Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jun 1902, p. 4

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Mcflenry PlaiiM iUAV BY fPOBLISHED liVURY TH : /fffl McHWRT WAINMAlfR C0MPA1Y. ife f ; t. K. GRANQEIt, W. A. CRI8TT, J. B. PKRRT, , - Pres. , Sec. Troas. f,t CHas. D. Schoovmaker, Editor. " 11 ..{<Ji^inm*nkBalldiiig. Telephone, No. 272. TERM8 OF SUBSCRIPTION: year * . ®L50 '• c < lilx mouthk, 75 cts. Three mouths. 40 cts. .f iis. .V: . • - ; -.Tliiirsdty, June j6, 190a. » BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. %MSctaI Beport of the Kcgnlar Jam Xbet- inc, 1908. 1 »4\- ' The honorable board of supervisors . Jt* McHenry oonnty, Illinois, met in -H.&gnlftr session at the court house in '. '/f ;'^Woountock, 111., on Monday, Jane 9, --•v^'^902, ;at 10 o'clock a. to. Meeting called to order by the ohair- i ^ " man, Luna E. Mentch. •"•, At roll-call the following named t* Paperviaovs were present: J. M. 'Marks, C. M. Stevenson, James Lake, yfc. John Baidock, Win. Desmond, J. S. ^•V jMiHs,' J. H Calbow, iTohn Woltzien, T. Hoy, S. E. Clark, H. M. Turner, B. Covell, Frank W. Hatch, W. A. sty, Ben Throop and Luna E. entch. - • ' The semi-annual reports of the cir- . %> 'vC,uit and connty clerks and sheriff were 'j; "presented to the board and on motion -sf'&t Snp. Hoy were referred to the com- y^nitt-ee on fees and salaries. £ * /; The quarterly report of the superin- - tendent of schools was read to the ; ;' "'}>oard and referred to the committee on i '^education. The report of the grand jury, Janu- term, 1902, was read to the board ^"c,,»nd on motion of Sup. Hoy was ordered ^ printed with the proceedings, to-wit: II * BTATE OF ILLINOIS, I „ *' McTIenry County. t8B '• January Term, A. D. 1902, , To the Hon. C. H. Donnelly, presiding judee 'MS?-* - of the circuit court of McHenry county, 1111- 0%. nols. & We, the members of the Brand Jury of the '^tcrm aforesaid, respectfully report that we 'ffc'i.Vliave completed our investigations, so far as ;fi '•..hascome to our kuowleege. of such matters «£$ as we deem it our duty to investigate. , - We have investigated the condition of the court house, Including the county jail, and we %*' p : find everything in good condition and repair, ^•*^'Cran<1 the prisoners well cared for. All of which is respectfully submitted. vijf , F. W. Streeth, E. 8. SMITH. ; Clerk. Foreman. The following resolution, passed by -the Will county board of supervisors, r-^Vas read, to-wit: k&f-f "Whereas. There are a great many Insane -persons, inhabitants of Will county, Illinois. *T at the Will county poor farm and at the Illinois Eastern Hospital for the lnsane.which are termed incurables and who ought to be J removed to the Illinois Asylum for the In- v* * • v curable Insane at Itartonville; and : • "Whereas. Said .isylum at Bartonville is tilled to its utmost capacity, and no more .patients can be received there until a new ap- • "•'•v propriation for Jits enlargement is made by the general assembly of this state, and said 1 "asylum is enlarged; therefore be it "Resolved. That t he members to be elected " "" in November next to represent this senatorial X' district in the general assent lily be and are ' Ve' - : hereby requested to use all honorable means and diligence to have an adequate appropria­ tion made so that said asylum at Bartonville may be enlarged at the earliest possible date; •*5 be ft further 1 ',\f Resolvkd. That the county clerk is hereby • requested to send a copy of this resolution to all the county clerks of this state asking the v* various boards of supervisors and county &lv. "vi'? commissioners for their co-operation in this matter." And on motion of Sap. Hoy the reso­ lution was endorsed and the clerk in­ structed to send a copy to the nomi- 't * . nees for and members of the legislature of this senatorial district. - Sup. Desmond presented the matter t of an error in the assessment of Adolph . Clawson and on motion of -Sup. Welt- zien it was referred to the committee on personal property. On motion of Sup. Turner the board adjourned until 3 o'clock for committee work. 3 p. