STOVES! Oil, Wood or for all purposes of well known and popular makes. Call and exumiim our varied assortment now re&dy In our Stove Department. If we can not please you with what >we have on band we wil) •and for those of your own selection. Our Motto: "QUICK SALES! SMALL MARGINS!" OSMUN BROS. Opposite Reynold's Mill McHenry, III. * Stoves Repaired on Short Notice! - • • * "v AVfcgetable PreparationforAs similafmg ihcFood andlfeg Ufa- ting the Stomachs and BoweSs of Promotes Digeslion,Cheerfui- ness and Rest.Contains neither Opiuni,Morphine ucrMineral. NOT "NARC OTIC . Afev of fMJMSAMUELPtTOSR RaiyJcM Semi' jffx.Snnnt * v Il&rhctlr Suht- yttu.'r Semi r H'jjfjcrnwtt - Bi CarbaftalrSagtt * lie<t?{i Sep J- - Clarified Sugar W/hten/ffwr Flavor. A perfect Remedy for Cons tipa Hon,Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. FacSunite Signature of NEW YORK. A t b iiio111 li•» old ) ) D ( ) S h S - J j C l M I S EXACT copy OF WRAPPER For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CENTAUR CQMPAN^ NEW VOW* ClTV. Flinty Orocers We offer 25 Cases extra Fancy SALMON in 1 lb. Cans at 12 1-2C. per can $1.25 per dozen They Dont Like Rata. "There's a queer thing about Italian laborers," said a contractor who em ploys a great many of them, "and that is that they absolutely refuse to work in the rain. Stop a minute and think. Did you ever see a gang of them work ing in the streets, digging trenches or doing any other manual labor in the rain? Well, you never did and proba bly never will. Just as soon as a show er sets in, no matter how slight, they will scramble for cover. If the rain continues, they will soon complain of feeling sick and knock off for the day. One fellow will have a sore throat, an other will be doubled up with pains in his stomach, and others will suddenly acquire severe ailments of all sorts. It is useless to attempt to do anything with them, and pretty soon they wil! all go trooping home." -- Philadelphia Record. Llvtag Indelible Inlc. If the shell of the Purpura lapillus be broken there is seen on the back of the animal, just under the skin, a slender, whitish vein which contains a yellow liquor. When this liquor is applied to linen with a small brush and exposed to the sun it becomes successively green, blue and purple, and finally set tles into a brilliant unchangeable crim son. Housewives of New England have growing abundantly on the sea side rocks in their neighborhoods little living bottles of indelible ink, not to be excelled in beauty or durability by any manufactured product, since neither acid nor alcohol will affect this juice of the whelk. 4 This article we j t guarantee to be j t strictly first- j class Red Fish. £ | If not as repre- j sented, money j back . £ DON'T BE FOOLED! Take the genuine, original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co., Madison, Wis. It keeps you well. Our trade mark cut on each package. Price, 35 cents. Never sold In bulk. Accept o« lubitl- Ma tute. Aalt year tfniggUt* SERIOUS TRIFLES Nagiect of Simple Complaints OftM Causes Great Suffering and Serious Results. Does your back ache? If so, what makes It ache and what does it mean? There is a reason for everything, and if you have a , backache, there must be a cause for it.. I The chances are your kidneys are at fault. If they are not right, the quicker I you attend to them the better it will be; for a neglected kidney trouble cannot get well of itself. When these organs once commence to break down the work of de struction continues unless death is averted by the prompt use of proper means. EDWARD HUSS, a prominent business man of Salisbury, MOm suffered fright fully from backache and in a recent letter he tells how he managed to stop it. I He says: "I had been a sufferer for A lonsr time from lumbaeo, and, of course, tried almost everything I heard of that offered relief; but all the BO-called rem- I edies I took did me no good until a friend ! induced me to try FOLEY'S KIDNEY CUBE. i I used three bottles of it and was entirely 1 cured." J Thousands of others have met with the same success in using this remedy for kidney and bladder troubles. 