Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Sep 1902, p. 10

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m - - FALL ANNOU <W» The cool weather and heavy dews make a' demand for a little heavier Footwear. We handle the SELiZ SHOE which stands second to none, and is a guarantee that you get your moneys worth. Their all solid every day Shoes are too well known to need any comment, for beeping yoyr feet dry, while their Royal Blue is a leader as a Dress Shoe. But we have plenty of cheaper ones if you want them. Standard makes of Rubber Boots in all sizes. Our line of Underwear has been carefully selected, and will soon be a necessary part of your dress to insure comfort. Gloves in all weights and prices. We still sell the Janesville, warranted not to rip, Jackets, Overalls and Shirts. OVfRCOATS! This Fall we will show a larger line of ready-made Clothing than ever before. Those wanting a No. 1 Suit or Overcoat can not afford to make their selection without giv­ ing us a look. Yours for Fall Trade, West McHenry, 111. John J. tMOOM<NW«MOMeWWOMMO«MOMOM| tewr.'iN The Pink of Perfection in made-to-order clothing can­ not be reached by hit-or-miss methods. Skill, knowledge and experience are the factors that produce each satisfactory re­ sults in our garments. Our •Suits-To-OrdeMt • are models of sartorial art. From measurement to the stitch the garments are the work of expert tailors JOHN D. LODTZ. DRUSSISrS t XCE LLC NT €VOO Moderate Prices Auction Sales. The undersigned having quit farming, toll sell at public auction, on the Peter Smith farm 1£ miles northwest of Dighton, near Fox Lake, on Tuesday, September 30, commencing at 10 o'clock a.- m.; the following described property 80 choice cows springers and new milk­ ers, bull, coming three years old; bull, coming 2 years old; 4 heifers, coming 2 years old; 6 steers, coming 2 years old; 21 shoats, 8 sows, 8 good work horses, 30 milk cans, 8 plo,ws, harrow, seeder, corn planter, 2 walking cultivators, riding cultivator, farm wagon, bay rack, 2 set dump boards, hog rack, milk wagon, 2 set bob sleds, Champion mower, hay rake, Champion grain binder, Deering corn binder, road cart, feed cobker, hay fork and carrier, wood saw, jack and belts, Appleton corn shredder, 4-roll jack and belts, 8-horse power, 2 galvanized steel tanks, corn sheller, 600 pound scale, 25 acres corn in shock, 300 bushels oats. Terms of sale: Sums of $10 and under cash; over that amount a credit of one year will be given on approved notes with interest at 6 per cent, per annum. Two per cent, discount for cash on sums en­ titled to credit No property to be re­ moved until settled for. Free lunch -'t noon. JOHNTONYAN. F. K. GRANGER, Auctioneer. ED. P. GRANGER, Clerk. To Give Vie in all articles and all lines is the funda­ mental principle of our business. This covers all branches and is applied to the small things as well as the large. It's application to our stock of Driest Sundries is particularly noticeable. The cost of these articles singly is really trifling, but in the aggregate it amounts to consider­ able and we show how a saving can be effected. N. H. Petesch, McHenry, 111. Druggist. Did You Say Cloth- i n g ? S H O E S F o r F a l l and Winter! V* We are showing the finest line of Fall and Winter sam­ ples for Tjcatrsgrs, Suits and Overcoats ever brought to McHenry. All the newest weaves and colors. We guar­ antee perfect fit and workman- manship. Call early and l e a v e y o u r m e a s u r e . New Dress Goods, Suitings, Silks and Waist Patterns are now in stock, also dress trim­ mings. A complete line of D R E S S S K I R T S a l l s i z e s a n d p r i c e s . In every shape and style just received. Call and look them over. Yours Truly, M. J. WALSH. m 9 * m m m m m m * # m m m 9 9. m m m m m m m m m * * * * m m $ $ » m m • * m * m m m m * m * m * c f f : . Being overstocked, will sell at public auctjon on my farm, li miles east of Spring Grove, on Tuesday, September 80, commencing at 1 o'clock, 14 choice cows from 4 to 8 years old, new milkers and springers. All raised on farm. Terms: Cash or good bankable notes at 6 per cent, on 6 months time. No stock removed until settled for. v W. E. COLBY. GEO. VOGEL,, Auctioneer. A Boy's Wild Ride For Life. With family around expecting him to die, a son riding for life, 18 miles, to get