Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Dec 1902, p. 8

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Wfmk: m & %: *** % <1," ** -•'iW&:>~ f-r.V* •<&v AliO OVERCOATS! I The Clothing Business has been a specialty with us for a "number of years, and this Fall we have tried to outdo former efforts. Our assortment is certainly very large, ranging in Children's from four years old to Men's largest sizes in either Suits or Overcoats, in the latest Cloth and make-up. Our stock was bought early, thus having the largest line to select from, and by saving all discounts are in shape to name you prices that are the lowest, c^ai,stent with good Material and Workmanship. k ^ •,*. LEATHER M RUBBER FOOTWEAR: DEPUTY-SHERIFF WANDRACK. Ik'nw*/** 1 *-'f? y 1 * 1 ~"T • K ~~~--^--;--1--~ :rrr~ ' This Fall has been a trying one on Shoe Leather. Ours are made by Selz Schwab & Co. and they have stood the test well. Our Royal Blue Shoes need no recommend. AlHaizes, either Rubber or Leather. Horse Blankets, Fur f*lush and Wool Lap Robes. Underwear, Duck Coats, -Gloves and Mittens, Fur Coats, Wool Caps, Groceries and Flour. .Yours for Fall Trade, : WEST McfifHMf. BID10IS. J. * A. ̂A A A A A » î A /fa A •*l0« tffii A tti >*1*4 i*t* rfi gftt I f f yJ ^ •J' I4»I !|s rjp This is the Placet to buy your Furniture. I carry one of the largest and most complete lines of general Furniture in the county at the lowest pos­ sible prices. If you are in want of any­ thing in the line of Chairs, Tables, Steel and Wood Bed Steads, Couches, Parlor and Chamber Suits, Lace Curtains, Car­ pets or Rugs, this is the place you can get them. Don't give your order to the Chi­ cago Mail Order House, but come to me as I think I can* sell just as cheap as they can considing the quality of goods, and in fact, I have demonstrated this in a number of instances. Undertaking and embalming promptly attended to. JACOB JUSTEN. AA. A A «"t« A »•» i A »•« >*1*1 AA A A Ajii Aiia f *r X X X x X X X ®X" *X X X Clothing' t GhM. \f*nrtr*ck of Algonquin Hnaortd With Position of Dfpaty-SherUT Chas. Wandraek of Algonquin--big, good natnmi, genial Charlie--has been appointed deputy sheriff by Sheriff Lake and moves to Woodstock next week, in­ to the sheriff'a residence, to take up the work of the offline. Mr. Lake will con­ tinue hid business at Harvard, and Mr. Wandraek will have much of the re­ sponsibility of the office. The honor is one worthily bestowed. Mr. Wandraek is fitted by nature, acquaintance and physique for the position and will, we are confident, acquit himself with credit. Don't forget to drop in and see bin? when in Woodstock. Yon can't very well nai8fl him. He will be greatly raixsed in Algonquin, where he waB al­ ways the reliance in cases of emergen­ cy.--Nunda Herald. ~ 5aved at Qraves Brink. ; "X know I would long ago have been in my grave," writes Mrs. S. H. New­ born, of "t)ecatur, Ala., "if it had not been for Electric Bitters. For three years I suffered untold agony from the worst fi rms of Indigestion, Waterbraah, Stumat-h and Bowel Dyspepsia; But this excellent medicit e did ine a world of good: Since using it I can eat heart­ ily ami have gained 85 pounds." For Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles Electric Bit­ ters are a positive, guaranteed cure. Only SOo at J alia A. Story's drug store. California Fully descri bed and illustrated in an ar­ tistically arranged and beautifully print­ ed Taook of sixty pages, just issued by the Chicago and North-Western. R'y; also portraying the scenic beauties, com­ mercial, industrial and transportation advantages of this wonderful state; of particular interest; to those contemplat­ ing a trip to the Pacific coast Copy forwarded to any address on receipt of t> ur cents in stamps by W. B. Knis- kern, Passenger Traffic Manager, Chi­ cago. It w iH^be good news to mothers of small children to learn that croup can be prevented. The first sign of croup is ueMi A day or two before the at­ tack the'child becomes hoarse. This is soon t orfo\ved by a peculiar rough cough. Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy free­ ly as soon as the child becomes hoarse, ,;r even after the rough cough appears, and it will dispel all symptoms of croup. In this way all danger and anxiety may lie avoided. This remedy is used by rnsfny -thousands of mothers and has Ter been, known tc fail. It is, in fac t the only remedy that can always be de­ pended upon and that is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all druggists. Making ud Curias Dimple*. A pretty, lifelike dimple can be made to appear ou a lady's cheek by means of a specially designed knife with ft very su/ull and very sharp blade, a daintily tiny, keen £ug«u, v •llvered scoop and a very fine needle. A sjuall, straight incision is first made in the flesh. The little scoop is then used to remove a small portion of the underlying fat, while the sewing to­ gether with the needle the edges of the cut completes the operation. In a day or two the stitches are taken out, with­ in a week the wound being usually en- tirely healed, leaving the becoming lit­ tle depression In the surface of the skin that is called a dimple. It is not often that a woman desires the removal of a natural dimple, but occasionally a man who considers the mark to be a badge of effeminacy de­ sires to get rid of it instead of re­ moving the superfluous fat from be­ neath the surface a small portion of the skin is cut away. The edges of the dimple are ' drawn together wkb stitches, the incision heals and the de­ pression disappears. •HP PREPARE % made to Order! We have 1000 Samples of the finest im­ ported and domestic Cloths to select your Overcoat, Suit or Trousers from. We guar­ antee a perfect fit and prices to suit all purses. Come and. 400k them over. We can save .you, money. Yours Truly, excursion RnteH for the Holiday#. Via the North-Western Line. Excur- s^n tickets will be> sold at reduced rates to points on the North-Western system and Union Pacific railroad witlnn 200 miles of selling station, December 24, 25, 81 and January 1. good returning until and including January 2, 1903. Applying to agpnts Chicago & Nortlj>Western R'y, This is the season of the year when the prudent and careful housewife re­ plenishes her supply of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, It is certain to be needed before tbe winter is over, and results are much more prompt and sat­ isfactory when it is kept at hand-and' given as soon as the cold is contracted and before it has become settled \n the system. In almost every instance a se Vf re cold may be warded off by taking this remedy freely as soon as the first indication of the cold appears. There is net danger in giving it to children for ir contains no harmful substance. It is pleasant to take--both adults and chil­ dren like it. Buy it and you will get the best. It always cures. For sale by all druggists. Suliw to HuiiterH. Notice is hereby given that all per­ sons hunting on our property without >ur consent .shall be punished to the full xtent of the law. Dated this ninth lay of .September, 1902. ). K. ('lax ton 1. KuniiL'Otjfk OIIIJ (jiritbsur J.WflH'l1 v. K re pel jfo. iiltjisloy v . .1. Wulcii . H. T. Do|inter 1 1 •lobn Hunt!) " '7'ii 8t D. C. Wlltion Estate 8. H. Covell B. J. Wagner Njjlsoa Q. Ensign K, Smith Hv Warden Henry M. Wegener feter Miller Loof distance 'phone No. 363. U. J. WALSH . 4"' * Are You Prepared -- FOR WINTER? if not now is the time to get ready. We are now in shape so that wo can fit you out in fiius style. We are here with the best grade of Goods, latest styles and prices that are the lowest. This is the time of year when you do not want to be robbed of your money and we guarantee to save you as much money on e^ery purchase made here as any other Store in the county. A few of the many bargains: ; ; A Million Voices Ofiflld hardly express the thanks of Homer Hall, of West Point, la. Listen why: A severe cold had settled on his lungs, causing a most obstinate coovh. Several physicians said he had consnnr ption, but could not help him. When all thought he was doomed he began to use Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption-and writes: "it completely cured me and saved my life. I now weigh 227 lbs." It's positively guaran­ teed for Coughs, Colds and Lung trou­ bles, Pjice 50c and $1.00. .Trial bot­ tles free at Julia A. Story's. FlghtlBK Lliardi. The ring qecked lizard of the Arisona deserts is not a mere devourer of weak­ lings. He is always ready to fight, whether he is challenged by another or cornered by a man. When brought to bay in some bole, be opens his jaws and dashes bravely