RICH GOLD MINES Claims In the Thunder Moun-1 tain Country CarryJMucb Free Ora CAPITALISTS ARE COMING IN 4uyi Ars Said to Indicats Big R» turns and Prospectors' Reports Are Rosy Enough to Enthuse the Most 'r Confirmed Pessimist. ^ Boise, Idaho, dispatch: During the past few months developments in Ida ho county have been^atched with in terest. This season has proved5® that •ot only the Thunder mountain, but many other districts in that county are among the richest In the state. -The Thunder Mountain district prop er, which has developed such rich ore, •xtends several miles north of the Dewey mine, and still further south •long the ridge between Monumental and Markle creeks, as far a* Ia^Ua erssk; • Water Is Plentiful* - It is cut by numerous creeks, that assist to show up the formation, and make it easy to trace, among the more important being Mule, Lava, Coney, 'Divide, Cornish, and Four Mile creeks, on all of which very promising proper ties are being developed. A few days HP E. J. Sencerbox brought in some •ery fine gold ore from the south fork at Monumental creek, which shows plentifully of free gold. The vein from which the specimens were tak en is thirty feet/Wide. The ore Is dif ferent from that usually found In the Thunder Mountain district, being quartz. / Major Fred R. Reed, who is operat ing the Liberal mine, on Little Smoky, reports that that part of Idaho is rap- Idly developing. lie says that the belt haa been explored for four miles, and that many very valuable mines have been discovered and will be developed rapidly. For that distance along the belt not a barren vein has been found or a barren place on any of the veins. Rich Ore in Sight, y In the Williams claim 250 feet of i development work has been done. The rein is twelve feet wide, and there is a streak of sulphide ore on the hang ing wall that runs |30 a ton in gold. 8tmilar ore is now found on the foot wall of the ledge, and the entire vein will mill $21 to the ton. The Williams claim is eight miles from the Liberal, and two miles further on is the Sham rock, which shows a large body of good ore on the surface. A tunnel is being run to open the vein at a depth of 110 feet On the Liberal property the vein has been developed for a dis tance of 2,000 feet from the main workings. At that point the ledge Is eight feet wide, and the ore fully as good as in the old works. Carries Quicksilver. During the summer J. R. and K. C. Chitwood discovered several ledges on Quartz creek, near Yellow Pine b&Bin, In Idaho county. A short time ago j an expert representing New York cap ital examined the properties and took a bond on two of them for $300,000. Another expert will make an examina tion in a few days, and if the mines are found as good as reported by the first report, a large cash payment will be made. The claims are between three and (our miles west of Profile creek, and are in what is generally known as Thunder Mountain district. One of the ledges carries ore in which pure quicksilver has been found. Another ledge that is from forty to fifty feet wide has shown some very high-grade ore. Some of it is covered with free gold. Looks for Boom. J. Ck Green, who spent the summer developing mines on Big Creek, be tween Warren and Thundred Moun- , tain, says that his district will be a Ngreat mining center when a little more development work is done. "We lo cated six claims," he says, "and some of the veins are seventy-five feet wide. The ledges run north and south and are easily traced for long distances. They are quartz, with granite, quartz- lte and some porphyry forming the country rock. Qn the surface, the veins have the appearance of being nothing more than 'bull' quartz, but as depth was obtained they turned into bard quartz, in which iron, galena, chlorides of silver, gold, and traces of copper were noticeable." L0SE8 PART OF 8CALP IN FIGHT Serious Ending of Dispute Between Farmers Over Cordwood. Eau Claire, Wis., dispatch: Anton Thorpe and Oscar Straight, farmers, t fought over tbe possession of a heap of