn and blue grass belt, and are | sure producers. Write, mentioning this paper. P. I. APPLEMIAN or LIT COLLINS, j ATLANTIC, IOWA. ONLY ONE BEST That Is Oceana County, Michigan. It was 11 degrees below zero at Chicago aud much colder 1n Ohio and i Indiana knit winter, but only zero weather In Oceana. ! the banner fruit, potato, vegetable and agricultural 1 county, and where a failure of crops was never ! known. It projects far Into Lake Michigan and is i therefore warmed by the breezes from off the lake In the winter sud cooled by the same 1u summer. For a farm or village home In the hest_spot on earth, 1'88 J.D. write. Aildree S. HANSON, Hart, Kiah. Magnetic StarchJMfg. Co. Omaha, Neb. LANDSEEKERS! Ceuti'ul Kiistem (,'olonulo cf;<>rs great oppor- t'.:i,itiixs for iuvo&luu'iil ia Cheap ami I'ro- duct.vo Lands, in tracts to Suit, good for nil farming purposes, especially for Raising Stock of any kind. Lund values eveiywhere a e Increasing. Send for our list of bargains vvith full information. The Kit Carton Land Company, Burlington, Colorado. ELWOOD LAND COMPANY 1 NC'OKI*t JitATE i» Bank of Minn. Bldg., ST. PAUL, MINN. Prairie lands and Improved farms. North and Sonth Dakota, lted l!lver Valley lands and farms In Min­ nesota. Wisconsin timber aud grass lands. Can­ adian prairie lands. Homes for actual settlers on «-any terms. Have sold half million dollars' worth of land yearly for seven years and not one tnortgatfo foreclosed. Locil Agents Wanted. 4 Days Lake Trip a | --elud ing Mea l# and Hcr tk l I Oi Chicago to ESCANABA, Micb. and Rctof*. l«MTe OklcugQ \V edM Frl., & hat. 81OO p. m* 7 Days Lake Trip jfcA C lneludlug Meu'i and Berth*-- fc C* • Chicago to Mackinac Island ttd Bctsn* Leave* i'blonfo t rdnje HiBO p, i Muskegon or Grand Haven aad RETURN $075 Olileayti 4^ MM ?i4& p, aiM dully. Finest Service on the Lakes For complete Id forms'ion sea local llallroad Agaat • sraddruoa K. C. DAVIS, O. P. A., COODRICH LINE, P*Ot Of Mlchlxsn Av*., - Cliioaso, Ml. Wise ELLA XEOV8. ui__f. «l young nian of J udpment and business ezpert- ifBilltlu ciu e as travellnftsalesman; mercantile trade. Liberal contract to right man. KIkIJ InvestlRatlon. M. i'. BIXLER ft CO.. Ltd., Box 17S, Cleveland, 0. CORNS completely cured for lOc. Pent postpaid. Universal Mtg. Co , Dept. M, Orand lUpids. ltioh. For Instruction £ctw 10 keep >" , , r.^.atch - f rom Expert Wttc KOtttux dirty, n nd O ti> ker. Wa!'In^f')nl St.. C ie\ eland,O. HORSEMANSHIP duublo the value of \ iiur horse m a sM«>rl timehy following In* wondertul book HorseinniiBnlp. v ^. j jt rejrardjnjf the horH«. only 10c. Ad? Juell's supply House, Campbell, Minn. in order to Introduce our new CUBAN r IftC - LIBERTY CIGAR write to us and we will mall Instructions now 10 weme a box of IU1 Clear Ha\ana CUrurs free of eharjre. Cuban iAIMUTty Ci^ar Co., ^23 Walnut St., Fhiladelphii, Pa. ^/)AA PtR MONTH Income can easily be made during Bpare hours. Full Infor­ mation and a etral^ht-forward Imslneaa propoultlon bv amtwerlUK ttils advertisement quickly to C(Jm» lUMQi. UMZ m CO^ Mllftveet OMei E I THREAT TO CLOSE MINES Operators Issue Notice They Will Employ Fewer Men When Strike Ends. STEADY WORK AND HIGH WAGES Workers Must Return as Individuals and Report for Duty Every Day the Mines Are Open--Declare They Will Allow Shafts to Fill. Anthracite coal operators threaten to throw 50,000 striking miners per­ manently out of work by closing down mines. The threat }s made in an ay- thorf-zed statement in which the op­ erators said: "When the strike is over the men will not be taken back in a body, but individually, and each will have to apply personally for work. We are beginning to learn now how few men can conduct operations, and when work is resumed it will be with s smaller force than we have employed. We now believe in J;he policy of fewer men, steamer work and higher earn­ ings for them. Restrictions will be placed on the summary closing of mines without notice by the men re­ maining away from work, and they will be expected to be on duty every day the mine is open. Will Employ Fewer Men. "And when the strike is over work will not be resumed at every> mine in the region, but only at a few. There will be a far smaller number em­ ployed than at present, probably less than 100,000, instead 01: the 147,000 as at present. "In the localities where the authori­ ties are so unmindful of their duty and the citizens are so dead to their true interests as to deter men from working now, mines will be allowed to fill up unless such action will be absolutely ruin to the