Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jun 1902, p. 1

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stocks • 'W&M • #: * *S\f> .•.#,•;-• f •• •» ;• . •* J ; » t/wvwjrf^•.•.- _-,.-. fc-^-.3Fw • ? ^•K ^ "' Jr •s£r,.£_~ •V'*-. ,v'?.c$t era ^•'•|ieW, Green Xake, ~" staqua Bevy i^s^fary rural XXVII. NUMBER si INTERESTING PARAGRAPHS. OF A PERSO NDAV CELEBRATE PgQPLES* CONVENTION. YOUNG EXCHANGE CLEAWMC8. «*?» Concerning Local Affair* uu-y'a Kftport of th ^kctcd.for Woodstock, Tfeuraday, Jane 19. ^"ID G. WELLS, M. D. WiLL SCREAM h Annt^ Coun at H§i>r ed an TSew" Ads This Week. ? Gilbert Bros.--Fourth of July Gooda M,. J. Walsh--Special Bargains, F. C. Going--Groceries. J. Hurwitz--Special Sale. W. C. JJsranson--press Goods, Shoe*. WH.L PLAV SURGEON AND OCULIST, residence corner Klin and Arr^^*WmmmMue Mude tw Celebrate ® «ie O«od OIrt Way--Fun, rfravorlii »nd Plwity of Knthntiam, M. D. SUEGgb?*,* fflctfmry, sideaco, corner Court ana one 333. c. I'AOE, M. a SURGEON.--Special' »t- and surgery of tiye, ear, fc. Office houra: £ to 9 Ed 4 t-o8 p. m. Offieo, CJumrft block, tolt, III, Telephone--Office, 1S3; Swt- 123 AT LAW. {licafco, III. KNIGHT & BROWN. . 100 Washington O. J». BARJiSa. IJTQBNEy ..solicitor, and OounMripr. Ool- Ipeciatty. Damage suits, etc. Office at Woodstock, IU. _________ Counselor, Solicitor and No­ lle. Will give prompt and im- tlou to all business intrusted to Office in Hoy's Block. . Woodstock, Q «V C. MEAD, dtf the Peace and General la- Agent, includjjgjjg Occident and Life InsuraeacC t. for Continental Casualty Co. Unsure ,ome agents, smoofch-tougln mes lead people astray. Wm McHBHHT, - - IUw stingers |pB^Cr ROSS, D. 0. S£ ML Mdtonrjr A Ulifttfft ^ Oyer S3. tlhapell's Store :pwt 8m« •'V" Hatirt from 8*1(1. ». SQ . to 5:3Qy AY ^RAmEY mGWOOD, ILL. Wind MiB^ S$»ertmd Farmjfcoi % silc&itKPt. spalls from out of town attended to. ^AA...e.. spui _. : V ctericary Surgeona*d • >We«t McHenry, ^Mioliurch ^ Illinois- I. ^ .j... • • • V eyers "Bestey Store In Butter MkOcet The offerings of butter -on the boiurd ©if ttkde were confined to ope lot of *15 tubs. It was from Collins factory, near* Marengo. Motes bid 22 center The butter was not Bold. The official murket was made firm a>t 2H cento. W. W* Sherwin moved that the report be not confirmed and that the ma^lrer be made 28 cants bat the president r^l$d thtf- motion out of ordet. The salec for tire 'week were 804,000 pounds. ; The Willing WorkBrs wlll hivB-ao meetiug next week. r ':'^ A photographer has pitched iii» tent " near Rej-nold's mill. w ... Remember the dttiM^^BtosBfers 1^31^, Friday evenipg, Jnly 4 \ *' Nick Bohr ' commenced work on* foundation for 8. B. <^apell > honse week. The large bum,, at the rear of Chapej store, owned by O. N. Owen, bias razed. •• /' '... Bid yon ever fail to haye a at a dance given at Stoffel's liall-t^^re ,frW»y evening/ July 4. - V Jas. C. Ladd has % carload of fine cows, new^ milkers -and sptinger^ 'on e»l^at his place in Bingwood.' 3. A. Weekly ttaisjriH Picked Up 0pr« *nci '.PUindUdesr Scfiixa. Martin Sfcoffel is quite": Mrs. Byrd Clricagoed Eric Stone was over fr Snnday. Ed. Mill§, of W%«ioond^ day callet:. r* C. Bskelsen sprat <Sm <3tale cottage. Ang.'Olsen day in tbecifcy. «. Mr-. and callers Emil £a*a& entert hie eomgfe Snnday. Mj9B. Pet«r B. Freiand 'Wtl th ntion of the nation van One htm- otit8f€eitf stered and «te4- k ed the tteit- vrae choice, a full at- interest was re convention, ir, state president, , HtaSe presi- diate work, greatly to on, every peraonal, tment L,lthe church fided'with :S. ̂ publi (ters* JSieetings, 2 sormal L)Mwfc(}otej obeerj; cradle de- Tne train which arrives wae.dalayedJwre ov«g^ atr4:4Qp.m^ 'X- v T'hiiigs can y o ®f t^e f^||p|rGalllee," is ^the tO] j»ext S$p|£e J. Y^-P.