•••••••••••••••••I iww»bhb( TO TAKE COMFORT IN HOT WEATHER is not so eaey, but when yon are dreassed in on© of our Sum mer Suits it helps you a long way towards being at ease, even in this July and August weather. Our Men's Linen Suits at S3.S© give you $5.00 worth of solid comfort Then we have some a little better for a kind of dress up in Blue Worsted, Striped and Plain Blue Serge Goods, (not lined!) They dress you as well as Tailor Made, and cost about one-half as much. Hot Weather Suite for little fellows, ag&sNj to 14, at 50C to $1.00* You should see then. The kind of Shoes we sell make you forget the old saying, ' I hate to break in a new Shoe in Hot Weather." Try a pair of them now. We expect a oar of Flour every day. 3trstV City Ward Beat* and it was bought on the right side of the Market too. Yours for Hot Weather Business, J O H N J . M I L L E R W E S T H c H E N R Y , I L L I N O I S . DRUGGIST'S SUNDRJ&S. EXCELLENT €,00 MODERATE PR Plain and Shadowy facts must be separated before the truth of some statements about clothing is reached, but ours can be accepted with out the proverbial grain or salt. Oar Made to-Medsiire Suits are just what we say they are, the beet value obtainable. Garments made here ace exquisitely cut and tailored and fit perfectly. Samples ot our work may be aeen on the best dressed men in town. John D. Lodtz To (iive Vie in all articles and all lines is the funda mental principle of our business. This covers all branches and is applied to the small things as well as the large. It's application to our stock of tourist Sundries is particularly noticeable. The co6t of theee articles singly is really trifling, but in the aggregate it amounts to consider able and we show how a saving can be effected. N. H. Petesch, McHenry, I1L ! Druggist. IHIll (lEARi SAltli £ t 2 * * * * * * * i * * * ' s * i : « * : * i s * * * We will slaughter prices on many lines of Summer Goods in order to move them out quickly. Such as Ladies' Shirt Waists, some 50c values, sale price 25c. Lawns and Dimities, Ladies' Wrappers in Lawns, Percales, all kinds of Straw Hats, Men's and Boy's Wool Hats in all colors and shapes, Boy's and Children's Caps, Oxfords and Slippers. Yours Truly, m m m m m * m * m m m m m * m m * m m * m * m m + * m m m m + * * * JVL J. WALSH.. i1 ti if I Do You Think? Of course you do. It will pay you to think over the prices quoted below. We can say with positive truthfulness that this store is the bargain center of the county. Nowhere can such values be fonnd for t he same money. Call and see the Goods. They must be closed out uiifi month to make room for our immense line of Winter Goods. • := •:* Men'a Underwear, all alces, very special bargain® 21c Matter quality Underwear worth 50 lUitl 80c Gi, 33c • en's Work Shirts, 15 dorian to select from, ^5c i'ieu's Hocks % 5c -Mortment of Lawns for Waists, * all colors, worth 15o @ t'ercales. fine lot, @ 7C < 'allcoee, choiceQ 5c Men's dross Shirts, worth 75 and BSc- ® ... .40c Htraw Hats Aoslnguut at lowest prices lilg assortment of Embroidery In pile on counter, worth « and 9c, going ® 3c m Ladles Belts @ 2.">c Men's '• @ 25c Mosquito Netting, per yd .v Machine Thread, best& 4<- Bed Spreads and Table Covers lit lowest prices. Children's Stockings, worth 15 and 25c @ 10,; Men's Dress Hants, worth 13.50 to $4 your choice& Jft60 Men's Work Pants, warranted not to rip. @ 60c Men's Suspenders, a new line, worth 25c, choice 10f Children's Hock ford Stockings, double heel and toe, yerjr special bargain & ! All Summer Dress Goods and Straw Hats fio Per Cent. Reduction | S. S. Chapell, McHenry, 111. ijl $ ($ ifr «t» 'fr <j< $ $• 'I"ftfrl" M»IMW I0MMM HIM00» • 06096WI »«f >»6<66M HIMI0< N <*660tMMHI»»» •••• •-- BEAUTIFUL PISTAKEE | a n d F O X R I V E R R E S O R T S ! i • It is the intention of the management of The Plaindealer to devote about two columns each week to summer resort news, but in order to make the venture a success we must have the assistance of our readers at the different points along the river and at the Bay. It would be impossible to send a reporter to all these places each week owing to the expense. Persons entertaining guests, or know ing of any interesting news, would confer a great favor by either leaving a note in the item box near the office door or handing it to one of S. S. Chapell's clerks who stop at the Bay every day. The editor meets nearly all trains and will gladly take