1 FOLEY'S KIDNEY CUBE is a preparation that can be depended upon to do all that Is claimed for it. Physicians of the high est standing employ it in their practice, for it is a combination of the most valu able kidney t and bladder remedies en dorsed by specialists in the diseases of those organs. IT taken early it will cure every form of kidney and bladder trouble and will quickly relieve the worst caaafr even in the last stages. N. H. PETESCH. McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with McHenry County State Bank Woodstock, 111. Abstracts of title and con veyancing. Money to luau on real estate in sums of $5oo to tli),000, time and payment to suit borrower. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS V VOIXX. Joseph Freund of McHenry was a Sunday caller. Miss Bessie Dunnill is attending school at Grayslake. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Huson spent Wednesday in Chicago. Miss Annie Miller is spending a week's vacation with her mother. Paul Averry returned to his school duties in Oak Park Monday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Winkle of McHenry Sundayed at Chris. Sable'a. Messrs. A. J. Raymond and John Myers spent Monday in Waakegan. John arid Miss Katie Tonian of Ring- wood visited friends at Volo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker visited relatives in Evanston the latter part of the week. Peter Stadtfield is having a new barn built John Walton and son are doing the work. Martin and Miss Lizzie Smith of Johnsbnrgh were Volo callers Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Molandet and Mrs. Melander visited Mr. and Mrs. Michael Freund Tuesday. Harry Graham returned to his home in the city last week after spending several weeks at Geo. Wait's. The directors have very much im proved the school grounds by having a well dug and a new fence built Mrs. Harry Nicholls and daughters, Edith and Lavina, went to Chicago Monday to visit relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kristan of North Chicago visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wegener several days last week at Volo. There will be no services at the M. EL church Sunday afternoon on acconnt of the Sunday school convention to be held at Wauconda. SPRING ABOVE. Mrs. Wm. Harm is very ill. Mrs. Emma Emerson is very ill at present writing. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Rndolph wel comed a son AngUBt 22. Kirk Craiue and Chester Neish are at tending school at Valparaiso, Ind. v V H. Churchill and Wm. Hanke are 4a Dakota with a view to investing in land. Miss Lena Gould returned to tine blind school at Jacksonville last week. A large barn raising took place on Lawyer Walsh's farm'Taesday after noon. The work on tlfe drag store being built, by Dr. Darby of Wilmot is pro gressing. Dame Gossip says we way look for weddings in the near future--one, two. three, four or more. Robert Westlake and little daughter, Myrtle, of Lake Villa were visitors at Jas. Westlake's Monday. Warren Cole attended the Minnesota State Fair last week. He exhibited some of their fine sheep there. Mr. Asa Waterman and Miss Mary Reed were married September 3, and are now settled at the groom's hoi^s in Sunnyside. J' The village of Spring Grove iartijpw incorporated, a special election being held Wednesday, Sept 10 and a majority of thirty one votes being cast iaJSffpor of incorporation. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph James of Beloit, Wis., spent the last two weeks here. Miss Alioe Shotliff returned home with them. We are sorry to say that she is suffering greatly with her eyes again. Mrs. Fred Bell from Nebraska is vis iting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Johonnott Mr. Bell has sold his farm in Nebraska and we hope to be able fco welcome him and his family back to McHenry county School started with a good attendance. The children are glad to be back at school and are working with vigor. The older ones have been very busy during their vacation and have made it a profit able one, and they now turn to the school work with the same ambitions feeling. Marion Carey and James Overton both of this place were united in the bonds of matrimony Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 2, 1902, at the German parsonage, by Father Deere. The groom's cousin. Irving Overton, and the bride's sister, Miss Maude