Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Sep 1902, p. 8

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PV&1' UMBBI » TO TAKE COMFORT IN HOT WEATHER Is not ao easy, bat when yon are dreessed in one of our Sum­ mer Suits it helps yon a long way towards being at ease, even in this July and August weather. Our Uen's Linen Suits at $3*50 give you $5,00 worth of fcolid comfort Then we have some a little better for a kind of dress np in Blue Worsted, Striped and Plain Bine Serge Goods, (not lined.) They dress yon as well as Tailor Made, and cost about one-half as much. Hot Weather Suits for little fellows, ages 4 to 14, at 50C to $1.00* You should see then. The kitod of Shoes we sell make yon forget the old saying, "I hate to break in a new Shoe in Hot Weather." Try a pair of them now. We expect a ear of Flour every day. Jersey City |$ard tO Beat, and it was bought ©n the right side of the Market too. Yours for Hot Weather Business, J O H N J . M I L L E R W E S T H c H E N R Y , I L L I N O I S . WMMOOWMMOMI ) who believe in individuality abhor ready made clothing. They know it fails to give the dressy effect which is one of the most attractive features of Our Made to Order Clothing The cloth, the fit and the workmanship of the garments made in our shop are proof of oar desire and ability to please particular people. JOHN D. LODTZ. SUNDRIES moderate To Give Value in all articles and all lines is the funda­ mental principle of our business. This covers all branches and is applied to the small things as well as the large. It's application to our stock of Druggist Sundries is particularly noticeable. The cost of these articles singly is really trifling, but in the aggregate it amounts to consider­ able and we show how a saving can be effected. N. H. Petesch, McHenry, 111. Druggist. EVERYTHING sunriER LINE GOODS AT GREAT SACRIFICE! Ladies' Fancy Shirt Waists at one half price. White and black Waists at a big discount. Summer Dress Goods, fancy colors in Dimi­ ties, Batistes, Lawns, Etc., at half price. Children's Lace and Muslin Caps and Bonnets. Men's Shirt Waists at cost. Straw Hats at your own price. We do not purpose carrying over to another season any of the above Goods and will make prices to move them quickly, while the Goods are seasonable. Geo4s Delivered Promptly. Loaf distance 'phone No. 363. Yours Truly, M. J. WALSH 1 BEAUTIFUL and FOX RIVER RESO RTSJ International Village. Mr. Lauletta and C. Eskelson called at the county seat Sunday. v, Henry Hanson, of Gtaywo&l* was stopping at Rosedale this week. Mrs. Jas. Stewart, of Chicago, spent several days at E. Hunter's last week. The Thisslew family closed up their, oottage Tuesday and returned to Evans- ton. Paul Wickert and Jos. Weil have been spending several days at Hunter's oot­ tage. Misses Dhn and Rose Harrison, of River Forest, and P. S. Harrison, of Ring wood, were entertained by Mrs. H. M. Jensen Sunday. Arthur Archambau, Misses Lillie and Ethel Stewart, of Chicago, were Sunday guests at H. M. Jensen's. Mrs. H. M. Jensen gave a lawn coffee party last Wednesday, the following ladies being present: Mesdames A. B. Bauman, T. L. Grot. Jos. Stewart, E. Hunter, Misses Christina Nelson, Jennie Nelson and Lillie Tonor. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hunter, accompanied by Mrs. Stewart and daughter, Ethel, Paul Wickert, Chas. Retsel, Jos. Weil took a trip to Fox Lake last Sunday in Mr. Hunter's new gasoline launch, mak­ ing the distance to the Bay in less than thirty minutes. Mr. Hunter manufac­ tured the boat himself haying made a number this season. He has new ap­ pliances of his own invention which seem to add greatly to the speed of a boat and give entire satisfaction. In the event of a dam being placed in the river launches will be in great demand and Mrs. Hunter expects to get his share of orders. 