cordwood. The battle was at first one of hot words, and then fists. Then Straight pulled a revolver and shot three times at Thorpe. He was too excited and unused to the weapon to do any damage. But Thorpe picked op a hoe, and with the blade cut off part of Straight's scalp. The injury Is not necessarily serious, but very painful. President Not In Mine Deal. Washington dispatch: The follow ing statement was made at the White House: "With reference to the story published concerning mining claims In Colorado, the use of the President's name was wholly unauthorized and steps have been taken to have its use discontinued." French Factories Clots. >' Paris cable: Forty-two fastorles were compelled to close down because of lack of coal. The strike of the miners Is still on. Explodes of Bomb. / ' Madrid cablegram: A bomb was ex ploded in the window of the ministry of the interior. Nobody was injured. Gold In Congo State. Brussels cable: The financial pa pers here announce that gold has been dWftoy^rf*1 in. the Congo Free State. TROUBLE BEGINS. Trouble begins with the first bade* ache. v Backache comes in many forms--• sudden twinges of pain, sharp stitches, slow, exhaustive aches. Most backache pains are kidney pains. The kidneys fail to perform the duties nature intends them to do and the warning of trouble comes through the back. Neglect the kidney warning, grave 'Complications will surely follow. Urinary disorders, Diabetes, Bright's Disease, are the downward steps of neglected kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills cure every kid ney and bladder sickness and the cure lasts. Read this proof of it: Mrs. Adam Guntle, residing at 701 South Plum St., Crawford6ville, Ind., says: "I made a public statement In 1897, saying that Doan'B Kidney Pills had cured a member of our family after he had suffered for years with a weak back and kidney troubles. He took three boxes of this remedy and was completely cured. Now three years have elapsed since 1 made this statement and i am only too pleased to reindorse it I havo also used Joan's Kidney mis myself, obtaining the best results. 1 have recommended this remedy to my friends and neigh bors as one which can always be de pended upon/ A FREE TRIAL of this great Kid ney medicine which cured Mrs. Guntle will be mailed on application to any part of the United States. Ad dress Foster-Milburn. CO., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by all druggists, pries 60 cents per box. Writhing of a Snake Story. The mother of a 2-year-old boy at Nashville, Ind., found the baby playing with a snake the other day. When the reptile was driven away it carried with it a ring which it had taken from the child's finger. This is recorded to preserve the truth. A few years hence the story will get around that the snake stole the baby and carefully deposited the ring in the mother's hand as a keepsake. Stats or Ohio, City or Toledo, I Lucas Countt, s Prank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney &Coi, doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that caunot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence.'this 6th day of December, A. D. 188a fQ«ar1 A. W. G LEASON [SEAL.] Notary Publio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, and sots directly on the blood and mucous surfaces Of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo^ Ok Sold by DrugKists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the besu . "Glad to See So Many Here.** This is another Joke on the minister, and the scene was in Moyamensing prison. It was a Sunday morning, when the minister was about to ad dress the inmates of the prison with the stereotyped expression: "I am glad to see so many here to-day/' What the prisoners thought it is not neces- say to say.--Philadelphia Evening Telegraph. $15. Texas and Return. 115. From St Louis and Hannibal via M., K. & T. Ry. Through the heart of the beautiful Indian Territory. Oc tober 21st and 28th. Final limit 30 days; stop overs in both directions; free side trips aggregating over 1,000 miles. Ask nearest agent or write "Katy " St. Louis. 