Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Dec 1902, 8 000 8.pdf

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'IP :-v^mv i The Clothing Business has been a specialty with us for E number of years, and this Fall we have tried to outdo former efforts. Our assortment is certainly very large, ranging in Children's from four years old to Men's largest sises in either Suits or Overcoats, in the latest Cloth and make-up. Our stock was bought early, thus having the largest line to select from, and by saving all discounts are ih shape to name you prices that are the lowest, consistent with good Material and Workmanship. I LEATHER M RUBBER FOOTWEAR! £&: This Fall has been a trying one on Shoe Leather. Ours are made by Selz Schwab <fe Co. and they have stood the test well. Our Royal Blue Shoes need no recommend. All sizes, either Rubber or Leather. Horse Blankets, Fur Plush and Wool Lap Robes. Underwear, Duck Coats, Gloves and Mittens, J^ur Coats, Wool Caps, Groceries and Flour. YoursKfor "Fall Trade, fitly" WEST NdKIIRY, IliROlS. ! ! JOi J. MILLER, i J. Miiwmniiaiwinn-- We offer special inducements in Dress Goods of which a new line was just received. Toys, Dolls and fancy Handkerchiefs, all are here awaiting your coming. For the pui-pose of further stock reduction we offer special deals in many Domestic Goods, for in­ stance: Yard wide Sheeting 4c per yard. Best Indigo blue Prints 5c. Good Outing Flannels 5c. in fact for the balance of the year i the Store will bristle with Bar- | gains. ] m c mnnH--t--twwtwmttmtnnmum €' $ 'I' 'I"!»'ft $ »|» i|> *|» $ $ i|» «|i ̂ifr t$i t$i $ i|> »|i ill LATEST DESIGNS IN Furniture FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE Fancy Rockers, Hobby Horses, Tables, .Sideboards, Wagons and -Sleds Desks, Etc. for the Children. Jacob Justen, McHenry, Illinois. €' •!' •!» ft 't' 'I1 • '1' "X* 'I' 't1 '1' '!• <li i|i 1$ it $h? * * * it 4 4' * 4 * * * ^ Are You Prepared ^ FOR WINTER? if sot hqw is the time to gel ready. We are now in shape so that we can fit you out in fine style. We are here with the best grade of Goods, latest styles and prices that are the lowest. This is the time of year when you do not want to be robbed of your money and we guarantee to save you as much money on eery purchase made here as any other Store in the county. A few of the many bargains: Men's all-wool Suits, Worth S10.00. .$5.98 Men's Overcoats, finest lined, black and brown, regular 910.00. spcl....94.06 Men's Felt Boots, regular price 93.00, special 91.96 Boy's f2.00 Felt Boots .. 91.09 Corduroy Pant»,^oithft50, @ 91.45 Working Pants.. . TS^..; Q0C Bed Blankets 8Uc Boys' all-wool Suits, sizes Oto 15, reg­ ular price 94 00, @ f2.09 Men's 50c leather Mittens® Xtr Men's 92.00 Duck Coats ® 41.24 Men's Sweaters 30c •Ladles' Petticoats worth 60c, @ 2«c Boy's Corduroy knee Pants, very best 45c Men's Working Shoes 41.20 OMldreo's 8hoes.Staes6tol3H .. 98c Ladles' Shoes Child's Rubbers. ... Ladles' Rubbers Men's Rubbers Men's Overshoes ... 91.80 ....35c 49c 00c 9119 Child's Underwear, sizes 24 to 30 t4c Men's fleeoed-lined Underwear, sizes 30 to 40 40c Big assortment Caps, four different shades, latest styles, at very lowest prices. Men's all-wool Socks, per pair 19c Rockford Cotton Socks, a pair for. ...20c Men's Working Shirts 85c Elgin Dress Hhlrts, worth 91.00 at 08c Boy's and Youth's Overalls, .sizes 20 to 32. regular price 50c, special ...,35c Flelslier's Knitting Yarn, regular price 91.15. special price per pound.NSc Fleeced-lined Underwear for Men, closing out® . {fee H V R W I T Z m LINCOLN HOTEL HORROR. Uk» hmV McHenry Coanty !