mines." MINERS SAVE FUNDS FOR POSSIBLE STRIKE Withdraw from Contemplated Pur­ chase of Sangamon County Bonds, Fearing Trouble. Springfield (111.) dispatch: Tne ru­ mor that the United Mine Workers of Illinois had planned to take the re­ cent issue of $175,000 of Sangamon county bonds was confirmed by a prominent official of the union. He admitted they had made ar­ rangements to bid on the bonds, but said that at the last moment instruc­ tions were received not to buy. It is intimated the union has decided to husband its resources for the aid of a possible strike in the Illinois field. Secretary Ryan of the Illinois Mine Workers will go to Wilkesbarre, Pa., to confer with the leaders of the striko in the anthracite coal fields. It is thought here that his trip is for the purpose of making arrangements to assist the strikers financially. The fund in the treasury of the Illinois union is said to amount to between $300,000 and $400,000. MAY ADJOURN JULY 3. Cuban and Canal Bills Only Matters in the Way. Washington dispatch: Leaders in both branches of congress have set July 3 as the proposed date for ad­ journment, and from now on will strain every nerve to bring about this result. The questions of serious con­ troversy between the two houses will be the Philippine government bill and the anarchist bill. But if the Cuban matter and the canal are out of the way it is thought the differences be­ tween the two houses can be adjusted in time for adjournment before the Fourth. The appropriation bills aro well advanced, and tliese will not cause postponement of adjournment. BARBOUR SUCCEEDS SUTTON Latter Resigns Position as Regent of University of Michigan. Lansing (Mich.) dispatch: Governor Bliss has appointed Levi L. Barbour of Detroit regent of the University of Michigan to succeed Col. Eli R. Sut­ ton, resigned. The resignation of Col. Sutton of Degan was received at tho executive office at Lansing. A warrant has been issued in Lansing for the arrest of Col. Sutton on the charge of perjury in connection with his trial on the charge of complictity in tho state military clothing frauds, and he is missing. Icehouse Is Destroyed. Aurora (111.) dispatch: Lightning struck the icehouse of Esch Brothers & Rabe of Chicago at Yorkville and the building was burned to the ground. It had a capacity of 30,000 tons and was one of the largest belonging to the company. The loss is $40,000. Strike of Brewery Employes. Belleville, 111., special: All the em­ ployes of the Star and Western brew­ eries and the drivers for . all the St. Louis breweries represented here went out on strike. The tie-up is complete and 600 men are affected. Big Wire Factory. Beaumont, Texas, dispatch: The American Steel and Wire company is said to have secured title to 100 acres of land on which a $5,000,000 factory will be built. The factory will employ 3,000 men. «* Tower Sails for Russia. New York ̂ dispatch: Charlemagne Tower, United States ambassador to Russia, who hae been in this country for some time on leave of absenco, sailed for his post on the steamer Columbia. ^ * Poolrooms Close. New York dispatch: Poolrooms of this city, which have for some time been doing a flourishing business, aro reported to have closed as a result ot tii« "ih&ke-up" IA the police forces RECTOR IS UNDER SUSPICION. Curipus Happening That Certainly De- / manded an Explanation. "I may be mistaken, but I can never get any inspiration from the rector of our church again." the pious man re­ marked, as he ordered lemon and selt­ zer in a cafe neat* Herald Square, just to show that he was not a slave to the drink demon. "Do you see that half- dollar? Yes, it's lead and a rank coun­ terfeit. If it were not I could still get light from the clergyman I have men­ tioned. As it is now I have--well, I am suspicious, to say the least. "What am I talking about? Well, I put that veritable half-dollar in the collection plate last Sunday morning. No, there cannot be any doubt about it. Just look at that mark some doubt­ ing Thomas has put on it. That mark was there when it came into my pos­ session. Wait a moment now and I will tell you what all that has got to do with the clergyman. Sunday I put the coin in the plate. The next day I strolled into a place--somewhat against my will, I must confess--and bought a glass of ginger ale. I gave a dollar bill to the man and received the change. This half-dollar was in that change, and as the church treas­ urer happens to be away and the clergyman is handling the funds, it struck me as a strange coincidence. "Perhaps it was sinful in me to ..put such a coin in the plate, but I believe the Bible says somewhere that one sin discovers another, and the men who wrote the Bible knew what they were talking about."