8eeklng a New HomeT Why not try the Great Southwest? Interesting information about condi tions and business chances in Mis souri, Kansas, Indian Territory and Texas will be cheerfully furnished by James Barker, Gen'l Pass. & Tkt. Agt., M., K. & T. Ry., 618 Wainwright Bldg., St. Louis. A Fable. Once there was a man who wanted to be a Bear, so tbe Devil turned him into one. Next day an old man came along and put the Bear out of busi ness and skinned him. Moral--Keep your eye on Gates. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Chtldr** Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse In the Children's HomeinNow York. Cures Feverishness, Bad Stomach, Teething Dis orders, move and regulate the Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over 80,000 testimonials. At all druggists, 25c. Sample FREK, MAr dress Allen S. Olmsted. Leltoy, N. Y. Good Material for Money. Explorers in Labrador report that they have found a beautiful blue and green mineral. If the present fashion keeps up, the ladles will be demanding that a mineral with such a lovely color scheme should be made into money. WHEN TOUR UKOCEIt SATS he does not have Defiance Starch, yon may be sure he is afraid to keep It until bis stock of 12 oz. packages are sold. De- Dance Starch is not only better than any other Cold Water Starch, but contains II oi. to the package and ' ells for mum money as 12 oz brands Deadlier Weapons. The folstol that wasn't loaded has gone 'way back and taken a seat since the trolley and the auto got on the ground. "Out West" Is easily the leader among Western magazines--and "counts" in any company. It IS 6eau- titully and fully Illustrated, and thor oughly interesting to all for whom it is intended. Hundreds of dealers say the extra quantity an i superior quality of Defi ance Starch is fast taking place of all other brands. Others say they sell any other starch. if you would i?arn to read character listen when a person laughs. A hearty laugh is the echo of the music of the spheres. "A dose in time saves lives." Dr Wood's Norway Pine Syrup; nature's remedy for coughs, colds, pulmonary diseases of .every sort. Many an octogenarian can attribute his longevity to the fact that ho never called another man a liar. Defiance Starch is guaranteed biggest and best or money refunded. If ounces, 10 cents. Try It now. Italy makes eight millions a year out of foreign visitors. Nothing half so fine as Mrs. AnsttsTi Paasake flour. Ask your grocer for It. Basle has the only aoologlcal garden in Switzerland. PRESENCE OF MIND SAVES MANY LIVES Cnglneman Throws the Throttle Wide Open When He Feels the Trestle . -«way. Hftttnftond, In4., dlspatdfr SfWtrly five hundred passengers who were aboard train No. 13 on the Wabash road narrowly escaped * wreck and death near Clark station. The frain is known as the Buffalo limited, and reaches Chicago at 9:30 in the even ing. Clark station iB the crossing of the Wabash and the Fort Wayne rail ways, and is four miles east of this place. A short distance out of Clark the Wabash crosses the Grand Calumet river over a huge trestlework bridge. Some repairs had been made on the structure only recently, and it was considered perfectly safe, track walk ers having Just patrolled the bridge before the Wabash limited left Clark station. As the train, having aboard nearly five hundred souls, reached the middle of the structure that spanned the Calumet the engineer heard the cracking of timbers as the middle span of the bridge sank beneath his engine. He opened the throttle to the farthest limit, and the train fairly leaped from the swaying trestlework. MONKEY IN THE 8URF. V. MAKE FIERCE ATTACK ON THE HOME BUILDERS Plea for Legislation to Prevent Co operative Concerns Frofn Doing Business in Illinois. Springfield, 111., special: The Build ing Association League of Illinois opened its twenty-third annual session in Springfield. Sixty delegates were present when W. R. Smith of Chicago, state