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment. At roll call all supervisors present except Sup. Brotzman. The committee on education made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom . was referred report of W. E. Wire, county a15.: superintendent of schools, for quarter ending Tgfv*' June 1,1902, would beg leave to submit the fry following report on the matters before them: y For services and expenses from April 1. 1902, •1'.; ? to June 1, 1902, as follows: ~ For 38 days spent in school visitation.. .$152 00 ' For 38 days expense in school visitation 3w 00 ' • • For 2 days spent in examination MOO ^ For IK days spent in office work 52 00 Grafton -- Judges: John B. F. El­ lis. Warren Cummings; polling place, J. is. Cuntmings' office. Greenwood-- Judges: S.E.Clark, M.Dassow, J. W. Pierce: polling place, town hall. . Hebron- Judges: H.M.Turner,A.W.Mathle- son, W. O. Houghton; polling place, town hall. Ribhmond-- Judges: L.B.Covell, J. T. Mow­ er. Wm. Thomas; polling place, Burton's opera house. i Burton-Judges: F. W. Hatch, B. K. Stev­ ens. J. 1$.Richardson; polling place town hall. McHenry.1st District -Judges: J.W.Cristy, Geo. A. Stevens, Peter Rothermel; polling place, Woodman hall. McHenry. 2nd District--Judges: W. A. Cristy, John W. Kimball, John Huemann; polling place, village hall. Numla. 1st District -Judges: J. H. Gracy, E. F. Matthews, John Fleming; polling place, old Bremer store, Barreville. Nunda. 2nd District--Judges: Ben Throop, O. M. Halo, Wm. St. Clair; polling place, vil­ lage council room, Nunda. Algonquin, 1st District--Judgas: Chas. Wandrack, G. D. Jayne, Henry Leesoberg; polling place, Morton s hotel. Algonquin. 2nd District-Judges: C. F. Dike. John Buehler. Thomas Leonard, polling place, council rooms. Algonquin, 3d District--Judges: Luna E. Mentch. E. J. King, Joseph Dunn; polling place. L. E. Mentcli's office. All of which is respectfully submitted. F. W. Hatch, L. B. Covell* Ben. Throop, C. M. Stevenson. The committee on personal property made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. 'Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors. Your committee to whom was referrred the error in assessment and re­ funding tax to Adolph Clawson of the town of I)orr would beg leave to submit the foliow- inf; report on the matters before them: That we would recommend that F. 1<. Ax- tell. county treasurer, be authorized to re- fuud to Adoloh Clawson: State tax, 7Sc: county tax. 60c; town t ax, 36c: R. and B.. 75c; corporation. *8.10; school, 12.22. and deduct t hes'ime from delinquent tax due the varions funds from the town of Dorr and corporation of 'Woodstock now in his hands. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. M. Tttjuner, Chm, J. H. Calbow. C. M. Stephenson, W. A. Cbistt. The committee on poor farm made the following report, which was adopt­ ed, to-wit: Mr. Cifh-irman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on poor house and poor farm beg leave to submit the following report: Committee met at the poor farm on Tuesday. I>ecember 31. 1901, for the purpose of installing the new superintendent, Geo K Mills. Members of the committee. Hoy, Desmond, Lake, Mentch and Cristy were all present. Com in it tee met at poor farm, March 18, 1902, for the purpose of auditing bills and ascertaining the cost per week of keeping the poor and inmates of the poor house from Aug. 31. 