m m A Pretty 8afe Bet. j 'A man aVBaraboo, Wli, Is out with ' if Republican platform whose sixth plank announces his belief that the law relating to matrimony should bo •mended so as to make it as easy M possible to get married, but might? difficult to get a divorce. WhatH jrou bet that man isn't married? INSIST ON OKrriNG IT. ; ' Bome grocers say they don't keep De- glance Starch because they have a stock In hand of 12 oz. brands, which they know cannot be sold to a customer who has Wee used the 16 ox. pltg. Defiance Starch tor same money. 1 • Many Religious Sects. 'There are 227 different religious ^•ects in Great Britain and Ireland. Don't delay a minute. Cholera infantum, dysentary. diarrhoea com© suddenly. Only •ale pjan is to have Dr. Fowler's Extract odt Wild Strawberry always on hand. To be born without humor one loses two-thirds of life's enjoyment. THE SURGEON'S KNIFE ; ID*. Eckis Stevenson of Salt g Lake City Tells How Opera- feiU tioT\s For Ovarian Troubles ilaj Be Avoided. M Dkab Mb*. Pixkham I suffered •frith. inflammation of the ovaries and Womb for ever six years,enduring aches and pains which none can dream of but those who have had the same expe- r SIRS. ECKIS STEVENSON. rlenoe. Hundreds of dollars went to the doctor and the drug-gist. I was simply a walking medicine chest and a phys ical wreck. My sister residing in Ohio y^r&te me that Bhe had been cured oi * #omb trouble by using- Lydia £. ;#inkham's Vegetable Com* pound, and advised me to try it. I then discontinued all other med icinei and gave your Vegetable Compound a thorough trial. Within four weeks nearly all pain had left me; I rarely had headaches, and my nerves were in a much better condition, and I was cured in three months, and this avoided a terrible surgical operation."--Mrs. Eckis Stevenson, 250 So. Stato St., 8alt Lake City, Utah.--$6000 forfait If tboue testimonial I$ not genuine. Remember every woman Is iiivitcd to "write to Finkham if there is anything About her symptoms she does not Understand. Mrs. Pinkham's address is Lynn, Mass. HAMLINS WIZARD OIL I' SORE FEET A L L D R U G G I S T S S E L L I T The Twentieth Century MONEY MAKER. jS' aiO.OOO profits per mere. Larg" est Garden in America. Address R. E. BARNARD, Houston, Mo. lITY ADVMIMES C! c;in be secured by all residents of the country or smaller cities if our catalogue is kept for reference. We sell every variety oI merchandise of reliable quality at lower prices than any other house. We have been right here in the same business for thirty-one years and have two million customers. If we save them money, -why not you? Have you our latest, up-to-date cata logue, 1,000 pages full of attractive offer ings? If not send 15 cents to partially pay postage or expressage--the book itself is free. Mnntarkwnmra {Wjjfsf 4b CO: ( CHICAGO The house that tells the truth. I THE CRYSTAL A one-pound coffee mill with glass hopper Some thing entirely new. The housekeepers' delight. The only wall mill of the kind. Is first-class in every respect. Sells at sight. Is fully war ranted. If you would in crease your coffee mill trade, handle this mill. Packed H dozen in a case. Price, $1.00 each. Manufactured by IRCtDE MFG. GO. Freeport, III. Patent FentUn?. New York Office. 68 Park Place. WE DEMAND YOUR ATTENTION. If anyone offered you a good dollar for an imperfect on* would you take it? if anyone offered you one good dollar for 75 cents of bad money would you take it? We offer you 16 ounces of the very best starch made for 10c. No other brand is so good, yet all others cost Kk. ior 12 ounces. Ours b a business proposition. DEFIANCE STARCH is the best and cheapest We guarantee ft istbfattay. - Ask your grocer. The DEFIANCE STARCH COL, Omaha. Neb. PHILOSOPHICAL OBSERVATIONS By BYRON WILLIAMS. MEN PROFIT, WOMEN SUFFER. * How Frank Stockton Got Prize and His 8ister Did Not. When years ago a juvenile magazine offered two prizes for the best stories written