president, called the convention to order. An address of welcome was delivered by City Attorney Fred Mor timer. General Alfred Orendorff talked of "The Local Influence of Building and Loan Associations," after which President Smith delivered his annual address and the reports of State Treasurer J. N. C. Shumway of Taylorville and Secretary G. B. Vasen of Qulncy were received. The feature of the programme was an address by Mr. Shumway on "The So-Called Home Builders." He made a direct attack on the co-operative concerns which are operating throughout the country and made a plea for legisla tion to prevent their doing business in the state. GLASS 8AND OWNED BY A TRUST Combine Fixes Prices at Same Figure to All Buyere. Pittsburg, Pa., special: The Penn sylvania Glass Sand Company, the combine, has purchased the plant and property of the Hancock White Sand Company of Hancock, W. Va., for $100,000, thus securing a practical monopoly of sands used in the manu facture of glass. The combine has as president James A. Chambers of the American Window Glass Company. Edward J. Cochran is general mana ger. The headquarters will be at Lew- istown, Pa. Mr. Cochran has notified the glass manufacturers that there will be no change in the prices of their sands, except that all buyers, big and little, will have to pay the same rate a ton. BEATS AND SCALD8 COLLECTOR Woman Pours Hot Water Over Man Who Wanted Pay for Gas. New York special: William Roon- ey, a collector for the New Amster dam Gas Company, was twice knock ed down by Mrs. Albena Green, a wid ow living at 284 Avenue B, who beat him with a poker almost into insen sibility and poured a kettle of boiling water over him when he called at her house to collect a bill. The woman was badly hurt during the encounter and it is feared she cannot recover. Rooney was found in the street un conscious a few doors from the scene of the struggle and will die. 8ALT COMBINE GETS A BLOW Temporary Injunction Issued by Judge Morrow Against Merger. 8an Francisco, Cal., special: United States Circuit Judge Morrow has is sued an order temporarily restraining the Federal Salt company from carry ing out the object of the combination and to appear in court November 3 to show cause why the injunction should not be made permanent. The petition for the injunction was drawn by Unit ed States Attorney Marshall B. Wood- worth at the request of P. S. Knox, attorney general of tne United States. MU8T PAY NOTES TO CHURCH Promised Aid for Religious Work Constitutes Legal Debt. La Porte, Ind., special: A note for $1,000 payable to Mrs. Mary Wood- worth, an evangelist of the Church of God, for the furtherance of religious work, was held to be valid by the ap pellate court Mrs. Mary J. Vinson had executed the note and the pay ment was contested by the administra tor of Mrs. Vinson's estate on the ground that the note was not given for a legitimate debt The ruling is a precedent. Dividend for Depositors. Detroit, Mich., special: On petition of the Union Trust company, receiver of the City Savings bank of this city. Judge Donovan ordered a dividend of 20 per cent paid to the savings de positors of the bank on or before Nov. 20. Michigan Man Made Preacher. Oberlin, O., special: The closing session of the annual meeting of tho American board of foreign missions nominated President W. G. Sperry of Olivet college, Michigan, as preacher for next year. The deficit of the ad visory committee of the forward movement was shown to be $2,500. Re-elect Labor Officer*. Ehst St. Louis, 111., dispatch: . All the Illinois state Federation of Labor officers were re-elecied. Tho delegates visited the stock yards. Little Animal Enjoys His First Dip In Salt Water. The spectacle of a monkey bather was one of the rather unusual sights at this resort the other day. The an imal was the property of Frank Hubin, who has a store next the States ave nue baths, and the idea of giving the animal an ocean bath was suggested by a little girl, who timidly ap proached Mr. Hubin the other day and asked if she might