1901, to March 18. IMS- Members Of committee present: Hoy. Des­ mond. Lake, Mentch and Cristy. The follow­ ing bills were preseuted. read and ordered aid H Hooker, groceries prta .. Chas F Thorne, clothing,boots,dry g ds J J Stafford, furniture, etc C T Donovan, blacksmithlug Murphy & Mullen, groceries, dry goods Fred Qualie. blacksmithing &eo H Hooker, groceries f Hjjljj Woodstock Sentinel Co., printing....... 5 00 . . . r 8 3 1 6 5 35 50 29 80 008 740 2210 23 22 1410 4515 3806 738 33 35 55 80 05 00 47 70 765 744 230 22 40 63 03 Renich & Hart, groceries H H Bosshard, flour and feed A F Field, coal A B Pratt & Son, meat F W Buell, flour and feed Walters & McLean, agricultural Imp... B S Austin, groceries H A Stone, boots and shoes A S Wright, drugs, etc Bunker Bros, groceries A Pose, meat N Frame & Sons, grinding feed C F Gaulke & Son, meat J G ilurd, drv goods F M Bunker, groceries and tobacco-- A I> Osborn, groceries 50 86 Whitson Bros, hardware 163 35 L T Hoy, drugs ami medicine V 15 Baehman & Wilcox, harness and rep'g. 30 90 F W Streets, clothing, boots and shoes. 169 80 A D & J A lvenndy, groceries 806 25 Disbrow & White, groceries, dry goods. 79 99 M I) Hoy & Son, dry good 18 65 E V Anderson, physician 11000 F H Opfergelt, architect. 30 00 J C Choate, dry goods 39 68 Geo K Mills, superintendent 216 46 Same, items purchased for farm 94 50 Same good purchased for cash 22 91 V E Brown, superintendent 356 81 Sirs T H Brown, superintendent.36# 10 Mrs 8 H Beall, attendant 50 00 H Peet, blacksmithing , 715 Geo Burger, coal 582 00 James Lake, coal 346 15 F H Opfergelt, labor of builders 105 66 Thomas Guth, threshing 1062 N R Buckley, dry goods.. r 7 8tt Whitson Bros, hardware 43 76 W D Hall, lumber 77 25 Total bills audited The above bills were divided as .$3973 91 follows: Permanent improvement, #605^2; running ex­ penses, $3653.76; clothlng.$522.51; tobacco$43.92: medicine and medical attendance, 1148.10. Supplies on hand Aug. 31, 1901 . .$ 239 89 Running expenses as above 2653 76 Total Less supp'B on hand Mar.l8,1902.fl034 85 Less 24 wks board. Mrs Brown.. 108 00 Less 23 wks extra, " @ 50c. 11 50 Less 24 wks b'd, Celluda Seaman 108 00 Less 24 wks b'd, Louise Knaack. 10* 00 Less 24 wks b'd, Johanna llayden 60 00 Less stock sold 98 50 Total 1250 00 That we have examined said report and And that same correct and recommend that two hundred and fifty (£>0) dollars, the amount due the superintendent, be allowed. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. A. Cristy, Chm. S. E. Ulabk, • II. M. Tuhneh. JOHN Baldook. F. W. Hatch. The committee on elections made the following report, which was adopted, to-wii: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the selection of judges of elect­ ions and polling places in the different towns would beg leave to submit the following re­ port on the matters before them: Riley--J udges: N Brotzman, John Broteman, A J Davis; polling place, town hall. Marengo, 1st district--Judges: fe. x Ken- wick, A J Boyington, Fred Benjamin; polling place, A D Stedman's shop. Marengo. 2nd district--Judges . J M Marks, Richard Gault. C G Teeple; polling place, A R Parkhurst's office. . Dunham--Judges: C M Stevenson, F C Wells, J. E. Cunningham; polling place, dis­ trict No. 128, school house. Ohemuug, 1st district--Judges: P E Saund­ ers, James Logue, F O Thompson; polling place, Logue & Saunders' livery barn. Chemung.2nd district Judges: James Lake, J A Sweeney, E L Church; polling place, new engine house. _ .. Alden--Judges: John Baidock, li F Manley. Daniel Sullivan; polling pt^g?. town hall. Hartland--Judges: Win Desmond,Cornelius Nolan. Wm Forrest ; polling place, Deep Cut school house, district No 5. Seneca--Judges: Joseph Mills, Christopher Wilke, Elmer titandlsh; polling place, town hall. Ooral--Judires: Joseph Calbow. A 8 Peak Thomas Brill; polling place, village hall, Union. Dorr, 1st district--Judges: L T Hoy, CD Judd, E S Austin; polling place, room under county clerk's office. Dorr, 2nd district--Judges: R H Conant, M M Morley, G W Frame; polling pla -e. room under sheriff's office. Dorr, 3d district; Judges: W H Munroe, F W HArtman, R L Dufield; market building in the r«yir of Westerman & Garrison's store. lira Craje Creun oi Ttrtu mm •DR; •' ' <* ' X - k £,• v-1'- *§>'.