«•«» AeawNf the V to tints. In the Linooln hotel fire in Chicago last Thursday morning two men well known in McHenry county were suffo­ cated, T. V. Slocau of Wanconda and Attorney A. B. Goon of Marengo being the victims. T. V. Slocum has conducted a farm implement hoase in Waticonda for sev­ eral years and at one time had a ware­ house in this village just west of the de­ pot. He was well known in this part of McHenry connty and throughout Lake county. For the past few years he has given his entire attention to dealing in southern and western lands. He bad just arrived in Chicago from a southern trip when his death occurred. His wife has been residing with her parents dur­ ing his travels and was there when she received, the shocking news. A. B. Coon was one of the leading at­ torneys of the McHenry county bar and at the time of his doath was in Chi­ cago assisting in an important suit. He was a public spirited man and one of the leading lights in Marengo, where his untimely death will be greatly mourned. He was abont forty years of age and leaves a wife and two children. ADDITIONAL FACTS. Additional facts about the fatal fire the Lincoln hotel, Chicago, show lMTWM»THio Xftetft* CsMtnlat Local AjBOn fM rt> by th» Way. peculiar features. T. V. Slocum, of Wauoonda, who was on the fourth floor, and who had left the room after the first inrush, at­ tempted to descend the stairs with a sheet wrapped about his face to pre­ vent suffocatiou. He saw a light in room 818 on the third floor and hasten­ ed into it. There he was evidently ov­ ercome, for his body was found beneath tbe bed in the room, while escape through a window to Vogelsang's was but a few feet away. Slocum was known to have considerable money when he came to the hotel. Whether he left it there or what became of it has not been learned. Tbe attempts to awaken A. B. Coon, attorney, proved futile, ac- ording to Clerk Webster and two of the Hurvivors. When tbe fire was first dis­ covered, Coon was dragged from his room to tbe ball. He regained his feet and not realizing that the hotel was on fire, owing to his sleepy condition, returned to his room. When he came out again it was too late, as the position in which his body was found indicated. This is the season of the year when the prudent and careful housewife re­ plenishes her supply of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is certain to be needed before the winter is over, and results are much more prompt and sat­ isfactory when it is kept at hand and given as soon as the cold is contracted and before it has become settled in the system. In almost every instance a se vere cold may be warded off by taking tbis remedy freely as soon as the first indication of the cold appears. There is no danger in giving it to children for it contains no harmful substance. It is pleasant to take--both adults and chil­ dren like it. Buy it and yon will get the best. It always cares. For sale by all druggists. Tbe Oonkhobon, The Doukhobors, that queer Suasion set In Canada, are vegetarians of tbe first water. A writer In tbe Outlook says: "One of the few English words they know Is 'grease,' and upon my of­ fering them food--bread, for in­ stance--they would look at It suspi­ ciously and inquire, 'Grease?* They wen* afraid that lard or tallow might have been used In making the bread, and. if so, they would not' eat it. Some of the Indians do not care to have the Doukhobors visit them, as they are re­ garded as 'querr.' and I have seen a Cree Indian wave an approaching Doukhobor away by holding up a piece of bannock in front of bis tent, with a deprecating gesture and tV word 'Grease!'" CASTOR IA Fox Infants and Children. .Tht Kind You Have Always Bought I See the large line of table Uses and napkins at Chapell 'a. Get a pair of shoes fbr papa, brother, or sons at Osmun Bros'. See that fine line of the latest copy­ righted books at Julia A. Story's. Tin toys, iron toys, paper toys, wood toys and then just toys at Julia A. Sto­ ry 's. Santa is surely there. You need a fur coat, or a sheep akin lined duck coat, felt boots, cap, mittens, and mufflers, don't you? Just see big stock at Chapell's. New California evaporated aprioots. peaches, prunes, seeded raisins and cleaned currairts^JOOa crop, all finest packing, at Gilbert Bros*. When looking for Christmas presents remember Besley, the west side drug­ gist, for lamps, toilet sets and china. A choice line of albums and perfumer. Ice on the mill pond is -now quite thick. If the present weather keeps up ice cutting will soon be a source of em­ ployment for many men for a few weeks at least. ? \ The stores in VcHenry are full to overflowing with Christmas goods and cold weather wearables. Read tbe ads and learn what they are offering. It