by a child under 12 and by one between the ages of 12 and 15, FranX R. Stockton competed for the latter prize and his sister Lonise for the former and both children succeeded In "More water glideth by the mill / Than wots the miller of." A wise king sought a satisfied man. To this end .he advertised a prise of gold. It was a "free-for-all," a soiree in which the contented poor and the favored rich might participate. Having set his trap the hoary old wiseacre titled his crown, a la Lillian Russell, and "smoked up." Many , came to claim the reward, their faces wreathed in happiness and with songs 1 "lebestetorieg in both groups, on their lips; but each was turned away with the question, "If satisfied with your lot in life why seek ye this prize?" And they went away crest fallen, while the jolly old king burst the buttons off his royal vest laugh ing. turned away with the question, "If satisfied with your lot In life why seek ye this prl'ze?" And they went away crestfallen, while the jolly old king burst the buttons off his royal vest laughing. The babe at its young and buxom mother's breast wants the moon. When the infant has grown to manhood's estate he wants not only the moon, but the worfa with a barbed wire fence around it. He seems unmindful of the truth that the earth would be as much "an elephant on his hands" as would the moon have been in his adolescent days. As a babe he was not satisfied with that sweet mother's breast; as a man the blessings innumerable are not. sufficient. He sees not the glories about him and the water runs away, past his mill while he sees it not But the editor of the magazine did not much like the idea of giving his two prizes to the members of one family. He was afraid it would be said that the winners were relatives or inti mate friends of him. So he wrote to ! Louise and told her that hers was the j best story in the under 12 years' group, but, nevertheless, he would not give ' a prize to her. because if he did it , would make talk and he would be ac- i cused of partiality. Frank got his , prize, but someone else got the little j girl's. Miss Louise Stockton, who i lives in West Philadelphia, often tells A young man walking along a slnous path of natnre with beauties at j whlch taught her, she says, hAI* T1 MSr fwt ik n tvrAKM'a (niiteriAA every step, discovered a coin of gold in his path. Every afterward he bent his eyes earthward to the rude path beneath his feet in search of pelf, for getful of the glorious world about him and the sun setting in golden aureoles upon the mountain peaks of life. He died a miser and the water that gurgled by his cabin door laughed onward in derisive requiem. Amid the flowers of the country, the anemones that burst in the Spring1- time and are called by the children "Qew-drops," the forget-me-nots of ad vancing sunshine in shaded nooks, the wild roses that tincture of a rara- avis perfume, the apple blossoms and the lilacs, the lilies of the valley and the violets--amid all these god-like, heart throbbings of nature, the pastoral people long for the unnatural city. The glad cry of the water as it sings past the miller is not heard^--there is sighing for coal smoke and turmoil "and struggle. Thus it is with us ever, the water of iife plunges by us unheeded ---we long for the sandy desert and the artificial things of life. Yesterday the miller beheld his wife, his children and that dear old mother's face. In a non-committal sort of way he noticed them as he hurried home to sleep. The next day he was blind. Instantly the mind, springing to supremacy, upbraids him. Never again may he see the waters at his very feet. In a vague, weird, rhythm he hears the plashing nectar. He knows that millions of prism-like drops are flashing rainbows in the sun, but he- cannot see. The disregarded brook has become a river of life he cannot lave in--the beauty about him is no more and there is nothing left but darkness, longing