Dr. King's new discovery for Consump­ tion, Coughs and Colds, W. H. Brown, of Leesville, Ind., endured deaths'agon­ ies from asthma, but this wonderful medicine gave instant relief and soon cured him. He writes: "I now sleep soundly every night." Like marvelous cures for Consumption Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and Grip prove its matchless merit for all Throat and Lung troubles, Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Jul­ ia A. Story's drug stor#*, Excursion Tickets to Street fear nival at Helvidere, 111., * Via the North-Western Line, will be sold at reduced rates September 29 to October 4, inclusive, limited to return until October 6, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. 13-2t As a rule a man will feel well satisfied if he can hobble around on crutches two or three weeks after spraining his ankle, and it is usually two or three months be­ fore he has fully recovered. This is an unnecessary loss of time, for in many cases in which Chamberlain's Pain Balm has been promptly and freely ap­ plied, a complete cure has been effected in less than one week's time, and in some cases within three days. For sale by all druggists. Very Low Raten to Washington, I>. C., The North-Western Line will sell Ex­ cursion tickets October 2, 3, 4 and 5, with extreme return limit by extention until November 3, inclusive, on account of National G. A. R. Encampment, Stop-over privileges in specified terri­ tory. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. 13-2t Mr. D. P. Daugherty, well known throughout Mercer and Sumner coun­ ties, W. Va., most likely owes his life to the kindness of a neighbor. He was al­ most hoplessly afflicted with diarrhoea; was attended by two physicians who gave him little, if any, relief, when a neigh Dor learning of his serious condi­ tion, brought him a bottle of Chamber­ lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which cured him in less than twenty-four hours. For sale by all druggists. Excursion Tickets to Peoria Corn Exposition, Peoria, 111., Via the North-Western Line, will be sold at reduced rates October 6 to 18, inclusive, limited to return until and including October 20. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. 13-3t 'MOVE THINGS, WATCH Yl a\ These Rugs are the*most popular Rugs on the Market. Also Lace Curtains, Portieres, Window Shades, Mattings, Linoleums and Art Squares. The largest line of Carpets in McHenry. I have samples of the best made Carpets on the Market ^li^nd look them over before placing your ordep: The" qualities are right, the patterns we newest, assortment largest priced low- ^ est. Jacob Justen. aaaacfi••••, \ yfj. Nature Has Put Into Every Stomach iiquid called the gaitric juice, which in a healthy condition U capable of digesting the food and converting it into "chyme," winch at length bccomei goou, r ich blood. The least liuk ailment of the stomach efllcii this "gaitric juice" and quickly lead* to variout ieriou« sickncuei. The»e ailments may be easily avoided by taking regularly Dr. Caldwell's tlAXA^TIVEi N Syrup Pepsin *•« Md II.W aottlM. ALL DRUGGISTS. SENT FREE: Sample bottle and an interesting book on stomach trouble*. tfy f; / " : , Hap?.:- , .. ! • ' . • WEEKLY CROP BULLETIN. V. 8. Department of Agriculture Report For Week Eliding September 88, 100% The weather during the week wan generally cloudy, and it waa quite cool the fore part of the week bnt warmer the latter part. Quite heavy rains fell over most of the northern and central districts on the 17th and 18th, and there were several good showers in the south ern district. Very light frosts oecurred in the northern and in parts of the southern half of the state. While the rains prevented farm work for a couple of days and made the ground too wet to plow in a few localities, the week was generally favorable for all kinds of farm work; and plowing has been practically finished. On low lands in the nort&^rn part of the state the injury to corn by the frosts of the 12th and 18th was con­ siderable, bnt the great bulk of the crop in these districts was benefitted rather than injured by the frosts, as they had the effect of hastening its maturity. From the southern part of the state no injury to the crop is reported. The frosts of the past week were not injur­ ious. Early corn is generally