take one of the "cute little things a-swimmin'." Mr. Hubin acted on the suggestion and in a short time he procured some ma terial and had one of the young ladies of the place make the monkey a tiny bathing suit. It was soon done, and the monkey togged off in the new garb. He was taken to the water, but no amount of coaxing could in duce t^O' little fellow to take a dip. He wa's picked up by his owner and carried out into the surf. and then dropped. He was shocked at first, but soon got over his fright and liked the water so well that he did not want to leave when his master did, and had to be carried out He caused consid erable fun for the bathers by his pe culiar antics while in the water.-- Atlantic City Correspondence Balti more American; To the West, Northwest and South west. The Missouri Pacific Railway and Iron Mountain Route will soil one-way Colonists' and Settlers' tickets to Cal ifornia and North Pacific Coast points, also to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Indian and Oklahoma Territories, Lou isiana and Texas on the flrat and third Tuesdays of each month from October 21st to April 21st, at one-half the standard first-class fare, plus $2.00. For further information see nearest agent or write H. C. Townsend, C. P. ft T. Agent, St. Louis. A Cure for Rheumatism. Bridgeport Wash., Oct 20th.--Rheu matism and kidney trouble seem to be the prevailing ailments in this ter ritory and particularly in Douglas county. A remarkable and plainly sure cure has, however, recently been intro duced. It is called Dodd's Kidney Pills and although but a short time on the market, it has already worked many wonderful cures. One of the most striking of these Is that of Mr. John Higglns, who for long time suffered with rtaeumiJsm and kidney trouble. The pains of these diseases had combined to make his life very miserable indeed, and he could get nothing to do him any good till he heard of this new remedy. He tells his experience with it in these words: "Dodd's Kidney Pills have done more for my rheumatism, and kidney trouble than anything else I have ever used. There is more virtue in them than in any other medicine and I will always highly recommend them to all of my friends." VERY LOW COLONI8T8' RATES. Bad Advice. "We will show the impudent pub lic," asserts the first magnate, "that we will not be dictated to." Certainly we will," agrees the sec ond magnate. "I believe the time has come for us to reassert the famous statement of Commodore Vanderbilt concerning the public." "No, no," says the first magnate, who is a timid but far-seeing person. That would never do. If the public were--well, we shall say condemned --If It were condemned, then it would not have to pay anything for its fuel." THROUGH SLEEPING CAR. Thought Advice Was Good. She is a comely damsel, black, but beautiful, a native of Porto Rico, now a domestic in an East End family Every month she has made it a prac tice of sending some money to her parents on the sunny little island in the south. "Conchita," said her mistress the other day, "you ought not to send your money the way you do. You ought either to register the letter or send a money order." "Madam," said the dark little lady, gravely and politely, "I think you are right, for on the way down town yes terday I saw the sign over and over again, 'Post No Bills.'"--Pittsburg Dispatch. FOUR DAILY TRAIN8 TO 8T. PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS. Via Chicago A Northwestern Railway. Leave Chicago 9 a. m., 6:30 p. m. (the Northwestern Limited, electric lighted throughout), 8 p. m., and 10 p. m. Fast schedules. Most complete and luxurious equipment in the West. Dining car service unequaled. For tickets, reservations and descriptive pamphlets, apply to your nearest tick et agent or address W. B. Knlskern, 22 Fifth avenue, Chicago, ill. Automobiles in Holy Land. Five hundred automobile carriages are now running in the city of Beirut. Hundreds more are in use in the Lebanon district and in Palestine. Two-seated automobiles are run to ac