Carey, acting as best man and bridesmaid. Mr. and Mrs. Overton left on the evening train for Wisconsin where they will spend some time with relatives. They start » in wedded life with the beet wishes of their many friends of which they have a host. May success and prosperity ever attend their ways. . OASTOI lX iL . Bean tha Kind You Haw Always BeofM JOHMSBUBGH. John J. Schaefer • was a Chicago vis itor Monday. John P. Lay transacted business ill Chicago Thursday. Rev. H. Mehring went to Chicago on business Monday morning. Mrs. Margaret Feltes of Kansas? City visited home folks and friends here the past week. Mrs. Palmes went to Chicago on Wed nesday to visit her daughter, Annie, several days. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Saval of Volo vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Rothermel Fri day of last week. A young son of Nick Pitzen died on Thursday of last week. The funeral took place Saturday morning at eight o'clock, Father Mehring officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Nye of Alvada, Ohio were here the past week and visited their son, Dr. Nye and wife. They re turned to their home again on Thnrs day. Miss M. M. Adams was in Chicago on Thursday of last week and Wednesday of this week and purchased a fine line of ladies', Misses' and children's fall hats. Ladies are welcome to look them over. RING WOOD . Bert Bell spent oj»e day in Chicago last week. Miss Emma Matthews of McHenry visiting relatives here this week. Born, on Saturday, Sept. 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Adiuns, a daughter. Mrs. Christian Miller who has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. F. W. Cole, departed for her home last Wed nesday. Mrs. H. W. Allen attended the dis trict convention of the W. C. T. U., Tuesday and Wednesday as a delegate from Ringwood. Mrs. Edwin Johonnott, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Stevens recently departed for her home at Terra Haute, Ind. She was accompanied as far as Chicago by her mother and sister. The ice cream social given by the side walk improvement committee last Friday was fairly welt attended. A neat sum was realized and consequently we are that much nearer good walks. Clarence Harrison of Lake Forest while visiting his uncle, P. S. Harrison, enjoyed ui'mself by flying kites which were constructed on mechanical lines and differ greatly from the ordinary kite. Elmer Francisco left Monday even ing for Champaign where he will enter the University of Illinois. His inten tions are to take the electrical engineer ing course which will require four years. Those interested in the Modern Woodmen will be presented with the opportunity of attending a picnic at Lake Geneva, Saturday, Sept. 18, at which time Mr. Whelan the head lec turer will speak on the rate readjust ment plan. Fare for round trip, one and a third. i Not Doomed For Life. "I was treated for three years by good doctors," writes W. A. Greer, McCon- nellsville, O., "for Piles and Fistula, but, when all failed, Bncklen's Arniea Salve cured me in two weeks." Cures Burns, Bruises Cuts, Corns, Sores Erup tions, Salt Rheum, Piles or no pay. 25c at Julia A. Story's drug store. The Rib. The Living Church quotes this from a Connecticut woman's diary, dated 1790: "We had roast pork for dinner, and Dr. S., who carved, held up a rib on his fork and said, 'Here, ladles, is what Mother Eve was made of.' 'Yes,' said Sister Patty, 'and it's from very much the same kind of critter.'" A New Jersey Kd I tor's Testimonial. M. T. Lynch, Editor of the Phillips burg, N. J. Daily Post writes: "I have used many kinds of medicines for coughs and colds in my family but never anything so good as Foley's Honey and Tar. I cannot say too much in praise of it." For sale by N.ELPetesch. To Show tt. Bingo Btngo--I'm going to bring my wife round to call on you tonight. Winterby--That's right; but do me a favor, old man. Don't let her wear her new dress. I don't want my wife to see it Just now. Bingo (grimly)--Why, that's what ws are coming for. "Mothers' Salve," a grand household remedy, has been used successfully for 80 years. Cures Catarrh, Croup and Colds. Heals Cuts, Burns, Sores, Piles, Scalds, etc. Prevents Diphtheria and Pneumonia. Is absolutely pure and pre pared from vegetable oil?. Easy to nse, quick to act. Price 25c. For sale by N. H. Petesch. ilia; Proof. A woman visiting in town complains that she has been moved from the guestroom to a back bedroom and from there to sleep three in a bed with the children. She wouldn't see a hint If It were tied on her mirror with blue ribbon.