reported to be safe from frost except in portions of the northern district, but the late corn will require from one to two weeks of exemption from heavy frost in the northern half of the state. In the southern half corn is generally reported to be safe. Cutting for fodder is in progress in all sections and is nearing completion in the southern district. An unusually large percentage will be cut. Dress does not make the person. Nor does a clean exterior indicate a clean in­ terior. To be well all organs of the body must work in harmony. Rocky Mountain Tea does this work. G. W. Befcley. WOODSTOCK. Horse sale a week from next Wed­ nesday. Miss Alice Bonner returned to Chica­ go on Friday. S. C. Adams was in Chicago on bus­ iness last Friday. R. S. Grant mode a business trip to Chicago on Friday. Mrs. Louise Salisbury of Chicago is the guest of friends here this week. Miss Lucy Glennon of Elgin spen^ Sunday with her parents in this city. Geo. Dimm9l will have an auction sale on the Peter Bain farm on Oct. 11. Mrs. M. Moeller of Chicago spent Sunday with relatives east of this city. Mrs. L. C. Waters of Chicago was the guest of relatives in this city over Sun­ day. Mrs. R. P. Short spent the first of week with relatives and friends in Chi­ cago. Emil Bach man returned to Chicago on Sunday after an extended visit with relatives here. M. C. Duffield of Chicago spent Sun­ day and Monday with relatives and friends in this city. Fred, John and Edward Reiber of Chicago were guests at the home of Edward Readel over Sunday. John Pierce has purchased thd J. W. Primm farm in Hartland on which he was the tenant the past two years. ' Mrs. Philip Schneider and two child­ ren returned on Frdiay afternoon from, a month's visit with her parents at' Milwaukee. John W. Rafter has bought the S. J. Ogle farm of 80 acres in Greenwood township, and now has 400 acres of the finest land in that vicinity. Thomas Bennett purchased a new sixteen horse-power engine and eight roll husker through J. D. Donovan and the machines were turned over to him on Saturday. Mrs. D. F. Qninlan is at home in their cozy appartments at the Wood­ stock, having returned on Sunday from quite a lengthy and very pleasant visit to her old home in the Iloosier state. When once liberated within your sys­ tem, it produces a most wonderful effect. It's worth one's last dollar to feel the pleasure of life that corjes by taking Rocky Mountain Tea. G. W. Besley. F. W. Griffin, brother of George W. Griffin, came out from Chicago Satur­ day and was the guest of the latter over Sunday. Mrs. Griffin, who had been here all of the week, returned home with him. Earl Bower of the McHenry County State Bank was in attendance upon church services at Richmond Sunday morning and evening. He returned to his duties in the bank here Monday, none the worse for his t-ip. Mrs. W. H. Stewart died at her home in this city on Friday. The funeral services were held at the bouse on Sun­ day, Rjev. Sunderlin, assisted by Rev. J. W. Moore, officiating, and the burial took place in Greenwood cemetery. The remains of Miss Lillie Fallon were broh^ht to this city from Chicago on Monday morning, and the funeral services wer^s held at St. Mary,a church, Rev. Father Quinn officiating. The burial took place in Calvary cemetery. Miss Emily Hyde died at her home in this city on Sunday night aged 82 years. The funeral services were held from her late home on Tuesday, Rev. N. A. Sunderlin officiating, and inter­ ment took place in Oakland cemetery. The south-side meat market again changed hands, John R Kellogg hav­ ing sold it to C. F. Gaulke & Son, who took possession on Monday and are now getting it in shape for opening up for business at the old stand. Messrs. Gaulke & Son are hustlers and there will be no more change there for a few years to come. The dance given in Murphy's Hall last)^vttek Friday evening by the ladies of St. Mary's church was largely at­ tended and a good time was had by everybody present. F. H. Opfergelt entertained the audience with his pho­ nograph from 8 to 6, after which Bru- baker's orchestra furnished the mumc for the dance which lasted until oi.e o'clock. Take Care of the Stomach. The man or woman whose digestion is perfect and whose stomach performs its every function is never sick. Kodol cleanses, purifies and sweetens thd stom­ ach and cures positively and permanent­ ly all stomach troubles, indigestion and dyspepsia. It is^the wonderful recon­ structive tonic tnat is making so many sick people well and weak people strong, by conveying to their bodies all the nourishment in the food they eat. Rev. J. H. Holladay, of Holladay, Miss., writes: Kodol has cured me. I consider it the best remedy I ever used for dys­ pepsia and stomach troubles. I was giv­ en up by physicians. Kodol saved my life. Take it after meals. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W.Besley, West McHenry. One Hundred Dollars Per A&re. Jbs. Diedrich sold his farm last week to Henry Dagen, the price being $100 per acre, the top notch price for land in this vicinity. The farm contains eighty acres of the finest land in this section. Mr. Dagen will ta^e possession in No vember. Mr. Diedrich thinks of invest­ ing in western land at some future date. Beware of the Knife. No profession has advanced moie rap­ idly of late than surgery, but it should not be used except where absolutely nec­ essary. In cases of piles, for example it is not needed. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures quickly and permanently. Unequaled for cuts, burns, bruises, skin diseases wounds. Accept no counter­ feits. "I was so troubled with bleeding piles that I lost much blood and strength," says J. C. Phillips, Paris, 111. "DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured me in a short time." Soothes and heals. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. Half Kates to Illinois State Fair at Spring field, Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold at one fare for round trip, September 27 to October 4, inclusive, limited to return until Octo­ ber 6, inclusive. Apply to agents Chi­ cago & North-Western R'y. 12-2t * A Sad Disappointment. Ineffective liver medicine is a disap­ pointment, but you don't want to purge, strain and break the glands of the stom­ ach and bqwels. DeWitt's Little Early Risers never disappoint. They cleanse the system of all poison and putrid mat­ ter and do it so gently that one enjoys the pleasant effects. They are a tonic to the liver. Cure biliousness, torpid liver and prevent fever. Julia A Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHen­ ry. The Third Degree. Several McHenry Masons will go over to Wauconda tonight to assist the lodere of that villaere in conferring th« third degree. Three candidates will be put through. It is expected that repre­ sentatives from several neighboring towns will be present. The event will wind up with a banquet. His Life Saved by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. "B. Li. Byer, a well known cooper of this town, says he believes Chamber­ lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­ edy saved his life last summer. He had been sick for a month with what the doctors called bilioug dysentery, and could get nothing to do him any good until he tried this remedy. It gave him immediate relief," says B. T. Little, merchant, Hancock, Md. For sale by all druggists. Kxcursion Kates to World's Free Street Fair at Beloit, Wis., Via the North-Western Line. Tickets will be sold at reduced rates September 22 to 27, inclusive, limited to return un­ til September 29, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y, 12-2t I'ml for Pneumonia, Dr. J. C. Bishop, of Agnew, Mich., says, "I have used Foley's Honey and Tar in three very severe cases of pneu­ monia with good results in every oase." Refuse substitutes. For sale by N. Petesch. Kxcursion Rates to Elk's Street Fair and Carnival at Dt>Kalb, 111., Via the North-Western Line. Tickets will be sold at.reduced rates September 29 to October 4 inclusive, limited to re­ turn until October 6, inclusive. Apply to agent Chicago & North-Western R'y. 13-2t Miss Ida. M. Snyder* Treasurer of tlie Brooklyn JCast End Art Clnk " If women would pay more attention to their health we would have more happy wlvet, mother* and daughters, and If tncy would observe results they would find that the doctors' prescriptions do not perform the many cures they are given credit for. In consulting with my druggist he ad­ vised McElree'a Wine of Cardui and Thed- ford's Black-Draught, and so I took it and have every reason to thank him for a new life opened up to me with restored health, and It only took three months to cure me." Wine of Cardui ia a regulator of the menstrual functions and is a most as­ tonishing tonic for women. It cures scanty, suppressed, too frequent, irreg­ ular and painful menstruation, falling of the womb, whites and flooding, ft is helpful when approaching woman­ hood, during pregnancy, after child­ birth and in cnange oi life. It fre­ quently that hav at have been barren for years. All druggists have $1.00 bottles of Wine of Cardui. .