commodate tourists between Haifa and Jerusalem. Do Toar Feet Ache and Barn? Shake into your shoes, Allen's Foot- Ease, a powder for the feet. It makes tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Hot and Sweating Feet At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. Miss Bertha L. Corbett, a clever Min neapolis artist, widely known as the creator of the "sunbonnet babies," made her first "baby" in the way of a joke also. Now she has eighteen as sistants, the "babies" have won fame an<^ affection all over tbe world and still' their astonished originator is be sieged for "more." A man turns 112,000 spadefuls of earth in digging an acre of ground, and the soil he has moved during his work weighs 850 tons. WHY IT 18 THE BEST ii because ma£e by an entirely different process. Dedance Starch Is unlike any other, better and one-thlrc more (or 10 cents. • The reason bachelors don't marry is probably because they believe that misfortunes never come singly Bcald bead is an eczema of tbe acalp--verv severe sometimes, but It can be cored. Doan's Ointment, quick and permanent in its results. At any drug store, 50 cents. Warsaw, Russia, is going to have a statue of Chopin. No trouble to pel breakfast Quick II you have Mr. Austin's PaucaUe Hour. England experienced May In 60 years. the coldest IN WET WEATHER A WISE MAN WEARS f/SH NtK$> OILED WATERPROOF CLOTHING ftLACft Oft TtU.0* Wilt KEEP YOU DRY NOTHffK ELSE WKL TAKE NO 3UB3TITUTE3 CATALOGUES FRET •SHOWING FULL LINE OP GARMENTS AND MAT 5 A. J TOWER CO.. b0.5T0N. MA53. 4ft Chicago to Washington, D. CM Vir ginia Hot Springs. The Big Four--Chesapeake and Ohio Route--now run through sleeper Chicago to Washington, leaving Chi cago at 1 p. m., arriving Washington next atternoon at 3:39 p. m. Quick time. Smooth roadbed. Dining car service. Magnificent mountain scen ery. For reservations, etc., address Big Four Ticket Office, 234 Clark St, Chicago. CONGRESSMAN WILBER : . ffo The Pe-ru-aa Medicine Co.. of Columbus. O.] b • " Pe=ru=na Is All You Claim P6nt*i YOKE Congressman D. F. Wilber, of Oneonta,*N. Y., writes: Tbe Peru as Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio: Gentlemen--' ' Persuaded by a friend I have tried your remedy mod t *•»!•». almost fully recovered after the use of a few bottles. I am fully convinced that Peruna is all you claim for it, and cheerfully recommend your medicim to all who are afflictedfwith catarrhal trouble."--David F. Wilber. You never hear any one complain about "Defiance Starch." There is none to equal it In quality and quan tity, 16 ounces, 10 cents. Try it now and save your money. A moral coward is a man who stops to beg the world's pardon every time he sets his foot over the edge of the narrow path. To Onre a Cold In One day. Take Laxativo Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25a Peter Benoit, the Flemish composer, will have a statue in Antwerp. Cure* croup, sore throat, pulmonary trou bles--M on Mich over pain of any sort. Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil. Home-made bread is responsible for many a crusty temper. Monev refunded for each package ot PUTNAM FADELESS DYES if unsat isfactory. Pe-m-na a Preventive and Care for Golds. Mr. C. F. Given, Sussex, N. B., Vice President of "The Pastime Boating Club," writes: "VVhenever the cold weather sets in I have for years past been very sure to catch a severe cold which was hard to throw off, and which would leave after effects on my constitution the most of the winter. "Last winter I was advised to try Peruna, and within five days the cold was broken up, and in five days more I was a well man. I recommended it to several of my friends and all speak the highest praise for it. There is nothing like Peruna for catarrhal afflictions. It is well nigh infallible as a cure, and I gladly endorse it"--C. F. Givtn. A Prominent Singer Raved From Loss of Voice. Mr. Julian Weisslitz,175 Seneca street, Buffalo, N. Y-, is corresponding secre tary of The Sangerlust. of New York; is the lea ling second bassof the Sanger