and despair. In life we sully our sight with things which do not satisfy and from the busy mart and strenuous brawl of existence, yearn to reach back with innocence to that brook which rippled past our early youth. Alas! It has grown muddy and commonprace, humid and fishy--the glass is shattered and the golden bowl lies in cutting fragments at our heart. "More water glideth by the mill Than wots the miller of." Happy the man who sees the glory of the rainbow, the Iridescent scintil- tations of a vari-hued joy, in the things that are true and simple. "The mill will never grind With the water that is past." A luckless editor 'recently advised his constituency to kill their dogs and buy pigs. He was a practical publisher and he knew many people could better afford to feed their waste food to hogs than to canines. A storm of protest followed the editor's suggestion. One writer says in reply: "Yes, kill your dear old faithful, mindful, thankful, trustful dog and buy a pig. But when you come home after a hard day's toil don't expect that same pig to meet you two blocks away with a joyful little cry of welcome at every jump. Sometimes when you feel unusually blue and it seems that the whole world is knocking against you, don't expect it to nestle up to your side and, laying its head within your lap, wag out its unalloyed sympathy. her first lesson in ths world's injustice, and which showed her how out of this injustice men profit and women suf fer. - Unable to Rise. Morenci, Mich., Sept. 8th.--Mr. J. S. Whitehead of this place has given the following letter for publication: "Unsolicited I wish to recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills and to return thanks for the great benefit I have de rived from a few boxes of this splen did remedy. "I had kidney trouble very bad, In fact, I suffered so much that for days at a time I could not get out of the chair where I had heen sitting with out assistance. "I cannot describe the pains I suf fered for they were something fearfuL "About seven or eight months ago I began using Dodd's Kidney Pills and very soon found that they were help ing me. "I can truthfully say that ihey have done me more good than all the other medicines I have ever taken. "I have been greatly benefited by them and It is my desire to let others know so that If anyone is suffering as i I suffered they may know where a cure may be found." To Preserve Wild Animals. The New Zealand government has set apart two islands for the preserva tion of the remarkable wild birds and other animals of that country. There on all hunting and trapping are for bidden. Mother firay'a S«Mt Powdm for rhllfll^ili Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse in the Children's Home in New York. Cures Feverishness, Bad Stomach, Teething Dis orders, move and regulate the Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over 30,000 testimonials. _ At all druggists, 25c. Sample FREE. Ad- Pig vs. dog! That is the question. Whether 'tis better to suffer the stings/1&*** Allen 8. Olmsted. Lei toy, N. Y. and arrows of poverty with the friendship of a dog, or to eat spare-ribs and brown gravy with no dog at the corner of the tablecloth waiting for the bones. This is a momentous question when one looks the faithful old dog in the eye, as it were. On the other hand, it Is equally as great a proposition when one hears the contented grunt of the rotund porker sloughing in his swill. It is, however, merely a battle between friendship and plutocracy, and there is yet the problem to consider from the standpoint of domestication. The young woman in her hoity-toity, glad clothes, cavorting down the boulevard with a squealing little pig under her arm would undoubtedly create quite an impres sion as she progressed. Besides making a spectacle of herself the din raised by the young leather-lung would completely drown that very desirable little "frou-frou" every woman loves to