0 Plstakee Bay. Sunday was the banner day at Still­ ing 's Hotel. A mammoth crowd was en­ tertained and filled up on clams and lobsters. Nearly all the families have gone back to Chicago. A few will remain until the middle of the month, however, or until frost drives them away. The Mavis came back from Pewaukee this week with the third prize, won in the Inland Lake Yachting Associations' Regatta. At the election of officers, Henry L. Hertz was re-elected as Pres­ ident of the association. Bach's Summer Resort. Among those who have been stoping at this place the past week are Jos. Melms, Louis Schukd, H. H. Bartz, H. Bartz, H. E. Brrtz, Otto Suchies, Aug. Dippe, Wm. Dippe, John Brommson and wife, Jay J, Schaffer, Mose M. Schowalter, Geo. Wilson, John Hoevel, Edw. J. Schult, Wm Deitch, Chas. Zemke and wife, Miss Maggie Schowal­ ter, all of Chicago. The McHenry House. The fallowing were registered at this house the past week: Ada Lux, W. H. Donald, Ollie Tiffany, E.Donald, Lillian Johns, J. M. Williams, W. A. Fritsch, G. E. Strong, Dr. J. A. Wilmington. RICHARDSON'S M it"" R ICH ARE UGS These Rugs are the most popular Rugs on the Market. Also j|V Lace Curtains, Portieres, Window Shades, Mattings, Linoleums and Art Squares. The largest line of Carpets in McHenry. I have samples of the best made Carpets on the Market. Call and look them oyer before placing your order. The qualities are right, are newest, assortment largest and prices low- Jacob Justen. Emerald Park W. K. Burns and family returned to Chicago Sunday. - ' John Moore of Chicago was the guest of J. B. Heany last week. John R. Knox of McHenry toM a caller here Sunday evening. Ed. Bremer spent a very pleasant Sunday with his brother here. E. J. Farrell of Chicago was visiting relatives here the first of the week. Richard Hughes of Chicago spent Sunday with P. Walsh and family. Miss Cora Jollie spent the past week with her friend, Miss Delia Bremer. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dimnling of Chicago are visiting at W. Bolger's this week. Jas. Keating and family are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Frisby this week. Misses Mamie and Lola Aylward of Elgin spent Sunday with their mother here. Miss Kathryne Walsh of this place spent Thursday of last week with Elgin friends. Mrs. M. Kelly and M. Kelter of Chi­ cago visited at R. J. Sutton's the first of the week. Napoleon Picard and family of Chica­ go are enjoying a week's outing at P. Armstrong's cottage. Mrs. A. J. Cohan and family returned to Chicago Friday after a two months' visit at Green Cottage. C. Bremer rtturned to Chicago Mon­ day evening after spending a couple of dayB with his family here. H. J. Armstrong and family returned to Chicago after spending a pleasant month in their beautiful summer home. Mrs. J. Giltzaw and niece returned to Chicago Sunday after visiting two weeks with Mrs. C. Bremer at Oak Villa. Weary Rest cottage was closed Mon­ day and its occupants, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Heaney and son, Wm. departed for their city home. Mrs. Ed. Bremer and son, Eatl, of Chicago returned to their home Sunday evening after spending a month's vaca­ tion at her sister-in-law's, Mrs. C. Bremer. Mr. and Mrs. Brookman and son, Arthur, and daughter Mertal and Mr. and Mrs. Belson took a drive Sunday last from Diamond Lake over to "Oak Villa" and spent the remainder of the day at that place. __ Riverside House. Hunting has been the sport indulged in by frequenters of the Riverside this week and not a few specimens of rail, snipe and chickens have been brought in by the Nimrods. The following wire here during the week: Henry Nieterink, H. S. Techencin, Mrs. L. D. Pollard, Mrs. E. O. Williams, Kenneth Smith, J. Betak, F. Mueller and wife, N. J. Weil, wife and daughter, Wm. Webb, Dr. E. C. Severns, C. W. Ed­ wards and wife, Miss Helen Edwards, Miss Elizabeth Turner, S. S. Vaughan and wife, Edward W; Dierssen, Geo. E. Dierssen, of Chicago. MM Plumber .^4 and ipi?; Has Fitter: - A Boy's WHd Ride For Life. With family around expecting him to die, a son riding for life, 18 miles, to get Dr. King's new discovery for Consump­ tion, Coughs and Colds, W. H. Brown, of Leesville, Ind., endured deaths'agon- from asthma, but this wonderful medicine gave instant relief and soon cured him. He writes: "I now sleep soundly every night." Like marvelous cures for Consumption Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and Grip prove its matchless merit for all Throat and Lung troubles, Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Jul- ia A. Story's drug store. Half Rates to Carnival at Kockford, 111., Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold at one fare for the round trip September 10, limited for retnrn until September 11, inclusive, and excursion tickets at reduced rates will be sold September 8 to 18, inclusive limited to return until September 15, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. 