lust, the largest German singing society of New York and also the oldest. In 1999 The Sangerlust celebrated it* fiftieth anniversary with a large eel** bration in New York City. The follow* ing is his testimony: "About two years ago I caught * severe cold while traveling and whtefc settled into catarrh of the bronchial tubes, and so affected my voice thai 1 was obliged to cancel my engagements In distress I was advised to try Peruna, and although I had never used a patent medicine before, I sent for a bottle. "Words but illy describe my surprise to find that within a few days 1 was greatly relieved,and within throe weeks I was entirely recovered. I am nevet without it now. and take an occasional dose when I feel run down."--Julias Weisslitz. If you do not derive prompt and satis* factory results from the use of Pertutt write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case ami ho will be pleased to give ypu Lis valuable a&> vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President cf The Hartman Sanitarium. Columbua,CL MEXICAN Belgium's population census is 6,799,999. by the 1901 Mrs. Winn low's Soothing Syrap. For children teeititng, soften* tuc ginim, reduce* In- flsmmaclor.. allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c • JOlUe. The henpecked crow about it. husband doesn't TRUSSES bought from us fit your body. Prices your pocketbook. Go elsewhere and you will (tetonlf one fit, not by an experienced titter, but from an unscrupulous/'ealer churning vou r* 00 for a *2.00 Tnmn. Our .rlccs run from 65c »n«l up. Over Til ntyles. Supporter* •ml Klastlc Stockings at lowest factory price*. Call and be properly fitted. Catalogue mailed free. Open Sunday HOTTINQER TRUSS CO. from 9 to 12. Factory: 4A->-4fi7 Milwaukee *•., cor. hicago At., Tower Clock Bldg .Gth (1. Take elevator. ^=^VHAMLINS WIZARD OIL- )"" SPRAINSiBRJISES V y a i l d r u g g i s t s s e l l i t HEESEN'S Feed Cookers better cbeape direct Bvans St YEARS AGO we began onr present busi ness of soiling general mer chandise at whole sale prices direct to tho consumer--two millions of people ordered f;oods f rom us last year, eav-ng from 15 to 10 per cent. Yonr neighbors trade with us--why not youl Our 1000-paee catalogue tell* the story. We will *eaa ii upon receipt of 15 cent*. CHICAGO The house that tells the truth. S E A S H E L L S ! tS Shells by mail for 25 Cents with engraved list. Send slam ps. It would cost you *5oj to travel around tbe world and get this coliei ilon of beautiful shell*. Shells, cat eyes, gold wire for making wire Jewelry, tools, etc., for beginners. Send for U*t, Canvaaoers wanted lor larKe showy shell*. «!• F. POWELL, WAUKECAH, ILLINOIS* RK4L ESTATK. KANSAS Foi- Sole In Kan *o and elsewhere,«ny slie.improvud or miimproTed. Get o r.irra while they ai-0 jet cheap and slop paying rent; come to a healthy cllmwt-; wher* winters are slvrt and mild; can work out of doure most all winter. Wntt for prices If you mean binines*, X* O. BCHEETZ, - - Wichita. Kanna*. rRUIT FARMS! The Finest Fruit Farm--(160 acre*)--In the fined •action of the finest fruit belt In Michigan, V4U sa •ere. Just % Us ac tual value. Must no before Novem- bar 1. if you want this don't wait to write, tuka Brst train Other iHndn. E. L. Bates Prntwater,»icH. It will cure every thing that a good liniment ought to cure--that's what horse-owners say of riexicart Hustang Liniment Instead of giving a list oi: ailments we will say use it on your horses or cattle for almost every ailment and • I mm m mm**, you may be sure MUSTANG results ^ follow. LINIMENT Waverlree Stock Farm, of Dundee,Minn. Prtn All r This beautiful fctock Farm, comprising 1.S19 *cre«. located In Cottonwood CoaMy, rllK at AI r Minn., will be offered at »SO per •(•!*. Improvements co*t over IS5/AJO. OnlyUfW I VII vnm miles from railroad. It Is cheap at »?5 per acre. - Also about 1,GOO acres Immediately adjoining thto ranch can be purchMad #t from io per Acre. Title ] erfect ami all clear of fnmrabrance. 