--New York Tele­ gram. Couldn't Straighten Up. Breed, Wis., June 16th.--Charles F. Peterson of this place, Justice of the Peace for Oconto County, tells the fol­ lowing story: "For years I had an aching pain In my back which troubled me very much especially in the morning. "I was almost unable to straighten my back and the pain was unbearable. "I did not know what it was, but seeing an advertisement of Dodd's Kidney Pills I concluded to try a box. "I can only say that that one box alone has done me more good than anything else ever did. "I feel as well now as ever I was. "I have recommended Dodd's Kid­ ney Pills to several others, who are using them with good results." Mr. Peterson is a highly respected man and one who would not so posi­ tively make a statement unless it was absolutely true. A Scattered Sermon. When the Rev. Madison C. Peters, at one time a popular Philadelphia di vine, was a very young man he was in­ vited to deliver tho sermon in a rurnl church on a Sunday in June. The day was extremely warm; and a window behind the pulpit had been raised in the interests of ventilation. Mr. Pe­ ters laid the rather voluminous manu­ script of the sermon he had prepared on the desk of the pulpit and began, but the third word had not passed his lips when a breeze from the window caught the manuscript and blew its hundred-odd pages of note-size paper scatteringly over the expectant con­ gregation. Mr. Peters looked flustered for a moment; then, recovering him­ self. he smiled and said: 1 "Well, perhaps <that sermon has reached more of you than if it had gone from the pnlpit in the usual man­ ner." Brother Dickey's Resolution. "Dey's been a powerful lot er airth- quakes en fire en brimstone in de worl' lately, en hit do look lak de worl' had done gone en made up its min' tercome ter an end fer sho," said Brother Dickey. "Things look so on- sartin in dat direckshun, I hez done made up my min' ter quit payin' house rent in advance!"--Atlanta Constitu­ tion. A Remarkable Record. Herr Wilhelm Plevka of Schimmel Gasse 18, Vienna, has resided in that house for 100 years, and has just cele­ brated this unusual centenary. He was born there, remained in the house when he married, and brought up six children there. He has been the re cipient of many congratulatory mes sages. Woman's Pay in Germany. Woman's work in Germany is neat ly always paid one-third to one-half lower than man's work. Its quality is seldom equal to that of the men, ow ing to the insufficient training of the women. Ladles Can Wear Shoes One size smaller after using Allen's Foot- Ease, a powder. It makes tight or new •hoes easy. Cures swollen, hot,sweating, aching feet, ingrowing nails, corns and bunions. All druggists and shoe stores, 25c. Trial package FREE by maiL Ad­ dress Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy» N. Y. Admired Gen. Gr^rfifr^ An interesting bequest in the will of the late Gen. Charles H. T. Collis was that of his two« regimental flags, "to be deposited in the tomb of my old commander, Gen. Ulysses S. Grant." HAVE TOC GOT RHEUMATISM? Try "Gloria Tonic." Triul Box Free. Also Illustrated book on rheumatism which will tell you all about your case. Address: John A. Smith, MS Grcrmania Uuilding, Milwaukee, Wis. Seven hundred and eighty-eight people were killed by boiler explo slons in the United States last year, but only twenty-four in Britain. Henry A. Salzer, the Wisconsin seedsman, gives the last thousand dol­ lars to wipe out the deDt of the La Crosse Y. M. C. A. An affectionate regard for the mem ory of our forefathers is natural to the heart; it is an emotion totally dis­ tinct from pride.--Lord Lindsay. The willingness of a new office boy is often more annoying th*n the un­ willingness of an old one. Sloth never arrived ai jM&t oi • good wish attain W»tes. Renounces Faith for Love. The American colony in Constanti­ nople is said to be much perturbed over the conversion of one of its mem­ bers--a Miss Davis--to Mohammedan­ ism. Miss Davis was a teacher in the American, College for Girls at Saitari. and also gave lessons in a Turkish family, where she met and fell in love with an uncle of her pupil. In order to marry him she has renounced her faith and entered the fold of Islam. Don't you know that Defiance Starch besides being absolutely superi6r to any other, is put up 16 ounces in pack­ age and sells at same price as 12-ounce packages of other kinds? In 1878 there were 45 deaths per million due to intemperance. To-day there are 77 per million. THB BKST, IN STARCHING can be obtained only by using Defiance Starch, besides jfettln.