-C. Lnlii Byrd will lead the pieeting. Alvo;d's show drew out a ittroWd Monday night, every avail' being occupied. There we*q£t Qeneral Team^V of all kinds. (4^: Excavating und urading. : >TcttE^RY ' ILLINOIS. viiPelepboue, Market 451.^ • LAMBERT <?. tv';'. ' '•'* ' BUFHET . ' 'or McHenry and; McHenry • •*- eoinrty risttors. >'• "'.41®^' * Jofco Srtarr««r " {' v - _>"|8 Fifth Ate.1, Chicago. Bar Tender. ^'"IdcHENRY : • ' *©FTICE wl Woodstock, veyanciaKsBPBftey to loaq 1.;-;" y, sums of ^6,000, tim GOU^Y A^|T| COUP ANY.. :^>od aots, and everybody seemed f. "®088. Sgmeiot beantl- •'BrdeBk last; week. day fttnerp^ n I I mmiM ' I 1 visj^ed irelativ. day.;. , v Jlr. and k. were '/ Miss fywfa ^fllflier went to CShicago With Mr, :ftnd M. Salontdh bwt week. !». ^.*... ' • Mrs. L. Jordon was J^VQiici^o otfi- ^as' for ' the ' and to ir ^inatituted every hpm *"j1 workers Securing statistics to attend so^ne church r&tar- "JVood- »t -Rose- and Sunday scltool. $162.86 ha6 been of conn Sunday :HP*§nf the dam,.4n . ^ otberwirtf improving the tyke ways. *Mrs. & Eaketseft in her Eosedale,-fruit garft^Q^p^d. orchard for it has yielded a^ iftuiiclAiioe $f fruit. LAst week ov#i Qfty-Llifee .^fcallars1 worth Of dberriee wej^picked, and now the rsisperry bushe» jmjjtfflj/Si prodniJe1 a heavy crap. '| Persons wishing fish stories publi8hed» 9ttould hi^d in a sworn state- tnent or produce witnesses, The tasfc and safest plan however to insure pub­ lication is to leave the boasted fish with editor that he may judge Of .rit&' Weight and flotpr. ' ' ,¥- ' ^he Johuaburgh bridgevwillfbe put in ;«ltape for teams to cx-oss from Thursday n, July 3, to Monday morniflg. July Thia will enable people j^vinfc on the vers, rs. C.' Charles, aimg* Genoa, 111: Schoonmak^lr &ncl< at Marengo lastflbt- l.JJatthevvs( I&te of A, imaker and sqh, >her1parent»r,at Dr, and,Mrs. Ross w^nt io West Chi-i ^ ̂ «?>«» «»« rnw cag^Friday and attended l^e IWJ)y .th®^1*668' ^lt is ea8ier to critici8e ^ to Allowing day.- Sf " . Mr. and Mrs. Christensen, ofOhlcfcgo, WW® guests of Mr. find The^K L. Grot this week. - . ' , ' Charles Stark alHT'fiinyiy hate, rented x^trtorro . !)<Dn.»{. f |burtii Mondays In eac] t %: U. JOHN EVAHSON. ' *• fe' •-•k'id.Sfc Patrick'# Court, • V - •#>« Mrat Saiurd r /fivenUig^of each M B8. $r* qa9ay_evBni'ngs Mike Justen's cptta^e, . "Rustic Park* at Pistakee L%k« * V . Miss Anna Bickler w«nt to Chicago Wednesday morn^g foi' a two weeks' iligjt with relatives. 1 ' ' '-J& Acs. Susie Rosiriffio^|top|ia is visit­ ing her sister, Mrs. BeW^p^r, at Spring Gro^V'wd other frleji^l'* ' 4^ Mr. John N«itt of Johnsburg, * Mrs. Catherine Freuud, and MraMFreund, of Spring Grore are visiting friends in expended in the county work, $86 which was forwarded to, the State Asso ciation, our pledge to her work, f 108; 62 M||8 raised fo«n the schools by ^ 3 cent tax, and the remainder by personal sul> soriptions. The following officers were elected to serve the association another year: President, "E.C.Fisher, McHenry tide president, C. E. H. Tuttle, Coral sectitary and treasurer, Mrs. N. C. ^prison, Woodstock; Supt. of mission- Si^departnjent, J. Edw. Ercanbrack, Woodstock; Supt. of primary depart­ ment, Miss Jennie Grosbeck, Hebron Supt. home department, Miss Emm* Wilson, Marengo; Supt. normal work, C. C. Miller, Marengo; Chairman" of executive committee, P. B. &till, Wood stock. * t There ever were 8cjribes and Phar- gather reports and bend the back to the burden.