hear her silken petticoats make. No, this wouldn't do at all. The pig as a pet is simply impossible. The proposition is a cold-blooded one: Shall we kill Towser, our faithful, wag- tailed friend, for filthy lucre in the form of a little bunch of pork? Thai is the question. But what about folks who are too poor to own either a dog or a pig? That is also the question. Keep the mifid healthy if you don't lay up a cent. The slough of despond has nothing for sale that will benefit any one. Be joyous most of the time despite your troubles. Don't be discouraged. Remember the man who had a good tight hold on the gentleman cow's tail, and hang on for dear life. The weakest thing any man can do is to give up. Keep trying and burnish brightly your hopes and expectations. Build air castles and live for their realization. There is gratification in contemplation. We knew a well-educated man who was superintendent of city schools. He had a misunderstanding with a pompous member of the board. He lost his position and failed to secure an- -fL -_ /,_. u. _ rs„A;;s. On t?!s morn ing mail, when his body was cold in death, came a letter offering him a better position than the one he lost. Don't give up to-day; wait Until to-morrow. The sun will shine through your cypress trees in time. Be of good cheer. All the world loves a laugher. Don't take this life so seriously that you muBt be miserable throughout it Sip the honey from the chalice of existence and avoid the thorns. Keep your mind filled with roses and the perfume of flowers, the love of children and the patriotism of a nation. Be a man. If you cannot be happy yourself-- help others. This is a key which has unlocked many a rusty heart and set it to palpitating with rich, pure blood. Take an interest in things about you and life will soon be worth the living. There was never a night so black but that the glorious sun broke through the clouds illuminating and sanct'fvtng humanity. When God saw how wicked the primal men of this earth were he de stroyed them, leaving only Noah and his family to perpetuate us. Just how wicked a world has to become before we have Noah and his ark upon us is merely a matter of conjecture, but from hearsay it would seem that Noah's second voyage is not being delayed by Chicago. Wonder what kind of a Noah Billy Mason would make! Seven has been a lucky number ever since Noah was ordered by the Lord to take on board the ark every clean beast to the number of seven. Just where eleven comes in is not clear, unless there was a poet on board. By the way, do you really believe that story about Noah being 960 years oldt It was terribly wet on the bottoms that season. Noah's dove was the first homing pigeon known to history, no doubt She came home with an olive branch and Noah knew that fishing was not good on the entire face of the earth. The water was receding and already chinch bugs were claiming the wheat. What do you suppose became of that dove, anyhnw? "She never came back"--that is, the third time she was sent away. It must have been a great year for ducks! • -Jones tried to please his wife, ate her biscuits and got dyspepsia. Jones endeavored to please his employer and said employer used him for a hobby horse and a door mat; Jones, the editor, sought to please every faction and they said he was "all things to all men." Jones traded all over town to keep each merchant satisfied, and they said his trade didn't amount to anything. Jones went to no church for fear of offending his patrons in other churches, and the preachers dubbed him ~n enemy to religion. Jones did other things and had a deuce of a time, pleasing none. Finally the doctors criticised him because hajlld not patronize them and he pondered. But when the undertaker refused to speak to him because he didn't die and patronize him he got mad •n* resolved to please only himself. , Moral--He lived happily ever afterward. Have you noticed that, restless class