%P WINEo'CARDUl This is the time of the year the merchant wondeys what he had better advertise. It's hard to tell. No one wants many Lawiis of Dimities or Fur Coats for a while. So I just *make this announcement: We will ha^e the largest stock of everything in Fall and* Win- ter Goods in many years. I have 80 Fur Coats of all kinds and prices, ju^t arrived from the) North Star Fur Company of St. Paul and think I can please any one in need of anything in Fur Goods. We guarantee every Coat, so if it is'nt right bring it back and get your money. You can't do that everywhere. The "STALEY" all wool Un­ derwear has arrived- and as excelled by none. All the new French Flannels will arrive first of next week. Also Flannelette Fleeced Goods and Wool Dress Goods. See the new line of Yarns, all colors in Shetland Floss and made up in Fascinators. Come in when you get time and see the largest and best stock of Fall and Winter Caps, Gloves and Mittens, Blankets, Comforters, Outside All Wool Skirts, Boots and Shoes, Overalls and Underwear ever in McHenry (all new stuff just in) at prices satisfactory to the shrewd­ est of buyers. X am after your trade with the best of Goods at lowest living prices. Give us a chance when you are ready to buy your Fall and Winter Goods. s. »^i a*^> A »T« #*!*• *T» »T« «Tt sTt i «T« tTt »Tt »T> »T« A »*K A »^t in iii ix1 •X* w ̂ 'J1 ^ *4» f ^ +1 *4* 4» iii iii iii iii iii McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with McHenry County State Bank Woodstock, 111. Abstracts of title and con­ veyancing- Money to loan on real estate )n sums of $300 to $10,000, time and payment to sutt uorrower. HEATS 1 Fresh Salt and Smoked. Vegetables and Fruit in Season Having purchased the West Side Market of F. Wat­ tles, it is iny intention to give all customers the best service possible. I pay spot cash for hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the low­ est prices, and will sell on the same basis. A. C. riATTHEWS, McHenry. West McHenry. This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and ___________ does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage floney to Loan MCHENRY on real estate a n d o t h e r first class se­curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections.. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low­ est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Bankers Dyspepsia Cure 0iocsts you Cai> preparation contains all of the digestunts and digests all kinds of food. It gives Insta nt relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many ; thuubaiids uf dyspeptics faavo bee a cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. Child* ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. fl We hftye received our fall line of Millinery and ladies' head dress. S o m e b e a u t i f u l Hats in the lot Call and see them and be convinced that yoQ can buy as cheap and get just as much satis­ faction in Johnsbnrgh as elsewhere. All the n e w c r e a t i o n s . | C. n. ADAMS, s Johnsburgh, Ml. Cures all stomach troubles Prepared only by E. O. DEWXTT & Co., Chicago The II. bottle contains2',i times the 50c. slza. J u l t u A . i i t o i ' V A o d U W. 50 YEARS' TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AD AB> I'1'X' - iidlnj? a sketch and description WKT QUld ly our opinion free whether Ml Invention ia vm'ImMy patentable. Communis*. tton* «trictly contldontiiil. Ilnndhookoii Patents sent frt>G. Oiliest H^eiwy fur neeuriiiK patents. Patents taken through Shinn & Co. receiVS tpecial notice, without churns in tlie Scientific JSmcrkan. A ! !> , • ; V w.>e l ; !v . I - i r t res t . ru l i i t i . n . : . ,ny . s i rn t i t l c journa l . ' lVrms, 11 S ••vMir ; 1 .MI1 i , . i i inha , f L Sold t iy u l ! npu MtenlefS . jf] MUNN ^^^|New Yofi . *vv

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