4 10-St A Parson's Noble Act. "I want all the world to know," writes Rev. C. J. Bndlong, of Ashaway, R. I., "what a thoroughly good and re­ liable medicine I found in Electric Bit- tera. They cured me of jaundice and liver troubles that had caused me great suffering for many vearu. For a gen­ uine, all-around cure they excel any­ thing I ever saw." Electric Bitters are the surprise of all in their wonderful work in Liver, Kidney and Stomach troubles. Don't fail to try them. Only 50 cts. Satisfaction guaranteed by Jul­ ia A. Story. YELLOWSTOSS PARK TOl/tt, Chicago & North-Western R'y. Only $70.00 round trip to the Yellow­ stone and return. Includes railroad fare, stage fare and hotel board for five and one-half days tour of the park. Tickets on sale daily September 1st to 11th. Return limit September 25th. Apply to agents Chicago & North­ western R'y. SANITARY PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. Bath rooui outfits complete. All work guar­ anteed and at reasonable prices. Give me a chance to figure on your work. Leave order at Matthews market. West McHenry or cal phone 802. Agent for the Eagle Automatic das Machine, the best machine made. Chris Schmidt WEEKLY CROP BULLETIN. & "Mothers' Salve," a grand household remedy, has been used successfully for 30 years. Cures Catarrh, Croup and Colds. Heals Cuts, Burns, Sores, Piles, Scalds, etc. Prevents Diphtheria and Pneumonia. Is absolutely pure and pre­ pared from vegetable oil?. Easy to use, quick to act. Price 25c. For sale by N. H. Petesch. , Half Rates to Peoria, III., Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold at one fare for round trip, September 28 and 24, limit­ ed to return until September 25, in­ clusive, on account Illinois League Re­ publican Clubs. Apply to agents Chi- cigo & North-Western R'y. 10-8t Leave orders Petesch'a. for ice cream at A Remarkable Record. Chamberlain *8 Cough Remedy has a remarkable record. It has been in use for over thirty years, during which time many million bottles have been sold and used. It has long been the standard and miin reliance in th£ treat­ ment of croup in thousands of homes, yet during all this time no case has ever been reported to manufacturers in which it failed to effect a cure. When given as soon as a child becomes hoarse or even as soon as the cronpy cough appears, it will prevent the attack. It is pleasant to take, many children like it. It contains no opium or other harmful substance and may be given as confi­ dently to a baby as an adult, For sale by all druggists. Excursion Rates to County Pair at Rockfork, 111., Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold at reduced rates August 80 to September 5, inclusive, limited to return until September 6, in­ clusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y, 9.31 Take Care of the Stomach. The man or woman whose digestion is perfect and whose stomach perforn s its every function is never sick. Kodol cleanses, purifies and sweetens the stom­ ach and cures positively and permanent­ ly all stomach troubles, indigestion acd dyspepsia. It is the wonderful recon­ structive tonic that is making so many sick people well and weak people strong, by conveying to their bodies all the nourishment in the food they eat. Rev. J. H. Holladay, of Holladay, Miss., writes: Kodol has cured me. I consider it the best remedy I ever used for dys­ pepsia and stomach trouhles. I was giv­ en up by physicians. Kodol saved my life. Take it after meals. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G,. W. Besley, West McHenry. Half-Rate Home Visitors' Excursion Tickets to Points in Indiana and Ohio and to Louisville, Kjr„ Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold at one fare for round trip for trains arriving at Chi cago or Peoria on September 9, 16 an<1 23, 1902, with favorable return limits. Apply to agents Chicago & North­ western R'y. 10-8t A Sad Disappointment. Ineffective liver medicine is a disai - pointment, but you don't want to purge, strain and break the glands of the stom­ ach and bowels. DeWitt's Little Early Risers never disappoint. They cleanse the system of all poison and putrid mat­ ter and do it so gently that one enjoyts the pleasant effects. They are a tonic to the liver. Cure biliousness, torpid liver and prevent fever. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G, W. Besley, West McHen ry. V. S. Department of Agriculture Report For'Week Ending September 1, 1902. The early part of the past week was cool, but the latter part was moderately warm. Generally fmr weather pre­ vailed during the week. There were, however, light showers in the northern part of the state and moderate to heavy rains over the southern part. The rains in the northern part of the state were insufficient to interfere with farm work, while in the southern pert, though the work was interrupted to some extent, the showers were beneficial to growing crops and have put the ground in good condition for plowing. Considerable plowing and preparing of ground for seeding has been done and in a few localities some rye has been seeded. Threshing has progressed rapidly under the favorable ^conditions of the past week. There has been con­ siderable damage to oats in shock by the previous wet weather, but in many localities this damage was less than had been feared would result. The weather of the past week has been very favor­ able for corn and it has generally ad­ vanced rapidly towara maturity. The yield promises to be heavy. Reports as to the time when the crop will be safe from injury by frost vary considerably. In a few localities, especially in the southern part of the state, early corn is now reported to be safe, while in others it is believed that the crop will not be safe until after October 1st. With favorable conditions, however, the bulk of the crop promises to be safe by Sept. 15 to 20. Lingering Summer Colds. Don't let a cold run at this season Summer colds are the hardest kind to cure and if neglected may linger along fOr months. A long seige like this will pull down the strongest constitution. One Minute Cough Cure will break up the attack at once. Safe, sure, acts at once. Cures coughs, colds, croup, bron­ chitis, all throat and lung troubles. The children like it. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. Leave orders for ice cream at Petesch's. Some person who has tried it, says that an exce'lent way to get rid of stumps is to bore an auger hole in them with a one or two inch auger from ten to twelve inches deep and fill the hole with coal oil and let it stand for a month or so, securely plugged while the oil penetrates the wood, after which set fire to the stump and it will bur out roots and all. At any rate the ex periment is worth trying. MM IflEDFORD's* BLACK-DRAUGHT; THE ORIGINAL LIVER MEDICINE & 1 yi? / f - Jjn"' a 1, V.'; Children Like the M • c * y,-» ' •' V' . ' • £,vv.- . 'S* They are U.. nicely madtttX and above all. K comfortable to wear. Tl» tapeSrrsptnder principle carries all the strain from the shoulder, doing away with that drag^ipM feeling common in all # Other waists What brings comfort tot'? , the children is pleasing to the mothefjr They are better in every respect, wear Sanger and cost no more than the infer* log kinds. ASK TO SEE • - ^ r, 7 }' ** * I : The "M" Waist. SThi inAlI • vllapcll I HcHENRY, - ILLINOIS | >T* »T» A *T» »T« »Ts »t> »T» tT> iT> A sT> »T* sT* >Ti iT« »T* «T* A iT« «Ti »•> A vPTr f Tr if* lyTy ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. OF INTEREST TO STOCKHOLDERS. Free Transportation to Attend the Special and Annual Meeting* at Chicago. Public notice Is hereby given that a special meeting of the stockholders of the Illinois Central Railroad Company will be held at the Company's office in Chicago, Illinois, on Fri­ day, August 29, 1902, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon; also that the regular annual meet­ ing of the stockholders of the Company will be held at its offices in Chicago, Illinois, on' Wednesday, October 15, 1H02, at noon. To permit personal attendance at these Lueetlugs there will be issued to cacta holder of one or more shares of the capital stock of the Illinois Central Railroad Company as registered on the books of the Compauy at the close of business on Friday,August 1,1902, and to stockholders of record on Friday, Sep­ tember 16, 1002, a ticket enabling him, or her, to travel free over the Company's Lines from the station on the Illinois Central Railroad nearest to his or her registered address to Chicago and return, such ticket to be good for the journey to Chicago only during the four days immediately proceeding, and the day of the meeting, and for the return journey from Chicago only 011 the day of the meeting, lia and the four days immediately following, when properly countersigned and stii during business hours--that is to sa; tween 9:00 A. M. and 5:00 p. M.