> .. y CREAM RAKING POWDER PROBATE NEWS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Julia Donnelly to R F Cummings It 66 A P sec 5 IV>rr I 1085 00 John Huckstadt & w to Augusta Ham- merstaedt It 2 bk3 E G Ayers add to Harvard 700 00 Geo U Stanley to Mary A Stanley nw ii sec 31 Riley and 40 a in BooneOo.. 10000 00 R II Alexander & w to Joseph K Don- aghy lu'H neM, seM ne^, swH neM, sett nwM. nH neH swM, pt nH dwM se«< sec 11 Hebron 22000 00 ElijKh Tlbbitts & w to E O Leech s pt Its 3 & 1 bk 5 H W Meads 4th add Hebron 200 00 E O Leech & w to Augqst Pufahl It 9 C L Meads add Hebron 16000 Geo K Huuker & w to L H Barrows It 3 hk 11. It 4 bk 8, It 9 bk 5 Sprlug City add Woodstock 100 LIIS Barrows & w to Geo K Bunker It 10 & uH it 11 Spring City add Woodstock 100 J Q Adamsifc w to F E Cavner pt It 1 bk 12 Spencers 2nd add Marengo 1500 00 Anna Wole & h to Geo I Sayer Its ?, 4 A nH ft I'istakee Beach sub diV sec 19 McHenry 3000 00 Jno S Freund & w to srme It in iame subdi vision . 900 00 Louise J Oatman & h to L R PeetIts 8 & 9 Reynolds add Rlngwood 800 00 Ellen O.Brlen to Geo F O'Brien pt nw K swM sec 34 & pt swk' swX & pt sH nwM sec 34 Dorr flOCOO Victoria Tubbs to Mary Kobout Its 2, 3. 4 bk 3 Hubbards add Algonquin,.. 1000 00 Robt McKee & w to Chas C Lobeck pt It 1 A P sec 34 Algonquin 150 00 $1528 W Cost of 1066 6-7 weeks board-- 1364 77 Rate per week, $1.26. Bills were sent to towns and individuals as follows: N Brotzman, Riley $ 41 95 E D Patrick, Marengo 161 72 James Lake, Chemung 93 71 John Baidock, Alden 46 N2 Wm Desmond, Hartland 252 2s Joseph Mills,Seneca 95 70 F E Stevens, Coral 36 84 John Weitzien, Grafton 51 23 LT Hoy, Dorr 279 87 S E Clark, Greenwood 99 95 H M Turner, Hebron 68 47 W A Cristy, McHenry 135 25 J H Gracy, Nunda 228 Oit L E Mentch. Algonquin 175 lo F F Axtell. CoTreas for Miss McCarthy 30 34 A Thompson for Mrs Brown 124 01 N A Chandler for Celinda Seaman..... 109 62 Theo Hamer/or Louise Knaack 112 25 Michael Hayden, for Johanna llayden.. 60 95 All of which is 1'iispnctfully sutuiiitted. L. T. Hoy, Chm, Wm. Desmond, L. E. Mentch,a James Lake. W. A. Cristy, The committee on fees and salaries made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the semi-annual reports of the sheriff, county clerk and circuit clerk for the half-year ending June 1. 1902, would beg leave to submit the following report ou the matters before them: sheriff. Earned. Reed Sheriff's fees In suits la court. .$ 343 55 $ 199 3.r Earnings and rec on executions 57 25 57 25 M isce 11 aneous services 577 55 Receipts dur half year for serr heretofore rep as not roc 35 45 MARRIAGE LICENSES. William W. Wilson, 28 Alden Martha Schmidt, 19 Woodstock Robert B. Sutton, 25 Solon Mills Emma Simes, 22 Solon Mills Alex Grange Darrall,25.Fon dn Lac, Wis. Grace Emma Beck, 22 Harvard Lewis Burton McCannon,26.Greenwood Edith Laura Matthews,22. W. McHenry Frank W. Tesch, 28. Genoa J unction, Wis. Lena Kantz, 19.. .Genoa Junctson, Wis. William Kolberg, 27 Huntley Lizzie Mackeben. 