Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jul 1902, p. 8

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"¥r, !.""if"' '•-I'fss^ «* - • * \ f . •iini fM TO TAKE COMFORT IN HOT WEATHER is not so easy, but when you are dreesaed in one of our Sum- mer Suite it helpe you a long way towards being at ease, even in this July and Angnst weather. Our Men's Linen Suits at $3*50 give you $5*00 worth of solid comfort Then we have some a little better for a kind of drees up in Blue Worsted. Striped and Plain Blue 8erge Goods, (not lined.) They dress you as well as Tailor Made, and cost about one-half as much. Hot Weather Suits for little fellows, ages 4 to 14, at 50c to $1,00* You should see then. The kind of Shoes we sell make you forget the old saying, ' 'I hate to break in a new Shoe in Hot Weather." Try a pair of them now. We expect a eir of Flour every day. Jcitcv Eiiy •id Hard t© Beat, and it was bought on the right side of the Market too. Yours for Hot Weather Business, JOHN J . MILLER W E S T H c H E N R Y , I L L I N O I S . if »• Plain dnd Shadowy Facts •* must be separated before the trutll some statements about clothing is reached, but oure can be accepted with­ out the proverbial grain or salt Oar Made to Measure Suits are just what we say they are, the best value obtainable. Garments made here are exquisitely cut and tailored and fit perfectly. Samples ot ou^ work may be seen on the best dressed men in town. John D. Lodtz in all articles and all lines is the funda­ mental principle of our business. This covers all branches and is applied to the small things as well as the large. It's application to our stock of Druggist Sundries is particularly noticeable. The cost of these articles singly is really trifling, but in the aggregate it amounts to consider­ able and we show how a saving can be effected. N. H. Petesch, McHenry, 111. Druggist. ill «1 SALO 1 S * * s * * * * * * * * * S tlr i i if * S * 3 * i m «f i i * £ t We will slaughter prices on many lines of Summer Goods in order to move them out quickly. Such as Ladies' Shirt Waists, some 50c values, sale price 25c. Lawns and Dimities, Ladies* Wrappers in Lawns, Percales, all kinds of Straw Hats, Men's and Boy's Wool Hats in all colors and shapes, Boy's and Children's Caps, Oxfords and Slippers. Yours Truly, M. J. WALSH m * * m m m m m * * * m m m » * * * m m m m » * m m * * m * 9 m * * * m m * m * m m m * m m m * 9> m m m m m * * m Do You Think? Of course you do. It will pay you to think over the prices ({noted J* below. We can say with positive truthfulness that this store is the bargain center of the county. Nowhere can such values be found for the same money. Call and see the Goods. They must be closed out - this montn to make room for our immense line of Winter Goods. 21C ...5c Men's Underwear, all sizes, very special bargain % Better quality Underwear worth 00 and 60c <&i 33c Men's Work Shirts, 15 dosen to select from, a6c Men's Socks© Assortment of Lawns for Waists, ttll colors, worth 15c @ 1 Percales, fine lot, % Calicoes, choice <& Men's dress Shirts, worth"76 and 86c @ 40c Straw Hats closing out at lowest prices Big assortment of Embroidery In pile oti counter, worth 8 and 9c, - 3c Mc ..7c .ac Ladles Belts & gftc Men's " @ vs>c Mosquito Netting, per yd. ...... . 5o Machine Thread, best <8>. 4e Bed Spreads and Table Covers at lowest prices. Children's Stockings, worth tS and 26c @ . .. , 10c -Men's Dress Hants, worth43.60 to 94 your choice @ | Men's Work Pants, warranted not to rip, @ \.a#c Men's Suspenders, a new line, worth 25c, choice 10c Children's Rock ford Stockings, double heel and toe, very special bargain & fa M A Thousand Other Bargains THE SAVINGS BANK, West McHenry. J. HURWITZ, Prop. All Summer Dress Goods and Straw Hats at I $ I SMI • Per Cent. Reduction! S. S. Chapell, McHenry, 111. BEAUTIFUL PISTAKEE I a n d F O X R I V E R R E S O R T S DIIM8MIMMMH •••«••«« --WtM WW»M MMlMt <?