will pay you. A. B. Coon, states attorney for Mc­ Henry county for eight years, was a victim in the Lincoln hotel fire. The ! county can not afford to lose many men of his worth. Book lovers should not foil to call "at Julia A. Story's and see that lot of books. Five or six shelves ten feet long filled with good books. An entire show case filled with those pretty gift books, too. Chicago is the world's greatest mar­ ket for pork chops, expects to be the educational center of the world and evidently takes pride in its numberless death-trap hotels, factory buildings and tenement houses. Never before has Julia A. Story's store been filled with so great a variety of Christmas gcods. Everything in the line of notions, books, toilet articles, perfumes, toys, etc. A Santa Clans headquarters in truth. Trade with the home merchant and commence the new year with the feel* ing that you have done something for your own town. Perhaps you will sleep better too. A clear conscience, you -know, is a great boon to human happi­ ness. John Dowie is losing his vim and his congregations continue to dwindle away. It must be due to the persecu­ tions of tbe press aud the people. Eli­ jah's conscience is snrelv sot hnrtinc No Matter if 'jtmt «MMtM b wwfc, door work or turn work, wku to •dtanritct pleutnt cuk to you wfl|' .. h iriuome if you hire tnjr of dip ixajr ilk cawed fcjr indigestion, eo*. •tipuio*. lirar and kidney atlmcoa. DR. CALDWELL'S (ftiHUlM . A A A A A A A A A A A A A A . A A A A A J * . do ton WANT Am Pepsin k 'MMniiiJ to car* any form «f •ft Mcfc or bowd trouble. UkhSk < rmmjp right bock. I have just received a fine line of Winter Dress Goods for Walking Skirts, Ladies or Misses Suits and Children's Cloaks in black, brown, tan and blue tn plain colors, also with the White dot effect, am sure we can please you in this line--all prices from 25c to $1.50 per yard. See the new line of Fasinators, Hoods, Tarn O'Shanters, Toboggans, Goff Gloves and Mittens, Mufflers, Wool Leggins, Sweaters, Table Linen, Doilies, Table Centers, Towels, Handkerchiefs, plain, fancy and initialed; French Flannels, Waisjt Silks, Shawls, Flannelette Wrappers, Tennis Flannel Night Gowns and don't forget we the largest line of ' t • -j, h '.t. XI 'vi • f 1- ... ,.'5Kt AM BrawiM H« &n« SI.00 We wiB Had pvaeeunpb bottle • bô k oa fcennch Traubla frm, it wrl»» M. Papain Syrup Co. GREAT COMBINATION. The McHenry Platndealer and Weekly Inter Ocean One Tear for fl.TS him. i'lidira tas viiiUG of UliUVl lot& occasion io uas Jt Draught Stock and Poultry Me cine and am pleaded to say that I mre­ used anything for stock that gav« half tm good satisfaction. I heartily r«caa>- mend It to all owners of stock. J. B. BELSHER. SL Louis, Mo. Sick stock or poultry should not cat cheap stock food any more aick persons should expect to be cored by food. When your stock and poultry are sick give them med­ icine. Don't stuff them with worth­ less stock foods. Unload the bowels and stir up the torpid liver and the animal will be cured, if it be possi­ ble to cure it. Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine unloads the bowels and stirs up the torpid liver. It cures every malady of stock if taken in time. Secure a 25-cent of Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine and it will pay for itself ten times over. Horses work better. Cows give more miik. hogs gain flesh. And hens lay more eggs. It solves the Sroblem of making as much blood, esh and energy as possible out oc the smallest amount of focd con­ sumed. Buy a can from your dealer. 'Iff .< • p- ft . 7t; ass®?*?-. In Zion City has slumped. The Woodmen will give a dance at 8 toff el's hall on New Years evening, January 1, 1908 Aeed's famons orches­ tra has been engaged to fnrnlsh the music. The Woodmen are making every effort to give the best party of the season. Watch these columns tor far­ ther particulars. Beware of dealers who try to sell yon cheap mixed nuts. They are dear at any price. Gilbert Bros', fancy mixed 'table nuts at 20c per pound are all high­ est grade, new 1902 crop, selected nuts, worth donbie the amonnt of hard shell, old nnts usually sold by dry goods stores. A trial will convince yon. It was a goodly sized audience that witnessed the presentation of Mother Qoose at 8toffel's hall last Friday night, the Y. P. C. U. clearing about thirty dollars. It was a snucess in every way t"d the characters all pleased the an •lience. Mother Oooee, Old King Cole wild his fiddlers three. Simple Simon, .lack Prat and all the rest of the nursery rhyme characters were there in full oos tume Tom, the piper's son. carried h ri 1 iy |)1k nn >r h - arm which squeal- e«l at juHt the proper moment. President Roosevelt's confidence in the hono.