news items--he is there for that purpose. Last summer the Bay and river news was copied from The Plaindealer by several of the Chicago papers, and it is safe to say that theee resorts received more free advertising than ever before. Help The Plaindealer in this matter and we will guarantee that Pistakee Bay and Fox River will be well known before the season is over. REPUBLICAN EDITORS ORGANIZE. / Emerald Park. W. C. Thiers of Elgin visited his family here Sunday. Mr. Cohan is enjoying a week's outing with his family here. Mrs. D. H. Corr and children visited relatives here Tuesday. Mrs. Gahan of Elgin spent Sunday with Mrs. W. C. Thiers. Miss Ella Kane of Woodstock spent Tuesday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hill and W. Burns of Chicago Sundayed here. Robert Cleary- and several of his over. The second meeting of the season chums of Elgin are camping here/ was held yesterday with the Misses Miss Lucy Sutton is spending a couple Gunton, Duffy, Murphy and Stupe as of weeks with her sisters in Elgin, entertainment coflaniittee. Mrs. King and son, Mr. Zinn, of Chi- Thejfirst trial race to decide upon a cago spent Sunday at Mr. Bremer's, representative at the Inland Lake Yacht- Mr. Bremer's mother and sister are ing Association's Regatta at Pewaukee spending a few weeks at his cottage. Lake, Wis., takes place today, followed Mrs. C. Bremer's sister, Mrs. Kiasgen, PlsUkrr Bay, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Henderson, who occupy the Chapell cottage, are enter taining a tiny summer girl that arrived Tuesday morning. The Ladies' Euchre Club was organ ized for the summer last week and the following officers elected: Miss Neva Peters, president; Miss Antoinette Schillo, secretary; Miss Lee M. Hedges, treasurer. About twenty-eight names were enrolled and the prospects are that nearly fifty will enjoy the privi leges of the club before the season is by one on Friday and Saturday. To morrow apd Saturday there will be races in class D and classes A, B and C. The commodore's reception and ball will be held Saturday evening. Ths flag parade at two o 'clock Sunday after noon will present a pretty sight. On Monday, July 21, the fourth I. L. Y. A. trial race will take place. There will also be races in class D and classes A, B and C. International Village. The high water, together with an abundance of luxuriant foliage has made this place a beautiful spot this season. The riyer in fron.t of the cot tages is practically free from weeds, of Chicago is sojourning at the Bremer cottage. J. Sutton Kelly of New York visited at R. J. Sutton's a few days the last of the week. Messrs. Leo G-leasner and Chas. Searcy of Chicago spent Sunday at It. J. Sutton's. Mr. Itoi/hermel and Miss Lizzie Glos- sen of McHenry called on Mists Delia Bremer Sundav. Mrs. Geo. Suribner and child .'en of Chicago are spending a fow vceks ut the Hnck cottage. Misses Emily and Lillian Cohan of Chicago are spending their vacation at their summer home. . . „ . Atty. Jno. R. Powers and sister, and the lawns ar^kept in excellent con- Cecilia of E1 in t a few dayB thiB dition. Those who are now occupying week with relatives here. their cottages are John Scherman, Mr. Hoepe, Mr. Loletti. Chas. Thisslew, Emil Lasch, C. Eskelsen and Fred Meyers. The last named gentleman will not bring out his family for some time--he is a bachelor, Eniil Lasch entertained company at his cottage last Sunday. Walter Eckert and sister, of Wood stock, and Miss Mamie Thompson, of Chicago, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Scherman. Riverside House. The Riverside House is always a good place for pleasure seekers and rest seek ers as well. Plenty of Bhade, good fish ing, and the condition of the river this summer makes boating one of the chief c°mpanied by her pleasures. Those who have been stop ping at this resort the past week are J. W. Rutishauser, J. T. Edwards, F. S. Scott, C, W. Edwards, N. J. Weil, A. P. Derphiesr A. D. Patterson and wife, Miss Hilgard, Mrs. Hines, E, C. Severns, F. S. Roddie and wife, D. B. Bronson and wife, R. W. Taylor and panied his sister, Miss Eleanor Farrell, wife, Dr. B. Schnock, E. N. Davis, of Dubuque, la., to McHenry Saturday, all of Chicago, and H. M. Price, of The latter will spend her vacation with Urbana, 111. her many friends and relatives here. John Armstrong and family of Chica go came out to their cottage Thursday and will occupy it