-r 4 oz. more tor same moilev-, n required. Lancashire has more railways than any Bimilar area of land in jthe world. Ptso's Cure cannot be too highly spoken of as a cough cure.--J. W. O'BRIIN, 323 Third Ate., N-, Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 6, 1900i The best ivory comes from Zanzi­ bar; the next quality from Ceylon. To Cure a Cold In One day. Take Laxativo Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggistis refund money if it fails lo cure. 25c. It is a deplorable fact that a girl can never get her first kiss but once. Clear white clothes are a sign that the housekeeper uses Red Cross Ball Blue. Large ~ oz. package, 5 cents. Dampness caused by a crying woman is always oppressive. Hall's Catarrh Oar* Is taken internally. Price, 75c. -- 6 A lot of truth is wasted in trying to get useless lies established. S20 A WEKK AND EXPENSES to men with rig to introduce our Poultry goods. Seudstp. Javelle MfK.Co.,Dept-D,Paraohs,Kap CONGRESSMAN FITZPATR1CK. Says Pe-ru-na is a Splendid Ca­ tarrhal Tonic. Congressman T. Y. Fitzpatrick. Ignorance is bliss until it begins to associate with egotism. Mil. Wlnnlow's Soothing Syrup.' for children luetblag, «ofteu» the yunu, reduce* In- Dftinmallon. u 11 ayb pain, cures wind colic. 25ca'jolU& More ships possess the name "Mary" than any other. JIAMUNS WIZARD OIL )R NEURALGIA Aul-'DRUGGISTS sell it Ron. T. Y. Fitzpatrick, Congressman from Kentucky, writes from the Na­ tional Hotel, Washington, t). C., as fol­ lows: "At the solicitation of a friend I used your Peru nit and can cheerfully recom­ mend your remedy to anyone suffering with catarrh or who needs a good tonic."--T. V. FITZPATRICK. A Good Tonlcw Pe-ru-na is a natural and efficient nerve tonic. It strengthens and re­ stores the activity of every nerve in the body. Through the use of Pe-ru-na th® weakened or overworked nerves resume their natural strength and the blood vessels begin at once to regulate the flow of blood according to nature's laws. Congestions immediately disappear. Catarrh Cared. All phases of catarrh, acute or chronic, are promptly and permanently cured. It is through its operation upon the nervous system that Pe-ru-na has at­ tained such a world-wide reputation a« a sure and reliable remedy for all phases of catarrh wherever located. If you do not derive prompt and satis­ factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Ilartinan, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad­ vice free. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. fOWA FARMS$4 CASH BALANCE I CROP7 PER iCROPTILRftlDxWS iCSall - : We would teach the ly who boys. ' Lesson namber on. Starch is an extraction of wheat used to stif­ fen clothes when laundered. Host starches in time w i l l r o t t h e g o o d s t h e y are nsed to stiffen. They W «»nUin chemicals. r. Defiance Starci is absolutely pnreti r It gives new life t<jr- linen. It gives satisfeci*^ tion or money back. ' sells 16 ounces for 10 cent# : at all grocers. It is th* very best. MAMUTACTUKD BY MAGNETIC STARCH MFG. CO. OMAHA - - NEB. School for Nurses. The Lakeside Hospital Training School for Nurses. Circular of in­ formation sent on request. Address LAURA FELL WHITE, Supt., 4147 T.ake At*., Chicago. HI. If afflicted with) •ore «>«s, udo j Thompson's Eye Water W. N. U. CHICAGO, NO. 25, 1902. Vhei Answering Advertisements KiaAy Mention This Paper. OU CAN DO IT TOO Y! | Over 2,000,000 people aiti iiu\» buy­ ing goods from us at wholc.sulo prices--saving 15 to 40 percent on every­ thing they use. You can do it too. Why not ask us to send you our 1,000 page catalogue t-- it tells the story. Send 15 cents for it today. CHICAGO The house that tells the truth. Are You Satisfied with Your Income? If yon are anxlou* to Increase It. write u*. atatlng what amount you can lnve»t, no matter how umall, and we will wrllj you a letter of advice, free. For years we have been studying luventmenU. ffe know we can Increase your Income by point­ ing out safe Investments hitherto unknown. Chicago Security & Trust Company, Dept. N. U., 159 La 8alle St., CHICAGO. NOTICE OF ADVANCE III PRICE, SEARCHLIGHT COPPER-GOLD MINING CO. (INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF ARIZONA) Capital Stock. $1,000,000, In 1,000,000 Shares of $1.00 Each, Full-Paid and Non-AaseasaMe. This valuable