of men who go about hating and loving themselves alternately? They reprimand, then pardon, curse their unlucky stars and then laugh at them. From misfortune and the dregs of woe they bob up smilingly. They are unstable. Nothing in their lives seems to regulate. They no sooner get a foothold than they descend the ladder to go galloping off after some Ignis fatuus, some will-o'-the-wisp, a mirage In the dis tance, following the phantom of some dream they have dreamed. Others of far lesB brilliancy, of minor worth, rise abpve them as serenely as the sun climbs the mountains. They see and it nettles them--like an unlucky night- mare to be laughed at with a friend two hours later. Oftentimes dramatic, reckless, open-hearted, they an favorites among congenial spirits. Ifcft thsgr eannot be disciplined. Ki l l ed by a Ki s s . The wife of a potter named Bramer, in Velten, has died through kissing her child. She contracted blood poisoning, which proved fatal. Charity begins at home, and in the vast majority of cases it never ventures out of the house. Superior quality and extra quantity must win. This Is why Defiance Starch is taking the place of all others. The novel the villain of which does not hiss should be a howling success. I am sure Piso's Cure for Consumption saved my life three years ago.--Mrs. Taos. Robbihs. Maple Street, Norwich, N. Y., Feb. 17,1900. Who makes quick use of a moment is a genius of prudence.--Lavater. TKLLOW CLOTHES ARB UNSIGHTLY. Keep them whit e with Red Cross Ball Blue. All grocers sell large 2 oz. package, 5 cents. One must be poor to know the lux ury of giving.--George Eliot. To Care a Cold in One d*y. _ Take Laxativo Bromo Quinine Tablets. AO druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. When a man is long on schemes he is usually short financially. A little life may be sacrificed to m sodden attack of crouu if you don't have Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil on band for the emergency. After all, peace Is about the only thing worth fighting for. Ball's Catarrh Curs b a constitutional core. Price, 18a After a man tires of amusements he calls them follies. Mrs. Winslow's Bootblng Hjrrnp. For children teething, soften* Hie gum«, reduce* In flammation. allays pain, cure* wind colic. 35c a X>tUe> The royal way to realms above, is woe. IBtSfc IS NO SLICKER [IU® Forty years and after years of use on the eastern coast. Tower's Waterproof Oiled Coats were introduced in the West and were called flickers by the pioneers and cowboys. This graphic name has come into such general use that it is frequently though wrongfully applied to many substitutes. You want the genuine. ' ~ Look for the .Sign of the fish, and the nerve Tower on the buttons. ' MAD* IN M.ACK AND YTL! OW Aim SOLD E>Y BEPHE-SENTATIVE TRAD& THfc WORLD OVSR. A. J. TOWER CO.. ROSTON. MASS. ESTABLISHED 1630. FIFTY THOUSAND PEOPLE personally interviewed at their homes say Doan's Kidney Pills cured them. Thousands took advantage of this following free offer directly it was made. Friends heard of their cure; thus came the great fame of Doan's. They realized what they promised. By their direct action on kidney structure, backache/ back, hip, and loin pain is removed. The condi tions causing sleeplessness, heart pal- You Get tHis Free Doan's Jjj/mimrmrmm. pitation, headache, and nervousness passes away; swelling of the limbs and dropsy signs vanish. They cor rect urine with brick dust sediment, high colored, excessive, pain in pass ing, dribbling, and frequency These pills dissolve and remove calculi and gravel. They are free to readers of this paper for a few days. Cut out coupon, fill address plainly, and mail Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. out this. When coupon Bp.ice is not sufficient to accommodate address, write it plain on separate slip. FOSTER-MILBURN CO„ Buffalo. N. Y. Please send me by mail, with- ou< charge, trial box Doan • Kid ney