22 Huntley Milo B. Price, 30 Delray, Michigan Mrs. Edna Wiggins, 30 Happy Time in Old Town. "We felt very happy," writes R. N. Bevil, Old Town, Va., "when Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured our daugh­ ter of a bad case of scald head." It delights all who use it for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Boils, Ulcers, Erup-1 tions. Infallible for Piles. Only 25c at Julia A. Story's drug store. Additional Personal. Bargains in children's hats at Mrs. M. A. Searles'. Mrs. Chas. Colby was a Chicago vis­ itor yesterday. Rev. Father Thiele, of Volo, visited Father Mehring at Johnsburg Tuesday. A little visitor arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hurwitz last Saturday. Mrs. M. A. Searles will sell all trimmed hats also flowers at greatly reduced prices until July 4. The Terra Cotta factory baseball team will cross bats with the McHenry team at Gage's park next Sunday aftenioon. The Terra Cotta team has added a number of new players and a good game may be looked for. Henry R. Baldwin and wife came out from Chicago last night and will occupy W. A. Cristy's house for a few weeks. In the mean time Mr. and Mrs. Cristy will occupy the Baldwin house in Chi­ cago. Very Low Excursion RatM to Denver, Colo., Via the North Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold June 22, 28, 24 and 25, ,with final return limit until (Jet. 31, inclusive, account International S. S. Convention. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. • Jul 21 Totals « 978 35 f 292 06 Expenditures: Dt-puty hire $ 292 Hi Miscellaneous as per Exhibit D 230 74 Sheriff's salary half year T 600 00 Total expenditures $1122 90 Balance due sheriff 830 85 COUNTY CLEHK. Earned. Reed Probate fees, clerk's fees in suits in court...' 1107s 28 t 432 22 County services 2591 00 Miscellaneous services 15975 159 Receipts of earnings prevldusly rep, pro and co court earning 022 44 County earuings 500 00 $3829 03 $1714 41 751 If 57 60 750.00 Totals ."v. Expenditures: Clerk hire Postage, express, etc Clerk s salary half year-- Total $1568 Balance due county 156 tit; CIRCUIT CLERK. Earned. Reed For recording $1231 05 1231 (k' Clerk's fees in suits in court.... MOM 89 Receipts dur cur half year for serv per in pre half years and heretofore reptd 54 M Totals Expenditures: Clerk hire Miscellaneous, stamps, etc. Clerk's salary half year.... .$2071 56 $1800 .V 4 500 4t! 1 750 <t<> Want Column. "CX)R SALE--House and three lots, in Mc- Henry, including good crop of vegetables Everything in good order. Inquire at this of­ fice. 51-4t* TXrANTED--a reliable farm hand. v* a good milker. Good wages. lIUFfiri ------ Must be ,, ,, Address Oak HIlFFfirm, H.J. Poile, Manager, Winfleld. III. 51 2t $5.00 bill, between Chapcll's Store and my residence,last Saturday night. Lost and my Return ana receive liberal reward. Harry Fay, Mcllenry, 111. DO YOD GET DP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes Ton Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news­ papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. it is the great medi­ cal triumph of the nine­ teenth century; dis­ covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi­ nent kidney and blad­ der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou­ bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec­ ommended for everything but If you have kid­ ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found Just the remedy you need. 11 has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur­ chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mall, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,Bing- hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and Home of swamp-Roo; dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. AGENTS WANTED LIFE OF X. DEYVITT TALMAGK, by his son, REV. FRANK DEW ITT TALMAGE and associate editors of Christian Herald. Only book endorsed by Talmage family. Enormous profit for agents who act quickly. Outfit ten cents. Write immediately CLARK' & CO., S. 4th St. Phila,, Pa. Mention this paper. "THE VOLCANO'S DEADLY WORK from the Fall of Pompeii to the De­ struction of St. Pierre," by Prof. Charles Morris, ,LL. T>. Most intensely interesting liook ever published. Complete, thrilling and accurate account of greatest disaster