out, snapping at everything which opposes him, and so fierce and sudden is his rush that it is impossible to face It without flinching. By holding two of these lizards loosely by the small of tbe back and allowing their heads to clash as they struggle to escape, one may be able to Induce1 combats such as must occur every day in the desperate lizard world. Forgetting that they were captives, they would seize upon each other and vent their thwarted rage to the utmost in a tight which, but for timely inter­ ference, would doubtless lead to the death of one or the. other. Such bull­ dog pugnacity is rather uulooked for in lizards, but a student of character could easily read in tbe set jaw and pouched throat of this species the signs of fighting blood.--Country -4Life In America. ^ A Cold Wave. The forecast of sndden changes iq the weather serves notice that a hoarse voice and a heavy cough may inyade rhe sanctity of health in your own home. Cautious people have a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure always at hand. E. H. Wise, Madison, Qa., writes: "I iin indebted to One Minute Cpjjgh Cure for my present good health, /and prob­ ably my life." It cures Coughs, Colds, LaGrippe, Bronchitis, Pneumonia and all Throat and Lung troubles. One Minute Cough Cure cuts the phlegm, draws out the inflammation, heals and soothes the mucous membranes and strengthens the lungs. Julia A. Story, McHenry, fund G. W. Besley, West Mc- flenry. Billiard Teraa, MWbat are the principal shot* in bil­ liards?" asked the fair young damsel of the wise young man- "The kiss, the follow, the bank and the draw," he replied. "How lovely 1" she exclaimed. "It is almost like a courtship. First, the lover gets a kiss, then he follows the girl all about and then"-- "And then," Interrupts tbe man who aspires to pessimism--"and then they get married and be goes to the bank and draws, for that is bis cue, unless be wises to be frozen," (For the bene­ fit of the unsuspecting reader, adds the lialtimore American, we will state that "cue" and "frozen" also are billiard terms. There are still more than might be worked into the little jeu d'esprit, such as "scratch." "break," "drive," ••tip," ••table." "run," etc., but lack of space prevents carrying tbe tbern^ to the bitter end.) lien's all-wool Suits, worth $10X0. .95.96 Men's Overooats. finest lined, black , and brown, regular ilO.OO, gpcl.. ..$*.08 Men's Felt Boots, regular price $3.00, sptx'ial .$1.96 Boy's (2.00 Pelt Boots J}.09 Corduroy Pants, mtttkttM, % .,.|1.«5 Working Pants . ,..®9c Bed Blankets 4Hc Boys' all-wool Suits, sizes 0 to 14, (jug­ ular price $1.00, @ |tM Men's 50c leather Mittens® ,33c Men's $2.00 Duck Coats <& 4J.24 Men's Sweaters .f. jJWc Ladies' Petticoats worth 50e, Q ,2ttc Boy's Corduroy knee Pants, very toest .46c M^n's Working SboeS Oblldren** Sboea.«titiM 0 to 13H.. . 96c Ladles' shoes Child's Rubbers. Ladles' Rubbers.. Men's Rubbers Men's Overshoes $1.» 35c 49c . . ..59c fl.l» Child's Underwear, sizes 24 to 30 24c Men's fleeced-tWiQd lljoderwear, sizes 36 to 46 . .400 Big assortment Caps, tour ^tfTerent shades, latest styles, at very lojreat prices. Men's all-wool Socks, per pair .19c Rockford (>»tton Socks, 3 pair for. ...20c Men's Working Sihlrts ,3S<s Elgin Dress Shirts, worth$1,00at....«8c Boy's and Youth's Overalls, sizes 2(1 to 32, regular price 50e, special.... 35c Flelsher's Knitting Yarn, regular price $1.15. special price per pound.88e H U R W I T Z Mrs. Fred Unrtith, President Country <'lul>, Bm1m Harbor, Mleb. "After my first baby was born I did not •eem to regain my strength although the doctor gave me a tonic which he consid­ ered very superior, but instead of getting better I frtw weaker every day. My hus­ band Insisted that I take Wine of tardui for a week and see what it would do for me. 1 did take the medicine and was very grateful to find my strength and health slowly returning. In two weeks 1 was out of bed and in a month I was able to take up my usual duties. I am very enthusi­ astic in its praise." Wine of Cardui reinforces the organs of generation for the ordeal of preg­ nancy and childbirth. It prevent3 mis­ carriage. No woman who takes W ine of Cardui need fear the coming of her child. If Mrs. Unrath had taken Wino of Cardui before her baby came she would not have been weakened as she was. Her rapid recovery should commend this great remedy to every expectant mother. Wine of Cardui regulates the menstrual flow. Better than a Planter. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain'8'Pain Balm and bonnt) on the affected parts, is better than a plas­ ter for a lame back and for pains in.the -ide and chest. Pain Balm has no su­ perior as a liniment for the relief of leep seated, muscular and rheumatic pains. For sale by all druggists. Minute Part* of ft Watefc. The minpteness of the parts of a watch Is shown by the following fig­ ures: It takes 150.000 of one certain kind of watch screws to make a pound. The pivot of tbe balance wheel Is only one-two-bundredtbs of an Inch In diam eter. Each jewel bole Into which a pivot fits is about one-five-thousanths of an Inch larger than the pivot, to permit sufficient play. The finest screw fur a small sl*«l watch has a thread of 260 to the Inch and weighs one-oue-bundred-and-thirty-thousandths of a pound. A pallet Jewel weighs one one-bundred-and-fifty-thousandtbB of a pound; a roller jewel a little more than one - two - hundred-and-flfty-slx- thousandtbs. The largest round hair­ spring stud is four-one-bundredthe of an inch lu diameter and about nine one-bundreths of an inch Nursing Mothers Tear child b Mr* to b« whwllliy 1CW md irriubl®--if jem own stomach, tt*«r m kidom am daruged. Regular dcM «f Dr. Caldwells uuortc your ovrn health and promote* CM itealQi M>d jw.vth of jrouv child. JL\m« Mr* nceauaaad Dr. CaldwaQ'a ftplia M motkan aad mpcetant rnaAaWi sne $1.90 me tad Bso^'Tlw Scafjrar r Mm," A* da mtdf, re pam strut 00. 0 m. The GREAT COMBINATION McHenry Plalndealer and Week)y Inter Ocean One Tear for $1.75 Although tbe weekly Inter Ocean has advanced its price to the country prone for the coming subscription season, we are going to give the two papers to otir subscribers for $1.75 per year to all who take advantage of the offer before Jan nary 1, 1908. The payment must be an advance payment in every case, and it must be made before the limit indicat­ ed. This is as plain as- hninnn words can make it, and there will be no ex­ cuse for anybody coming in after the 1st of January and asking for the two papers at this 1 price, for the-price will be $2 after January 1. This gives ev­ erybody an opportunity to get two good papers for a little more than tbe price of one, and if your Plaindealer. is paid for until some' time the fore part of next year, yon can advance the date a year and take adyantage of this offer, the Inter Ocean to begin at once. These terms are liberal, fair and plain, and we hope to see a large number of intelligent people tale advantage of them. We also offer the Plaindealer to new subscribers three months for 25 cents, or from now to January 1, 1904, for $1.60, tf. Billons Colic Prevented. Take a double dose of Chamberlain's Cholic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy - as soon as the first indication of the di­ sease appears and a threatened attack may be warded off. Hundreds of people who are subject to attacks of bilious colic use tbe remedy in this way with perfect success. For sale by all drug­ gists. ' Til* Bible aad Lot;. A certain well known lawyer, whose wife is almost an invalid, is telling a story which Illustrates the often point­ ed, If unconscious, wit of the darky. On one occasion. It seems, his wife was suffering Intensely from a nerv­ ous headache and. thinking, perhaps, his voice might soothe her to sleep, asked him to read aloud to her, which lie did as the colored maid went back and forth about the room setting things In order for the uigbt. Presently the maid quietly withdrew to the kitchen below, where the old cook. Aunt Phyllis, was making: ready to lock up and depart. "Mr. Alex sho' Is a good man," said the maid, beginning. "He settln' up dar readin' de Bible to Miss Alice, an' she sick." "Go on, chile," answered Aunt Phyl­ lis; "don' yo' know Mr. Alex win' road- ln* no Bible? He's a lawyerl"--Ifew York Herald. a about n in length. Itack.-- WiMEorCARDUjJ " Foils A Deadly Attacl ' ./••JCy wife was so ill that good physic- •'ans were unable to help her," writes M. M. Austin, of Winchester. Ind.,"but was completely cured by Dr. King s New Life Pills." They work wonders in stomach and liver troubles. Cure constipation, sick headache. 