--Atchison Globe. Genuine Rocky Mountain Tea made by the Madison Medicine Co., is made of rare and costly herbs, not fonnd in any other preparation, therefore get the kind you read about. 85 cts. G. W Besley. O Beam the Bigasturt 8TORIA dhe Kind You Have Alway One trouble with economy is that it is usually practiced by men who do not need to exercise it.--Saturday Evening Port. MAKESHIFT REPAIRS only lead to more damage and increased expense. Have the work dore right thq first time and ii will stay done. HARNESS REPAIRING Is notaside issue here, but an important paitofonr business. Men, means and material to do good work are all here. Also the desire to excel. Small or large jobs are equally well attended to. Nothing is slighted or botched. Charges are moderate. G U S . C A R L S O N •••••••••••••••••••* OH for the Children. Give them oil--cod-liver oil. It's curious to see the result Give it to the peevish, fret ful child, and he laughs. Give it to the pale, anaemic child, and his face becomes rosy and full of health. Take aflat- chested child, or a child that has stopped growing, give him the oil, and he will grow big and strong like the rest. This is not a new scheme It has been* done for years Of course you must use tin right oil. Scott's Emulsioi is the one. Scott's Emulsion ncithc looks nor tastes like oil becaus we are so careful in making i pleasant to take. Send for free sample. SCOTT & HOWNE, Chemists, «<•*> Mtrl St., N. > 50c and $ 1 00; al. druggies. Read This Please. Winter underwear at off. All kinds for men, women and children. These are samples and odd lots from manu facturers. These will be sold before winter comes. Take our advise and buy now. Regular $2.50 dark grey walking skirt with graduated flounce at $1.49. Pillow cases at 8c. Seamless 81x90 sh&ts at 44c. 22x48 in. bath towels at 10c. Fancy Chatelaine at 49c. Special lot of dress goods 80 to 86 in. wide at 10c yd. Remnants in 10c stripe shirting at 6c yd. Boys' all solid leather shoes sizes 1 to 5} at 87c. Some strictly all wool men's suits, about 50 in the lot, all new up-to-date styles, "serge lined, we offer until further notice at |6.50 per suit. Fancy dress braids worth up to 15cper yd. at la lib of dried beef in gfass jar at 25c. Men's silk ties at 5c. Stove blacking at lc. Washing Powder at 2c. Lot of fancy Taffeta silk waists to close out at 98c. C. F. HALL, CO., Dundee. Summer Goods! * There is no need going further than Johnsburgh to secure the necessities in Summer Wear. We have a good line of Summer Dress Goods which are going at lowest prices. Shoes Tor Jill Everything in Shoes, includ ing fine Shoes, for Men, Women and Children and ^^heavy Working Shoes. Good Line of Groceries! C. H. ADAMS, Johnsburgh, III. CHARLES t fRETT Wholesale and retail dealer In In the a call BAKREV1LLG. John Powers of Holcombville was a recent caller here. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Wilcox .of Nunda were Sunday callers here. Clark Jacobs and Hovgh Watson of. Nunda were callers here Sunday. Arthur and Elmer Wilmington spent Sunday with relatives in Lake county. George Knaack entertained a number of his young friends Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Campbell of Nun da called at Henry Wilmington's Sun day. Misses May anil Lizzie Ames of Terra Cotta called on Miss Clara Thompson Sunday. Mrs. J. P. Shugra and Miss Eliza Howell of Nunda called on Mrs. Anna Turner recently. Mrs. C. W. Colby and daughter, Edna, spent Sunday afternoon with relatives at Holcombville. Mr. and Mrs. John Pettibone and daughter, Irene, of Chicago spent Sun day at J. Fleming's. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Thompson left Monday afternoon for a week's visit with relatives at Lansing, Minnesota. A ball game was held here recently between the Barreville and McHenry Juniors and the Barreville team was victorious by a score of 28 to 18. Smoked Meats, Sausage McHenry - Illinois HARPEffl WHSKY Scientifically Distilled, Naturally A^ed, Absolutely Pure, Best and Safest for all uses. For sale by All Leading Dealers flEATS! Fresh Salt and Smoked. Vegetables and Fruit in Season Having purchased the Weat Side Market of F. Wat tles, it is my intention to give all customers the best service possible. I pay spot cash for hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the low est prices, and will sell on the same basis. A. C. McHenry. HA TTOEWS, West McH< McHenry. Agent for the Celebrated International Stock Food Preventative of Hog Cholera Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shelters and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills; Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. General Bhcksmiiftht Prices ilwtys Efll--iMf i .1 Special Kednced Excursion Rates ii: Bound Oak Stoves ard made entirely different from all other stoves. There are many imita tions, but the resemblance is only in the exterior design. The Interior construct ion of the Hound Oak'ntoves makes complete combustion possible note the white smoke from the chimney--there la no waste of fuel, and for this reason less ftiel is required. Special fixtures for liard or soft coal* permit the use of any kind of fuel in Round Oak Stoves Other improvements difftase the heat through out the room, Instead of letting it escape through the Hues; prevent clinkers; inuke it possible to keep a fire at will. Absolutely airtipht doors, no Joints In bottom ; iiiiest smooth, clean castings; malleable lops that can't break. Every stove fully guaranteed. The only GENI IN'E ItouadOuk StoTe. have the UBC of Heokw ItU of l>o»-uc!»c on the feed door, and the name Hound 0«k east on lega and door. If not at your dealers, fend for our free book--"Striking It Kich"--lull of stove lore. P. D. BECKWITH Estate, | Dowagiac, Mich. Complete Combustion Will be in effect from all points on the Chi- *bago & North-Western Railway for the oc casions named below: I. O. O. F. Sovereign Grand Lodge, Des Moines, September 15-20. National Creamery B. M.'s Association, Milwaukee, October 20-24. Brotherhood of St Andrew, Boston, Mass., October 9-12. American Royal Cattle Show, Kansas City, Mo., October 20-25. National Conventions Christian Church Omaha, October 16-28. National Encampment G. A. R.,Wash ington, D. C-, October.6-11. For information as to rates, dates of sale, etc., of these or other occasions, call upon the ticket agent of the North-Western Line. KMKRAJLD FAKK. Walter Bolger was on the sick list last week D. W. Hill of Chicago spent Sunday with his family here. Chas. Bremer is spending a wees with bis brother at Oak Villa. C. Bremer spent a pleasant day Sun day with his family here. Mr. and Mrs. Birkircher drove over land to Chicago last ween. Paul Armstrong and family returned to Chicago Sunday evening. W. K. Burns of Chicago enjoyed a day's duck hunting here Sunday. Chas. Cohn of Chicago spent Satur day and Sunday at Green Cottage. Miss Nellie Dake of Chicago is the guest of Miss Mae Welch this week. Mrs. S. Yuths of Mattoon is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Walmsley. Miss Lizzie Glossen spent a few days the first of the week with Miss D. Bre mer Miss Alice Sutton o' T lgin spent Sun day at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Sutton. Mrs. Frank Effenger of Colorado vis ited Mrs. C. Bremer and family at theif summer home Wednesday. J. Armstrong closed his cottage Fri» day for the season and returned with his family to their city home. Mr. and Mrs. F. Ward of McHenry and friends of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. E. Aylward. /• Mr. and Mrs. J. Hack and family re* turned to Chicago Saturday after spending a very pleasant month at the Huok cottage. Miss Irene Feltzer who has for tW past month been the guest of George Walmsley returned to her home in Chi» cago Saturday morning. Mrs. George Schaid and family, Mis. M. Glossen, Mrs. J. Miller, Mrs. Jos. Heimer and Miss lizzie Glossen spent m? very pleasant day at Mrs. BNmsr'to cottage Tuesday. Dress does not make the person. Nop . does a clean exterior indicate a clean in* terior. To be well all organs of th# body must work in harmony. Rocky < Mountain Tea does this work. Besley.