that ever befell the human race--greater even than Pompeii. Tells how Martinique, one of the most beautiful islands in the world, was suddenly transformed into a vertible hell. About 500 pages, profusely illustrated with photographs taken before and after disaster. Practically only "Martinique Book" in the field, for everyone now Insists on having Prof. Morris" book and no other. Best author, largest book, best illustrated, scientifically accurate. Price $1.50. Agents Wanted. Enormous profits for those who act quickly. Most liberal terms. Outfit 10 cents. Don't lose a minute. Send for outfit IMMEDIATE­ LY, and be at work. The chaace of a life­ time for making money. Clark & Co., 282 8. 4th St. Philadelphia, Pa. Mention this Paper. of self Rocky Wise is the girl whose sense interest prompts her to take Mountain Tea. It fills her full of vigor and there is always honey in her heart for you. G. W. Besley. The Fiihe* of Japan. Tpe islands of Japan are remarkable for their richness of animal life. The variety in climatic and other condi­ tions, the nearness to the great conti­ nent of Asia and to the chief center of marine life, the East Indian Islands; its relation to the warm black current of Kuro Shivo (the gulf stream of the orient) and to the cold current from Bering sea, all tend to give variety to the fauna of Its seas. Especially nu­ merous and varied are the fishes of Japan. It has been noted that the fish fauna of Japan bears a striking resem­ blance to that of the Mediterranean, and Dr. Gunther -has suggested that this can be accounted for by suppos­ ing that In recent times a continuous coast line and sea passage extended from one region to the other, the isth­ mus of Suez not existing.--Popular Sci­ ence Monthly. O Bean the st,m M|lu TUU n™ Always Life's Disappointment*. "There's a fire!" shouted the boy from the country. "Here come the engines! Let's fuller theiu!" 'Twon't do no good," said the city cousin disconsolately. "The blamed flremen'U put it out before we can get there."--Chicago Tribune S T O Z I Z A . rThe Kind You Haw Always Bought Rebuffed. "You have so much address 1 can hardly be expected to compete With you," said the letter to the envelope. "Now, don't get excited," replied the envelope, "because you know you can't contain yourself." O B«ara the Signature •f T O A X A . i The Kind You Haw Always Botyht Attention, Our genial horse is prepared to shop has become a rut Owners t oer, John Niesen, ,11 lameness. His for lame horses Take the new method bf shoeing. Have a pair of painless horse shaes and a box of Spring-ine. He can cure a corn in one shoeing, never to return. Have your horses go free from pain. Awardtd | ^ lights! Honors, World's Fair .•,C laU Modal, Midwiator Fair Total H2»> if. Bal due county 510 40 And we recommend that an order be drawn on the treasurer for the amount due sheritf. also that the circuit clerk and county clerk be Instructed to turu over to the treasurer the balance, due the county from their re­ spective < >fiices. All of which Is respectfully submitted. Wm. Debmonu, Chm, W. A. Ckistv, H. M.Titrneh, L. T. Hov. James Lake. The committee to settle with the treasurer made the following report, which v as adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the semi-annual report of the county treasurer would t>eg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: Total receipts fl91i Expenditures. Clerk hire I 800 00 Miscellaneous 13 00 Treasurer's salary half year 750 0tt tCoatiaued on page eight) ^ r Lrray t "My hair was falling out sod turning gray very fast. But your Hair Vigor stopped the falling snd restored the natural color."