* of tbe American pre** in vindicated. For the second tiuie he has furnished for the nse of every news I>aper in the United States advance -opies of his message to cong ess and >ot one instance has been reported in "Inch the confidence reposed in the newspaper publishers wa misplaced Heretofore it has been necessary to wait until the first sentence of a message wa« read in either house before the was intrusted to the reporters. The telegraph companies then reaped a har­ vest. The Ladies' Aid Society will have a sale of sofa pillows, with and withont, aprons of all kinds and sites, beautifully dressed dolls, all ready for Christiual, and many small articles, both useful and ornamental, at Stoffel's ball on Friday afternoon and evening of this week, December 19. ^ good program will We given, to commence at eight o'clock. From five to eight "clock there will be served in the haas- •ent dining room a New England sup- «er. Beans and brown bread, pump- .in pie, doughnuts and coffee, ginger >read, cottage cheese and many other 'oodHbings. at twenty-five cents. Ad* tisskm to hall free. One of the gesoline search lights has *een installed over tbe street in front ot Jacob Justen's furniture store. Now -vhen one is placed over the bridge a per- «>n will be able to walk from tbe school urase corner to tbe brewery withont fear of breaking his neck. Of course it will depend a great deal on the nature of the man whether or not he will be ible to walk back from the brewery corner to the school house without fall­ ing off the pike But laying all jokes aside its a good light and if properly (»red for will be appreciated by all pedestrians. A lamp has also been placed over the street in front of ley's drug store. Ill brave the storms of Chilkoot Pass, I'll cross the plains of frosen glass, 111 leave my wife and cross the sea, Blither thau be without Rocky J^ouuUin Tm. «. W, Besley. • • •fek. Althongh the weekly Inter Ocean has advanced its price to the country press for the coming subscription season, we are going to give the two papers to our subscribers for $1.75 per year to all who take advantage of the offer before Jan­ uary 1, 1903. Tbe payment must be an advance payment in every case, and it must be made before the limit indicat­ ed. This is as plain as human words can make it, and there will be no ex­ cuse for anybody coming in after the 1st of January and asking for the two papers at this price, for the price will be $2 after January 1. This gives ev­ erybody an opportunity to get two good papers for a little more than the price of one, and if yonr Plaindealer is paid for until some time the fore part of next year, you can advance the date a year and take advantage of this offer, the Inter Ocean to begin at once. ! terns are liboi'al, fair aud plain, and we hope to see a large number of intelligent people tale advantage of them. We also offer the Plaindealer to new subscribers three months for 26 cents, or from now to January 1, 1904, for $1.50. . tf. A Cold Wave. The forecast of sudden changes in the weather serves notice that a hoarse voice and a heavy cough may invade the sanctity of health in your own home. Cantions people have a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure always at hand. E. H. Wise, Madison, Ga., writes: "I am indebted to One Minute Cough Cure for my present good health, and prob­ ably my life.It cures Coughs, Colds, LaGrippe, Bronchitis, Pneumonia and all Throat and Lung troubles. One Minute Cough Cure cuts the phlegm, draws out the inflammation, heals and soothes the mucous membranes and strengthens the lungs. Julia A. Story, McHenry, and G. W. Besley, West