for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Hayes and child ren of Harvard spent a few days the first of the week with relatives here. Mrs. Jno. Powers, daughter Mable and Miss Ruth Thiers spent Thursday and Friday with friends at Wauconda. Misses Kathryn Walsh and Edyth Whiting and Walter Walsh attended the dance at Wauconda Saturday even ing. Miss Margaret Walsh returned to Chicago Wednesday after a few weeks visit with relatives here. She was ac- sister, Katherine Walsh Mrs. Shade of Johns burgh and Mrs. Jtachler and daughter, Maggie, of Chi cago spent a pleasant day the first of the week at "Oak Villa" Mr. Bremer 's cot tage on the river. Edward J, Farrell of Chicago accom- <V^JQiousand^j0ther^ ? THE SAVINGS BANK, West McHenry. J. HURWITZ, Prop. Fearless and Independent. The Chicago Record-Herald is a con* spicuous example of the Hiicceas with which the public rewards fearless non- partisanship in the columns of a great metropolitan daily paper. It is an in dependent newspaper, in which men and measures are invariably viewed wholly from the standpoint of the pub lic good and not from that of the inter ests of any particular political party. It is the very reverse of neutral- fear- lees and outspoken in all the great questions of the day, bnt presenting its editorial opinion upon independent judgement and entirely regardless of political affiliations. Partisanship is barred as strictly from the news col umns as from the editorial page. All political news is given without partisan coloring, thus enabling the reader to form correct conclusions for himself. In the ordinary partisan newspaper political news is ordinarily colored to such an extent as to make it difficult if not impossible for the reader to secure a sound bash* for intelligent judgement. If a Man Lie to You, And say some other salve, oin+ment, lotion, oil or alleged healer is as good as Bucklen s Arnica Salve, tell him thirty years of marvelous cures of Piles, Burns. Boils, Corns, Felons, Ulcers, Cuts, Scalds. Bruises and Skin Eruptions prove it's the best and cheapest 25c at Julia A. Story's drug store. Notice to Live Stock Shippers. As a close observer of the arrival and unloading of stock in these Yards, in order to avoid a large per cent of dead and crippled stock, would advise all shippers to be sure and have all stock well cooled off before loading, also not to overload, and, in particular, to have cars well cleanod and properly bedded with fresh bedding, thereby avoiding many dead and cripples. A large per cent of the loss in dead and cripples is through carelessness by shippers in not taking time to let stock cool off and having cars in good order before load ing. They would save a large per cent of the deadage, which, at present hif?h prices, counts against the shipper severely. The first extreme hot weather affects hogs more than any other time of the year. This spring as high a*- twenty-five dead have been taken out of a single car, making a loss of around $400. So be careful and save money and trouble. 8EHON G. WADSWORTH, State Humane Officer, Chicago, 111. Acta liuin^tllalely. Colds are sometimes more tronble some in summer than in winter. It's w hard to keep from adding to them whilt cooling off after exercise. One Minun Cough Cure cures at once. Absolut eh safe. Acts immediately. Sure cure foi coughs, colds, cronp, throat and lung troubles. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley. West McHenry. KdiUu-ts of tile KleveuMi District Form Organization. The Republican editors of the new Eleventh district organized in Chicago, Saturday, meeting at Mr. Hopkins head quarters at the Great Northern hotel. Officers wore elected and speeches were made by Congressman Hopkins and Howard M. Snapp, caudidate for congressman to succeed Mr. Hopkins, T.ie following were chosen officers, of the association: C. B. Mea;, president, Geneva Re publican; K. A. tirowister, vice presi dent, Jolict Republican; M. F. Walsh, secro'tarv, Harvard Herald; H. M. White, treasurer, Downer's Grove Re porter; executive committee, C. B. M ad, N. E. Mattel*, WhoatonIllinoisan; A. L. llall, 'St. Charles Chronicle; Charles Scofield, Marengo News; J. C. Adams, Peotone Vedette. V< . F.vinaikable Cuiei f liiarilioea. 'Aboi.: six years ago for the f.i F.t ivne ,u u*y i., * I hn1 a -udden and : t- v. re attack of diarrhoea," says Mrn. 4 lice Miller, of Morgan, Texas. "I got temporary relief but it came back again ai.d aguin, an.! for six long years I have m (fered more misery and agony than I i r n tell. It was worse than death. I>: y t>:s'uaud oyent hundreds of dollars for •!.yaioiau».'