Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Aug 1902, p. 5

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mn cinMvitvvtNVvVirav/^ Sportsmen and Lovers of the Gun Young and Old, call at OSMUN BROS, for your Ammunition and get goods that are of this year's make and up-to-date. Prices within tfrfT reach of all. •. Parents and Others Interested ' * ' Will find here a fine assortment of SHOES for school use or Ml * and winter wear at prices to fit the small pocket-books. Boys' School Pants and Suits Just the size to fit both BOY and PURSE. Get oar prices and yon will be convinced that such values can not be equaled anywhere in McHenry. | OSMUN BROS. - - McHenry, III. Special Kxcarttiona to Wisconsin, Minnesota and North Dakota Point*. The North-Western Line offers low ; round-trip rates to the points in the states named above until Sept. 10, good to return until Oct. 81. For particulars apply to agents Chicago & North j Western R'y. 8-7t Petesch's White Pine Gough Syrup. SdlOOLl TABLETS SLATES i i - iPf Ndis i i : ! ! i PENS A > i THE BIGGEST AND BEST LINE IN TOWN (IIIEIT S. DON T BE FOOLEDI Take the genuine, original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only (>y /Madison Medi­ cine Co., Madison, Wis. It keeps you well. Our trade mark cut on cach package. Price, 35 cents. Never sold in bulk. Accept no sublti- •toonponATcoiut tute. Ask your druggist. O McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with McHenry County State Bank Woodstock, 111. Abstracts ofUtle and con­ veyancing. Money to loan on real estate In sums of $500 to $10,000, time and suit uorrower. payment to FOX LAKE. Miss Belle Caine waa a Grayslake cal­ ler Tuesday. Miss Hattie Brophy of Elgin la visit­ ing friends here. Quite a number have had their thresh­ ing done this week. Ray and Lester Montgomery and Ada Caine were McHenry callers Wednes­ day. Mrs. Mary Graham of Chicago is vis­ iting friends and relatives in this vicin­ ity. Miss Alice Strong has returned to her home in Grayslake after visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs, Blackford have returned to their home in Chicago after visiting relatives here. Mrs. Hannah King'is very low at her home at Sheboygan*, Falls, Wis. Mrs. Marble has gone to care for her mother. Look Pleasant, Please. Photographer C. C. Harlan, of Eaton, O., can do so now, though for years he couldn't, because he sufferered untold agony from the worst kind of indiges­ tion. All physicians and medicines failed to help him till he tried Electric Bitters, which worked such wonders for him that he declares they are a godsend to to sufferers from dyspepsia and stomach trouples. Unrivaled for diseases of the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, they build up and give new life to the whole sys­ tem. Try them. Only 50c. Guaranteed by Julia A. Story, druggist. Excursion Tickets to Elk's Street Fair ' and Carnival at Elgin, III., Via the North-Western Line will -be" sold at reduced rates August 25* to 80, inclusive, limited to return until Sep­ tember 1, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. 8*2t White Pine Cough Syrup cure*. DON'T WAIT. If you knew how SCOTT'S EMULSION would buiidyou up, increase your weight, strengthen your weak throat and lungs and put you in con­ dition for next winter, you would begin to take it now. Send for free sample, and trvit. SCOTT &. BOWNE. Chemists, <109:.! 15 IVarl Street, New York. 50c. and 51.00; all druggists. Danger to Travelers Trainmen and People who Travel A dreat geal Liable to Greater Dangers than from Accidents | NEIGHBORING NEWSAS CHRONICLER BY 1 OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS BINGVODD School will begin next Monday morn­ ing Sept. 1. Mrs* J. Bennett and friend spent Fri­ day in Chicago. The Ladies' Aid Society met with Mrs. William Coates Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. A. C. Matthews of McHenry vis­ ited at Mrs. Allen's the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilcox of Rock- ford spent Wednesday at Will McCan- non's, Mr. and