4 We al*o offer some choice bargains In Wisconsin cut-over hardwood lands: 18,000 acres in waw County, Wis., at » + .85 per acre. 7,000 acre* In Gate* County at Vff per acra. S.HOO acre* m County, Wis., at SO. fiO per acre. The Wisconsin Lauds are the finest of gr"ln« land*, heavily covered wltn »ma granes, nneiy wi and near railroad. For particular* address OEO. R. 6LOCUM, Manager, eos-eoe Pioneer Free* Building, ®T. PAUL, Ml MOW noN'r FORGET Don't forget when you order starch to get the best. Get DEFIANCE. No more "yellow" looking clothes, no more cracking or breaking. It doesn't stick to the iron. It gives satis faction or you get your money back. Tho cost is 10 cents for 16 ounces of tne best starch made. Of other starches you get but 13 ounces* Now don't forget. It's At your grocers. ruNUPACTURED BY THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO., OMAHA. NEB. in el- f F' KM BARGAINS anywhere In the U. 8. Bend for list E. A. BEPPERT, 606 Ogden Bldg., Chicago. FOR SALE--960 Acres Of flue marsh land, *6 per acre fcr 15 daya only. 3 4U acres of tine marsh Innd. ©7 per acre. 6.<>«0 acres of flue marsh land at a>!> per acre. l.OOO acres of flue marsh laud at * 1 't.50 per acre. £o-Hli> I In fiMitrnl Wtsco sin: soil 3 to 6 feet deep; easy drained; good full. Will doubla IB THUS In *U mouth* Must close deal at once. Wing.t Land and Loan Co., Bte»e*s Paiat, Wla, fDrp | «*• ":C I-Millions of acres of fine land left rnbL Lnfl^o. |n public domain. How to get tide to Government Laud without living on It and without chan^ln^ your residence. It Is necessary, bowerer. that you W a cltl/.en of tbe I'nlted Slate* (naturalized or horn •. m tn or woman married or sln- Sle Send •fie .curreu< y or utmpil for • 8ettler'» uidr, ' containing full Instruction* I'nlted Mines land law*, and Information where some choice laud Is located. John JL Fairfield. 1549 Curtis St.. Danger. Cola 1KISCELLAXEO VH ' ^ Rnrtrw ftlniinfatn checker bcarjj puzzu. ItuCKj muunidin Keeps ailgue«sing; lot* of fur. postpaid 15 cuuts. P.O. El/X D©nv*r, 0oio« Ciloctirtuf 9^*00 Guaranteed; ewy, plewtnt OalCdiaUj 1 work. Ln>lle» tuaklug *25 per week r.gat&lontf. You c«u do likewise. Box7 Detroit,Mich. | ONE BRiGH T WOMAN | u in l nifey lose!! I etc. Big jmy. Free biin I Send 5 2c for post uptuxton tablets, KEY TO HAIVEY'S GRAMMAR. Sentences analyzed, diagrammed, parted* complete, feavei headaches. #i.OO postpaid. H. H. EMMONS, Pub*, Alliance, Ohio* £|A cc Sewing Machine. Noue better;3root, trial; ^lUaDu ail auat hmeiiu; vrs Kuarantee.catalogue free. &. F. Scfai tcr * Co., 1*00 £ia Su, Oinciuoati, 0. S5001 nAIIDI C YOUR CAPITAL by Investing in ii lands In the (iiosi favurea •action* of WUcodsIu. Mluuesuta, OI lh» I>»ii<>ia* Ftn<' land from IH to «# 1 * per acre F-ApY TfcKMS. V. L BJKHM1JIGSUM, Haw Bl oh mead, Wusaasia. If AAICAQ FARMS Id aaatara counties The corn aad elo»*f ball Heart tat bargain lilt J. C. KUTII. Culoay. >••• AC«*« cash, UUauua Mi:i tl Al l. Bkxu CJtJ, »*>•*• IOWA FARMS $4 "" ta crop till pauL AtiESTS. Ml 'TP Accept »n Agt n«r «*»»!• you (•< IM • my fr«»e •"<! particular* IiYlftn «H1 ulUS. rr»aklia A va., Bt. Lauia. Ma. any c KiJTllS Lwior, Tobacco and Cl*a-retta .n riijui.t form will uot cure, either with or without the patient's knowledge; boo a d 91 Tarvet form alao. Cuirantcrd by all druirKlats. Write DU. H. (X KKli'li. G811 Monro* St.. Tolatlo. Ohio. Thompson's Eyt Water HDflDCV NEW DISCOVERY: give* I % V/ * O ¥ quick relief and cure* wore! ea-eu It.Hikoi 1'iHiiilalsauil 10DAYB treatment lJr. Boa B,Atlanta,e* $10.00 DAILY frrnt** Pvrirtii* . <. * •>. bh.J- - -lii tiaakW.Vtilkaa»*Ue.,t*ia^*,iU. IS W H A T YOU CAN SAVB We make ail kinds ol «cai<* Alto B. 8. r'umpa and Windmill twa Bcckman Bros., cx.smoincs.iowa. $25<m 5 TON TO PORTLAND SEATTLE, UA N CO UV/ER. AND OTHIR NORTH PACIFIC COAST POINTS, Frsm CHICAGO, via ST. PAWL. SOO UNI and CANADIAN PACIFIC BY. ftr farther Inrornuuioa ippt| IS Ml ticket iini or to A. C. SHAW. A|«uk Pas.sen.rer MfUMH CHICAGO- W. N. U. CHICAGO, NO. 43, 1902. inverts) MvertlseaestS Mcbimis Ilii ftftt s\\n a*!