Pill*. Nasia- Name this paper- $33.00 CALIFORNIA $33.00 HOME SEEKERS Low rate In ell'ect September uud October. Now la the time to frratlfv :i life lout; w eli to live In Califor nia. Wooff -r an opportunity to purchase land In the Laguna l)e Taclie kuuchocmnprlHln£ fti.uuo acreaaub- tflvlded lu tract* of ten acres aud upward*. BEAUrirUL SAni iAQuini VALLEY CENTRAL CALIFORNIA Rome of ralxlus. peached, aprlcuu, neetarteM, piuuea,wluu grapes, (Ihb, beriles and mellOut, aud alfalfa, tnaklnK ll an ideal dairying country. We have an abundance of water. EASY PAYMENTS--«*i.oOu«o.oo per acre. I One quarter cash, balance eight annual payment*. For particulars and descriptive literature address PHIPPS4PECK, 404 Gt. Northern Bldg. Chicago. IIL , Nabks 4 Sacndkrs, Managers. FARMS FOR SALE BO acres, 93,000; (200 cash rent. 160 acres--80 acre* level plow land, 80 acres pasture. $-0 per acre; »( 40 cash rent. 255 acres, $60 per acre; »0d0 cash rent. 820 acres, $60 per acre; cash rent. All rent* payable In advance, March 1, 1903, and deducted from purchase mon-v. AMERICAN LAND CO.. Comer Court and Beoond Sts., OTTUMW A, 10WA. IB WHAT YOU CAN SAVI | We mate all kinds oi ncaiea. [Alio B. B. Pumps I and Windmilli. rm BECKMAN BROS.. OES MOINES. IOWA. $25 ON 5 TON Will b* paid for any cat* thai DR. KEITH 8 Liauor, Tobacco and Clffa-ratte Reniaales in liquid form will not cure, either with or without the tfent's knowledge; &0c a d 91. Taolfll forua also. Guaranteed by all drujrffiits. Wrlit tUL. EL C. KEITH. 0 811 Monro* St., Tolado. Olhi* S500 LAME. MEXICAN Mustaivg YEARS The Best R.emedy Known for Ma.n or Beajt. THIS IS A TYPE of the bright, up-to-date girl who Is not afraid of sun, wind or weather, but relies on CUTICURA SOAP assisted by CUTICURA OINTMENT to preserve, purify and beautify her skin, scalp, hair and hands, and to protect her from irritations of the skin, heat rash, sunburn, bites and stings of insects, lameness and soreness incidental to outdoor sports. Much that nil should know about the skin, scalp, and hair is told ti the circular with Cuxicuua Soap. THE BIG AUDITORIUM STOCK CONTEST CLOSES NEXT MONTH REGULAR PRIZES--Over One Thousand Regular Prizes, in cluding the Five Thousand Dollar <$5,000.00) Capital Cash Prize contributed by the Defiance Starch Company of Omaha, and ovcr Seven Hundred Other Cash Prizes, will be Distributed to Ticket Holders In November, 1902. " SPECIAL PRIZES--Special Cash Prizes will be Awarded Sep tember 16 and October 1. TICKETS--Twenty-five Cents buys One Auditorium Stock Con test Ticket and Two Chances to Win Prizes--One Dollar buys Four Tickets and Eight Chances--Ten Dollars buys Forty Tickets and Eighty Chances to win Prizes. CLUBS--Qet up a Club and send for tickets before it la too late. Address all requests (or in formation, and remittances, to 5i6c Auditorium Company SOUTHERN PACIFIC TO CALIFORNIA FROM CHICAGO during September and October. Through tourist cara--highest class. Choice of routes. Take say line from Chicago connecting1 with the Usioa Pacific at Omaha, Kansas City or Denver, or the Rie Grand Line at Denver, Colorado Springs or Pueblo, or the Southern Pacific at New Orleans, San Antonio or El i'a&o. Address any Southern Pacific Agent. W. G. NEIMYER, General Affent. 103 CLARK ST.. CHICAGO, ILL. $5,000 IN GOLD-rREE for t& Trade Marks Out from lOo Packages of DEFIANCE Starch To overyon* who will send to th« Auditor ium Co. or the E>«- flano* Starch Co., Omaha, Nob., 16 trade marks out from 10 ot. «r IS oa. packages of DEFIANCE STARCH will bo aent an Audi torium Stock and Guessing tlckot which sol la for 26 eta,, fivin* you a ffuem In this Croat contest to win $e,ooo usr GOLD m some one of the 1,000 other prisea. If you cannot get Deflance Starch et your srocer, we will send It to you express prepaid Including (MM ticket upon receipt of the prtoe ot 16 lOo packages of the etarch. The Defiance Starch Co.. Omaha, Nebraska. Every housewife gloats over finely starched linen and white goods. Conceit is justifiable after using Defiance Starch. It gives •' stiff, glossy white** riess to the clothes and does not rot them. It is abso* lutely pure. It Is the most economical because it goes farthest, does more and costs less than others. To be had of &0 grocers at 16 oz. for toe. 