--Mrs. E. Z. Benomme, Cohoes, N. Y. It's impossible for you not to look old, with the color of seventy years in your hair! Perhaps you are seventy, and you like your gray hair! If not, use Ayer's Hair Vigor. In less than a month your gray hair will have all the dark, rich color of youth. $I.M • tettk. All fewfjists. If your druggist cannot snpply you, send us one dollar and we will express you a bottle. He sure nnd pivo the name oi your nearest, express olhee. Address, J. C. A YKK CO., Lowell, Mass. Hair tad One*. There is a jnajor In a certain Eng­ lish regiment who has a great con­ tempt for incapacity of any kind and is somewhat impatient into the bar­ gain. Some time ago be was in charge of a detachment of men, and a ser­ geant complained that he could get no nfian to undertake the duty of barber to'the company. Is there. no gardener in the com­ pany ?" asked the major testily. "I seem to remember one. Send him to me." The man was duly sent, but on re­ ceiving orders to act as barber ventur­ ed to expostulate. "Great heavens!" yelled the major. If you can cut grass, you can cut hair! Go and do it" The man went, but what the others said is unprintable. Uncalled For Courtesy. The Vlcomte Toussalnt was for.nerly n colonel in the French army and may­ or of Toulouse. He was a brave man and a dashing officer. During one of the hottest engagements of the terri­ ble year, noticing that his troops were bending forward under a galling fire to escape the bullets of the enemy while he alone maintained an erect po­ sition, he exclaimed, "Since when, I should like to know, has so much po­ liteness been shown to the Prussians T* The sarcasm took instantaneous effect, for the soldiers rushed forward and carried everything before them. Cats la Ancient Wales. An ancient statute ascribed to Howel the Good, a Welch prince, who ruled in regulated the price of cats. A penny was the price of a kitten before Its eyes were open, twopence until it had caught its first mouse, fourpence when It was old enough for combat He who stole a cat from the royal granaries forfeited either a milk ewe, with Its fleece and lamb, or as much wheat as would cover the body of the cat suspended by its tall, with its nose touching the ground. A penny was a coin of great purchasing power.ln. the tenth century. O Bean ths Sifoatvs TOnZA. i The Kind You Haw Always BwifftR Did You Ring? A good many people have rung- us up dur­ ing the past few weeks and ordered their supply of groceries and all were pleased. Orders a re a l l g iven the same carefu l a t ­ tention whether you call in person or 'phone the order. We can't put up an order wrong for our Goods are all right. And, Say! We are just making things lively in country produce, especially in eggs. You will seldom find us without a supply on hand, and fresh ones too. Give us a trial order. FRANK C. GOING, | tinvie *oi_ RiiilHjtiqr. W*cit MrH^nrv ^ Telephone 301. Schiessle BtiSSditig:, West McHenry. ^ Rattling Good Shoes these new style All Americas we have just received from the maker. New and stylish lasts. New leathers. The most modish shoes we have ever offered. An opportunity to show them is all we want. They do the convincing themselves. Run in and look them over . 5 There are some new stylish things just in of the fashionable Dress Stuff for Summer Wear, but you should make it a point to come and look them over. Silk Ging­ hams, new arrivals, new shades, some for the older folks also, more modest collers. Shoes of fashion's latest pro­ ductions, style and comfort. Plenty of new things in Lawns and Dimities at re­ duced prices. W. (. Evanson. Pointers! Why do you paint your house? Not only to beautify it, but to protect and preserve it don't you ? Why then buy an inferior paint just be­ cause it costs a few cents per gallon less than a well known first-class brand? That is folly, for a cheap paint is made of poor material and seldom laets more than a year, whereas a good one should wear for five years, at least. Our