- Otu^work is sacred,and shows a band of nobl#^elf-sacrificing men and women, loyal to the Sunday school work of our county, who with tireless energy ate seeking the advancement and re! It is vention' to their each de date in e tinne to work in thi ^.tfeji past VICTIM of our youth. that another con- >very officer faithful that vthe work of 11 be found up-to- , May God oon- an^ to bless the as fie has done SECRtiTA&tV THIEF, Solon Mills, our hustling little sister on the north,. Will celebrate the gloxions Fourth in the good, old-tashioned way. The committee was ?n McHenry this week and ordered Borne red. white and b!u% posters which were quickly and neatly turnod out b| 3fbe Plaiudealey. The day's progra» will open with a grand salute at sunrise, the signal that causa: the youngsters to tumble out of bed in a hniTy. In the forenoon the parade will take place, headed by the Solou band. Prof. G. W. Conn, of Hebron, mil deliver a patriotic ad­ dress.. The street sports will consist of foot races, three-legged races, egg race, wheel "barrow race, tug of war, sack •contest, penny scram- •fternoon a , good ball besides a tub race jicycle race. A; well-greased pig 'ffc turned loose and its you^if you In be given in.tlj€giew opera house for the benefit of the Solon band. Supj>er will be served at Simee' hotel. (The day's pro­ gram win wind up with a desplay of fireworks in the evening. ^ ^ jAll roads lead to Solon Milln on July 4, EaifJEST WRIGHT, • " " ffe Americans, The new national patriotic song and inarch which is meeting with suchDQpu- lar favor ritas composed by an ex-Mc- Henry boy, Ernest W. Wrigh , eon of M rs. Robert Wright and the late Robert Wright. He spent his boyhood days here and is now located in Chicago. Mr. Wright oontrolls the publication of the song. The price id 50 cents p& single copy, but will send the song to Plain- dealer readers for 40 cents or 4 for f 1.00. Send draft, P. O. or Express money or­ der, with n«me and address plainly written. Terms to news dealers. JS. W. Wright, ^ Sheffield Ave,, •Lincoln Park Station, Chicago, 111. / , % A >«»w Citizen. yiae Chenoa Gazette has the following to-aay of Mr. James Shelton who recent­ ly oarne to this village to make his home #ith his daughter, Mrs. N. H. Pikfe: "Amanstrong in his belief, true to his principle without a particle of doubt or hesitation, and firm in his convictions is James Shelton. Be does not quibble or compromise' on a point of right or wrong. He h$s no charity fi A' convention of Institute worked and young people of McHenry county- was held at the city hall, Woodstock, Thursday, June 19, for the purpose of effecting an organization of the young people, and completing arrangements for the yotmg people's institute, corn contests, etc., lobe held at Woodstock next December. v The meeting was d^ted to order at 11 o'clock by President H. T. Thompson, Something over fifty of the yonsg peo­ ple were in attendance and * lively interesf Vcs manifested. Excellent addresses were given to the young people by A. J. Glover, of the University of Illinois; County Superin- tennent Wire and G. W. Conn, Jr., of Hebron, and J. L. Scofield, of Cannon Falls, Minn.; each one dwelling on the benefit and Inspiration to be derived from inteUig«nt nature study.' A spl brgani zation was effected by the elision of the following named ofljggra and an executive committee of one trom each township, wpo are to assist in interesting others and securing members^ ; ' v.; President--Delos James, Huntley. v Vice President--Ada Wells, Harvard^ Secretary--I#. D. Wilson, Greenwood. tEyewprer--Olara L. Turnef ^e^ron. JK^Qtite Committee-- v •*' ffrr"'-:.::;-. Aldeu......i .. Hartland. t. .v, T.., Seneca... t^.'.,, .T-.-. Dorr.....vii.u Qrnttoxx ..i;* i, .-^S B t c h m o n d . i gwfton .*.iTi«.«s-.,.wU Alfroufiuin..