'y : v' w ^ THE DEFIANCE STARCH OCX* OMAHA. NEB. cjM 1 "Home, Sweet Bonn" Excursion VIA Big Four TO OHIO, INDIANA and KENTUCKY Tuesday, September 16, LOW RATES TO INDIANAPOLIS and retw^:f > CINCINNATI and return, LOUISVILLE and return* ' DAYTON and return, SPRINGFIELD and return, SANDUSKY and return, | COLUMBUS, O. and return. * ; Aleo. Low Rates to Intermediate Return Limit Thirty Days Tlcketsmust be deposited withtfe^etigentat destination immediately upon arrival.and will ( be validated for return imssa>;e on any day within thirty days from date of sale, ana will be Kood for continuous passage only in eaafc direction, the return journey lo commence cm date of validation. For tickets and full information o»U Q0L agents Bio Four Routs. . Hv> J.C. TUCKER. Gen. Nor. Agt, Chto^';.V; WAMCM J. LYNCH, W. P. BOK, ' " j Qen. Faa. A Tkt. Agt. AasUO. Cincinnati. O. > J;*' • .XL A Good Route to Try .i-O' J .'3 £ It Irateiaea a territory rich In undeveloped resources; a territory containing unlimited possibilities for agriculture, horticulture, stock rais- ing, mining and manufacturing. And last, but not least it is The Scenic Route for Tourists. The Frisco System now offers the traveling public excellent service and fast time-- Between SL Louis and Kansas City and points in Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Indian Terri tory.. Texas and the Southwest. Between Kansas City and points in Tennessee, Alabama, liississippi, Georgia, Florida and the Southeast. Between Birmingham and Hem- phis and points in Kansas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Indian Territory, Texas and the West and South west, Full information as to route and rates cheerfully furnished upon appli cation to any representative of the Company, or to Passenger Traffic DepartakWri, Commercial Bulldla|i Saint Louis. Fruit-Can Wr-ndb feotijr nealed frult.emily opened jars, fliroug, dur»m«^ will not »lip uor brfak can <IJ ^^HcO'rr. Prev«nUaccldent» A«K ^^H<our dealar or Mind 16 cnH or sample, SeBeSduvOlate Ou .Mfle bheriff St., Gievalaud, » MISCELLA SEO VS. IAA USEFUL TABLE ARTICLES, CI AA IVU Millard t. Smith, Baltic, Ala. UeMUeUd with [Thompson's Eyo Water \MM A klTpn-Mu to purchitie one-half 1B- W Mil I tU tere»t In office bu«taea»,estab lished 11 year*; (iu« cleared OYer *2.UOO «T#ry year; prtae tor on* hair S)M. *IU Mas mooi eeUry aod profit*. BOX 840, Milwaukee, Wk EVERY BOY that pt&TsVoot Ballphoald ha?eSpaldtUf'W OttJcial Foot Ball Guide, ltov ut^insafitaj of Kt'neral Foot int'ormauonv comprte* int? chapter* for hegiunera, foot ball foe £l>tvtuioi>,requisites for the gtuuo, vex i iu iit/liOriiUVi t ud! i. AiA J! icriom tl IMflL Southern foot l>ai 1. Western foot ball, the New Rules, recordt» of college and MhooS team* for I'JOl, and phoioa of 3,500 p.aver*. Foe sale »«>- -U wvj A. O. 8PAXDIxv<* A BROS., Hew York. Chicago, Daaww A BARGAIN " where tame and f r u i t grow to perfection. The State which Ui'.sveur nil other* ta the pro duction of corn :uui J" production of wheal. 5«o acrea. 12 mile* from Lebttu >n--luOeeraeia coJ. tiTatlou (bottom land>,balauce liiubcr; tOOacreemort t TO routch tocutitvate^x'd frult or gneelaad;fceUsc« Ilea well and will make g od wheat or graMlud. Fair irame bouse.l>»ru andothorb itldiaipiypjodtprtngeeef the door; au abundance of stock weter; SmiMteseoA Inland town; ep'.eudld mock farm;oaly S4.III). drew BTXJLLWSXJL, IKOW *0fc, irteaae, *•. W. N. U. CHICAGO, NO. 37, 19QH Vkea iasveriig Advrrtlsemcats Heatioa This rupee. ^ PISO'S CURE FOR CUKro Bntta AU use rats. 1 Ct*»h Byr»p. Ti1-- 0>nf Ml in time. 8okt b* an ' • 4.