26c at Jul­ ia A. Story's drug store. Beware of tbe woman who loves money more than she loves love.--Chi­ cago News. O Bears tfcs 8ignaf?M TOUZJLa 1 The Kind You tiaw Ahwys Bug!* The Pride of Heroes. Many soldiers in the late war .wjrote to say that for Scratches, Bruises, Cuts, Wounds, Corns, Sore Feet and Stiff Joints, Bucklen's Arnica Salve is the best in the world. Same for Burns, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Skin Eruptions and Piles. It cures or no pay. Only 85c at Jnlia A. Story'" drug store. An Anbldextroua Artlat. Conrad Cook, son of E. W. Cook, R. A„ told mV that be used to bold the paper while Landseer drew one animal with bis right hand and a different animal with his left, writes J. A. Man- son in "Sir Edwin Landseer. R. A." This species of dexterity comes from practice no doubt, and is akin to the adroit manipulation of the accom­ plished pianist, but is nevertheless ex­ traordinary. and several cases are re­ corded in which Sir Edwin fairly as­ tounded the onlookers by such displays of manual skill. Keport iiui.i tiftfoitn School#. « J. G. Gluck, Superintendent, Prunty- town, W. Va.. writes: "After trying all pother advertised congh medicines we have decided to nse Foley 's Honey and Tar exclusively in the West Virginia Reform School. I find it the most effec­ tive and absolutely harmless." Sold by. N. H. Petesch. Ho Cava* For, Worry. Elderly Fiance-- t hope you are not impressed by the silly sentimentalists who hold that because you've married once you ought aot to marry again! Pretty^ Widow--Don't let that worry yon, dear; I've no such prejudice. My own dear mother was married three times, and I only bbfte^tfiat In all thinga J may follow her example. O A S T O R I A i Bean the * The Kind You Have Aiw jUgnatur© by going to Chapell $gd get fitted oat" in anything you may want for winter wear. Goods that give good wear. Its a great satisfaction to me to sell goods that I know will give the wearer satisfaction. If anything should turn out wrong I will always be pleased to make it right aiid can conscientiously say thtyt I sell every­ thing at lowest possible living prices. On account of the mild weather lasting so late in the season and of the large stock of all kinds of Winter Goods,, i| have^ ana Saturday^ Kirk's American Family Soap, 100 bars (gi. ..̂ $4.00 box Kirk's English Standard Soap, 75 bars <& . . . . $2.80 box These are two of the best Laundry Soaps made and are worth 20 per cent, more than I ask. Also 11 pounds of Lion, Arbupkles or XXXX Coffee fbr Si.oo not gfoun$ & ^ ON SATURDAYNEXT ON Lit f ' '•?' , , \ ' • will give a discount of 5 per cent, on anything in the store, except Men's Pants which I want to close out in a hurry and will give 20 per cent, off on any pair in stock. Abeut 15 Boys' Overcoats 'left a$ $ regular price. On NOHDAr; ifKMI AID WEDNESDAY : -of next week will 8011'"? • ' Best Apron Ginghams @......... I; t; . r.5|c Best Outing Flannel @ i.... .* 1 • • v and your choice of any pair of Shoes in stock at 10 per cent, off the regular price. The .store i^lyll.of, bargains. Come in, see for yourself. flcHenry, Illinois. 1 GOT A COLD? If you have, sonething should he dona mt bnooe to pre^tut sickness. We have all the best known guaranteed remedies for coughs, oolds, etc. Use them time and save dootor'a bills and perhaps a long siege of sickness. USE: PECAN OIL. * Hi * * ia jfc ^JDon't let a oold or cough run until serious complications result. $ * * & * ih S t I I Ringwood, Bl. Jt 5. BROWN & SON. for Chapped Hands, Wire Cuts, E$p. It is gnaranteed to enre. back if not satisfactory. looey For Infants and Children* X The Kind You Havi I Always Bought • 1 Promotes Digeslion.Cheerful- ness and Rest .Contains neither Opium.Morphine uor>liiverai. NOT NARCOTIC. MegetaUe PrcparaUoniorAa similating iheFoodandBegula ting iheStoiaacte and Bowels of l M W I S /"< HII DKl.N Thirty Years afoujotsAMUummat Jtx.SmMi * Rttk tU* SJ* • Aperfecl Remedy forfonsBpa Vion, Sour Ston»ch, Diarrhoea Worn\s .Convulsions Jeverish- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of <S2fc#^2i35n NEW VPBlC * A I ij 111 < > 11 I 11 *» * 11 (1 D O S ) s I M S EXACT COPY or WRAPPER. THE CCNTAtia COMI»ANV Nt« YOUHOITV. A. •• -'v ' Attrdctive Auction Bills at is office I t , t j f 'V/o"'V % ^ • .V-,3®i^

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