{ [ORuscisrs! p. SUNDRIES. WOOEFUN'E PRICES'*- •i-l I'lstitkee Bay.' S. P. Melander and family are at their cottage on the east side of the Bay. Miss Julia Serwe, of Fon du Lac, Wis , and R. J. Bourgois, of Chicago, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sayer at Rose Modge cottage. , The commodore's reception and ball Saturday evening was a brilliant affair and nparly 200 people were present des­ pite the inclement weather. Dancing was the principal diversion of the even­ ing It is a fact that there are a few people about the Bay who oppose the dam, be­ muse they have "too much water now. " < )f course there is too much water. Everyone recognizes the fact and it has been explained time and again that it is not the intention to keep the water at the present height. There was a constant drizzling rain last Friday, bnt it did not seem to dampen the ordor of the yachting en­ thusiasts. A fresh east wind was blow­ ing and five sloops entered the regular race. It was a close contest and the finish exciting. The first prize, the Geo. J. Sayer cup, was captured by Harriet H. Martin P. Hertz, captain. SLOOP Harriet H Pietakee Emily G Claribel Mavis SfrART 4:12 4:12 4.12 4:12 4:12 FINISH 5:14:12 5:17:44 5:17:52 5:17:53 5:19:86 The catboat race was no less exciting, there being six good boats entered. Tuck, sailed by Harriet May Hertz, captain, and Antoinette Schillo, won the prize,, the Andrew McAnsh sterling silver cup. Race sailed over short course. BOAT START Tuck 5:45 Julien 5:45 Ethel N 5:45 Nan 5:45 Fiuafore 5:45 Jonah 5:45 The four trial races to decide upon a representative at the Inland Lake Yacht­ ing Association's Regatta at Pewaukee FINISH 5:35:55 6:38:9 6:38:27 Emerald Park Miss Delia Bremer is visiting friends in Chicago this week. W. C. Thiers of Elgin Sundayed with his family at "Supothi" cottage. A. J. Cohan of Chicago spent Satur­ day and Sunday with his family here. Mr. Breezley of Chicago is spending this week with his friend. Win. Heaney. W. K. Burns and son, William, of Chicago spent Sunday with folks here. Mrs. Blum and children of Chicago spent last week at Jne. Armstrong's cot­ tage. C. Bremer spent Sunday with his family at "Oak Villa," his summer cot­ tage. Lawrence Huck returned to his home here Thursday after a few days visit in Chicago. Misses Eleanor and Margaret Kelly of Chicago are visiting at R. J. Sutton's this week. Misses Margaret Aylward and Eleanor Farrell are visiting relatives in' Elgin this week. George Shaid and family of Griswold Lake spent a pleasant day at Bremer's last Friday.. John R. Knox of McHenry and John Gibbs were calling on friends here Sun­ day evening. Mrs. Heaney and Harvey and Arthur Moore of Chicago are sojourning at the Heaney cottage. J. F. Walsh and Misses Mayme and Grace Hayes of Harvard visited at P. Walsh's Sunday. Messrs. Mac Sutton, W.. Bolger, Jas. Hughes and Richard Givens spent last Thursday in Chicago. Mrs. E. Roberts and daughter, Margary, of Elgin visited Mrs. W. C. Thiers the first of the week. Miss Mae Walsh of Griswold Lake and friend, Miss Dake, of Chicago vis- 6:40:27 ited Miss Anna Frisby Sunday. 6:42:23 broke tiller Mr. and Mrs. Bilson and Mrs. Hart- man of Chicago spent a very pleasant Sunday at Mr. Bremer's cottage. Mrs. John and Hugh Armstrong drove from Chicago Saturday and re- Lake, Wis., August 25 to 80, have been mained over Sunday with relatives. sailed and the Harriet H, Rear Commo­ dore Martin Hertz, captain, will be the representative, having won three races. In the second race Harriet H broke down while in the lead. She finished a close second in this race, however. TRIAL RACE I. BOAT START FINISH Harriet H 10:45 12:14:15 Mayis 10:45 12:22:27 Claribel 10:40 12:30:6 TRIAL RACE II. Harriet H 9:30 10:26:6 Mavis 9:30 10:36 Claribel 9.30 10:27 TRIAL RACE III. Harriet H 10:45 11:33:6 Mavis 10:45 11:33:27 Harriet H was sailed by Rear Com­ modore Martin Hertz, Martin Howell, Chas. Dupee and L. Hertz. Mavis was sailed by Tony Seyl, Howard Gunton, Will Munroe and Lawrence Vinnige. Cottage Grove. Frank Masquelet came out from the city Friday for a couple of days' fishing. Jos Frett came out from Chicago and The Armstrongs will soon put into the river a fine launch which will draw but little water, making it possible to navigate most any place in the river. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. B. Heaney and son, Wm„ of Chicago came out to their sum­ mer home Friday and will remain for the season. For unknown reaqpns Wil­ liam seems to be very discontented here this year. (Wonder why?) A number of Elgin boys are camping here this week and seem to be having a good time. The following letter was written by one of ,them to the Elgin Courier: "The boys arrived all right and camp was pitched in good weather. The canoeists arrived three days later, pretty well tired out. So far we have had nothing but rain, but the future seems brighter. All the boys are well. The base ball team defeated the Emerald Park team this afternoon by a score of 10 to 9. The Emerald Park team was composed of players averaging 20 years of age. Their six foot pitcher was good, but the boys found him easy. In the ninth inning with the score 9 to 6 spent Saturday and Sunday with his against them the boys rallied and family. changed it to 10 and 9 in their favor- Mr. Jansen and family, of Chicago, Wyman pitched a good game and wan are out for two weeks. They occupy given fine support." the Schaefer cottage. Riverside Ho line. Tne following people have registered at the Riverside House during the past week: Jos. D. Smedberg and wife, Albert W. Harris, E. C. Severns, F. O. Pease, M. D., R. W. Taylor and wife Dwight Jackson and wife, W. S. Keat­ ing, L. P. Vidal, B. F. Butler. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Burton, Misses Ethel, Janet and Madge Burton, R. A. Burton, Jr., E. Olson, M. D., E. W. Service, all ot Chicago; W. E. Baraker, Lena, 111., S H. Lund, Chas. Clayton, Stillman Val­ ley; J. F. Andrews and lady, E.» B. Lo see and lady, Woodstock. o The McHenry House. The McHenry House, under the man agement of Jos. Heimer, bids fair t<> have its share of patronage during th; Miss Gertie Masquelet, daughter of Frank Masquelet, who has been at their cottage on the river for the summer. left last Saturday for a trip 300 miles south to act as bride's maid at the marriage of her cousin on July 22. ----0 Much'* Hnnmipr Resort. The following Chicago people were registered at this pleasant resort during the past week: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller, Fred Goppett, Mr. and Mi-s. J. Domke and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Poltrock, L. Schuder, Aug. H. Kruger, John W. Ward and wife, Mr. Tippee, Mr. Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Gropelt and son, Mrs. Lena Schaefer and son, John. 0 International Village. Last week E. Hunter put a beautiful next two months. The following have launch into the river at this place. The been sojourning there during the past high water and prospects of a dam will week: Louis Kunhert, wife and daugh likely encourage others to launch some ter, John A. Sanders, Aug. Jeskke, John good boats this summer. Bergman and H. Bergman. Double Track to the Missouri River. The Chicago & North-Western R's is the only double track line between Chicago and the Mississouri River. Four trains a day Chicago to Omaha, three daily trains to the Pacific Coast and two trains per day Chicago to Denver, with through Pullman service to points in Iowa, Nebraska, Dakotas and to The Black Hills. Send stamp for booklet, 'Only Double Track Road Chicago to Missouri River" to W. B. JHuuikem. M Fiftfc Ave^ Chicago. Rounds out the hollow places; smooths out lines that creep about one's face woos roses back to faded cheeks. That 's what Rocky Mountain Tea does. 85c. G. W. Besley. Kxcuraion Rates to Dos Plalnns Camp Meeting: at Des Plalnes, 111., Via the North-Western Line. Excur sion tickets will be sold at reduced raU - July 14 to 29, inclusive, limited to agents Chicago ifc _Nor th-Western Very Rontai kable Cure of Diarrhoea. "About six years ago for the first time in my iile I had a sudden and se vere attack of diarrhoea," says Mrs. Alice Miller, of Morgan, Texas. "I got temporary relief but it came back again and again, and for six long years I have suffered more misery and agony than I can tell. It was worse than death. My husband spent hundreds of dollars for physicians' prescriptions and treatment without avail. Finally we moved to Bosque county, our present home, and one day I happened to see an advertise ment of Chamberlain's Colic,Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with a testimonial of u man who had been cured by it. The easy wa:-so similar to my own that, I concluded to try the remedy. The re­ fills wao wonrterini. i could hai lly lealize that I was well, or believe th ..tit i-ould be t o a.u r having suif* red sol( ng. nnt that one bottle of medicine, costing but a few cents, cured me." For sale by all druggist*. Excursion Kates to Rock River Assembly lit Itlxon, 1.1., Via the North-Western Line. Excur- Hion tickets will be sold at red»»ced rates within a I00*mile radius for Womfin's L>ay, August 1, and for Hobson's Day, August 4. with favorable return limits. Certificate plan will apply within a radius of 200 miles for sale of tickets, r/uly 26 to August 14, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western it'v. • 4-26 Poisoning the System. It is through the bowels that the body is cleansed of impurities. Constipaaon keeps these poisons in the system, caus- iug headache, duluess and melancholia at first, then unsightly eruptions ttnd t.aally serious illness unless a remedy is applied. DeWitt s Little Early Risnrs prevent this trouble by stimulating rhe 1 iver and promote easy, healthy action i f the bowel-. These little pills never ;Kct violently but by