Mrs. L. McCannon of Green­ wood visited with their son, W. McCan­ non last Wednesday. P. S. Harrison entertained his neph­ ews Harris and Charles Harrison of River Forest last Sunday. Nearly everyone is preparing to spend a day at our great McHenry Co. fair. If the weather is favorable the attendance from here will be large. The farmers in this immediate neigh­ borhood are about through threshing for this year. Some report that the grain yielded well in qnantity bnt light in quality. The German Catholics will hold a picnic Sunday and Monday, August SI, and Sept 1, at Steve Beaur's Grove near Spring Grove. All are cordially invited to attend as a good entertainment will be provided. No doubt some of the citizens will be surprised to learn that our depot is being thoroughly cleaned and painted on the inside, the roof is being patched and the exterior has been brightened with a new coat of red veneer. This certainly is a much needed improve­ ment. VOLO. Rosing spent Tuesday Miss Celia in the city. Nick Bower spent Saturday and Son- day in Chicago. Miss Maude Walton returned home from Rollins Sunday. Mrs. Mike Hertel and children of Fremont Sundayed at John Rosing's. Mrs. A. J. Raymond and. her two daughters visited friends in- McHenry Saturday. Mrs. Cornish and grand child of Solon spent a few days of the past wees at John Vasey's. Mrs. William Cunnill and daughter Lucy spent Wednesday at Round Lake with Mrs. E. Richardson. Mrs. Joseph Freund and children of McHenry spent one day of the past week with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miller. Misses Avis and Myrtle Payne and Jennie Walton went to Grayslake Mon day to take the teachers' reading circle examination. ^ Mrs. Ben Cossman of Rollins and Mi& Ethel Towers of Chicago spent Sunday with the former's sister, Mrs. James Kirwan. Thousands more die every year from diseases Incurred by riding on the cars than from accidents. Life itself is often the price that must be paid by such per­ sons as railroad conductors, engineers, brakemen, commercial travelers and others who spend the greater part of their lives on the cars. Their fate is kidney trouble of some kind. Constant motion Jars the kidneys that are kept In place in the body by del­ icate attachments and causes Diabetes, Albuminuria, Bright's Disease, Train­ men's Disease and all other kidney troubles. During recent years traveling men have been informing one another of the bene­ fits they can secure by using FOLEY'S KIDNEY CUBE. It is a compound of the best agents known to kidney specialists sgjd as a cure for all kidney troubles it has never been equaled. Reports have been received of remarkable cures effect­ ed by it, and even the worst and most hopeless cases have been greatly relieved by its use. GEO. H. HAITSAH, of Lima, Ohio, writes as follows: " I am a locomotive engineer on the L. E. & W. R. R. Constant vibra­ tion of the engine caused me a great deal of trouble with my kidneys, and I got no relief until I used FOLEY'S KIDNEY CUBE, and I gladly recommend it to trainmen who are generally afflicted as I was.* Makes the fires of life born with a steady glow. Renews the golden, hap­ py dayB of youth. That's what Rocky Mountain Tea does. 85 cents. G. W. Besley. OSTEND. Everyone is hustling to get ready for the fair. "Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Florida spent Sunday with relatives and* friends near Nunda. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bassett, Mrs. H. E. Jack and children visited with friends in Seneca last Sunday. Mrs. P. S. Martin and daughter, Mrs. E. E. Bassett, were seen on the streets of Hebron one day last week. Some of Mr. McDonald's people have been callers at Ringwood nearly every day for the past week owing to the sick­ ness of Mrs. Harrison. Dell Abbot and Charlie Dates were callers at O. N. Brasses on Sunday. Dell invested some of his surplus cash in 12 cows for the place Dates is renting. Two well known men of McHenry treated our streets to the scene of a pretty lively row the other day. Looked rather