--in the oft the Assistant Secretary, Mr. W. G. HHUEN, in Chicago. Such ticket may be obtained by any holder of stock registered as above, on appli­ cation, in writing, to the President of the Company in Chicago. Each application must state the full name and address of the stock­ holder exactly as given in his or her certifi­ cate of stock, together with the number and date of such certificate. No more than one person will be carried free in respect to any one holding of stock as registered on the books of the Company. A. G. HACK8TAFF, Secretary. f A sallow complexion, dizziness,' biliousness ana a coated tongue are common indications of liver and kidney diseases. Stomach and bowel troubles, severe as they are, give immediate warning by pain, but liver and kidney troubles, though less painful at the start, are much harder to cure. Thedford's B fi Black-Draught never fails to bene-igr fit diseased liver and weakened kid­ neys. It stirs up the torpid liver to throw off the germs of fever and ague. It is a certain preventive of cholera and Bright's disease of the kidneys. With kidneys re­ inforced by Thedford's Black- Draught thousands of persons have dwelt immune in the midst of yel­ low fever. Many families live in Serfect health and have no other octor than Thedford's Black- Draught. It is always on hand for use in an emergency and saves many expensive calls of a doctor. Mullins, S. C., March 10, 1901. I luve used Thedford's Black-Draught for three years and I have not had to <0 to a doctor since I have been taking It. It Is the best medicine for me that U on the market for liver and kidney troubles and dyspepsia and other complaints. Rev. A. 0. LEWIS. THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & SI. PAH RAILWAY. ELECTRIC LIGHTED TRAINS BETWEEN Chicago, Des Moines, Sioux City, Omaha, Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago, flarquette, Houghton, Calumet. This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections.., INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low­ est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Banker* f .Equipment and Service Unequaled. Time tables, maps and information furnished on application to F. A. MiiJUtB, General Passenger Agent, Chicago. White Fine Cough Syrup oaraa. /fi A REAL ESTATE AGENTS. A WORD TO YOU. Do you want to know where the next great land boom will be, and where yon can make plenty of money ? If so write the undersigned for a circular telling "All about it." J. F. MERRY, Ass't Qen'l Pass'r Agent, Illinois Central Railroad, Dubuque, la. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of tlM digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fail3 to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs caa take It. By Its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. Il unequalled for the stomach. Child* ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. Cures all stomach troubles Prepared only by E. O. DEWITT &Co Ohicag# Tbe 11. bottle contains2times the50c. da* Juliu A.Stnrv and U W. Kesley r 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS • BADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &.Q, Anyone sending a sketch and description mt» qnlcKly useurtaln our opinion free whether S Invention is probably patentable. CoinmuiiiS tlons strictly conUdenttal. Handbook on PateidH sent free. Oldest Hircnv'y for securing patentH* Patents taken through Sluiiu A Co. recelM ipecial notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomoly illustrated weekly. T.artreat rotation <>f n?iy ficteiitlfic lourniu. Terms, 9') ft year ; four months, $1. 80UI by all newsde&lenk MUNN iCo.361 Broad-*- New fort Brenob Offlofc «|f iiU WlwhliwttWlHl^k

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