strengthening he ooweis enable them to perform tLdh <»wn work. Never gripe or distri ss. ;ulia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Bes.oy, vVest McHenry. Speeiul Kscu, Nionsito Wisponnln, Mi.uxs.Mi4 UIKI Noilh I>alvi»ta I'oi.:-;. The North-Western Line offers low round-trip rates to the points in the states named above until Sept. 10, good to return until Oct. 31. For particulars apply to agents Chicago & North- Western R'y. 3-7t Don't Fall to Try This. Whenever an honest trial is given to Electric Bitters for any trouble it is re­ commended for a permanent cure will surely be effected. It never fails to tone the stomach, regulate the kidneys and bowelB, stimulate the liver, invigorate the nerves and purity the blood. It's a wonderful tonic for run-down systems. Electric Bitters positively cures Kidney and Liver Troubles, Stomach Disorders, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Rheumatism, Neuralgia and expels Malaria. Satis­ faction guaranteed by Julia A. Story. Only 50 cents. Excursion Hates to Kpwdrth Grove (III.) Camp Meeting;, Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold at reduced rates July 16 to 27, inclusive, limited to re­ turn until July 28, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. 8-2t W THEDFORD'S BLACRWCFWTI THE GREAT fiMiur MEDICINE Thedford's Black-Draught has saved doctors' bills for more than sixty years. For the common fam­ ily ailments, such as constipation, indigestion, hard colds, bowel com­ plaints, chills and fever, bilious­ ness, headaches and other like complaints no other medicine is necessary. It invigorates and reg­ ulates the liver, assists digestion, stimulates action of the kidneys, Eurifies the blood, and purges the owels of foul accumulations. It cures liver complaint, indigestion, sour stomach, dizziness, chills, rheumatic pains, sideache, back­ ache, kidney troubles, constipation, diarrhoea, biliousness, piles, hard colds and headache. Every drug­ gist has Thedford's Black-Draught in 25 cent packages and in mam­ moth size for fl.OO. Never accept a substitute. Insist on having tne original made by the Chattanooga Medicine Company. I believe Thedford"• Block-Draught W the but medicine on csrth. It U good for any and everything. I hive a family of twelve children, and loi four years I have kept them on foot and healthy with no doctor but Black- Ordinance No. 26. An ordinance making the annual ap­ propriations for the fiscal year 1902. * SEC. I. Be it ordained by the presi­ dent and board ot trustees of the vil­ lage of McHenry, Illinois, that the following sums, or so much thereof as may be authorized by law, be and the same are appropriated for corporate purposes of the village of McHenry, Illinois, as hereinafter specified, for the fiscal year commencing May 4,. 1902, and ending April 80, 1908: Water works fund $ 700 00 Fire apparatus Mnd 25 00 Salary fund ' 1600 00 Sidewalk fund 1250 00 Street and alley fund b00 00 Public property fund 50 00 Contingent fund 404 00 General bond and interest...... 1075 00 Special ass'm't bond and int.... 1490 00 Making a total amount appropriated for the purposes aforesaid of seventy- three hundred dollars. SEC. 11. This ordinance shall be known as ordinance No. 26. Passed July 21, 1902. Approved July 21, 1902. Published July 24, 1902. F. H. WAI "LLES, President. Attest: JOHN STOFFEJ,, Clerk. M«!hi*r AIWU.VH Kept It ilundy. "My mother suffered for a long time from distressing pains and general ill health due primarily to indigestion," sayi L. W. Spaulding, Verona, Mo. •'TwJ^ears ago I gut her to try Kodol. She grew better at once and now, at the age of seventy-six, eats anything she wants, remarking that she fears no bad effects as she has her bottle of Kodol handy." Don't waste^ time doctoring symptoms. Go after the cause. If your stomach is sound your health will be good. Kodol rests the stomach and strengthens the body by digesting your food. It is nature's own tonic. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W, Besley, Wet>t McHenry. Home Seelci!.' £.;curMi.n» t > (lie Xortli w«•!.(, V okI uuil .soullut«»8t. Via the Xoitli-Yw stern Line. Ilonie Seekers' Excursion Tickets ac greatly red need rates will be sold on the first atid third Tuesdays of each month June to October, inclusive, lt)02, to the t iraory indicated above. Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, l&ee Re­ clining Chair Cars, and "The^jBest of Everything." V For f ull particulars apply to^ j|gents Chicago & North-Western R'y. > SFCL Saves a Woman's Life'. To have given up would have meant death to Mrs. Lois Cragg, of Dorchester, Mass. For years she had endured un told misery from a severe lung trouble and obstinate cough. "Oilrn," she writes, "I con id scarcely breathe and sometimes could not speak. All doctois and remedies failed till 1 took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and was completely cured." Sufferers from Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung Trou ble need this grand remedy, for it never diappoints. Cure is guaranteed by Jul ia A. Story. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. Very Low R*l«« to KHU Luke City, Utah, Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold August 7 to 10, inclusive, with final return limit until September 30, inclusive, on account of B. P. O. Elks Meeting. Scenic Route, Pullman Drawing Room and Tourist Sleeping cars. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. 3-3t Auts ImmndlMtoly. Colds are sometimes more trouble­ some in summer than in winter. It's so hard to keep from adding to them while cooling off after exercise. One Minute Cough Cure cures at once. Absolutely safe. Acts immediately. Sure cure for coughs, colds, croup, throat and lung troubles. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley. West McHenry. Health and Pleasure Resorts WITH MEDICAL SPRINGS IN THE HILLY I^QtON OF WESTERN KENTUCKY SOUTHERN" ILLINOIS ON THE LINK OP THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD rejrularly established health and n ea.ure resorts, with medicinal waters as a f. at ire, and having hotel iiccom- There are seven i f . modntlous, are located as mentioned alHive, on the line of or contiguous to the Illi­ nois Central. They are: Hardin Springs. Ornyson Springs, Dawson Springs, Cerulean Spring* and Crittenden Surin^s. Ky., and Croal Springs and Uixon SpriiiRs. HI. Send to the undersigned for a froe copy of an illus­ trated book describing them all. A H. HANSON, G. P. A. III. Cent. R. it., Chicago, 111. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. A WORD TO YOU. Do you want to know where the next great land boom will be, and where yon can make plenty of money? If so write the undersigned for a circular telling "All about it." J. F. MERRY, Ass't Gen'l Pana'r Agent, Illinois Central IMirittd, XfotmqiM, 2*. Pi»cM Plumber and te fitter SANITARY PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. Bath room outfits complete. All work guar­ anteed and at reasonable prices. Give me • chance to figure on your work. Leave order at Matthews market, West McHenry or cal phone 302. Chris Schmidt This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and ___________ does a CfNtRAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi* news entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage Honey to Loan on real estate a n d o t h e r first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low­ est rates. Yours Respectfully ' PERRY & OWEN, Notery Public. Bankers. Kodol- Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat. This preparation contains all of tha digestants and digests all kinds ot food. It gives relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By Its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been: cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. Child* ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. -* First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary* Cures all stomach troubles Prepared only by E. O. DEWITT & Co., Chicago The $1.bottle contatiib2H times tbe&Oc. slse^ Jn'in A.Stnrv arwt (J W. Heslev MORI LIVES ARB SAVED ..BY USING.. Dr. King's New Discover ..FOR.... Consumption,'Coughs and Colds Thau By All Other Throat And IdUiig Remedies Combined. TIjJs wpnderfu! medicine positively Cures Consumption, Coughs, Colda ̂ Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Hay Fever,Pleurisy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, 80re Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. NO CURE. HO PAY. Prloe 6O0. A $1. Trial Bottle Froe. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS V IBADE MARKS 0CJBJO UO COPYRIGHTS A a. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly aurertuwi our opinion free whether «B InVHiition is probably pntentahlo. Oominunlc*. tloiiR strictlyconttdentitl. Handbook ou Patsnta aent free. < >ldest apeiK'y for Hoourliiff patents. Patents taken through Munn A Ci. reeelv* tptclal nutice, without charge, la the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. l.arvost cl|w (. 'illation of any sclentltlo Journal. Terms, $3 • your: tour months, $L. Sold by all newsdealer*

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