serious for a time. Too much whiskey and cash. "Mothers'Salve." a grand household remedy, has been used successfully for 30 years. Cures Catarrh, Croup and Colds. Heals Cuts, Burns, Sores, Piles, Scalds, etc. Prevents Diphtheria and Pneumonia. Is absolutely pure and pre­ pared from vegetable oil?. Easy to use, quick to act Prioe 85c. For sale by N. H. Peteech. SPRING GROVE. School opens next Monday. Ina James is spending a few weeks atBeloit. John Kautiners new home is fast near- ing completion. Augustus Hubbard and wife of Elgin are visiting at Lewis Hatch's. Mrs. E.Hopper and family of Ring- wood called on friends here Sunday. Mrs. McClelland accompanied'the doc­ tor Tuesday and spent the day here. Several pupils from other districts are expecting to attend school here this year. Mrs. Borngraber and son Willie spent several days with her parents in Chicago lately. Mr. Fuller and family from Solon are moving in one of Lewis Hatchs' tenant houses: The mill is now running again and Mr. Nulk is ready to attend to grinding promptly. Miss Myrtie Churchill spent several days with Alice and Edith Hatch at English Prairie. Edward E. French who will teach in the Creek District this year has rented Otto Hesse's new home. Oliver Neish is home after a two months absence having spent his vaca­ tion with his uncle J. W,. Bell near Ringwood. r • • ALGONQUIN Henry Albright was a Dundee caller Sunday. Fred Duensing was a Chicago visitor Sunday. Arthur Stage was an Elgin caller Thursdsy. Walter Helm was home Sunday from McHenry. John Yanjhons was on the sick list last week. Walter Carter is again .working at the factory. James Robb is taking a vacation from the factory. Minnie Winkles visited with friends at Dundee Sunday. Mrs. George Bradley was a visitor at Dundee Saturday. Emma Janes is taking a week's vaca­ tion from the factory. Geo. Bradley and wife were visiting friends at Elgin Sunday. Dr. Burlingame of Elgin was called to Algonquin Wednesday. Mrs. John Brundage was calling on Dundee friends Thursday. Mrs. Chas. Done and children visited Elgin friends Wednesday. Leroy Simpson of Chicago has com­ menced work at the factory. Mrs. M. D. Covert and-children visit­ ed friends at Elgin Wednesday. Ed Kridera left the factory Tuesday and will take a year's course at school. Rev. Frank Fish of Woodstock has been visiting his sister, Mrs/ M. D. Covert. Irve Benthusen left the factory Satur­ day and will take a year's course at the Elgin academy. Dr. Maha, Will Miller, Walter Helm. Irve Benthusen and Elmer Dodd spent Sunday evening at Elgin. Mr. Weed, superintendent of the Borden factory at Dixon, was here Fri day and Saturday in the interests of the company. . INGI.KSI1»K. LeRoy Ramsdell is still improving. Nick Rosing is giving his barn a coat of paint Mrs. Helen Sullivan was a Grayslake caller Saturday. Fine weather and all the farmers are busy threshing. Harry Dalzail from Round Lake called on friends here last week. A good many from here will attend the grand opening ball at Grayslake, Thurs- August 28. Joe Offenburger was arrested last Thursday for whipping his wife, and taken to Grayslake. When in need of blacksmithing don't forget to call on Henry Simes the old reliable blacksmith. 8/to - { 1 V TIM YAlllflO A HORSE of proper protection from insects cannbt. be set down in figures, bnt the price <>f the net protection is here given. Every style and kind of Fly Nets manufactured are in this store. The best we could find were pur­ chased and we think these are the best values ever offered: Heavy Cotton Team Net $1.25 Heavy Leather Team Net.. $1.50 to $3.00 Hard Twisted Cotton Nets. .< $1.75 Fine White Shell Cotton Ear Tips .