property consists of seven (7) full-sited Mining Claims and Is located in the now famous "SearchllKht District" of Lincoln County, Nevada, in the range known as Cop­ per Mountain. Four miles west of the Colorado River and one mile from the Quartette Mining Company's Railway, It is in the very heart of one of the richest mineral belts west, of the Rockies. The recent purchase of this group of Mines w#s effected by practical mine operators and engine-rs of rare intelligence and experience, and having investel their own money on the rich assays and other showings, and organized this Company for the active prosecution of serious work, it is now proposed to sell 100,01)0 shares of Treasury Stock the low price of Payable in Easy Monthly Installments. Price to Be Advanced to 30c on July 1st 25 CENTS PER SHARE This is estimated to be sufficient to do l.tno feet more of development work and to erect a llfty-ion Smelting Plant. After this block of stock is sold (possibly before) the price will be much higher, so thnt investors, and particularly small investors, should Imc am ttac la applying for their allotments. For further information, address 72.74 (Main Floor) DEARBORN STREET. CHICAGO. J. i. BROPHY, Fiscal Agent, AT LAST There is a. Sure Cure for BLOOD POISON. If you don't get the biggest and best j It's your own fault. Defiance Starch j is for sale everywhere and there Is pos itively nothing to equal it in quality or ! quantity. j Greek and Roman wines were per j fumed, generally by steeping thr j leaves of roses or violets in the liquor j until it had acquired the odor of the ' flowers. Mercury and Potash have seen their last day in the treatment for blood poison, and it is well known that it is so/for mercury is nearly as bad for the system as the poison itself, and potash ruins the stomach. Neither mercury nor potash cure the disease, they simply postpone the fatal results for a few years, when the disease re-appears in an aggra­ vated form; either as locomotor ataxia, paralysis, softening of the brain, loss of memory or eyesight, or the vital parts of a person--the lungs, kidneys, stomach or liver--become affected. We are told that one-third of the patients in a certain hospital are there as the result of blood poison. And what do the doctors say? "We just pump them full of mercury." What a blessing to suffering humanity Dr. F. A. Sieber's discovery will prove to bfc in the years to come, for that his treatment does eradicate the poison from the blood, we have abundant proof. About six years ago a friend called my attention to Dr. Sieber for the purpose of securing my services for the promotion of the doctor's discovery. My friend was so enthu­ siastic about the matter that I called with him at the doctor's office, then in the Stewart building. After a serious discussion I promised Dr. Sieber I would take the matter up. Since then I have carefully watched the numerous cases which came to him for treatment; I have seen men afflicted with locomotor ataxia, with paralysis, with tumor on the brain and other heretofore--so-called--incurable diseases, restored to perfect health, until I became convinced that this treatment will remove every bit of poison from the blood. I then deter­ mined to form a company for the purpose of giving world-wide publicity to this most valu­ able discovery, for it seemed to me that I could render no greater service to my fellow man than by making this boon to suffering humanity known to the world• Indeed it seemed to me almost criminal to allow the treatment to remain buried under the ethics of the profession which is such a bugbear to a conscientious doctor like Sieber. The International Serum Toxin Company of which I accepted the presi­ dency was formed to give Dr. Sieber's treatment the publicity which it so richly deserves. We hope to open offices in all the large centers of the world in order to give relief from this most deadly disease to all the people of this earth. It is a strenuous task; a serious undertaking, but the good that can and will be done should overcome all obstacles. In conclusion would say that if I had a near relation or a dsar friend whom I knew to he afflicted with the disease I would not rest until he had taken the treatment. WRITE FOR rVLL PART1CVLARS INTERNATIONAL SERUM TOXIN CO.. 7th Floor, The Isabella Bldg., 48 Van Buren St, Chicago, 111 Office Hours: 10 to 5. Sundays: 10 to I. When yoa writs be rare and man tion ihii pipw r«rm*rty Vic«Jr*«l<Unl Sl»<il, C«M«e 41 Oa.

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