.'j|tt,e*or;ptiona and treatment v thout aVail. Finally we moved to '» sq-ip county, otrr pv<>?ent home, an I . e day i SStppcnad to see an adverti>c- ic >nt of CliflCmberlain'sColir,Cholera end .i) ariho?:; Remedy with a testimonial of »i nau who had. been cured by it. T:.e ; was so similar to my own that i icludeJ to try the remedy. The :e- • it wa- v> ouufcrr'ul. I could haiv y -ili/.e i.liat I was we.l, or bei*«ve the. .if . ul<I be so after havi.^-siuTo.bd solo. ... it that oi:o i< , t;!" of medicine, costii t. '.fcal. < cr.red inc." For salj / all drupv II ,tv to ji.uiId up Your Town. Pnph it. Talk about it. V.'riie about it. •• II of it. I7» ]p or i.aijrove it. Bcautu'y tiie streets. Patronize its mercriants. Advertise in its newspaper. Prefer home enterprise always. Speakvwell of enterprising men. if you;ean 't think of a good word to say, keep'silent. If you are rich, invest in something; employ somebody; be a rustler. Be courteous to strangers that come among you so that they will go away with a good impression. Always cheer up the men that go in for public improvements. Your por tion of the cost will only be just.--Ex. Don't be persn&ded into taking some thing said to be'just as good" as Mad ison Medioine Co's. Rocky Monntain Tea. There is nothing like it. 35c., no more, no less. G. W. Besley. Very Low ltates to Dubuque, Iowa. The North-Western Line will sell Excursion tickets August 3 to 7, in clusive, with favorable return limits, on account of Catholic T. A. Conven tion. Apply to agents Chicago & North western R'y. 3-3t MR.S. L. S. ADAMS. Of CMvcatm. Tnaa. "Wine of Cardial is Indeed a bles*lng to tired women, having suffered for seven yean with weaknew and bear- litg-down pains, and having tried sev eral doctors and different remedies with no success, your Wine of Cardul was the only thing which helped me, and eventually cured me It seemed to build up the weak parts, strength^ the system and correct irregularities." By "tired women" Mrs. Adams moana nervous women who have disordered mSnses, falling of the womb, ovarian troubles or any of tliene ailments that women have. You can cure yourself at home with tliia great women's remedy, Wine of Cardui. Wine of Cardui has cured thousands of cases which doctors have f ailed to benefit. Why not, begin to get well today? AU druggists have $1.00 bottles. For any stomach, liver or bowel disor der Thedford's Black-Draught should be used. For art vine and ntomtare.Kldre*, tfrlna •yniptoiue, The Ladles' AaTt»ory Depart- iiii>nt, Tlio Chattanooga Medicine Co., rtiatuuiooga, Tenn. WINEOFCARDUI WEEKLY CROP BULLETIN. ". S. Department of Ajrviciiltiirn Report For WocIj KikIIiik July 14, 1®0«. The past week has generally been favorable for the growth of vegetation and quite favorable for carrying on seasonable farming operations. Showers occurred in the early part of the week, interupting farm work to some extent, especially in the northern part of th < state. During the latter part of the week the weather v. as fair and favor able for haying and harvesting, which have been pushed rapidly. In the southern part of the state raine were beneficial and crops generally show continued improvement. In a few lo calities in the extreme southern part of the state still more rain begins to be needed. In the northert district wheat and rye harvest is in progress, and a generally good yield is promised. Iu the central and southern districts these crops are being threshed. Oat harvest is nearly completed in the southern district and is well advanced in the central district. In the northern dis trict the crop is nearly ready to be harvested, and in a few localities har vesting has begun. Though there has been considerable injury by lodging in the northern and central districts and in parts of the southern district, in many localities the crop has recovered to a considerable extent from the in jurious effect of previous heavy rains, and a good average crop is promised. Corn has made good growth during the week, and is now generally in fine con dition and promises a large yield. In some localities corn on the bottom lands which were flooded is in bad condition. Over a large part of the state the crop is quite free from weeds, but in man} localities where rain prevented cultiva :Ln it is very weedy. Moihwi- Always K«pl It Handy. "My mother sm'fered for a long time from distressing pains and general ill health due primarily 'm inusgestion,' says L. W. Spauldiug, Verona, Mo. •'Two years ago I got her to try Kodol. She grew beit^r a: uuee ^nd now, at the age of seventy-six, eats anything she wants, remarking thar, s>he tears no bad effects as she has her bottle of Kodol handy." Don't waste time doctoring symptoms. Go after the cause. Ii your stomach is sound your health wili be good. Kodol rests the stomach anrl strengthens the body by digesting yonr food. It is nature's own tonic. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley. West McHenry. .Special Kxcursionaito WUeonnin, Miiin«HOta and North Dakota 1'oliitn. The North-Western Line offers low round-trip rates to the points in the states named above until Sept. 10, good to return until Oot. 31. For particular apply to agents Chicago & North Western R'y. 8-7t Vacation Dii.vm. Vacation time is here and the children are fairly living out of doors. Then could be no healthier place for them. Yon need only to guard againstthe acci dents incidentical to most open air sports. No remedy equals DeWittV Witch Hazel Salve for quickly stopping pain or removing danger of serious con sequences. For cute, scalds and wounds, "I used DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve for sores, cuts and bruises," says L. B. Johnson, Swift, Tex. "It is the best remedy on the market." Sure cure for piles and skin diseases. Beware ot counterfeits. Julia A. Story,McHenry G. W. Besley, West McHenry. Excursloti Rates to Epworth Grove (111.) Camp Meeting, Via the North-Western Line. Excur sion tickets will be sold at reduced rates July 16 to 27, inclusive, limited to re^ turn until July 28, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. 8-2t When yon awtike in the morning fee'- ing like the end of a misspent life, your mouth full of fire and your soul full of regrets, take Rocky Mountain" Tea. Great medicine. G; W. Besley SAVE YOUR DOLLARS Gouts, call in and yon will see the finest line of Sample Suitings, Pants and Fancy Veatings. All goods are sewed vith silk, sponged and shrunk, and miide up by UNION Journeymen Tailor* right on the bench. NoHumliulDowfi Witt Swell Slop Work! E. LAWLUS, Merchant Tailor. Piitiul Umber and Qs fitter % SANITARY PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. Biitrt room outfits,complete. All work gnar- nutrorl nnrl ut reasonable prices. Give me a chance lo figure on your work. Leave order at MatUiews market. West McHenry or cal pbeiio U02. Chris Schmidt This Bank receives deposits, buys and poll? Foreign and Do mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Yve endeavor to do all busi ness entrusted to our care in A manner and upon terms entire ly yitibiactory to oiir custom ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class se curity. Spec ial attention given to collections. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low* nst rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Bankers. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat. Thi9 preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive 6tomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on itb First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. Cures all stomach troubles Prepared only by E. O. DeWitt&0<\., Chicago The tl. bottle contains2H times theBOc. IWh Julia A.Story and O W. Heslov MOM LIVES ARB 8AVID „.BY USING... Dr. King's New Discovery, ,.„FOR.... Consumption,'Coughs and Colds Than By All Other Throat And Lung Remedies Combined. This wonderful medicine positively Cures Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Hay Fever,Pleurisy, LaQrlppe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. NO CURE. NO PAY. prioa 50o. & $1. Trial Bottle Fit*. 60 YEARS* EXPERIENCE TBADE MARKS Designs COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyonp u sketch iuxl description DM qolckiy iu»;."i.i•>> <>ur opinion ireo whether an InVHiit'.on !*• p: bunly p.'iteutahlo. t'oniiuunta*- tlons strictly ci nUrlentlHl. Handbook on PstMltA e«nt tree. OWlost apency for securingjMOflnt*. f*iitent» taken through Munn & Co. reffllTV tptdal 11 of leu, without chwgo. tu the Scientific American. Ah in(1?omo!y illupti';;i,..i weekly. Lnrseet rtiw ou Union of any sell ut Idc journal. Terms, $»• your; four months, fl. Sold by all newad eaters.