CROWN COTTAGE COLORS will not chalk, peel or scale, and in covering capacity and durability is superior to all other brands, including white lead and oil. Consider­ ing these facts, why not buy the best and save money. GUARANTEE We guarantee that when properly applied on a surface in proper condi­ tion Crown Cottage Colors will give better resnlts than any other paint (including White Lead ond Oil) and in all cases where it does no< and it is the fault of the material used we will do the work over again at our own expense. I Cary a Line of FINE MIS 101! DECORATIVE PURPOSES Furniture, Coach and Floor Varnishes, Floor and Porch Paints, Mineral Paints, prepared and dry; Glue, Putty, Tinting Colors, Etc. A large as­ sortment of brushes of all kinds. Respectfully Yours, West Side Hardware. F. L. McOMBER. Mul Plumbei and das Fitter RICHARDSON'S! SANITARY PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. Bath room outfits complete. All work guar­ anteed and at reasonable prices. Give mo a chance to figure ou your work. Leave order at Matthews market. West McHenry or call phone 302. Chris Schmidt 5 AVE YOUR DOLLARS Gents, call in and yon will see the finest line of Sample Suitings, Pants and Fancy Vestings. All goods are sewed with silk, sponged and shrunk, and made up by UNION Journeymen Tailors right on the bench. Na HumlNi^, Down With Sweil Shop Work! E. LAWLUS, Merchant Tailor. This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a maimer nnd upon terms entire­ ly .satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low­ est. rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Bankers. Kodol Dyspeps ia Cure Digests what you eat. Thi9 preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. Child­ ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. Oures all stomach troubles Prepared only by E. O. DeWitt & Co.. Chicago-. Yoa IX. bottle contains2H times tbc 50c. idafe Julia A.Story and G W. liesley MORI LIVES ARE8AVID .BY USING. R ICH ARE UGS Dr. King's New Discovery, ....FOB Consumption, Coughs and Colds Than Bjy&ll Other Throat And ~ Bern' liOBg edits Combined. An IaaoMiit At a dinner party In England the host introduces to the favorable notice of the company, amid murmurs of ad­ miration, a splendid truffled pheasant "Isn't It a beauty?" he says. "Dr. So-and-so gave It to me; killed it hlm- •elf." "Ah! What was he treating it for?" •ays one of the guests. These Rugs are the most popular Rugs on the Market. Also Lace Curtains, Portieres, Window Shades, Mattings, Linoleums and Art Squares. g • r p The largest line of Carpets in McHenry. I TiiiVc Ran: pf. the best made Carpets on the Market. Call and lool y over before ^placing your , order. The qualities are figbt, |j the patterns are newest, a&c if est. ortment largest and prieesr|p|ir^ j| ir W; * This wonderful medicine positively Cures Consumption, Coughs* Colds» Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Hay r,Pleurisy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, Throat, Croup and Whooping •gh. NO CURE. NO PAY. 150c. A $1. Trial Bottle Xta. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS I HA UK. IT1ANR9 Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone mmkIIiiu a sketch mid doseriotton may quickly Mi'iTinm our opinion free whether an Invention i-h imihuhly pntentnble. ronirounloa- tlonastru'tly o.nititioatlul. ll.'inclbciot oil Prftonta Bent froe. Oldoat iitcn.'v fur hocurlnir patents. I'atoniM (liken through Munn & Co. redlf* ipfcial m tUr, without charge, lu the Jacob Scieittific Jimerican. A h.iiulsnniciy illustrated weekly. Ijinreat cir­ culation of any Hciontltic journal. Terms, ft • year; four months, 91. Sold by all newsdealer*. MUNN & Co.""™'-'New York branch Offloa. <36 If St- Washington. IX. 0. , •

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