§oc Shoe Lace Buggy Net $1.15 0us. Carlson. •'*? fii Feet Swollen to Immense Sice. •'1 had kidney trouble so bad,"says J. J. Cox of Valley View, Kentucky., "that I could not work, my feet were swollen to immense size and I was confined to my bed and physicians were unable to give me any relief. My doctor finally prescribed Foley's Kidney Cure which made a well man of me." For sale by N. H. Petesch. Agent for the Celebrated International Stock Food Preventative Hog Choleifo Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. Bells Corn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding1 Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. General ( BlKksmltttn* l Prices J ilwiys # W:- ^ . ItlLIP JAEGER General Commission Merchant Stall 1 & 3, Fulton St. Wholesale Market Cbicaaot Illinois Special attention given to the sale oil- Pressed Beef, rtutton Hogs, Veal, Poultry Hides, Etc. Butter and Eggs. This is the oldest house 00 the street Tags and price lists furnished on application s i • e ! : COLD STORAGE FREE ! i SOME SPECIAL FEATURES OF Round Oak Stoves Siitgk piece bottom--long wear, airtight All doors and swing hearth ground on--airtight Joints. Tight fitting that stays tight--perfect control of fire* Feed doors on side--heat thrown out in die room. Cone grate at bottom--clinkers impossible. Hot blast draft--greatest heat, least fueL Special fixtures for hard or soft coal. Low-down double firepot, extra large ashpit* Malleable legs--may bend, cannot break* Cleanest, finest, smoothest castings. There is no other stove equal to the ROUND OAK.--in heating capacity, economy of fuel, or durability. Because of the superiority of Round Oak Stoves there are many imitation "oaks"--the genuine has the name, ROUND OAK cast on the legs, and the name of Beck- with of Dowagiac, as well as the name of stove on the feed door. If your dealer does not sell Round Oak Stoves, write and we will give the name of one that does, and send you an interesting book-- "Striking It Rich." , Estate of P. D. BECKWITH Dowagiac. Michigan C. F. Hall Co., Sales. 87 c buys a heavy dark grey, t wool walking skirt, compare with $1.50 goods. $1.29 buys an all wool walking skirt, cut with a graduated flounce. Colors are dark blue and black with a narrow white stripe. 2000 yds. of fine double width waist linings at 5c yd. Full bed blankets, first sale at 45c pr. 1000 yds. good white cotton flannel at 4ic yd. Special lot of pillow cases 5c each. Fine 10 4 sheeting at 15c yd. Sample yarns worth 8 to 15c at 5a An underskirt value. Very fine silk stripe sateen skirt, with fancy ruffle etc. cost originally $1.50 we offer at 87c. Stan­ dard prints any rem. at 4c yd. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. 3000 samples, ladies' underwear, from the finest to the medium qualities at less than manufacturers' costs. You'll have to see these. C. F. HALL Co., Dundee. Coming as it does, in the busiest sea­ son, when a man can least afford to lose time, a sure and quick cure for diar­ rhoea is very desirable. Anyone who has given it a trial will tell you that the quickest, surest and most pleasant remedy in use for this disease is Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. There is no loss of time when it is used, as one or two do$es of it will cure any ordinary attack. It never fails, not even in the most severe and dangerous cases. For sale by all drug­ gists. J OHK SBUR<|H. John P. Lay transacted business in Chicago Wednesday. Miss Maggie Adams yrent to Chicago on business Thursday. Math Schumacher left for.Sheboygan, Wis., Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Rothermel visited friends at Yolo Tuesday. Misses Lulu and Annie Freund will return to their home in Chicago Thurs­ day. Misses Barbara Schumacher and Louisa Holmes went to Chicago Tues day morning. Quite a number from here will at tend the McHenry county fair at Wood stock this week. Miss Susie Smith went to Chicago Saturday morning where she will stay for several months. Margaret Schumacher left for tit. Killan, Minn., Anna for Dresden, Kan., and Helen for Meyer, Iowa. The latter will visit friends and relatives and the two former will teach school the pres­ ent year. Dysentery Cared Without the Aid of Doctor, "I am just up from a hard'spell ol the flux" (dysentery) says Mr. T. A. Pinner, a well known merchant of Drummond, Tenn. "I used one small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and was