Mc- Heury. Ob the Carpet. The London Chronicle in an arti­ cle' criticising a popular book says, apropos of the expression "on the car­ pet," which is used in the book: "On the carpet" again. Without any wish to charge so brilliant an author with the offenses of her times, we arp compelled to observe, in the same book, that absurd carpet spread once more for the discussion of affairs. "Le tapis," on which things have been talked over in French literature. Is, need we say, not a carpet, but a table cover- In fact, the green baize table cover of diplomatic convocation. On that are laid the papers, the protocols. A tapis Is a carpet only when It covers the uoor. Paper hangings are called ta- pisserle, but even the English haste to burlesque, with an eye to quaint- ness, the Idioms of the stranger hap not led our authors to speak of car­ peting French walls. Would that "Jumps to tbe eyes" and "it goes with­ out saying" might be suppressed for­ ever in English; but. at any rate, they are correct translations, whereas "on the carpet" Is not. in town. If you have'nt a Fur Coat don't delay buying any longer. You will wonder how you got along without one so long. I have a large stock to select from and prices are right. Coifre and see. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NEXT • we will offer $200 worth of Men's all-wool Underwear, and one-half wool Underwear, odds and ends at 50c on the $1.00. All out on the tables in plain sight. Gome and see what bargains these are; On MoAday, Tuesday and Wednesday Next will offer 1500 yards more of Tennis Flannel @ .. 7£c Best Apron Ginghams @ ..5fo 1000 yards of 10c, 12c and 15c Flannel­ ette @ 50 boxes Kirk's American Family Soap worth $4.50 wholesale @... :$4.00 ^ 5. S. Chapell. Santa Claus Headquarters! Nice line of Novelties for the Christmas trade. \ Before making selections be sure to call and see what we have in pretty Gifts. ( Everything that is us­ ually kept in an up-to-date store. Call and see us. Ring wood, 111. < J. S. BROWN & SON. A Million Voices Could h«rdly express the thanks of Homer Hall, of West Point, la. Listen why: A severe cold had settled on his lungs, causing a most obstinate cough. Several physicians said he had consum­ ption, but could not help him. When all thought he was doomed he began to nse Dr. King's New Discovery for Con­ sumption and writes: 'it completely cured me and saved my life. I now weigh 227 lbs. " It's positively guaran­ teed for Coughs, Colds and Lung, trou­ bles. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bot­ tles free at Julia A. Story's. Excursion Raton for the Holiday*. Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold at reduced rates to points on the North-Western system and Union Pacific railroad within 200 miles of selling station, December 24, 25, 81 and January 1. good returning until and including January 2, 1908. Applying to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y, A Timely To pie, At this season of coughs well to know that Foley' Tar is the greateet throat and 1 g rem edy. It cures qnickly and serious results from a cold. J fVteiciL revents The Kind. Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been, tn use tor over SO years, has borne tlie sigiiatnre of and has been made under his per- sonal supervision since its infancy* Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children--Experience against Experiment* «H «UV UTVt UV J What Is CASTORIA & .v. rr $$$£ I 4 - cH'r '3, Gutoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil* Pare- - goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. ountaltiB neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic ' '• s u b s t a n c e . I t s a g e i s i t s g u a r a n t e e . I t d e s t r o y s W o r m s * ^ and allays Feverislmess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the , Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural 8&eep« The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA Bean the Signature of ALWAYS •' "-L: In Use For Over 30 Years. tin ecimuHt eoemwv, n wkiiuv mcw von* errv. •Mi • yuK. A.,.-.-J', ^ *• £•'* - ' • ' - w ' x - -

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