>.. Geo. A4t$0iit, fl; T. Thompsoit J. S. ^jpl^ were elected Jtco: tnembe^T^ _ ^ " Anyon# hmmp a ber of the ^Ili^K^lry^C^unty People's Agricultnral^Mh can do so by sending their natz^Ti^psddress and 10 (>ents to the secretary, 1<.VD. Greenw^p. - ; So farM we are able to the first regular county, thekin^in point in*fiftbr of the wonderful ality of J^pHstny county institute This is considered by our best as one ot the greatest educational mo ments inaugurated. The president and secretary# elect were called upon and made brief ad­ dressee, expressing their appreciation of the honor conferred, and voiced the sentiment of the crowd by the follow­ ing expressions: "I km proud of this organization It should be a sb^ceas; it is going to be a success; and we are going to make it a success" This in­ dicates the determination ott^e young people to lead the prooesslon ln young people's institute work. * * ' HENRY HOG AN DEAD. HAPPENINGS . IN WHENRY ANO» 'HbjACENT cavmfa. ^ : A. Miscellaneous Assortment of -}(««( Items In Condensed y«tnn Mr Conv0t* lence of Hnsy People. • i. Woodmen of Ivanhoe C^mp, liberty- ^ tille, will ' " ' July 4. It is rumored that a 'Ui&& hwtijty' wiU be built ar~Chifia^ RTigKioi^* (near Banington), Where will be "mfcnufactured. - Harry Sherman, a libertyvQle was drowned in Lake Michigan afc Waukegan last Wednesday. M4 w^ about seventeen years old. i Fitzgerald & Cameron, faoturers of Chicago, are con1 removing their business to Lake county, Knigge store 'vsnith a force of tbhHbr A woman stiffering the stomach, pronound^ the fn>ut||i»|^ „ " mpritt^j^^|^%ht iftff «^thbJh«nda Of John DoWie of AWtKoi.tiK W. AiWiUauu^ for ,t.. w Gaaettft. Willi: with* a revolver whip. citiee they give grea.^ satisfactla!lt public. it to their hogs, quantitiee otM the reeMwte of the law. The " ' ̂ hanks- and gives a "able odrar. pow^e's action tn posing of thsinilk is especial _ ^ ing to one fartaer, Hiram Fe^r ̂ e stream flows through hie farm and he is the one who was first refused milk be­ cause of feeding it to his hOgB. Thua, while he connot procure the milk at th® factory, he must watoh it ftowdotrarlfce streaut across his place. A BURNING THIftST. Wt$m the Btorjr of Martinique M' Ul^t ' , jf^lontlily tor July. Pmm« at Hla Hou»||||imw> Alter Short IHnen^, " * 1 1 • Hsnr^'Hogah, for many"years a resi­ dent in this vicinity died at his home in Marengo, Saturday, June 14. Concern­ ing his untimely death the Marengo. Republican has the following to 9»y? 'The cold han& of Death was laid suddenly upon a man, seemingly in the best of JtxealU^ (^trqng, robust and full _ jj0gdn wa^ j^gmug. Daring the ti f, , •r v.- You read atxjut the fellow d^i^h hell looking up and asking for says Chief Officer Scott, telling of Roraima at Marluiiqae Monthly for July, W& U*t near, ae I can come tQ j ev mind like a one of the the foe's'le ing for water, him he oould nol not paau down sned gtickja m my I dan" he river to at ia park w way _ 4 h, who hve^ba ,t|ie' old linear Mudgett's lake, is r this week for la new Howe has secured the The farm mentioned- W&>t gojngt^|owa. Dr.^D. G. ytells, Jay Gilbert, Will Groves, John Knox aud Frank Scbreiner took in the ball g«^nie at Woodstock Saturday Ed. Cobb* /who Is studying for t priesthood, arrived in McHenry D.-Qv H«nb 'Oets Stranger jind ain; • •* Nellie the lo* aone time ownaed my Henry Hogau iwht*- fjv;eek and fill spend his three moii recently dUpat p^engo Lippin{»%, magazine fpr tains an aMWrabl^ clear account; of tfo laying of an ocean cable, by Percie W. Hart; who write® from actual exper ieticn^lid with the lucidity of a" autttR. 'The laying of the Pacifi renjfj!fl|dfl paper most , ' fromth* Vacation here. Misses Ethel and' Jnmie <49mith for DeKalb this week to of, the summer term Illinois calling for d'ifclrt assistance of down to f., meet ular Meetings o qaflay eveningi ail, <»Ver Kvanson' H. O. M*ad, Clerkt. Fourth l»lr ass, Consul ootn in Fdrestef A JOHN Ngiss, I Loma Okutkl, JOHN J. IUhbia Trusted' John ?$en Latter. raer c- 9*» * Bt. Patrick Court id the Second and each month iu For tr t,K S-JChapell; 't»wen; Secretary, Robt. 8 all Communications to the' CtticAgo & North-We£tenf lie 13, ji«t Y TBAlltS. ^ksawnjouND Arrive a m ,->>>» tille, W mens of •j- •••<«•• v osi.r. gin Tlainti4i..;if. 0- - alnesk.v.-.y.. osi,Y.; -.-l - • • .X*' ;Plain«a.. /J .«•»<» • %

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