cured without having a doctor. I consider it the best cholera medicine in the world." There is no need of employing a doctor when this remedy is used, for no doctor can prescribe a better medicine for bowel coiu plaint in any form either for children or adults. It never fails and is pleasant to take. For sale by all druggists. spent Wau WADCODNA. Oscar Whitoomb of Chicago Sunday here. Miss Lucy Spencer returned to conda Monday. Mrs. Or ton Hubbard is spending a week in Chicago. F. L. Carr will attend the fair at Woodstock this week. The fire company was called out for drill Monday evening. Frank Harrison and Charley Pratt Sundayed in Wauconda. Miss Helen Woodhouse is here from Michigan visiting friends. Miss Eva Scranton returned to her home in Chicago Saturday. Homer Cooke and Elmer Duers were Libertyville callers Monday. Mrs. Geo. Hubbard entertained her niece, Miss Huchinson, this wee*. Lewis Clark of Chicago is the guest of Miss Lillian Tidmarsh this week. Mrs. Erskine Oaks and son, Harry, of Chicago are visiting the former's moth­ er, Mrs. Ford. Mrs. Held who has been the guest of Mrs. A1 Jones returned to her home in Wheaton Sunday. Misses Eloise Jenks and Lilah Gold- intf returned Thursday from a week's outing at Devil's Lake. School begins Monday, Sept.* 1. It will be dismissed the following Friday on account of the Lake County Fair. The ice cream social giyen by the Ladies' Aid Society, Saturday evening, was not well attended owing to the un­ favorable weather. Dr. L. EL Oolding who has a dental office in the Hughes building met with \fhat might have proved quite a serious accident Saturday morning. An engine with which he was working exploded setting fire in the room. The fire was extinguished before much damage was done. O Bean the Summer Goods! There is no need goity? further than Johnsburgh to secure the necessities in Summer Wear. We have a good line of Summer Dress Goods which are going at lowest prices. Shoes Tor Jill Everything in Shoes, includ­ ing fine Shoes, for Men. Women and Children and heavy Working Shoes. G ood Line of Groceries! C. H. ADAMS, Johnsburgh, III. HARPER WHISKY SLI mm m Scientifically Distilled Naturally Aged, Absolutely Pure, Best and Safest for all uses. For sale by All Leading Dealers CHARLES 4 FREII Wholesale and retail dealer in I am In the Market For Beef rtutton Hog» and Poultry aive nw a call md Smoked Meats, Sausage McHenry - Illinois HEATS yi Fresh Salt and Smoked. Vegetables and Fruit in Season Hiving purchased the West Side - Market of F. Wat-. ties, it is my intention to give all customers the best service possible. I pay spot cash for hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the low­ est prices, and will sell on the same basis. $P 1*5 A. C. riATTHEWS, McHenry. West McHenry. i; AYl'getablePrepatatioiifoi* As­ similating ihcFood atidKegiila- ting [he Stomachs aw! Bowels of I N F A N T S / ( H1L1) K K N CASTORU, For Infants and Children, - if J , • • :-.y The Kind You Have i Always Bought «I i Promotes Digestion,Cheerful­ ness and Rest .Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. NOT NARCOTIC. Jteyw afOUUrSAHUBLPtTQKR Pwnp/ct* Settl' Jlx.SeJMH » Rochtlle SmUg-- Anist Stmt- *• Jb&emiitil - £) CiirtiiMatrSadOi * - Chuififd .tluwr «m flavor A perfect Remedy for Cons tip^f flon, Sour Stomach,Diari-hoca Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature oP NEW* YORK Bears Al b""iiiontlis old J ) D o s > s - J y C I N I S EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CINTAUN COMPANl^ NCW VOIMS CITT. " W'" Do You Paint? , S 1" O 3FJL X Am • (The Kind You Have Always If you do, bear in mind that we carry the beat brand of ready* mixed paints in the couuty. All colors and shades- ready for the brush. The beauty of these paiuts is that auyone that knows enough to ply the brush can use them, Wtt tiwyy » full line of ^ < Oils, Varnishes, Etc. which are sold at the lowest possible ptioee. If you want a Spring Tonic call oil us! Ringwood, III. J. S. BROWN & SON.

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